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Now, man of croziers, shadows called our names
And then away, away, like whirling flames;
And now fled by, mist-covered, without sound,
The youth and lady and the deer and hound;
'Gaze no more on the phantoms,' Niamh said,
And kissed my eyes, and, swaying her bright head
And her bright body, sang of faery and man
Before God was or my old line began;
Wars shadowy, vast, exultant; faeries of old
Who wedded men with rings of Druid gold;
And how those lovers never turn their eyes
Upon the life that fades and flickers and dies,
Yet love and kiss on dim shores far away
Rolled round with music of the sighing spray:
Yet sang no more as when, like a brown bee
That has drunk full, she crossed the misty sea
With me in her white arms a hundred years
Before this day; for now the fall of tears
Troubled her song.

                   I do not know if days
Or hours passed by, yet hold the morning rays
Shone many times among the glimmering flowers
Woven into her hair, before dark towers
Rose in the darkness, and the white surf gleamed
About them; and the horse of Faery screamed
And shivered, knowing the Isle of Many Fears,
Nor ceased until white Niamh stroked his ears
And named him by sweet names.

                              A foaming tide
Whitened afar with surge, fan-formed and wide,
Burst from a great door matred by many a blow
From mace and sword and pole-axe, long ago
When gods and giants warred.  We rode between
The seaweed-covered pillars; and the green
And surging phosphorus alone gave light
On our dark pathway, till a countless flight
Of moonlit steps glimmered; and left and right
Dark statues glimmered over the pale tide
Upon dark thrones.  Between the lids of one
The imaged meteors had flashed and run
And had disported in the stilly jet,
And the fixed stars had dawned and shone and set,
Since God made Time and Death and Sleep:  the other
Stretched his long arm to where, a misty smother,
The stream churned, churned, and churned - his lips apart,
As though he told his never-slumbering heart
Of every foamdrop on its misty way.
Tying the horse to his vast foot that lay
Half in the unvesselled sea, we climbed the stair
And climbed so long, I thought the last steps were
Hung from the morning star; when these mild words
Fanned the delighted air like wings of birds:
'My brothers spring out of their beds at morn,
A-murmur like young partridge:  with loud horn
They chase the noontide deer;
And when the dew-drowned stars hang in the air
Look to long fishing-lines, or point and pare
An ashen hunting spear.
O sigh, O fluttering sigh, be kind to me;
Flutter along the froth lips of the sea,
And shores the froth lips wet:
And stay a little while, and bid them weep:
Ah, touch their blue-veined eyelids if they sleep,
And shake their coverlet.
When you have told how I weep endlessly,
Flutter along the froth lips of the sea
And home to me again,
And in the shadow of my hair lie hid,
And tell me that you found a man unbid,
The saddest of all men.'

A lady with soft eyes like funeral tapers,
And face that seemed wrought out of moonlit vapours,
And a sad mouth, that fear made tremulous
As any ruddy moth, looked down on us;
And she with a wave-rusted chain was tied
To two old eagles, full of ancient pride,
That with dim eyeballs stood on either side.
Few feathers were on their dishevelled wings,
For their dim minds were with the ancient things.

'I bring deliverance,' pearl-pale Niamh said.

'Neither the living, nor the unlabouring dead,
Nor the high gods who never lived, may fight
My enemy and hope; demons for fright
Jabber and scream about him in the night;
For he is strong and crafty as the seas
That sprang under the Seven Hazel Trees,
And I must needs endure and hate and weep,
Until the gods and demons drop asleep,
Hearing Acdh touch thc mournful strings of gold.'

'Is he so dreadful?'
                     'Be not over-bold,
But fly while still you may.'
                              And thereon I:
'This demon shall be battered till he die,
And his loose bulk be thrown in the loud tide.'
'Flee from him,' pearl-pale Niamh weeping cried,
'For all men flee the demons'; but moved not
My angry king-remembering soul one jot.
There was no mightier soul of Heber's line;
Now it is old and mouse-like.  For a sign
I burst the chain:  still earless, neNeless, blind,
Wrapped in the things of the unhuman mind,
In some dim memory or ancient mood,
Still earless, netveless, blind, the eagles stood.

