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Cindra Carr Dec 2010
Fat blats fill the humid, night air
Chromed up machines ride tonight
Leather clad bodies with slick lines
Long legged, lean ladies rev their smiles
Black lined lips glossed smooth with red
Blood red fingertips scratch their pleasure
Nails run races up the backs
Smirked smiles know where they long to flit
Lip curling snarls as shivers run out
Sloe eyed partners strut by the line
Flicking their tails like bashful does
Paired up pretties ride out in squeals
Tires spin flashing through the lamp light
Paired up pretties hang tight tonight

Anima Torch Jun 2016
I sit
Helping my mom
Sticking stickers on various ribbons
I look back on today's swim meet.
During freestyle, I was put in a heat only with a girl who hardly knew the stroke
I touched the wall over five seconds before her, scoring a new high score for my freestyle time; 42 89, which is 42 seconds and 89 milliseconds.
Next, I had backstroke to do with a friend of mine a lane over
Although I was placed for success, I barely came in last for my heat.
Then, all I had to do was read.
Pretties, by Scott Westerfield sat open in my hand, with me absorbing all of the words as if I wrote them myself
Tally was watching her former friend Shay become a monster. Nice story.
After awhile, I started helping my mom put identifying stickers on ribbons.
How lovely
This is about the swim meet my pool had yesterday. From what I counted on the points list, we won with five times as much points as the kangaroos had. Yay!
Sky Dec 2016
Swing high, swing low
To the different birds I say hello
Then monsters come to devour the pretties
They grin and show me teeth full of flitties
Swing high, swing low
A demon pushes me onto a spiky pillow
Then cotton candy softens the blow
and turns to blood
Swing high, swing low
I really do not know
Why the female body causes so much distress
When the moon decides that it's time to fertilize
Swing high, swing low
There are no seeds to sow, so
please, hormones, just leave me alone.
Olivia A Keaton Jun 2017
all of this is messy.
be truthful,
there's something that you thought of.
I'm thinking of our ridiculous
why can't we judge people for their hearts
instead of the scars?
why can't we see the soul
instead of their body?
why can't we see the mind and thoughts
instead of the face?
they all judge the hurt,
instead of the pretties.
it really bothers me that people get judged by their outside layer, why aren't we all viewed by what lies inside?
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2018
Funny how easy
Loves appears to be, until
It laughs with the other easily
Reconcilable "maybes"
That devalue your first "hello".

First, it began as "hello".
Little did you know how
Interested he would be in you, but
Reflecting on it now, you see how those
Tender tendencies weren't exclusive.

Finally, all you have left is "hello",
Like every other girl he knows.
Inevitably, you're one of many
Recycled pretties that thought
They were more than another "maybe".
Onoma Oct 2013
There's the mosh...sordid details that thing...
creeping of stay in focus.
A silent film whose black borders encapsulate
a  slab of skyward white. interpretation.
"The apparition of these faces in a crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough."....ashen...
daguerreotype of a Zen Garden.

All of nature's pretties cast in an occult brew...
stirred, and stirring...composite sketches posted
and burned upon lampposts.
At large...ritualistic making-of-face...illusion
trafficking the ever present primes of lives...
"the center of which is everywhere, the
circumference nowhere."...attestation o' mugs.

Visages...plucked from a year of our lord,
to be...rendezous of all light's putting to...
years thereof.
Alien unto thyself...oogly boogly, yet mirror-imaging...
By sleight of Hand...visages, who'd otherwise
be as soon pruned and leathery, inanimate under the
Claudia Ramirez Dec 2012
I begin to wonder into gardening, so many flowers to choose from
My first try was not the best, even though I tried really hard  
It almost seem like they hated me, they looked lovely but they had a deathly poison
It did not get easier, but I learned a few things a long the way as this passion continued.

Then one day, when I was going to give up I found a flower
Maybe not the pretties but with time it bloom in to something my heart could not believe
Something that let me know that my hand could do something
And let my plant know that there was love.

