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I have walked blindly
Far too long
Wishing for the impossible,
The undeserved
I was a lone bird
Flying through endless clouds
Oblivious to my surroundings,
My blessings

I never saw you,
My wingman
Pulling me to safety, familiarity
Until I was too tired to fly on
And you caught me in time,
Mending my heart with your
Adeola A Jul 2012
i refuse to play by your rules.
i fold into myself as you
attempt to dictate my Mind.
your words fall
like bricks
upon the surface of my Heart.
you push and you press
and all I want to do is run.
do you not see?
can you not tell?
i am not a piece
of clay
for you to impress upon.
you cannot mold my beliefs.
you cannot form my values.
your wrong is not my wrong.
your right is not my right. and
is not yours to call.
you gave birth to me but
you didn’t give me Life.
you are not
to my Soul.
Khoisan Aug 2018
Well after the wingman had left
I sang along to the seductive tune
that subtly fountained
A wanton void in my libido
Blindsided by the deceit of my own desires
I had succumbed
His passion was explicit
Mind blowing
Abandoned and exposed
I have fallen for a one night stand
And flailed upon quick sulking sand
You can't hurry love
Lark Train Jun 2016
You smile like a wolf about to ****.
Your cruel, sharpened fangs barred in spite.
Your voice was gold, your white cuspids alight.
You smile at your prey; we deer stand still.

I know the smile shall end where it will.
I know it never reaches to your eyes
And I know, like one bitten once or twice,
That the wolf closes its eyes to ****.

The wolf leans in too close, panic sets in
Stumbling through apologetic speech in
An effort to get somewhere else, again...

The deer springs into action, can't win
For wolves hunt in packs, the wingman swoops in
Now trapped by foes unbeatable, I'm slain.
This is a Petrarchan sonnet about wolves and deer.
4am On the drunken floor of my Wingmans apartment I place my red solo tankard down to instigate a quest.
That's what we call my wingman.
"Roadkill! Lets go on an adventure to king richards faire tomorrow!"
"Sure! When do we leave?"
"Don't worry, I'll wake you up."

See. When your best friend says they need you,
you don't just call them.
You drive.
on the anniversary of Roadkills worst tragedies,
we are getting drunk.
In the morning,
We're going to prove that life is worth living.

7:30am our alarms go off.
"Curse you phone."
Hands slap towards the noise,
Spilling last nights wounded soldiers.

"Roadkill your shirts inside out."
"Thanks man."
Actually, while you have it off.

Black doesn't go with brown.
Pick a whole different shirt."
"It's fine."
"*******. There's a blue shirt right here."

Belting sailor shantees
Roadkill and I adventure three hours in
My four wheeled ground Zepplin.

"A curse to you lads,
a curse on your head,
Drinking pint after pint
until I am dead
I just keep drinking
and I don't know why,
But tonight is the night
that I drink 'til I die!"

Upon arriving at the faire we spot an ocean of goregeous maidens.
The ticket booth doth not take credit cards, however.
So we needed to speak to the gatekeeper.
"Excuse me, where's the atm?" I Ask.
"it's right over there, Handsome.
I'll need your id's first, though.
Don't worry, I don't bite
... hard."

Roadkills eyes grow the size of stormwind.
"I need to bring you everywhere man.
You make everyone love us."

we return with cash in hand
The gatekeeper pulls our ID's from her corset
looks them over before handing them back.
"How are you boys younger than me?"
"It's the beard. "
I wink.
"Keep a secret?"

Swords on hips
songs in chest.
Mead was flowing
Boots were clomping

Roadkill paused to look around
Standing like a pleased statue.

I bounced excitedlly around like a child.
handsome men, too.
"Thank you"
It's like we teleported to Flurb heaven!
a garb shop!
Oh my god
A boot store!
They have a whole store
for leather larpy boots!
There is a tail shop!
I could buy and wear a fuzzy furry tail!
This is amazing!
There is a giant duck
Being pushed back and forth by two huge jacked dudes.

"I need to hug everyone!"
I am in love with everything!"
"Can i please hug you?"

"I swear to god, Nick if you touch me."

We try the knife throwing challenge.
The crossbow challenge.
The dart throwing challenge.
We **** at all of it but we have a blast.

