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9.0k · Dec 2016
Distance Hurts
eius reginae Dec 2016
Distance hurts
It touches you more than you can touch the other person
Distance hurts
Time and space both stretches infinitely, without a reason
Distance hurts
People change like postage stamps on a letter
Distance hurts
When you don't know if it's for the better
Distance hurts
You leave with them being as sweet as sugar
Distance hurts
When you come back and they seem so far
911 · May 2016
A Letter to your Ex
eius reginae May 2016
I've got one thing
to do
three words
for you

Burn in hell.
My girlfriend's ex (that she never took seriously, I'm her first love) won't stop pestering her and I'm about to cut a *****--
718 · Nov 2017
It Hurts Like Hell
eius reginae Nov 2017
In a dark room

Hand clenched tight
Uncontrollable sobs
Red, seeing red
Throat blocked
Someone save me

Lost and never found
In the abyss
Killing me softly

Heart shattered
Endless tears
Love me please
Lose me please
to be alone
564 · Jan 2017
eius reginae Jan 2017
They say I’m bluer than blue

And I agree

If “bluer than blue” means not that I am sad

But that I am mad about

Or glad of the eternal cold surrounding me

For that algidity 

Allows for your arms around me

And try to provide me with warmth

Warmth that only you can bring

As I am tucked under your wing

With your smiles that promise something

In the future

Preferably with me

Still curled up in your embrace

Because only then can I face


Then yes I am bluer than blue

And I don’t want to be anything else
I am a ***** for irony and my girlfriend's embraces ****
489 · Apr 2018
eius reginae Apr 2018
Coffee and cigarettes
I tell myself I have
Coffee and cigarettes
"You don't need food tonight."
Drink coffee.
Smoke cigarettes.
Ignore the rumbling.
"You don't need to eat."

Just one more meal, I tell myself
Is it a lie?
Is it the truth?
It doesn't matter
I shovel bite after bite into my mouth
Keep it in.
"Just one more bite."
It's therapeutic

My stomach is rumbling
No, I tell myself
"You just ate."
I feel nauseous
"You don't need to eat."
My body is tingling
"You're still full."
[Let's do something about it, then.]
I eat and I eat and I eat and I eat and I...

I puke.
I watch my body expel all that I ingested.
My forehead is wet
And so is my nape
My body is shaking
Make it stop
My body doesn't listen
I puke
I heave
I retch
I gasp
There, you're not full anymore.

I tell myself it's the cigarettes
I watch my food go down the drain
Too much smoke in my lungs
Too much nicotine in my veins
[Too many lies in your head.]
"Ignore it."
I wipe away the tears
I escape
My stomach rumbles
I need food
So I eat

They make me hungry
I'm always hungry
My stomach is constantly rumbling
Never satisfied
Never pleased
"I'm full."
[Let's do something about it.]
"Please don't."
[Too late.]
I eat and I eat and I eat and I eat and I...

I cry.
Trigger warning!
485 · Jun 2017
no one
eius reginae Jun 2017
And now I understand
that no one else can
possibly keep up with
the love I can offer
because everyone else has
other things to lose
unlike me who have nothing
and I can't possibly blame them
for not being as sacrificial
as me
for I am their destruction
despite them being my salvation
453 · May 2016
eius reginae May 2016
The rain is a thief
Bringing my life grief
Cutting my childhood brief
Whenever it visits, I grow stiff
From it, not once did I know relief

I tried to love the rain
From fearing it, I tried to refrain
I tried to break free from its hate chain
I thought by doing so, it will make me sane
And the relief was addicting like a bottle of champagne

Now, I hate it even more
Even though back then I swore
That it, the rain I will forever adore
And I would have, but I cannot ignore
How it steals away the one thing I care for

For some time I thought
Happiness was what it brought
But from the rain, she merely sought
The same relief I myself have wrought
And in deep dark helplessness, I am caught

Because I cannot save her from it
Everytime it rains is like a slap and a hit
To give her back to me, the rain won't permit
To it's cold arms, she has no choice but to submit
But to my personal thief, I vow never to admit defeat
My girlfriend suffers from trauma and she always gets attacked by it everytime it rains. It ***** and it's hard but I'm determined to help her out of it.
439 · Jun 2017
eius reginae Jun 2017
We silence each other with a magnificent apocalypse
You poison me with paint-smeared lips
And I choke you with ink-stained fingertips
With colourful grips
And aesthetic drips
We create a breathtaking eclipse
a.k.a a poetic way to say "your art has rendered me speechless" xD
350 · Oct 2017
eius reginae Oct 2017
Every time you do this, it's unfair because I'm always the one
Because you do not see the error in your ways and you
Me even without knowing it because you think you're
And that everything else should follow but I
Point it out to you because what the hell is the point and
Can you not see that you trample my heart so
315 · May 2016
eius reginae May 2016
Sitting in a pile of black and white lace
Covered with the scent of sweet summer haze
To her imagination, she gives chase
With a plastic smile plastered on her face
A residue of a fire once ablaze

Once porcelain white skin now caked in grime
Evidence of abuse from passing time
A past beloved item of bedtime
Melodies of yesterday, treasured rhymes
Being this forgotten should be a crime

Nonexistent voice now sounds so raspy
For silent nights are always most nasty
"No one wants to stay by your side, lassie."
A pool of mythic tears so icy
Must be why her eyes appear so glassy

Thousands of days, she sits in harsh darkness
Waiting for spectators, a failed actress
Her shattered heart lying in the ashes
The flame of hope now doused in hopelessness
Until one day arrives a pure goddess
A quick poem I wrote during my Literature class (which I found out I only got a 2.5 [around 70% or less] average) and I think I need to set my priorities straight--

— The End —