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Shane Jones Dec 2012
The one lady
the one soul
the one son
the single mother who defied all odds and won
raised a young man to be pleasant and polite not die by the gun
poor and stressed times weren't the best
but nevertheless she picked herself up and carried on being blessed
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
In the jungle lived three lions
Their father had just died
they were sitting trying to decied who should take the crown

The three lions were wise
But only one will have the royal life

The eldest said :
My brothers with great grief i bid our father's fairwell
But its time for me to be king
Im the older and the most powerfull between you two
This kingdom cant survive if i dont rule

The younger lion replied :
my brother its true that your strong and old
But i am the smartest between you both
Leave the crown for me and i shall take care of your needs

The third lion said :
All you too have said is true
But i am the most beautifull lion between you too
All the animals in this jungle respect me
And i was the favorite for daddy's
No other lion is more courageous than me
So i think i should be king

The three lions couldnt agree
They started to fight violentley
The older lion ended up winning the fight

He looked down onto his brothers dead on the ground
He couldnt believe what he had done
What would his father think of him now?
He surely didnt deserve to be a king
Feeling miserable he walked away cursing his greed

He would leave forever and never come back leaving his father's land

A kingdom without a king...

Words Of Harfouchism
Forgotten Dec 2013
I get overwhelmed
by the idea that
there are people much more successful
and happier
and powerfull
than me
it makes me feel smaller than
the smallest grain of sand
in the big sahara
because I can't be such things

I get overwhelmed
by the idea that
there are people less successful
and sadder
and less powerful
than me
it makes me feel smaller than
the smallest plankton
in the big ocean
because i can't help them

*This keeps me awake at nights
Tunselous Jan 2014
many years ago in the tower of tunselous a man named tunselous was born
he gave birth to androsss ****** parents then he made his way to
rosswell new mexico to see if the ufo was still there and it wasnt
at tall tis but a forrest and a spot were a ufo used to be there was no
ufo so he traveled upwards to find one but instead found thee icy tower
of agnatohniousisoy he wnet on the great ice towar run where he found several dragons but not a single ufo
a man of tis a warden eve e preson seed no matter how hard you look
the ufos will cloak like ice dragons among there once was a man named turok
who find a ufo when looking add that man was me that man was a dino slayer
a king of eriched oreo bread if you know what i mean the point of the matter is
turok did not **** tunselouses parent for no reason then tunselous
said wait turok killed my pairents the warden said yes that is waht he
told me on the nyght we had tea on the icy roads of ufo city
tunselous said wait theres a hole cit7y of ufos the warden said yes
there is tunselous said do you have any left over tea from that night
the warden said no tea for thee then cast tunselous out of window
tunselous falled for inches into a pool of cat eyed johns fisherer
for impaired divers tunselous said wait if i eat theese pills they
will surely give me magic powers tunselous ate the pills and they did
nothing but give him magic powers he used the magic powers for nothing
they were not the ones he were searching many kingdoms ago a man once
said with great tun comes great selous and that man was trokie asked tunselous
if he wanted a robodog and tunselous said yes many kingdoms later tunselous find
the most magic thing that thing was a cat not any cat you see many kingdoms ago
cats were magic he would eat the flesh of cats and gain what litle magic was left in them
he latter went to calling himself tunsalous then he went back to
calling himeself tunselous and on that day he ate many a cat
and i mean many not the many you see on tv but the many catwhips you see for sale at sean johns
apple sale he has evrey year to get rid of his crapy apple computers
many years after sean john would meet on the very spot of the battle
feild where they fought and feasted on goatwich anvicos the goatwich
waS A POWERFUL king a king of druidness and fareness and evilness and
and gun shots in the leg and fair treatment of tunselous and kettlecorn
a bag of human limbs and markers and grocers and ****** enounters
and farawayland and great houses and ufos tunselous relized that
thee king was king of ufos and wnet to asked him for a ufo
and he gave him one and tunsalous studyed how it flyed
for many kingdoms later he discoverd powerfull magic within the the great temples walls of icelion
yes temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples
temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples
temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples and small children small children were used
for many thing like eating but the story tunselous was not over intell many kingdoms later when a man asked
tunselous if he was a puppet tunselous said tunselous snear and left for a day and came back
to his homeland of akaria where the hut he was born in was the hut tunselous was born in was a small hut cald
tunselous prisom the prisom was a place to eat anything you felt like at anytime you felt like
and i mean anytime
tunselous traveled to double check on the ice roads but they melted in the sun tunselous drunk
thee blood
they were made of and walked into a stadium and stole mines and huts like the one he was born in like it but
not it like the time he went to the carnavile with ser topemhat (ser topemhat:hey tunselous got a nickle for a ride tunselous: no)
many times of ages ago tunselous traveled to a hut then left to find gold in a mine that did not exist he knw it did
not exist but he wnet anywhy for kingdom is power and power kingdom is the power to control what we belive are granerys
the long celebrated granery special was rice and pancake with a glass olive oil only men of magic get milk and
grand wizards get tea and some hard boiled plates the plate were not to eatbut to eat off of
for many kingdoms and men who day thing of kingdoms would be cast down a sean shower a sean shower was a shower where shawns lived
and bathed and ate the flesh of wales and and somtimes a shawn would *** to tunselous house and they would have *** all day day than he
relized the shawn name was andross and you know who andross was but they did it anyway back to the main topic a house on top of a hill
on top a of a mountain on top of and iceberg on top of a gateway to the best place ever there was only only one way to the best place ever
that is if you were tunselous
evrey day on that day evryone would eat anything they could eat that is how tunselous day started the day that is evreyday the
reason people eat what they want evreyday and not tea or olive oil or milk or rice or pancake or plates or cats or small children
in the words tunselous:
shal not eat u
eat blood of nurses
hav the most *** with any cat you see on the street
use the most elctro sappers in one go
have and eat local small children
do it with a orc
eat u up eat up so good
use magic *****