We walk into a leather shop.
A small redheaded girl dances around us. She puts fur around our necks
Her hands trace our chests as she ties them up
You boys look like the type to rock these.
She drags us by the belts to a mirror.
Look at how handsome you both are.

"Roadkill" I whisper.
He is already lost in her eyes.
I place a hand below his chin and close his mouth.
They talk about where they're from.
Their families.
What they do for fun.
"Oh you do larp? We do dagohir it's like full contact grappley shield kicking larp"

A group of customers walk in and she leaves to tend to them.
A brunette helps take off roadkills stole.
"How much are these anyway?"
Roadkill asks the brunette.
"$600" she answers.
"I feel ashamed for even trying it on"
Says roadkill slipping off the precious treasure.
"Goodbye ladies! have fun today!"
I say, pulling roadkill by the arm.
"Oh... okay then... bye."

"They seemed sad we left.
What was that about?" Asked roadkill.
"Well do you want the blunt educated version or the ignorant positive version?"

"Ignorant of coarse."
Then they're dissapointed because they were interested in us.
"Out of curiousity, what's the blunt educated version?"
"They're upset We didn't fall for their act and buy their expensive wares."
"Whelp... there goes my self confidence. Ignorance really is bliss"
"Yes it is roadkill. Yes it is."

We Travel back home.
Again, singing sailor shantees.

"A curse to you lads,
a curse on your head,
Drinking pint after pint
until I am dead
I just keep drinking
and I don't know why,
But tonight is the night
that I drink 'til I die!"

Park the four wheeled ground zeppelin in front of the Apartment.
Clonk our boots up the stairs
Grab angry orchards out of the fridge
Slunk into the beaten brown couch
raise my bottle into the air
"To living one more day exactly the way we want too, Roadkill."
Roadkill raises his bottle.
clinks it against mine.
"To living."
"I love you, Roadkill. You're the best." -Geek
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2012
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,   

Nostrils whine in the fall.   
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.   
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2013
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,  

Nostrils whine in the fall.  
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.  
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
tread Sep 2013
when she played wingman for her friend at a party

after her friend had dumped a kid of innocent naivety (first love! first love!)

I asked her if she would ever have *** with someone

immediately after our breaking up

and she said,
"no, I have more respect for you then that.
it'd be at least a couple weeks."

and now look at us.

the nail in the coffin

was his ******* inside your moist *****.

I rejected a girl last night

because all I could think of

was you.
Rissa Wallace Dec 2011
She gives me the strength to deal with adversity. She returns to the valley of fire to pull me through, she has been there before, she knows how much it burns. As we exit, we look at each other. Me; beaten, battered and burned. Her; with amazing fortitude, unscathed, resilient. We continue to walk away and I begin to heal.

He is my base, my father figure. He is truly remarkable. Learning on his own how to be a father; his father being unfairly taken from him at the age of nine. He’s always been there to bandage my cuts and stop my tears. He has become a pro by the second generation. He is quiet and keeps to himself. But his smile is magical and his laughter, infectious.

She is my spine. She instilled drive for my success. She gives me confidence to surpass my opponents, but she keeps me grounded. She reminds me of my roots and my reasons; the hurdles I have leaped over and the ones I have yet to face. She believes in me when I don’t believe in myself. When I feel like collapsing, she keeps my back straight, head up, shoulders back, and whispers to me to “keep going”.

He is my first true love. He is my ray of sunshine. With him, I feel a maternal spirit. He is not mine, but for him I would give my life, my goals, my dreams; instantaneously. He will have every goal and every dream he aspires to have. He will have heartache and disappointment, but he will be safe and secure.

She is my liberation. The first time I have been able to let down my walls since birth. She understands me. She gives me relief. Hesitation doesn’t exist. We are one in the same. She is my wingman and I am hers. We are confident in our journey as long as we have each other.

He is my loyal warrior. He gave me his heart and I gave him mine. We protect each other against others; but also harm each other in the process. We have been through rings of fire, making our bond unbounded and unbreakable.

She gives me courage to speak my mind. Undauntedly real. Our friendship is unusual and questioned. It shows its true colors when need be. She has seen me grow and she’s watching me leave. She is unaffected by the sight, but she smiles and it ensures me that she cares and knows everything will be okay; I’ll be just fine.

