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Ayeshah Feb 2011
He stroked my cheek and caressed my back,

looking deep into my eyes.

I felt the heat between us ignite.....

We rushed head long into to this romance....

Silly me for not stomping on the breaks....

He touched me softly slowly as he positioned me to fit his throbbing manhood.

My mind screamed yes as my heart floated above me..

He  was skillful in seduction,

doing everything yet hardly anything to cause me to fall prey to his ministrations.

As he moved in me deeply I felt something within us changing,

something to this day I can't name.

I became his yet he drifted away,

was it what we were doing that had him pulling back as I held on?

We moved as one yet his soul seemed to dance away from me as his spirit teased me..

He had said it to me long ago but this night as we made our self belong to each other

I knew he meant it when he told me He loves me and only me,

moving in and out of me holding me so tight.

His breath on my neck as my cries fade& become muffled his chest.

Faster and faster yet he never stops caressing me touching me.....

He flips me over on my stomach opening my wet bx entering swiftly my body tenses and I moan into the pillow.

We're no longer making love

his is war & it seems our bodies the battle field as we slammed and mash together.

More and more the heat rises between us and he pulls me closer, holding so tight as I scratch his back and succumb to his will.

As my body floats away

all is erased and I come down from my ****** .......

Reality is :

He loves the physical of us but does he love US as a whole?

I'm laying here after the battle is won by him & he's done with me.

He  leaves me to go play Xbox  or maybe with "her" box & I can't help but think. ...

What'll happen when I finally confront him....

Laying my wants & NEEDS  for us out on the table

but he stay out & I fall asleep.

Trust me.................................

This Isn't OVER!

Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Just a thought

but have you

ever wonder about how

the time is set

Like we know all about it

we have : Morning, Noon, Evening & Night

I know who came up with these names but what made them think of it

We know from sun up to sun down it's an order of things that goes like this

5:00 AM to 11:30 AM
11:30 AM to  1:00 PM
1:30 PM to  5:30 PM
5:30 PM to  9:00 PM
9:00 PM to  5:00 AM

Sometimes I don't even take a lunch until 3:00 pm.

So whose to say that's an evening meal when the times now so very different?

I work 12 hour shifts and Night is day for me...
so when should I sleep?

I know I'll have it once again explained,
but its not a question it's just
a Thought.*
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
my mind thinks of the weirdest things when I'm unable to sleep sometimes I'm just drifting from thought to thought for no reason at all...     lol I'll blame my mental.
Ayeshah Dec 2010
I had to listen


not speak,

I had to watch


Not move,
Had fallow


I too could ever lead....

Had to be so broken down

before I could get back up,

I been there


back around again.

Through it all

I learned~

It's these life's lessons

that's made me stronger


for it all

good or bad.......

I am Thankful!

GOD'S Got me


carry's me

threw it all!

Always me Ayeshah
All rights reserved
Ayeshah Jan 2014
I'm tired.

Tired of you

and the **** you keep texting me.

Tired of the many excuses

& all yo threats **** yo *** funny.

Tired of how you assume so much,

shut the **** up.

Everything ain't about you,

her,  them or him.

Most of times it's

I ******* feel like writing.

I'm tired of how you
still try to dictate to me,

******* please
YO *** ain't mines.

When I left you,
it was over your lies,
cheating, your mental,
physical plus emotion abuse,

oh wait don't forget your deceitfulness,
your decorum of begin
a unscrupulous
sorry excuse of a man,

Yo *** tried it calling me
a  N...,
over 4 times.

I bet yo  wanna be
"Italian" ***

liked all this "N!"
did fo you...

Member I was with yo ***
when you were broken,
homeless, penniless
even toothless,
yo *** still toothless,
and  you were still
trying to be a player boo!

You tried to blame me for all
the ****** off **** you've done to me,

but like I been told you
when you begged me back

"all I wanted back
then from you was
money & ****"

No one used you- you played ya **** self,

call me user, gold-digger it's not gon help.

I stopped being in love with you long ago,

I know you seen it when Yo *** tried it,

I been told you- don't put yo

motha ******* hands on me,

you had to finally find out the hard way,

told you stay the **** outta my face,

you screaming loudly in my ear,

trying to scare me


I'm from Brooklyn- fighting meant
some days we got to eat!

You thought because
of what the Arab dude

did to me I'd be scare of

" you",

even at his ****** off worst

that motha ****** -the best at abuse

was 10xs better than you.

You say you want me back,

then flip out cause

I'm not interested,
not when you've still be on some kid level ****!

claimed you want to help,
when I need some money,
you think you slick,
helping a few times, claimed as a friend
then saying I have to be yo woman,
your just a sorry *** liar,
I no longer need that
little once a month $200 dollars,
naw man like I been told you,
I'm not for sell & you you will
never own me.

You once, well a few times told me
I was your property,

I find it funny,

how I belong to you when
I'm my own woman?

You then say I used you but how is it possible

when since I left you I told you upfront son

all I wanted was yo **** & some money,

Now ***** you say and ****,

you called me that

through out our sorry ***
3 year relationship,

I'll be a ***** & a ****

**** I don't give a ****,

"My truth"
is you was
the only one I used to ****

oh wait your warped mind
you say making love,
but you don't know the meaning of love.
I know the differences

and trust me or don't but

you got ok ****  just it ain't
that back breaking- making
love type ****,

it never was,

sorry boo, you only
know how to ****,




**** up a good time and **** up the world

your just **** up and ****** off with your

insults and lame words

put me down it doesn't hurt no mo,

I know I'm better off t
hen ever again being yo girl.

Believe what ever you like

long as we just say good-bye

as the song goes


long as we ain't doing
this no more.

I could care less,

claim I'll never change

but the only who hasn't
gotten help or changed in
the slightest is you and I'm not
yo door mat,

I'm not what you need

try a straightjacket

long as you go do
that **** the ****

away from me.

Yo *** hate to see me
happy even when

I was with you,

your a miserable
type of person,

and a lonely, sad ****,

a 45 year old fool.

Last time we was together

I couldn't wait to be rid of you,

ya just annoying now,

always trying to manipulate
your rules & dictations,

or get your own way,
trying to force yourself

into my life

ya always trying to be spiteful,
plus hurtful

even to ya own father
& that **** was over a bike...

not a motorcycle,
a ****** off pedal bike!

These are all the reasons
why I left you,

but you can tell em all you left me

it doesn't matter cuz at the end of the day

I'm finally happy

being on my own, no accusations, ridicule,

abuse or any other ****** off problems

from you,

and while I'm happy weather

for a moment or a lifetime

I'll live it up & do as I ******* please.

I'm so tired of this same old thing,

comforting you, explaining literally

every single thing

having to always justify myself to you,

the **** are you?

