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blushing prince Mar 2017
There’s a feeling one gets
oftentimes evoked when people wear clothes too tight for their skin
or hotels by the ocean that have pools
and you wonder if the pool gets jealous
does its’ hands get clammy
does its’ mouth quiver with wondering
why it tastes so much like bleach
and if it feels as exposed as a schoolboy’s battered knees after Sunday mass  
and the feeling is reiterated once more
this cramp of the foot, this skipped heartbeat you become so fixated on
As you watch the old man on the crowded subway
pick at his scabs, the ones he got when he was 23 or 24
he can’t quite remember anymore but it’s hard to remember
such fine details when your clothes smell like ***** and your
children don’t visit anymore
so now he’ll sit on anything that moves as long as it propels him forward
as long as he doesn’t have to see the wrinkles
in between the birthday cakes and the heart medicine that
he’s supposed to take but what’s a chemical to a heart
and what’s a heart to an electrical socket someone with
a medical degree keeps poking at  
so this feeling starts getting a name, starts calling cabs and giving them fake addresses
starts moving in and calling itself mister Al on week days and Sister Wendy on the rest
and now the soap stops cleaning and your hands becoming red with scrubbing
some internal message you were supposed to detonate as soon
As you graduated college but the degree was burned in a fire
and all the things you were taught were sold at half price in local yard sales
and so you stop eating dessert for dinner and stop living and
start recollecting, start rewinding the past, time traveling back to a
time when the sun would hit your eyes as you walked crooked streets
the pavement cracking like frost of a glacier in mid September under your feet
and as your voice gets low you smell the scent of lilac flowers in a basket
carried by a woman in threads of agave and cotton, colorful shawls draped
Across her bare arms, wearing rosaries in both her hands chanting words
that you could almost know but you don’t, asking if you’ll buy the flowers
made by the tears of god, crafted by the arthritic hands of mother Mary and
Don’t you just love the virginal white of martyrdom
but there are stones being thrown across the street by rude boys in t-shirts
long enough to be dresses, jeweled numbers on their backs like football players
or prison inmates and the distinction is not as clear
as they ricochet off the tough brown skin of the woman
you begin seeing embers of scarlet and it’s beautiful in the way
the slaughter of a thousand roses by the hands of scissors is beautiful
but the taste of disgust is not far behind,
and you wish the lilacs were a shield of ivory armor
And you wish the boys were boys and not men
there’s a feeling one gets
and I’m afraid you’ll always feel the feeling
like the peel of a peach
Rachel Sullivan Jul 2013
They are strange things; strangers.....
There are so many of them

Yet,  although these strangers are strange to me
To you they may be a friend

They are a strange species; these strangers
They overpopulate almost every place

Yet, they go about living similar lives of their own
Each one with a different story or face

Strangely, we are taught not to talk to strangers
And trained to avoid them

Yet, each one, whether strange or not,
Is, strangely enough, a person.

Strange is the way we feel about strangers
We fear them because we do not know them

Yet, these strangers are unknown to us
Because we choose not to know them

What strange mystery these strangers possess
Each one of them has a life,
A secret,
A past,
And a name
Just like us....

Yet, we label them as strange.

Yes, strange thing; these strangers

The strangest strange
Is that, strangely enough,
We are all strangers.
Nicole Bataclan May 2016
What distance separates
After being this intimate
And holding tight
To the one out of sight.

A stranger under the covers
The soulmate out in the open
Lovers at bay
And lovers that will not stay.

That chatter of passerby
The friendly advice
One too many
One is enough.
Wuji Jun 2012
My favorite people,
Are the ones I don't know.
They are the only ones,
I can let my feelings show.

I feel a little greedy,
Stocking ideas in my head.
Everyone I know around me,
Not knowing what I have said.

But all you great strangers,
Who happen to read my poems.
You are the only ones,
Who I invite into my mind, my home.

I do fear the day,
When certain people find,
That almost every word I think,
I subconsciously put in rhyme.

Or that I feel so radically,
About certain subjects.
Don't even get me started,
About the opposite ***.

And what if she reads them?
Will she color me insane?
Not you people,
Your opinions runoff me like rain.

I'll never really know,
What you think of me.
But you will all know more,
Because you'll let me be.
But really, thank you all for reading. Means a lot.
Rafael Melendez Jul 2018
I remember you saying,"You're a good person".

Now the words you last spoke to me ring in my ears.
I deserved it, but does that mean I don't deserve to be happy
Now that we're stangers, I wonder,"Did you ever really know me enough? Did I ever know myself enough?"
Michael Ryan Aug 2017
There is beauty in tears--
trembling to the floor
they represent passion
the truest expression
of magnificence
the meaning of human
rest inside these feelings.

This is our fantasy
the wonderment:
of watching their pain,
bearing themselves,
and perching each step
nearer to the fifteen floor edge,
that extends itself to the bottomless
apartment complex.

The stangers are preying from below
just out of sight, but close enough
to hear an echo of cries
bouncing off the empty space between them.

