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Summer Mar 2017
i want you to know I will always be there for you. even if you’re very far away. physically or mentally. i am always here.
Summer Dec 2015
Write poetry until you feel like every inch of yourself is being devoured by your thoughts. Let yourself get lost in self-loathing. Scream until your lungs give out and you cough out blood. Let emptiness swallow you whole, invite it into your bed, let it claw your eyes out, but treat it like a lover. Let it drive you mad, remember emptiness is the closest feeling to love you will get in a while and at least it will make you able to put beautiful words on paper, unlike love you which will keep you in a trance, when emptiness will keep your eyes clear and your mind awake. Remember love isn’t what you ******* want. It isn’t what you ******* need, it will take all you have, ****, it will take every single beautiful thought out of you because love doesn’t last. Love never lasts and when you’re empty, ****, you may feel like your chest is collapsing but ******* your mind is becoming s garden and you realize how your eyes hold stars and how ******* beautiful your brain is and I really don’t think anyone else can make you fully realize your self worth, ****, you are the only one who could do that. Let yourself go mad for a while. ******* do it. No pair of arms could ever produce your thoughts. No one is exactly like you. No one writes the exactly the way you do or speaks the way you do or acts the way you do and ****, APPRECIATE YOURSELF. Because when everybody’s leaves you, your brain and your body are the only things you’ll ******* hate left. Lovers are temporary for you. But self love, self love is something you need to make ******* last. Remember that the next time a person breaks you.
old old old
Summer Dec 2015
Write poetry until you feel like every inch of yourself is being devoured by your thoughts.
Let yourself get lost in self-loathing.
Scream until your lungs give out and you cough out blood. Let emptiness swallow you whole, invite it into your bed, let it claw your eyes out,
treat it like a lover.
Let it drive you mad,
remember emptiness is the closest feeling to love you will get in a while and at least it will make you able to put beautiful words on paper
, unlike love you which will keep you in a trance,

when emptiness will keep your eyes clear and your mind awake. Remember love isn’t what you ******* want.
It isn’t what you ******* need,
it will take all you have, ****,
it will take every single beautiful thought out of you because love doesn’t last. Love never lasts and when you’re empty, ****, you may feel like your chest is collapsing but ******* your mind is becoming a garden and you realize how your eyes hold stars and how ******* beautiful your brain is and I really don’t think anyone else can make you fully realize your self worth, ****, you are the only one who could do that.
Let yourself go mad for a while.
******* do it. No pair of arms could ever produce your thoughts. No one is exactly like you. No one writes the exactly the way you do or speaks the way you do or acts the way you do and ****, APPRECIATE YOURSELF. Because when everybody’s leaves you, your brain and your body are the only things you’ll ******* hate left. Lovers are temporary for you. But self love, self love is something you need to make ******* last. Remember that the next time a person breaks you.
im not sure if i agree with this anymore
Summer Dec 2017
snorting coke makes me feel closer to god
she sung to me as i turned the lights off
and walked out of the room,
an aching in my back.
the only year i can remember is 2014,
before you grew your hair out,
and i didnt know your real name.
my sister is in her bedroom asleep.
having ******* dreams mixed with codeine.
i want to die in your basement.
as the footsteps are over my head,
we wont be sleeping tonight,
i’ve stopped getting high.
the only year i can remember is 2014,
and how your lips were cold.
and the times i lied and told my mother i was sick,
so i could lay in bed
and pretend the sheets were your arms.
but since then-
i have learned my bedsheets cannot touch my face and kiss my cheeks.
i am not in love with you anymore.
as flowers rot in-between my toes
and i watch explosions on tv screens.
nothing is real.
the only year i can remember is 2014.
i am not alone.
you are making me hot chocolate
and looking at the snow through your window
as the granite countertops reflect your figure,
i am holding onto to nothing-
and there is nothing all that important in my life I’m afraid of letting go of.
i let our knees touch in your basement.
i am completely vulnerable,
you are close to me.
but now you feel so far away, as i see you there by the pine trees.
i want to tell you how there is so much i remember about you that has been
sitting dormant in my head,
and how every moment with you seemed so beautiful, and how you will always mean so much to me.
the only year i remember is 2014.
we are meeting for the first time,
and i barely know anything about you,
not even your real name.
not even what your voice sounds like.
i sit next to you as you show me your favorite songs.
and i tell you about my favorite things,
as the autumn leaves fall on concrete,
the suburbs feel endless.
my voice doesn’t shake around you.
i don’t think much of it,
maybe you just make me feel different.
maybe i knew i’d have a tough time letting you go,
maybe i still am.
for many years,
i told myself we met at the wrong time,
now i am not so sure of that.
it is November 2014
and i am crying in your parents basement
i cant remember anything that had happened that year,
i was so alone,
but i feel you put your head next to mine.
i have something important in my life i am holding onto,
and do not want to let go of.
i should’ve held on tighter.
its December 8th 2017,
and I’m sitting in my dorm room,
throwing cigarettes into my trash can,
they have been making me feel sick.
all i can remember is 2014,
and how much every moment meant to me.
the girl i loved back then isn’t real anymore.
i see her sometimes, but she is different.
i am glad.
i pull my covers over my head,
knowing i am missing someone who was never really mine in the first place,
and doesn’t exist now and maybe never did.
i have nothing left to hold onto,
and nothing I’m afraid of letting go of.
i am alone.
Summer Dec 2015
I dream about them all the time
Every night
I am in their arms
Like old times
Under blankets
They pull me in closer
I feel their warmth against me
They feel so nice
And I want to stay there forever
I want to stay asleep forever
I don’t want them to leave me again
I wake up
And they are gone
Just like that
I am pushed back into reality
Where they are in love with somebody else.
I wonder if I could just
sleep forever
I am torn between
Staying alive
Just so I can see them loving someone else
So I could sleep forever
And stay content
Because in my dreams they’re with me
And that’s all I want
and the nights I can’t sleep
Are the worst
Because I don’t want to wait
Any longer to see them again
And I never want to leave my bed
In my dreams
They still love me
And oh god
how their tongue dances
Near my mouth
And now their hands
Fit perfectly with mine
Summer Dec 2015
one day
i am going to be a star.
someone once told me
when we die
we will all become
and we will float
around in the universe.
i will become the cosmos
in your eyes
forever to be lost in your eyes
forever to be lost in your eyes
Summer Apr 2016
when i turned seventeen
i was no longer a ******’s dream
i smoked that dope
and i watched my lungs burn out
while an uncaring girl took everything away from me
i don’t feel like my body belongs to me.
what does it mean to be pure?
is anybody really sure?
what’s the context of the line in this poem?
what is this metaphor truly about?
i want no lies just love
if it means i won’t ever be happy again
please just tell me.
so i can prepare for it
when she dies i die.
but who am i to stay in a sea
of endless melancholy?
the drugs will carry me off-
there are colors found in
the shades of black
they glow  red and blue.
oh the shapes they make
are so beautiful
will it be easier now
that i know i’m alone?
i feel sick when
i think about home

yr moms lying on the couch
looking at the sky,
does it make you sad
that one day she will die?
in yr bed do you
want to disappear
would it make it better
if was there?

