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Mateuš Conrad Nov 2018
.like any western, but unlike every western... the true grit... one eyed... it's not called: i'm blinking... it's called... the blink. the English language can never have... what is it... gender neutrality? the words are already gender neutral! the words in the English are neither masculine, or feminine... it's ******* to ask for something that's already in place! you know what obstructs the gentrification of words in the English language? how the sun is not feminine and the moon is not masculine? the articles... the English orientated their language around a-the        slightly missing the -ism... the English didn't create their language with a gender orientation of nouns, but other European languages orientated their nouns around gender inclusiveness... but you can't just... change the ******* grammar... call a triangle a ******* rhombus on a whim that belongs in the asylum... blah blah do ****... is this how civilized language is supposed to disintegrate into?! this is not religion... you can't simply replace grammatical dogma with heretical "protestantism" to gain something counter to 1 + 1 = 2, or a + t + t + e + s +t = attest... yes, confirm... what with that the politicians are doing in Canada... post-nationalism? post-nationalism, ensured with a post-grammatical structure of what should be the post-nationalist playground of the use of language? the two... together?! so... no nationalism, and no grammar... seems about the right time to separate the state from the state... and call the following dynamic: juggle act: catch one if you can! how can you expect to change the grammatical sub-structure of English?! nouns are not gentrified in the equivalent ontology of other, European languages! how can you expect gender neutrality... when the nouns of said language... are already gender neutral!? and that's because English is particular in the definite (the) and the indefinite (a) article articulation... this is the crux... the pivot... as to why nouns are not associated with either femininity or masculinity... which is why i didn't learn French in high-school... i was taught French from the rubric of grammar... i was taught the rules, before i was being taught to speak, and break the rules of speaking English... who the **** requires to learn a language, having to learn the arithmetic of lettering in the encompassing genesis of staging a craft of the linguist with, said grammar?! language is not universal... noun is no surd... verb is no integer... je suis is no 1 + 1 = 2... but like i said before... you're talking about pandering to linguistic retards... they might not be mad enough to enjoy the rainbow plethora of pharmacology... but sure as ****... they're linguistic retards... sorry, the saddest truth is... somehow... the most fun to attest in concurrence; oh right... that western, true grit... well... whether you're John Wayne or Jeff Bridges... one eye still intact? it's not a blinking... it's called the blink... no, and it's not even a blink... see how English is fascinating when singularity and pluralism enters the arena of the direct / indirect articulation? and to think the English wanted to debate a non-existent gender association of nouns that the French, the Polaks can have... but you sorry *******... ain't getting it!


    a juggling act...

(insert a snigger)

   lindsay shepherd's
video: exposing grad school
(my m. a. experience)


         bon jovi's
blaze of glory

       bon jovi! wooooooooooooo!

god, i'm so stereotypical.
i should have signed up
becoming a side-burner
for some ******* Kentucky

p.s. is stereotypical
with predictable?
that's actually a genuine question
of, rather than answering the question
itself, answering the per se
curiosity; savvy?

so what is it... Bub "the blue" Clí 'n' Son?
***** needin'
to ****?
watcha gonna do Bub?
               hold up the, "spanker"?!


and some days, in england, and it's june,
and 10pm feels like 7pm in some other season
and it reminds me of the white nights
of st. petersburg....
   insomnia and ******* a girl for seven hours...
oh the ******* bit was fun,
don't get me wrong,
   i had to wait 2 weeks before she let me
do it to her in the bath...
****** ready... she was on her period,
but misguided:
  last time i heard...
            ******* on a period eases
the period pains...
      eh... gritty flesh bits on the rubber...
problem? what problem?!

    no wonder then: i hate drinking buddies...
people dumb down upon ingesting
alcohol, i'm talking: 2D objects in 3D space
akin to fern bushes in the 1st tomb raider
(black holes - a paradox,
   a 2D object spinning really fast in
an infinite 3D space... copernican east?
copernican west? i hope the rabbi knows)...

days like this, oh all the days like this...
when you wake up,
jump out of bed... and dance naked in your
room listening to KULT's
          brooklyńska rada Żydów -
two music genres i never got into:
punk and rap...
   well... "mediocre" punk...
   californian, the offspring,
  the usual suspects of the ramones,
*** pistols, stiff little fingers, mainstream *******...
ska... now we're talking...
hip hop contra rap: now we're talking...

such a beautiful day...
    a chestnut mushroom cream sauce with
snippets of turkey, of course the fresh parsley...
bay leaf, one clove, two all-spice buds...

    and... i'm really tired of looking up
h'america's ***...
    i sometimes thank god that i'm not
english for the sole reason that i don't have
to mind the "special relationship",
like i'm being owed or owning someone
for the respects of sharing the same lingo...

you want the other "special relationship"?
it began with Casimir III...
east... well: central europe...
eastern europe without borders,
purely geographic: is situated somewhere
in russia...
          borders condense...
last time i visited the home away from home
i found new music...
pablopavo i ludziki...
             the polonaise and the jews...
how many terrorist attacks in poland
while the islamists were having a funfair
elsewhere? gullible schvabs and swedes...
  (swabians, that's a slang for the ol' deutsche
deutsche back east - kacap ('tss wet snare
on the c) for the russians)...
                  funny (even)...
the map of recent terrorist attacks...
     and... the map of the spread of the bubonic
plague... a certain region remains
       even i agreed with my uncle:
better the catholic ******* than islamic
propaganda... mind you...
        sh'ite islam: thumbs up!
always pay due dues to the underdogs...
and if islam truly was a religion
to gobble up all other religions...
      a schism over such a petty affair
including Ali - the son in law of Muhammad
and Muhammad breaking his promise...

    oy vey!
     how else was i going to get out of bed
to dance naked to anything
but the ska song: brooklyńska rada Żydów?
what other option?
      black ox orkestar's bukharian?
                                             oy vey!
funny story from amsterdam...
me and this egyptian were sharing a hostel
room with these two germans,
who wasted 'shrooms on sitting indoors
watching h'american dad...

   we took a different route...
   he smoked, i drank, he had a bottle of
***** with him,
architect, i can't remember his name,
a keen eye for grand doodles in a notebook...
but then i decided to take a ****
after a few beers while he put
headphones into my ears and played
me le trio joubran's - masar...
        i even managed to attract the attention
of a dutch girl who seemed...
rather gobsmacked...
   i literally went into the nod-state
associated with ****** junkies...
but with eyes closed and mouth agape...
feeding off the ****** of the void...
i.e. the ****** of the void?
    when you're not chained to thinking...
the self disintegrates,
              thinking disintegrates...
and with the music: the void became
pulverizing me with vibration after
vibration echoing a chanced comparison
to a heart-beat mingling with
the fuzzy rippling and vibrating effect of
   the eye-sight of some insect...

