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Jan 2018 · 496
go fuck yourself
Lillian Jan 2018
If I try hard enough
If I hold on until my hands bleed
If I go away, kicking and screaming
It still wouldn't be enough

My heart will still ache
The memory of you will still burn
I will still be scorned

So whats the point?
Jan 2018 · 486
How do plants adapt
Lillian Jan 2018
How do plants adapt?
do they cut the person out of their life
do they pretend it didn't happen
how do they get the water they need
where does the sun in their lives come from

How do others know whos the one?
do they date until they think they cant do any better
do others settle because they can't get who they want

How do geese know where to migrate?
do they pray to find their way
when they shoot for the stars is it ok if they miss
do they get tired of the same thing
or rather just comfortable in normalcy
Jan 2018 · 501
Lillian Jan 2018
A dream of you
it's like any other day with you
we lay in bed and I count the seconds pass
how long will this last

Minutes are hours
days feel like months
I find myself in your bed
asking for some hope or glimmer
that this is more than just head

It's rash, it's rush
you just gotta trust
I wanna make this work
I need to see this through
because if I don't
all I'm going to do
is miss you
Lillian Jun 2015
My days are about today and my nights are filled with remnants of yesterday
My weeks are filled with angst and my months are filled with pain
My years are filled with regret as i wish to become less upset
Apr 2015 · 20.5k
society is ruined
Lillian Apr 2015
conformity is the **con in society.
justice is just not happening.
politics cause tics named politicians
Apr 2015 · 719
Please give me forever
Lillian Apr 2015
I’ve known you almost my entire life and in that time I’ve been completely and utterly in love with you. You make my days filled with sunshine and my nights full of ecstasy. Everyday with you is like an adventure and i never want it to end. I don’t ever want this adventure to end. Forever and always is what i would say, i want forever with you always.
Apr 2015 · 2.2k
I Wonder
Lillian Apr 2015
i wonder** if when you graduate and go to college we’ll still be dating.
i wonder if i’m on your mind when you choose the college you want to go to.
i wonder if you’ll visit me.
i wonder if we will ever tell anyone that we love each other.
i wonder if this is going to last.
i wonder if high school was a mistake

— The End —