He is, unknowingly, my discipline, drive, determination. He has set the standard. He doesn’t expect me to reach or surpass his standard, unless I want to. He is supportive in every way. He asks for nothing more than my happiness. I am confident that he will be by my side for every decision I make, and he will not question it; my smile is always worth more.

She gives me the most unique gift; the beauty of an awkward relationship. Shyness and quietness embraces us when we are together. That is our way of communication. It is unquestioned, I love her. Our relationship will blossom more with time. Doors will unlock, stories will surface; the beauty and strength of our relationship will be undoubtedly the most prominent.

They are the reason for my heart break. Never feeling fully accepted, they were the reason for my childhood anger. Our relationship needs work; it is in continuous reconstruction. We finally laugh more and argue less. We are trying to build an impenetrable strength; nothing has yet to slow us down.

He provides me with the most hilarious gift. The gift of subtle manipulation. He has taught me not to fight fire with fire, heat doesn’t respond well with more heat. Use a fire extinguisher. Respond to anger with a smile, let others underestimate you and respond with intelligence. Always keep a smile, people are always watching and waiting for your weakest points, to bring you down more. He refuses to let me fall.

She is my laughter. She exposes the side of me that is barely seen. She knows more about me than I can ever imagine, and she accepts me willingly. She understands that it sometimes feels impossible to smile, but she takes that opportunity as a challenge and always seems to succeed. We promise each other that we will always remember; we’re braver than we believe and stronger than we seem. We promise to keep each other smiling.

He is difficult to analyze. He breathes through music. His music makes the story of his life that many don’t understand. My musical admiration stems from growing up around him. We are nothing alike, but through music, we communicate.

She is the collective reasoning for all of our strengths. She is the base of my base. Her strength is remarkable. Now physically fragile, mentally stronger than all of us combined, it’s unimaginable. Through many trials and tribulations, she is the most triumphant, and the most humble.

He is my comfort and warmth. Climbing on top of me to fall asleep. Our stomachs rising and falling in unison. His head on my heart, listening as if it is his lullaby at night. He loves me unconditionally, always knowing exactly the right time I need him the most. He makes me laugh with his human tendencies. He is the most superlative gift.

Finally, she is my most surprising gift. I didn’t recognize her gift until four years after her death. She gave me the power to admire life as it is, like she did in her very last hours. She taught me not to question the people in your life or why they are there, they’re always there for a reason. In the end it won’t matter what your life means or why certain people are there; all that matters is how many lives you change in the process of just being you.
Andrew Parker May 2014
Never Have I Ever (Slam Poem)

Having a best friend makes you think of weird things.

Stuff like:
Getting slapped in the face with a fish is more about smell than texture.
13 nights in a row drinking isn't so bad if you save cash not using mixers.
A stranger hitting on you is a storyline for tomorrow's lunch.
Redecorating my room is just for you, nobody else will see it.
You asked me to go shop with you, are you saying I need new clothes?
Crushing Ritalin in a bathroom, because we stayed up 'til 6am before work.
Pooping is like extra time in the day set aside to call you on the phone.
Why do we play Never Have I Ever when we already know the ever's?
People think we constantly say inside jokes, but we're just telepathic.
I get into shape before you visit town, because you're my best wingman.
If we ever stop being friends, I really hope you don't blackmail me.
Can I designate you to speak at my wedding, babyshower, and funeral?
... or is it too soon to do that?

Losing friends can make you think of weird things, I imagine.

Stuff like:
1. I should stop ordering carne asada fries - I can't finish a whole portion.
2. I keep my curtains closed - I know your car won't randomly be outside.
3. Having lunch alone ***** - I shared a crazy story with the cashier today.
4. I take my poops with the stereo on now - I never could go in silence.
5. My voicemail inbox is full - I can't delete any when your voice pops up.
6. Maybe I should call you.
7. I need to talk to you.
8. I wish I could call you.
9. If only you'd come visit town.
10. Maybe I should go visit the cemetery.
11. I have a new least favorite Never Have I Ever.
12. Never Have I Ever had a best friend die.