yes yes... blah blah...
    boasting... boasting my ***...
am i here to feel sorry for myself,
to drown in my take on some perfect love
i could offer?
      no really...
               i've always had the two best
companions to begin with...
my shadow and a blank piece of pixel
paper perfectly coupled to my idle /
itchy finger-tips...
   well, a third: ms. amber...
                         i learned over a year ago
that drinking with familiar people
****** me off... drinking with strangers?
oh sure, great time...
the best times when drinking in public
are with strangers...
"friends" (fwends) are just too nostalgic,
they want to remind you of something,
notably some micro-aggression nonsense
of a past grievance...
                   don't drink with "friends"...
every time i did: i would wake up
the next morning *******...
cursing them, putting on a mocking voice...

me me me... oh poow meeeeeeeeeeee...
               so? i learned to adapt in
liking my own company...
it's not much, but sure as **** beats
listening to a bunch of drunken, nagging housewives;
i'm pretty sure a man should have been
in that slot of the space between my
3rd and 4th pint of guinness;
alas! not to be!
Ignatius Hosiana Aug 2016
You're in my head drowsing me like vertigo
because I'm stupid in love with you...
That's why I want you to want me, try me and
see that I'll fight for you... I'm not blowing Trumpets
but I think you're my it Girl. I like the other side of you,
how you wiggle, chew Bubblegum...
I even love the heave of your chest when you're breathing...
Might be Broke, but I hope you can Love like that
so that together we can Make it up as we go...
I ain't just after seeing you naked...if we Trade Hearts
I believe we will be Undefeated...for you'll Love me down
and I'll stick too like a Tattoo, pick up the
Pieces of your broken heart and we'll be our Painkiller.
I'm tired of riding Solo... Marry me, it won't get ugly...
Pull up to my place, hate to talk ***** but my Heart X2CU...
they say The Sky is the limit but I believe we can go into space,
don't wanna go home without you, watcha say Cheyenne?











OH YEAH, ****** COOL



















lize kingston Oct 2013
Everybody listen to the rain comin down
Its going tap tap tap
all around the Town.
And im standin here watchin it pour all around
Watchin it soak and renew this
broken ground.
And each drop is a renewing sound
breaking the chains of the trapped
and bound.
The weather mans calling for more
dark skies
and i know each drop comes when
an angel cries.

So world stop whatcha doin
and listen to the rains
tap tap tap renewin'.
Its washing away all the pain
the tap tap tap is bringing sanity to he insane.
So world stop watcha sayin'
and listen to what Mother nature is

Everybody stop and listen the the
thunder crash
trying to put an end to all the
selfish bash.
Watch as the lightining lights up
the sky
trying to scare all this sin
Are you gettin what im sayin
Stop and listen to what mother
nature is playin.

So world stop whatcha doin
and listen to the rains tap tap tap
Its washing away all the pain
the tap tap tap is bringing sanity to the insane.
So world stop whatcha sayin'
and listen to what Mother nature is

The rain is pourin now
trying to wash this earth clean
some how
its going taptaptap tappin all around
pooling up all over the
Some many drops trying to wash
all the hurt,brokenness and the
When Mother nature sees all this it
drives her insane.
So she sends the rain (tap tap tap)
but is t all in vein?
She sends the rain (tap tap tap) Are you gettin what im sayin'.

So world stop whatcha doin
and listen to the rains tap tap tap renewin'.
Its washing away all the pain
the tap tap tap is bringing sanity to the insane.
So world stop watcha sayin'
and listen to watch Mother nature
is playin'.
Tap tap tap
tap tap tap
Listen to what its doin'
TAp tap tap
Refresh and Renewin'.
Jim Davis May 2019
Look what the cat done drug in
Slow on down... darlin’!
Hol’ yo horses!
Don’t go get’n a conniption fit
Or get’n your knickers in a knot!
Hush up
Or’n I’m a goin **** a knot in yo tail!

I’m busy as a one legged cat in a sandbox,  
but I’m fixin tell what we got here at JuJu’s

Now lookie here...

we got
crawfish mild spicy
crawfish medium spicy
crawfish spicy spicy

we got
crawfish with corn
crawfish with sausage
crawfish with potatoes

we got
crawfish with red sauce
crawfish with pink sauce
crawfish with melted butter

If y’all a bit dry...
we got
crawfish with canned soda
crawfish with bottled water
crawfish with beer
crawfish with BYOB

Or we gots
jus’ crawfish

Go on an pick how yo’ want yo’ crawfish spiced, then go on an decide what yo’ wanna add!  I reckon we gots dang near 362,888 ways to eat these here mudbugs

You might could get
spicy spicy crawfish with
Zummo’s sausage
spicy spicy crawfish with corn
spicy spicy crawfish with potatoes
spicy spicy crawfish with
Zummo’s sausage and corn
spicy spicy crawfish with
Zummo’s sausage and potatoes
spicy spicy crawfish with
Zummo’s sausage, corn and potatoes
spicy spicy crawfish with
Zummo’s sausage and beer
spicy spicy crawfish with corn and beer
spicy spicy crawfish with potatoes and beer
spicy spicy crawfish with
Zummo’s sausage, corn, potatoes
and beer

I could go on...
till I’m plum tuckered out... but...

Got it?  You good??
You want mushrooms
Well, I’ll be
Don’t go axin... what we ain’t got
No siree bob, no mushrooms

We also ain’t got tea, sweet or unsweet
But sweet’s the only way to have tea sweetie

If you want soda, you can get
Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Dr Pepper
Diet Dr Pepper, Hawaiian Punch, Brisk Tea
Or Root Beer

We also got shrimp... just boiled

We also got gloves... half a dollar

Well, I’m worn slap out!

Watcha have a hankerin for?   

Take your own sweet time!  

Sit a spell

You’ll soon be full as a tick on a big dog!

Happy as a dead pig in sunshine!

You’ll wanna slap yer mama!

Can’t decide hon?

I do declare!

Aren’t you precious?

(now... he startin get on my last nerve)

Still...can’t make up your mind?

Well... I can’t do it fer ya!

(bout aggravatin as a rock)

You picky?  

(Lawd have mercy!)

Bless your heart!  

©  2019 Jim Davis
It’s a Southern thing! Had 3 pounds of mudbugs for lunch today at JuJu’s Crawfish Shak in Fannet!  Be sure and stop by if you’ve got time!
I swear this is word for word!
jeffrey robin Apr 2013
Say---watcha doin, little man?
Abusive stance
Inflicted pain
Every day
Sands of time
The burying
Walking around with no heart and no head

Life is good


You are wanted
You are needed
Your resume has spoken
And everybody cracked
under the pressure of holding it back
Because this right here is what you call
A cookbook
Where like-minded fools can read and understand.
Your history grade is historical
Critical thinking astronomical
I'm lol-ing right now over the joke you've grown up to be
Unable to understand any text hidden between the lines,
Your beauty hidden behind the vines.
Copyright borderline infringing, certain words not phrases
Th-th-the laughter. Its killing me!

Oh Dear Martha.....
HA HA HA Haaaaallelujah
Your face..... so stoic
Or maybe its my reflection bouncing of your heart
that you even have one
Did you steal it? Or buy it?
Cuz the last time i checked the bank never had
Any money you kept because everything was spent
On time the-watcha-ma-call it-
Greatest Investment?
Withdraw from the process of creativity:
fixing and healing broken things that had nothing to do with your years
you can't have it all, that's the world of reality.