the roof is the color of coffee
and yr eyes are the color of the mary jane you inhaled
that night in a damp shed
and your laugh echoed till it got trapped in the walls
while your friends tried to sound deep
about small things
your arms will hurt from every inch of them you have torn,
but remember it's all your fault.
there's nothing to be upset about

you watch the sky change from grey to orange.
you want your sadness to turn into passion.
But you're still stuck on your couch
Wondering when beautiful **** will come out yr mouth.
but when it comes out
Do you slit your wrists
want the bad to leave
There's nothing pretty to you
about being clean
there's flowers on her arms
and cuts on yours
you still have a lot to learn
about being pure.
Summer Nov 2016
Take adderall and coffee until i am happy enough to forget
shakey hands
velvet crewnecks
i want to feel hollow.
addrerall, coffee broken dreams
i want to lay down and dissolve into everything,
taking more until i like me
i want everyone to like me.
i see you in the forgotten places,
and my hands shake more-
i miss you and i want to forget,
but now I’m just focused
i wonder how it’d be if you were here,
i want to know if my hands would shake less.
i want to run around the room until i find you,
your hands don’t shake and yr eyes are red
i like pills, they make you feel dead
you tell me to take xanax but my dealer says they’re overrated-
we’re getting
faded faded faded
your face blurs in with the motions.
but i still see you there.
you’re beautiful
even in between the ugly spaces
i reach out to touch you,
limbs shaking and i tell you i love you
eyes wide- drink more coffee, i don’t feel you anywhere
i still see you
i still see you.
but i can’t feel-
can’t feel-
can’t feel.
you make me number than i have ever felt.
more beautiful more poetic more-
and i miss you
and you’re suddenly fading in with everyone else and i can’t even see you anymore
but your voice is a whisper in my ear
i love you-
i ******* love you.
and your voice will forever haunt me.
you are the most beautiful girl in the world
and i am fleeting
i don’t want to touch anybody else
or shake for anybody else
or write poems about anybody else
faded into everything and blend in with the spaces…
i look for you everywhere.
and pills can’t fix it anymore.
i love you
i miss you
i shake for you.
i am toxic
i am cold
but when i think of you…
it fades.
i wonder if you see me when you trip,
am i dripping into your hands?
i am faded away from you too i think
all you see are the ugly parts of me
you’re too beautiful for me or anybody and i think you know it
too beautiful for me to even see or fathom anymore-
i still write love poems for you.
leave them in random spaces where i think i see a part of you
they tore down the old table i used to write you love poems on.
i love you
i love you
I’m sorry-
I’m sorry.
i love you still
Summer Dec 2015
Smoking my camel blues
Trying to get over you
I feel death when you stand close and
Time is a *****
And she's ******* me over.
I will stay sober
because the taste of wine,
reminds me of your lips.
begin drinking more water to cleanse me of sin.
hoping to make me pure.
i just want to forget her.
the one who made me remember that -
all the times
I felt like dying
made me more alive.
i don't want Death to put her arms around me
i want the Oregon air
to swallow me whole
so i can feel beautiful
and free
i will not wait to feel alive
i will feel that way as soon
as i am breathing in oregon's air.
I am alive.
I am free.
I am alone.
i can be me.
poems written at 1 a.m.
Summer Oct 2016
I am glad to be existing at the same time as all of you.
when he touched me and sent pain shocking through all my body
I was glad.
not because I'm a *******
but because I knew if I could survive somebody I loved hurting me that much
I could survive anything
and I finally knew all the secrets to the world
and I allowed myself to feel.
less than great,
but sometimes an occasional more than okay.
with you my being felt numb,
and I had thrown myself into the void
To see how deep it was until I hit the ground,
and I have realized I'm still falling
I like the feeling of the air through my arms
and my hair not staying in one place
I don't mind.
When I get sad I open my eyes and feel the world around me
And sometimes I get sadder,
but I am shocked to be alive
and to have the pleasure of being loved and being hurt
By the same people lucky enough to exist as well.
Because if I was born 50 years earlier, I would not have known,
the boy who put a fist to my face,
a girl who eloped my entire being in her hand
and a friend who sat silently in the corner playing with their fingertips as I laid crying in their bed
I am glad to be existing at the same time as all of you.
because when I told you I liked pain
You knew I wasn't trying to be poetic
You knew I liked it because what I had learned from it
You could tell I was all about the human experience
And you nodded and understood how I could feel safe with you, but still be afraid
and why my clingy sweaty hand could never seem to let go, even when it was time to. How I claimed my softness had not diminished but how when you put your hand on my shoulder I flinched. Even though I knew you were to trying to comfort me. I like pain, but hate feeling it sometimes.
I know most of the human experience is pain, that is a secret I have known to well but tried to cheat, but you cannot get the human experience, the lessons, the beauty without it
I know it is wrong to feel constantly in pain
and have the thought of it lingering in your mind.
Because you know after it you'll maybe get a good poem, story or life lesson you'll tell your child when she comes home crying when she finds out her boyfriend cheated on her.
You will never be able to explain it
how you feel alive with pain,
and feel like you're missing something without it.
I am so glad to be existing at the same time as all of you.
You tell me you hate pain,
and how I always look teary eyed.
but smile when I tell you I'm glad to be alive,
But it's not for the reason you think.
This is a happy poem,
you tell me I'm too self aware
and I tell you I know all the secrets to the universe.
You flinch when I put my arm around you,
and I could tell.
you felt pain, too.
but maybe you didn't embrace it like I did,
and we sit teary eyed at the edge of the void
i am so glad I exist at the same time as you,
even though you don't understand why I think how I do
Summer Aug 2016
The yellow light illuminated our pale faces, it’s cold but not too cold, and we’re on the roof of a parking garage and everything feels like a movie. We don’t look at each other. We’re too busy staring into the empty space that occupies the air around us. I want to go up to you and hold your hand. I want to make the space feel less empty. You are shivering, as your black hair blends into the sky. The drugs made your face look really different. It's not how I remembered it. It is silent to both of us. We are too lost in the beauty of it all. The sounds of the cars, the people, everything is drowned out when we are with each other. We don’t think about the college rejection letters, the job applications, the things that make our lives real. I hope you forget about her like you forgot about yourself. I hope it brings you the peace you need. I want it to be like this forever. I walk over to you and lay my head on your shoulder, as we watch the cars drive off into the Fishers sky.  Everything seems to be drifting farther and farther away from us. I am scared.
We love eachother but we don’t.
It’s as simple and as complicated as that.
And i think that scares me the most
Summer Jun 2016
My metaphors for you
were oceans homes and Suns
more like corner Suns
drawn in crayon on a piece of scrap paper
with a smiley face drawn over them with a cheap pen
almost out of ink
with the sky only reaching to the middle of the paper
violet instead of blue
and the flowers bigger than the people-
this was you
and color went outside of the lines
and I hung it up on my fridge
with alphabet magnets spelling out
"first love"
but I can draw better.
it's ripped off the fridge,
the magnets spell out
the flowers are smaller than the people
suns don't sit in the corners of skies
the sky reaches higher  
it's a usually a bluish color, never fully purple.
colors never spread outside of lines
this is reality.
you are old,
drawings don't get hung up on the fridge anymore
nor good grades
Just doctors appointments on your calendar
bills that need to be paid
and your grocery list
your new drawing gets thrown away.
Nine to five job
Cooking dinner
not loving who you sleep next to,
this will be all familiar soon.
because you are old.
but deep down you know
it doesn't have to be this way,
because now you have new metaphors
he shows the nature parks in your state
and when you look at him on top of you you think
this is better than a corner sun,
all the realness surrounding you makes you feel good
you don't have to draw it out anymore,
no smiley faces on paper
because you feel the muscles on your face form into a smile, and the ink does not run
you can be whatever you want
a beautiful watercolor painting
Your colors mixing together,
a beautiful far from perfect  masterpiece,
that doesn't need to be displayed on a fridge to be seen
oh boy oh boy
Summer Dec 2015
I traced hearts on your back with my fingertips
i want to kiss you until my lips bleed.
write poetry about me with your tongue
and leave the words on my body.
i want this to last.
i do not care if it hurts
let it hurt.
i will swallow my pride whole
until i I throw my insides up
and i am left in tiny pieces
just let it last
You say that you are mine.
Your basement has become a burial ground for my innocence
that i tried so hard to keep alive
I am not ashamed.
that scares me.
You say you'll do whatever I want
you like a girl that begs.
you like a girl that moans.
you like a girl that takes control.
how am i supposed to do any of that
if i cant even tell you what i want for dinner or touch you without my limbs shaking?
i want to be that girl
for you
i'll do whatever you want.
because i am yours
even if you decide you don't want me
Summer Apr 2016
She doesn't mind the cuts on my legs
she still eats me out on her basement floor
she doesn't care about anybody but herself
I won't let her eat me alive
I wear a sticker for my silence
on my chest
people ask why I'm like this
I won't talk to anyone about anything at all
Get me out of your head
Get your toxic tongue away from my legs
I want to wear a crown of thorns on my head
I wanna go away
I want to say goodbye
I want every feeling inside me to die
I want to crawl in a hole
I want to wear yr skin
I won't talk to anybody
about anything at all