You don't deserve a answer

so MIND YO ******* business man!

This is my life & that of my children

& I'm a do as I **** well please!

if you were a good person in general,

treated me like a man should

things would of been so completely different,

The problem ain't me

as I used to believe,

it's you and I'm

I'm tried,


(you'll never be good or good to me)

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
I been dealing with a person who takes anything I write on Hello-poetry in a literal sense no matter when,what, who and/or where  my idea's , thought or whatever comes from when I write, this dude assumes its about someone else and or about him, then texts me and cusses me out ,puts me down etc, im like so what if i write let me write  who the hell is he to dictate my poems real or not real true or not true  weather of my life or fantasy, anyhow fact is, 1 he aint my man 2 he stalking me online and off and im done, we broke up long ago and well the poem finally says it all, so HP friends forgive me as I rant.... pray for me, my girls & me are  moving to KY soon, so I will be better off out of NM and soon! my kids don't need this or to see me stressed over an ex one who isn't their father or kin and this is just tiring , im a student and it seems i am just wrong for bettering my life n that of my kids since it aint got anything to do with him im wrong, got a retraining order too and he still harasses me so im done as i said. this ends now! thanks for reading and hope to write about better things soon! 1 luv yall! Always Me Ayeshah
Ayeshah Oct 2013
Tonight I felt loved like I've long since forgot existed,

It's been, it seems, like ages,
(10 years,8 months,2 weeks,4 days,12 hours,32 minutes,and 18sec!)

Since, since I've felt this or allowed myself  feel acceptance, or to allow my heart to fill up.

To be cherished even....

Tonight you slowly took your time...

You've given to me, it'd seem the missing pieces I've been needing...

I watched you watching me, as you'd listen to my history and without ever judging you've allowed a bridge to start being built.

You see long ago I knocked one down and I put up walls, I even made a levy in the hopes that no one would attempt crossing again to concur than once more destroy my heart and that of my trust, but tonight....

Oh tonight you listen, asked question's.

Purely from a longing to know me and not just about me,

but how I've come to be who I currently am...

I felt almost whole.

I was it seems, very in tuned with you,

as you shared your history with me, allowing me into a world of worlds,

I've only dreamed of.

Far away lands, I've only read in romance novels.

Yet you've actually lived it.

The magic I held of your homelands, never went away or filtered as you shared the ups and downs of your life and history... it's only made you that more enchanting to me.

It made me that more willing to share myself with you too.

Knowing of your trial and the burdens you too had faced made you seem even more real but still so very enchanting to me.

Oh tonight, you metaphorically sung to my soul and caressed my heart with the amount of trust and love you've encased around me.

After the hours past and each of us shared our history along with sob stories it seems we  solidified what we already knew; a bound not just of friends for life but it became more...

We have had this love for one another but the magnitude of us seem so over whelming as night became morning, you held me tight in your embrace, stroking my back and caressing my hair, expression the need for me to forever be with you and give to you all of me.

Mind ,soul,Heart, and body.

Spiritual love and acceptance all the days of what would be US.

You loved me, with each stroke, with each touch, with each word and syllable, with each caress, you've loved me.

I felt us joining, felt this morning- the bound we made turning into more than us becoming lovers or friends, as if you took me to wife and I've taken you as husband.

I feel foolish to even say such a thing,  because you know how it is at the present and i'ts so sorry I feel every time I leave.

Once here,  laying in bed, I think of all we've shared and things we given word to.

No one else even knows in such a short time we've consummated the idea's of US being everything we failed obtain from previous relationships.... of becoming more nor what it'll all now mean..,  I think of the tenderness you've engulfed all around me along with this shield of your protection, of your love.

Which shines brighter than a lighthouse or any other beacons.

I unthinkably touch myself,  automatically where your fingers have lingered on my skin, where your lips have traced, I find myself this morning longing for you to be with me.

Once more holding me to you as we semi sleep, I can still feel your movements as my body matched you stroke for stroke, and in awe plus yearning I let out a sigh.

I'm at peace.

With you I am home....  Yet right now my dilemma's a skinny yet hefty arm, which holds me firmly...  It feels so foreign to me now, the weight feels awards, as you know this is the same arm that's been holding another and made it a point caste me aside.

For this new assault, this new kind of manipulation(s) I feel a bit sick.

More disappointing too, knowing that it's not you.

I feel dishearten to be laying here thinking of the wonders we shared and to me I need not ever justify this love we've wrought...  yet laying here with him makes me feel sorry for our situation, It makes me feel more sorry for you.

To be placed in this as it is,  after we've cultivated this bound, this love so pure and so true.

A stark contrast to my mistreatment's by said same person & person(s) plus that of your abuse too...

I am scared and feeling very inadequate too.

I need you, and need us.

I'm vulnerable yet I wont falter on what we're allowing to take shape,  to root.

I also wont allow those roots to ever be dug up...  this is now our turn, our time.

This wont be our ending and no shame comes to me when it's about you,

about us becoming

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright ©
K.C.L.N 1977 - Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Feb 2010
A  rare breed in deed.,
Handsome, strong and true,
Your romanticism(s)
have many guessing or left in  
awe as well as wonderment.
You were created,
in such a way as to leave
Women of all sizes and ages
drugged on your ***** words,
As they salivated over each syllable,
each phrase,
what ever lyric & note you present,
So masterfully into your intellectual verses,
Their begging  
for mental release many are begging for you
to consume their baser needs,
In the end the results the same.
Competitions and playing games,
While many of them do this
sitting back with a grin,
Seizing opportunities
instead of battling for you.
Getting to the root and core,
adding up the possibility's & taking score.
keeping my dignity in tack but like most,
I'm extremely fascinated with you,
Your aura compels me as you put a spell on me.
Like them
Females begging for a treat,
Yet the difference is
I keep it held deep inside.
Not showing my feeling
Leaving them so blatantly open.
Never wishing to come second so I stay where I am,
While longing for you from a distance's
Keeping up this friendly appearance.
My soul begs too,
For you to write about  me talk about  
me,confess your dying love for only me,
Reality is you don't know I exist,
As a friend you see me
I'm more like the buddy you see once in a blue moon.
Such a rare Man,
A rare species.
Successfully you've heighten,
Your lyrical accomplishment(s)
setting goals in motion as if your words
were your shaft  
emotionally making love,  
not just words and your objectives necessary,
To achieve a particular task,
I've realize a particular dream or to satisfy
a particular need & want,
for a particular period of time obviously
I read you sort of well
but only time will now
Tell- the truth but for me this is all I need,.
For now
I've surmised the realness in
about you and to me it's more then cool
I see this as another interlude of&about; you,
The you
I've been wanting to get next to and that's another story since
I'm trying to get close to you make you feel as I do and have you see the bounties of being wit me.  For now
This is  me looking forward to finding  
out more about you
so I can add it  in my little notes...,
Toward A Definition of You!
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Mar 2010


I should,

Liking the control and the power of love,
Being in lust & being in love,
Being in lighten

Courageously in awe of these new feelings,
I'm well
let me say it this way,

I love "him" for so many different reasons,

I love him the OTHER dude- too for

"other" reasons,

My Love

is the same YET so completely different.
In-Love with one & Lusting for another,

Intimacy is concurred in the arms of my Lover,

All the things You used to do is now replaced,

My miss trust and all the things "he" do used to be US,

See I wont leave You & can't give "him" up,

You know
of him and "he" knows
I used to be in-love, with you,
In lust with the likes of you too,
You both think
I'm with out the other ,

If only you 2 knew !