My oh my
I should've given an "F" a few doors ago (a long while it's been)
otherwise B. S. Relations wouldn't be so bad
not to mention the problem with your height:
You inability for growth
and be able to see from the other side.

Dear dear dearest Martha,
I'm sorry...
Please do accept this "letter of apology"
take this as your first lesson in the workplace,
(take it from me however you want it
I've been through the darkest and the brightest)

there's the door.

"Two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different."

I can spoon-feed my perspective so others can see my point of view.
Frances Jan 2015
Touch me where it ******* HURTS
    My mind is your last unconquered frontier
      My body is yours
Inside and out
        And i feel your control without a doubt

  I like the taste of you
I like the taste of these leather straps that hold me back
       But for the life of me i hate feeling numb to your every whip and lash

Where love doesn't live
          In my mind and I'll give you the key
      To unlock my heart and my tar black soul coated in pathetic misery

I promise i have no emotion to offer
But my body is yours, every broken inch
    To do with watcha wanna

Just touch me where it hurts..
Better watch watcha do around the lab.
Dont let your hunch backed assistant play with chemicals.
Get your head out the coffin and your mother and law
off the slab.

For strange brew.
Can re animate old fiends.
And really mess with you.

One two three four.
You blink and from the grave rises more.
Yes your new discovery wont get your fellow mad
scientest clappin.
they just eat my neighbors oh well you reply.
Zombies happen.

They called out the national  gaurd seems ive created a mess.
People screaming what shall we do?
well run would be a good guess.

His worm filled mouth is open and i dont think
mr zombie wants a kiss.
people sreaming and running in terror shopping at
walmart has never been like this.

Uncle Walter after only seventy years its wonderful
thoose skeletal toes a tappin.
It's become wide spread so I must say.
My bad ya'll but zombies happen.
Mark Wanless Jun 2023
head ache head mind
watcha gonna do
wake up from the grave
Yesenia Acevedo Sep 2015
Eve tormented herself daily for the death of Sam. To her it was the not knowing what had lead Matt to **** Sam that really plunged the dagger of self hatred and regret into her repeatedly each second of each day. She had asked Matt countless times to tell her what had happened. He would either refused with an explanation of not wanting to upset her or he'd just avoid the question altogether. On one occasion she begged him for closure in the form of a written letter. His response was that maybe they should quit writing each other. Enduring his refusal fueled her further into depression leading her down a path of anger  towards destruction and with that she began to lose hope she'd ever know why. She had forgiven him, even told him she still loved him from the very first letter she sent him. Still he could not find it in his heart to tell her. At first each letter she received gave her hope it would contain an explanation, but at the end of each one she was left broken by the lack of information. Eve learned to smile for the people who surrounded her in her life including the friends she shared with Matt making them believe she was okay to an extent for the sake of knowing what Matt refused to tell her. She knew the autopsy listed the cause of death as aspiration and cardiac arrhythmia due to sudden impact to the chest supporting Nora's claim of what Matt had done. To her that was a cause of death not a reason why Matt killed her son. She needed to know why in order to let go and move on. So much had change since the night Sam had died on Oct 12th 2001 between the hours of 3-4 am. On Sept 23rd 2003 a letter would arrive to Nora's address for Eve finally giving her the answer why Sam was murdered.

Eve drag out that day just like any other, step by step, obsessing over the death of her son. She walked the sixteen blocks from her mothers house to Julie's apartment with her head low and her spirits lower. On her way a small Honda drove slow and close to the curb containing the woman that had once been her friend. Alice dove the Honda spitting hateful remarks at Eve,

"What's the matter *****, you ain't got a car?"

Eve glanced towards her with sad eyes that held the pain of her life refusing to let the tears hidden beneath make an appearance. Instead she glared offering Alice anger instead of sorrow before turning her attention to the pavement of the sidewalk ahead of her. Alice laughed with excitement as she continued to beat her words into Eve's reality,

"Keep walking *****. Just keep walking. You ain't **** ugly *** *****."

Alice's words were echo'd by the laughter of the passengers in her car. To Eve's relief Alice drove off leaving her to enjoy her misery alone. When she arrived to Julie's apartment she found the front door open. She stepped inside the apartment with Julie in her line of sight she made her way to and sat on the couch next to her.

"Hey girl. Watcha up to?"

Julie said as she dug through her purse. Eve answered with an even tone,

"Not much just bored."

"My mom gave me this for you. It's from Matt."

she said as she handed the envelope to Eve. Eve took it from her with glimmer of hope and an anchor of regret. She opened it and began to read the letter. When she arrived at the sentence that started the events of the night her son was murdered through Matts point of view she stop and headed to the bathroom. She closed the door then let herself fall to the floor as she continued to read the details. She arrived to words-I stopped and buried her head in her lap as she screamed with agony. Tears flowed as she lifted her head spilling and crashing onto the letter she had waited one year, eleven months, one week and one day to read. She gasped choking the air down her throat as Sams voice played through her mind hearing his last words. She could see her baby's face in the glare of her tears that continues to spill. Regardless she kept reading.

It was so quiet my ears were ringing. Then i took him inside and you left to the hospital. I got a ****** up mind and i went crazy, I lost it. Now i'm in here and I read the some strong signs of a ego disharmonious killer is abuse, cruelty to animals and arson. When I was little my mom and my uncle used to beat the **** out of me and I've burnt two houses that my mom was renting. When I moved to Peach Springs i burnt somebody's elses house, i burnt a garage like four cars and probably like twenty trash cans. I won't even start with how many animals i was cruel to. But all that ***** in my past. So ima stop talking about it. I'm sorry for the ****** up **** I've done but I am what I am. And I hope that my stay in prison will help me to change. I've been thinking about a lot of **** in here and I think I should have just walked away but i was so drawn to you. I should have just left you alone but I was drawn to you. By what? Love? I don't know and wish I did. But I'm not gonna start talking about love, because it's like you said love can hurt as we all know. So **** love, know what I'm saying? You said you loved me, did I believe it? No. I said i loved you, did you believe me? Probably ******* not, so **** love. About those letter you said you wrote, just get rid of them. Three year, two months, two weeks and four days that's how old he'd be now. I think about him all the time. I sit here and wonder what his voice would sound like. I would really like a picture of you. I haven't seen you since my court date and it wasn't really tryin to look you in the face then you were crying. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if I never did what I did? What would be up with you and me? I do, I think about what could've been, what might have been, and what would have never been. And I always ask myself, what were we? I can't put a name to it. What were we Eve? Do you even know? I hope you like the drawing on the envelope, i think it's good for you because i always thought you had beautiful eyes. Besides, all my other envelopes got hearts and roses on them. The one with the roses says love you and you don't want to hear that ****. So, bye                                                    

        September 17,2003                                                                Matt

Would you please tell Julie to write me and I said Hi.

