We dance on the edges
Of our silhouetted frames
As if we were water
Dripping lightly
On empty window panes
But you were the dewdrops
Bringing life to the days
Drizzling slightly to bring
Rainbows diminishing the grays
And the first time
Your deep ocean eyes
Met with mine
I began to wonder
If you would've danced in the rain
Singing as I always did
Or if you would've hid under umbrellas,
Like the others, too afraid
Of the storm
I was born to be?
(I recently read this old poem and realized one of two things. One- this was one of the shorter poems of RH's I've read in a while and that Two- I remembered a couple years ago looking over RH's shoulder as she wrote the final draft to a novel she wrote with the title of the same name (which was no doubt inspired by this poem). I never found out if it were ever published but it was one of my favorite novels by her by far and do hope to read it again in the future. Thank you all for the support so far and Happy Writing! ~BM)
(Front Page 4/7/2018)