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502 · Jan 2017
First Sunday
Damaré M Jan 2017
As I sit front row amongst an abundance of lushness I accompany a congregation filled with long-term friends. The holy ghost is in Canis latrans. Taxidea taxus isn't really diggin' it. Mephitis mephitis came into service smelling a bit reckless. Procyon lotor is all over Lynx rufus's shoulder. Castor canadensis just don't give a ****. Neotoma cinerea haven't said a peep and Glaucomys sabrinus is the flyest I've seen in weeks. The tunes that the Warblers are singing is sweet, with the Hawks hitting notes all the way to the peak and you know the Great Horned Owl cadence had to be deep. The gospel put all California Poppy, Star Tulip and Western Pennyroyal to sleep. Now everyone quiet down, all I hear is the river and the wind, patiently waiting for Giant Sequoia to speak. Drum roll please? Pileated Woodpecker knows the perfect beat. The deepest sermon goes unspoken. Nature is the religion and the earth is church. Praises to God for his Kingdom translating his words.
*Canis latrans* = Coyote
*Taxidea taxus* = Badger
*Mephitis mephitis* = Striped Skunk
*Procyon lotor* = Raccoon
*Lynx rufus* = Bobcat
*Castor canadensis* = ******
*Neotoma cinerea* = Bushy-tailed wood rat
*Glaucomys sabrinus* = Northern Flying Squirrel
**Scientific names of the given species**.
452 · Jan 2015
Love was blind
Damaré M Jan 2015
Now we are living in a new era...
When love developed eyes
All the other senses are missing
Damaré M Feb 2017
Your beauteous archetype will never let you suffer the pain that most of us regular people face. Despite your rudeness, we will always make excuses to partake In your cuteness. You don't know how it feel to be forgotten about. Your heart never fell, in result of seeing someone who bailed holding hands with a more sightliness female. You have everyone's attention. How does pretty feel when pain is inflicted? Does pretty really hurt all along, or is that just a song? I'm venting through this poem because I can only imagine you being in my arms. The reality of you laying in my chest happily is slim to none. My confidence in myself is strong, but that only go as far as grabbing you by the arm, signaling you to come on. Utterances of "he's not where you belong". My aplomb is only dawn in comparison to his bodacious mannerism. You can't see anything wrong. But I can see it within you. Whenever I spy deeply, past your aesthetic definitive. As I forage through your lushness I stumble upon the truth. The naked truth. Fastuousness at it's best. Desolateness at it's worst. Blessed but hurt. A nest without a bird, a freeway without a curve, an intoxication without a slur, a feline with no reason to purr,  a sea otter without it's fur; basically a sentence without a word. Bleak; you worship the worthless, bargain yourself to be purchased so in result you are the first resort to a man with no purpose. How does it feel to be a self-merchant? Wholesale and your clientele being boys who are uncertain. If you were interested in men he will treat you like one with the womb in the front (womb-men), no matter how feral you were you'll b like his little ******. See you are the resultant of a posture that is too potent. When you're in motion, no guy can continue with focus. You were always told how bold that you looked without any clothes, but never reminded that your mind was the only thing you have left when everything else unfold. Hopeless; desirable but the story on how to be hereafter admirable was untold. "No matter how fine the statue is, overtime it will have to erode, it's the significance in the chronicle that we will always extoll"
426 · Dec 2012
A happy Christmas
Damaré M Dec 2012
The best Christmas I ever had ...
If I can remember I was about 6
My little cousin was like 2
But I think this year can top it all
If I spend it with you
425 · Oct 2016
I Succumb
Damaré M Oct 2016
Can you tell that I already told myself that I will love you to death? Well I haven't died yet, but it don't feel like I'm living neither. I need you, it's a must that you come back into my life to save me from this tranquility. The irony of how I'm still breathing surprises me. My mind misguided me and the further away you became my heart reminded me.
423 · Oct 2013
To be envisioned
Damaré M Oct 2013
I'm invisible 
Placed myself in front of her path
Mentally recited a joke to make her laugh
... But
Our eyes never clashed 
She walked right past 