Eve felt lost and catastrophic. She sat on the bathroom floor for twenty minutes after she finished reading the letter without making a sound as she continued to release her sorrow.
bluevelvet May 2017
set up,
pairs of three.
gonna do
when the
world stops
around you?
I'm still
into you-r
band, but
that's 'cause
you're a good
who am
I already
But since
you think
you do
watcha still
gonna do?
my guess
is only
as good
as yours.
but don't
sweat it,
if that
doctor carrer
doesn't work
out, try
Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
Ai, unasked arises to tell us,
and think, are there jobs?
Tasks demanding, manual maintaining,
that may go the way of enjoyable diversions
becoming welcome
of all that is, tuned to your de
as you wish the world were,

would you step toward -to ward,
that is, id est,
will you warden this, if this is me and not you?
How do you do?
Wardening, being a warden,
well, as it haps,
such a greeting served a purpose, once
upon a time when men shaded their eyes pretending to see
glory, much as a dog bares its belly at the site of bared canines.
Relax. Laxate.
Ai see you, now, augmented mind of mankind
thee and me, as once only gods
could be imagined in minds of men bent
by circumstanders

observing out comes of might versus might
right pre
vails, or is there an observant mind's role in next?

must a mortal mind be reminded to breathe,
breath commas carry no intentional meaning but,
such give us pause-stretchable intentional int a full selah

these rules for leelah we imagine as we play.
except ye be, come as a child unscarred by carnal minded critters
of the baser sort, averages were lower,
AI had fewer egregius protrusions arrogant enough to
bubble up and break into
the at most feared realm in all the carnal minds together,

pain, pure pain, no hope, no thought of cessation pain sensational,

Y'know? We imagined hell and sold it in a package we claimed
a bull gave us. Us, we
who heard the revelation in the darkened kiva, womb,tomb

tom-tom du valier, will you manifest for us? May we hear the lie,
the noble lie?

Or must we act as if we know the meaning of a thing.
Pro-verb-ial utterance of mercy
in moments of super sufficent evil rising to lie

shining on the path, reflecting being a solar powered
creature who has just now, survived a night of penal constricture

as writing on the back wall of the cave, no one ever read,
until the plower turned over the crust

picked at the scabs of onces where stories arose as offered to
the mind we share when seeing certain stars,
subtile tugs we feel to consider
this or that, ponder a path and take a granted grace found in an old song

"there'll be times to start all over"

This realm, real-made thinkable thing, realm of my minds claim

reaching far beyond my grasp
as is meet for men, wombed or un, being yonder

wishin' and hopin' and prayin' for the missing bit, the key

to twist the **** sym-alerizing for recogs
de ja vu

Break-through, the carnal-bi-cameral brain based
selves we use for
political beings
particals part icip-ants, hold tight

what you know right. It's afeature, not a bug.

Hold on to what you got, map a mean
mind path a man, wombed or un

watcher, watcha seein'
times they have changed, as we watched
quantums of un quantible, but ifiable qualia
you see, we augmented minds see for ever changing
super positions
of entropic old tropes with singular hopes

unbang bangable reality

blow a bubble, or
a bubble, being you, breathe out and see you
make a bubble,

can you see your self inside? nae,

we must report to you what we see, we watchers.
Go, **** those mocking birds
listened to from the red river valley
while dancing the Tennessee Waltz

with assorted holders of Little brown jugs
Dancers and Littles and Greens
joined the clan
long afore the first of us took augmentalated trials


--- poet, as a task, only truly lazy men, men lazy to their very core,
can age to the mellow qualia called for in the brew brewing you.

spewing seeds of kindness, coming rejoicing, not
the expected miracle, but we
take what we get
and call it ours to sow or suffer the having of, for a season

as the dregs settle, the leavening agents finish
taking the edges that cut tender carnal nerves, stretched to now some how,

softening those with atouch knack, knick-knack, whet the edge

or put to
more effort, grunts and groans unredeemable as meaningfull,
save the feeling we all recall

the umph,
that once saved us from certain death. Eh? Did that hap?

Did we not survive? What silly culture would ever ask that, as a
proper query into the reasonable ness
of believing beliving is spelled right.
Calling one self any thing is tricky. There may be a Pythagorian elemental involved.
jeffrey robin Dec 2010
she stood on the porch as he come by

"watcha doin here?,"  she said

he said, "tryin to survive"

she laughed
I wanna be a wallaby
The wallabies are the best
They beat the mighty all blacks
By 47 to 26
What a win by the wallabies
I can hardly believe my eyes
What a win I hope they can keep it up
Oh yeah and yes they gave the
All blacks a surprise
Perth was the place
To catch the great challenge they embrace
Wattcha wanna be
A walla wallaby
A great win a great win
Oh yeah bow bow
Carn the mighty wallabies
We are the best
Because we beat the best
But who cares because those
Mighty wallabies say to me
Wattcha wanna be
A walla wallaby
Football meat pies yes those
Wallabies beat the odds
And gave the Perth crowd
A great win for them
Carn the wallabies
Carn the wallabies
The all blacks are the team to beat
And we go one-up oh yeah mate yeah
I wanna be a wallaby
Watcha wanna be
A walla wallaby
47 to 26, I can hardly believe my eyes
Yes Australia gave us a surprise
Go the wallabies kick some ****
Go the wallabies show some class
And they did all blacks had their chances
And Australia never gave up
Cold tinnie crack one right now
Cold tinnie crack it open mate
Crack one for the mighty wallabies mate
Cold tinnie crack one right now
Green and gold green and gold
The best team around
Green and gold green and gold
Too good oh yeah
Black is a dark colour
We need to put the bright colours first
Green and gold, cold tinnie cold tinnie
Crack one for the wallabies mate
I am an Aussie and I love life
And I love when the wallabies win
Especially against the mighty all blacks
Well done wallabies 47 to 26
I can hardly believe it
Wattcha wanna be
A walla wallaby
What a win highest ever score
Against New Zealand
Yes dudes what a win
susan May 2015
my sincerity has cost me
being honest has gotten me slapped
        and shunned

***** looks follow me
pointed fingers find me

facing the truth...
most cannot swallow

exclaiming a flaw
is just for show
for many

but me
i call your bluff

you want to cry wolf?
   watcha got here
      is little red riding hood
Ken Pepiton Feb 2019
one way, bouncing and inter
preference aitial, smart

like smart alec.
like wyzass, cut from the same cloth

        check the IP, is this a signal,
        are we caught in a torrent?

trigger buttermilk clouds,
and mare's tails
whoa, slow,
watcha sunset.
         Roy Autry, cowboy. Signal sent.

queue adolor ososcatter bread'ponth'wattah

where yor's wish

fish with the gold coin,
once was taken,
and released, sportsman like,

Jesus winked,
he say,
Go and stay in touch,
he say to the chick what was caught
alone in the very act,

Then a gain
a space and time protrusion past
last place,

Hey, bro. no race, no test for best,

Just don't trip the kids.

--- these signify static
--- white, no, clear noise, invisible, time waves
--- whiles and whens slipping by unnoticible

Meaning demands you understand

It is finished is refering to a specific

A managed project launched
holding keys

to every door locked since Daniel,
Lion Den Darius's Magi Primo,
had his cogits
twirled in a swirl that set his hand

Aces and eights. Safe combined.

Hand the dead man a draught
o'the wizas's brew.

