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Apr 2018 · 417
Loving you is complicated, but love has no limit so let's spend it slow. I know I haven't seen you in a minute but you got me writing like this. Because of you I handle feelings with care. Look for the light in all weathered hearts even the glare. Relationship is effort but I'll match your work. I want to be the one that makes you the happiest regardless of whats to come. You'll never be a *****, but you'll never be my property so I wouldn't call you mine. There's much more to your name than just you.

You see not many people will understand the uninity of woman and man. They think *** is where it starts but never know where it goes.

But for you I'll write in the stars that you're my moon and if heaven had height you'd be just as tall. If we understand each other we will never fall. For I am your tide and you're my moon together we move. It doesn't take much to recognize sunshine. For you I crave, to be by your side, in lost times I try to find you. It's love, it's happiness, it's more than just words my heart defines you as such. As my reflection of light I will lead you.
Maybe one day I learn to love as hard and I loved her.
Oct 2017 · 771
Graffiti Art
Words came out like a half miles of unheard words to the English language. The real reason she was so unheard of was because like her she was such a rare sight. But she's not the kind of art presented in some studio. She's the kind of art thats scribbled on side of buses, train carts, and on top of buildings because she was all I wanted to present to the world the true raw beauty of her. As if she wasn't already wanted for stealing my heart she was wanted for being scribbled upon the walls. It soon she would disappear as if she never existed until she bcame scribbled with cans upon the walls of the city thousand times more in many forms.
Written to the girl who loves art so much she became it.
Aug 2017 · 748
A love blooming in darkness
I love you like darkness, It fuels my mind. In secret between the shadows and within the soul. Like a plant that hardly blooms beneath the others yet, when it does it's the most beautiful of them all. Carrying itself to the light, without knowing how I found myself being so fond of you, without complexities or pride within our way I found you existing within my heart. My chest, my arms, and eyes.
Aug 2017 · 649
Tree of life
She is the tree of life, so thick and firm, planted and independent, she was maintained. Even though her darkest​ storms where lightning stuck her down, and tornados moved her around, she stayed strong with her branches high and mighty to the sky and her leaves in the wind she stood strong. Stronger than most. Of course she's lost branches to those who tore them down with their hands but she stood tall and proud presenting her scars like they're a treasure to find. She leaked sap from her trunk, yet it was love, love found it's way into her roots and brought her to smile. She was made of love kinda wild she spread it by blowing in the wind. Against the current she rose not like the flower although they were her second favorite thing besides daisies and herself. She was grown. Tall and mighty as the leafs began to fall she was ready to bloom once more in the spring and summer and beyond.
She's always been my favorite
Aug 2017 · 438
She was like art a foundation of happiness with a dash of crazy fulling the creativity of her mind and soul. A product of pure genius she can become any form she creates becoming a library of masterpieces giving the liberty to show the world who she truly is. A masterpiece of a woman disguised as a blank canvas
Written to a girl who used to enjoy making art.
Feb 2015 · 687
love lost
When I met you I always knew I'd fall in love with you. I enjoyed the presence of your smile and your laugh. Everything about you I enjoyed. I gave up on that dream because I knew I wouldn't be able to impress you. Ever. You had him and I was deep away hidden in my grave, and till this day I still wish I could have said everything I felt in the moment I had seen your beautiful face.
Feb 2015 · 857
If you want one last piece of advice, here it is. When you think life ***** too much, wrap yourself in stories. Don't disillusion yourself with lies about your own life and try to warp reality because you cannot. But wrap yourself up in the stories of others, other times, and other lands. Just don't become so obsessed with them like I have. Don't begin to prefer them to your life all the time because that will only worsen your life and make you forget that you have your own stories to create and adventures to go on.


— The End —