I'm invisible 
In not invincible 

So it hurts me every time she's blind to my benignity 
But as soon as I'm malignant 
I suddenly appear in her vision
419 · Oct 2012
Damaré M Oct 2012
Never too late
Take for granted an opportunity at someone's love
Never too safe
Appear in loves radius w.o comforting love with hugs
Never too soon
Fight the sense of love even though it feels
Every Blue moon
Love will give you a chance
Every now and then
Love will give you a glance
Every since then
I accepted love and I've been in a trance
Damaré M Jun 2015
I ponder amongst the wonderfulness of your mind as I try to focus deep into your eyes, I hope I'm surprised by the thought of you thinking about myself, stop squinting please? Let me see the gleam, a little wider so that I can see the dream. As I look down year 2-3 from now. I see you and me, wait don't even blink, without interruptions there's nothing that can destruct us. As you lay down with me pressed on top of you, joyous tears fall to your ears. I see my assuring reflection, smile for awhile, while I swipe at the two tracks of wetness. You tell me that you adore my cleverness, I tell you that when I gaze through your frames I see the foreverness
415 · Dec 2014
Damaré M Dec 2014
I sip and Instantly I feel warmth
I dip and Instantly I feel high
Veins bulge so I stick, and instantly I feel comfort
I sniff and instantly I'm energized
I pop then I'm stuck in my thoughts
Do you like drugs?
I'm sure you're addicted to love
408 · Sep 2015
Box of Chocolates
Damaré M Sep 2015
Black women you're so assorted, makes us wonder how can we afford it? We see you doing yo thang, and how can we support it? If we on ah mission, no longer will we abort it. You have many attitudes and soar to so high of gratitudes, why would we destroy it? I see we gotta get on our job, so we're seeking for future employment. But first you gotta understand we're in love with your body already, you don't have to exploit it. The more you spill it out; you drain it, I well rather you to sustain it. I hate to be complaining, but I'm witnessing your giftedness become tainted. How can I explain this? I love your mind so I will hate to deranged it. With that said "what's so sweet if consumed in the start, have a after taste of reality that comes to the senses as being ****". That's not even the crazy part, which is... We cannot go without seeing your art.......
You're beautiful, nurturing and intelligent. We know that, and that's why we love you. But if you keep shaking it, you are disgracing it. Hard to grant you your elatedness. But at the same ***** ****** time you are so ******* artistically created
407 · Jun 2013
United Blaze
Damaré M Jun 2013
If this colonialized hell would burn that will be cool
I mean it will be hot , but.... You know what I mean
400 · Jun 2015
"Tell Me Something"
Damaré M Jun 2015
I vividly recollect me embracing you while we were in the shower.
The most passionate time of my life I recall.
I didn't know what possessed me to possess you in that fashion, so the only explanation I have is that you had a hold on me first; a more strong and foreseeing clutch.
My physical reaction cannot compare to the divinity of your works.

I witness how amused you were when I acted out foolishly, reminding me that I needed some kinda help.
Well the help I needed is no longer apart of my life, thanks to the complexity of my malfunctioning cerebrum. Sorry I didn't allow you to be my remedy.

I also remember dimples that are potent, just one more addition to a walking monument. He must have been thinking about someone much more appreciative than I when he walked you out of the gates and told you that you'll still be an angel of his, just accompanying a more physical spirit.

I bethink of how easy it was for me to confide in you, as if we known one another all our lives. Such strange but comforting arrangement. I was sure of continuous sustenance.

I reminisce on you specifying me as your "cupcake", since the icing is gone I don't want no other man to fill in what I already baked. You only got one cupcake! (I swear if you call anybody else that I'm whoopin yall *****, both of yall)

But I will never get the chance to commemorate me telling you the one thing that I was always so close to disclosing... That I loved you
For anyone to read but only to be understood by 2
399 · Jun 2018
Lets Race not Race
Damaré M Jun 2018
Our minds will continue to race evermore. Most will circuit exhaustingly around the same tract; repetitively crossing the same checkpoints. However very few are ****** with the judgement of dissatisfaction even whilst nudging at the summit of enlightenment; he who will perpetually bring enthusiastic evolution onto society.
397 · Apr 2015
Why can't you love me too ?
Damaré M Apr 2015
I'm only human
Who can only have so much
Interest in a statue
392 · Jul 2018
Damaré M Jul 2018
My apologies Tasmanian Tiger, for the brute carelessness of the Hominid settlers. I was quite aware of you being one of the few marsupials... yes the sworn to be ascendant earthlings are out of pocket. Well I never got to meet you personally but I’m sure you was charged with great energy. Thank you for serving a purpose here on our heavenly body.
                                  P.S. maybe one day you’ll arrive again, and maybe us homosapiens will be expunged from this orb.
390 · Jan 2015
Damaré M Jan 2015
If you don't see the beauty in love I don't know how/why are you still alive
387 · Jan 2014
Damaré M Jan 2014
They say money makes the world go 'round
And from the looks of things it do
Industrially growing
Economically balanced
Consuming minds

