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Oct 2024 · 60
why am i feeling shame
Zane Smith Oct 2024
for going to ask for the things i need
walking into a center for disabled students
makes me think somethings wrong with me
but its okay to ask for help
it's powerful it's brave it's encouraging
it's what i need to do to take care of myself
Oct 2024 · 113
Zane Smith Oct 2024
from the start i was drawn in
i felt seen and heard
to learn again, you
were already being loved
the i wanted to for you

it's odd how easily it is for me to believe
that because of the rarity of my expectations being met,
though they are high
tend to fall already into place with another
it's frustrating to linger between the ideas,
continue pursuing and answer the questions
or lean into fully pursuing myself completely

through thinking it through i would still be grateful
to share a friendship
although i know it'll hurt to be less than
i'd want with you
Aug 2024 · 57
the more i picture
Zane Smith Aug 2024
my younger self as i age
i notice the pattern of growing fonder of myself
I love me.
little me deserves the world
and so does the woman i am today.
I will continue to work on loving myself
wholeheartedly with all my flaws
Zane Smith Aug 2024
yes them being gone is tragic
but now they are up above
obviously an angel
if anything they will now forever guide you.
Their light and energy was always bright as ever
it was a relationship i had never experienced with anyone else.
No one has ever met me at that level emotionally before
the bond was immediate and genuine
never having to second guess trust being an issue.

I was extremely compelled to make myself sure
that they are still
Zane Smith Aug 2024
which is why I still haven't brought him up
and won't
as much as i explain to her
she's gonna read right through me and we both already know
i see right through him.
Zane Smith Aug 2024
trying to find the right way
to want to do this but I don't think there is
a right way to want to do this but i don't think
there is a right way to most things.
Very deeply I've been feeling the urge to confront you
about a multitude of things
But i've also felt myself pull away from the idea
because i'm not a confrontational person.
You've hurt me in many ways which I've made clear already,
but yet I've gotten no apology
which tells me you're not sorry and you don't care.
Maybe you do, you tell me you do
but your actions are way louder than your words in my ears.
I'm not gonna be here for you anymore
I need to call you on your ******* cuz you give me way 2 much
of it.
I want to believe you and usually do but I don't anymore.

people change i get it
that's not an excuse to be ******
not to the one who gave and gave
but got a mirage instead to spare their feelings.
say it how it is

ur muddling me stepping on me
hoping for reconnection and closure
loose promises
Zane Smith Aug 2024
dissociating to the point where my surroundings
don't feel familiar
scary in a sense but yet grounding
in other moments I feel immensely connected
to the world around me and others
experiencing distance yet such profound
I haven't been in touch with spirits lately
but my own seems to be searching around
more than i know i'm seeing the world around me
falling back into old patterns
working on distancing certain people
I want to explore myself more
create new patterns meet more people
touch more of the earth

this year will be more exciting and fufilling
I'll stretch my arms out
rather than turning them to the other path
accepting more random opportunities i hope
likely to feel fear anxiety and other troubles
but feelings pass like clouds but I'll be the sky
Aug 2024 · 44
i don't like
Zane Smith Aug 2024
how i resort to self medication
it helps my brain calm down
when i'm in overdrive.
the sun rises
and i recognize
the consequences of my actions.
it could be worse
One last pic and I'll be home
I'll be dead by dawn.
i don't want to continue this way
hand cuffed to the vices
I want better for myself
my therapist has seen me twice this week
yet i feel like I'll see her soon
Aug 2024 · 53
it doesn't matter
Zane Smith Aug 2024
if your version comes out burnt
or if your eye makes theirs seem better
you created something out of your effort
regardless of if it matches
you made it and should be proud
"You can let go..I'm not even sure if anything
bads gonna happen to me" - Moully bee & puppy cat
Aug 2024 · 49
he's invading my mind
Zane Smith Aug 2024
seeping in all the crevices
he's like a sickness I can't sleep off
but the warmth he shows
pulls me in like before.
Aug 2024 · 49
in the spur of the moment
Zane Smith Aug 2024
we can have the urge
to say so many things.
but we prefer to let those thoughts
get lost because at what cost
can we spare to hear
their reaction.

