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 Feb 2019 Sonia Ettyang
 Feb 2019 Sonia Ettyang
breeze on the water
leaves my stillness undisturbed
moves my reflection
A 5-7-5 poem.
 Feb 2019 Sonia Ettyang
Star BG
Free the mind and the soul follows,
meandering in sea of light
Light becomes rainbow
rainbow beauty
Beauty words
words poem
poem an open heart.

Free the mind and the soul follows
gracefully drifting in sea of love.
Love becomes freedom
freedom love
love expansion
expansion love
love creativity
creativity words
words  poetry
poetry a happy heart.
Free the ego mind
and the soul follows for eternity.
 Feb 2019 Sonia Ettyang
Kora Sani
the moon
the ocean
remind us
that the things we know
will never
come close
to surpassing the things
that we don’t
 Feb 2019 Sonia Ettyang
An orb of fire hanging by a thread
From the heavens, straining towards the earth
Some comet frozen distant in the past,
A captive bound in time’s eternal dance.
Its partner ever spinning, spinning,
A silent counterpart to fire’s rage.
The sun sets in a pool of melted gold.
 Feb 2019 Sonia Ettyang
 Feb 2019 Sonia Ettyang
Is a very peculiar
State of being
Filled with
And pinings
And letting go
Of what we used to think
Was important
And no longer is
Always in flux
Life has a way
Of keeping us
On an ever changing
ancient tenets
turned to dust
gently blown away
by whispered gusts
of love’s rebirth

the rose bush
has lost its thorns
with growth anew
the blossoms form
a new earth

I feel
an infinite connection
lives and breathes
filling the forest with wind
and my heart with joy
in this timeless moment
beyond the mystery
the power of the universe
together in me
without a trace of doubt
the spark of truth burns bright
the warmth of the fire
will never die …
in the dust of stars
we are light that sees
a vision of love
glowing for eternity
 Feb 2019 Sonia Ettyang
Lies and deceit, it's all around me
Lies and deceptions, two bad surroundings

I see no point, I see no end
Those are enemies, who I thought were friends.

I see and hear it, find it hard to believe
They don't want any good, but only to deceive

I don't know who to trust, everyone's a target
The things they'll do it’s hard to forget

Deceit and deception, over and over
The chances of good friend, like a four leaf clover

Be careful of personas or alters unknown
Hidden behind a profile not wearing perfume but rather cologne
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