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3.2k · Jan 2018
Lock and Key
Kiahlee Jan 2018
Your the reason I stay up at night,
and look up at the stars that shine so bright.
I wonder if your sitting up in bed thinking of me too,
I wish I could read your mind, I wish I knew.
I wish you would hold me tight,
as we walk under the moonlight.
I wish I could wear your sweatshirt,
and hold your heart so it don't hurt.
I know I'd love you till the end,
and I would be your best friend.
I would never leave you behind,
and you'd always have a place in my mind.
Someday I will tell you how much you mean to me,
but till then I will keep my feelings under Lock and Key.
To my amazing crush
1.7k · Feb 2018
I'm still Falling
Kiahlee Feb 2018
I have fallen into the fiery pits of love,
with all the simple acts you do.
You make my heart beat fast when I look into your pale blue eyes.
I love to see that smile it just makes me sigh.
Your laugh awakens butterflies, they just won't go away,
And I look forward to school now every single day.
Just to see you there,
I glance across the room and stare.
At the beautiful boy who doesn't know how perfect he is to me.
If only he could see.
I'm falling into the fiery pits of love
1.2k · Jul 2019
Reasons why I like you
Kiahlee Jul 2019
You don't know why I like you,
So I wrote this poem just to tell you.
I really like how u try,
To make me smile when I cry,
The way u talk about finding a happily ever after.
I even love the sound of ur laughter.
The way u smile, and make funny faces,
All just to make me smile.
You and your charming personality,
Is the best part of my reality.
I can't get u out of my head,
I think about u before I go to bed.
And I'm hoping I don't scare u away,
Because I think u maybe the one...I pray.
I don't see myself with anybody else but you.
And I'm hoping you can be my Boo.
So I wrote this poem so u can know,
I want to be more than just a bro.
I'm sending this to my crush so wish me luck!
684 · Mar 2018
A soulmate
Kiahlee Mar 2018
A soulmate is someone who loves you for who you are!
You don't have to change for them to accept you.
They cared about you and stood with you when nobody else would.
It's someone who helps you become your best self.
They know you better than everybody else.
And above all they will always love you.
No matter what!
A friend asked me once What's your definition of a soulmate?
644 · Feb 2018
Kiahlee Feb 2018
This heart                              was broken
   before you came           along. Now I'm singing
Love songs. Before yo   u, someone stole my heart,
  then ripped it apart. Your smile makes me melt,
  you probably don't know how I felt. Your laugh
    makes butterflies. You're diffidently not like
      other guys. Your eyes are unlike any hue, I only
        have eyes for you.  You're amazing, kind,
          fun and spectacular too. You're sporty
             and smart that is all so true. Your
               perfect for me I'm perfect for  
                  you. You do not know yet.
                   But I've liked you ever
                      since we first met.
                          So believe me
                            when I say
                                I like
Please don't judge too harshly. I know its a horrible heart.
560 · Jan 2018
Just a little Crush❤
Kiahlee Jan 2018
Do you know what you do to my heart?
every time you laugh I fall apart.
Do you know how much I care?
Do you want the truth or just a dare?
The truth is I love your smile,
for you I'd run for miles.
I love your perfect personality,
your my favorite part of reality.
I love the jokes you tell,
for you I'd walk through hell.
I think your adorable and sweet in every way,
I wish I could ask you to stay.
I've fallen for you without your consent,
I hope you think I'm at least decent.
If only you knew,
I Heart You.
To my amazing crush
430 · Feb 2018
Brings you Pain
Kiahlee Feb 2018
My family tells me I'm beautiful.
But only if they knew,
the pain I go through,
At school. Where people
laugh at you,
and only tear you down.
I work so hard to put on a smile.
After being at school for awhile.
Your walls are built so strong,
nobody can break them down.
You isolate yourself from the world.
That only brings you pain.
Tried to make it rhyme but didn't quite work.
412 · Jan 2018
In Love
Kiahlee Jan 2018
I didn't fall in love with you.
I walked into love with you,
with my eyes wide open,
and I chose to take every step along the way.
So please don't leave, please stay.
I'd stick with you in any kind of strife,
I'd even follow you into the afterlife.
Just believe me when I say,
I Love You
So please don't go away.
398 · Jun 2018
You said I was beautiful
Kiahlee Jun 2018
When you said I was beautiful.
I fell apart.
The wall I had built around my heart.
Started to crack and then it crumbled.
I closed my eyes to keep back the tears.
That had been building up for years.
Suddenly the mask of indifference fell away.
And the tears started to stray.
The pain I felt as you watched the tears stain my cheeks.
I couldn't help but feel so weak.
Your voice was hoarse, 'When you asked what's wrong?'
I stuttered, 'I've tried so hard to stay strong.
But I just can't anymore. No one's ever told me I'm beautiful.
People always utter words that are scornful.
But you were able to look past my flaws.' Then I paused.
You looked in my eyes and held my hand.
And told me the sweetest words I ever heard.
" From the moment I set eyes on you and fell in love with your eyes. Then I got to know you and fell for your personality. But when I saw your flaws. I realized how perfectly imperfect you're. And from that moment I knew you were the one."
I wish a boy would be this honest.
375 · Feb 2018
Kiahlee Feb 2018
Basketball is a challenging sport,
we run plays on the court.
Many people play short or tall,
you pass the ball,
across the floor.
Make a layup. Score!
The final half its 23 to 24.
Today's the day I make a three pointer.
I shoot the ball.
It's all net.
356 · Feb 2018
If Only
Kiahlee Feb 2018
Life is spent Trying to prove our self worth.
It all starts in the teenage years and never seems to end. Trying to prove we're more beautiful, stronger, successful, better, or smarter than others. Trying all the time to prove that we deserve love. Even when we feel that we don't.
            If only people accepted each other, I wouldn't have to prove anything.