You have a toxic tongue
Always making me feel sick
I don't want to talk about it
there's nothing more for me to say
but I keep writing about it anyway

you want to eat my corpse
you want me to die
you wanna see my sweat
You've already seen me cry
you sure like seeing all your lovers cry
you don't feel anything at all
But you feel me
But I don't want to talk about anything to anyone at all

the queen is dead and so am i
slam my against my apartment door
you kiss my neck
you wanna take a break
you don’t care about anyone or anything at all
Summer Dec 2015
Write poetry until you feel like every inch of yourself is being devoured by your thoughts. Let yourself get lost in self-loathing. Scream until your lungs give out and you cough out blood. Let emptiness swallow you whole, invite it into your bed, let it claw your eyes out, but treat it like a lover. Let it drive you mad, remember emptiness is the closest feeling to love you will get in a while and at least it will make you able to put beautiful words on paper, unlike love you which will keep you in a trance, when emptiness will keep your eyes clear and your mind awake. Remember love isn’t what you ******* want. It isn’t what you ******* need, it will take all you have, ****, it will take every single beautiful thought out of you because love doesn’t last. Love never lasts and when you’re empty, ****, you may feel like your chest is collapsing but ******* your mind is becoming s garden and you realize how your eyes hold stars and how ******* beautiful your brain is and I really don’t think anyone else can make you fully realize your self worth, ****, you are the only one who could do that. Let yourself go mad for a while. ******* do it. No pair of arms could ever produce your thoughts. No one is exactly like you. No one writes the exactly the way you do or speaks the way you do or acts the way you do and ****, APPRECIATE YOURSELF. Because when everybody’s leaves you, your brain and your body are the only things you’ll ******* hate left. Lovers are temporary for you. But self love, self love is something you need to make ******* last. Remember that the next time a person breaks you.
i wrote this a year ago, now my suicidal thoughts are back. I'm posting this to remind myself i will be okay.
Summer Oct 2016
sometimes i pretend we're still friends.
our bodies tangling together
as i feel your breath pressed up to my cheek.
there is a daydream in your eyes.
I tell you you're beautiful.
my creative writing class has been forcing me to remember the past.
she says
"Write about an instance with someone you love or used to love."
the room stays silent
at first I hate it,
but by the end of it
I am writing your name with hearts around it on my paper.
I hate remembering.
I try to write about how I hate you.
no hearts on paper
but I don't.
i tried to hate you.
but then I remembered
Wes Anderson films
and first kisses
the sort of things that cover
bad songs and poorly worded excuses
and the secret site
I poured my thoughts to
the times it was worse than just "things are bad right now"
the bad times are still there.
i know you're bad for me.
but it doesn't matter.
I read poems from a girl who has the same name as you
i pretend it's you,
I feel like I am a part of you still
wish she was you.
I say your name in the mirror
until it doesn't sound real
and it will lose all meaning
and I repeat
"losing you wasn’t a loss"
"Losing you wasn't a loss"
and i try to hate you
I'm really trying
and i might
but the secret site is closed down
and i don’t go to it anymore
i kiss others to get the taste of you out.
i don’t think it is working.
their lips aren’t soft.
I stop talking to them days later.
i watch wes anderson movies alone.
the blankets cover my toes
as the tv flashes onto my face,
casting different shadows and lights
till I don't feel like I'm myself anymore.
i reach for your hand and it isn't there.
the space i occupy is empty.
so am I.
and I won't fall asleep
I don't want to dream about you anymore.
Summer Jun 2020
the happiness was only a spur of mania
I wish I was the sun
the high wears off and I remember my skin
as he flicks his cigarette out the window.
you are the front porch light
that bathes the street in a nauseating yellow.
I dream of fields of flowers I can die in
stupid and empty.
stupid and empty.
swallowed in the discomfort of this aching body
a deer sprawled out in the middle of the road,
maggots gnawing at the skin- once full of youth
stumbling through June- time seemed to stop.
writing poems I won’t show anybody,
I won’t tell anyone I’m sick.
I just hope I remember this summer spent in hell.
Summer Dec 2015
i meowed at my cat but it walked away so i could not understand what it had to say. i talk to my cat because it’s the only thing that listens. the blank walls do not seem to cut it anymore. like people, they just sit and stare for all they care i could ******* die. my cat loves me, he scratches my wrists and brings me bliss, i don’t know how to kiss. my dreams make no sense, so i cling like them, like the sky to the sea,
hoping things will finally make sense to me
i want to understand my ******* cat
i want it to understand me.
but it like everything walks away.
i meowed at my cat but it walked away so i could not understand what it had to say.
no boys ever want to touch me.
girls won't even look at me the same
if I want your attention
I have to slap your *** and **** your ****.
all my lovers want the same old thing.
I'd rather just meow at my cat.
at least he'll listen to me when i talk.
I shut my eyes and everything makes sense all at once
I think I made you up inside my head
I just wanted something tangible in my hands
and you felt smooth enough to hold.
but my cat scratches on my wrists felt softer than your hand.
I'm starting to feel worse and worse thanks to you
Make me feel like a good person again
make me feel right.
I'm sorry I look at your veins, more than your eyes.
and I'm sorry you never noticed the scratches on mine.
i meowed at my cat but it walked away so i could not understand what it had to say.
I feel like my cat
because you no longer understand.
so I'll just walk away,
I know you don't care what I have to say.
Summer Nov 2016
Welcome to the end of the world
May I never die,
Made you hate me all over again
On purpose
And the rain soaks all over my umbrella
Near the old church and graveyard
May you never die x2
Bound together by marijuana and Christ
And bruised collarbones
May we never die
forgot to tell you I never really liked ***, anyway
Walking in a neighborhood you told me you liked.
While the leaves changed
like you and I
I was never a permanent part of you.
Maybe we have died.
Never understood the silence
The poems written in the rain or the edge of the bathtub
Never really understood anything.
Now put me to rest
Run away and burn the letters I wrote to you
Smoke a million cigarettes till my taste is washed out of your lips.
I whisper
"May we never die"
We are dead.
don't know what killed us.
Never will.
We are dead.
Summer Dec 2015
I definitely am not Kurt Vonnegut
After I kissed you
I whispered
“So it goes.”
Because after the first time our lips touched
I knew
I just knew
When you left it would hurt like hell
And I would probably end up dying.
But I would
Live in moments
Inside of your head
But just being a memory to you
Was not
Enough for me
It will never be enough for me
When you fall in love
As quickly as I do
You get attached easily
I carved your name into my skin
But everybody asked if you were okay
I Was bleeding out
And they asked if you were okay
And then you wrote me a song
With a ******* times four
You shattered my ******* heart and acted like it was my fault
There is no poetic way I could say that
because heartbreak is not beautiful.
what you did to me is not beautiful.
here’s the funnier part
You got angry at me
