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18.9k · Aug 2014
Who cares anyway Aug 2014
I made a mistake
Will you accept a retake?
Even if you don’t
Love you I will
Even if you don’t
Time will stand still
16.5k · Nov 2014
"I used to be..."
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
I used to be the girl who
cared about everything.
But now, I'm not sure
if I care about
anything at
1.7k · Feb 2015
The model
Who cares anyway Feb 2015
115 pounds
runway, of course
the face of an alien
but a seven digit paycheck

isn't it strange?
how media can obsess over someone
who looks like they're from outer space
we see them as an object

they are supposed to walk and look pretty
nothing more, nothing less
we never wonder how many hours they had to workout
in order to get that thin and still remain healthy

how many rejections they got
"face is too round"
"drop 10 pounds then we'll talk"
"learn how to walk first"

they are pushed to their limits
so let's treat them as more than just an object
because they're real people too
please realize that
Models are people too.
1.6k · Mar 2015
Who cares anyway Mar 2015
I was staring at the wall in choir today,
and I realized that people are like orchestra’s.
You can’t know someone completely
by simply listening to them once.
You have to listen a thousand times,
pick out every instrument individually.
And once you do that,
you have to memorize every single cue, note,
and crescendo.
I want to know what his orchestra sounds like.
I want to hear the cello, the clarinet, and the violin
floating along in clippets.
The sound of brass, string, and percussion
all combining in perfect harmony.
The problem is, how can I listen to an orchestra,
when I am too scared to enter the theater?
You are a ******* orchestra.
1.2k · Nov 2014
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
All I do is hide
Until you appear
Stand up with pride
Don't dare to shed a tear

"She's so much better than you,"
I throw up dinner
"You're obviously not going to medical school..."
At least I'm thinner

"Stop being so annoying!"
Turn to the blade
"Such a disappointment..."
I'm starting to fade

I find the comfort in these things
That you could not provide
Was it really that hard?
I don't know, all I do is hide
1.1k · Aug 2014
Who cares anyway Aug 2014
I'm losing myself
To the darkness of life
The books on my shelf
Have all been read twice
Lonely, cold, dark
Just a few words
To describe how I embark
On the journey of the absurd
948 · Nov 2014
If there wasn't pain
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
If there wasn't pain
There would be no poets
For we write about things
That hurt us, damage us, break us

906 · Feb 2015
Who cares anyway Feb 2015
When darkness overtakes the sky
and my family has said goodbye
I stare out the foggy window
at the city covered in snow

Couples walk hand in hand
hear the sound of a local band
friends stumble home
carrying tall glasses topped with foam

And I think of all the lovers lost
mistakes of my past-I've paid the cost
just how alone am I?
like the moon in the ebony sky

The answer to my question
lies in the windy city
It's my happy place
894 · Mar 2015
Innocent Crimes
Who cares anyway Mar 2015
Why does it matter anyway
If at the end of the day,
I'm not okay

This isn't the first time
Is it such a crime?
To be going through a hard time
Is it really a crime?
717 · Dec 2014
December 25th
Who cares anyway Dec 2014
At the end of the day
On December 25th
I like to sit in the dark
And stare at the tree

I'm supposed to be happy
Spending time with family
But all I can think about
Are your hands around my waist
690 · Aug 2016
August 15th, 2016 8:42 PM
Who cares anyway Aug 2016
I used to tell myself that I could put you out of my brain without a second thought, to make room for things more “important”, as though you can be compared to last week’s AP history test answers.

Now, I can’t sleep without 10 mg of Melatonin coursing through my veins, following the same path that your touch once took. I wash dishes once, twice, three times, scrubbing harder and harder every time your name passes through my head. All it takes is to hear one syllable of your name; “Did you lock the car?”, “Pay the meter fee!”, and I am gripping the nearest surface with white knuckles.

When I sit in the library, I sometimes allow myself to watch your boney hands through a crack in the office. They are long and thin, with a slight purple tint. They wring with stress that you are now so used too, I bet you don’t even notice it anymore. They move swiftly, as though they have minds of their own. Sometimes, they will hover over an object, a slight uncertainty visible to those who take time to notice. Then they are back to the wringing. How do I know they are yours? Good god, how I wish I could forget.

