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The doer without desire,
Who does not boast of his deed,
Who is ardent, enduring,
Untouched by triumph,
In failure untroubled:
He is a man of sattwa (the energy of inspiration)

The doer with desire,
Hot for the prize of vain glory,
Brutal, greedy and foul
In triumph too quick to rejoyce,
In failure despairing:
He is a man of fajas (the energy of action)

The indifferent doer
Whose heart is not in his deed,
Stupid and stubborn,
A cheat, and malicious,
The idle lover of delay,
Easily dejected:
He is a man of tamas (the energy of inertia).
Dreams, dreams
Visions come as favela blossoming into a forthcoming
For all the Earth citizens
  Having a cosy home
     Clean waters
Creative life

Without existential suffering

Share people! Share!!! Goods, love, smiles ...

**Rejoyce, be grateful, embrace tight!!!
From one <3 to another <3 Unity of   friendly-bio-dreamers
Michael McBride Nov 2012
i sit and lie awake
no longer in hate
no longer dreading
the new day to break
you make my heart sing
and rejoyce.
i lie awake
atincipating the new days dawn
the times spent
it went
so fast
the way we met
so suddenly
you were nothing to me
but now you have become me
digging me out of the hole i was in
bringing me to life
back to the surface
like phoenix
rising from its own ashes
rebirthed to a new
self divided
mind blowingly new self
to live and breathe
once again
no longer do i dread
the sun to come up
now i cant wait for it to arise
so we can once again be together
my little sunshine
i cannot begin to express
my love for you
i say i am true
and so do you
i pray to a god i dont believe in
to know that you mean what you say
and you say what you mean
i am yours
and you are mine
to hold
to love
and to find
a new way
a day
when we can be free
no longer clamped
in the hands of the man
free to be
to live
to die
Thy gracious ear, O Lord, encline,
O hear me I thee pray,
For I am poor, and almost pine
With need, and sad decay.
Preserve my soul, for *I have trod           Heb. I am good, loving,
Thy waies, and love the just,                    a doer of good and
Save thou thy servant O my God                          holy things
Who still in thee doth trust.
Pity me Lord for daily thee
I call; O make rejoyce
Thy Servants Soul; for Lord to thee
I lift my soul and voice,
For thou art good, thou Lord art prone
To pardon, thou to all
Art full of mercy, thou alone
To them that on thee call.
Unto my supplication Lord
Give ear, and to the crie
Of my incessant praiers afford
Thy hearing graciously.
I in the day of my distress
Will call on thee for aid;
For thou wilt grant me free access
And answer, what I pray’d.
Like thee among the gods is none
O Lord, nor any works
Of all that other Gods have done
Like to thy glorious works.
The Nations all whom thou hast made
Shall come, and all shall frame
To bow them low before thee Lord,
And glorifie thy name.
For great thou art, and wonders great
By thy strong hand are done,
Thou in thy everlasting Seat
Remainest God alone.
Teach me O Lord thy way most right,
I in thy truth will hide,
To fear thy name my heart unite
So shall it never slide.
Thee will I praise O Lord my God
Thee honour, and adore
With my whole heart, and blaze abroad
Thy name for ever more.
For great thy mercy is toward me,
And thou hast free’d my Soul
Eev’n from the lowest Hell set free
From deepest darkness foul.
O God the proud against me rise
And violent men are met
To seek my life, and in their eyes
No fear of thee have set.
But thou Lord art the God most mild
Readiest thy grace to shew,
Slow to be angry, and art stil’d
Most mercifull, most true.
O turn to me thy face at length,
And me have mercy on,
Unto thy servant give thy strength,
And save thy hand-maids Son.
Some sign of good to me afford,
And let my foes then see
And be asham’d, because thou Lord
Do’st help and comfort me.
Thy Land to favour graciously
Thou hast not Lord been slack,
Thou hast from hard Captivity
Returned Jacob back.
Th’ iniquity thou didst forgive
That wrought thy people woe,
And all their Sin, that did thee grieve
Hast hid where none shall know.
Thine anger all thou hadst remov’d,
And calmly didst return
From thy fierce wrath which we had prov’d        Heb. The burning
Far worse then fire to burn.                            heat of thy
God of our saving health and peace,                          wrath.
Turn us, and us restore,
Thine indignation cause to cease
Toward us, and chide no more.
Wilt thou be angry without end,
For ever angry thus
Wilt thou thy frowning ire extend
From age to age on us?
Wilt thou not turn, and hear our voice             * Heb. Turn to
And us again *revive,                                 quicken us.
That so thy people may rejoyce
By thee preserv’d alive.
Cause us to see thy goodness Lord,
To us thy mercy shew
Thy saving health to us afford
And lift in us renew.
And now what God the Lord will speak
I will go strait and hear,
For to his people he speaks peace
And to his Saints full dear,
To his dear Saints he will speak peace,
But let them never more
Return to folly, but surcease
To trespass as before.
Surely to such as do him fear
Salvation is at hand
And glory shall ere long appear
To dwell within our Land.
Mercy and Truth that long were miss’d
Now joyfully are met
Sweet Peace and Righteousness have kiss’d
And hand in hand are set.
Truth from the earth like to a flowr
Shall bud and blossom then,
And Justice from her heavenly bowr
Look down on mortal men.
The Lord will also then bestow
Whatever thing is good
Our Land shall forth in plenty throw
Her fruits to be our food.
Before him Righteousness shall go
His Royal Harbinger,
Then *will he come, and not be slow          
Heb. He will set his steps to the way.
His footsteps cannot err.
Rexhep Morina Nov 2015
Let us meet there,
let us witness the beauty itself,
Simplicity in the purest form
cherish these moments for infinity.