Trapped in this triangle
was something I never wanted,

Yet here I am

Caught torn between whats right
and my like of love,
for one verses
My lust for the other,

Deceit ,

Miss guiding lies.
I played my cards & now I have you both on either side.
can I choose when both of you make me whole,
Make a complete package
with out the both of you there is no 100% not even 80% ,

50% for you and for 50% for"him".

I melt when"He" touches me ,

I cry when this one leaves,

I fight for "his" attention,

I beg for that ones peace,

I crave his wisdom,

I long for this "ones" excitement,

I adore this ones wilder adventures,

I linger for "his" anticipation's,

I dream of his body,

while "he" the other rock gentle inside me,
this other-

His kiss makes me think of that "ones" lips,

How am I to choose ?,

When each part of the other 's
like choosing of twins,
the same yet so unique,
so different.
I lust for one,
in love with the other,

Love this one &
long for that one, want him yet keep
my distance & play with
someone else,
had him ,
let that 'one" go,

Now I have the both of you & can't choose!
whose who & which will get hurt,
worst thing is

I'm the fool
for being selfish ,

For doing the wrong thing
and letting it carry on this long .

I can't let go,! No I WONT,

Not even a little,
the way my lover takes me and the way he holds me ,
doing all my man wont do.

Yet the history my man &
I share isn't fair to continue with this love  affair
or is it the end.

I'm to weak to say good bye,

I'm too self centered to
let him love another or even let him try,

I can't see him with no one but me ,

I don't want him given what once was mine,

I'm given what was never really his,

My lovers been getting the best of me and never did

I open myself to my man like I've been to my lover,

My lover has me twisted inside to where

I'm no good for any other dude,

that's a LIE

Since my man has me ****** up too,
He has it where

I wont leave & I'm stuck cheating,
'But taking caring of  our home ,
See how

I can blame everyone but me-myself is at fault
I'm pointing to anyone but whose to blame?
ha ha hee hee

I got lost & caught in a players game,,

How am I to choose
when I love him & "him" too
& They-Both (Love ME so?)

I'm ****** up &

I'm So TORN-

Always Me Ayeshah
© Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Jan 2014
I don't know how to love you like you want or wish me to,

I never claimed in the first place
that I knew what love was,

told you I don't think I've ever owned it

and may have rented it a time or two,

I can't be what you need
if serenity

is what your looking for,

told you I'm a bit lost to where it's like

I wish to believe in your words
but he and him

and they
said the same thing things

promised and gave their word
like your doing

How can I give in when your
a man-  my enemy

friend yet nothing of the sort,

You'd get me,
then hurt me love me

then **** the joy of
just knowing you
right outta of me

tear me down then build me up

take for granted
the day we first met

Lie to my face and disgrace what

would be a happy home
a happy us.

Hurt me so deep
I'll believe  or trust you again,
Or anyone of the opposite ***
barely trust now

but the little I'm able to give to you has me
still questioning is it all
for real,

3 years from now or even 15

will you be able to give me all your

trying to give me now?

I don't know and I'm too scared to find out,

I need to much attention
too much of your time,

so much of being reassured
you'll have to constantly show & tell

prove to me
no one else can take what

you're claiming
Is "mines"

you'd have to validate me every single day

and check in
even if your at work least 3 times a day

Call me once you're
leaving work
& make sure
you're putting me 1st

this love and where, plus

when does the past stop hurting
when do I allow
you to be the man
I so desperately need.

I can't!!!
It's too much
I'll get hurt again


for now

please appease me


Trend Lightly!

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Dec 2010
I have my dayz where I set & think of the ppl no longer in my life (dead&alive;)

I'm grateful

4  the memories,  sad 4  the losses &  Still upset/bitter on sum of the BS that went down.

But  at the end of the day/ night  as

I look back on the scenes of my life share w/ Them  & W/U  

4 that


  I SMILE,   Cry   (sumtimes)  



I realized.........


Pain or not

I'm living!

This is Life

&   it'll be what I make it!





TY  4  



WIT        ME!
Ayeshah Jun 2014
I reminisce quite often

of your touch


the unabashed ****** experimentation's

we've shared.

I know my worth,

so don't you go forgetting,

I had you with your mouth agape,

your toe's curling


you cried out my name...

call my conceit one of a kind,


I know the way you stare,

the way your  eyes lustfully & licentiously devourer me,

the way you crave me


how you cling to the memories of us,

in bed.

Your priapic lust for me


equally accepted & measure,

almost to a point where

I could have ******-combusted


you always seem unable to stop,


you must know,

I have a very arcane little list and lucky for you

I've let you in...

hahaha lucky indeed & better for me.

My concupiscence  language


metaphors simplify & convey my lustful intent.

In simpler terms just know I want to repeat are coupling,

I'd like you to to bend me over and stretch me to my fullest.

open me widely


dance with in my silken  Venus’ cradle,

entangle me into

a dreamlike haze,

in which my  fantasy and reality are indistinguishable.

I know you've  harboured about me & the many ways,

all the very excitingly different ways you could defile

and desecrate my ripe tight little body,

I see more clarity and certainty of what might happen,
if ever

I'd allow you to spend the night with me again,

I still remember our passionate nights together,
oh so very well,  

I can see it,

I taste us and worst yet,

I can feel your animalistic


sometimes brutal ****** assault on me,

I still feel you deep within

my seductive tight little love box.



cannibalistic-cunnalinguist master,

causing havoc within me,

as you attack hungrily

between my thighs,

sending me spinning,

sending me on a  intoxicating high.

Our last encounter,  

left me unable to breathe,

barely able to walk and yet I have no regrets,

well maybe just one,

and that is;

all good things must come to an end!

(until I heal.)

Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
had to do something to incite you hehehe, hope you liked it , trying new things, thanks for reading!
Ayeshah Oct 2019
You still come to me in my dreams ; Untitled ...

there's no name;  there isn't a face that I can grasp on...

you have these light colored eyes;
dark brown -blonde hair;  


I'm entitled to think of all the happy memories; to cherish every moment.
Why don't you have a name;
you don't have a face;

you're a multitude of different shades in these dreams ;  
having the one thing that stands out- is what you were to me;  a vague memory;  a soft kiss on my forehead;
a soft-touch caressing my back.

My secret - my dream come true;
I have no regrets!

I never even met you.
I'll dream again.

I do think of you foundly ;
A famous poet once said
"what's in a name"
I don't know;
so you'll continue to be
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.®
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
Ayeshah Jan 2018
There use to be  
                meaning to the word  LOVE
                                Now; Love's meaning
                                              is to use people
                           Selfless is now;
                                     being more
                                        Once there used
                                                      to be a woman
                                                               who loved
                                                           ­            LOVE  

                                                         She got used
                                                            ­   to being Used
                                                                ­   & now LOVE is no longer
                                                                ­                          welcomed here
                                                                ­                               ANYMORE!
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.®
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Do you know about the voices*

Not for me
their all real  right here in my head

You've assume much - to even contemplate that there

I'm such a
contently locked away in

I hear them speaking
to me even while mingling - surrounded in a crowd

They hold my mind  ransom  
my thought's aren't my own

I've changed and I don't like it my anger erupts violent and abrupt

There isn't much hope for me save yourself
but before you leave  tell me

Do you hear them

Do they talk to you
tell me please*

Do you know about the  

Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
OK well if you do,  PLEASE, keep it to yourself & don't tell no body else.
Ayeshah Dec 2010
I wanted to feel his hands

massaging me once more,

rubbing out the pain & stress of my day(s).

I wanted to look into his beautiful eyes

that always said

"I Love You My Queen"

I wanted to once again

entwine our fingers

as we held close

our bodies while we laid & talked.

I want to kiss his lips,


tongues dance again.

I wanted to run my fingers

once more thew his curly hair....

I want to hear him whisper once more

Good morning my love,

as he came home

from a night of work....

I wanted to feel him

kiss my forehead


say baby

I'll fight for you,

for Us!

Like he once was willing to do...

I wanted him to

be there when

His 1st born!


came outta me,

I wanted him to watch as

my opening stretched wide

for the life we conceived

started to break free,

wanted to look at him watching

me struggle

( for my & our sons life)

Wanted him to watch me

cry out with each contraction,

as my body sweating


shook from hot to cold

with hot flashes & chills,

I wanted him to see

my legs spread far apart,

my bottom hanging it seems~

slightly off the bed

my feet wrecked up on stirrups

as my ***** minora opens wider ,

stretching it's self as well as my  ***** majora....

As our sons head slowly emerges out of me,

I wanted him to watch me

as I watched him

"catch His 1stborn....

His only SON!

I wanted us to cry laugh & hug each other

as our child is placed in my arms....

Him kissing me on my forehead

once more teary eyed with

that proud new daddy

look men tend to get.........

I wanted this and so much more.....

I no longer want it thou!

Realities hit
I'm better off

doing this on my own!

**Always Me Ayeshah
© 1977- present year(s)
All rights reserved
Ayeshah Nov 2014
I told you I wasn't ready,
                                                                    told you I don't have it in me,

                                     even said to you

                        I can't do this

                   nor would I
          ever allow
to hurt me

                You've tried to persuade me,

                                           attempted to make it impossible

                                                                for me to do anything else
                                  but need you,


                              I told you

                               I wasn't ready

                                        not for what your asking,

                        I can't love,

                           not like you'd expect

                                                and I've been let down,

done & out and cast aside,

                  put out in the cold....

                       I told you I wasn't ready

                                                 for more of the same

                                        You'd think
                         I'd learn by now

and would have a clue,

              but you fooled me

                            not for long

            but fool I was

                                                           for YOU...

                         Doesn't matter
                                                          your excuses & reasons

                                                 I'm already so used to this


                                                        even if you're telling the truth

            there really is no use

                        because I'm so sick of you....

I've had pain aplenty.

                        Why'd you wish to cause me more,

                                deliberately playing with me,

           like I'm pose to just take it, deal with it!

                                             I told you I wasn't ready

           I'm so broken


         there is no way
                                                for anyone to fix me

             specially you...

                         Not when you've come

doing the same

               exact things

              which had me running for the hills

just a while back!

                                             You're  doing so many similar things

                                          I have to wonder

                     if the cycle of my abuse

                                                             was plotted and planned

                                  as if

                       My Ex's gave you a road map,

           to the very things that'll destroy me...

                          As if they've given you the tools

to cause me such pain and harm.

                                      I pleaded with you,

                                                    explained my mistreatment,

                                                               my young child hood abuse...

                                                       Told you too

                                   how much

I've been through

          with my exes.

Told you still,

             how it feels to recently lose

                          so much in such a sort time,

           but you've failed to listen...

Failed to understand and refuses to cooperate.

                                       Guess the gaping hole in your chest

                                                 made you realize

                                    way to late,

             I spoke the truth.

                      When I said*

                                I WASN'T READY!

                          Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
                                 K.A.C.L.N ©
                   All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present
I really hate when I'm being lied to and played with. I'd rather be alone. I believed a soothing lie until I found out the truth and I have to move on , heal my broken soul and just be alone....
Ayeshah Jun 2014
You're walking out, I try not to think so negatively but with all the things going on, I feel I have to be cautious, so I watch.

*Lucky for me I can look out my windows and see you standing there, I hope its a comfort for you to know I'm here and always will be.

From your 1st step, to your 1st words and even your 1st day home from the hospital in your preemies outfit I've watched, and sometimes held my breath fearful to let you go....

Now 14 years have past..  
(We have many more to come).

Today I sat looking out my window on my bed, watching you,
I remember how many times I held your little hands in mines and often on those occasion I'd have to reluctantly let you go, allow you to grow and let you do it all on your own.

The 1st time you fell off your bike, skinned your knee's from your roller blades, and  fell off a swing, I helped you up yet you've always made sure I'd let go of your hand so you could try again...

Reluctantly I'd let go, watchful even afraid at times but watching you today waiting for your bus to take you to summer school, I see the lesson's I've taught you implemented in all you do.

As you look both ways before crossing the street,  from our home to get on your bus,

I become nostalgic...

Thinking back to your 1st day of school, a single tear streams down my cheek, while Reluctantly;

you're standing next to me, asking when will the bus come, *

"how long is 10 minutes"  

and the look in your beautiful brown eyes once you have to get on,
you say ma can you come with me please...

