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Dark lover Jul 2023
It's well even in the land of well..
It's well even in the kingdom of well ..
It's all garbage in garbage out all from garbage . Just like the name, the thoughts of many are, like in most.. it's garbage to those  in the same vibration but below exceptions makes it seem godly and magnificent.
I wish.
I understood.
things, words, language the fingers  scribes some times...
Trying to make sense but making nonsense, ha, I get it, sense takes one third of nonsense,
twisted for the disabled.
It's just too twisted for the disabled but not for the ables.
Twisted scientists making clones..
So they say...
So they feel..
So they remain...
Twisted it is and twisted it will be..
Cause, it's believed that twisted is for the unbeing..
It's the outwordly.
It's the unreal..
Few escapes, the fews that grasp twisted and make it a friend and a guardian..
A partner and a mentor...
Hence they sleep with twisted..
Pray with twisted..
Worship twisted..
Eat with twisted..
Eats twisted..
Marry twisted..
Bond twisted
And starts delivering twisted babies.. everything rolls down with the understanding of twisted..
Never could end this infinite theorem.. cause the source is twisted and twisted is goodness and goodness is in all but all isn't in goodness...
Even fates are twisted..
Cause our fates are being changed in per second not discovered yet but now or soon..
By the
Steps taken...
Choices made...
Thoughts expressed.
Thoughts conceived..
Conceived, oh, I remember a line in one of the forgeten books of agony..
Agony in processes.
Agony in delivery..
Once again twisted it is.
Sense is one third of nonsense..
Days are very slim here and nights are very colossal..
So awaken and prepare, for the rainy days might seem no end.
Drought might be handy.
Sorrow might be arrowed through the heart.
Preparedness toughens and Patience exonerate..
Patience can be twisted with weakness, it's okay, Patience is weakness to the extent that weakness compels strength....
That's the TWIST..
Many fight to distance weakness yet run after strength but never realize that strength is the shadow to weakness.
Shoma morita's..
Embrace with..
Accept it..
Adopt it..
But never tolerate it from the weak..
Else excuses will be made from it.
Procrastination will be fashioned.
And discouragement will be manifested..
The resulting culmination of things..
Things precipitated by TWISTED...
Now Wakeup.

It's well even in the land of well..
It's well even in the kingdom of well ..
It's all garbage in garbage out all from garbage . Just like the name, the thoughts of many are, like in most.. it's garbage to those  in the same vibration but below exceptions makes it seem godly and magnificent.
I wish.
I understood the things, words, language the fingers  scribes some times...
Trying to make sense but making nonsense, ha, I get it, sense takes one third of nonsense,
twisted for the disabled.
It's just too twisted for the disabled but not for the ables.
Twisted scientists making clones..
So they say...
So they feel..
So they remain...
Twisted it is and twisted it will be..
Cause, it's believed that twisted is for the unbeing..
Is the outwordly.
Is the unreal..
Few escapes, the fews that grasp twisted and make it a friend and a guardian..
A partner and a mentor...
Hence they sleep with twisted..
Pray with twisted..
Worship twisted..
Eat with twisted..
Eats twisted..
Marry twisted..
Bond twisted
And starts delivering twisted babies.. everything rolls down with the understanding of twisted..
Never could end this infinite theorem.. cause the source is twisted and twisted is goodness and goodness is in all but all isn't in goodness...
Even fates are twisted..
Cause our fates are being changed in per second not discovered yet but now or soon..
Steps taken...
Choices made...
Thoughts expressed.
Thoughts conceived..
Conceived, oh, I remember a line in one of the forgeten books of agony..
Agony in processes.
Agony in delivery..
Once again twisted it is.
Sense is one third of nonsense..
Days are very slim here and nights are very colossal..
So awaken and prepare, for the rainy days might seem no end.
Drought might be handy.
Sorrow might be arrowed through the heart.
Preparedness toughens and Patience exonerate..
Patience can be twisted with weakness, it's okay, Patience is weakness to the extent that weakness compels strength....
That's the TWIST..
Many fight to distance weakness yet run after strength but never realize that strength is the shadow to weakness.
Shoma morita's..
Embrace with..
Accept it..
Adopt it..
But never tolerate it from the weak..
Else, excuses will be made from it.
Procrastination will be fashioned.
And discouragement will be manifested..
The resulting culmination of things..
Things precipitated by TWISTED...
Now Wakeup.
Twisted inspired,   live is twisted  and only the twisted enjoys it.
Shruti Atri Jan 2015
A seed is planted,
Leaves grow,
Flowers bloom,
Fruits ripen,
The bark toughens,
The stem branches out...