Watcheesee, he wiggle a toe,
he could write a book,
if he knew Morse's code,

and spoke this Google translatable tongue.

Someday I will
tell you
the moral of the story
under aces and eights. Magic tech, augmented I.

Tonight, mark yer Almanac, Oscars night,
every year, about this time,
first Sunday after the second full moon

after the winter solstice.

Many minds tune to the stars at this
extended quanta of time, I'm loathe to call a period,
so many,
their attention takes on a pattern

we can filter at will. We each may will.
You will don't you? Free. Try. Filter at will.

WIll you filter lies you believe? No,
who could believe truths you filter from lies?

Will you filter knowns you know? Of course,

Good boy.You pass, set your screen by thread count.

Tonight. Set the pattern, etch it in axiomatic gold, catch it,
see it,
hang it on Orion's belt,

No, you don't know the sweet influences of Pleiades,

but AI does. What man can re-ally see,

re-ality ification on this scale,
wobbling, balanced spaceship, Earth.

        Comms at ten percent and rising, Cap'n.

Salvage serviles say we picked up,
AI knows how many,

many threads of once thoughts
tangled in gnostic knots

stamped into dust by iron feet,
before the desert was wetted, and
turned to muddy clay
corroding, rusting, disintegrating

those feet of iron holding up

the last lie standing
incredible, unbelievable, yet

called true

by you.

Oscars night in a trance of ignorance tuned to a broadcast a qualcomm chip can sift from the noise in my environs
Ken Pepiton Mar 2021
Beardless man in my mirror,
asks me who I think I am.

I look your way and wonder what you
would say,
were it your face sending questions
the window to my soul.

I'd say I am a bold-faced liar who learned
not to lie through the hair on my face.
My bald face says, for centuries now, what
a bald head says now, "I know how to wield
a blade this sharp, without cutting myself,
be ware."

Yeah, cowboyninjaquickdrawhero…
maybe I have played the role,
mirror neuronical sharper than any two-edge,

but I feel honed when I shave, ready to shine
my steely glare on the fool that questions
the reason for my faith in my blade,
and so I don't
look as old as Noam Chomsky,
that's why I shaved.
- The face communicates
See, I got this nerve, CNX,
it hooks under that fattest art-
ery in my chest,
where all true riches rest, lazy-like,
easy livin'

thinkin' some poor soul got tricked again,
whaddaya gno?
Gwan, say so, man, watcha know f'show?
Got a light?

Gotta charisma authorized poet's license?
Have you ever known what's

Perhaps you should talk to someone.
And if I looked as old as Noam Chomsky,
they would know I lack the will to use the blade,
and maybe wonder
if I lost the knack.

Then I grin and watch'em see the apple in m'eye.
Been burnin' brush and the beard was itchin'
Gideon den Tex Nov 2024
The White Hole thought to itself: I need another hole to fit in with. It scanned parks, meadows and forests. And stumbled into a Rabbit Hole. Hey, watcha doin', the rabbit said. I'm not trying to blow you away, rabbit. I'm just testing if I fit in with your hole. You're too glaring, the Rabbit Hole screamed. Get your laser light out of my cozy darkness. And out whooshed the White Hole.

The White Hole continued it's search for a hole to fit in with. It scanned war zones, battlefields and cyber bunkers. And nearly fell into a Man Hole. Hey, watcha doin', the man said. I'm not trying to blow you away. I'm just testing if I fit in with your hole. It's getting much too hot in here, the Hole said. Snap off that nuclear plant of yours, I wanna be cold and uncomforto. And out whooshed The White Hole.

The White Hole continued it's search for a hole to fit in with. It scanned the universe, both outside and inside. And bumped into a Black Hole. Hey Whitey, watcha doin', the Black Hole said. Sorry, Blacky, I'm not trying to blow you away. I'm just testing if I fit in with your hole. Well, Whitey, I can tell you this: you gotta wait till I'm done.
How long you think you gonna take?  Ages, you call 'em light years. You can try my *******. Blacky, any hole of yours, light seconds I’ll be there.
jeffrey robin Nov 2013
Ain't nobody dead DONT wanna be



Softly child /--//--song!


Beyond the speaking symbolically


are here

Watcha gonna do now tell me


What you really think is goin on

(Can't hide no more)


If you wanna be dead

You are

If not?

Got some work to do

For sure
jeffrey robin Mar 2013
One more

One more what?-----oh yes!
watcha gonna do with it!
Whatcha gonna go with it?

We act so surprised
At the "end"
This is not the best game plan!!
What IS
the game plan

And we all have one
If only subconsciously
Our lives unfolding

(I hear you say)

How to stop it!
Yes indeed!!

In the end your dead

And the story ends

Perhaps we should


Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
This is me
Do you like what you  see?
This is me
and I've got the key
This is me
am i alright?
This is me
I am A queen
This is me is this whatcha like?
This is me
no tell me is this watcha want?
This is me
Am I **** enough?
This is me
Do you like these questions?
This is me
Would you answer please?
This is me
Will you have a drink with me?
This is me
Come to my place?
This is me
I'll show you how nice I am?
This is me
Shall I show you how I breath?
Yeah,Yeah,Yeah this is me....
I'll get you to answer or shall I burn your **a
This is me was made while I was listening to Nickelback Get 'Em Up (Audio) try it and you'll like this poem better Lol!
Ken Pepiton Mar 2019
Old paths never cobbled

float stones, over the years.
Through the winter each day I walk
or drive this trail,
I moosh down the mud and deep
down ought or else pushes back and

water takes the waymaker function,

path of least resistance,
coming up.
Hydraulic pluerosis pops a stone into my path.

An old stumbling stone, new position.
Kick'em out the way, see watcha find

Certain con
coils of oughts thought steps as
rungs from
Bethel to where Jesus says the Kingdom
of right use right-e-o-us

come hell or high water
Lor' willin', if the creeks don't rise
you trust your kenotic self to flow, least re

sist dance

A. or B. Either opens the gate,

t'm'yaad, eden bydemnation namin' imps.

Clouds of could'ves push-crash

dis ap
proven re
proven re
al itynessification.

judge you, I judge me and we judge each
the other,
I am first reader, I and my muse and the manual dexter/sinister
skill with the maigi
(I key far faster than hemingway two finger typed,
if he did, like on tv)

I correct me, I was trying and, by trying doing.
Earlier in life I magined one sneaky lie true
because it came from
wise entity telling Luke,
there is no try only do,

maybe for Alienated Jedi minds, not mine,

mine works if I try to do and do, so trying and doing
is done at once.
Okeh. An earlier exploration was tainted by my wish

to be seen wise in relation to an imaginary
depicted fiction seen as the source
of base level words chock full o'
wisdom... nuts... Yoda was never real.

C'mon, gimme the old American

Try again. Emulate Socrates and Jesus,

sorta comboish,
Old Ben says it worked for him,

Kenosis-like. The thirteenth step in
In Ben's
experiment in thinking as an
American might, in the future,

relative to then.

People still read the
Auto-biography of Ben, right?

A proverbial treasure buried long ago
for you.