jealously can cautiously
sneak in around blind corners
seeping into your seams.
seeking to be in their present moments
enjoying temporary memories
walking through vulnerability
unaware of the time running past us.
Jul 2022 · 3.2k
i'm just really struggling
Zane Smith Jul 2022
with keeping myself together.
i'm trying to work on all the pieces.
i have nothing left.
i have the smallest will to live, even though
i know there is so much to do and see,
people to meet and places to go.
i just don't want to keep feeling how i feel.
i wish i was excited to wake up every morning.
like how i used to be when things felt good.
like when a new day felt like a new start.
not now
all it feel like is endless days.
the weeks repeat themselves.
the thoughts and feelings crawl back,
and i crumble at their touch.
i feel so dead
but so alive because i have so much going on.
i feel dead because i keep telling myself,
i will get through this exhausting time.
we're all struggling. i know.
but *******
it really hurts all the time
just to be
11/1/2020 10:05PM
Jul 2022 · 931
I don't know
Zane Smith Jul 2022
how to tell my parents
how much I've been hurting
I don't want them to feel responsible for my brain
being ill
i don't want to scare them
i don't want them to worry about me
i don't want them to be upset with me for not
talking to them about why i'm always crying
i don't know how to explain to them what i feel
because if i tell anyone fully what goes on in my
brain i will actually be all alone, even though it
already feels like i am.
10/18/2020 10:08PM
Feb 2022 · 157
he's already had his 19th
Zane Smith Feb 2022
he's moving on
He found someone new
super new in fact
but they were good enough
for him to say
"im sorry :(".
but you weren't looking for anything serious?
Not my information to know
Not my life to live
Not my *** to have anymore.
A bit confusing considering you wanted me
a few weeks ago.
That's alright, it's okay.
I loved the time we shared while it lasted

for now I'm a little confused and saddened by the
loss of our anyways temporary days together.
but grateful for how you treated me
how you shared with me and listened to me
how you held me and looked at me
how you wanted to see me and how you made
time for me
How we made it work and how we connected so
how I met ur friends and you paid for my overnight tickets
how you held my hand in public and acted like i
was yours for the moment
how you asked for my opinion and cared about my
needs while you were with me
but that's settled
I have my closure
I'll move on

I knew exactly how it would end as soon as I met you,
so strangely
giving me peace
Feb 2022 · 142
Overly frustrated
Zane Smith Feb 2022
Lost my keys
Couldn't find my phone
Work dread
Mood swings
Overlapping thoughts
Very unstable
Intrusive thoughts

Scared of future
Freeze on past
Angry in present
Want to change everything about me
Move away
Start over
Annoyed with myself
Cold to sweating frequently

Wanna be loved
Needs hugs
New beginnings
Pets bring comfort
Listening to my breath
Quiet is helpful
Empty house is peaceful

I need patience
I need someone to take time with me
I need someone to listen to me

You didn't seem mentally ill yesterday
Yesterday you were so happy
Zane Smith Feb 2022
i'd fill it to the brim
with things i love.
It would scream
I'd have plants on the windowsills
a desk for my art and studies.
I'd have my pink cart
Full of journals, washi tape, watercolor paint,
acrylic paint, pens, paint pens, brushes, canvases,
colored pencils, stamps earring crafts, tape,
stickers, snacks and drinks.
Just like now but in my own space
Ambient lighting, candles and crystals
All I could ever want.
What would soothe my soul
Feb 2022 · 131
it upsets me
Zane Smith Feb 2022
how much i don't want to be here right now
because i have such a love for life.
but i don't want to skip ahead.
I don't want to skip the chapters
I want to read the whole book.
The downs are the lessons during the ups, the healing,
during the growth, during the glow.
i will despise the now, but it's all i have.
Regardless of where I am and who I want to be,
you can't go back or to the future.
I can't have my future that I long for without the now.
Zane Smith Feb 2022
But I don't like it
It's uncomfortable
But so comfortable.
I'm angry
I'm sad
I'm excited
I'm worried.
But it all feels the same
it's all on the same level.
I think my brain
Is used to the constant commotion
Feb 2022 · 109
you ask me
Zane Smith Feb 2022
why I say
"I wish you were an ******* to me"
you don't understand
how I want to be mad at you
how I wish things could work out for us
how if you were a bad person
I would feel less upset
About us not working.
I could give myself a reason
to get over you.
But of course
I hold onto
False hope instead
Feb 2022 · 107
my heart aches
Zane Smith Feb 2022
for I want you to be happy
the anxiety
She brings upon you
angers me.
For you deserve
And a clear conscious
Feb 2022 · 730
I can't remember
Zane Smith Feb 2022
the last time I felt that flustered.
I don't think it's ever been that intense.
I just remember being so excited
because he actually wanted to see me.
I just remember sweating
because he was so pretty.
I remember being taken aback
because it was so natural.
But I will refuse to admit
the smiles that appear across my face
when I hear from you.
Even though I'd let you break my heart happily
Apr 2021 · 991
I still think about it
Zane Smith Apr 2021
all the time.
The night I let myself
love you entirely.
The way my brain
broke down from resistance
to the time left.
I've never FELT
that out of body.
Zane Smith Jan 2021
with someone to have a good time.