Things got rough and I had to travel and could not take my garden of Darwinias
I tried to give them the same love but they started to slowly die
Every now and then they do respond well. I just hope they can me it till I get back
But I too started to lose my hope…
They are in my mind very often but I’ve started to look for a new flower

I got blinded once again; I choose the flowers that would not bloom
I tried to find something that could compare to my Darwinia but nothing ever could
The Kerria japonica came in to my way with its bright yellow and made my heart stop
I still love my original garden but this; this just took my breath away it made my soul feel warm
They could not just grow anywhere
Anna Lo Aug 2012
hyper-jinxed like an old talkie
scrap the fat off the cow!
swipe that smile off your face
to watch the sunset fade away.
batshit crazy
candidly rogue
an eventful leap from far fetched lore
gory details please spare me
a big fat ***** and a way to reap
the pretties from the twits.
but the lee-way from the stars beyond
sometimes gets trapped into hairy armpits.
then their neon pink hued blue eyed trolls
take their slippers to the snow.
Mackenzie Feb 2014
Pretty thin and tall
That's all you want to be
Just a pretty plastic doll
You believe it's the key

You want a perfect life
But you think you're too fat
So unhappy it's came to the knife
Just wanting a stomach that's flat

You start to starve
You're body image you carve
With all the make-up you put on
But it's all just a con

No matter how much weight you lose
It's all no use
To you you're never enough

Always staring at the mirror
Until one day it became clear
Of all the prettiest dolls
You were the pretties of them all

You didn't have to be a plastic doll
Not at all
You just had to be you
Not the best poet but I'll get better.
Paul Roberts Apr 2012
She aint the pretties, old two tick, floppy ear hound,
she is a keeper though, best friend I ever found.
Now her breath can curl your eyebrows,
her **** fertilized my yard,
and if a thief gives her a treat, well, she forgets what to guard.
Now she aint no bigger then an average possum
but let me tell you what,
that girl can be the biggest bed hog, bet you a two dollars to one.
I reckon though she's a keeper, I see it in her eyes,
caint really see her winking but they're saying" best friends, you and I."
Helen Apr 2015
Parties are for the Pretties,
the Perfects and the Prudes
the Pretties hate the Perfects,
all the rest are left to suffer
beneath their combined attitudes

One must listen to platitudes
that paints the sky so pink
The blue that bends so blindly
never barely connects so kindly
to the instance that it bled ink

Mindful of the mired muck
that insists my shoe should stick
insidious brown upon the ground
whispers words in rejection
leaving a life form I needs drink

For where I step is septic
solid ground is unsolid, at best
but my best foot forward
is  wearing pretty new shoes
mud caked, is my best guess
I have no idea what this means... Had an automatic writing moment... Take what you will from it :)
tangshunzi Jul 2014
Sono così incredibilmente eccitato quando data la possibilità di condividere qualcosa di totalmente incantevole con tutti voi ;e in questo caso .sto morendo di presentarvi Doie Lounge .Questi abiti splendidi .realizzati con materiali eco-compatibili più morbide .sono davvero l'ultimo regalo per le vostre donne di indossare il vostro grande giorno !

Non solo questi pretties fatti proprio qui negli Stati Uniti .sono anche realizzati dei tessuti sostenibili + naturali .così si può veramente sentirsi bene con quello che si sta acquistando .Perfetto per coloro che " la mattina di" foto .Doie Lounge abiti sono disponibili in una varietà di colori e modelli di dimensioni x - piccole a x -large e guardare incredibile su entrambi i frame brevi e alti !Elegante e molto confortevoli .questi abiti mozzafiato hanno sia un esterno un legame interiore .in modo che davvero restare.Amato da feste nuziali e celebrità (qui ) .sia.Doie Lounge abiti sono un dono faranno effettivamente utilizzare di nuovo .Oh .e ottenere questo .ci sono sconti per l'acquisto in ***** !

non vedi la combo colore che avete bisogno

o avete una domanda vestiti da sposa dimensionamento ?Email Sara direttamente .sara { at} .per ottenere risposte alle tue domande o per venire con esattamente la veste che vuoi !Ci possono essere anche alcune combinazioni di colori nascosti fuori sede .in modo da essere sicuri di chiedere .Ora le cose si fanno piuttosto eccitante .miei cari .perché Doie Lounge sta dando un lettore fortunato una veste di loro scelta !Per partecipare.è sufficiente commentare questo post con cui veste è il vostro preferito (assicuratevi di dare uno sguardo a tutti loro qui ! ) .Un vincitore sarà scelto a caso e ha annunciato il Venerdì 14 febbraio 2014 . Buona fortuna !