Where the sky kisses the earth,
where the sun gives birth to sunshine,
where eveything seems meaningless,

Let us meet there,
let us be bold, and feel everything so deeply,
realize that we are one with it,
hold hands and unite in these moments of infinity.

Break through the limits, push our selves towards our true being,
rejoyce, dance, and acknowledge
that we are the creators.

We are the light that shines through,
the darkness that isolates us from the truth,
the truth that gives wings to our souls.
Meghan O'Neill May 2014
When you are angry
do not slit your wrists
Slit something that deserves it
like rotten pumpkins
tomatoes that refuse to turn red
burnt toast
ungrateful pieces of blank paper
clay embodiments of your enemies.

When you are happy
bottle it up.
Spread your love
but don't spread yourself too thin.
Save some for yourself
for when you feel like
a pile of petrified dog **** on a sidewalk.
And smile
because you're beautiful.

When you feel empty
put out everything you've got.
Listen to music that's full of passion
splatter canvasses with color
scream words that
would make your parents angry
and sailors proud.
Make yourself feel alive.

When you feel sad
read a happy book
listen to happy music
watch a happy movie.
Keep moving forward
because you're mistakes are arbitrary
and anyone who hurt you
is a pile of petrified dog **** on a sidewalk
and you are walking away.

When you feel anxious
control your breathing.
lie down
close your eyes
listen to calming noises
wash your hands in warm water
with soap that smells just right
until you feel better.
Please feel better.

When you feel in love
let them know.
Waste no time trying to be chased
trying to be coy.
Tell them you love them
because life is too **** short
to have regrets.

When you feel
the world is more beautiful
when it is tainted
with your feelings.
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2019
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty musical city
I keep playing, praying, punning

Post-modernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning
Cláudio Costa May 2016
feet on below
mind up above
it is yet to know
where she wanders, my love

come down already
from the foam of your dream
you float yet you're steady
playing notes down a stream

I can hear your voice
and its echo in distance
it's a morning rejoyce
it's a call to existence

waking up and it's you
holding me in a clutch
so simple, so true
your smell, your touch

in the night then you shine
standing in for the day
I can not make you mine
but I want you to stay

the sun standing up there
looks below when you rise
because under your hair
you're the moon in disguise.
Minty Linden Nov 2017
It dropped down on my forehead
I saw crimson red.
Red like the roses that burned back then.

I couldn't fathom the reason why
Why she didn't say goodbye
I could only scream and cry.

I sat there unmoved
Like the books in the library unused
Decades unbruised.

I felt like I was forever frozen
In a silence unbroken
Why was there no commotion?

I only heard a ringing
Like I heard back at the beginning
It was nothing but chilling.

Her eyes were dead and gone
Like the daffodils that whithered at dawn
Why did she have to whither alone?

I do recall sensing pain in her voice
There was no rejoyce
Why was this her only choice?

As the timeless seconds pass by
I saw a light that could only amplify
I heard a familiar ringing,I could only comply.