And I hope I never ever will put that finger down.
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2014
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,  

Nostrils whine in the fall.  
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.  
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2013
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,  

Nostrils whine in the fall.  
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.  
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2012
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,   

Nostrils whine in the fall.   
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.   
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
labyrinth May 2022
Soul is only soul
If mind is not foul
Mind is only mind
If soul is not blind
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2012
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,  

Nostrils whine in the fall.  
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.  
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
Chris Slade Dec 2018
This is something I wrote to be read at my Cousin Rene's funeral.

Oh My! I'm zooming down the Spanish coast... dipping my toes in the Med.
But you might find me on a Cornish Campsite drinking Pina Coladas instead.
Or it could be me, arm-in arm with good pals in pre-war summers... painting Withernsea red!
To all of those who saw me through the darker days I am thankful that you helped & guided...

Oh My! ...But I'm better now... I'm free... it's been a trying time, but once again... I can be me!
And there's something else I've just realised. Do you know what? I can see!
The last few years haven't been kind to me. Apparently I hadn't been making much sense.
I knew inside what I wanted to say... being with me must have made people nervous... tense.

But now the pressure's lifted, for loved ones and for me.
I was ready - went on too long. Now I'm on the 'other side'.
From now you’ll hear me on the wind in the trees and my whispers, in the surf and the tide.
I'm pain free, light and frothy again, teetering on heels... I’m a dizzy apricot blonde... No need for me to hide...
I might even drop in on you as I'm told you can... to say a quick thanks for all who helped - or tried...

Oh My!... and yes....people to thank? It's like an Oscar speech...
there's a list....but amongst all one stands out... shines like a star...
My Chef... my Chauffeur... my Ears.... my Eyes... my Angel... my Wingman... My Ken!
By my side through bad times, the good times and all those difficult bits... Not the now - but the then...
My Multi-tasker, My Carer...My Rock... My 'Rock & Roller'...
I remember we used to jive way back when...
And as the old song goes, I'm sure ... We’ll meet again!
Oh My!
"Oh My!" was cousin Rene's go to phrase when anything surprised her, amused her or was worthy of comment... She loved her caravan trips around Europe. She and my mum would go out on the razz in Withernsea and Hull in the 1930s... "Oh My!"
Dhaara T Apr 2017
She's my best friend
My worst enemy too
To my mind she does tend
Teaching me every day, things anew

She feeds my mind
with thoughts that shock, but also uplift
A better wingman, I cannot find
To me, she's such a gift

She is the one who shows me love
And joy in the littlest of things
The reason my heart pursues the purity of a dove
Led by her, my soul sings

I could not live without her
She'd cease to exist, without me
The girl in the mirror
She is me, I am she
The inspiration without is only a reflection of a never-ending fountain of inspiration within.
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2014
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,  

Nostrils whine in the fall.  
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.  
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2015
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,  

Nostrils whine in the fall.  
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.  
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
Mike Essig Mar 2018
Despair and grief are buddies,
always hanging out together.
Grief is despair's wingman.
Together they always score.
Grief sets despair up.
Despair closes the deal.
Best best friends forever
at the club of how we feel.
DElizabeth Nov 2023
how does it feel

to bond over the same pain?

to connect not over a drink,

but over similar reasons for leaving?

i hear you're still around

but nowhere near me.

why did you do it

if nothing crashed & burned?

was there something i couldn't see?

did you end it before it crashed & burned?

were we always meant to?

did you know this?
did you know this?

there is nothing worse than man-made tragedy.

because then you know it can be controlled. changed.

he brought us together

and now you ask to see him. comfort him.

share a slice of pizza & be a shoulder to cry on

as you wine & dine a street over from my house,

where i said we should all go before you moved away.

but here you are.