Reluctantly once
more I say no, and have to let go of your hand...

You smile that lovely bright pretty smile and say;

"It's OK ma I will see you here when I get off the bus right?"

I just nod too choked up to voice myself.
you've grown onto a wonderful young lady & as I've watched your 1st crush and heart breaks.

*I thank you for allowing me to comfort you plus for you

holding my hand*  

* through these 14 years.

Your strong, beautiful, smart, funny, and have shown me I sometimes need to let go more often.

You might be ready, but mommy's not...

Not just yet,

so holding my hand-- a minute longer or bit more than you have to, is greatly appreciated,  remember if and when you need me, I'll be here ...

Whenever those times come for you do it all on your own,
I'm sure you're completely capable,
but I'll still be right here for you...

  And I'll watch!

*Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
To my 4th child, you've taught me so much and through your eyes I see the world's vibrancy. Thanks for this journey & adventures, I'm sure there is so !much more to see and learn. Mommy loves u O.Starr L.Nelson, you're a great teacher!
Ayeshah Jan 2014
We're laying here  with pillows on the floor, like where in the Sahara or some other exotic place just- watching TV.

Hold me while you run your fingers through my hair, caress my face as you look down into my sober face,  a smile breaks and i cast my eyes downwards knowing I'm blushing  cause your looking at me with that tale tell look.

I flick through the channels pretending not to notice your left arms laying right on my breast, the weight of it is refreshing since your left arms underneath my right arm and you've encircled the top half me protectively in your embrace.

I like leaning back on your chest as we watch TV, going through the channels together but you allow me to hold the remote, we settle for a movie we both like, "The Grudge".

We're all into the movie & been watching for a long while, it's scary and I shirk so loud you hold me tight,  even though I've now jumped a tiny bit & cursed out the scary girl crawling around on the screen,

I've covered my eyes with my blanket, I peek out from the blanket and look up at you, your holding in a laugh which seems so hard for you to do.

Kissing my forehead and loosen up your grip, then say to me baby are you scared?

Naw like really?,  of course I am & duh I say, you finally burst out laughing , its beautiful like sweet baritone- like music.

You bend & kiss me,  the kiss, I guess goes on for what seems like hours, it's only been at most a minute,.
Baby,- is what you say to me and finally I open my eyes, your looking at me with that tale tell look.

We kiss some more as we start ******* each other, fast and swift we get right down to it, no  foreplay  just the kissing, you enter me and unbeknown to me I'm moist, ready.

Your moving deeply, I'm moving fast, like it's a race, your aims to take your time,  but I'm heated, I've been longing for you, so I make sure without saying a word that I end up on top.

I'm grinding my pelvis as we mesh together, allowing you to move in & out of me, I'm climaxing rapidly, I told you I've been longing for you.

****** You've stop me dead, cold, and I'm looking at yo *** like what the ****, you smile those bright teeth with those amazing lips spread wide showing off your kool-aid grin, then say to me relax baby & don't move.

I don't know how you've done it but I'm on my stomach in a flash, and you haven't even taken your **** out of me,  rather your moving so deep inside of me allowing the pleasure from before to come back in such a force,
that I ******* bit hard down on my lip, not intentionally, your moving fast now and smack me on my ***.

I'm moving with you as if I'm a dancer in a ***** shaking video,  as if I'm a **** star pro and your the main star, I've always wanted to ****.,

I'm moving faster now, we've matched each other stroke for stroke, so much so it's like where  racing to some imaginary finish line,

but you slow your pace, I wish I could- but I'm already climaxing and my body's doing it on it's own.

You intentionally move even deeper, to where I can feel you hitting my ******,

It's all my body needed,  I cry out so loudly, you pick up your pace and **** me so hard, so deep, your holding on to my hips and slamming your **** in & out,  out & in
with such force & so much friction, once more my body's reacting.

You pump so fast & all I can do is take it, while I *** again & again,  you've yet to,

but I can feel it coming, with each stroke, each ******,  I feel the thickness all nine inches of you swell up.

You growl out; Ahhhhhayeshahhh, I'm *******, and erupt, right behind you is my turn, guess you knew cause you never stop.

This is crazy cause all this started just from us

Watching TV.*

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1990-Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah May 2010
I counted  the clock
as I watched the small hand slowly tick by

I stared off into space
as I watched the weather change from sunny to Grey-
blurring my vision as my mind drifted away...

Something in the air told me to be still-  listen & wait

but if I'd of known on this day
you'd do the unthinkable so intangibly-
I well I don't know what I'd of done....

I haven't eaten since you left
I hardly slept since I found you gone...

Hard to think as I sit at my dinning table
watching out my bay window as children laugh & play.

I heard a dog bark and watched a girl playing with her hula-hoop

I sit as tears run down my face thinking are you eating are you safe?

Why now would you think to leave
when everything you wanted
is right in front of you?

Is that person you ran to worth
the pain your causing me?

What can you be thinking ?

As I sit hear with my elbows on this table,
head bent low & my hands in my hair.

I hear a knock & my heart skips a beat, butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach...

That lil girl with her hula-hoop tapped my window and smiles (I thought it was you)

I smile right back but all  I see is you- in my mind
I see you with your tiny hands, your wrapped in blankets,
leaves of many colors  fall down from above as we sat in  Elizabeth Park
me reading  Winnie The Pooh  to you.

You at about 2- running with your very first kite  
saying looky momma look "it fly'ing"...

As you ran you tripped stubbled & fell  sadly your kite flew away...
I chases it but I couldn't reach it in time....
You look up with tears & it breaks my heart I didn't catch your kite
so I cry too and you say to me momma it OK.

I see in my mind you  at 4 laughing with your sister - you both hold hand
twirling round & round in circles   until you fall down giggling all the while.

I wonder where is that smile of yours now?

Where's the laughter & feelings you had way back then?

My tears are overflow- spilling on this dinning table...

I look up and watch
the tiny red hand on the clock tick, tick, tick on by,
it's the only sound in my house.

Your sisters outside playing with their friends
as  I sit watching out the window& all I see is the many blended
children whom now look all
like you- running, laughing, playing...