-I couldn’t go any longer without writing about you
598 · Nov 2014
Quiet house
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
This house is so empty
So quiet, subtle and eerie
Much like the night
Except there are no stars
To keep me company

It's falling apart
Or maybe it already happened
All I know
Is that I was the cause
As always
588 · Jan 2015
It was always you
Who cares anyway Jan 2015
During lunch, whenever I stared at the binding of a book
it wasn't my Calculus homework.
It was you.

At the movies with my friends, a romance on the screen
it wasn't that I craved.
It was you.

And at three in the morning, when I couldn't sleep,
it wasn't anxiety for a piano recital.
It was you.

It was always you.
588 · May 2016
Who cares anyway May 2016
Off limits to the public;
slightly different.
More prominent parts
remain fenced off.
Rusted gate,
sanctuary within a sanctuary
It will strangle everything.
An immigrant,
a dump,
a wasteland with needles.
First attempt at found poetry.
Sourced from The New York Times article, "A Secret Section of Central Park Reopens"
578 · Nov 2014
Isn't it strange?
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
Isn’t it hard to believe
Someone would give their life
For you and for me?
Leaving behind a husband or wife

Maybe they had children
A few brothers or sisters
At least a million
Fallen Mrs. and Mr’s

Never again will they see the glow
Of a warm, welcoming light
Feel the chill of powdery snow
For a rare Christmas of white

Not even one last goodbye
To those in their lives who mattered
Just a peaceful sigh
From the soldier who is tattered

These strangers who lay down their lives
Are hidden everywhere
So thank he who survives
Show them that you care

©Meghan Weatherford
I am writing this for a veterans day program at my high school, so please do not use it for anything. If you really want to use it, then comment or get ahold of me and I will see what I can do. But no matter what-it belongs to me.
578 · Mar 2015
Who cares anyway Mar 2015
Loving you
Was a lot like smoking
I knew it was bad for me
But I did it anyways
You're so bad for me. And I loved you.
558 · Feb 2015
No no no
Who cares anyway Feb 2015
you can't
no no no
this cannot happen
just don't let this happen
Please, please, please take it back.
536 · Feb 2015
I can breathe
Who cares anyway Feb 2015
Thought it'd never end
this continuous descend
Into an undesirable hell
rather be in a jail cell

Your grasp, it was so tight
gave up my will to fight
Someone new came along
And for once, I was strong

I barely think of you anymore
Never wish you were at my door
Don't dare pick up the phone
Even when I'm alone

Oxygen is what I needed
To ensure that I have succeeded
That this war is finally over
And I've got a new lover

I can breathe.
I picture myself jumping of of lake water, leaving all of my troubles behind in the dark blue water.
530 · Feb 2015
I'm trying
Who cares anyway Feb 2015
To be smart
To be skinny
To be desirable
To be pretty
To be everything
I really am trying, please realize that.
525 · Feb 2015
Who cares anyway Feb 2015
I know you don't think I see you,
But I do
You are not invisible to me
In fact, you were my world once
That was another lifetime though
Now we are nothing but strangers
And I'm not sure who is trying harder
To make this less awkward
Am I the only one trying?
I'm beginning to think I am
We could have been everything
518 · Nov 2014
What did last night mean?
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
Encircling a pile of flames
Surrounded by friends
I glance at you
You're already staring

Then you turn down
Any words I say
It hurts, it stings
But is nothing near
The bigger picture

If you choose to look through me
I don't know if I'll heal
This will never workout
I'm giving up this fight

For I know that it was a joke
A sick, filthy, twisted lie
But I guess you don't care
That I barely slept last night, right?