Photo Credits vestiti da sposa : 1 : Valorie Cara Fotografia / capelli: Trace Hennigsen / Make Up : Artistry da Danika 2 : Maggie Thalheimer di Gerber e Scarpelli 3 : Jeff Tisman Fotografia 3 : Katie Hall Photo 4: ES Fotografia Creation abiti da sposa 2014 5 : Swords
Doie Lounge Robes + A Giveaway !_abiti da sposa corti
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
that one night where we both hung over. from that unforgetable night when it was only me and you.
i have the feeling like i just need to start running on the beach with the waves crashing behind me. i cant stop laughing when i read your text you sent me.
every night i get waked out  on the energy drinks i cant live with out.
i set a huge fire spelling your name out pouring gasoline all over it.
every othere day i wach the world go bye.  i lay on the beach looing up at the blue sky day wondering will i have to live alone in this world. no matter ill just walk the nigh sky following every shooting star that fly's by. that one night we both had so much fun that i wish i could have again. i never knew you moved where i lived in this quiet sleepy littel town.

i listen the the wases crashing down making littel pools drown the small ***** that scurry to not posible drown.
the wet sand feels soft and makes my mind run lose with not fear of what will come to me next.

i never slept with out seeing the night sky with all the pondering memories that drive me crazy.
day or night the beach makes my heart skip abeat seeing every one frolik with energy  that never last with out a couples date.

i run every night i adopted a fluffy husky names shelby. every night the sky plays a great light show.
i set the fire on the ****** with drinks and my  guitar. every not i played touched your heart when you were finally moved in.

the song i wrote played out for any one to run out my heart.
i take my lighter and light the lantern that shows the way back to our small cozy house.
my dog has a big heart with no lilits to swimm across the oceans with me if i was stranded getting swept out the see.

that one night i finally feel asleep with sweet dreams making my frown turn in to a smile not a plaster fake.
i sprung up in the morning my phone started ringing out.
the caller id i read out was your name.
the day grew long with the most pretties sun set with red pink skys.
every fire i make in the night i set the fires to show no hate.

i went out at night with my husky shelby taking off running threw the crashing waves the water is cold but its all worth it.
i thought i saw you checking me out.
i dont think im going crazy.
my dog and me wresting.
i started looking right in your big kristsl clear safire blue eyes light my heart on fire.
when we meet again after years moved in with me and we started our lives to gather.

i gathered my bag with my guitar my pen and note book. with my mind open with thoughts.

i looked up and saw the dark side of the moon.

ill never walk this deslet world along.

evey night me you and our dog shelby light a fire and undress in to our comfei clothes.
we drink the night away dancing away threw the night.
with the full night sky with every star shining.
the night light show we run and dance till we both feel sick and fall down.
i had a feeling deep down ill be with you again some day when i saw you name id on my cell phonee.

that night where i was just wresting around with my husky i  never thought i would live life with out your warm heart exitment.

that night your text i read out loud has brought both our worlds to gather

i never knew when you told me you were searching for me.
now we are happily to gather till time runs out

i never knew that we both cross echotere  that bright starty night with shooting stars.

i never knew i would ever see you agin to be crazy.

i knew my future would be this amazing with tears of love.

i never knew we would pass echoter on a beach with waves crashing all over the shore line

i never knew if i would ever see you again

i live life with exitement .

i will break the limits to have fun weather were all wacked out on somthing

i never knew my wish i made on the shooting stars would make that night crossing us by
run wild free make life intresting with carles ideas be willing to try insaine games food or what you never thought of doing
PrttyBrd Jan 2015
Time has passed old friend
And a call across miles
All came to an amicable end
Once again I heard you smile

Catching up is good at times
Wrapped in warmth across the wire
Listening to the sweet talk chime
Fading that you were a liar

Still more than a footnote so it seems
I stained your heart with mere affection
I'm glad that I dance through your dreams
It pretties up the recollection