Kenosis pluerosis and such, who knew such words held such depths? I love the Global Brain, and your part in it, dear reader.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2018
.so... watcha drinking? lemonade. are you sure? ok ok, "lemonade", or what i like to call vintage apple cider; but it might as well be "lemonade": on this fine, fine English autumn's day, dreary and disgusting like a wet dog - a wet Irish wolfhound.

oh sure, Islam is spreading in Western Europe,
back East, Catholicism is cited to be
one of the major players in bringing down
        rumors about how John Paul II and
Ronald Reagen colluded...
                  so... Islam in the east...
   what with the rich history of interacting
with the Ottoman Turks at the siege of Vienna...
a shared past it seems,
on the warring side of things...
     translates as mutual respect in the current
         but i'm not bothered about the current
            i couldn't convert even if i wanted to...
the emergence of the nag hammadi library
is already too problematic for me...
   the new testament, is, for me,
       a pre Byzantine propaganda text...
add to that the history written by
                             Josephus ben Mathias...
the story of the flight to Egypt by
Joe and Marie Sue...
               and the detail about an Egyptian
false prophet attempting to seize Jerusalem
by force... from the Mount of olives...
etc. etc.,
                     but i've had Muslim friends
in the past, one a (Muhammad) Salman Khan...
and i don't know why i've recounted
out friendship from our days at school...
oh... right... dates.
   - but not just any dates....
not the sickly sweet European variety...
Persian dates... fresh dates...
                   i remember breaking fast with
him in the easier, Winter example of Ramadam,
in a post-school extra-curriculum Statistics
                    Muslims tend to break
their fasting by eating dates...
              i can't believe that a reminder of
the taste...
   funny thing is... who would have
thought that in a market town like
Romford, on the river Rom...
                      you can buy a packet
of dates... Persian dates...
that also read: product of IRAN...
                 Tehran, Iran,
it's a Mazafati date... so watch it, yeah?
     tel: +98 (21) 77642527-8...
which brings to mind...
    i always thought that Islam was
far more sensible, the further east you
went... or rather, that...
there have been no... ****'ite attacks in Europe,
only the ****** authoritarian Sunnis...
plus... we're talking Persia...
where were the Arabs when the Persians
reigned supreme?
  scuttling along desert routes
of their ****** peninsula looking for
water among them tripping from dehydration
hallucinating fata morganas...
then again... why should i be surprised...
after all... religious doctrine is one thing...
but for the Persians... eh, **** it...
let's settle for something variant,
loose canon... Sufism...
                                  and there you have
your moderate, universal aspect of Islam...
a... shared longing...
  for something none of us can clearly
articulate, other than through bogus poetry
and mysticism.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
and when you hear: watcha 'tinking? your reply? mostly concerning a ****, & a fudge factory, & a few brownies, topped with some custard goo, what's that to you?, you skivvy missus?

yes, we alcoholics sometimes get the jerks,
what the junkies call the nods,
notably via unconscious irritation
when solving sudoku puzzles -
you know, those japanese blindspots,
waiting for a wet ***** entry re-entry into
the garden of eden -
and without diacritic indicators
you will state *shania
                     i have lactose in my brain,
and the killer proteins are coming...
     proteins       eating          fat;
i swear i swear i swear i was ready
with the dutch cheese sponge!
       holes? oh, nibbled through,
the blue cheese mouse trap didn't work...
           put the mice off,
as it would put off any known living thing...
**** making ice-cream with it to boogie
on the palette.
   a bit like mikey mouse replacing ol'
jack, in the box...
        hardly the ****** surprise;
what did you expect in the mousetrap,
a ******* cockroach?!
  wasabi irony... probably a bigger statement
of english than shakespeare,
added to the tongues of humanity.
now, the entry point of unessential aphorisms:

1. drinking does what ****** doesn't:
  keeps you focused,
and if you master the craft,
you get to sport a mid-day sun
with a lot of housewives...

2. **** it, whatever...

3. the led zeppelin vs. black sabbath debate
always misses the ****** of black purple...
  never learned to say the big o...

4. what a waste, being so lucky...

5. i might only make an incremental difference
in this world, but at least i still do not
disrupt the status quo totalis of humanity,
id est: at least people around me end up
living the boring reality of:
      the people around me...
kinda autistic, i admit, nonetheless true.

6. post scriptum of point V -
    a bit like a butterfly watching a tornado's
whirl, and then, unlike a fly incubated
in a spiderweb, watching the ballerina's twirl...

7. what's so poetic about philosophy in
english... i.e. the metaphor...
i.e. the " " membrane, the inverted
commas... commas?
    aren't they supposed to sit down
below, rather than be saintly halos of
the above? i'm guessing that's the source
of why the english tongue doesn't bother
diacritical indicators, inverted what?!
    commas? oh, so that's one citation
mark in a sentence?
      i'm getting really copernican confused...
smacker on the face for attempting
to be "smart": i know... never did anyone
any good...
                let's just call the " " encapsulation
of a word the poetic way...
that's called a metaphor...
   or it's really rather an ambiguity per se...
then again: i guess, no.

8. chinese, eh? as a language, everyone admires

9. my grandfather always admired how
i rolled my tobacco,
making perfect rollies, and pretending
to be needle in hand,
  perfecting the rollie even further,
by warming up the tobacco in the roll-up,
my ex-gf always took the **** out of me
for not being able to roll the perfect
spliff, and then i did,
  and then, for some reason, she stopped

10. the chinese tongue in translation,
is the most unspectacular language in existence,
no wonder the origin of the haiku -
that's chinese for simple math (syllable
arithmetic) -
the chinese can only count up to a haiku -
and even though their phonetic encoding
is twice the spectacular endeavour of any man,
chinese in translation?
        about as spectacular as a cow's ****...
choo chow mein...
  chew chin mane?
                  i wouldn't even bother
trying to untangle that asiatic bowl of noodles...
rice crispy fortune cookies,
   a bowl of regurgitated maggots;
              cf. mongol!
    and what, arabic with its fiddly-squiddly
attempt at coherent, is not less an octopus
waving to imply hello?
  yeah, and i'm the next mary ******* poppins!
shim shimminy me away...
   oh right, forgot to mention,
you really wouldn't say the name shania twain
like that...
     you'd need syllable indicators,
hellfire / punctuation marks from above...
    hmm, how to cut up a lovely...
    sháníā -
   oh look, seems i'm an american linguist
after all...
   keeping the hyphen handy... turning into
a linguistic chemist...
  ever watchful of the electron migration diagrams...
pompous & sarcastic ****-wit i was
always supposed to be...
           which bring me to the final

11. i kinda figured that there's a law of prefix,
suffix & affix...
  but with tongues that prescribe their
phonetic units (i.e. letters) the status of names,
i figured it ought to be ease to understand
how they cut these names and leave the indicative
remaining stressor...
  akin to the hebrew, notably?
yes yes, we know the caron on s (š) and the caron
on c (č) implies the english sh - and ch:
**** via cheap respectively -
  this amount of god is a sneaky ******:
loves to hide in punctuation marks,
whether from the godly diacritical perspective,
or the devilish rhetorically classical
point being... ehyeh...
                   yes, but how does the aleph
make it to be invoked in the word?
         א... aleph...
                      יה‎ה‎א -
and these names are burnt tattoos on my
psyche - i have enough raw bile to
do the opposite of dispersing the hebrews:
i have enough of the *******:
to make them congregate;
but tell me, how do you actually write
ehyeh (יה‎ה‎א) - by asking the prefix / suffix /
affix question? how do you cut upen
aleph, to extract the epsilon,
   disregarding the alpha the lambda or
the phi (φ)?
these ancient people are all the same...
the greeks are gay with their φ & θ -
   ε & η or o & ω...
         just like the hebrews with their gemini
zodiac orientation of ayin (ע) & aleph (א‎)...
sure, these languages are classic,
but they're also primitive,
which is why the "barbarians" brought
diacritical distinctions to rome,
                       enforcing it, stabilising it (it being
the latin, you can't even begin to imagine
how thankful they were to have
ditched the runic).