& there i am not.
(previously titled: MAN-MADE TRAGEDY)
Seán Mac Falls May 2017
Wings beat to overtake.
Now, above you like a fire shot
In a silent film the rush begins.
Wings fold inward, the air turrents,
Streams, as a ball swirling in a tube,
Grey bullet in the barrel,
The slide to the **** and the talons,
Make their mark before the hitch.
Soft plosives bearly sounding,
Crake, blood cupped in the claws,
From the breast and the rose  
Heart, now in a tail spin,  

Nostrils whine in the fall.  
No jury just but a sup of the faded  
Heart by one raging one.  
The wilted wings are stirring  
To the last as the pointed  
Wingman ferries, the wholly bred,
Quarry of perfection, jolts  
And jilts, and His scythe of feathers
Holds sway in the whirl.
As the God-made creature
From high heaven flies
The mourning dove must die.
Dark n Beautiful Mar 2017
Situations that is unavoidable.
A little nod to Charles Bernstein

A college without students
Facebook without members
*** without a partner
A man without woman
A keyboard without the keys
A bath without soap
Donald Trump without passion
A twitter account without his followers
A night without rest
A day without snapchat
A bank without money
A soap opera without a plot
A Rally against poverty
A poem without rhyme
A nurse without the doctor
A train without the tracks
A death without weeping
A horse without its carriage
A car without its wheel
A wingman without his buddy
A lotto ticket without a dream
A day without a crime
A lady without her *****
A politician without ambition
A bar without alcohol
A patient without insurance
A day without rain
A memory without recollection
Childbirth without fear
A judge without the jury
A school without teachers
A nightmare without vision
A bed without headboard
Sesame Street without bid bird
Football without violence
A seamstress without training
A story without a dialogue
A baby without its mother
An election without voters
A couple without children
I hope she gets there,
Wherever she's going,
However far; however high,
Always off running; I know she'll fly,
Can no longer be her wingman,
I've got to land and nurse this tan,
Burning I was so close to the sun,
Might as well have had a gun
To my head ready to blow
Away my brain red in the snow,
I didn't want to see the truth,
Even as she pulled each tooth
Told me it was nothing
And I believed everything
Even as I questioned it all
So this house of cards will fall,
Because I was delusional and willing
To follow her thinking it a good feeling;
But who am I to love or need;
I've never wanted, never paid heed
To any pretty face around me
All failing to be anything I should see
Instead just going with my flow
And her splendor? Just mop n glow
Blinding yes; but not glue
Therefore one IS better than two,
This road has diverged; split and ended;
While it lasted; knowing her was splendid...
© okpoet
Whitney Sager May 2015
Will loving him repair his broken heart?
Will kind words heal wounds inflicted?
Will patience show him he is worth waiting for?
Will forgiveness show him
That he can look forward now, and not back?
Can X's and O's fill
the crevices and canyons of his soul?
He cannot find liquor strong enough,
nor painkillers numbing enough,
no cut deep enough,
or risky behaviours risky enough to mask his pain
He says "it happens"
she shrugs as he tells you
the pieces of his puzzle he'd rather forget
Never sheds a tear,
but you can see him shake when he has to
"be a man" at 16
six schools, four years, no one he can count on
"I'm the one he comes to" she says
"When his mind is not with him,
when he drink or the drug sweeps his thoughts away
like a forceful wind,
his subconscious longs for me"
He calls her late into the night,
his voice a mumble
and his words nonsense
She speaks to him softly, comfortingly,
until she can hear his gentle snoring.
Then she cries herself to sleep,
because she's not sure if he'll ever be better
or if he'll ever say " I love you"
without alcohol as his wingman
Or be able to make it through the day without
a sip
a puff
a cut
And she can't help but wonder: is loving him enough?
Sam Kauffmann Feb 2018
I’ve said it before
I’ll say it here again
I wear a bug spray
That only works
On butterflies
I want to be a flower
But all I get is bees
I get stung
And I back away
I am approached
By cockroaches
Every Year
Trying to gain from me
I attract mosquitos
Bloodsucking parasites
I have these people
Who want me
To do what they want
Then they leave
My lifeblood
My friendship
Gone forever
With my time
I want to swat
Those mosquitos
And crush them
Before they can leave
Someday I will
Get rid of this spray
At least that’s
What all my friends say
But I don’t know
The spray is permanent
Maybe I’m cursed
Or maybe I just need
A bath
In the water of friendship
And to fly with
My dragonfly
My wingman
And maybe
My friend
September Apr 2017
I drunkenly wingman my dreams to my realities.
But you don't look like the clubbing type
Gareth Jun 2017
So here we are another Friday night amd the routine will probably play out the same way it always has ..