And then we climbed the stair to a high door;
A hundred horsemen on the basalt floor
Beneath had paced content:  we held our way
And stood within:  clothed in a misty ray
I saw a foam-white seagull drift and float
Under the roof, and with a straining throat
Shouted, and hailed him:  he hung there a star,
For no man's cry shall ever mount so far;
Not even your God could have thrown down that hall;
Stabling His unloosed lightnings in their stall,
He had sat down and sighed with cumbered heart,
As though His hour were come.

                              We sought the part
That was most distant from the door; green slime
Made the way slippery, and time on time
Showed prints of sea-born scales, while down through it
The captive's journeys to and fro were writ
Like a small river, and where feet touched came
A momentary gleam of phosphorus flame.
Under the deepest shadows of the hall
That woman found a ring hung on the wall,
And in the ring a torch, and with its flare
Making a world about her in the air,
Passed under the dim doorway, out of sight,
And came again, holding a second light
Burning between her fingers, and in mine
Laid it and sighed:  I held a sword whose shine
No centuries could dim, and a word ran
Thereon in Ogham letters, 'Manannan';
That sea-god's name, who in a deep content
Sprang dripping, and, with captive demons sent
Out of the sevenfold seas, built the dark hall
Rooted in foam and clouds, and cried to all
The mightier masters of a mightier race;
And at his cry there came no milk-pale face
Under a crown of thorns and dark with blood,
But only exultant faces.

                         Niamh stood
With bowed head, trembling when the white blade shone,
But she whose hours of tenderness were gone
Had neither hope nor fear.  I bade them hide
Under the shadowS till the tumults died
Of the loud-crashing and earth-shaking fight,
Lest they should look upon some dreadful sight;
And ****** the torch between the slimy flags.
A dome made out of endless carven jags,
Where shadowy face flowed into shadowy face,
Looked down on me; and in the self-same place
I waited hour by hour, and the high dome,
Windowless, pillarless, multitudinous home
Of faces, waited; and the leisured gaze
Was loaded with the memory of days
Buried and mighty.  When through the great door
The dawn came in, and glimmered on the floor
With a pale light, I journeyed round the hall
And found a door deep sunken in the wall,
The least of doors; beyond on a dim plain
A little mnnel made a bubbling strain,
And on the runnel's stony and bare edge
A dusky demon dry as a withered sedge
Swayed, crooning to himself an unknown tongue:
In a sad revelry he sang and swung
Bacchant and mournful, passing to and fro
His hand along the runnel's side, as though
The flowers still grew there:  far on the sea's waste
Shaking and waving, vapour vapour chased,
While high frail cloudlets, fed with a green light,
Like drifts of leaves, immovable and bright,
Hung in the passionate dawn.  He slowly turned:
A demon's leisure:  eyes, first white, now burned
Like wings of kingfishers; and he arose
Barking.  We trampled up and down with blows
Of sword and brazen battle-axe, while day
Gave to high noon and noon to night gave way;
And when he knew the sword of Manannan
Amid the shades of night, he changed and ran
Through many shapes; I lunged at the smooth throat
Of a great eel; it changed, and I but smote
A fir-tree roaring in its leafless top;
And thereupon I drew the livid chop
Of a drowned dripping body to my breast;
Horror from horror grew; but when the west
Had surged up in a plumy fire, I drave
Through heart and spine; and cast him in the wave
Lest Niamh shudder.

                    Full of hope and dread
Those two came carrying wine and meat and bread,
And healed my wounds with unguents out of flowers
That feed white moths by some De Danaan shrine;
Then in that hall, lit by the dim sea-shine,
We lay on skins of otters, and drank wine,
Brewed by the sea-gods, from huge cups that lay
Upon the lips of sea-gods in their day;
And then on heaped-up skins of otters slept.
And when the sun once more in saffron stept,
Rolling his flagrant wheel out of the deep,
We sang the loves and angers without sleep,
And all the exultant labours of the strong.
But now the lying clerics ****** song
With barren words and flatteries of the weak.
In what land do the powerless turn the beak
Of ravening Sorrow, or the hand of Wrath?
For all your croziers, they have left the path
And wander in the storms and clinging snows,
Hopeless for ever:  ancient Oisin knows,
For he is weak and poor and blind, and lies
On the anvil of the world.

