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Whether it be secrets or lies
She keeps them hidden inside
Miseries and agonies too
She's beside herself
Without the silence,
Too much noise breaks through
Not knowing what else to do
She runs to that place
Where she keeps her silence
Hidden away
It's dark there
And filled with so much pain
But she can never let the silence escape
Too many losses and nothing to gain
Let the tears rain, she can't explain
So, she hides herself in her dreams
With the silence she keeps
When houses are asleep
That's when I'll come seek
under the moon and stars to find you
We'll sneak away for keeps
'Cause I'm a ghost at most
In your arms under the tree
Secluded from the world
Kissing your lips I'm finally me
Like the time we were
plastered under the train tracks
The first time I saw
What you really meant to me
Like the time I cried on your shoulder
in the private room that holds our memories
But now that you're gone..
In this moment
I'll listen to the crickets
And chimes break through the wind
And imagine holding you close to me
under the tree
and cry
and hope to hear the rumbles
like the very first time
Because this night was probably the last
And I wish I could relive it all..
"I know you're gone now, but I'll still wait for you" -PVRIS
Every word I speak hurts
And when thought comes to mind
Believe me, it's a train wreck

All it takes is a second
Because when you're all alone
In an empty room
with no one to speak to
and no one to hold
The silence just kills you
Like your soul waiting to be sold

Voices astray
Speak what the mind has to say
So what may lay here now

Is nothing

Because trying to speak
holds the same meaning
as falling asleep

*in silence
Why do I always think that you care for me, too?
Why do I always assume that I'm a part of your thoughts?

Why am I being so stupid...

#love #frustrations
The more you think about it,
The more it seems confusing.

The more I tell you stories,
The more you'll discover
Who I am
What I was..

But telling you these,
Makes me feel closer to
But, everytime
I show you my cracks,
My fears,
My fragile and humane
The more it pains me
To hear your words
And stare at the sky
telling myself that
I am


You are
The string
That attatches my
But you are the scissors
That can
Cut my throat
And let me choke
On my own
Cold blood.

Your smile is so perfect, so natural.

**And your words are true and sharp, like the blade cutting the shackled animal.
My nightmares are converted into reality and poetry.
I live in a town
Where one has to be tough
I've been up
But mostly, I've been down
I know you mean well
When you say you care
I hate to disappoint you
But your loving me is not enough

I know you saw me
Taken away in handcuffs
No, I was not falsely accused
It was me, I did those things
You think you can heal me
With your love
But I must be honest, my dear
Your love is not enough

I am not mean-spirited
I know I seem cruel and gruff
I have to appear so
To keep up the image
That makes men dread my visage
You saw through me
I find it beyond belief
But my sweet darling
Your love is not enough

I had a vivid imagination
I'd view my life in high-definition
Dream the photos of my future
In a colourful panorama
These days, I'm very lucky
To summon the will
To survive day after day
To be loved by you is an honour
Still, your love is not enough

I ignore the whispers of my heart
I laugh and I bluff
When it mentions you
You see, I have nothing to give
I've been broken, crushed
You deserve the world
I am mere shards
I would give you everything
But my love,
I, I am not enough.
 Jul 2015 Chloe's Not An Angel
too many poems
too many poets
describing the
same **** feelings
and yet
throughout the centuries
none of us
have ever found
the right words
// spent my whole life tryna put it into words //

thank you so much for the daily ♡
Beat the rhythm
empty hand,
Iron cast chains
rattles command.

Ol' Boss Hogg,
baton raised
Self righteous fool
has need of praise.

In order that
he gain acclaim,
thinks with hate,
acts with shame.

Human beings,
ships hold stacked
with those once free.

Bodies piled
upon high
you will not see
the strong ones die.

Scars embedded
on their backs
chained and shackled
to the racks.

We deal in branded
breathing stock,
Unload black vassal
from our docks.

Beat the rhythm
empty hands.
Iron cast chains
in far off lands.

We keep our skivvy,
wired hair blacks.
We work them hard,
we score their backs.

They do for us,
they work the field.
Grow the cotton,
pick the yield.

Keep the body,
take the mind.
Labour whatever's
left behind.

And if demeanour
does ever flinch.
We'll introduce you
Willie Lynch.

Beat the rhythm.
Empty hands
Iron cast chains.
Unfair demands.

Beat the rhythm,
shackled feet.
We take their worst
but can't be beat.
Anybody know who Willie Lynch was? Anybody? Raise your hand. No one? He was a vicious slave owner in the West Indies. The slave-masters in the colony of Virginia were having trouble controlling their slaves, so they sent for Mr. Lynch to teach them his methods. The word "lynching" came from his last name. His methods were very simple, but they were diabolical. Keep the slave physically strong but psychologically weak and dependent on the slave master. Keep the body, take the mind.  (Melvin B Tolson)

19th  July 2015
© Copyright Christopher K Bayliss 2014
She wanders,
guided by her lost soul.
She spills arts,
coming from her pure heart;
She writes words no one can understand,
yet she speaks it like it was kept in her mind
for so long, just waiting for someone to find it.
She is a masterpiece of her own,
but she has a heart of stone.
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