I find myself lazing on the couch staring at some 90's television show waiting for my wingman to arrive..

I always get aggravated around this time , he is always late, but in the back of my mind , I know that he is in the red rocket hurtling toward Uitenhage , dodging buck and tortoises  with Addo in his rear view mirror..

The minutes tick by slowly as I wait in anticipation for his arrival , I am sure I will start pacing soon amd stealing peeks out the window at every sound in hopes it is him..

It's Friday night amd ***** going to get real , honestly it's the way we always thought it would but living in a small industrial town like Uitenhage doing anything felt like a huge party at the best of times

Finally I hear the sound of car making an abrupt halt  and park under the  tree , just infront of my folks home.
 Car door swings open and out climbs the dude i been waiting for .. Clad in the usual garb, flannel shirt , blue jeans and the complimentary steel capped boots, unkpet shoulder length hair and stubble that would make the hairiest bear in the forest jealous..

"Hey G" he pronounces " sorry I am late man, but had to catch up on some X-Files, before hitting the street"...

"**** Dude you always late" is the best I could come up with . "Let's rock n roll man , I wanna get  outta this joint and light up the night".. So after our front yard banter we both Hopped into the Red Rocket and headed off down the road still not entirely sure where we were off too but the night was still young and we had alot to get through
Jill Aug 2024
All great creative storytellers know,
As you do, Adams, Asimov, and Wells,
The time machine was built so long ago

Expression chassis, tonal power cells,
The primary engine, sending us with word,
As you do, Adams, Asimov, and Wells

The second engine, flashback, and a third
—portend, exhausts each piston-fired clue,
The primary engine, sending us with word

The epoch steering, future or review,
Remember back, or forward fantasy
Portend exhausts each piston-fired clue

Captain Imagine, Wingman Memory,
With engines run on image, tone, and phrase,
Remember back, or forward fantasy

Like Atwood, Pratchett, Liu, and Philip K,
All great creative storytellers know,
With engines run on image, tone, and phrase,  
The time machine was built so long ago
A love letter to Douglas Adams, Isaac Asimov, HG Wells, Margaret Atwood, Terry Pratchett, Liu Cixin, and Philip K **** as a terzanelle. Well, that was a sentence I never thought I'd write...

del Jan 2018
sometimes Depression
is the wingman for my evergrowing crush
on Death, of course
he tells me what to do
in order for him to love me back
slit your wrist
let the blood spill
stare at the half-full
orange pill bottle in the medicine cabinet
some days
Depression makes me a better person
he tells me that Death will like me better if
i dont get out of bed
if i become skinnier
because he likes being the big spoon
he likes to swallow me up in his arms
and never let me leave
Depression whispers the secrets
the keys to unlock Death's heart
and when i finally gain the courage
i confess to Death
with a noose around my neck
Ciara Jul 2019
I can't afford loving you,  honey
I no longer wait in the back
Too many were reckless endeavors
That drove me far off of the tracks
It's true,  I'm a far better best friend
A wingman with love spells and cards
I'm meant to help lovers in turmoil
And tell of their story as bard

The cards long predicted your coming
Venus provoking the best
Yet Athena had told me,  "stay single"
And I'd rather you not like the rest
Because love can be fun when it's midnight
When you're longing for someone to hold
But right at the wake of the morning
One's ardour will always grow cold

Love looks sweet when seen from the outside
A pure shell of raspberry pink
With color is bright months of summer
You'd never step back twice to think
But I ate the six seeds,  each one desperate
And I wish I had just spat out then
Because I never knew just how bitter
The world is when pawning with men

Any you could convince me you're different
And sure,  something tells me you are
But the bitter taste came as too painful
And nothing has swayed me thus far
So I'll shove 'schroding's' kitten down under
I'm curious,  still I won't look
'Cause the Gods say,  "life's built by an order"
And it's high time I've lived by the book

So goodbye, 'cause I can't afford hurting
Or asking the cards any more
I know of my place in the love world
As the wise man,  the lowly,  the poor
And I'll still assist you on your journey
I'm always a second away
But I can't have a man who will keep me
From the island out there in the bay

— The End —