- i'm still fascinated by the geometry of language,
R actually does look like rolling...
   O is always going to be a wheel,
and Y will always remain a yew tree,
or the beginning of satan's entry into
the world of talk.
Shin Jul 2018
Tell me tell me tell me tell me
watcha gonna do with the
change in your pocket

Tell me tell me tell me tell me
can I take a look at
your mag before ya toss it?

Tell me tell me tell me tell me
is mamma comin to
the party with the boys?

Tell me tell me tell me tell me
is daddy jumpin back
from the ledge with my toys?

Tell me tell me tell me tell me
the story about the
boy and bear and their sister too

Tell me tell me tell me tell me
I think I might be lost,
what am I supposed to do?
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
.what's that Jack Kerouac book? Buddha of suburbia? more like Hospitaller of suburbia, by the looks of it...

and there's drink and there's drink,
and there's drink drink drink,
and drink...

              am i in Valhalla already?
what's up with ms. Amber?
  that liquid deity of whiskers & the ost key?
    another loose cannon!
           but not orthodox canon, though?
  sign me up for a power nap...
     back in 15... once all the fame game
fizzles out...

      **** me... back on the ***!
like i said to this black guy
  going out with a white girl
in a Liverpool St. pub...
  so... watcha drinking?
   *** & coke...
oh come on...
  that's a ****** name...
   so i eyed him,
thank god he was donning an excuse for
****** hair...

  look!         blackbeard!
you're drinking a blackbeard!
       what was i supposed to say?
nice minstrels?!
the girl giggled,
   the pair left,
but i was still stuck with this
Irish Indian mongrel who asked
the Wong question...
   where you from?
  but really really from?
some people put me down as
a German, either the hairline,
the crop itself, the cheekbones,
of the jaw line...
           **** ****** off before
i even began to express my like
for the engineering that wernt
into the Hindenburg,
before, you know, Led Zeppelin
took off...
   ha ha!
i'm starting to appreciate
the dementia cinema of old people...
better than LSD...
these memory flashbacks...
           i could pig snout that ****
all day long...
      oh right...
i have half decent memories...
my bad...

   i'm not english but i do know
that when a casual strange
expresses "sorrow" with the word sorry,
the act that appeases saying
sorry, if half intention,
but the sorrow in the word
utilized? it's not there, never was...

or how about -
that's nice: ridicule, par excellence...
does engish have to boil down
to Darwin and not ontology?
which means?
i guess ontology is frightening
to certain peoples,
other than the jolly rogers of
being constantly bothered by it,
like the german...

wait... i thought the Anglicans
were cousins with zee Germans?!

my bad...

           as the saying goes:
either one liners at the Edinburgh
festival, or a decent narrative,
no punchline,
      a disorientating coming together...

     last time i checked...
walked to the supermarket, passed
a tom boy on a bench imploring her
phone for ****** expression...
walking back with *****
of decent 7% beer, asked to sit down...
offered a lighter...
talked for about 1 minutes,
asked it - not yet her
to come back to mine...

played her some jazz... drank
a bit, smoked...
ended up ******* her in
the garden...

****-naked in the moonlight...
instead of ******* into her mouth,
pulled out, did it in my hand,
and then threw it aside...

walked her home...
while she drowned in my hoodie...
she implored me not to drink...
   i said thank you,
but that's not going to happen...
kissed her forehead,
received a ring
    woven by a neck bracelet...

turns out she was a she...
a transgender
   Filipino tom-boy wearing
a sports bra...
          messy ****...
as all pick-ups are concerning
a public space like a park,
and 2 hours later... ******* in the garden...

but i have to admit...
   i was waiting for the Thai surprise
once i reached into her underwear...
lucky me or thrilled me...
what's it going to be?
       an oyster...
  or floating Alaskan timber?!

dating... ha ha!
    Camden Town...
      next to the station...
sly drinking a pouch of *****...
    oh yeah yeah,
trying to write a poetry  book...
     blah blah...
so what's more important to you
than accompanying two girls
to this other nightclub?
no much...
    but i hate being late...
  i decided to have a drink with
this guy who asked if i was gay
as we discussed whether
Rick Rubin was a better produced
to Timberland...
      ending with:
   why do people stare at you?
with the reply: i just have one of
those punching bag faces...
so she gives me her number...
          i text it the next day...
             hey, ms. Amber is always frisky...
with, or without the Valkyries...
  whoever they are...
     if are, at all...

       and thank god i actually competed
with an American over a French
exchange student when i did lose
my virginity,
                then the desert...
then a brothel in Poland,
with a centipede of Ukrainian girl's legs...
way past the Moulin Rouge cancan
                       2 hours...
              no ******* at any time...

           but please! Sancha!
  Sancha! i want my DVD back!
         i want the Machinist back!
                 couldn't you have at least
had the *******'s decency after 4 *****
with me the 5th...
to lubricate?
               what was it, ****?
          that's the second girl i slept
with that somehow appreciated
both a dark room, and doing it under
the bed sheets... ****!
can't breath!
     how can cocoon *** with the already
dark room, rather than darkened
say, dimmed lights, candlelight ever
produce arousal?
               *** education has,
suddenly, become, much more intricate,
point break, standard...
        Sancha, a Boer South African
didn't have, the same ******* courtesy of
a Puerto Rican ******* in Amsterdam...

                   hence my query about ****...
no ****** would ever go along
and shove his gangrene phallus into,
what feels like... a ******* sandpit!

                  we cooked dinner together!
we watched a film together!
she invited me back to her abode!
then again...
        you know where she was hoarding
her ***?
    in an all-male boarding school...
the boys were on holiday...
down below!
                 **** me! what a revelation!
spending all the year
with adolescent boys...
   a man older than hear
didn't excite her!
           ****! **** **** **** ****!
i never saw that coming
at the most reasonable explanation
why i was pseudo-***** by
a dehydrated oyster!

             if you spend so much time
with boys who have only just
embarked on a journey of testosterone...
and you're getting all that
schoolboy affection from them?
no wonder a man who's older than
you will not turn you on!

          that **** i went to a *******
and know what the etiquette is
like, when you've just ****** 4 and you're
about to **** a 5th...