Because all the poems were still about you.
You once told me my feelings were valid
And I am so sorry
That when I was with you everything was about the sun.
And that you thought I was
And emotionless
Just like how most boys like you want people to be.
you never knew how I felt
you just knew that i was pretty
and I wrote poetry
So I had to be somewhat interesting according to your standards.
And after all of the miscommunication
you were doing just fine
I was stuck writing these poems
These God ****** poems
About how you made me feel
And believe me
If I could write about the sun again
I would
But every time my pen touches paper
Your name spills out
And so do the memories
of your touch and your smile
And everything that made me fall in love with you
And believe me
there are so many reasons.
I remember reading this one cliche John green quote that said “I fell in love like you fall asleep slowly but all at once”
But God with you
I fell in love with you
So quickly
There was nothing slow about it
I fell in love like a person falls apart.
very quickly and unexpectedly.
I fall in love the most painful ways.
and I will not apologize for loving you
and I will not apologize for being upset
because I will never apologize for feeling
Even if sometimes I may feel too much.
So ******* x4
wow this is so old wowee @ my shady poems
Summer Jun 2017
i’ve been thinking about how little everything actually matters and how i am the cause of all the problems in the world. i laid next to my backpack and pretended i was at the center of a crime scene, as i dumped the contents of my bag out and laid them in a straight line like a criminal investigator. every receipt postcard camera and film. i read all the postcards and realized how fake every apology  or thank you or i miss you i ever written has been. and the only one i had meant was yet to be written. i needed to find a way to make my feelings sound realer than the fake ones and the i do not know any other ways to say “i love you” other than i wish you were here and so on. i purposely ignored you so i could lay down and pretend you were holding me. it felt so real and i could not hear anything and i forgot i was in the middle of a beach and you were in your friends basement getting high and that even though you were closer to me than you usually were, i could not see you. i realized that i would continue to feel this way for months and the distance between us would continue to grow until a miracle brought you to me or me to you & how wishful it was to think someone like you would wait for someone like me as i felt myself grow younger and i did not know if i would ever see you again. i cried when i realized the second time we met may have been the last & that i had known you longer than anyone i had ever loved & realized if you let go, it would hurt more than ever. i pretended we stopped talking forever when my phone died & wrote the number, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen on my arm. i am running out of poetic ways to say i miss laughing with you in a van and now when i think of green eyes i think of yours and not hers, and even though the drugs made your face look really different- i still thought you were really beautiful but i didn’t have the courage to say it & i was shivering or how i made a list of things i should’ve told you or how i had wished i had held your hand but it would make this all hurt even more. how even meeting you for less than twenty four hours with many awkward silences still managed to feel right and how our eyes said everything our mouths wouldn’t. the sky shifted and became beautiful intricate patterns i thought i would never see before, and i tried to think of ways i could live in that moment forever, but somehow fell short. when we left, i wanted so badly to turn the car around, thinking somehow i would be able to see the patterns again.
Summer Jan 2018
theres loneliness inside me.
very very deep down.
i can hear static when i look down at the ground.
the ice and snow mixing together
i can feel myself falling
its the most I’ve felt in a while.
i can see you from the ground here
you were drunk when you said it.
the whole thing about never leaving-
as you held my hand in the cold as the leaves were under our feet.
i am so used to watching you walk away.
counting the number of steps
until you are just a blurred figure.
i wonder what my mom would think
theres so much blood on my knees
as i shake,
and count
the number of steps
it takes me
to get
why did you lie to me
Summer Feb 2016
tell yourself you are fine i know you’re lying
start becoming a positive force in someone else’s life
because you know you cannot be your own.
when she calls tell her you’re the happiest you’ve ever been
she was the one holding you back,
you did not know what unhealthy relationships were until
the one who told you everything she could never possibly love about you
and how you needed to change yourself
for her.
not because you needed to get better
not because you knew you weren’t happy
because she couldn’t see you sad and **** you at the same time.
because when you cried she didn’t know how to say sorry,
for the times she said your favorite poet was stupid
for the times she rolled her eyes at something you said,
for the times she ignored you for somebody else
it’s your fault remember,
if you weren’t like this everything would be fine.
because some weeks were good
you felt like everything had fallen into place,
you were happy and she loved you again,
then that week would be over,
you were sad again,
if you weren’t like this everything would be fine
you wouldn’t change yourself for love.
that was your problem
she was not a good enough reason to be happy,
because you saw her more as a therapist
than as your girlfriend.
and she saw you as a project,
one she could never finish.
you knew you were more than a project,
you wanted to be happy
but there was no reason to be.
not even love was enough.
but then you learned it never can be,
because if another person is the only reason you want to be able
to breathe in the summer air,
laugh until your lungs hurt,
and cry happy tears,
you want to get better for the wrong reasons.
i am happy now.
and it is for my own reasons
Summer Dec 2015
he tells me
"You treat wanting to
**** yourself
a chore
if you want to die
so badly
how about you just do it?"
i look at him
wanting to question how he doesn't understand
of course I treat wanting to **** myself like a chore.
truth be told,
i don't want to **** myself
i feel like i need to.
killing yourself is a chore.
no one ever wants to have to
touch the soggy noodles
from last night's dinner
while washing the dishes
if you want
clean dishes
and a
clean house
you need to.
killing yourself is a chore.
no one wants
to make people upset
no one wants to do any of the painful things
they just want
a clean slate.
a clean self.
slowly but surely
i am realizing-
I hate doing chores.
i do not mind
having a ***** house.
it will be clean.
and i can definitely wait for that.
a little mess never hurt anyone.
mess adds character
and everyone is bound to have
a little mess
in their house
no matter what their situation is.
and killing myself
would just make that mess
go to somebody else.
i want to leave everything
cleaner than I found it.
and if that involves
leaving ***** plates in my sink,
that is fine.
Summer Apr 2016
i think we’re both ****** in the head
i just want to sleep in your bed
sometimes i see you at school
it makes it harder to picture myself dead
but i just hurt everyone i touch
so i’ll go to sleep instead
we all have to be alone sometimes
when you see me
do you picture yourself alive or dead?
does the empty space in your bed remind you of anybody?
you read books about romantic love being a delusion
and i write romantic poetry
the person you really love is dead i guess
so i’m you’re best bet.

