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Jan 2019 · 397
I’ve only ever written words of heartbreak and heartache when it comes to us
The never ending tale of unrequited love
That finally found its end in your warm embrace and gentle kiss

My lonely nights are occupied
I no longer wish for dreams cause reality is so much better

I hope that one day this gets a happy ending
But you left before I’d finished writing
Hunched up in silent tears
Reliving each day I had with you
Before you changed your mind
Dec 2018 · 426
Six Months
Six months ago I started a journey
One to win you over
Twice you called me by my size
Left me crying, made me feel worthless

Six months ago I started a journey
One to help you fall in love with me
My body has evaporated to half it’s size
Do you see me now, I done this for you

Six months ago I started a journey
One to capture your heart
I’m still traveling to reach my goal
Your eyes glinting, you’re falling for me now

Six months ago I started a journey
One for there to be an us
Don’t wait for me at the finish line
You didn’t see me as a person then
I’m too good for you now
Nov 2018 · 311
Oct 2018 · 257
A Chance Meet
I just miss you
I just want to scream at you
Why can’t you see me for all that I am
Why did you leave me in the spotlight alone
The anger turns to sadness
Rivers erode my cheeks
I saw you for the first time in months
I was fine until then
But you looked at me in the same way
As the first time we met
Those big brown eyes
That shy crooked smile
How could I not fall for you all over again
No words were spoken
The lump in my throat tightened its grip
My vocal chords silently gasped it’s final hum
My heart fell to the floor right in front of you
And you did not notice
My practiced smile the perfect disguise
But my eyes still give away the ending
Oct 2018 · 199
Forever Goodbyes
I feel like I should be sadder,
But instead I feel pity
Not for me, but for you.
I immerse myself
In every pin pricked emotion you made me feel
I realise it’s not me that’s lost anything
It’s you who has lost
Forever goodbyes come at anytime
This isn’t one that I’ll be saddened by
Sep 2018 · 201
I Lost You
When the person you loved the most is ripped away
How do you cope?
How do you get back to normal?
When they were the one you convinced yourself you were going to marry
How do you deal with your heart beating in your throat?
The daily battle to fight back tears that keep streaming
You wish for a genie and pray for a god
Anything to take you back to when things were good
When he was yours
You paint a face so no one knows your pain
A smile through gritted teeth
You hope time will heal quickly
You hope time will bring him back
You long for one last conversation
Even if it’s just to bring closure
My best friend I love you
I wish I never lost you
Loss friendships relationships heartache heartbreak love
Sep 2018 · 238
A salt water river runs from my eyes
I muffle the sounds of my breaking heart
Your girlfriend tore through like a tornado
Left a heartless path of destruction
You’re so wrapped in lust
You’re completely blind of her toxicity
Kept under thumb of rules a regulation
A relationship of dictatorship
All I ever wanted was a friend in you
All that’s left is a shadow of existence
And the hardest goodbye
Aug 2018 · 349
I Miss You
I miss you
Now and always
I missed you yesterday
And for all future tomorrows
I shed a tear
Just for a moment
And resume my life to before you.
But still
I miss you
Jul 2018 · 281
They say when you meet the one you’ll know
That from the moment your eyes meet
Everything falls into place
A weight lifted off your shoulders
Singing, this is it

From the moment our eyes crossed
I felt everything all at once
I knew you were all I ever wanted
I still feel that
I still know that

