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alison Jul 2015
I can’t do boring
I need the chaos,
the strange,
the passionate,
the irrational.
I need the adventure.
It fuels me.
Nothing else is
alison Jun 2015
One day I’ll fall
in love again
and we’ll make
the best out of it
Be my last.
Be my forever
alison Jun 2015
A wonderful thing
is when you can recognize
the things you have
that you can be grateful for
while you have them.
When you don’t have
to lose something to fully
appreciate it I think
you get so much more
alison Jul 2015
If you’re not going
to speak to me for
months at a time,
you probably shouldn’t
be speaking to me
in the first place.

If you want to
stay out of my life,
you probably
should stay out.
alison Jul 2015
Wouldn't it be nice
to go back to the beginning
before the chaos revealed
itself in your eyes
back to when I only saw
gentle waves instead of
storms in your eyes
alison Jun 2015
Can we stop
chasing each
other, it's time
to finally catch
our breath
I love you so
**** much,
can I just
win you back?
alison Jul 2015
There's nothing
good about being

It doesn't set you
apart from others
by making you
more interesting.

People should
aim to have a
heart so warm
you could bake
cookies with it.
It always bothers me when people think being cold-hearted is something to be proud of.
alison Jun 2015
A relationship
doesn't have
to be perfect

It's enough
to look past
the flaws.

And realize
every ride
has it's ups
and downs
alison Jul 2015
There are days
when I feel so lost
and consumed within
the darkness of my
own thoughts that I
wonder if I'll ever find
my way out at all.
alison Jun 2015
In natures garden
we wonder, lost
unwinding paths,
haunted by the
shadows, stalked
by creatures of
night, all to look
up into midnight
seams, clouds
floating in lustrous
blue and a Cheshire
smile just for us.
alison Jun 2015
Love me gently,
kiss me softly,
hold me kindly
in your heart.

But if you end up
choosing to release
me, please be gentle
for my heart is a
fragile thing that
will break at your
touch and departure.
alison Jun 2015
I don't need words
I don't need promises
I need affection
I need actions
alison Jul 2015
We can either
have a happy
ending or one
that is full of
regrets, so what
do you choose?
alison Jul 2015
You can’t
make people
understand you
so instead
make them
envy you.
alison Jun 2015
sometimes I doubt you're real
only something so perfect
could exist in dreams.
alison Jun 2015
One day I'll find it
A boy with eyes
more beautiful than
your endless seas.
alison Jun 2015
You say you care but I see
your eyes wonder and
you don't quite understand
the meaning of your words
You don't hold me as tight
as you used to, I feel you
slipping away from me.
alison Jun 2015
Sometimes I
wonder whether
love is worth
fighting for.

Then I see your
face and I know
I would prepare
for a thousand
wars just to see
you smile again.
alison Jul 2015
It feels
kind of lonely
without the
familiar presence
of butterflies
in my stomach.
alison Jun 2015
I woke up today with
a deep appreciation for being alive.
Somehow the air smells fresher,
the sun feels warmer,
the coffee is less bitter.
The universe is radiating
all these good vibes
alison Jun 2015
You pronounce my name
in shock, as though it is a ghost,
and my body is a dead language.
alison Jul 2015
Your mouth
works like a gun
just waiting to
shoot the bullets,
the safety gone.
alison Jun 2015
You were the home
I never had, the
path I would follow
despite the signs
telling me to travel
a different direction.
alison Jun 2015
Getting hurt means you’re
starting to become stronger
We may feel weak at first
because of the suffering
But one day, we’ll realize
we had enough and that
You don’t need paybacks
to be happy with your life.
alison Jun 2015
I love being with him
even during his emotional storms,
The worst pieces change nothing.
I want every part of him.
the good, bad and otherwise.
First poem on the site
hi everyone!:)
alison Jul 2015
I prefer to think
life is not about
the pursuit of
happiness but
about the kind
of contentment
you can find
within yourself.
alison Jul 2015
I feel as if my body
is this pro multi-tasker,
managing all my systems
in an ongoing attempt
to keep me alive,
and my psyche is that
annoying sibling who
only makes its job harder.
alison Jun 2015
Thoughts are like
a rare brand of poison
that will slowly
take over your mind
and eat you alive.
alison Jul 2015
Love is both a
blessing and a curse,
it means opening up,
letting someone
take down the walls
you've built to keep
your deepest secrets and
darkest thoughts safe.

It means to become
vulnerable and learn to
put someone else
before your own needs.

For love will cause an
overflow with a sea
of feeling and drown
you in it's passion.
Just my own thoughts on what love is
alison Jun 2015
They say you really
do love a person if
you see perfection
when you look at them.
Now I know how much
I love you despite of
the flaws that you have
entrusted me to know.
alison Jun 2015
Everything I write
is just a shout into
the void, but it’s
strangely comforting.
And sometimes,
someone shouts back
and I don’t feel
so alone anymore
in my sorrows.
alison Jun 2015
There's a fire in me
that can't be doused
There's a noise inside me
that I can't turn down
I have a heart that
beats silver and blue
There is an ocean
that lives in my lungs
and a crown of
thorns at my feet.
alison Jun 2015
I deleted all
the things
that remind me
of you -
especially the
feelings that I
used to have
for you.
alison Jul 2015
When I looked into
your eyes, I thought
you felt the same, but
what I saw was only
a reflection of my own
love and emotions.
alison Jul 2015
I don't expect
a perfect relationship,
all I want is effort
alison Jun 2015
It's okay
I'll wait for you
we're not done
we never were
alison Jun 2015
My skin doesn't burn
anymore when you
touch it, instead I
feel the coldness of
your stare, icy orbs
that pierce the soul.

I once felt warmth
from your smile,
but now I know that
was only a charade.
alison Jul 2015
You tell me
to just be myself
but then judge me
Try as I may,
I can never be
good enough to
fill up your perfect
alison Jul 2015
You made me feel
forest fires ignite
in my heart, when
I can't even make
you feel a spark
alison Jun 2015
You were the colour
that was missing
from my spectrum.
alison Jul 2015
I’d sleep better
if your chest
was my pillow
and you were
here to hold me.
alison Jun 2015
I used to think
love was about feeling
constant excitement,
passion and trust.
Now I can see love
is what I feel is it,
not some fairy-tail
sold by movies.
Emotions aren't always
around all the time,
love isn't perfect nor
easy, it never was.
alison Jun 2015
You're not the one
but you'll always
be my first love

We're not everlasting
but for now,
we can be happy

Bed head, bare skin
It feels right
for now.
alison Jul 2015
It’s been months
since we last talked
and I still am trying
to figure out how
to be okay with that.
alison Jul 2015
There are a lot
of things I would
have done if
I wasn’t so scared
of rejection.
alison Jun 2015
the worst
place to be
is in your
own head
alison Jul 2015
When together
you brought out
the best in me
but it was your
absence that
brought out the
worst in me.
alison Jul 2015
It can be difficult
to tell whether you’re
looking desperately
for the good in someone
to justify having
loved them, or that
you still love them.
alison Jun 2015
I like how
being with you
makes me feel
as if anything
is possible
that everything
I struggled
through was
worth it for
this moment
alison Jun 2015
My words
are powerless
to explain how
I feel for you
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