Life is also spent in fear. Fear of failing, fear of loving, fear of losing someone you thought you'd be with forever.
            If only people accepted each other, I wouldn't have to be afraid.

Life is spent in trying to earn love. We beg to be loved. We try to prove ourselves to people that surround us: teachers,parents, friends, and anyone who seems important. We all do it. Success becomes everything. The simplest mistake could me we aren't lovable.
              If only people excepted each other. Maybe I would be loved.
352 · Jan 2018
Hidden in my eyes
Kiahlee Jan 2018
You asked about the marks on my arm,
I lied, I just couldn't tell you I self harm.
If you looked into my eyes you'd see a story,
Of betrayal, hurt and pain.
You would understand why my cuts are so gory.
I consider myself a master of disguise,
And you can fine the pain
Hidden in my eyes.
333 · Apr 2018
My everything
Kiahlee Apr 2018
Here I am again crying.
Why couldn't you see that I loved you.
More than anything.

You were the one I wanted.
I loved everything about you!
You were the light in my dark world.
You were the rainbow after my storm.
But most of all you were my everything!

But you never really noticed...
Everything I did was for you!
I put all my heart into everything.
Because I believed that if I could be perfect!
You would finally notice me!

But that didn't work.
You left me like everyone else does.
Why does everyone leave?
All I want is love...
But here I am crying. Again.
Just letting my feelings out. I feel so alone.
299 · Feb 2018
Your Unique
Kiahlee Feb 2018
We've all been told "you're perfect just the way you are."
Then your no longer a shining star.
A day when Beauty became everything.
People told you your not pretty enough to do something.
Your told no one could love anyone like you.
People tell you this so often you start to think its true. ):
Being "Beautiful" becomes part of your life.
Putting on makeup becomes a strife.
Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram.
Hiding behind a screen.
Where people hide behind filters and Photoshop.
You start to wear clothes that are uncomfortable like crop tops.
You feel good about the comments of how beautiful you are.
You once again feel like a shining star.
Drawing in hundreds of likes
You feel positive.

Until you are drawn back into reality,
School where people judge you on popularity.
No one compliments you on how you look.
So you hide behind a book.
You flip between pretty and not.
You wonder if your as pretty as you thought.