I woke up with tears in my eyes.
I realize as I slowly rise:
It was, again, the dream that never dies.

The dream haunted me as far as I recall
On every night with rainfall,
I only want it to stop once and for all.

I don't care about it's wrenched meaning!
Since it started leaking,
My sanity took quite the beating.

Playing with my crimson red hair,
I start reluctantly prepare
Time to start the day I declare.
This is my first poem ever.
I imagined the protagonist to be a reincarnation of a royal child.
Donall Dempsey Dec 2016

It is 11.32
in 1132 and  - now.

A sunset sets fire
to Kildare

burns it to the ground.

Night takes the town
in its arms.

Memory sets fire to time.

I, a mind invisible
( divisible by all )

move through the pages
of history

slip silently through
the ages

an unobserved

The ghost I've
yet to be.

The latitude of now
the longitude of then

the ****** flux
of history.

Voices scattered throughout time
( spoken in as 16th century accent )

whisper to me

wanting to be

". . .the successor of Brigit
was betrayed

carried off...put into a man's bed
forced to submit to him."

"I hear you..!" I say
". . .I hear you!

". . .seven score killed
in Cill Dara...most of it burnt..!

The Chronicles tell
the tattered tale.

The voices once again
lost in the wind.

Diarmud Mac Murrough's
violence on Kildare

happens all over
again and again

written upon the wind.

The **** of the abbess
destroying the divinity

of her authority
her harmony.

A woman baptises
her new born

with milk
as in the old way.

The fires of her age
flickering across her frightened face.

Brigit born anew.

Time tamed
comes to my side

licks my hand
like some mythical hound.

"Take me back..."
I command
". . .to my own now!"

I cry.

Out of the Silken Thomas
one two and three inebriated

merrymakers sway and spill
out into the Christmas of I984.

One big one small and one very very tall
together they sing

informing the yet-to-be
of what is lost and past.

"Rejoyce!" the snow says:
"...snow falling faintly through the universe

and falling faintly...upon the living and the dead."

I tell the night
that is already passing into

the great beyond.

"Remember O Thou Man
Oh Thou Man, oh Thou Man.

Remember, O Thou Man
Thy time is spent.

Remember, O Thou Man
How thou camest to me then

And I did what I can
therefore re. . ."
Brighid reappears in various guises in various times and seems part historic, part mythic -- part Christian, part pagan. One of her dualities is that she is herself but also an incarnate representative of Mary

She is the protectress of dairymaids and is associated with February lambing day (one of the four primary Gaelic holy days, Imbolc, meaning "bag of cream" or "butter-womb").  She was born herself by manifesting from a bucket of milk being carried out the door by her mother, a milkmaid. And the Irish Catholic Church, before it came under the aegis of the Roman Catholic Church, baptised in milk rather than water. My Auntie Nelly used to put the sign of the cross on the flanks of their cows by dipping her fingers in the milk.

As the first abbess of Kildare ( Church of the Oak ****-dara ) she was followed by an unbroken line of abbesses who commanded great respect from the people and were responsible through the saint’s order for maintaining by precise ritualistic means a continuous fire ignited by St. Brighid before her death in ca. 522. The abbesses were assisted in this by 19 nuns. With the sack of Kildare the fire of centuries was finally snuffed out.

The **** of the Abbess of Kildare in 1132  destroyed her sanctity and rendering her unfit for her office. MacMurrough imposed in her place a kinswoman of his own.
Her **** threw paved the way for the Norman occupation of Ireland.  

James Joyce was intensely proud of being born on February 02, lambing day, that is on Imbolc, which by the old reckoning shares the claim for being St. Bridgid's Day along with February. The Celtic day was measured in a lunar manner like the extant Semitic calendars so that a calendar day begins at sunset, not midnight). Joyce considered St. Brighid to be his muse and liked to have his works first issued on February 02 to honour her. She is invoked in all post-Chamber Music work. As St. Bride [220.03], Brighid continues to maintain her abbey, now a "finishing establishment" for the "The Floras . . . a month's bunch of pretty maidens." She is Maria in "Clay," the moocow in Portrait, the old milk woman in Ulysses, the maid in Exiles, the broken branch in "Tilly," (one means allowed to stoke the sacred fire at Kildare was to wave air over it with a branch), and a thousand references to milk and things bovine in FW.