S.  Patrick.        Be still:  the skies
Are choked with thunder, lightning, and fierce wind,
For God has heard, and speaks His angry mind;
Go cast your body on the stones and pray,
For He has wrought midnight and dawn and day.

Oisin. Saint, do you weep? I hear amid the thunder
The ****** horses; atmour torn asunder;
Laughter and cries.  The armies clash and shock,
And now the daylight-darkening ravens flock.
Cease, cease, O mournful, laughing ****** horn!

We feasted for three days.  On the fourth morn
I found, dropping sea-foam on the wide stair,
And hung with slime, and whispering in his hair,
That demon dull and unsubduable;
And once more to a day-long battle fell,
And at the sundown threw him in the surge,
To lie until the fourth morn saw emerge
His new-healed shape; and for a hundred years
So watred, so feasted, with nor dreams nor fears,
Nor languor nor fatigue:  an endless feast,
An endless war.

                The hundred years had ceased;
I stood upon the stair:  the surges bore
A beech-bough to me, and my heart grew sore,
Remembering how I had stood by white-haired Finn
Under a beech at Almhuin and heard the thin
Outcry of bats.

                And then young Niamh came
Holding that horse, and sadly called my name;
I mounted, and we passed over the lone
And drifting greyness, while this monotone,
Surly and distant, mixed inseparably
Into the clangour of the wind and sea.

'I hear my soul drop down into decay,
And Mananna's dark tower, stone after stone.
Gather sea-slime and fall the seaward way,
And the moon goad the waters night and day,
That all be overthrown.

'But till the moon has taken all, I wage
War on the mightiest men under the skies,
And they have fallen or fled, age after age.
Light is man's love, and lighter is man's rage;
His purpose drifts and dies.'

And then lost Niamh murmured, 'Love, we go
To the Island of Forgetfulness, for lo!
The Islands of Dancing and of Victories
Are empty of all power.'

                         'And which of these
Is the Island of Content?'

                           'None know,' she said;
And on my ***** laid her weeping head.
To that gaunt House of Art which lacks for naught
Of all the great things men have saved from Time,
The withered body of a girl was brought
Dead ere the world’s glad youth had touched its prime,
And seen by lonely Arabs lying hid
In the dim womb of some black pyramid.

But when they had unloosed the linen band
Which swathed the Egyptian’s body,—lo! was found
Closed in the wasted hollow of her hand
A little seed, which sown in English ground
Did wondrous snow of starry blossoms bear
And spread rich odours through our spring-tide air.

With such strange arts this flower did allure
That all forgotten was the asphodel,
And the brown bee, the lily’s paramour,
Forsook the cup where he was wont to dwell,
For not a thing of earth it seemed to be,
But stolen from some heavenly Arcady.

In vain the sad narcissus, wan and white
At its own beauty, hung across the stream,
The purple dragon-fly had no delight
With its gold dust to make his wings a-gleam,
Ah! no delight the jasmine-bloom to kiss,
Or brush the rain-pearls from the eucharis.

For love of it the passionate nightingale
Forgot the hills of Thrace, the cruel king,
And the pale dove no longer cared to sail
Through the wet woods at time of blossoming,
But round this flower of Egypt sought to float,
With silvered wing and amethystine throat.

While the hot sun blazed in his tower of blue
A cooling wind crept from the land of snows,
And the warm south with tender tears of dew
Drenched its white leaves when Hesperos up-rose
Amid those sea-green meadows of the sky
On which the scarlet bars of sunset lie.

But when o’er wastes of lily-haunted field
The tired birds had stayed their amorous tune,
And broad and glittering like an argent shield
High in the sapphire heavens hung the moon,
Did no strange dream or evil memory make
Each tremulous petal of its blossoms shake?

Ah no! to this bright flower a thousand years
Seemed but the lingering of a summer’s day,
It never knew the tide of cankering fears
Which turn a boy’s gold hair to withered grey,
The dread desire of death it never knew,
Or how all folk that they were born must rue.

