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Jaxey Aug 2019
I love you

I know you don't love me back

And that's okay

But I love you

And I just wanted you to know that
Jaxey Aug 2019
"I love you"
Only fell from your lips
When you were intoxicated
So I slipped a bit of *****
In your drink every night
Pretending it was me
You were drunk on
Please love me
Jaxey Aug 2019
I'm sorry I stole your sweatshirt
I was aiming for your heart
This was the closest I could get
Without completely falling apart
I'm sorry
Jaxey Aug 2019
I've tried to write
So many poems about you
But you're beauty is copyrighted
And I don't believe
In plagiarism
Sad poet
Jaxey Aug 2019
You held the paper
between you lips
and inhaled

I've never
Been so jealous
Of a cigarette
It should have been me
Jaxey Aug 2019
She kissed him
With question marks?
While he kissed her
With "quotations"
And together they became
a run on sentence...
It never ends.
Jaxey Aug 2019
I try to tiptoe across the pain
but you caught my tears hidden by the rain
you try to tell me everything will be okay
But all I hear is that I will always love you

And that you will never feel the same
why can't you just love me. why do you not love me. why cant you just let me love you and let yourself love me. i dont understand. i dont know if i ever will. why do you do this to me. do you want me to hurt? why am I not good enough? why can't you just love me. why cant anyone just ******* love me.
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