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Arcassin B Feb 2015
By Arcassin B , creep & patty m

Is it the stems,
Or the leaves,
Telling me,
To tie a noose around the ceiling fan,
Steping near the area,
Try to Contain it,
But I don't really think I can,
Devil got his hand tugging my ***** ,
Playing rebound,
Telling me to forget it all,
With like two rounds,
I don't wanna load with off into my brain,
But the suspense is kicking in,
Somebody get a chair and sit me down,
I don't feel no restraint,
You won't try,
But I ain't,
About to let you take me away from the voice of god,
Begging my pardon,
But At least that's what I think,
When I go near the garden,
Twisting, trailing down
My hands, my arms, 
Down my chest, wrapping around my legs,
They take over.
Each little secret I've hidden all over me,
The scars, the stories, the burns,
All seen by them.

Everything I've worked so hard to conceal,
Long sleeves, long pants, hoodies,
It doesn't matter anymore.
Theyve seen it all.

Each and every scar, 
All the tears,
Wet again.
The burns
Bursting with agony.
But with all that pain,
Its freeing.
Everything was held inside...
But now,
These... things
They have opened the unthinkable,
All of the things inside spilling out uncontrollably.
The mistakes and fears that once made up all of me,
Its flooding out of me.
I'm feeling 
And lighter...
And now I'm finally gone.
you are the reason
coldness comes creeping
deranged and completely changed

put it down
put down that gun
the bullets that you load
when did your heart turn to stone
when did you grow so cold?
Mistaken, forsaken
innocent and yet condemned
I'm judged without a jury
for the rules that your amend

put it down 
put down the knife
ease your anger 
and lingering strife
I'm not the enemy
I'm just your wife

blood it seeps so slow
no need to hurry now
it has no place to go
as it puddles here
staining my matted hair
a halo of red 
I shouldn't have stayed
I should have fled. 
Innocent and forgiving
I lost my chance of living

put it down,
put it down to caring
I didn't even cry out
when it was my skin
you were paring

Such a shame
that you turned insane
was it ***** or pills
that twisted your will 
made you want to ****
the one person who loved you most.
no matter
it's shattered
and now it's null
like the last scrambled thought
in my fractured skull. 

I grant you pardon
now freed from your 
demonic garden
what thoughts grow in your mind
are they still benign weeds
like your horrible misdeeds
that multiply over time?
You do not know what is now-a-days
kyle Shirley Aug 2015
You pull me in close at night like you never left, its beautiful, and you feel the happiness too.
Come morning your mind fills with regret, your heart became weak in the night, longing for escape from the loneliness.
I call, you show, we talked, I kissed, we held each other, my heart reconnected to its other half, a feeling of warmth and completeness rushes over my body like a river over the rock bottom, I made love to you in my most true form, ego and self righteous set aside for you, to take me how I am.
Your morning text, tells a different story, forbidden love, you call it. A rush of passion due to us never to be together.
you need to find yourself and I am no longer a plan for your future. I know what I feel, and I know you feel it too... Ill hurt myself steping into your fire again and again, to prove that you belong with me. I would think the night was a dream, but you left yourself here, a bobby pin, something so small to prove to me that you and I are real. Soon ill be impervious to your pain, and you will stop hiding and running from your feelings,  this jackal you have become will hide no more.
Stop thinking and let your heart be your guide,
We accept the love we think we deserve.
Ntwari Poetry Feb 2017
I find myself lost again
In a pit void of light and hope
(With familiarity to bruise me further)

Who would drop me in here?

Where any weep you let out
No matter how quiet
Will echo back with the weight of all your sorrows

It's not like "friendship" and "true love" will help
Oh No
They have only dragged me deeper
Piercing my heart with blade called trust
And using you as a steping stone to leave
The very place I drown in

Why would they leave?

Only the lights of moments once shared
Seem to offer
Or some sense of it
But even the brightest of stars fade over time
Why would hope be any different?
Living is only passing time before we die. Might as well have fun waiting.
Joe Allay Nov 2011
Would you help me if I fall
Would you rise when I drown
Will the words of silence be broken
The life that were never lived
Will it be worth fighting for
Is it worth dying for a reason?
Or living for a reason?

The things which you've sacrificed for
Will they be realised tomorrow
The pain that you bore
The life that you've craved for
Will this life let you live
Is there life after death
Or will they burry you with your dreams

When the life you dreamt of
Got drained off with the pouring rain
Will it be worth steping on it again
Or what if you fade away with shame.

They said that life is a test
But what if you don't realise it before the sun rise

If the changing seasons leave me behind
Will love be a lie
Will dying be for living
But no one told me the fact
When the soul departs
Is there heaven or hell??
Why some have to grief out this world of sorrow.
Hope the shooting star will leed me to my home.
People use to tell me im a pessimist.. but thats the only other side of the coin... but life.. if you think too much about it... yes.. there are a lot of bad things surrounding you that you can't deny .. which use to make me think a lot..
Brad J March Jan 2011
A girl with hair like the pitch black night. 
And skin like the bleach white moon.