i think we’re both ****** in the head
we’re both laying in my bed
the only empty space is in my mind
call me when you feel like swallowing glass
gave yrself hell
so loving me would hurt less
i’ll tell u the dark truth about love
i will never be the right person
you are alone.
these moments do not exist
i love you
i can’t make loving yourself hurt less.

i want to bury my body
under my bed
i sway my body to teen suicide
while you watch me laying on your couch
yr going to be late to work but
in this moment you love me
i’m yr manic pixie dream *****, baby
i let my crazy out with you.
but I’m not crazy to you.
it’s just love,
but that’s the same thing,
isn’t it?
Summer Nov 2015
Crying on the side of the road
Flowers in your bed
Heaven doesn't exist to you anymore
Because you put all your faith in an undeserving boy's body.
he was your new religion
a saint
a young god
his words were your holy bible
You would hear before you prayed to him every night
and right now she’s falling in love with you
but yr still crying over him
whiskey is filling yr bones
smoke is filling yr lungs
know- self destruction will not get you into heaven faster
heaven was his arms
he doesn’t hold you anymore.
you wonder if you will ever be the same again.
when you met him you were  cotton candy and sunshine
and now you are  shadows and blood stained showers
but do you want to be the same?
do you want to be the same person
who believed everything in the world was sunshine?
who would put yourself into an unworthy boy’s hands?
you are still crying over him
and she’s still falling in love with you
i'm sorry
Summer Nov 2017
I tried so hard to you make you a ghost to me.
As i ran my fingers down spines that weren’t yours,
and listened to heartbeats that did not belong to you.
you kept it alive,
as your fingers traced along the keyboard,
and wrote the word unlovable on my arm,
i did not flinch nor pull away-
it stuck so easily,
felt so familiar
and i felt the ink crawl onto my legs-
the next time i saw you was a year later,
i felt that same exact arm shake, and i tried to hide the writing that was still there
as your lips curled into that big toothed smile.
as it didn’t happen -
i am ghost to you-
as you struggle to pronounce my name,
then asking-
“what’s your favorite sound again?”
yours is trains.
i still remember have much you love the sounds of trains
as I’ve forgotten how to take care of myself,
or how to write a poem
or how to play my favorite song on the guitar
or how to breathe when i am near you.
i still know- you love trains
and how you take your coffee
and how you loved when i called you sweet.
you’re still alive next to me-
as i can hear your heartbeat across the room,
i can barely feel mine.
i’m writing this to ask you-
how does it feel sitting across the room from a ghost?
does it scare you- how easy it has become-
to lose all the feeling?
to hear the voice you forgot for a year?
to tell you the truth-
i’m beginning to forget what my voice sounds like too.
Summer Apr 2016
i am the sky,
cold and gray.
you looked the way i felt
you were running from the rain
yr eyes held hell
my tears can’t put yr fire out
that’s okay
you don’t want that anyway.

i’ll be okay
i dont’want to die
i just can’t listen to your music
without making myself cry
there’s nothing left to love
i’ll watch all decay
that’s okay,
it was toxic anyway.

