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 Oct 2018 Call me bella
The poems
That mean the most
To me
Are my most personal

But the ones
That are the most popular
Happen to be the
Most general ones
Writtin in a whim
To empathize with
It makes sense if you think about it
 Oct 2018 Call me bella
I was eating a cookie
But it was too hard
So I put it in
The microwave
For a minute
And guess what?
It worked!
Take a peek inside his poems
if you really want to know him.
He hides himself deep, immersed
a tiny piece in every verse.

Take a peek and take your time
savour the moment of every line.
Relish the thought of what lies there
and appreciate his soul laid bare.

© Pagan Paul (31/08/16)
 Jul 2018 Call me bella
 Jul 2018 Call me bella
Why should I?
I ask my insistent self
And instead of
Giving me some convincing reason
She says
Why should I?
No matter what others say, the only one who can truly understand or at least speak for ourselves is ourselves. Also bringing the idea that the only way to be content isn’t to look for external answers but to be happy with ourselves.
 Jul 2018 Call me bella
Have you ever
Felt so sluggish
You think it probably for your skin
To melt and ooze off
And the muscle underneath starts to sizzle
And only the lonely bones remain
As hot as a metal rod laid out under the blistering sun
One would feel that
If he or she closed their eyes
They’d become a shapeless lump
To much of nothing to be anything
And eventually they’d just sink into the earthen floor
Eventually reaching the crust then core
Then being desintegrated
Into tiny particles
I could keep going
But I’m too tired to think anymore
Let em just close my eyes and...
The title says it all, by the way the ending is implying that the above occurres to the subject of the poem after they close their eyes.
 Jul 2018 Call me bella
I can easily play
With words
With meanings
Twist them around
Sometimes gaining gold
Other times, dirt
But one to me
May be the other to others
 Jul 2018 Call me bella
And when I planted
Your best loved flowers on your grave,
I knew I missed you.
And every time I see a bouquet of tulips, I secretly hope it's from you to me.

© Semicolon
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