Thank you dear old friend of mine
I love that you just had to call
I miss the good ways we entwined
The rest, I just don't miss at all
Abigail Madsen Apr 2013
To the would be
beauty princess
who was almost  
a would be Beauty Queen
But was not quite good enough
This is a would be poem
to all the
would be
if they weren't so unique
to the few
would be
if they could stand up and be talkers
to all the would be
if all they said was factual
This is a would be poem
to all the would be's
who couldn't be
who shouldn't be
So please tell me
all of these would be's
are never
Will be's
Or even
Have beens
because even that is still better than
Never tried
Or even
Because sometimes the worst thing is
Not knowing
Having no idea of what would've been
instead wondering what
could've been
So this is a poem to the would be
lovely pageant girls
who could've had the world
but were sat down and told
by someone too old
that the world is too cold
and they would never
Make it
Fake it
Break it
break the idea of different
make the change
This is to all my would be brothers and sisters
Who don't have
Can't have
Who never had
The Chance
**I am's
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
To the opera house the happy youths went
Two pretties, each strolled with a handsome gent
Four friends with every good intent
Of having a grand old time

Fair Marjorie dressed in sapphire blue
Her Alfred was wearing the same color, too
While Charles and Francine matched a crimson-y hue
The ambiance was feeling sublime

The lights of the theater were bright, but romantic
A large chandelier straight above made the ladies feel frantic
Violins started tuning, like strange waves of Atlantic
The grandeur of curtains opened, as the stage was undressed

But what humored the bunch was the old lady in peplum skirt
Two seats over from Alfred with birds embroidered on her shirt
She was peculiar, came alone and looked hardly alert
As the actors took position, she yawned, unimpressed

The old lady's antics continued for over an hour
She snorted at the singing, with boisterous power
By intermission her nose-blowing had turned each love scene sour
Our four were straining, containing their laughter

And during the intermission everyone got up, bought a drink
But the old lady just sat there, like she wanted to think
Beginning to stroke the dark fur of her wraparound mink
She nodded, falling asleep shortly after

Charles saw it first--"the old girl's dozed right off!"
Alfred chuckled and Francine, beginning to scoff
Proposed they prank the lady, but Marjorie coughed
Saying, "shame on you, wicked child!"

So they all sat back down and awaited the second unveiling
Two seats over from Alfred, the gray one's slumber unfailing
Act two and act three ended, the hero prevailing
At the final bow, the audience was wild

Everyone clapped and cheered loudly, some whistled or threw roses
Everyone but the one in the third seat over, under all the guests noses
Who slept though each applause and the actor's last poses
The theater was clearing out quickly

Four waited--Alfred, Marjorie, Charles and Francine
To see if she would wake and depart from the scene
The last five in the balcony, the gray one serene
The fun was over and they decided to help her get up

When Charles tapped her shoulder, they all finally knew
How tonight's show had smothered a moment so true
The old lady was found dead in the presence of those few
Still in the same seat, they never helped her get up
Saif Jun 2018
Shes's the pretties carrier of a soul,
A Damsel fallen through a wonder hole;
She bounces in joy all around the place,
A moment she's here, and another she's everywhere.

Her face round like the softest stress ball,
Eyes with a diamond's shine
Hair fallen down the shoulder like a waterfall.

Ohh My!! I tell you
She's like a divine doll
She's as cheerful as a bird in dawn
She's got flair of grass in a fine uncut lawn.

He never touched her, never spoke to her or even said a Hii
Just kept getting mesmerized from the Corner of an Eye !!!
My stem has grown bent and ugly

And my petals have holes

From diseased bugs that have nibbled on my precious silk

My leaves are dry and tinted yellow

And my pollen is putrid and stale


I watch the other flowers grow green and tall around me

Their blooms burst and **** the eye with colour

Passersby stand still

Mesmorized by the utter beauty of my poison friends

They pick and pick and pick at them

Their petals full

Their pollen intoxicating every hand that touched them

Yet I stood bent

Still rooted and hoping to be plucked

But they spit on me

And the other flowers laughed

I was useless in their world


So I wilted faster and knelt closer to the ground

I slowly fell

Each piece of my body decayed and went back to the ground

And I sprung up weeks later

Among all the perfect blooms


I was reborn a ****

Much bigger than the pretties beside me

Yet they still laughed

So I grew

And I ate their sun

And I breathed in all their air

Now they're wilting faster than I ever did

They'll soon be gone

And i'll be the only one left

But I guess it doesn't matter anyway

They still pass by without even a glance

It seems it was all in vain

Because I'm wilting

Christopher Zaghi 2014
Haley Rome Feb 2013
Veins are the angels of the body.
The flowers in your hair are my arteries.