This is some form of release
the 'rubbernecks' sing a song akin to Kumbaya,
but instead of seeking harmony
they are predators only desiring
of blood and flesh
to distill their minds
of indiscretions.

They are burdened
by their own unflinching enthusiasm
and ravenous emptiness.

Displacing myself from my perch
I feel an unpleasant revel growing through the crowd,
as I clear their 'emptiness'--
it is always an unpleasant sight
when seeing it all come to an end.
Stop and help; not stop and stare.
Aditi Oct 2014
Some voids
You just can't fill
But that never
stopped you
From loving me.

Some of us
Go too astray
To ever come back
To who we once were
But that never stopped you
From calling out my name

Some things
You just can't repair
But that never stopped you
From trying

Some flowers
Wilt when you touch them
But your tender touch
Only livened their petals

Some angels
Are destined to fall
But somwhow you were always
At the right place
To catch one of them.

And today when
I stood among stangers
In the pouring rain
Waiting for my train
I was reminded
How it felt
Without you
So this is for my future husband
Ik im 17 and i should not be thinking about this but i was wondering how i dont want a loveless marriage like i saw a couple and they did not even know each other's fav. Song or stuffs. It's like their job was just to procreate. And i don't want that and so i was just wondering how he would be; if he has black eyes or dark brown.. well tbh it does not matter as long as he loves me. :) i hope you guys enjoyed reading this
CupcakesArePink Oct 2020
and i know one day you'll forget about me
i bet you're all already doing it

i'll be a distant memory
a nostalgic song

you'll remember my rights
and whatever went wrong

but be wary o, you familiar stangers
be wary of my ghost

because i may be gone
but i'll haunt you til the day you cease breathing
Melanie Elaine May 2014
If these words are my soul,
we'll never be stangers.
Katie Lee Nov 2015

I feel the worlds suffering
I feel the sadness of lost souls
I feel the love in stangers hearts, a flame that will never burn out
I feel the anti socials anxiety
I feel
I feel everything

I feel everything so passionately
I burst in to tears
I bust out in laugher
The energy is just too much to ignore
I feel everything
I feel everyone
Moon Shine Mar 2015
Old teacher spoke to me
Said god is an outdated conscept of which you need to be freed
Don't speak, only listen
Work or be missing
Don't get caught up in love
**** every dove
Don't do any drugs
Don't give stangers hugs
Everyone needs to go to school
I said if you knew I was dying would you feel like a fool
We're all ghosts
Our bodies are just the host
jeffrey robin Jul 2015

even the streets are dark

                           (The lamps are broken )

Just can't afford light no more


Can barely see the walls

Can barely read the slogans

Don't know

Here from there


I heard once was love

( or somethin)

Then the love songs came

And love was gone


Little child

Let us not be stangers

Seems like we're the only ones still here
francesca Apr 2018
And if closing the previous chapter
meant meeting beautiful stangers,
discovering new places,
and saving souls
the pain in leaving that chapter
is so much worth
knowing that the hurt
will soon grow its wings,
grow into flowers
and soon—
She will bloom
jeffrey robin Oct 2015

simplest song

                                                  ( anything you want )


Who comes here ?


Whatever you see

Whomever you want   !!

(   ••   )

                                            ( Whoever you want )



Takin it on the lam

Gonna grab the wife and kids

We off to the promised land



In each other's Eye

We treat other mean

But we can't say why


Come dance the dance

The white buffalo

The Indian on the hill

The holy waters down below



Come and take a chance

You are

Exactly what you say

Don't say a thing

Jes come and


To me
Jeffrey Robin Aug 2016



Sight unseen



On the road


The road that leads to home



( We of morning )

Don't cry no more

The day is good


Creation's glory

Stangers on the road


We mate

We go forth and change the world

Jayne E Oct 2019
We don't stay 23
to the end
the body shifts
it yields
it stretches
and it bends
fertilised life
coughs it out
labours rife
to waiting
stangers hands
the mid wife
the ooh lahs
the wah wahs
new life crys
through shut eyes
rooting out
crying for
its mother's ******
suckles to nourish
for comfort
for succour
to flourish
at first ****
feel pull of
a now empty womb
now no more
hermetically sealed
liquid echo chamber
organic incubator
more now
abandoned life tomb
as cords cut
signals separation
that first wail
a call for independent
new identification
what was one
now severed
becoming two
life brand new

© J.C.
Michael Perry Sep 2020

back in the day
I could hold my liquor
better than most, feeling good
with no price to pay
steady as a rock, I would be
whoever each time, playing a role
no consequence no rules, feeling invincible
living out  my heady days of youth
most days now, you will find me
sitting in the park, alone; talking to the pigeons
as they gather at my feet, while I
drink out of a disheveled paper bag
these days I collect spare change that falls
falls from stangers hands, or the occasional
quarter I will find on the ground- oh yea,  heady days
of youth- what of it, don't miss -what I can't recall

By Michael Perry
Michael John Mar 4
ok, we will give money
and death a break
lily,what of love?
you are the sort

stangers confess to
loving at first sight
do you trust them

so what is their motive
*** or worse
that is their problem..

— The End —