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labyrinth Jun 11
I’ve come alone and I’ll go alone
All I do in between is try to belong
labyrinth Jun 1
Kingdoms may be dead
But the kings are so not
Any democracy instead
Is the kings’ new plot
labyrinth May 29
Glorification of the Holocaust
Via movie, book or other post
With wickedness at this level
Won’t hide the fact you’re devil
labyrinth May 28
As Israel has a West to back her
It must be right time to massacre
labyrinth May 21
Remember 9/11? Getting hits
On your soil was hard and new
I figure, however, nowadays it’s
Too much information for you
labyrinth May 19
Though black is black and white is white
The less the equality, the worse the plight
labyrinth May 18
Poet’s job is to put the words
With the backing of the muse
In such an order when heard
They’ll tell you about a bruise
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