So please tell me
Give me a break
I'm begging you please
What did last night mean?
517 · Oct 2014
Who cares anyway Oct 2014
is quite an interesting

One can live
a lifetime
without it

But one taste of it
and it becomes
a drug

You could drown in it
if you wanted to
and not bat an eye
490 · Mar 2015
For you
Who cares anyway Mar 2015
It was always you
Lovers have come and gone
But I always hoped for "us" in the end
You don't think the same

I know you don't
Because you've never paid attention to me
Ignored my every glance, hello, and wave
It's okay honestly, I've become used to it

Maybe if I changed, then you would like me
Maybe I would finally feel what it's like to be by your side
To hold your hand, and wear your letterman
At football games

All these years, and it was you
I wrote this poem not for myself
Or for past lovers
But for you.
467 · Nov 2014
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
don't exist
when you
talk to me.
Instead, I
feel at ease,
as though I've
known you my entire life. The rest of the
world is silenced to a low buzz, not quite
"you and I", yet we still have our very own                  ittle infinity.
467 · Mar 2016
Plan of Attack
Who cares anyway Mar 2016
Too fall in love and not be ready,
is the easiest way to **** someone
from the inside out
416 · Jul 2017
tonight's menu
Who cares anyway Jul 2017
How do you go about
telling someone that your dinner
consisted of nothing more
than a handful of sleeping pills?
403 · Nov 2014
Wrong Address
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
My true colors
Are black and grey
I'm not like the others
You don't want me
Please go away

I'm a jumbled mess
And I know you are too
But it will hurt me less
If you go away
You've got the wrong address

It's a trick of light
I'm not what you think
It's not what it seems
Too late
351 · Jan 2015
Pains Me
Who cares anyway Jan 2015
It pains me
To have to avoid
Your captivating eyes

Everytime I pass you
On the way to class
A part of me dies

What little contact we had
My how the sparks flew
It was magic

But now I have to pretend I didn't hear you
When you chase me down the hall
It seems quite tragic

I've become the master of staring
Straight ahead
Instead of even glancing your way

I know you think I hate you
And I don't
In fact-I love you

But I can't let it go too far
It's too dangerous
Pleast stay away
340 · Nov 2014
Unlike The Rest
Who cares anyway Nov 2014
You're not like the rest
I can already tell
You're trying your best
Though you've been through hell

When I look at you
I see a whirling storm
Believe me when I say, I swear it's true
Don't be afraid-I'll keep you warm

Lay with me
Hold me tight
Can't you see
Everything will be all right

Don't push me away
I'm broken too
Believe me when I say
I need you
340 · Oct 2014
Who cares anyway Oct 2014
You drag me
over mountains
through rivers
into the ravines of your heart

But please don’t
for I am becoming weak
and I don’t know how much longer
I can do this

It’s becoming too much
but I’m slowly getting better
others I don’t even think of you
and I heal a little more

And on some days
I start out fine
but then I see your face
and the walls that once guarded my sensitive heart
come tumbling down
339 · Jan 2015
Please understand
Who cares anyway Jan 2015
That when                                               I
can't look you in the eye,
it is for the best.

I'm not one too                                        love.
Can't be-no feelings.
I tried, and failed.

Everyone knows you deserve
so much better. I have so little
to offer                                                    you­.
327 · Aug 2014
Let me go
Who cares anyway Aug 2014
Why must you do this?
Drag me through the motions
Just one more kiss
There are too many emotions
Just let me go
Set me free
I can think of places
I'd rather be
307 · Aug 2014
Were we even there?
Who cares anyway Aug 2014
I wake up and get dressed
Go to school
My uniform pressed
Try to play it cool
But it's obvious
That I'm falling in love
Though I'm quite dubious
My friends try to shove
I want you to see me
To realize I'm there
Not to look through me
I'm more than just air
Now I'm starting to wonder
If 'we' ever existed
Our 'friendship' I ponder
Was I that stupid?
284 · Oct 2014
You took me
Who cares anyway Oct 2014
You took more
than just a
piece of me

you took a
part of me
I’m not the

Teachers inquire
“Are you okay?”
I reply quietly,

When inside
I am

Shaking, barely containing my tears
on some days
It’s hard

But you’ll never
know that
because you are
far too
good for me

So please don’t
confuse me
drag me along
or even look at me

Because it kills
me every

— The End —