Being free to be them selves & all I can do is long to have you home for once.
No picture is gonna help
because you've left me watching, waiting once more,
I  been here all this time doing what I seem to continuously do which is
Watch As Time Flys By!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Dec 2015
I've changed
You've changed

Remember when
duck duck goose  
made sense

Giggling bubblely laughter  
was all that mattered


Tag you're it

Ring around the Rosies

Pockets  full of posies

Remember it;

I've changed

You've changed

Life threw us  ashes

Ashes ashes

123 Greenlight

Didn't see it coming
turned red

Ashes ashes

I can feel myself lifted

flying in the air

Your feet tucked into my belly

Your hands holding my hands

Remember that;

Miss Mary Mat Matt Mat

All dressed  in  black  black black

With silver buttons  

heading to a funeral home

That's what's she was doing
but it's not
how the children's song
goes huh

Remember when;
We'd stand in front of the mirror

****** Mary
****** Mary
******  oooooo don't  say it

I liked it best when
we played

ding **** ditch

Ashes ashes

life's ashes swirling  
grey dark hazy

Smokey mist glimpses
as my mind races

Glittered  pieces  
Like a kaleidoscope
fading in and out

Making funny shapes & faces

Faces with no name
whom I've known
when life was simpler

Ring around the Rosies

Pockets  full of posies

Posies ; deep pock marks

Scares an unnamed souls

  from crashing though  
a car's windshield

She wanted to text
she'd be home soon

123 Greenlight
turned red

Ashes ashes

I've changed
You've changed

Remember when

Being young & irresponsible was seemingly
our job

We didn't  have to worry or wonder

Remember when;

Tag  you're  it

Ashes ashes

I changed

You changed

We All Fall Down!
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Yeah this is my brain on mental illness no cure just how the thoughts display there self in my head all the things I see and or hear like a movie.   ***** yet it's home for me.
Ayeshah Jul 2017
I admit
most times
I don't know what I'm doing....

Traded one
for something that refuses to grow
no matter how much
I tried to nurture it,

how did I figure it'd work,
when every part of my being
was screaming ; 

 "girl don't you do IT".

I did it....

I felt
I hadn't any choice,
I lost it all already
seemed the course
was set for me
with out me
making up my mind .

I did it....

I should of reconsidered

but for what and for whom?

I was alone
longing and now

I'm stuck,

for protective arms
to hold me
stead of
pushing me away.

Pointing fingers
constantly accusing
never to touch me
gentle or rock my body
with any affirmation of love,*

not your love; yours is toxic,


always has me crying....  


I did it.

I have nothing left
but regrets
more broken promises and this....


wedding ring.
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
Ayeshah Dec 2015
I like the thought of you
Of us being together

I like the thought of you being in my arms
I like the thought of you

I think of how you smile

I think of how you lay or should say how you would lay next to me

I think of how we'll sit and watch TV
It's  not really important what we watch
Long as we're spending the time together

I think of how your loving would be

Ironically  thoughts drifts in and out of how I'd want you to eat my food

Thoughts of  you'd say your full

I think of how  the love novels talks of this undying love and how it  speaks of demons giants and Dragons

How you'd save me
from all of them

I'd be the girl in the novels  and they live somehow happily ever after

I'm thinking that could be you and me

Yeah I like the thought of a fairy tale coming true

A battle or two fought over me

Of someone taking me away from my hole in the wall  castle

Someone um  like um  you

I got all the imaginary demons dragons and Giants ready for you to fight em

All up in my mind- imaginary then again their real in reality  too

For now
I'll pretend and think of you being my Knight in shinning armor

I like that idea better

How you'd slay them and comfort me

Holding me close to you on a mountain top as the wind blows in my hair

The end result would be
sealing our relationship
with a single chaste kiss

I like the thought of that

I like thinking of you

I like assuming one day
I'll skip the imprisonment of my mind

escape these single baring thoughts of being left alone

I'll escape the torturous mental illness and I'll be normal

Normal enough for you to love me and for me to accept it

Normal enough for us to come together

Normal enough for you to see me never as a threat

Only someone that is forever in your debts because you'd change my life

I'd cherish you - like you'd cherish me

I don't know what that's called
OH  yes I do
it's called husband and wife

These things are what
I think about

Yes all this   this um silliness
when um well
when I think of you
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Fairytales can come true I still believe in them ..... sometimes. ......
Ayeshah Nov 2010
Baby hold onto me...

Can you feel me breathing...
in your scent
as our bodies collide
smashing together
like waves hitting the sand.

Can you hear my whimpers
as you
slowly & deeply
the very core of my essence.

I unfold like blooming flowers,
as you succumb to desire
caused by my teasing you....

Months on end I flirted
and teased wearing
mini skirts,
thigh high stocking
with lacy garter belts
playing the role
of sensual seductress
all the wile gearing up
to be more
then your temptress...

I want to cossume your body
and fill your thoughts
of the sweet pleasure
I've given you.

Tasting me on you is
a fixation
that sticks in my head
as I lay awake
at night thinking
of how
you've caressed
me with your lips

and tickled me with
your fingers
as you strummed
my budding rose.

I got this fantasy
I'd like to try with you,
how about you
let me tie you up to my bed
and tease you,

kissing your growing shaft
as I flick my tongue  
over the head
and slid my mouth
around the base of you...
You can only move your hips
no touching
just let me do this........

Can you let me untie you
and bring you to the shower,
I'll wrap the strings right around
my wrist you helping too,
spreading me eagle
in a stand up positions
then roughly you enter,
deep strokes  after strokes
yet I am now the one
who can't touch you...

Lift me up and push in deeper,
hurt me love me
as I let out little screams

& whimpers of pleasure.
I cry out again & again
as you shove yourself
in so deep,
I feel alive yet I'm floating.....

I have yet to touch earth again
and your starting back up,
working your mouth around me, in me
and  my budding rose,

tongues dancing in and out of me,
I can't breath,

my mind follows my body
as I reach new heights...

Stars burst in the back of my eyes,
I feel again and again like I'm floating,

swimming in ecstasy......

To got **** bad

was only a dream


how things once used to be!
I'm laying here wide away

Always me Ayeshah
All rights reserved.
Ayeshah Dec 2015
I literally felt the pain rushing through
my body while reading your email
I'm so sorry to read
what you must have felt
that day and that moment
I can't say that
*I know how you must have felt
because I never had this happen to me,
but I sort of know how it feels since
I've been cheated on plenty of times
But getting an email like this  
Nope this hasn't ever happen to me
I know you assume
it was due to you lacking
in so many area's
Truth be told
I've not a reason
why things happen as they have
nor can I
explain why I took
away from you
what would of been your fairy tale romance
I don't know you and never planned to
I didn't even really know him
or that he was playing this silly game

I hope you will be able to forgive me
pray too you'll find a new love
and a new happy ending for yourself
because you deserve it

As I've stated I-I don't know you
and never planned to
I didn't even really know him
or  I'd of know you were

*His wife

Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
when a man fails to tell you he's married and makes you his unwilling Mistress these are the things which can and often do happen. I feel bad for the ladies and Wives who end up in this mess!
Ayeshah Feb 2014
Selectively mines,  on conditions that I don't step out of line, don't dare ask too many questions because it makes you answer with more questions where I'm turnt into the bad guy,

the one who doesn't understand, it's all my fault somehow, it's because of me, I failed to give into to ridicules accusations or allow defeat, I was pushed past the point of breaking ,

