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Aug 2020 · 333
Elena Basophil Aug 2020
I whispered but everyone was busy talking to each other.
I called out but everyone's got their earphones on.
I waved at them but everyone seem to look through me.
Afterall, none's as blind as those who will not see.
You deserve people who cherish you, not the ones who don't care or even acknowledge you. You deserve better. Leave toxic people before they drain out your soul.
Sep 2019 · 359
Elena Basophil Sep 2019
Apparel of starry nights and twilight,
Tracing constellations among flushing nebular scarlet,
Eyes like stellar heavens on the sleepless idle nights.
Sep 2019 · 360
Elena Basophil Sep 2019
Your warmth and radiance,
But the fire in you,
Hard to embrace.
Oh how it burns me to my core,
To embrace your flaming soul.
Some people are so nice but sometimes it's just who they are, not because you're special. They'll be nice to whoever they come across and probably forget about you in a while. So don't get overly attached with them.
Jan 2018 · 332
Elena Basophil Jan 2018
She fought back the tears that were threatening to fall.
She will not let him win.
Of all people, not him again.
He will not be her weakness.
He will not become a part of her.
Even if he did,
She will rip it apart from her.
It will hurt.
But then,
She will be free at last,
Like she always has been.
Sep 2017 · 444
Elena Basophil Sep 2017
I don't want to study.
But that's not the problem.
I don't want to go to class.
That's not the problem either.
I don't want to watch movies or read books,
Or sing songs or play games.
I don't want to walk or eat,
Or at least try to sleep.
I just want to curl up in my bed,
In a fetal position like a cooked shrimp,
And think and think and think
About everything wrong about this life,
Or maybe pray that I'd just vanish into thin air,
So nothing would matter anymore.
Sep 2017 · 394
Elena Basophil Sep 2017
Eyes on my back.
I can feel them.
I can feel them
Watch my every step.
I can feel them
Watching me from head to toe,
Staring into my deep blank soul.

Eyes on my back.
I feel them shred my clothes to pieces.
I feel them from the corner of my eye
Watching my every move.
A word I utter,
A step I take,
They see. They hear.
They know them all.
Sep 2017 · 338
Elena Basophil Sep 2017
I want to lay down,
Maybe on the beach,
And stare into the endless sky,
As their eyes twinkle different hues.

I want to forget,
Maybe about everything,
And live a newer, happier life,
As you're erased from my memories.
Sep 2017 · 312
Elena Basophil Sep 2017
You were unhappy.
Did I make you happy?
You make me happy,
And you did.

Are you unhappy?
She makes you happy.
They make you happy,
But I don't.

I'm glad you're happy.
Did I make you happy?
You make me happy,
But you won't.
Sep 2017 · 476
Elena Basophil Sep 2017
For all hopes you chain me up with,
There's no escape.

For having drowned,
Sunk too deep to breathe.

For all hopes are crushed,
By a single past tense.
Aug 2017 · 390
Elena Basophil Aug 2017
No need for *****,
Just chaos,
For it drowns us in passion.

No need for dope,
Just chaos,
For it makes us high.

No need for peace,
For Chaos,
Brings our hearts together.
Jul 2017 · 480
Elena Basophil Jul 2017
A lone wolf cries,
"I need no pack;
I have what others lack."
What is that?
Wolf answers,
"Independence ".
But I am no wolf.
Jul 2017 · 278
Elena Basophil Jul 2017
Gone are you,
Like Brownian smoke;
Stays the memories,
Like tar in my lungs,
Breathe In; Breathe out.
Killing me everytime,
You came and left.

— The End —