Romanticize simplicity with yourself

Go to the grocery store
Get some coffee
Go to a view
Find a new place you've never been
Buy art supplies
Get lunch
Find a recipe
Go thrifting
Hang out at a park
Watch a movie
Read a book
Listen to music
Go somewhere you haven't in awhile
Feel the energy in a metaphysical shop
Doodle on something random
Wake up early
Make a charcuterie board
Light a candle
You attract what you put forward to the universe.
Jan 2021 · 250
what made me think of you?
Zane Smith Jan 2021
your snap story?
my loneliness?
ur joy
my sadness?
I miss being loved so constantly and openly
I miss being checked in on
I wish I didn't crave such validation
But for my own to be enough.

You're voice was comforting even tho
The conversation was awkward.
It was nice to hear from you
Dec 2020 · 105
where is my mind?
Zane Smith Dec 2020
Forgetting you
Worrying about you
Meeting you.
new job
late missing assignments
smoking to feel other than
trying to love myself
opening up to spirituality
Missing love.
Nov 2020 · 234
sit for a bit
Zane Smith Nov 2020
put ur phone down
Listen to the space between us
Listen to our voices conversing.
Nov 2020 · 228
the way you looked at her
Zane Smith Nov 2020
the way you held her tight
the way you called her babe
they way I liked her
the way I felt the love
you have for one another.
It still hurts
even though I wish
more than anything
to not let you
in my heart
Like that.

I know you're holding her
right now.
The way you did with me for those two weeks.
The way you have with her for two years.
Nov 2020 · 112
not one person
Zane Smith Nov 2020
in the world
is thinking about me
right this moment.
I am solely
by myself
with my thoughts.
I'm bored
with everything
I'm clinging on
day by day.
Waiting for something
Oct 2020 · 94
am i actually
Zane Smith Oct 2020
missing you
or missing the memories.
The loving looks,
the long nights,
the never ending drives.
I miss your attention
our daily check ins
our "step by step".
But something
interrupted my love
for you.
I still don't know what
or how.

It's too easy to talk to you
you know me
you know my emotions
breakup time loss thinking messy memories love emotions
Sep 2020 · 190
I search
Zane Smith Sep 2020
for the dilation
I search
for the expansion
For I wish
that when you look at me
your pupils
show me more
then what you have said.
Have I already
shown that to you?

Will there be that moment
but meaning
in your eyes.
Will your body
give yourself away?
Or am I
Hopelessly waiting
Sep 2020 · 123
walk back
Zane Smith Sep 2020
I wish you did.
The line will be drawn
and I'll let go
I feel it all
But nothing.
at this point
In time
I want more
I've never
craved numbness.
But I get it now.
It's peaceful
Less chaotic,
but underwhelming.
Sep 2020 · 888
Zane Smith Sep 2020
are pushed.
on the floor.
Sep 2020 · 473
Zane Smith Sep 2020
By death
By proximity
By curiosity
By anger
Sep 2020 · 604
At this state
Zane Smith Sep 2020
in time,
we're vulnerable.
sitting and waiting
days pass
as we don't sit in class.
everyone around us
Fragile as glass.
Families hurt
Jobs on pause
While the news plays
more pain
Lives gone
so fast
At the snap of a finger.
The world froze
as we search for hope.
Sep 2020 · 159
Zane Smith Sep 2020
so alone
yet so surrounded
These words
feel rusted.
It's been awhile
Since my fingers
felt the keys
like this.
I wish to cry
like I know to do
but brain
Is paused.
Feelings feel
nowadays a blur.