There’s a boy who dances with me
in the rain
it hits my skin,
i am cold and gray.
my father stole a gun
tried to put it through his brain
although it’s not okay
you reminded me of him anyway.

i am the sky
all black and blue
thinking about the time i spent falling out of love with you
it came slow
i miss being friends
I don't know why I'm wasting my time
The feelings dead

i see you with her
and god she looks so soft
you said i was like that for you
and now i’m not
i remember when i could call you mine
we were with each other almost all the time
now don’t even speak
but that’s okay
i was never really yours anyway.

i am the sky,
cold and gray.
you looked the way i felt
always running from rain
I'll let it make me clean
I've always been pure
shouldn't have let myself be concerned
If you loved me or her
lets be honest-
you never really loved me anyway.

i am the sky
but no longer blue
realizing I'm happier without you
you can't reach my now
I see you on your toes
just take your time
the rain will heal you slow
it’ll make it easier for us both

i am the sky
now just gray
i no longer see you anymore,
no running from the rain
i am so clean
you are so pure
and i am so glad
that you're not with me anymore
Summer Dec 2015
I am full of hellos, welcomes, and home sweet homes.
you wipe your sin on my skin
give me everything you hate about yourself
everything you want to hide
i want to ask you,
how it is so easy for you
to hurt me
to give me your sin
to take away my sweet, sweet, purity
but you are already somewhere else
looking like an angel
by the time I open my mouth.
i am full of hellos, welcomes, home sweet homes and sin.
I am a girl with bruises on her skin
The next time I see you I do not want to feel anything when you look at me.
Summer Nov 2015
feel the presence of yr death,

taste yr ashes on the tongue.

early you went.

to join the mad,

the young,

the genius.

early you went.

that’s how the beautiful go,

blessed with yr holy madness and rage.


held hell hell hell.

but they saw

heaven heaven heaven.

your eyes swallowed with desire.

romanticized with pain

god, you had so much love

so much love.

los angeles would have killed you anyway,

I can still hear yr dog whistle from my bedroom, baby.






every word you chose not to speak,

every word you held on yr ***** tongue.


the words that meant something you never spoke,

that were not empty like yr veins.

like your promises.

like your heart.

killed yourself to make things fair
Summer Jan 2017
BUT GOD ******
GOD ******.
some day
everything will be beautiful and nothing will hurt.
a poem composed of a lot of stuff Kurt Vonnegut said
Summer Jan 2016
I tell my sister
The reason I still hop in the shower
With you
Is to conserve water
she nods her head
and sips her coffee
she knows I am lying
But I will take no ones advice,
Not even my own.
though you are just a phone call away
i feel as if you are galaxies away when we speak.
i am supposed to be over you.
I make lists of reasons
I should no longer love you,
they sit in the journal you gave me
on my desk.
there are many reasons
I do not count them
there are videos of you
dancing in a black dress
with cherry lipstick in your bathroom
you're singing me love songs
on the phone.
i remain quiet.
I will buy a ticket
to the next train to Oregon
and let go of your hand.
I have cried to you
about missing home so much,
i thought when i said home
it meant your arms,
but i have discovered it is the place
i can smile
without you.
i am visiting the university of oregon April 8th, after that I will submit my application, it is 2,266.4 miles away from my current address, but it is  home. I may never see you again. i feel less guilty, knowing you no longer care
Summer Aug 2016
i’m learning how to be happy again,
i appreciate the concern,
i swear i’m okay.
my friends ask me for advice on their relationships,
it’s senior year.
everyone is drifting away from each other.
it hasn’t even been a month.
we start filling out our college apps
and the stress crashes into our bodies
like a tidal wave
you're just as ****** up
As the rest of us,
And strangers tell me to stay far away from you
"Stay safe" written on my Facebook messages
and the makeup stings my eyes
it's 12:00 a.m.
we're playing brand new
As the noblesville air hits our skin
while people shout inaudible words out of their cars
in my dreams we're still together.
we don't hate eachother.
or talk about the past,
we're best friends
and we're walking on the beach
next to this old antique shop.
In my dreams the past doesn't exist,
and you're the person I thought you were.
i start to miss you.
But I know my dreams are filthy liars.
you're not the angel I thought you were.
you are the complete opposite.
I could never love you again.
I could never be your best friend.
my dreams are filthy liars.
I lay in my bed hoping to fade into it.
I don't want to see you ever again.
keep my name out of your mouth.
Stop shaming me for ***
When that's all you wanted
even when I told you
My sister warned me of girls that would use me,
but oh god,
I never knew
that it would be the poet
with the pale boney skin
and beautiful green eyes I swore I got lost in every second I looked at them.
You were supposed to be one of the good ones
But your pretty face will never make up for you deceitfulness.
you can write as many poems about me being toxic as you want
but it won't make you a better person.
telling people no one will love them,
*** shaming your exes
and using the things they fear most,
will never make you the person you want to be.
I told you about my father.
How he almost overdosed.
How he needs a breathing machine
How he tried to **** himself,
How I would never ever
do the things he did,
but my feelings weren't as important
As a ****** one minute poem.
I trusted you,
But the minute I told you the truth about
how you had been toxic to me,
all of that suddenly didn't matter to you.
Even though you swore you only wanted the truth.
But when you said my feelings were valid
And it was okay if we didn't speak anymore,
You lied.
But what's new?
Self help books and Internet searches will never fix it.
and if I have a child,
I will warn them so many times.
But I'm still the crazy one.
Who could never be loved.
You told me you had a dream I jumped into an ocean.
I'm sure it doesn't scare you anymore.
Summer Nov 2016
You’re made out of stardust
And little pieces of time
Strung together
Forever and infinite.
Summer Dec 2015
Suffering is why art is created.
Suffering and love.
Both, which I find pretty ******* awful.
I would never wish either of them on anyone
Love has caused me more misfortune and abuse,
than any substance I have ever consumed.
Love, is filled with many more chemicals,
Than the countless cigarettes I have smoked.
At Least, cigarettes provided me with a sense of comfort,
While any form of love I was given,
Would cause my hands to shake,
let my brain run wild,
And left my body to ache.
past lovers lips leave awful tastes in your mouth
which seem to stay,
even after years of them being away.
suffering and love go hand in hand,
they are partners in crime.
one cannot love without suffering,
one cannot suffer without love.
in a sense, it is strung to the common belief that,
opposites attract
love is suffering
suffering is love
that is not a metaphor,
but a fact.
maybe i am writing this,
because I have watched too many of Bukowski’s poetry readings,
or because your lips are still in my mind.
I gave you every inch of my being,
Just to see you smile,
because I loved you.
maybe, that’s why I am now alone,
because I loved you,
And like I said,
suffering is love.
love is suffering
and I loved you so much,
I thought that putting all of myself
into a glass bowl,
and trusting your sweaty palms,
to keep a firm grip on it,
was a good idea,
because I wanted to believe in you,
and my head wasn’t in the right place,
I was not okay,
I had thought maybe your hands
were different,
Maybe they would not cause
my body to shatter
And my soul to spill out,
Onto the floor,
Like blood onto concrete,
But that’s exactly what they did,
And your hands did not apologize,
as I fell onto the floor,
they did not try to piece me back together,
they did not try to gather up my contents
your hands just left me there,
fragments of myself left to linger
on your carpet.
and sometimes,
I wonder
if you can still hear
the segments of my body,
crack in between
your doc marten boots.
Summer Jan 2016
You tell me you wanna **** my brains out,
And I think you already have.
Because if I was smart enough,
I would've left you already.
Summer Dec 2015
getting lost in towns
i regularly find
myself in.