Your eyes are like lilies
Oh now my pretties.
Lawrence Hall Sep 2019
Crew Quarters...

        (When I was a-serving of their majesties Brown and Root)

Rows of racks under aquarium lights
And scattered paperbacks: Louis L’Amour
Bravo Company battlefield yarns, (love)-books
About blonde hot rod babes with really big (pretties)

The crew, all older than I, were better books:
Mechanics, enginemen, crane operators
Welders, riggers, radiomen, divers
Draftsmen for the “as built” modifications

The cook was a nervous man from New Jersey
He looked over his shoulder and dropped things
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:

It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.

Scot Powers Dec 2017
Hello again my pretties
Indeed it's been some time
But life sometimes throws a curve
There are many waves to ride

Around and around this ride goes
Never knowing where it ends
Emotions and reflections rule
Drawing you deeper in the depths

It is time to cleanse the mind
Clear out the sacred place
Tell the stories of my life
Let the pieces fall into place.
Graff1980 Apr 2017
Two petite pretties 
pranced before me
paragons of the 
impoverished society
that values surface 
over depth

The dancing debutantes
Dangled their dangerous
And dubious dispositions
Directly in front of me

Enter stage bad boy
Blustering buffoon
With a silver spoon
So far up his ***
He spewed silver polish
On his nice Polish pants

Cash in hand
He passed around 
His affluences
Like it was influenza
Vomiting vague
Platitudes with 
So much attitude 
As if he had 
Anything valid to say

But this crowd was rapt
With the vapid vocalist
He drank expensive ****
To prove he was valid
No valor just vain vagaries
On display to frustrate me 

They celebrated the success of a 
Failing millionaire who was premade
By the fortune that his father made
To bail him out of all of his mistakes
As he played society like a broken violin
I was trying to bring talented art back in
But society placed me in the trash bin
Before I could even begin
To purge the poison
The incurably incurious
Perpetuators of 

So I bow out of this
Cause I thought 
We were working together
To make each other’s life better
But it turns out I was 
Running a race 
I did not even know about
victoria Apr 2019
We are monsters
You and me
Those non believers
The real life dreamers
They can’t conceive us
Too blind to see

We are monsters
We live below
Blackened mirrors
Cold dark shivers
The pretties don’t hear us
Our hearts can’t glow

We are monsters
We sleep alone
We dance underground
Our hearts wrapped around
The silence of sound
We’ll never be known
Yo so many pretties out chea, tryna be the baddest ***** of the year,
So many tears I see from the sweat, can't count on happiness,
If the closest thing to money, is being the realist, y'all ain't feeling this,
Tryna get a ***** to hear this, but they'll take it as a diss,
Can't see over the diamonds that bliss, ever since I was sunkissed,
I knew my life, was ****** over, hard to stand tall, and be a soldier,
End times is near, have no fear, angels swarming, demons cornered,
Pay attention the laws is written, why y'all lounging around, ain't listening,
To the sweet nothing, fighting over material ****, I see the monopoly pit,
It all falls down, born with nothing so I'll die with nothing,
Must be a pain to glutton, then all of sudden, they stay buying our rights,
While they got you focused on the black white stereotypes,
Peeping the game, that was told by Albert Pike despite,
The rawness of evilness, I take in and slowly progress,
My mind no time, to chase money, cuz it'll always run away,
Collection of souls, yo it's time to pay, the grim reaper ain't got nothing to say,
Only to repeat the same madness everyday
Once they take you away,

This dedicated to coppertone ******
White ******
Mexican ******
All y'all colored mofos
Y'all ain't exempt
Everything is ****** prepared
For the rumours of war
Know laws being signed as we speak
Onoma Mar 2019
spring's sticking

her tongue out...

melt on it.

field the bleed-thru

pretties of flowers.
Cory Williams Apr 2018
Pretties for you to take-
Flowers entombed-
All of you no longer awake-
In a six by six room-

Roots buried in soil-
No longer move-
Your body, the foil-
Begins to remove-

Winter is starting to fade-
And your plot is a stew-
Your flowers have made-
The trip through the blue-

Spring brings the rain-
And visitors too-
Reliving our pain-
Flowers in bloom.
Spicy Digits May 2019
Here we are again my pretties,
A chorus of confused thoughts lost at sea.