Seasons change,
Leaves wither,
Flowers wilt,
The fallen fruits rot,
The bark wrinkles,
The branches grow higher...

The eternal onset of time,
As the sand escapes the funnel of the hourglass.
Invert and repeat for every empty bulb.
A life, progressing from *birth,

Ending at decay.

Time, she plays her tune-
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-...
Like a metronome set to 60 BPM;
Never stopping, ever stomping on,
Oscillating to the mechanical rhythm of Time's pendulum,
Journeying to a finite end on a path set up to infinity.

*Time, she is proof, that we are alive--
Proof that decay hunts down the living...
Emmi Oct 2013
This city breathes
the city st
irs and turns
this city is a sleeping tiger
a movin
g, boulevard-striped back
skyscrapers lik
e** strands of fur on end
it raises its young here

it is a mother tigress
as its cubs play and sleep on her warm body
their paws pound the pavement
they feel it move
her beating heart resonates in every beam and sewer grate

her roar is in the screeching subways
the bustling voices and
blaring horns of the streets
the calls of the preachers
the drums on the sidewalks
every cash register in
every deli

the sobs
the gasps
the spoken word of her clan

she moves in
she is a firm parent
and rears her children strong
and when they come, she will break them
remake them
rebuild them as stronger beings

she watches her offspring as their hearts
grow and
break and
and she caresses and toughens

the tigress is strange
her young are countless and strangers
bound only by a love,
however deep,
however dim,
for their cubhood home.
Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!
Rachel Keating May 2016
i love you mom
you've watched me grow up &
you've watched me leave home
but i promise i'm not gone

i love you mom
you've smiled at my best &
you've stuck with me through my worst
i now know right from wrong

i love you mom
your tough love toughens me up &
your witty humor keeps me young
if only you could tuck me in at every dusk and wake me up at every dawn

i love you mom
even when i don't show it &
even when i don't say it
i feel it more and more as the days go on

i love you mom
your heart and your warmth
are the closest things on this earth
to living proof of God's love

this is for you, mom
a little belated poem for the woman who i owe it all to. i love you mom
Jessica Hughes Jan 2011
It is when hairs grow
old of grey
love shall linger
skin toughens with
dark freckles
callous sores blister
love will linger
joints ache
teeth rot out
compared to
blurry vision and
deafening ears
love will linger

to see the agony
of defeat
in shaky limbs
a vengeful snare
love does grin
for in youth
it lasted never
and feelings were hurt
but in wisdom
victory is love's satisfaction

By Jessica Hughes
We met on a breezy August evening
I knew then my life would not be the same.
Her greeting was subtle, a mere gentle touch,
I feared she was lethal; I suspected her name.

Dangerous Companion,
Where did you come from?
Dangerous Companion,
Why are you here?
Dangerous Companion,
I will attack you!
I will defeat you!
I will destroy you!
But… I am afraid

“I know who you are!” I shouted with fear
“Get out of my life!” I pleaded (I begged)
“I’m not leaving yet- there’s much to be done.
You must walk with me now.” she softly said.

“I will die if you linger!”  I screamed in her face
“You’ve been dying forever, entombed in your fears.”
“My surgeon will **** you and cast you away!”
“She won’t **** my mission- now mop up those tears!”