if you see any dragon contact tunselous NOW

the details of the next story are witness accounts of what tunselous did to find the lost yew crossbow of agroness

two days ago tunselous was thinking about crossbows when he thought what if there were a crossbow no one could
find what if i found it i would be rich and famous so tunselous went on the internet and typed in lost crossbows
and he saw a crossbow for sale instead of buying it he tracked down the person who owned it and asked him for it he said no tunselous killed him
on the spot and took the crossbow from him and sold it to himself for 800$ but surprise for him he was not rich and famous at least not yet he took the crossbow and
kept selling it too himself so he kept making money soon tunselous made 800$ and spent it on a used crossbow this crossbow
the crossbow he brought was not any crossbow but the crossbow of agroness he took the crossbow and shot it at a wall a few times then he put it in a box
and til this day it is gathering dust.

a powerfull potion
an unnamed lotion
mercury stature
pearls of souvereign

smokepipe cafe
barrel of understanding
what's it like
to be
getting off on a chocolate device

wet tissues
wept issues
soul alive
plastic lips
and botox smiles

a powerfull potion
an unstringed guitar
noiseless suitcase
treble is high
almat011 Jul 2019
Hipper juicy, mega **** sweet candy

Oh God, so ****. Hipper juicy, mega sweet candy. Delightfully beautiful. I am uncontrollably drawn to you ultra powerfully. When you walk in front of me, this is a mega juicy and beautiful and very sexually exciting, seductive dance of **** buns. You are the most **** ****** dope of my mind and heart. I want you with all my heart, every night all night long flight. Your kiss is a powerful energetic, this is my strongest addiction.
*** with you is the embrace of true love. You're just super ****, too beautiful. Every second, when I see you, I think to myself: wow, just woooooooooooooooow, ooooooh yeaaaaaah, so hot well, just auch, toooooo much ****.
I can upload a lot of your photos into the computer and watch all day long for a slide show, and watch with great pleasure and just admire. All the compliments from all the universes just for you. I am in love with you over super ultra turbo mega, supa dupa powerfully. You are my ultra powerful *** attraction, your only passion, a powerful obsession with you.
When you are close to me, I’m supposed to be delighted, it’s like a multi powerful ******* vibratory pulsating sensation in my soul, when I touch you and embrace tenderly, kissing it is just indescribable pleasure, all this is mixed with true love, joy and true happiness. Time stands still as everything except you is not important, you are the only value of my eternity and eternity with you - this is heaven on earth. You awaken in me a hard ****** hunger because you are very appetizing, charming delicacy, chic dessert.
Luxurious, **** chocolate color of your soft skin , hypper juicy and sweet, hipper juicy candy . Than blacker the skin, the sweeter and juicier. Unbearably **** and beautiful. Mega ***** sweet dream is like an ****** jazz melody, a prelude to hot ***. I give you my ***** universal size, infinite amount of likes.
Than more I look at you, than more I'm falling in love you and get *****. On such as you can with great pleasure to look for ages, day and night for days on flight. You have powerful *** magnetism. The movements of your luxurious body is aesthetic erotica. The more I look at you, the more I fall in love. The blacker the skin, the hotter and hotter and torrid it is, the heat of passion emanates from it. You are synonymous with torrid *** and delightfully beautiful passion of romance. When your sweet skin is in sweat, it plays with the bright tinges of the eloquent colors of aesthetics with the highest form of seducing a very powerful temptation gently falling in love with yourself. I am quite clearly aware of how beautiful you are to the extent that beautifully illuminates the day and how it beautify
the night. Only you awaken in me a powerful unquenchable hunger for ***. My libido seems to be grilled like barbecue meat.
You are my sweet dear masterpiece of the universe juicy candy I will love so strongly others will just be jealous. It is difficult to believe in your existence that there can be such a beautiful girl. Gentle sensual chocolate is a supremely royal shade of luxury. Everything that is connected with a beautiful sweet, sweet and touching is associated with you. You are a beautiful girl to tears. You are too sweet like a sugar and so sweet and cute. I have powerfull love and *** addiction to you is even more than anything else.
Your love is the most invaluable and most valuable phenomenon in the universe.
Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
Ever given an apology
when embarrassment
was your true feeling?