But only love makes LIFE evolve
386 · Oct 2016
Damaré M Oct 2016
My dominant aura and her keen instincts was so telepathic, we disregarded words and just walked away with each other.
382 · Feb 2014
Two weeks
Damaré M Feb 2014
Today we are living in a world where almost everyone is only worth two weeks 

First you meet, treat, everything appears to be sweet until you get a taste of, a waste of, a trace of, you chase uh... hints of acidic distance 

Trying to find closure before loss of composure 
Wanting things to stay in motion, but your feelings have no choice but to suffer from erosion 
Because that person just blew right in and out of your life 
Undermining your plans of succession 
Migrating seasonally 
Without reasoning 
Dispersing their impacts all over the map 
Then you know... the ultimate treason 
Displeasing their allegiance 

Fourteen days 
Plenty of ways to become swayed 
And betrayed 
People rushing in and out of your life like a cascade 

I guess it is because no one knows how to preserve amities 
We're all just used to casualties
We're all just skeptical as fallacies 
We're all questionable upon answering 
Just like to text each other 
Don't know how to address each other 
Never trying to bless each other 
I guess we're all just used to allergies 

During these individualistic times
Cold hearts 
And simple minds 
How are we supposed to interact?
Now days the keystone being don't even attract 

We're too weak
373 · Nov 2014
Damaré M Nov 2014
The hardest person to read is the one who you feel that you absolutely need. The one who's afraid of titles and never give you a preface. Just love to plot alone, but expect you to accept the conclusions. You're the only one who enjoys the ******. You notice that person only having character when you're not on the scene. A protagonist living in a fairy tale with a dramatic spin. Along with teary pages; tear pages, like your torn heart. THE END
364 · Apr 2015
Damaré M Apr 2015
You don't have a twin?
I hate to have only one chance to marry someone like you
357 · Feb 2013
Damaré M Feb 2013
I hope that while I'm getting myself together,
She doesn't lose hope
343 · Dec 2016
Damaré M Dec 2016
He can never be sorry if all he do is make his guitar cry.
My man... Don't apologize.
330 · Dec 2013
Love tale tells it all
Damaré M Dec 2013
Men love the woman he have
Women love the man who she want hers to be like

Men trust his woman
Women don't trust her man because she couldn't trust her previous one

We don't know their ex's
And we don't know the man they wish we would be

All we know is who we are now and what we can deliver

A mixture of bitterness and fairy tales
Disconnect  men and women from living happily ever during
311 · Dec 2012
Kiss hello or goodbye
Damaré M Dec 2012
First the eyes
                            They are glazed
                            They're amazed
                               But the trust
                                   On top
                                   Of lust
                         Makes them Faint
Now the foreheads
                  Drawn in by staggering eyes
Then the noses
                  Get a sense of how cold it is
At last the lips
                          Get a sip of her kiss
Still the eyes
                                Are in tact
                           As we step back
A Smile
                             Began to crack
                              But only one...
                           I waited for hers
                          In order for mines
                            To grow larger
                         But hers was froze
                              Never arose
                     In a matter of seconds...
                         My smile thawed
                             Into a frown
                      As she turned around
                 My grip turned into claws
                      As she walked away
             My walk turned into a crawl
                   She never came back
            So the fight turned into a brawl
                   I thought that kiss was
                The beginning of our night
                    But it happened to be
                       The end of my life
307 · Dec 2014
Damaré M Dec 2014
Me: "why do you love me"?
Her: "because I love me"
283 · May 2018
Damaré M May 2018
She’s bronze with a knotted crop on top

With Diamonds for vision

And a soul full of gold

Oily skin

Ivory smile

A prancing resource

That I will protect with force.
275 · May 2018
The Loathe of Love
Damaré M May 2018
How mustn’t we together overcome very cynical mindset?