Dangerous Companion,
Where did you come from?
Dangerous Companion,
Why are you here?
Dangerous Companion,
I will attack you!
I will defeat you!
I will destroy you!
Still… I am afraid

Our journey together began with our parting
By scalpel and stitches, and surgical tape.
She then went her own way, and I to recovery
The severance complete- my new future to make.

Knives and injections have sent her afar
Yet her spirit lives in me and toughens my will
To shatter illusions and live without fear
Even should she come back to walk with me still.

Dangerous Companion
It hasn’t been easy.
Dangerous Companion,
The pain is so deep.
Dangerous Companion,
I’m oddly grateful,
You took what was dear to me
Yet uncovered the depth of me.

I’m destined to live!
I wrote this poem in 2002, a few months after having completed chemo for breast cancer.  Honestly, I felt as if the poem was being written through me rather than by me.  Please copy and share with anyone you feel might be comforted by this.
Icarus Dec 2009
the skin toughens with every bruise
the top layer sheds
the next one steps forward for another beating.
pretty soon numbness sets in.
its called learning.
it takes a little getting used to,
some time and tough luck
a little bit of twisted logic
a shrug, and a stubborn capacity to endure.
like onion being peeled, the tears well up
when the dried layer comes off.
so... you beat me up, and i take it.
if you smile past your raging fits,
i learn. we move along. nice and dandy.
just do not give up on me.
one day, i will be reasonably numb.
and then we will comfortably
beat each other to a blissful stupor.
so lemme have it if you feel like it, love.
i am an eager learning ******.
just hold me tight
whenever you pounce on me
and let me know when it is over.
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
Whinging is contagious around here,
I just never met Mr. Right, my dears,
But I have met some right players,
Like loverat Mr. Liar,
or Mr. *******, too bad,
Then there is Mr. *******,
Yes, whinging is contagious here,
Too bad I never met  Mr. Right, my dears,
Never mind, that's enough,
Being bullied toughens you up!
Feedback welcome.
haylee beckim Nov 2017
I have bee through what others seem to say tragedies, however, I could not image being so small minded as many are, without pure struggle of existence. The bad things are what toughens your skin and soul. It broadens your mind and ambitions. It moves you. There will be bad but, the good is ******* good.
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
Yes, bullying toughens you up, anyway,
Smile, rictus grins are okay,
I'll see this in writing at a G.P.,
You don't need to be so mean,
Cheap and snaky, inspiration!
Let's not hear it for manipulation,
So, bullying's toughened me up this way,
Smiles! Rictus grins are okay!
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
Bullying toughens you up, lo,
Crocodile tears never last, so,
I'll give you good advice--mine,
Do not waste your time!
Feedback welcome.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
take-away pizza, that's all it took to consider this observation; take-away pizza... take-away food-stuffs are so, *******, depressing, and so m.g.t.o.w.-ish... of the the joys of preparing your own food; it's almost like reviving the "idea" of a house-wife... imagine it though, saving the culinary orthodoxy of such said "attachés"; i cherish the well-valued time of cooking one's own meal, than breaking the backs of bangladeshi migrants in soft-sock factories... no! *******! i'll eat my own, once i've cooked it, myself! keep these lazy western europeam t.v. junkies, out of my agenda! *****, keep the migrants keep ******* on your take-away pizza... come on... watch me clap... clap... clap clap... clap clap clap... as if before a high jump!*