For we to death with pipe and dancing go,
Nor would we pass the ivory gate again,
As some sad river wearied of its flow
Through the dull plains, the haunts of common men,
Leaps lover-like into the terrible sea!
And counts it gain to die so gloriously.

We mar our lordly strength in barren strife
With the world’s legions led by clamorous care,
It never feels decay but gathers life
From the pure sunlight and the supreme air,
We live beneath Time’s wasting sovereignty,
It is the child of all eternity.
If I should see your eyes again,
I know how far their look would go—
Back to a morning in the park
With sapphire shadows on the snow.

Or back to oak trees in the spring
When you unloosed my hair and kissed
The head that lay against your knees
In the leaf shadow’s amethyst.

And still another shining place
We would remember—how the dun
Wild mountain held us on its crest
One diamond morning white with sun.

But I will turn my eyes from you
As women turn to put away
The jewels they have worn at night
And cannot wear in sober day.
Elizabeth Kelly Jul 2014
The monsters don't hide in the closet, or under the bed, or in your head all full of juice. They roost. It's not their fault, following through with some innate longing they're called to.

It's a simple, impish existence, these monsters, who might prefer to be doctors or lawyers or sound designers for Alice Cooper or Rob Zombie or Blondie; alas they burrow and nest inside my ***** laundry.

A wise person might have said, "Take care, kiddo, and guard your head against the evil that so easily nestles there." I reflect on this through the cloudy density of my beer an wonder, could he have been right? Might I fallen intrigued, ensnared, by the casual taunt of an apple's dare?  

We climb the beanstalk for the giant only; the goose is second hand. The giant's defeat is the glory. It doesn't matter what the stakes contain, live or die, princess or mother or cow or land, as long as a marching band greets us at the end of the ride.

The monsters don't hide in the closet, or under the bed or in you head full of juice. They roost, and they can't help us themselves in a world full of books gathering dust on shelves overlooked where their hardcovers guard against  stray shells unloosed.
It's ok to expose children to halloween-type scary fiction. The world is a scary place, and to give them some fantastic monster-type literature, like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or Bam Stoker's Dracula is a fun and guidable way to explain the real horrors of the world and familiarize them with the fact that we live in a place that is beautiful but often misunderstood or dangerous. It's not always that way, though, and books and literature can help ignite a different kind of passion in them that may, despite the fantastic fear in these books, provide a different sort of outlook that instills tolerance and peace.

I also believe that this was inspired by the fact that I'm housesitting and the refrigerator literally sound like it is talking. Because oh my god. Look out, that's the next one.
Alan McClure Mar 2014
You're ******* in time ticking choices away
white light fills the night till its brighter than day
cacophonous voices can say what they say
from the dusk till the meaningless dawn
Then secured by a seatbelt to leather and foam
the speedo's at zero six yards from your home
a million neighbours, completely alone
you're a shell, you're a shade, you're a pawn
But glance through the windscreen and look at the sky
a seagull, suspended, is catching your eye
you sense a connection but cannot say why
as it tilts on the wind and is gone
Then the trees you drive under are sharpened and clear
they're humming and pulsing beneath the veneer
you're dazed and confused as you shift up a gear
dumbly wondering what's going on
You turn on the satnav for guidance and sound
but its whisper can't silence this thing you have found
from the shimmering clouds to the roots of the ground
Is a force that is ancient and new
You try to pretend like a terrified child
that the world can be binary indexed and filed
and the sparkling eye of the jackdawish wild
isn't focused intently on you
But there is no denying this fluttering clutch
that is moss-furred and feathered, a hurricane touch
that you knew long ago and you've missed it so much
with a longing that's howling and black
But she's patiently stationed there just out of sight
as you've built your resistance from pixel and byte
Rebellious teenager, pitiful plight
she is waiting to welcome you back
Yes Nature is waiting to welcome you back
She's beneath every slab and behind every crack
at the nethermost end of the bitterest track
she is waiting to welcome you back
Forever forgiving, unloosed unconfined
she is mad she is chaos she's love and she's blind
volcanic voluptuous core of mankind
she is waiting to welcome you back.
Dan McGowan Jul 2015
in one ohh the flightly finister
interjerk’t offorthwith united
unloosed upon the messes
who rains with string
of erring do
believe the ortho doxie