Steping from the shadows Into the light.

Her eyes lit with a firey baze.
Sparkiling like the sunshine 
On the mornings dew haze.

Her eyes in this way holding my gaze.
Full lips pulled back in a perfect smile.
Laughing I'm sure at my astonished face. 

This image burned into my mind.
Like the brand on cattle marked forever. 
Engulfing me as my brain surrenders.
© BJM 2011
destinee May 2013
Toss the word "mother" around
someone who nutures you
teaches you morals and right from wrong
shows you love and compassion
who will be here when you start walking up those steping stones
will be there when you need a hand and when a stupid boy breaks your heart
will still love you even when your mad and say things you shouldn't
will be the dad you never had
when you truly think about it they are the heros they save us in so many ways just by saving i love you makes your whole day better
my mother is a special part of my life and i thank her for it :)
Linz Nov 2015
**** this ****
Annoying as hell
Is disrupts my life often
Even my sense of smell

Im scared to walk
I don't want to step on a curb
I'm seeing double
Everything's a blur

Its making me late
And I feel so bad
My coworkers are annoyed
It always makes them mad

It constrics me from walking
Seeing and steping
Every one looks at me weird
I'm dizzy and frowning

Just go away please
So I can get on with my life
You making my life hell

I see the light rail coming
Should I chance it?
If I fall to the ground
All I wanna shout will vengeance is **** THIS ****!!!!
Kewayne Wadley Mar 2018
Not until steping closer.
I realized that I was in the palm of your hand.
I left my parachute without regret,
Moving one step closer staring down.
I deeply wanted to understand how free love was.
Standing here,
Realizing how high up everything really is.
Your palm sustaining my weight.
I wasn't at all anixous.
Now thinking that the wind could have shifted me forward before time.
Constantly aware that at any moment.
I will close my eyes and lean forward.
Pass the ridges of pants and tile floor.
Leaving behind everything I knew best.
My comfort zone.
This was me falling in love.
This was me overcoming my fear of heights
Forever in debt to the strength of your hand
Let the SHOOTING STOP, start on the Mountain Top.  Let the SHOOTING STOP, as it flows to the lowest valley.
Let the VIOLENCE STOP, begin on the Mountain Top.  Let the VIOLENCE STOP, dripping down to the lowest valley.
Let the KILLINGS STOP, disappearing on the Mountain Top.  Let the KILLINGS STOP, vanishing in the lowest valley.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Billy May Feb 2015
Memories trickle down my spine.
Slipping from the back of my mind.
You want to see my world, NO its mine.
Digging and trashing for treasures not even I can find

Adulthood is creeping behind me sneakily like a fox
The big box trying to **** me in.
I don’t want to grow up, living life cup to cup
have you seen those blank stares.
these People who walk like machines
broken hopes and forgotten dreams.
This wont be me, stop tugging get your hands off!
Don’t you dare Scoff or spit your venomous words
You can call me absurd, but at least I am still alive
the spark hasn’t left my eye, I see the world full of light

I still want to grow up and be an astronaut or a knight
wearing armor of some sorts.
I don’t want to miss sleeping on the cot, or making forts.
A question I ask you to ask of me.
I’ll ask you to
Are we afraid of losing the past?
steping up to fast and dying before we have a future?
or are we more afraid of changing who we are, pushing ourselves just a step to far.
uzzi obinna Jul 2016
I got a message from the sky,
telling me that its time to fly;
at first i thought it was all a lie,
Cause it wasn't time for me to die;
someone tell my DAD that he shouldn't worry,
and all i can say is that i am truely sorry;
i love the life that i have chosen,
Although it isn't rosey nor golden;
i'm actually steping into something,
To becoming the next true king.
Tony Anderson May 2019
The machine is taking over
Indavidualty is being lost
Everyone acts the same
Everyone looks the same
Everyone moves the same

The machine is taking over
Like a well oiled peice
The true self is no more
Only the machine is left
The true self lost
Lost in the crowd
Lost in the void
Lost to the world

Steping in time with everyone else
Marching to the same
Rythme and beat
Even eyes blinking
At the same time
All one mind
All one soul
All one thought

No more fun
No more free spirits
The machine will not allow it
No more free thinkers
No more joy
The machine is stern in its ways

The indavidual now part of a system
A system that demands control
A system that demands loyalty
Loyalty or death
That is how the machine works

The indavidual no longer free
Free to think
Free to be themselves
Free to learn and laugh
Freedom is lost
Just as the indavidual is lost
Now part of the machine
Who am I suppose to be? Not free
Not loved or without pain
Just a recklace soul with a troubled mind
And peace is nowhere to find
How come this world is only good for some?
How come I dont get a light on the road?
Just steping stones
Cast a rock at the cross
Till death due us part
My death is unknown until I can resist
My life and the hardships
Just know I did my best to let go

— The End —