for the way the earth stands still
when i am with the people i love.
for myself in old library books
about the government and God. "Americans... are forever searching for love in forms it never takes, in places it can never be. It must have something to do with the vanished frontier." I am forever searching.
I am forever looking.
i am the vanished frontier.

these are regular routines
of an irregular human
with ambitions
who can barely get on their tippie  toes
to touch them.
there is love in me
and it is in forms
you all can barely fathom.
another poem written at 1 a.m.
Summer Nov 2016
I’m surprised i’ve made it this far.
i thought I would die at sixteen
and I feel it creeping on me.
the unsuccessful attempts
the *****
the cigarettes
the rest
and the girl who stained my tongue and soul red
I'm surprised
when you have depression you are convinced
you will not live to see 18 at times
I never thought I would make it.
I'm staring at the stars on my ceiling,
thinking of the things that made me want to end it.
and realizing I still want to, but haven't found it in myself.
I won't do it.
because I turn my head and the pictures on my walls remind me otherwise
I'm surprised I made it this far.
i have college acceptance letters
and tired bones
I am not an adult
but still feel the wonder of a child
when I see unfamiliar eyes look into mine
These are the things that keep me alive
I am surprised I have made it this far
it's my birthday
and I'm pathetically waiting for you to text me,
I just want two words
and I feel so ******* stupid
For wanting what I want
These are the things that make me remember why I want to die
But it's my birthday.
So I lie in bed a little longer until my bones ache less,
and creep outside of my room,
sing along and blow out the candles
and make a wish.
One unspoken.
I would tell you,
but I think you already know.
Summer Dec 2015
my heart is getting fat on your love.
it is keeping me full.
i have forgotten what it feels like,
to be starving.
to be hungry.
when you smile at me,
my heart gets more fat fat fat,
And my smile gets more wide wide wide.
you tell me beautiful things,
and my heart grows about six sizes,
and so does yours when i tell you them back.
my heart feels as if it is going to burst out of my chest.
maybe even swallow me whole,
until I am a big fat walking heart.
at this point
it seems like a very lovely idea.
but then,
you tell me,
my poems are pathetic
and cliche.
my heart shrinks abound two sizes.
but when I see your **** green eyes it grows four.
my heart is constantly growing thin thin thin and then fat fat fat
while yours seems to be doing the same.
when my heart grows thin
it brings my whole body pain,
it makes me feel like all of me is shrinking.
my heart has been more than full for so long
and now I am remembering
how much it hurt to have hunger.
to be starving.
to have empty space near my chest.
although there is more room for my ribcage,
i still cry at night for the spaces not filled by you.
when my heart grows fat again,
i forget about the empty spaces,
i am only focused on
how much of me has become filled again.
become focused on being
a big fat walking heart.
love consumes me.
at those times,
i think that it makes up all of me.
when my heart is fat fat fat.
if I had spent more time alone,
thin .
i may have known the difference
between loving you
and thinking
i needed you to survive.
Summer Mar 2016
I keep seeing your name on billboards
in towns you have never been.
A magician touched my bones
and flowers grew out of my hands,
i get high,
i have new friends
things are different.
there are flowers in my hands again.
if you get close they will die.
I haven't been touched in so long.
i fear if i do,
my flowers will wilt,
i do not want that to happen again.
i no longer confine myself to lonely basements
in the suburban town I grew up in.
i explore different parts of my state,
love a city most in my town  will never venture to,
Those places hold a home,
one I thought I'd never find here
I hold a boys clammy hand
In fountain square
He is so excited about the world
Only a year younger than me
but so less experienced
I tell him he can find a home wherever he goes,
But do not search for it somebody else's body.
invite them to stay,
and if they like it well enough
They can settle there with you
and if they get tired of it.
remember it's your home.
when i say that
he just holds my hand tighter.
can you invite me to stay, he says.
stay in my home if you'd like,
I say,
but if the ghosts bother you,
you can leave whenever you choose.
I will not blame you ,
Sometimes they make it hard for me to sleep.
but we can hide from them for a while
In the tall buildings and the museums
Pick a record. We can spin it all night long.
don’t mind the ghost of the girl with the brown hair,
if you read her one of my poems she’ll go away,
when she comes back just read the lines i wrote about you
over and over again.
She wants me to settle in her body,
but i remember the advice i told you,
so i won’t.
we can start up my car instead,
and go to a random town and make it our home for a day.
we will be complete strangers to it both,
we will find the parts we love, and the parts we can do without-
but we return to our home.
he begins to know my home better.
like it’s his own
he knows where i keep my favorite books, where my paints are hidden, and my random folder of memories.
he reads the old poems, and sees himself in the past me.
my advice makes more sense now.
and he appreciates my words more.
i’m afraid he’ll make a home in me.
when our knees touch on the couch
we're both intoxicated with smiles
and the worry doesn't sit in our minds
we don't have to worry about the toxins when we're with eachother.
the ghosts are unseen.
It's easier with you.
your nose doesn't scrunch when I laugh,
you love more than my body,
and understand why I've read slaughterhouse five six times.
I start reading it you
before you go to bed,
six becomes seven.
I read more to you-
there are poems you don't understand
But you think they're beautiful anyways.
no matter how many metaphors i make about the sea
you don’t call them cliche.
i am not afraid to speak around you.
it all comes easy now.
i think it’s because we’re both home around each other,
building homes in places we’ve never been,
the dark haired ghost still lingers,
i told you even when i was in a place
i could call home,
i never felt that way around her,
you are not my home
i say
you make home a whole lot better to be in,
you are healthy,
you handle my ghosts well.
and i look at you,
laying on the couch
while a movie plays in the background,
still- there’s a home here,
and it does not involve me becoming your whole world
or vice versa.
it involves
two people,
who like being around each other,
no matter where they call home,
and being able to realize,
that it’s okay to leave sometimes when the ghosts won’t let you sleep.
and if i miss the movie you’re watching that is fine,
i can watch it later and then we can chat about it in the dining room.
with warm coffee, and cold feet.
this is home for now.
The sunlight pours in and hits our faces
it makes admitting it easier.
I hold your hand tight for the rest of the day.
you make home a more beautiful place to be.
Summer Jan 2016
place is
unfamiliar still.
i want to go home.
home is 2,000 miles away.
when I felt the cool Oregon breeze
I knew I had found it. I talk to my friends about
moving  making art and poetry, starting a new. i have
been pushed away from where I thought my home was.
I have learned to stop looking for home in other people.  home
collapsed around me when we slipped away from each other.  
We still speak  but I no longer cry when I have dreams of being
away from you. One day I will leave. and I do not promise to keep
in touch. Indiana is your home and to me it is a mass grave
  I will not allow myself to stay buried in.
Summer Nov 2015
sweet touches,
uncomfortable eyes,
faces covered with daft smiles.
your knees shake.
trying to pronounce words
you do not understand.
the flowers are wilting
winter is coming.
they are just asleep.
they are bodies desolate of
sweet honey dreams
Summer Dec 2015
i am not a flower
i do not need your sunshine to grow.
i am trying to be fine on my own.
Summer Nov 2015
and the sick sad moral of this story
is to never love anything at all.
god is against us.
we pray to him every night,
our voices like hymns,
eyes like heaven,
but inside us we hold hell.
he gave us this hell.
nobody is pure.
nobody is true.
that promise we made to each other to never leave
that, was a sick sad lie.
we are a sick, sad lie.
return my purity
make me true
i lost everything before i was eighteen.
i lost everything before i was eighteen.
i am stranded at sea
lost in the sin of my sick sad dreams
an angel is on my shoulder
but the devil is housed in my body
skin full of sin
angel, why do you rest so perfectly on that skin?
i wanna **** myself to make things fair to you, angel.
if suicide was not a sin
i’d be dead
i’d be dead
i’d be dead
everybody is going to heaven, angel
everybody would go to heaven.
angel, i am a sick sad lie
heaven is a sick sad lie
Summer Nov 2015
it's 5 a.m.