Is there space between them?
Or is one the wrapping paper?
Silverskin on coffeebean.
Ornate half mask on a dancer in all black
Between Pointed nose and chandileier
Same infastructure as churches
Decorated to make others look to god.
Up, with gargoyales and bells

If embarrassment is the root of an apology.
Does it ring?

What time of day?

Embassy of embarrassment is your apology.
It is no secret, it is kevlar.
Harder to break.

If you are never embarrassed.
You cannot be sorry.

pride and abandon
As honest as they are to a man
Who loves to love
Strike offensive on ears set
To red at your past.
Own the honesty like a magic shield.
You will not have the kevlar of apology
If you do not have the embarrassment.

You'll need to fake it.
This takes delicate work.
Convincing the world you are not selfish
When born in america
Is not easy.

Loving your own failure seems proof enough
To learn from mistakes
But intellect.
Is not the opposite of selfishness.
In abundance you carry both as a burden.

People see you as a man, honest.
People see you as a man, who was not honest.
People see you as a man, selfish.
People see you as a man, who would rather be wrong and manic than human.

And people see through sometimes the armor
Of your *******
And magic armor of your smile

Because you talk too much

When all you want is too be heard,
Your biggest weakness is when someone listens.

You are so powerfull when no one hears you.
And you are so seen when you never open your mouth.

But the second you do.
You are ugly.

Underneath the ornate white mask and pointed nose
Without the smooth pleasentries of a nirror for a face.
You are seen a bulbous boiled blemmish.
A red infected wound for an ear.

It hurts to hear their testimony
Wittnessing you when you are without protection.

This is not embarrassment?
You are not embarrassed to be seen an ugly thing?

And no.
It just hurts.
And the pain callouses, making it more ugly.
Until we got to where we are.

Indestructible in all this broken.
Untouchable from all this infection.
Unlovable from all this attention.

A greiving suit of armor
i am a wandering comet
a long forgotten star
drifting listlessly through
some eldritch darkness

the stuff that dreams are made of
sustains my formless husk
as i drift and drift and drift and drift
towards that wyrd and faint light

i want you to call my name
i want you to say it!
even if those words did expell
from those lips that i long to kiss
i would not know...
the void pilfers greedily all sound
no matter how powerfull the meaning behind them

there are endless stars and planets
in this symposium of emptiness
one day i will crash somewhere
and, it might not be on your planet...
it might not be where you are

will i live for eternity alone?
searching fervently in vain
through ancient smog and blackest rain
that melts my mortal coil
and tears away at my lungs

until i am truly but a husk
a vestigial being, devoid of light
call for me
i am drifting away
made to accompany  a piece of music i wrote...

please listen :)
Loxodes Jan 2016
You were so free and full inspiration
When we first met
I loved all your colourfull thoughts
Like a beautifull bouquet

Some of those thoughts were poisonous
Things i couldnt see
Somehow fate split us
Because of our hunger for diversity

We saw each other while in blossom
But do we like each other without leaves
We stole each others freedom
So i think that makes us thieves