this isn't real, as you might expect,
such is the bond, existent,
between my mother and my father,
it's near-mythical,
   all she has to undergo is a hernia
  i'm a veteran in the procedure,
i was operated on several times,
first was my own hernia:
  thank you chernobyll -
now i really feel like being part
of the x-men...
   but it ******* stings...
      my father isn't a big talker,
after all, he was abasoned by his
       mother, and father, and wai
raised by hir paternal grandparents,
so the heartbreak is already there,
i have to deal with, every time i ask...
and i've met my paternal grandfather
once or twice,
   he called me his "buddy",
  and i replied with woe and agony:
i'm not your friend...
           as he was walking,
what i might expect to be my half-cousins...
****** didn't even have the tenacity
to call me his grandson,
   and he died, as we all do...
   and they wrote on epitaph:
a great worker...
          i walked past his grave,
peering at it,
   they didn't even bother to make
his name into an imprint, nor his
day & death date...
    not worthy the chisel,
written in ink...
  that's how you write the koran
on the tablets of the ten commandments...
the 11th amendment?
                  what about usury?!
i thought the ancient hebryes were
against magic, were against what usury
has become...
              fellas! we've been wrong
all along! we've found the philosophers stone!
it's there for the taking!
  look! usury! it manages to stealth tax people
into a skeletal grave...
      usury! usury! usury!
         but **** me,
looking at my father watering the flowers,
and my mother in hospital with
a minor operation concerning a hernia:
i had mine...
   thank you chernobyll...
  and what emerges?
    i'm a ******* when it comes to women,
i can't deny that,
   that's why i entertain prostitutes from
time to time,
   toughens the heart...
                but if this is what
m.g.t.o.w. movements comes down to?
      i won't say pathetic concerning my father,
but, ****!
       it looks pretty **** salt-on-the-wounds
type of material...
            do i look pathetic
acquiring so much sentiment for
   cats, or dogs?
       unlikely... i look liberated by comparison...
but that's the dice throw to think
       men like my father,
who took to bringing an accomplice
that's my mother... well...
   when you invest so much into a woman...
that leaves you begging to try
to write a book, but never being able to...
        why bother?
  what sort of man would want to write
books, while at the same time write
the book that's woman?
   some fanciful idiot who can't sing
or memorise recitations?
                           memory, ah, spledid!
the function that gives man the gravity
of consciousness, and subsequent
articulation of arguments worth the pro-life
    and, ah... memory, the function that
erodes, and keeps eroding,
  all other mental functions of worth...
bravo!            bravo!    applause! 'plause!
i've just looked at a m.g.t.o.w. simulation,
and... well... it's far from pretty...
             having a hernia operation
is minor, i already told you:
   i had one when i was a baby...
        when it comes to the details,
   i'm a mean *******...
               i survived two attempts of ******...
i can tune into the energies of fear,
and by fear, turn to bombast,
  and via bombast, attain a script, such as this.
i don't know what to recommend...
    if you spend enough time with women,
and without the women in question,
it's not that you look pathetic,
        but so tragic, that you break every
bone in the body of the person observing,
while at the same time, asking a doberman
pup to gouge your eyes out...
      how ferocious the man without a woman
       which signifies the opposite in a woman
without a man: how pathetic she looks;
man abides in solitude upon the diet
of feral forces,
                       he's so ******* scared,
that in his anti-phobia: complete-curriculum,
becomes, un-approachable.
believe me, i put my mother
into a coffin, before i extracted an answer
that she was simply in a hospital bed;
hernia? hernia?!
    i had more bother with wisdom teeth...
thank god i kept my third tonsil.
Kim McCarthy Nov 2019
courage it takes to stand on the ledge, head hanging over tempting the edge, the fall into abyss to go with the flow, to know you're atop means seeing below

fear not the darkness nor light from above, live in a moment when push comes to shove, life at the bottom takes ***** if you got em, leave all at the peak if it's Glory you seek

high in the sky is merely a lie, takes heart and sole to thrive in a hole , strength from within toughens the skin, here is where the weak won't survive
Raven Brewer Aug 2023
There's something about the wild,
That is alluring and calls my name
It drags me down its winding paths
And brings me back up again

There's something about the wild,
That's so exciting and so pure
It cleanses me of all past notions
And teaches me something new

There's something about the wild,
That's savage and unrelenting
It chews me up and spits me out
And toughens my outer skin

There's something about the wild,
That is mysterious and baffling
It confounds and twists my thoughts
And makes my simple mind reel

There's something about the wild,
That is alluring and calls my name
It drags me down its winding paths
And brings me back up again

— The End —