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Apr 2014 · 657
Miles Away
Cynthia Apr 2014
Miles away apart from grace
I need Your love to guide me through
where no fear is ever known
though seclude, I feel right at home.
Late at night, like my overseer  I feel You watching my every move
I can almost hear you whispering through my ear still frighten
You are my inspiration of a new day
A bright light that shines through the dark.    
I believe joy comes in the morning, as I rise
but to seek You more is what my soul desires
even apart from grace & miles away. 05/30/2012

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
No Limits
Cynthia Apr 2014
We are more than we know, we are strong!
Like the ocean current pulling you
Slowly asking you to follow the sea
In deep waters where many have gone
unable to swim but learning to float

Your mind is on trial
Your limits are your death and survival
Don’t stop you are strong
Cross the ocean and you will find there are no limits
like a mind-your mind-to be found

Once you cross this expanding sea
You will know what awaits
Remember it’s just your own self-esteem
Making you weak.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Apr 2014 · 709
The Promise
Cynthia Apr 2014
Who I am became who I never wanted to be
I look to you because you are the perfect image of perfection
Someone I wish to be
As I get to know you
Your word says it all
I am loved-restored-renewed
Each morning as the sun rises so would I
A new beginning knowing that if I fall
I will get back up
This time without hesitating
Leaving possessions in the ground
That are heavy for my walk
The sky will always remind me of your creation
The rainbow the promise you made
Although I've been persecuted and plead guilty in cases
Through your blood I am innocent
All your promises remain
He said As long as you abide in Me, I will abide in you
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you

And so I continue to walk upon the waters
Keeping all Your promises.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
Follow Your Dreams
Cynthia Apr 2014
Follow your dreams
Chase them
Grab them
Tight them into your heart
Wear your dream like a necklace
As a reminder of who you are & what you desire to do
Don’t let them slip away from your hands
Some dreams are just lost in a thought and undone
They slowly fade away like a dusty wind
But dreams are not meant to be that way
Dreams can become reality
Which only the strong and committed will pursue.
Don’t close your own doors,
go on and follow your dreams.
God will walk with you and when you lay down
He will watch over you.
When you wake up He will guide you.
Proverbs 23:18 "There is surely a future for you,
and your hope will not be cut off."

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Apr 2014 · 8.8k
Cynthia Apr 2014
I can feel the breeze touching my face
Falling down on my toes,
as I stand outside the door
Waiting for you to let me in,
So I can share with you all our goals and dreams
As I stand here
I yearned to tell you everything can be done
Only if you believe
Will you let me in?


Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Apr 2014 · 728
Cynthia Apr 2014
In the beginning everything looked so clear, picture perfect
It all made sense, the reason why we met
"Forever" that was the key word
Holding on so tight that the next day,
I wanted to make sure I was still in the present
Although, sometimes I purposely appeared to haunt you
Yes, I feared that you would leave me behind
Like a wave I was tossed
The wind was slowly helping out
Quickly falling out of the boat, I could not sail anymore
I kept getting up but was slowly thrown down
Waves becoming a hurricane,
More and more approaching from left to right
I tried to be strong
But, furiously like a wave I was gone
I couldn’t keep up with you
I was tossed, forgotten and slowly became an "old memory"
Time, my worst enemy!

Copyright 2014© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
*Time represents God as the healer. Although memories may come back to hunt the present, you must not forget where you stand. Time is God and His time is always perfect. Forget about the pain, the hurt, the disappointments, the mistakes in life. Walk in righteousness and you will make better and beautiful memories!*
Apr 2014 · 932
Cynthia Apr 2014
Memories remain, as if we knew the path to our destination
The road seemed clear
Yet stepping stones became stumbling blocks in every direction
The more we walked together
The more we found ourselves attached to this toxic air
Unable to breathe
Fear and doubt was inhaled
Leading to a dead end
Time passed by
and I found my way home
Me no longer walking through dead ends
But you?
Did you find your way back too?
or stayed stuck in that dead end?

Some memories remain
The rest slowly fading away

In the mist of this surreal air,
Staring at the blue and solid sky
I paint what I once felt was so real.

Copyright 2014© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Apr 2014 · 682
Cynthia Apr 2014
Sometimes I wake up by the door

|  •| and catch myself waiting for you,

even when I know you won't be there.

It's Hope that holds on

so tight and so strong.

Copyright 2014© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.

— The End —