Then you meet the special someone in reality,
who cares only about your personality.
They could care less about popularity and likes.
They don't judge you by flaws.
They love you for who you are,
because your unique as a star.
They make you realize looks do not matter,
your built up wall starts to shatter.
Because its whats inside that counts.
Please like or comment. (:
284 · Mar 2018
I tell myself it's okay
Kiahlee Mar 2018
I tell myself it's okay,
Even when the tears are streaming down my face.
Even though inside I'm falling apart.
I paste a smile on my face,
To hide the broken heart that's in it's place.
My forced laughter fills the empty space.
I tell myself it's okay,
Just to mask the pain.
279 · Mar 2018
Yet again
Kiahlee Mar 2018
Yet again my heart's been broken.
I cried on the inside when you said I'm just a joke.
I willingly let my heart get broke.
I fell into the trap.
Only to come back feeling like crap.
Every time I see your face,
I break down but keep a smile on my face.
I remember all those kind words you said.
I remember how my face would turn red.
But now I'm broken, crying in bed.
Trying to get over all those fake words you said.
All I ever wanted was love but when I open up, my heart gets broke.
266 · Apr 2018
The Man in the moon
Kiahlee Apr 2018
The man in the moon looks down with sad eyes,
down on the girls and the guys.
He hangs up in the night sky,
surrounded only by stars he cries.
He cries because it seems he has no friends,
To him the nights never end.
Until a little girl looks up into the night, and stares curiously at the moon in her sight.
A quiet message she sends,
That she wants to be his faithful friend.
She talks, he listens
its how it goes.
He's always there when she speaks to him,
always in the nights so dim.
She may not see him sometimes,
but knows he's always listening to her soothing rhymes.
As she grows older,
he's her boulder,
to lean on.
One final talk before the dawn.
She heaves a sigh,
Before she dies.
"Don't be sad my beautiful moon, I always knew I'd be with you soon."
I don't even know why I wrote this.
257 · Mar 2018
Only tears me down
Kiahlee Mar 2018
So there's this one person who only tears me apart
I should have known from the start.
That she would turn her back on me.
I was so naive,
To actually believe.
That someone would stay.
"Sorry" she says and I reply it's okay.
When really I'm trying so hard to trust her,
She hurts me but I give her so many chances,
She threw away the friendship without a second glance.
She says she cares but I will never believe her ever again.
I'm trying to forgive her but I will not forget the pain she put me through.
238 · Jan 2018
You Hide...
Kiahlee Jan 2018
You hide behind a mask of makeup,
because you don't except the person under the pileup.
Your feelings are hidden behind a wall,
and it keeps growing tall.
You put on a practiced smile every morning,
to hide your mourning.
You hide the real you,
the one I wish I knew.
228 · Mar 2018
The One
Kiahlee Mar 2018
It happened again.
I opened my heart,
Hoping that it wouldn't get torn apart.
I really thought you could be the one,
You brought me sun.
You made me laugh, when I wanted to cry,
You helped me live when I wanted to die.
I really thought you were The ONE
But then you went and left me,
When I needed you the most.
You left me curled up in a ball on my floor crying.
I thought you said you would always be there.
But here I was alone. And it was because of you.
I really thought you were The One.
189 · Feb 2018
The broken soul
Kiahlee Feb 2018
Somewhere out there is a girl,
whose heart is crying out.
Many people are around her,
But they don't seem to hear her shout.
She was once cheerful,
full of love so rare.
Always laughing and having fun,
someone was always there.
Now it seems like no one stays.
She's losing herself but doesn't let it show.
And hides behind a mask everyday.
Her true feelings no one knows.
She once had a life filled with joy and laughter,
She now knows life's not always filled with Happily Ever After's.
77 · Jan 2020
Kiahlee Jan 2020
The sun began to set, leaving a canvas of brilliant colors across the sky. While the glittering glass above me reflected with a rippling effect cause by a soft whisper of the breeze. I lay there sinking slowly, like an autumn leaf drifting to the ground. Except I was not a leaf, neither would I reach the ground. The coldness enveloped me, numbing my limbs. Destroying my will to fight. My eyelids fluttered shut, as memories swept through my brain and untold secrets escaped. I was drifting into the unknown
Apparently imagery is very important in writing. So I'm working on it

— The End —