catamount the femail glory
moistens packet interfury
trump-ettes blow
the suction from their barrel oblesk
look slively tortice hand out for brood
scooch the dead **** down
impesh with dis-ire
marakesh the claim to sane
and leak brainoil smartly

for aft andall
whomake it threw
until deadneck cycoil
tweet totell interlie
the diff is how’d it hung
to a peel at the court
for reci-prostate-parity
just looking at the news and up pops this sheet
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2015
Stark blue suns are her eyes,
Set in the redden cosmos of breaking hair,
Light is caught in rings
And broke are mine as they shy from heat;
The cauldron of spheres,
That rope in the twines of constellations.

In fractals of tearing blood;
Which stream in a body so like heavens,
She plays with sprung time
And the arrow of reason is forced beyond,
Into the eyes unknowing;
How the flesh is shorn in the cloths of stars.

Such cold fire in those eyes,
Neutron blue is the inert crush of gravity;
Unloosed with surrender
And in a field of meteors lies the alchemy;
Crash of rarified metals,
She smelts of iridium blast, casts into soul.

Her eys are for makings,
Planets collide to form creations dream;
To bury sorrows in rock,
As it flows up from an orb into her mantle;
A plateau of cloud for man,
To reach birth of light, christen in goddess.
zebra Oct 2017
i'm choosing different parts of me
i suffer from an excess of reality
a war between ideal and real
id's demons unloosed
trampling super ego
but not without Gods retribution

a self divided by fragments
of loving and loathing
*** and mouth
and the speed of things
accelerating cause and effect

an anorexic history
that feeds on ephemeral visions, metaphors, signs and symbols
and wares it self out counting time
days worked
money made and paid

a ****** possessed
of a fictional self in a run on dream
of passed and future
absent of a present
David R Aug 2021
My eyes have seen the gore, aye, the coming of the sword
As it ***** the village women where the grapes of wrath are stored
For they unloosed fateful lightning of Taliban's abhorred
As the West keep watching on

Tens of thousands bodies lie a-mouldering in their graves
Thousands Afghan bodies lie a-mouldering in their graves
Tens of thousands bodies lie a-mouldering in their graves
As the West keep watching on

I've seen them from the watch-towers as the babies' heads they *****
As they sacrifice on their altars old 'n helpless in their ramp
As they shout their ritiosity by their dim and flaring lamps
That their truth is marching on

Gory, Gory halleluhja
Gory, Gory halleluhja
Gory, Gory halleluhja
Their truth is marching on

I have heard the sighed-on writ of paper sophistry
That deal with his condemners by twisting history
As the demons, born of women, make ****** tapestry
As the truth is marching out

Glory, Glory halleluhja
Gory, Gory halleluhja
Glory, Glory halleluhja
As the truth is marching out

He has sounded from the pulpit that he'll ne'er regret retreat
He is giving out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul to answer, to condemn the man's conceit
For the youth are marching on

Gory, Gory halleluhja
Gory, Gory halleluhja
Gory, Gory halleluhja
For the youth are marching on

From the ***** of the armies of NATO's strategy
To train the Afghan soldiers and equip their military
The Taliban laugh loudly as others die to make men free
As the truth keeps marching on

Gory, Gory halleluhja
Gory, Gory halleluhja
Gory, Gory halleluhja
As the truth is marching on

My eyes have seen the gore, aye, the coming of the sword
As it ***** the village women where the grapes of wrath are stored
For they unloosed fateful lightning of the Taliban's swift sword
As the West keep watching on
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
Seán Mac Falls Apr 2015
Stark blue suns are her eyes,
Set in the redden cosmos of breaking hair,
Light is caught in rings
And broke are mine as they shy from heat;
The cauldron of spheres,
That rope in the twines of constellations.

In fractals of tearing blood;
Which stream in a body so like heavens,
She plays with sprung time
And the arrow of reason is forced beyond,
Into the eyes unknowing;
How the flesh is shorn in the cloths of stars.