I even lost me a few times, I've been insane for as long as I can remember but this time it's completely different, I wake to walk in fear every hours of the day,

I'm made to feel ashamed for loving you, told I'll never be as good as the one you're faithfully into someone whose not even known you not the real you not as I do,

seed after useless seeds polluted a once healthy womb, drop after drop tears fell ******* shadows passing me up,

leaving me for what may become a happy ending to this fairytale nightmare,screaming myself away flinging covers off of me, laughing as I cry  out darkness, so dark and the scents nostalgically unpleasant, the many times her scents lingered on you

even in thought I conjure up the smell of lies, the musty deceit, the filthy metallic accusations thrown at me

Selectively mines when it suites your ego and when it's not inconveniencing you, I'm turnt into the bad one the person whose always to blame,

                  the one who
doesn't understand,
                it's all my fault                        
it's because of me,
           I failed to give into
                           to ridicules accusations
                                                       or allow defeat,    
                                                  I was pushed
                                                     past the point of breaking

the reason you need her - where I no longer have a place, I had no choice too, I had to move on.

Hardest things to do when your reaching for a hand but end up with  straws, darkness and no help, dreams unpleasantly real, craving a touch a kiss, to be notice.

        Knock knock,    
                          whose there?

                                             No one....
                                       Just your
                                                  Wife of 11 years.

                                  Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
it's sad to give anyone all of you when you now only have very little to nothing left to give your self, I know for me trusting people is too scary, last relationship lasted 3 yrs and what went down in the previous one which was 11 ++ really both did a number on me.  never forget to trust your instincts.
Ayeshah Dec 2010
She studied him ,while not really letting him
know she was checking him out
He was looking at her  bluntly
showing her he was looking
& checking her out too
As He crossed the room
to go turn on the stereo.,
She studied him closely
Noticing ; He looked
Afrocentric and so exotic
His Muscular ****** Body
worked to a hue of perfection.,
Honey Skin,Silk waves combed just right
so the light caught the red high lites
He probably didn't even know. he had
His face seemed sculptured
molded in pure model like form
****** hair shaved like he was working for GQ
Magazine Breath taking'ly Handsome.,
She held her breath as he looked up at her
he winked and pointed to the song playing
on the stereo
All she could do was nod her head in agreement.
He saw in the mirror how
she was looking secretly at him
or so she was lead to think,
He too was doing the same thing
Checking out this Beautiful Hypnotic Queen
The legs and hour glass shape was what 1st caught
his eye but the smile she gave
sent chills down his spine
the way she moved
so gracefully
like she was walking on air
made him feel weak kneed
Her Hair flowing in its natural state
curly and hanging down on her shoulders
giving her a heart shape looking face
he could run his hands in it but not just yet,
The feelings she in golfed
in him made him forget
what they was supposed to be doing
Studying for their law exam.
They didn't have to speak,
It seem the silences
would become a special communication.
Like in oasis the desert
the silence was a balm giving peace and respite
from the world
were words could become meaningless
sounds masking the emotions and abrading the senses.
These silences were uplifting ; a type of intimacy with-out
Looking in His eyes and not saying a word
in harmony with each other
holing onto the memories of unspoken desires
casting off the shadows of doubt,
He don't need to enter her flesh
when just being there next to her was a gift
Cherished & treasured,
This was such a different kind of love.
She's looking in his eye's Silently
caressing him
Mind blowing thoughts shared
even as words were unspoken,
eye contact promised everything
Didn't need no words
when you're mentally
emotinally and
soon to be phycially connected
And then He Smiles.
His eyes light up
He has beautiful eyes
the thickest longest lashes
she had ever seen on a man
His light eyes became lit from
within and a feeling of sunshine
filled the room.
Because of her He was able to smile again
let the laughter in
Because of him she was able to trust
open up again.
And all this was done
With out a word!
Always me Ayeshah
written Saturday, December 23, 2006
© 2010
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Ummm oO O Baby

I'm so sure your

gonna be good,

So Good & sweet,

Baby you got me
longing & yearning
for you

Your what I've
been waiting
for all day,

I counted
the minutes
I got home

Even lit some candles
& set the mood,

I bet your gonna
melt in my mouth

Explode baby-
all over,


So luxurious & luscious
I rushed outta work
to get to you,

Baby ummm
I wanna feel you-
Feel you
burst inside of me,

Over flowing
your sweet

as you

dribble down
the side of my mouth,

Baby I wont waste  
a drop of you,

I'm gonna savor
every single
bit of you,

I can almost feel you,

Ohhh how I need
you right now

Your worth
the wait,

Believe me Baby,

Ummm your so hot

Stickey silk soft
smooth and
ready for me

So welcoming-

Yes oh OOOO
Umm Yes

I can't wait
No more,

Oh how you
tease me

Baby Baby Yes-

I'm gonna enjoy
you so much!

I see your  finally
ready for me.

**** Baby
I Love  You........

My sweet wonderful

¡!Cream Filled Cupcakes¡!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyrights ©
1977-2009 Ayeshah(A.K.K.C.L.N)
All rights reserved.
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Didn't you noticed how everything is different

NO more kisses well... not as much or like we once used to

We don't talk anymore, remember when we used to stay all night; we called it "breaking night"

We'd talk for hours about nothing at all until dawn & beyond

Not anymore & not sure what happened

What went wrong & what's going on

How come all of this is taken place

How can you loose track of what we stood for

Why would you and how come you don't seem to be in love with me

What did I do wrong

What's the matter with me

Whose taken my place because it seems that way

Isn't it silly & crazy how we used be so in tune
so in love
so happy

Simply put I'm banished
transcended to being merely your friend

I can't even call myself your woman
Or ya lady


This is crazy we don't do anything together

You don't touch me or really speak to me
Well you do but it's nothing tangible or important

When I say anything it goes in one ear & out the other

Do you know I'm here cuz I feel  invisible

I guess I don't have you  

It's as if you've replaced yourself with somebody new; someone who doesn't like me
Doesn't want to be seen with me
This new you doesn't even think of my needs

Seems clear to me that
moved on
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
Ayeshah Jun 2014
I can't do this
as if
we'll go further

than we've been.
I don't have it in me

to play
these heart wrecking

Say what you want & say what you must

when it comes time

Thank me.