The Norman-Anglo Conquest of Ireland began in 1169, when a mercenary invasion force from Norman-occupied Wales captured Wexford and Waterford. A year later they took Dublin, and over the next century, 75% of Ireland would fall. Dermot MacMurrough's wily reign of deceit, beginning in 1132, paved the way for the Norman occupation
TS Jan 2020
Hey there - sleepy head,

Today is a brand new day. You are going to face a countless number things, people, and words today, good and bad. The main thing I want you to remember when you face this day is that you are so incredibly brave. You are fearless in the face of despair and rejoyce with passion at the sound of a good song. You have all the potential of a great day locked inside you, all you need to do is find the key. Be patient with yourself and remind yourself of the little happy things in life - nothing too small. Romanticize this world and everything in it because you only get this one life, lets make it a glorious one.


PS- You can do this. Walk into that building with grace and peace. Let your inner ocean be calmed by the tranquility of the breeze. Yes, you are a hurricane of a girl but only YOU get to decide when to storm.

kurvalmedia Jan 2021
As  I look up in the night .
   I picture  heaven .
The stars are alinghned      with its Distance .
The GOD who created the sun , the stars ,
The oceans,  
the  seas and the skies and
the trees.  Knows them all bye name      And loved me before  
The worlds  creation.     Forever  I will

Rejoyce   Hallelujah
Sky Oct 2019
The sun is rising every day
Sometimes the shield it has is grey
But on the bright days I will say
I want to go outside and play

It's nice sometimes, to be a child
To have no fear, just go all wild
No adulting to have get piled
At that age all we did was smiled

As years go by your life develops
We find something that really matters
Apporoach it with the best intentions
That is just one of many chapters

Important thing, we have a voice
For some it is annoying noise
The best thing is, we have a choice
Let's chose all wisely and rejoyce
ApocalypsenoW Mar 2019
I let go of my fear at last
And look at you with open eyes
My enemy, my crutch, my past
You are not welcome in my life

You came in times when i was wounded
In need of comfort and of love
But you have kept me weak and bounded
Without the confidance you stole.

Now that i see you without bariers
I see your true face and rejoyce
Because now i treat myself with kindness
Cause now i know i have a choice

In this amazing vast creation
That we call our universe
The only real revalation
Is that you always have a choice

The only way that your choice matters
Is if you take it with belief
Own your decisions and your actions
Let go of what you cant recive
They say you'v never lived at all
Till you are not afraid to die~
I have in the past been in this situation
And once looking back I could almost cry~

At that time it seems fear is exempt
It's not even upon your mind~
Placed for unknown reasons in a situation
you seem to leave all else but where you are behind~

Its an overwhelming feeling in its self
You are ******* mentally with responsibility~
Almost as if on a positive drug deeply within
You are faced with setting a situation free~

No chance at that time to think at all
Not placed in this being so by choice~
I never panic at the time but after I'm a mess
And go to pieces rather than to relax and rejoyce~

Looking back in memory at somethings I've experienced
Them I've never ever in life forgot~
Still have no idea at all thinking of back when
How come these things in life can be ones lot~

I am no way the hero type in life
Never seen myself that way at all~
But when a soul is placed in these situations
Something takes over for the thus then call~

I have not got a single clue to this day
One can be taken over for unknown reasons why~
But one during this does what one has to do
I know you've never lived till your not afraid to die~

All you can think of at this time at all
And I never ever wish to ever go back~
Is that you have no other option but to do
What you have been handed with a whack~

At times some see it as presence of mind
And before you know it .. its over and done~
You've got in there driven by as if the soul
And in disbelief been there done that you've won~

But looking back in all of acurate memory
And I still shiver some when I try~
I know you've never really lived at all
Till you are not afraid to die~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2018
Lighting dim,
Sounds unclear,
The sky is clean,
On a lonely street I
Caught a glimpse
Of what lies beyond the sky
Legs weak,
Body wispy
Made me fear and rejoyce
My near falling into space.
Michael Matthews Jun 2019
Gates of hell open before me!
My soul enters the flames of pain!
Agony, and hatred fills my mind!
No love or affection to blind my pain!
Please don't cry for me!
Rejoyce that you no longer know me!
I am the pain in all your lives!
My death will be your greatest gift to me!
**** me, Make your life joyful again!
My pain shall not be yours!
You should not know my suffering!
Death is my only friend now!
Come the taker of souls!
Death come take me to your hell!!