A broken record of questions,
Incessant curiosity for what's around the corner.

But this is a day
A day I'm in
A sky so quiet
It chose me to listen
I'm in this day
A day of blue.

I didn't feel joy in that place of paradise,
Is this me sunk in a vat of viscous apathy?

I admire the cat wandering aimlessly,
Basking in the sun.
The beautiful majestic feline I long to be, free.

Then a wind surrounded me
A hug so personal
I froze.
I'm in this day,
I belong to it
A day better than tomorrow.

Skeletal branches wait patiently,
Unfazed by frost, by Mondays.
I love them fiercely
Lightning-struck scars and all.

Today is the time for me
This breath is alive
The air is mine
My lungs are the trees
This day is mine
They gave it to me.
SøułSurvivør Apr 2021
You are me and
I am you and
We are all together
See how we run
From a po-lice-man's gun
See how we die...
I'm tryyyy-ing

Sitting on a Cheeto
Waiting for The Men to come
Those big bad brutes
Lucy in a white suit - let's
See how the Jacket fits

I am the ape-man
I am the ape-man
I am the O-****
Threw-threw th' poo

Ketchup & mustard
Dripping from a
Po-po's ***.
See how they hie
Like pigs in a sty
See how it flows
I'm tryyy-ing.

Look at all the pretties
Sister Mary
Quite contrary
How does the
**** ****
Make manure
The scoop scoop
Make the garden grow?
I'm lyyy-ing

I am the ape-man
I am the ape-man
I am the O-****
Threw-threw the poo

8 arms a'flying
Tryin' to **** the Son
Watch how they ******
Watch how they catch
Slithering along
Create a song
Smokin' a ****
It's just WRONG

I'm crying
I'm crying
I'm crying

Based on The Beatles song
Mark Oct 2019
If fifty suitors claim their love for you
Of them I'm in, how could you end with me?
At least there five of height that mine outdo
And twice of those in waist cannot be he,
But if returns their one for cuteness sake
Then ten on cuteness scale would fail to meet,
Yet here be sure of mine; my measures make;
Another four less pretties tho' they're sweet;
Depart no less with three for jealousy
And two their friends, by loyalty they leave,
Requests that seven return to prelacy
Whilst eight recall in passing loves they grieve:

Between the last and I, for you to view
But such the love of mine that I be two.
Jester Jun 2018
Divas with a baseball bat,
Smeared make-up buttercup, ball busting ******* flirting with the fools and hard-ons in the alleyway.

These girls don't run from trouble, they cause it, **** it, break it, they define it.

Killer queens, savage pretties, beauty queens with baseball bats and brass knuckles kisses left you speechless and broke wondering what the hell happened to you.

These girls in the drop top with their tops down play men like fiddles, they treat em like clowns. These girls on the street can take what they give and they don't break.
Tattooed, short skirts, low tops, high heels and contraband in the back seat these girls are the kinda girls society warned you about.

These are the women of the world who bite back before they get bit because they know the wild side of life is the only way to live, so keep up and roll the dice because boy, these girls toss em hard and live fast.
Gotta me
Wanna ye
Be fit n
Win bad
Win c’raz
Win fine
Ride’ n
N’my 9
Mile nine
Crush ye
Gold rush
Shout ye
Shot ye
Gold mine
Rob n dine
Graz fine
Hells wine
Silver n gold
Gun n hors
n calves
n pastures
Nah nah
Not thine
Ya yea
Ye mine
Gotta me
Wanna ye
Fit ‘n’
Win bad
Win c’raz
Win fine
N’my 9
Mile nine
Dunes 9
Gold mine
n ranches
n jewelries
Ya Yea
All mine
Na nah
Not thine
Cows n
n dances
n revelries
n decks
Ya yea
All mine  
Nah nah
Not thine
Drink n
Rob n dine
Bubble wine
Ya ye
Shout ye
Shot Ye
n golds
n smiles
n cards
n dices 
n tents
Ya yea
All mine
Not thine
Win fine!

— The End —