You’re not there right now
You don’t see what I can
How good us can be
So for now I’ll wait until your heart is ready
Because my heart tells me it’ll always be us
Jun 2018 · 249
I’m done making excuses for you
I’m done trying to justify your actions
I’m done defending you
I’m done fighting for you
I’m done crying over you
I’m done talking to you
I’m done hurting over you
I’m done making time for you
I’m done loving you.
Jun 2018 · 317
Sweet and Kind
You’re sweet and kind and it’s annoying
I just go about my day
I’m done with you
You don’t want to commit to me
You’re not interested in me
And that’s fine, I’m fine with that
Then my phone pings
Hi babe
And I just melt into this stagnant pool
Of longing and lust
My breathing becomes erratic
My heart is trying to break out for freedom
You’re sweet and kind and everything I need
Jun 2018 · 599
Like Me
Fallen sunsets and blurred eye rises
Meaningless chit chat and infectious laughs
Long hugs and deep gazes
All come to a stand still
As another girl enters our world
I’m again dropped out of existence
I don’t think I’m going to be there when it ends
When you find that this girl is still not me but skinny
I won’t be there to massage your ego
To reassure you that I think you’re perfect
For you to hold through cold nights
How many girls are you going to go through
Before you realise the only one who’s going to be like me
Is me
Jun 2018 · 428
Feel it too
We pick up where we left off
Those deep brown eyes
And that side slide smile
My heart offsets its rhythm
Your arms wrapped around me
And it feels like perfection
A completed puzzle
Of lust and safety
Never-ending summer evenings
It feels like home
And I think you feel it too
Jun 2018 · 307
I care
I don’t care what other people think of me
Their opinions don’t matter
I don’t know them
I don’t care when some one I’ve never met stops me to call me ugly or fat
They’re just strangers that don’t see my effort
Heck you’d be lucky if I’d care and did know you
But when it comes from you
And only from you
When you’ve reduced me down to only my aesthetic
When I’ve shown you everything I am as a human
As a person of more than my looks
When I’ve shown nothing but support for you
Nothing but kindness
I care, and it hurts
You missed my personality
And replaced it with a number on a scale
I care, because it’s you
May 2018 · 242
Just Memories
I find myself going about my days as I did before you,
The tears you drew from my eyes
The flutters of laughter
My echoed heartbeat,
Just memories
I don’t think about you anymore
Or wonder how you’re doing
If you think of me
If you miss me
I, don’t miss you.
I have forgotten your face
Your voice
Your smile
You are just a stranger now,
A somebody I used to know.
Apr 2018 · 762
“Big” Man
Who do you think you are!
You clawed your way between my breast
Picked away through my rib cage
Grabbed my heart with both hands
Occupied every inch of it
Claimed me as your own to everyone but me
Guarded away the interest of others

Who do you think you are!
You didn’t even attempt to close the wound
Abandoned my love on a shelf
Left to gather dust
Left to find it’s own way back
So I ask

Who do you think you are?
Cause you’re not the “big” man you’ve fooled everyone else into believing.
Apr 2018 · 362
For a moment it went back to normal
Chatting about nothing
Laughing about stupid little things
But that moment was brief
I know why you’ve dropped me
You’re covering up your girlfriend with
“Sorry girl... I’ve been busy lately”
I hope you’re happy and I wish you well
But I’ve noticed I’m not the only friend you threw
I suspect the decision was more hers than yours
I wonder how long it can truly last being with someone who doesn’t trust you
I hope she doesn’t hurt you
I hope you know I’ll always be a friend to you
Apr 2018 · 334
Just Us
Carafes of blood red wine decorate the table
The crowed softly mingle
Candle light delicately flickers
As you pass, you brush your hand along my thigh to lower back
A brief moment of eye contact
A mischievous smile
A bottom lip bite
Excitement extrudes
I’ve lost track of the people talking at me
I make my excuses
I follow
Into a dimly lit room
The heavy door shuts
Just us
A place where fireworks fly
Apr 2018 · 260
You see what’s happened is
I’ve become the last resort
The one who asks if you wanna hang out
Response always met with, let’s see
The one who has to wait so you can find something better
I spend so much of my time alone now
And I’m so tired from always trying
I’m seen as the tough one
The one that’s always okay
So no one asks if I am okay
If I mentioned that, hey things are pretty tough
The subject is quickly changed
Because how dare I show any other emotion than fine
I am not like that unbreakable marble surface you brag about getting installed
Nor will I just wait and see
I’m as fragile as fractured glass
Already broken but ready to damage
Apr 2018 · 339
In Time
Like a volcano ready to erupt
The pressure inside of me is starting to build
My jaw clenched shut
My trembled breath
The warning earthquake