Written by
Michael Matthews
A little here a little there as good as a smile
I see a soul on the street nothing to eat
I buy an extra bun or two all worthwhile
A little here a little there very hard to beat

During the 2nd world war my dad for sure
Had his own problems to say the very least
But alway bought a little extra to give away
So a few he knew could even then enjoy a feast

If any happen to see some of my poetry and think
Oh from that I could add a tune and create a song
Pick up that guitar and play and sing it your way
Maybe a middle 8 or a cord break  to keep it strong

Imagination a wonderful thing a good point made
Things down the street that you've seen on the day
A poem thus burn allows the genie out of the ern
All smallest forms of insidentle giving your way

What goes around does come around all so very true
Become your inner souls voice tell it your way rejoyce
Someone thats somwhere will feel beyound compare
You adding a positive feeling giving life some are ..

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Donall Dempsey Dec 2020

It is 11.32
in 1132 and  - now.

A sunset sets fire
to Kildare

burns it to the ground.

Night takes the town
in its arms.

Memory sets fire to time.

I, a mind invisible
( divisible by all )

move through the pages
of history

slip silently through
the ages

an unobserved

The ghost I've
yet to be.

The latitude of now
the longitude of then

the ****** flux
of history.

Voices scattered throughout time
( spoken in a 16th century accent )

whisper to me

wanting to be

". . .the successor of Brigit
was betrayed

carried off...put into a man's bed
forced to submit to him."

"I hear you..!" I say
". . .I hear you!

". . .seven score killed
in Cill Dara...most of it burnt..!

The Chronicles tell
the tattered tale.

The voices once again
lost in the wind.

Diarmud Mac Murrough's
violence on Kildare

happens all over
again and again

written upon the wind.

The **** of the abbess
destroying the divinity

of her authority
her harmony.

A woman baptises
her new born

with milk
as in the old way.

The fires of her age
flickering across her frightened face.

Brigit born anew.

Time tamed
comes to my side

licks my hand
like some mythical hound.

"Take me back..."
I command
". . .to my own now!"

I cry.

Out of the Silken Thomas
one two and three inebriated

merrymakers sway and spill
out into the Christmas of I984.

One big one small and one very very tall
together they sing

informing the yet-to-be
of what is lost and past.

"Rejoyce!" the snow says:
"...snow falling faintly through the universe

and falling faintly...upon the living and the dead."

I tell the night
that is already passing into

the great beyond.

"Remember O Thou Man
Oh Thou Man, oh Thou Man.

Remember, O Thou Man
Thy time is spent.

Remember, O Thou Man
How thou camest to me then

And I did what I can
therefore re. . ."
Walking through Kildare one passes through all the history still hanging in the air...once one has heard the voices of those who have passed before is impossible not to hear them ever again...the air is stained with the history of their times and the soul cannot but soak up all that has happened.
Brighid reappears in various guises in various times and seems part historic, part mythic, part Christian, part pagan. One of her dualities is that she is herself but also an incarnate representative of Mary.
She is the protectress of dairymaids and is associated with February lambing day (one of the four primary Gaelic holy days, Imbolc, meaning "bag of cream" or "butter-womb"). She was born herself by manifesting from a bucket of milk being carried out the door by her mother, a milkmaid. And the Irish Catholic Church, before it came under the aegis of the Roman Catholic Church, baptised in milk rather than water. My Auntie Nelly used to put the sign of the cross on the flanks of our cows by dipping her fingers in the milk.
As the first abbess of Kildare ( Church of the Oak ****-dara ) she was followed by an unbroken line of abbesses who commanded great respect from the people and were responsible through the saint’s order for maintaining by precise ritualistic means a continuous fire ignited by St. Brighid before her death in ca. 522. The abbesses were assisted in this by 19 nuns. With the sack of Kildare the fire of centuries was finally snuffed out.
The **** of the Abbess of Kildare in 1132 destroyed her sanctity and rendering her unfit for her office. MacMurrough imposed in her place a kinswoman of his own.
Her **** paved the way for the Norman occupation of Ireland.
James Joyce was intensely proud of being born on February 02, lambing day, that is on Imbolc, which by the old reckoning shares the claim for being St. Bridgid's Day along with February. The Celtic day was measured in a lunar manner like the extant Semitic calendars so that a calendar day begins at sunset, not midnight). Joyce considered St. Brighid to be his muse and liked to have his works first issued on February 02 to honour her.
She is invoked in all post-Chamber Music work. As St. Bride Brighid continues to maintain her abbey, now a "finishing establishment" for the "The Floras . . . a month's bunch of pretty maidens." She is Maria in "Clay," the moocow in Portrait, the old milk woman in Ulysses, the maid in Exiles, the broken branch in "Tilly," (one means allowed to stoke the sacred fire at Kildare was to wave air over it with a branch), and a thousand references to milk and things bovine in FW.
The Norman-Anglo Conquest of Ireland began in 1169, when a mercenary invasion force from Norman-occupied Wales captured Wexford and Waterford. A year later they took Dublin, and over the next century, 75% of Ireland would fall. Dermot MacMurrough's wily reign of deceit, beginning in 1132, paved the way for the Norman occupation
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2021
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty musical city
I keep playing praying punning