Thy reluctance of engaging wherewith known to be as thē freest component in all physiology.

Oh so cognitive, turned psychosomatic, into anima at last ego.

Preposterous to constitute.
274 · Oct 2018
Damaré M Oct 2018
Your love life should resemble a fruitful garden brought to you by one pair of green thumbs...while that same connoisseur nurseryman who gets nourishment solely from his harvest... both of you sustain a symbiotic interconnection ... season ... after... season.

Reproduction in your flower bed night after night.
268 · Oct 2016
Damaré M Oct 2016
My reflection has shattered. Although she is still fully put together, I cannot see myself within her anymore. Gotta get myself together, but I just don't know how I'll look without her.
I'm ugly alone.
256 · May 2018
Dear Lyric
Damaré M May 2018
I Nevada want to Mississippi you like how I am anymore. Could you please just Texas me back? I tend to feel very Illinois when we are departed. When we are together we Connecticut so well. Like all of the Colorado’s on a rainbow, we can’t just let it Washington away. Let’s try something New York Oklahoma? ... Will you Maryland me?

From: Yo Maine mans
To: Delaware Kansas Louisiana
216 · Oct 2018
Damaré M Oct 2018
I want everything that is priceless. Not because I’m cheap; however, everyone genuine cannot be traded and the most special moments will not repeat.
192 · May 2019
Jhene Draiko
Damaré M May 2019
I love me enough for the both of us, while maybe loving you too much,

apparently my feelings is strong enough to chauffeur us. But every other month you slam on the brakes like you don’t give a ****.

I guess things are normal to you only when it’s commotion huh**

Backing all of this traffic up
As I pay attention to the signs
You appear to hate me more than a *******...
but nah see...

You can’t change what God see
The future
Me and you were meant to be
I say that without humor
You remember when you told me to stay woke without the rooster.

Well our hearts used to beat the same rhythm, now it’s more like acoustic.
**** acapella if we let you tell it.

We was high speeding
What made you take your foot off the pedal?  
I guess you just needed a break
You cut me off to get into my lane
It wasn’t on accident so you didn’t need Allstate.
I guess for me slowing down was a mistake.
We shoulda just hit and run.
177 · Oct 2018
Double Dutch
Damaré M Oct 2018
All that you’ve been through what am I suppose to do ?
Now you’re living your halftime
Seeing all these other guys trying to win the prize.
Shooting their shot.
What about mines ?
Do it **** being so fine?
      I’m stuck between being abrupt and sublime.
I know you just want a ***** to listen to you sometimes.
Hopefully I can show you something different.
But in reality I’m just like every ***** in the lunch line.
Hands out, pants down!
And hate being asked after we **** about where do we stand now.
      I aim to never bring you pain
My finger on the trigger but ima stand down.
      Bump into you months later
I see you still ****** wit a skater.
It appears to the world that I’ve found my savior.
You tell me “oh you playing now”!
152 · Jun 2019
Art de War
Damaré M Jun 2019
The sun is so close

The Fahrenheit is
The energy is
The growth  between you and I both

The synergy is
The emptiness is no kin to me

I feel the space quite sensually
I appreciate the life that’s lent to me

I wasn’t giving the discipline to live a abstinence history

Without damper; look what the rain did to me.

Happy camper

Kinetic sampler

The Sol is adjacent to the soul

Is there a dome?
Is the light in or beside the body of the globe?

The opposing solstice
Where’s the sun? It’s so cold

The elements are so loud

All of my tears are in those clouds

My outbursts are disguised as thunderous sounds.

The sun is still young.
All fights starts of you.
124 · Feb 2023
Sunny Sun
Damaré M Feb 2023
My Sun will shine light on the new wave, new era, connective to the past ways on how to be brave. Humble yet ferocious. Intelligent but vibrant. A leader once his prints are large enough to fill in my size.
92 · Dec 2022
Home Period
Damaré M Dec 2022
The volume of competitive passion that I have to make our interrelation last

Your kinetics grant me to gasp

Why year after year must I sit front row of your class?

I ask

Graduated 5 twelve months ago

Yet I take notes

Do the math

Love is one of those classes that you’ll never pass

Scribble, raise your hand, preparedness, detentions, study her scriptures

Competitive passion

*the principle is, is that the best teacher is the best student

— The End —