You took advantage of my kindness
You handled me as though I were a dead rose
For now my thorns will have your back
But in time they will cut you deeper

Like lava cascades down the mountain
The tears you induced burn my flesh
For now I’ll let them, to keep us alive
But in time they’ll dry and you’ll be only a memory

And I, a newly formed landscape
Apr 2018 · 426
The Arsonist
A fire is burning
The foundations are breaking
The walls are falling
The smoke is asphyxiating
You are the building
My heart
The arsonist
Apr 2018 · 390
Silent Goodbye
What I’d give to go back and start again with you.
Cherish that side grin and wink
Feel your warming embrace
Laughing at stupid little things
What I’d give to go back to how things were.
Never admitting to you how I felt
Cause having you just as a friend, well,
Is so much more than this silent goodbye
I swipe through our conversations
Trying to pin point the moment it all went wrong
The moment you chose to fade away
And I feel like an idiot for missing you this much
We’ve only known each other six months.
But it feels like a life time
I let you know the parts of me I don’t talk about.
Now you’re gone
I’m left wondering if you ever think of me,
If you ever miss me,
If my secrets are safe with you,
If you’ll ever say goodbye
What I’d give to go back and start again
If only you knew.
Apr 2018 · 345
I don’t know how to explain this strange euphoria feeling
Spun with a burn not too dissimilar to cinnamon
As the what ifs fade, I try to cling with finger tips stretched as a last attempt to convince myself that what I felt was real.
I don’t know how to explain the weight lifting off my shoulders,
All the while I am being suffocated
Like rain fall from silver lined clouds the haze of spring penetrates my eyes to remind me
I am still alive
Apr 2018 · 341
Active Now
I stare at the green dot next to your name
I pray to something I don’t even believe in just for a “Hi”
I told you I needed time
**** I don’t know what I want or what I need
I need you
I. Need. You.
Twenty five minutes in and that green dot is still there
I’m still staring, waiting, hoping for the ellipsis
The signal that I’ve crossed your mind.
I stare at the green dot next to your name
I promise myself not to message you first
But I know what the reality is if I don’t
We become nothing but strangers,
The perfect somebodies we used to know.
That green dot is still there
I break my promise
I pretend like the last thing I sent you wasn’t a confession of my heart.
Forty two minutes go by and active now is ever so prominent.
My messages go unread,
From the tap of a keyboard we’ve gone from talking everyday like it were our last
To never breaking silence.
Who knew it would actually be our last.
Your finger print is etched into my heart,
But I have so much left to say.
As the minutes roll by and that green dot glows
I hope for any form of acknowledgement
But it never comes, that green dot disappears.
In that moment I know
We already became strangers
The perfect somebodies we used to know.
Apr 2018 · 271
A Few Weeks
Should I have kissed you? You see I got that vibe, what I mean is you consume my every thought,
When you smile the world stops.
My heart resembles a hummingbird, and by that I mean when I see you it’s still and fast all at once.
Was that a date? what I mean is I was expecting a third person but you came alone, you gave that look and said ‘I got this babe’.
Conversation is easy and it’s in those moments I realise we fit better than Lego.
Do you see more than just my size?
You asked ‘what do big girls drink’, I replied with wine, but what you missed was my heart loosing its wings and  hitting the floor.
Of course a few weeks later I learn about another girl
A few weeks later I learn you knew how I felt all along
A few weeks later I am standing in front of you pretending everything is fine
A few weeks later I am standing in front of you feeling like glass hitting concrete flooring
A few weeks later I confess to you how I feel
A few weeks later my fitness planner is scolding me because I have stopped eating
A few weeks later I fear the last words you say to me are “don’t worry ***”

— The End —