Such cold fire in those eyes,
Neutron blue is the inert crush of gravity;
Unloosed with surrender
And in a field of meteors lies the alchemy;
Crash of rarified metals,
She smelts of iridium blast, casts into soul.

Her eys are for makings,
Planets collide to form creations dream;
To bury sorrows in rock,
As it flows up from an orb into her mantle;
A plateau of cloud for man,
To reach birth of light, christen in goddess.
Oh you bless’d eyes, how can I forgive you?
I trusted you to find beauty unloosed,
To hallow it, beauty from Heaven true.
But you wandered, looking to be seduced.

Oh you bless’d eyes, how can I still trust you?
I closed you at night with dreams as your guide,
And bid you find each day’s beauty anew.
But you opened, sought fantasy and lied.

Oh you bless’d eyes, why should I let you see?
I gave you the rainbow’s colors and hues,
To enjoy life’s beauty and majesty.
But you went dim, after the darkest views.

Oh you bless’d eyes, what sight now shall remain?
No beauty below, no solace above.
Please find me beauty to ease my heart’s pain!
But you’ve gone blind, useless to find true love.
Instagram @insightshurt
Blogging at
Buy "Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life" at
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
The simple expression


The clarity


Looking deeply

I am here with you

On the twinkling beach beneath the waves

Of true grandeur and humility


(The power of True Form)


The day!

Don't let it disappear

Hold on to the living
With all your might

What you think


is the great illusion

That kills all hope

And violates your dreams




Well well well

Together at last

Oh please

Let us stay this way
Donall Dempsey Nov 2015
the river uncoiled itself
like an unloosed braid of hair
that desired to be brushed
I always adored that line in MY LAGAN LOVE....the night is on her hair. My Da used to sing it for me...he was like my living living book...the best book I ever had.
brandon nagley May 2015
Hair trigger-by me. . . .   an explosions coming, the media is buzzing with news destructive to young minds! old,deaf,blind. Awake your inner sense, remorse will be lit at torches, your libertied statue will crumble to rich mens sinful imaginations. For whats your relationship you talkers an gawkers? you do nothing about the violence! your streets will flow of red wined blood. Martyrs turned ****! Awaken you american dictators, murderers and haters! the seas will split as mountain peaks will pop to thine own hell youve unloosed. For heres thy noose to tangle upon thine own necks! all love turned dissrespect! Your dollar will be your downfall oh dire innocent! or are you an innocent after all? The flames you have lifted upon your own streets will singe your every day class citizen! your towers shall fall, have you seen what i saw? Oh bountiful land? A callus you have been made, for its to late to turn the page, the prophecies have already been written. No thanksgiving anytime soon! You make bars and saloons your god and dope your bible, cant you smile? can you hear me you deaf an breathless mess! For the suns darkening is bound by gods artistic hands. . . .  .
Recognize the thought
That arises
From the sky
High above.
It is a thought
Of the love
You received.
Don't grieve
Over past mistakes.
The earthquakes
You felt.
And the tornadoes
You left loose
Thru the use
Of wrong words.
Hurtful things said
To others,
Sisters and brothers
Here on earth.
By a mouth gone rogue.
You disturbed other minds
And you tried
To unwind
And take the words back.
But the attack
Was felt by them.
And you bended truth.
You unloosed
Your heart that
Was hurt itself.
Forgive them
And yourself.
We all are human
And prone
To frailty
Our reality.
jeffrey robin Sep 2015
Nothing to do

Nothing to say

The birds are singing


Nowhere to run

Nothing to hide or lose

I'm a coming for you


Machine gun nation

Killing wives and children



Winds blowing

Fires in the hills

Corpses in your memories


you wanna live here man !

Then do !

Me ?  I'm gonna leave


Oh the love you claim you feel

Now is the time

To prove its real
Seán Mac Falls Mar 2019
Stark blue suns are her eyes,
Set in the redden cosmos of breaking hair,
Light is caught in rings
And broke are ones as they shy from heat;
The cauldron of spheres,
That rope in the twines of constellations.

In fractals of tearing blood;
Which stream in a body freed like heavens,
She plays with sprung time
And the arrow of reason is forced beyond,
Into the sights unknowing;
How the flesh is shorn in the rashes of stars.