Post-modernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning.

- Ulysses Everett McGill
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2019
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty, musical city
I keep playing, praying, punning

Post-modernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2018
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty musical city
I keep playing, praying, punning

Post-modernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning
W Jun 2019
I've heard he's a terrible man ...
Here to claim your soul
I never knew what his job was
Till it came to me at home
She held me close
Tighter till I couldn't breathe
And told me she loves me
Then she was cold
Yes or maybe ,he or she
Was trying to save me..
If I listened to his voice and what
He was saying I might have felt rejoyce

I was trying to save you my dear
Prepare you for what's to come
But you lost
In thy kingdom come

All hope was loss...  


It's not something sad if you want something more you simply should ask, leave a review and I'll tell you what I mean...

We sat in a train next to next upon our way
And she said do you always talk the same
Most of what you say is poetry to my ears
The sun seems to shine yet looks like rain

Your voice deep and meaningful goes within
It's conversation but it feels like making love
Your words ****** me with it's sound true
Just conversation but your hand I'm your glove

I said looking at my news paper when we arrive
Would you like a coffee some place quiet to be
Oh yes I'd love to talk to you so much more
Your voice as if has a way and it has me feel free

I took her hand and it was ever so warm to hold
I could almost feel her caring heart then beat
Like as if she sensed my utmost sincerity real
I looked at the floor and there I saw beautiful feet

I knew it to be ever so true as it was to mef on view
She'd never been loved by a man of some maturity
And the sound of my voice it had her so as if rejoyce
Way younger than I but it bothered her not nor to me

She did her best to ignore the feeling in her chest
But she silently liked ever word that she'd heard
Myself it was just I being myself I cannot deny
More-so when talking to the most innocent bird

It was a very wonderful forfilling conversation
We had coffee more coffee her saying I've got time
And she said beBe really nice not thinking twice
Lets go somewhere and find a real good wine

So that we did and the time it soon it slid
Oh dear I'd better be heading on now home
I said your family will be worried I'd say
No she said I'm afraid that I just live alone

So I walked her there came soon night air
Invitation come in awhile saying with a smile
So that's what I'd done and we enjoyed talking
Next thing the dawn came over her garden mile

( Well thats my story and I'm sticking to it )

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty musical city
I keep playing, praying, punning

Postmodernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning
Chris Lucas Nov 2019
Shining light in front of me
                           Conscious thought comes to me
                               Precious gift of hair so fair
                            Wondrous heart does adore
                     A gift from my mother in front of me
                         With forgiveness she does adorn
                       Ebbing streams sounds and rejoyce
                               Summer day not far away
                             Conscious thought i do think
                              Not away with just a blink
                             Depth so far you cannot see
                            A gift from life in front of me
                             Summer day be here to stay
                           Precious gift from high above
                             Shining light in front of me
They say you'v never lived at all
Till you are not afraid to die~
I have in the past been in this situation
And once looking back I could almost cry~
At that time it seems fear is exempt
It's not even upon your mind~
Placed for unknown reasons in a situation
you seem to leave all else but where you are behind~
Its an overwhelming feeling in its self
You are ******* mentally with responsibility~
Almost as if on a positive drug within
You are faced with setting a situation free~
No chance at that time to think at all
Not placed in this being so by choice~
I never panic at the time but after I'm a mess
And go to pieces rather than rejoyce~
Looking back in memory at somethings
Them I've never ever forgot~
Still have no idea at all thinking of back when
How come these things in life can be ones lot~
I am no way the hero type in life
Never seen myself that way at all~
But when a soul is placed in these situations
Something takes over for the thus then call~
I have not got a single clue this day
One can be taken over for reasons why~
But one during this does what one has to do
I know you'v never lived till your not afraid to die~
All you can think of at this time at all
And I never ever wish to go back~
Is that you have no other option but to do
What you have been handed with a whack~
But looking back in acurate memory
And I still shiver some when I try~
I know you've never really lived at all
Till you are not afraid to die~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2018
Many several generations younger than I
Feel they have a grip upon the life that be
And in many that is good knock on wood
But until they grow old they know not diversity
They say you've never lived at all
Till you are not afraid to die~
I have in the past been in this situation
And once looking back I could almost cry~
At that time it seems fear is exempt
It's not even upon your mind~
Placed for unknown reasons in a situation
you seem to leave all else but where you are behind~
Its an overwhelming feeling in its self
You are ******* mentally with responsibility~
Almost as if on a positive drug within
You are faced with setting a situation free~
No chance at that time to think at all
Not placed in this being so by choice~
I never panic at the time but after I'm a mess
And go to pieces rather than rejoyce~
Looking back in memory at somethings
Them I've never ever forgot~
Still have no idea at all thinking of back when
How come these things in life can be ones lot~
I am no way the hero type in life
Never seen myself that way at all~
But when a soul is placed in these situations
Something takes over for the thus then call~
I have not got a single clue this day
One can be taken over for reasons why~
But one during this does what one has to do
I know you've never lived till your not afraid to die~
All you can think of at this time at all
And I never ever wish to go back~
Is that you have no other option but to do
What you have been handed with a whack~
But looking back in accurate memory
And I still shiver some when I try~
I know you've never really lived at all
Till you are not afraid to die~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright ( Earlier but ) 2018
Donall Dempsey Dec 2023

It is 11.32
in 1132 and  - now.

A sunset sets fire
to Kildare

burns it to the ground.

Night takes the town
in its arms.

Memory sets fire to time.

I, a mind invisible
( divisible by all )

move through the pages
of history

slip silently through
the ages

an unobserved

The ghost I've
yet to be.

The latitude of now
the longitude of then

the ****** flux
of history.

Voices scattered throughout time
( spoken in a 16th century accent )

whisper to me

wanting to be

". . .the successor of Brigit
was betrayed

carried off...put into a man's bed
forced to submit to him."

"I hear you..!" I say
". . .I hear you!

". . .seven score killed
in Cill Dara...most of it burnt..!

The Chronicles tell
the tattered tale.

The voices once again
lost in the wind.

Diarmud Mac Murrough's
violence on Kildare

happens all over
again and again

written upon the wind.

The **** of the abbess
destroying the divinity

of her authority
her harmony.

A woman baptises
her new born

with milk
as in the old way.

The fires of her age
flickering across her frightened face.

Brigit born anew.

Time tamed
comes to my side

licks my hand
like some mythical hound.

"Take me back..."
I command
". . .to my own now!"

I cry.

Out of the Silken Thomas
one two and three inebriated

merrymakers sway and spill
out into the Christmas of I984.

One big one small and one very very tall
together they sing

informing the yet-to-be
of what is lost and past.

"Rejoyce!" the snow says:
"...snow falling faintly through the universe

and falling faintly...upon the living and the dead."

I tell the night
that is already passing into

the great beyond.

"Remember O Thou Man
Oh Thou Man, oh Thou Man.

Remember, O Thou Man
Thy time is spent.

Remember, O Thou Man
How thou camest to me then

And I did what I can
therefore re. . ."
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2020
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty musical city
I keep playing praying punning

Post-modernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2020
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this mystical, musical city
I keep playing, praying, punning

Postmodernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken
                               much abides
Including silence, exile, and

Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty musical city
I keep playing praying punning

Postmodernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty musical city
I keep playing, praying, punning

Postmodernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning
Life along the Liffey
Riverruns and keeps on running

In this misty, musical city
I keep playing, praying, punning

Postmodernity arrives
I reJoyce and am not shunning

Though much is taken, much abides
Including silence, exile, and cunning.

— The End —