you’re tired ,

that's the only time

you seem to want me.

whether it's alone

in your bedroom

under the sheets

or it's with your friends

in a crowded cafe,

it's only when you’re tired.

when you’re awake,

you won't put your lips on my edges.

you’re too busy touching over lovers,

rummaging through papers,

calling your friends,


you seem to forget who woke you up.

who made you warm.

and tomorrow you will be tired again

and i will still let you

put your lips

on my edges

though i know

when you're awake

you won't need me.


my heart is bigger

than my head.

i am

so so warm,

and you are

so so cold.

cold enough to use me.

i - warm enough to not care.


you are so much happier


you’re awake.
Summer Feb 2016
my ex girlfriend has a **** Polaroid photo of me in a box in her closet. She tells me there are no romantic feelings left anymore. I refuse to believe she's telling the truth.  I think she is hiding them somewhere in that box, along with her cigarettes, condoms and makeup. It's buried somewhere, along with me. In a cardboard box. In a dark closet. All the contents are thrown in. Meant to be forgotten, untouched. But a year from now, when you move out and go away to college, you will find me. The person  left, unloved, untouched, forgotten. But I know- I am not the only one you will find in there.
Summer Apr 2016
. deleted.
Summer Jan 2016
I can feel god inside of me
when i look up to the sky
and it is empty.
peaceful and alone.
nothing matters
except everything.
you are a hedonist.
looking for pleasure
in people
who can barely provide it for themselves.
you look for God in my  chest
but it is empty
but thats how left it
Summer Apr 2016
you’re sad again i think it’s because of them
you have these dark brown eyes i want to get lost in.
they are as deep as the soil in my grandmother's garden.
your gaze nourishes and brings bright beautiful things to the earth,
yet you are crying over somebody who does not care for gardens.
Summer Jan 2016
She walks up the stairs
Like she's from another time
And sways on tops of ceilings
I want to get lost in another dimension with you.
even if that means being stuck in another time.
drink yourself away.
I will see you in another light year
while I dance with the drunk girls
with stars in their hair
they will love me when I freak out.
they smell of cigarettes
and have eyes as wide as the moon.
they are all in my imagination
made out of love
i will never receive.
i am thrown into another place
with girls shooting up
as i lay on a bed
with tie dye sheets,
i wanted to get high enough to reach you
but i just got high enough to forget
higher higher higher
i want to go
so i can slip myself past you
reaching you has not crossed my mind
since then
and i will let the stars touch my hair
so i can be like the pretty girls
with moons for eyes.
i write poetry on busses
to towns i will get lost in
in a few years
i’m moving
i write
i’m moving
this is for me
i will not let myself get lost in space
looking to find you,
now my reasons are different.
i look at people on the streets
with my eyes wider than any moon,
i am reaching for nothing,
i am finding everything
within myself.
finally found.
where you are is not my home.
my home is here.
2,266.4 miles away,
but soon,
it will not be even one.
i’m going to leave,
i have to leave
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