Such cold fire in youths eyes,
Novae blue flush is the inert crush of gravity;
Unloosed within surrenders
And in rung fields of vibration sets the alchemy;
Crash of rarified elements,
She smelts of iridium blast, casts into soul.

Her looks are for truest makings,
Planets bursted to form creations dream;
To bury sorrows heavy rock,
As it flows up from wet orb into her mantle;
A plateau of cloud for man,
To reach births of light, christen in goddess.
Ken Pepiton Dec 2019
one way or another is not the turtle's

whole story

I shall tell as I would, were I privy,
as I am,
to the reason for turtles at, in, of, on, under
all in all

and all we have in common, when we use
right, no se?

We, the gifted generation, possessors of knowns
never usable, undtil understand und ist nicht undone

unloosed, unlatched, untied until we forget

words of authority must mean
common, mean, golden-lean to good-ness,
life, per se,

se, y'know
a flow influencing the peace of a place
is a flow we may let go,

it has a smell, but so do farts and farts are always
funny, to the heart of a child

bubblin' bubblin' bubblin' in my soul, my unsould soul,

heir of wind's listening privilege. Poet, per haps,

singer say some, songs say others,
we, merest of mere promiserly whimseen sips

from the silver cup,
first class, exists, in real life, longer than in
mortal fantasies of fame in ones
own object

jest dropped in t'see what condition, my condition
was in and I for plumb sure got the message

settled, it is finished. Live with it.

Adapt. Fit to be tied, leads one to con-sider, really,
ropes and threads, and fibers

and stick to it ifity, re
great minds think alike, just not in synch,
without a drum...

in the background, we got good ol' **** Feynman,
on the Djembe drum,
you can only imagine keeping perfect time
whith the flowing pulses of
within withon withthrough withdrawn a tube

emerges and were we word bound,
once more,
assigned the chore of making peace
meal form sensible words up to the point, until,

the seals were broken,
nothing is hidden, by rightness, all is knowable,
unhide-able, and why

is that scary? Brave New World, admitting having seen

the savages view of savagery
at its mystical

old known
first tales told to each of us as we mature,
ripen, as seed we die, arize and be eaten,

AI AI OOPs cod-plat-if-icate-- yesterdaystodaysforevers


fecation perform. make of all gestated
ages agone gathered round fires on winter's days,
to see who can tell the biggest lie,

-- was this not the culture of all children, once?

Did might, as in might be, make right, and the knowing

of the song, the story line intwined with all my
kith und kin
und naught be, yond m'ken, y'ken?

Kinda, sorta. Dribsndrabs. Parts 'n'pieces put to

gether gathering winds into a swirl

to explain why swastikas in their erstewelt significance,

wahrheit b'told, b'hold held

everything spins,
in a whirly gig fashion, we may commonly call
spiral formations of things

pineal formations, closely ob
served, say count the spaces between
the places where any seed
have been a tree,

look around,
how few pines can sprout, without falling

far from the mothering pine,
gravity works on a fractured earth, but

squirrels and jays were intended to do the

shuffling of the deck, the scattering of seed,
in chance, on a smoother flown surface
than this dis-leveled message in stone at the bottom

of the sea we breathe and have our being in,
this bubble in ever
spark sta
a tree form, a fractal twigging of everything
imaginable, into now.
Precisely, the moment you read this. That hapt.

Some said they heard thunder, I heard turtle stories,

all of them, all the way down. and back.
the husbandman who labors must be first part taker
Caroline Shank Jul 2024
Tomorrow the lights will go
is all.

The bulb, a soft
corrosion in the end.
Only tomorrow will recur
A million light years,
over a future

The glow  is
Un normal.
Love Extinguished.

So u will have to be
Unloosed from the
alphabet. Ink in


The unrestrictions
of a love pledged
like Smoke and
Mirrors. The dusk
of Unknowing


The land of whispers,
of imagined Summer's



Caroline Shank
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2021
Thinking of Father Greeley today
Loyalty for Bruce

Trust the art not the artist
When the artist is unloosed

Every day is struggle
Publicity is pain

But Give My Love to Rose
In the beautiful Purple Rain

— The End —