I know my strength
but it feels transparent.
I know my worth
But it feels meaningless.
I'm here in the present
But my heart
Replays the past.
Everything is put
on hold
But time won't stop
So I cannot.
Jan 2020 · 216
Zane Smith Jan 2020
i am.
like an old porcelain doll
i don't want to be dropped
I'll shatter,
pieces all over the floor.
on a shelf i sit
next to others sitting pretty
in dresses and makeup
looking like people they aren't.
i am quiet but honest
because i need protecting.
i know where i've been recently
i've been covered in dust
sitting alone
in a room with no one to hold me.
pushing myself off the shelf,
allowing the cracks to move
across my
Dec 2019 · 463
lay your head
Zane Smith Dec 2019
on my chest
love you with every breath.
it's been tough
you've had enough.
noise so loud
in your mind,
let it out
one tear at a time.
nothing more craved
than to be with you
I wish I could help
when all you can do,
is let yourself melt.
Nov 2019 · 249
Home Bound
Zane Smith Nov 2019
october 30th,
finally after over a year
you were coming home.
no phone call
this sunday,
just an email
from last thursday.
"not coming home this week
i'll explain later
i'll be here for my 18th".
two years in a row
that's so unfair
I wanted to fly
to see you
for your birthday
but you will still be there.
locked away,
im so sorry
i miss you
i love you
When will my best friend be safe and sound?
Nov 2019 · 431
frustration flutter
Zane Smith Nov 2019
I know I get quiet
I know you worry,
sometimes my words
get twisted and go unheard.
I try to speak my truth
but I forget how to understand,
how I feel.
in these moments
I just ask for some patience,
I'm trying my best
to help us both understand
I care so much
I lose my touch,
of stability and focus.
my brain needs time
to find its way back
to a straight line.
I was having lots of trouble speaking my mind. After sitting down and listening to my buzzing mind, I wrote to the best of my ability.
Oct 2019 · 481
Zane Smith Oct 2019
out of place
out in space
my mind wonders
looking for something safe.
to hold onto
and cherish,
but I tend to stumble
and perish.
when fallen down
I'm filled with sound,
constant and booming
loud and looming.
once redirected
my head feels connected,
to the body I know
and my wisdom
I call home.
Oct 2019 · 310
Zane Smith Oct 2019
like a cold
from missing you.
coughs interrupting
my breathing,
short intervals
like the time we get together.
resting in bed
allowing my body
to reset,
but I'm upset
when I can't hold you
near my chest
Sep 2019 · 560
what is this
Zane Smith Sep 2019
I have been
down and confused.
feeling things
I used to
be used to.
it had become
a normal
but now,
it's new again.
feelings of guilt
for missing memories,
because the past
can't come back.
I don't miss the people
I miss the places
I miss the laughs
I miss the late nights
I miss the stupidity
the vulnerability.
Sep 2019 · 372
tell me why
Zane Smith Sep 2019
I have the urge to start over
to throw everything away.
tell me why some days
it's impossible to get dressed,
to get out of bed.
tell me why I want
to throw my phone in the ocean
to delete social media.
tell me why my best friend
isn't home yet
it's been over a year.
Tell me why my life feels
so put together
so far away
where am I going?
Sep 2019 · 667
Zane Smith Sep 2019
the days I feel
my brain is blocked,
I take a step back
go for a walk.
no phone needed
through the neighborhood.
searching for peace
a quiet state of mind,
finding ways
to leave it behind.
one way I take my pause for the day, giving my brain a moment to process
Sep 2019 · 431
I don't know
Zane Smith Sep 2019
what to think
I want to write
my brain won't
poems like before.
this is ******
what a pity.
I think
I'm trying to hard
i sit down to write but nothing flows
I guess my feelings
don't want to show
Sep 2019 · 410
Zane Smith Sep 2019
time flies by
with the blink
of an eye.
so when
do we truly
start living?
Sep 2019 · 351
every time
Zane Smith Sep 2019
every time we meet
I feel like it will get easier,
to leave you.
every time we meet
I want more time with you.
every time I hold you
I don't want to let go.
every time we kiss,
I want it to linger
for longer.
every time we hug,
I want it to last
a lifetime.
every time I get on the train
I travel farther away
from your touch.
every time
I want more of you.
every time I wish you'd stay forever
Sep 2019 · 467
Zane Smith Sep 2019
it's crazy to think
some people's lives just started
some people's lives just ended
all over the world.
a celebration of life has begun
a mourning of death has begun.
no matter your age
no matter what stage of life,
everyone's still learning.
making mistakes
sure some have it easier than others
sure some have it harder than others
but in the end,
we have the chance to live
to live as in to be present.
we are here on this earth
while others aren't
recognize your opportunity
to be.
here is your reminder, here is your sign, to open your eyes.
Sep 2019 · 380
never again
Zane Smith Sep 2019
we only have one moment
each individual day
where nothing will ever be the same.
days and months repeat
years do not.
every second
we are somewhere else
Sep 2019 · 411
morning world
Zane Smith Sep 2019
6:15am, early start
full with lots of love in my heart,
a cup of coffee with a swirl of whipped cream
a book about compassion and generosity.
step out on the balcony
brisk beautiful air
messy tangled hair,
sun beaming
skin gleaming
peace and quiet.
birds waking up to make their music
where's my bookmark, try not to lose it.
sitting and sipping
take in the new day
new start
new beginning.
reminder : you are growing and flourishing everyday whether you recognize it or not :)
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