Attraction by powerfull vivid visuals
But our colours left us blind
Losing ourselves out of sight
I guess thats just the curse of having a free mind
thoughts just clashed which caused love to break
almat011 Jul 2019
Hot ****** dark skin
You have the most juicy **** skin color, it is so sweet, so beckoning and eager caress. You are the goddess of love, *** and erotica. Every millimeter of your body is perfect and perfect. You are all that my heart and soul wants. Only your body and your kisses makes me *****. Only i look to your body, I feel powerfull *** and love addiction. You are the highest value in my life. You are a temptation and a seduction, you want to have *** countless times with you.
Your skin is the color of one hot, unforgettable night, your libido is the word lava in your hot body, burning passion, only your photos can makes me *****, only your beauty turns off my brains, you have a ****, ****** tune in my head, you are like a hot bath after a hard of the day, like an ****** massage, like a soft pillow with sleeping softness.
Every day I am drawn to you more and more and it cannot be stopped because it is uncontrollable every day my ***** wants you more and more aggressively he craves endless *** only with you and I once again make sure that you are the most I will want forever and ever. Because I am truly in love with you in your body and soul. And this feeling is only enhanced with time on the mental and physical levels. Looking at you in your head is only one word Goddess, the empress of my heart, or one ***. It’s just an ecstasy of excitement, every movement you take is so ****** and beautiful, burning your skin’s passion and in your eyes so much ***.
Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
Geno Cattouse Jun 2014
I Stand firmly with my hands relaxed cause the kid looking down on me just cant FADE me.
His eyes smirk with disdain as he rubs against the grain but my years in the realm keep my hands firm at the helm just smirk him right back and now he's feeling wack cause I slipped his attack and the punk can't fade me. body is tough and conditioned. Swift still powerfull and lithe.
Six decades see I aint ***** made ....still cool as the shade and makin the grade...I moved in and stayed...aint shaky and the kids cant fade me.

Payed those dues early and often.....not boasting. Just love confounding young ducklings snotty  lil fucklings.
My mind is quick I pay my dues...use it or lose aint bout to dodder become cannon fodder for rooks with no stripes... talk that **** if I have to.
Walk that **** too.
Blessed and respectfull.
Man I love checkin chickens who get it wrong.My body is my carriage my spirit an amalgam of knowlege and physicality.
They try to cubby hole.This old dude dont fit mold.
Kick your *** and get witty. Aint fresh of no *****.
They shake their heads or feign disdain g
But again and again they misread. Down for the de de.
Aint no play pretty.Energiser bunny. You cant fade me punk.I might spank your *** like your uncle.....Nephew.
Your hands cant hit what your eyes cant see.
You cant chump me off play me no dozens. I aint old cause I'm lucky. Plucky.
Every dog has his day and one day the magic will end ask Houdini .....   ..... but till then my young friends,this old man's gonna play nick nack on your ****. And ya don't stop and ya don't quit. FEEL ME ? Cause ya caint fade me.....Yet.
David P Carroll Jan 2024
Her lips softly
Kissing mine
So gentle and tasty
allowing our souls to collide

Embracing her tonight
In my arms so
lovingly she's held so tight
And wishing this
Passionate kiss
Will last forever

And her lips
Kissing mine
Is what makes galaxy's
Kissing 💋💋😘😘
Anne Cameron Nov 2009
The blood that flows threw my viens is powerfull and strong.
Wanting you...
Needing you...
Having my heart...
Giving it to you...
Dont hold it in!
Just to let it out!
So all can hear!
Tell them all your fears!

Cause it makes you feel powerfull!
Cause it makes you feel out of control!
Just to feel free!
Till it hurts!
Above it all!
Just a little longer...
Soon your heart will mend!
karins simanis Jan 2014
Girl in my dreams

There was dream
That was unpredictable

I saw a women
With powerfull attraction

Her blond hair
Was like gold colour

Prettier then gold
The colour that does not exists

When I went closer
I saw her pretty smile

Her pretty smile n
Was something wonderful

I saw her eyes
Her eyes were beautiful blue

Her eyes was like a diamonds
Like a beautiful blue diamonds

When I ask her
What her name was

She smiled happily
And answered by the phrase that I never heard

"Take my hand , take my smile,take me the place called present of love"