I did you a favor
walking out
I've done

I've given you


instead of
moments spent

the days you've ever
met me


complaining in anguish


the rest of your life

You'll thank me
I'm sure
of it

I'm just not

right for you

I'll ruin the fabrics & fibers
in which you so live by



the peace that


your inner mind

You'll have nightmare

I swear


they'll be all of me

I can't do this

Don't put faith or trust in me

Some day

I promise

without me

You shall be happy


my miserable

You don't need


* like

I'm mean & nasty

down right raunchy

I'm overly
argumentative & so very overbearing

I don't like washing dishes & dislike listening

I wont compromise or consider your feeling

not to heart.

I'll **** up yo world &  rip it all apart.

I can't do this

none of it is going to work

I have no faith & no trust

I can't help you


I don't wish to

I don't like

feeling these weird things
when you

look at me
or touch me just right

I feel as if my flesh's on fire

my inside do flips

my mouth waters up
my heart beats faster

I get goosebumps & all tongued tied

I feel things that


the hell outta me

I have no empathy
least I doubt I do

I've been told
what it is
doubt I can feel it

I think & feel

different than you

Enclosed in this darkness

comforts me

You'll never understand

This bleak soothing

presents of loneliness

it's for me

The emptiness

is far better


anything good
you'd possible bring

These shattered

glass-like pieces

of my broken heart
helps me

Never to forget


no good


for you


One day

real soon

You'll Thank Me

**Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
    K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
Ayeshah Dec 2010
Acceptance is overrated when being a Mommy is even better then popularizes falsehood&superficial; non-importance personal gain! or a daddy either way

whats gain if you gain nothing  in life and if being a parent aint for you well good for you

this is to those who get down and ***** and do the right thing everyday for OUR BABIES from not yet born to 100 yrs old & GONE!

Acceptance is overrated when being a Mommy is even better then popularizes falsehood&superficial; non-importance personal gain! or a daddy either way

I gain  kisses and paid in hugs, I gain wisdom from tiny fingers smudged in finger paints,

I have knowledge beyond my or their years from tears cuz of boboo's + shrieking laughter

&  bedtime stories,

smile of chocolate face kisses & warm S'more sticky fingers covered in blankets of hair,

sleeping on my pillows in an over crowded bed of baby limbs, hands & feet from the tallest & oldest to the youngest  or shortest .

From the I went ***** by my self to day... to the I fell off my bike ,

to the I can do all by my self mommy to the I'm going out with friends mommy,

from the can I have 50 cent to the 18 yrs old can I borrow ya car & get 50 dollar's

watch each close their pretty brown eyes as my pillow and room becomes theirs  as  we fall asleep to nick at night

(little bear or Hey it's Franklin  )

and I'm kicked to the floor in my sleep !


AYESHAH K.K.C.N. LOPEZ Copyright ©2010
Ayeshah Dec 2010
You said

You'd be my Baby,Never try to play me,

Temptation's  got to your head

Love was just a word ,

Caught up in the moment

Didn't Mean a word you said

Romance just a thing of the past

Possibility's of you & me

The life we could of had..,

You Said,

You'd never leave me

I not knowing you deceived me..

Whats going on in your head

Told me I'm ya one and only  

than left me lonely

I'm hurting so badly

Thinking of all you said to me

Got me Always guessing

what you might be doing


who you doing it to...,

You said i was ya Lady

I must be going


Thought you'd save me  

from pain and abuse

The normal thing's

I'm used to,


your doing it too  

Baby your  pose to be my destiny.

Look what you've done to me !

You said

You'd be My Papi  

Now you trying to knock me  

Make me less than i am

I thought you was my man

You Said

You got me  

That I'm all you want & need

Got me crying & weeping

in a heap  with grief

pain and disbeleaf.

You Said

There was no other  

Now your taking

Application's for lover's!

You Said,

I was the best

now she's laying  on ya Chest

Claiming ya body

touching whats pose to be Mines

My Papi

My Baby

My Man....

It must be a bad dream

A night mare

I got to find peace


try to understand you.

From what I let you do to me,

I believed in all you told me

As you laid with me ,

While i let you hold me,

You Said

So so many thing's

They were just word's ..

still i want(ed)  to be with you,


I'm so confused ..

You said,

All I wanted to hear

My Baby


I gave in to you

I can't believe you'd

hurt me

Not like this..

You said you wouldn't


Showed me you

the truth about you...,


believe me

I will always remember

all the thing


(Thursday, March 1, 2007)

Always me Ayeshah
© 2010
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Stroke me right there
contort imagery
from my
salacious mind
and make it reality
I have a need
to be tamed

So dominate me

bend me over

pull my hair

slide fast & swift

deep inside me...

I've harbor
so many fantasies
of us
Of  your wicked body

dreamed of you
desecrating my body

The way your eyes
bore into mines
has me longing
for you to devour me

I sit on the bed
and watch you slowly undress
trying to hold my composure
all the wile
in my head

I've already ripped off your shirt

and unzipped your pants

I don't wish for love making tonight

just give me a royal hard lust-felt


You're done and guess it's my turn

but there really isn't anything to take off

I've dressed just for you

in my baby blue sheer teddy

with matching thong garter belts

that clamps to my sheer thigh-high stockings

equipped with heels

I like how you've bent your head
causing me to look up
love how you bite your lower lip
right before you cover mines
with yours

I can feel you sink
on to the bed
knee bent between my legs
Your hands move
slowly up my thigh

Our kiss never broken

I like where this is going

keep touching me right there

rubbing circles around my sensual bud

as your fingers dance in and slowly out

of my unfolding flower

stroking my desire
I'll not stop you
I feel like I'm on fire
keep kissing me
touch me here
gripe my supple *******
I can't help moaning

I've dreamed this for so long

here we are engross and entwined

your hands move to my buttock

Lifting me and pulling me toward you

Oh my

I wasn't ready  for such a swift assault

or your massive engorged manhood

enter with out any hesitation*

I feel dizzy
from the
pure animal-like
that's taken over me

I Love how you've made
my mind cease
the thoughts of us

You're more than
what I've bargained for
as you move deeply
with long strokes

My legs automatically
wrap around your tone waist
I can't stop myself

I move in sync with you

all the wile my moans become wails
the deeper you penetrate me

We move like a dance as you go out
I move as you do
when you crash hard within
I meet you match for stroke
I'm overwhelmed and about to burst
it's a bit too much to handle

Oh how did you flip me over
putting me on my knees
so effortlessly

Pulling my hair
you've re-entered
and its all
I can do
not to reach behind me
and push you away but
You've caught
my wrist
and pound even more
harder & faster

While using your other hand

you reach in front of me

playing with my ***** bud

causing havoc on me

I'm drowning in desire

longing for release

quick as a flash

it's coming in waves

I cry out your name

and you let me fall

on to my stomach

asking if

I've had enough

give me a sec

and will go again

but right now


Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present  
All right reserved

— The End —