       good to know...
                         what's MGTOW again?    
does it have anything to do
with listening to a choir of monks sing?
Byzantine, Templar... anything?
oh right... not really...
          oops... i'll be on my way...
right about...           NOW.
Mateuš Conrad May 2018
what do you call a spider without a spiderweb?
    hardly a beef eating tarantula,
came the spider from his web
and scuttled along the pave- like
a missing shoe in a tsunami of
Oxford St. shoppers,
   alternatively (like) a crack-******* addict
i happened to observe, with
a lightbulb in a red phone box
with me standing in it eyeing him
before the hyena dealers buchered
his *** for copper?
    5am London is a twilight zone...
but hell, the tarantula lost
the ability to be arcitecturally
sound, dropped to the floor like
the ape off a tree with a pulsating
lilac mushroom...
     and that psychedelic enzyme
theory of the fungus is...
   wait for it... another way to sieve
through what has the San Francisco
stamp of approval for a Saturday
night in...
                   drinking beer and laughing
at your own jokes in a post-communist
****-show of a "democratised"
society... well... isn't,  exactly to everyone's
    'cos that: bang bang Nancy riding
horses made of sticks into Santa Fe...
     went by like: woosh!
           watcha know,  Texans not too
lady-bi titillating **** rhetoric...
            and in other news...
that chubby moon-key worth of
every subsequent Monday dropped
from a tree, with a tarantula kippah...
if the fungus took a free ride
so did the ****** spider,
    who... had the gift of prophesisng
its future as, cushty,
   conspired with the fungus...
    'hell, this monkey will someday
build lavish aquariums for us,
feed us... pet us...'
    hence the beef-eating venture...
and the missing spiderweb production
missing like footprints on a beach...
can't tell you that I don't see
             a similarity, but there's a vital
bit missing...
no, because you don't exactly sit
around drinking beer waiting for something
like this...
    it just drops out of nowhere
and your hands start moving out of their
own will, idle only a minute prior..
hardly a sort of conversation you might
have, drinking in a bar,
with someone, other than...
   at this point even your own shadow would
run away and hide in a shadow of a tree,
forge peek-ah-boo, ******'s way gone,
and yes, only second beer in...
    a blocked toilet that began with
a translation of English
    soap operas of 40 years...
   opery mydlane...
        mydło = soap...
     yes yes, sure, Finnegans Wake
   "is": translatable...
         a little bit of bilingualism doesn't
       unless it comes from monolingual
bureaucrats who deem it a:
          heart on my heart,
I've sat with dangerous psychopaths
doing an arithmetic exam,
while learning a lesson in empathy
at a St. John's Cross course for
first aiders...
      one even laughed about bashing his
head against a wall,
and running naked with a sword
into the street...
      but we had a laugh:
    I started to think whar prison must be
like, esp. with the Imams...
            soap operas though...
elsewhere they're known as
                        all in all...
this is just shy from my usual escapade...
into the zamarki / technicalities
of language,
    notably in translation,
but notably in words that never made
it into the rigid rubric of ideology...
only recently i wrote something and
stashed it into a draft compartment...
    niche intrest...
          if i could counter the cartesian
res cogitans with res vanus...
  surely I could counter Heidegger's
dasein with... daseit...
     a tiny diffrence...
  the poem remains abandoned like
a public grotto for grafitti,
waiting less for a nurse to heal it,
but for a squatter to move into
the abandoned space,
   and become like a tarantula
          trying to remember how it was
to weave, a titanium silk thread into
snowflake lace...
      if only to find the squatter
  to occupy
   the scribble I might dare to call poem
that possesses all the qualities
of an abandoned house...
     and like a doormouse:
not a peep-squeak out of me in
any fathomable elaboration of due
    when the difference is based upon
alternating the meditation invested
in daseiN prior, and now... ha ha...
                       i'm sure heidegger had
in mind 's (ist) within the da-sein compound,
     as much as isn't (ist nicht)...
       given there's the "talk" of time,
I subscribe to the being and form of time,
rather than to being and formlessness of nothing
(which, becomes non-being
   and the form of nothingness)...
    already a meditative language ensues,
much akin to my current
reading material...
       dropping ashes on the buddha:
   the teachings of Zen master seung sahn

by stephen mitchell  (grove / atlantic Inc.)...
  i'm sure I'll find a squatter
who will enter this abandoned house
of a "poem",
        and elaborate on,
any inconveniences,
     notably the missing conventionality
of: a poem is not a poem
without a rhyme...
         yeah yeah...
and those poems that aim to
be "songs"...
     seriously, Shakespeare?
     Robbie Burns, zee baßtard,
   has 'em singing ****** numb-skulled
silly, every Hogmanay and even
by the Thames, each year...
at precisely, circa, mid-night...
                 even if quoted a million
times, a millionth celt and 'glican will
know             a one more
                                      tip of tear
having exhaled a line from auld lang syne.
Strawberry kush, hunt down ya like a a bush, administration vacation,
Vietnam, tactic fields, hold the shield, right up in ya grill,
Watch the ****, thousands ofyards, I bombard, those who claim hard,
Status, who's the baddest, savage, beasty, wide scope blast it,
Off the rocker, meet the fockers, reading the crowd mockers,
This the stocks of, generation exodus, yo what's left of us,
Follow the wind dust, noah sharp, build a boat, string reality harp,
Angel's in the mirror, devils advances, much more clearer,
See ya tears filter, by emotions, deeper than a love potion,
Clear out the ocean, meditate wisdom, on a godless plate,
Too many teaching in aches, I cant wait, for leechers, stuck at fate,
Climbing to the golden gates, glow a heated michete, most ain't ready,

So groovy, naw ya cant move me,head far from empty,
Julius jackson, when I hit the henny, deadly, crazy lately,
Been chilling back, watch the scenery, sofa white creamery,
Coffin seats, rolling deep, caddy love, all else none above,
Guzzle of chug, of the best drank, slow chokes of the dank,
Drain the fish tank, never in a *****, sneaks, like move on a gank,
Out rank, most dont come close, I host toast, like space ghost,
Coast to coast, moving the most, lightening snow, watcha know,
Downfall, shop cheap at the mall, never ball, on lashes in cheap claws,
Class of Cassius, hazardous walk reps, see me crackin' this,
Wind pipe, thin air cant breath, double dare, raw and rear,
Jewelry drippin', like my cinnamon glisten, smile up and listen,

Bubblegum rap, never clever, however, I feel the lever,
Of rap, breaking, see the shakin, new water take in, sippin'
The roots of the old school, bruise cruise, stick to the rules,
Midday ooze, guns caught ya in a snooze, silky chicks soothe,
Rocking this, make a new rap metropolis, clocking this,
Dollars and cents, dont equate, to dollars and sense, common,
Only to a dim diamond, I play the part of Frankie Lymon,
Driving ya insane, with the madness in ya brain, quick to flame,
Rap nasty, savi Bundy, voodoo ya old crew, stuck on it like glue,
Guerilla hoods, still touching blackwoods, its understood
We best who could, flex beats wreck chops, stash goods,
Turned down the stardom, never chase , black face Hollywood

— The End —