Still now I am finding that love
So I can find her .
This is a poem about the girl who I love the most but always afraid to talk with her or text her. But however I saw her in my dreams .
Corina Feb 2015
Sometimes I wish I was still allowed to call you sister
because it's  the most powerfull word I know
But no matter what the world does to you
and no matter how much you'll change
to become somebody nobody would call a sister
I will be here
and I will be your sister

And if life sometimes makes you so tired
you consider sleeping forever instead
please let me stand next to you
please let me keep talking until the morning
If the world hates you
let me be your world instead
And let me fight at your side
changing the world one stubborn person at a time
I promise we'll get there
I promise they will all love you some day

let me be your God until you find Him back
let me be your life boat in the storm
let me be your water bottle in a dessert
let me be your Lily in the valley of death
let me be anything that keeps you alife

I'll be your willow if you need someone to cry for you
I'll be your car if you want to get somewhere fast
I'll be a poem when you need music
I'll be a mirror, if you want to know if you're still beautiful
(because you are, with or without *******)
let me be your pillow when you're sleepy
and your cup of coffee in the morning
let me be something... anything
because I'd be anyting for you
and I'd do everything

because when my world seems too dark to keep on going
and I need something to hold
you're always the rope to pull me trough
and you're the light that keeps my heart light enough to carry it
I consider it an honour when you sleep on my spare matrass
It's a privelege to be on the other side of the line
when you're on the phone for three hours
I love how neither of us ever hangs up until our mother forces you to go to sleep
I love how you love my stuffed animals more than I do
I love how you never complain about my ***** room
I love how you can spontanously kiss my... toe
I love how you bought and cooked my favorite food when I left you my wallet
I love how you dare to be vulnerable enough to fight to be yourself
I love how you love me so much, I dare to be myself
Happyness is having a hard time keeping up with your awesomeness
Please never doubt it will catch up with us soon

And if you don't want to be my sister anymore
that's okay
you can be my brother or my sibling or anything you'd want to become
because I know nothing more powerful
than my love for you
Mila Berlioz Oct 2015
I think I need some space,
Some kind of freedom.
I know freedom is a state of mind
But, still, our minds are some powerfull *******.

I need some time off, I need to rebel.

I guess that's how I started smoking, maybe why I started drinking.

All I know is that I need my freedom, I need to rebel, I need my nature, my own nature.

Know yourself before you know anyone else,
Paola MRB Dec 2013
Powerfull memories
comes to my mind.
All I want ...
is go back in time.

When I sat down
by your side
without worrying
about what was not right.

In these times we were just one
one soul, one mind.
We complete each other's life
forgetting all the bad.

Why I can't go back there?
Tell me why!
In those times, happy I was.
Not like now when I'm full of dark

Since you go away from my side,
I just cry;
all day,
all night.

Come back, baby.
Come back!
I need you here
by my side.
Phani Potharaj May 2021
something came dreadful
claimed lifes blindfull
it is neither seen or punishible
it remain untouchable...

we claim our weapons are powerfull
but none were  usefull
its  so much shamefull
still we claim ...we are powerfull

even vaccines are not preventable
meanwhe million lifes taken by invisible
our lifes are now questinable
its so much painfull to say we are powerful
Geno Cattouse May 2014
That is the essence of my perception. Vacant of potent content yet crammed with usefull reality unseen to the senses....light as the air I breath and vital.
A marvel of efficiency gone pointless and of no  usefull purpose sans  liquid content.
Shot out.

Disposable is the now once powerfull...full to brim plunger drawn back then expended all true purpose has been removed...a pointed entry,the desired effect achieved..please roll down your sleeve... nothing left but the sting and expectant transformation.

