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907 · Jun 2017
Ode to the Chair
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
Chair, you're always there, waiting to take the burden of my weight when its gets to tiresome to bare.
Indoors or out in the open air, this is the ode to the tireless chair...
840 · Jul 2017
Peaks & Valleys
Derek Tatum Jul 2017
When I reach the ridgetop on the way to the summit, the wind & views of the vast expanse of jagged snowy peaks Breathe life into me.
Heart thumping, no dead feeling inside today.
How long the dark smothering cloud stays away...a mystery
A wolverine! He brought me goosebumps.
Extremely lucky if only for a moment...but I have no luck & only a few bucks
The trees, the snow, the breeze, a grand show
As I glissade...pure happiness
My kind of descent, avoiding the dark plunge for now
Is adventure the only thing that saves me?
Next day soreness so satisfying
But happiness is only a state of mind, fleeting
Ill have to climb out of those depths again
But for a while a depression cure
Until another journey when I'll take those steps again
A rise within....
730 · Jun 2017
Chaos & Calm
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
The chaotic waverings of the unstill surface leave the depths of the seas undisturbed...
543 · Jun 2017
Why Climb
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
Poetry in motion, like the wide wavering oceans. Why climb? Its far more than just passing time. Nothing tangible to show for it. Memories, a sense of meaning, pride. I climb & I'll never quit....its puts some pep in my stride
487 · Jun 2017
5 O'Clock
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
Stop, start & stop again
Control the rising rage within
Rotors & nerves worn thin
Stop, start & stop again
Traffic rush congestion masses
480 · Jun 2017
Shored up
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
There is no sea without the shore. All shored up, afraid to bridge the cross that line & take to the unkown...
479 · Jun 2017
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
Sounds isn't sound until it vibrates an eardrum. Light is only warmth until it reaches an eye. I look to the thunderstorm in the sky, glad I have these instruments to experience the grand show...goosebumps & a long sigh
414 · Jul 2017
A Ramble
Derek Tatum Jul 2017
A ramble in the woods to clear the clutter from my mind
The mountains sing, the creeks & rivers sing louder
The birds can be heard, adding to the song
If you watch & listen an amazing show to be part of
A ramble in the woods, a great way to rapidly bond
Suffer together, type two fun
See what youre made of under clouds & sun
When the aches subside, a ramble again
407 · Jul 2017
Derek Tatum Jul 2017
The pain of goodbyes
Tears & long sighs
How does a man not feel weak as he cries
Cant stop the floodgates no matter how hard he tries
He tilts his face to the skies as he dries his eyes
Still he feels grateful for such strong family ties
The end of an adventure with so many highs
Pant thighs & shirt damp seemingly dyed
Forward through the fog as the pain slowly dies
407 · Jun 2017
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
Do peaceful moments just come of their own accord?
How much influence does stimuli have on contentment?
Cant be purely chemical.
Serotonin, cortisol, norepinephrine.
Like everything in life.....trying to find a balance with far to many variables.
An educated guess. A fun chemistry experiment, this life.
States of mind...
A mind ramble
366 · Jun 2017
If I Prayed
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
If I prayed I'd pray for you
Your religion was force fed so I strayed from you
If I prayed I'd pray for you, to understand there are other realities to.
Your religion caused me pain & that wont do
If I prayed I'd forsake my truth...
359 · Jun 2017
The Unconventional
Derek Tatum Jun 2017
Conformity shaken off. On the mountain top, not down in the trough. The open road & wild places beckon. Ill be bent to some new adventure in a second. Make your own way. The paths less traveled call today. Solo or in good company, I'll be searching, searching for another vista to see....
318 · Jul 2017
Derek Tatum Jul 2017
The poets hand drags his graphite & somthing is created
One of a kind from a unique mind
Synopsis turned tangible
A legend by work, but name lost to time

— The End —