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Its been a while, I know
I still think about you and what we had
I remember our adventures laughs, and debates
You're intrigue for knowledge, and love for me
We were two different people, but found the path to each other
Nothing pulled us apart, not time or place
We made it work, our smiles were genuine
I thought we could make it last.....
But then you got comfortable,
Felt it was time to let go of the facade
You showed me who the person under the covers were....
I didn't recognize you at all
You became angry, greedy, spiteful
You didn't want to debate anymore
But you loved to fight
Everything I said was wrong....
I could never do anything right
And yet I stayed in hopes to be in your life
You pushed me away with your hurtful words
I begged for one more chance
You wanted nothing left with me,
Not a kiss, a trinket....or me
You said there was nothing left for you here
You didn't care if I was with you anymore
Leaving was best for you... But not for me
I think of you from time to time,
Bring you up on conversation
I get a smile on my face whenever you come up
You may not have been for me... But that doesn't mean what we had wasn't real for a while
I hope love will come to you eventually
As I wish for myself as well
But I hope you don't let go as fast
As you felt you had to with me
One day I'll forget you,
Leave you as a distant memory
For now you give me hope
That love is out there for me
With someone who will move the stars and heavens for me
Goodbye for now..
Farewell for good
Our love has come
And was farely new
But on to a better chapter
Bigger dreams
And a deeper love to seek
Why is letting go of you
the hardest thing I'll ever do
when you said goodbye to me
so easily
I can’t forget it
though I’ve tried
I can’t erase it
from my mind
I just replay your love
I think of it all of the time
because I don’t want to live
in a world without you
so now I’m stuck
in an everlasting blue
constantly wishing for your return
but you have moved on
we've had our turn
our beautiful fire
has already burned
Maybe its foolish
to hope for a spark again
but I will never let go
I will never give in
my darling I loved you then
I love you still
I love you now
and I know I always will
I feel so pathetic for still caring so much about you when I know you never will but I don't want to imagine a life without you in it. You have moved on and started a new life but I am still stuck in the same place, in the same town, and I'm still letting my love for you control my happiness.
When I realized that I didn’t want to love you anymore, I realized that I probably never did.
Stop looking for me. You’ll never find me again.
I woke up confused.
I asked: what happened?
I’m broken and bruised.
Silently and violently, I was attacked.

I’m still curious to know what really happened.

The attack tears through my mind.
I’m separated from the world.
My mind was stolen.
As usual, I’m exposed to horrible migraines.

Oh! My God, it’s another seizure.

It’s one of many since childhood.
Oh! you inevitable silent attacker.
We’ve walked together since childhood.
You’ve got the nerve to even attack me at home.

I still can’t get used to our long-term one sided relationship.
Every epileptic seizure still hurt like the first time.
I am trying to express what I go through after every epileptic attack.
It does not feel right to ask where you are
Regardless of your location, the answer is "Too far"
I wish upon stars wherever you may be
You are looking at scars in the sky, thinking of me.
Just a sweet short little rhyme to brighten your day!
What do I have to do
For you
To feel like
I’m good enough?

Do I have to
To you
My worth?

Who are you to judge?
Why am I still striving for your approval?

When I know
The truth is
I will never be good enough
In your eyes

But in mine
I am good enough

The kind of good enough
That can be better

The kind of good enough
That isn’t
As good as other people

The kind of good enough
That isn’t

Good enough
My body, should be my temple
But why does it belong to someone else?
It belongs to the man who stared too long
It belongs to the man hitting on me in front of his wife
It belongs to the man who put his hand on my ***, even though he couldn’t be bothered with knowing my name
It belongs to the man who kept asking after I just said no
My body isn’t my body
It belongs to men I barely know
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