Wait....wait....what is the destination ? What is the story is finite to my surprise there  will be no reprisal. All is a wash.
Keith W Fletcher Dec 2015
Years ago down in Alabama
Working on  a dinosaur hunting crew
I found myself all alone in the woods
When I heard a sound coming out of the blue
Started so small I hardly noticed it
But it grew and grew and grew
Till it seemed to fill the air with its intensity
And suddenly around around around me it flew
So close it triggered my natural propensity
  "I'll KNOCK YOU OUT OF THE PARK" I said out loud
And as if it heard and understood every word
Slammin the brakes stopping on a dime right in my face
   " WHAT THE ......" this fat yellow and black bee
Was  hovering six inches from my nose - and staring at me
I literally ,literally, literally imagined a tiny spacecraft
  A crew of beings behind those ******* cockpit eyes
As if they were measuring me up and taking notes
A minute or two went by I stared at it as it hovered there
I had the urge to reach out and touch it with a finger
But that buzz powerfull as it was, I wanted to but didn't dare
Then it spun around -hit the hyperdrive and was gone
Hearing it as it faded into the distance  for a minute or more
Then I went on my way to find the legacy left from old T-rex
                     I didn't find any.
That night in the hotel the crew sat around shootin th... Talkin
Suddenly I remembered and as some of the crew were locals
" Hey," I said "today -- out In the woods while I was walking
A big yellow and black bee like thing came...
"Did you hear it comin out of the woods for a long time first"
    " Yeah I did " I said " never heard nothin like it before"
"It come an stare at you? "two of them asked as if rehearsed
This was now getting weird but it didn't stop there
I sorta nodded as they continued "did you stick out a finger"
"You know I wanted to -that's so weird- but I didn't dare"
"We call em good news bees   they come and check you out"
" you put out your finger they land on it ya get good news"
Thirty years back and more and more these days I think about
How we dont have them here but if we did I'd stick out a finger
Seizmagraph crews look for oil underground and often call themselves dinosaur hunters.
the most powerfull agent,
has the potential to mend,
has the potential to destroy.

it create the way to success,
create the energy,
to follow the path of success,
it is the one which leads to failure.
time, has the potential to mend,
has the potential to destroy.

It is the agent,
that create distance in bond,
that create misunderstanding,
that create agony and suffering
it is the one which heal that pain.
time, has the potential to mend,
has the potential to destroy.
Melisa Jan 2013
Maybe memories keep pulling me back,
but I think future is more powerfull than that..
mark jarrad Sep 2010
I tried to save a soul today
Held out a loving hand
I almost saved a soul today
Within this evil land
But ignorance is powerfull
No choice to but let go
I watched it as it tumbled down
Into.. the fires below.
Amy Snow Oct 2014
They destroyed all that once I've build with word more powerfull I am weak fragile as a glass my heart is oh how it hurts,but you just stare gawking from a far

I want to die don't you understand that what I live is a lie? this skin suffocates me i want to be the beloved bride but this wall between me and you keeps us aside i fight as hard as i can with this wall but it appears to be getting stronger Oh how it hurt As I lay and die
Amy Snow Jun 2014
Inside of each and one of us there are two wolves

One is evil he is the anger that pierce through your heart like a Dagger It is the envy that gets to you when you see your neighbor riding a bentley It is sorrow that is as sorry as this heart that I borrow Is this Regret that gets powerfull the older you get because you feed it It is greed of getting better things that you wouldn't think twice about making an evil deed It is the Arrogance that smacks you in the forehead leaving you in a trance It is hate that devours your soul as it leads you to a nasty fate
Sirenes May 2016
There's a deep shock
In your eyes
As I speak my mind
Relay my most painfull memories
Like it's a movie
And happened to someone else

There are details
And concepts
Within each story
That drive you on edge
You are in touch
With the fact that
It happened to me, your sister
But I'm not

I speak as though
I'm giving you
The plot summary
Of a horror story
That happens to be my life
The scream leaves your lips
"How are you so normal?"

*the mind is a powerfull entity
Love yourself and take care of your mind because it sure as hell takes care of us.
Stevie Ray Sep 2015
There are words stuck in the back of my throath
that I wouldn't dare speaking. Sentences formless,
water kept below boiling point. My tongue a
sharpened claymore. It's reach long,
it's swing heavy. Yes, I am a dangerous man.
Wielder of the most powerfull weapons.
My pen writes, shifting balance of words
influencing reality, developing perspective
of readers who don't tread carefully.
This is my space, in here I rule supreme
in here I create what no one could re-create.
Look through my mask and ask yourself
if it's not another mask. A man with layers
I go deep, with thoughts and feelings
I am weak, so I acknowledge what I see
What I see is you, despite you wanting to.
What you feel is what you do.
What you do is what you show
So what you show is what you feel
and what  you feel is the warmth of me
acknowledging you.
The illusion of distance, it is me
being next to all of you!
I wish nothing for the best of humanity and every individual that each defines our race. We have so much potential, so much we can do in this place we call life. So why wouldn't I stand with you, encourage you to do what you were set out to do. You are not alone. No one is.
DC raw love Jan 2015
The toung is like a rudder on a ship
Yet so small, but powerfull.

Just the smallest change in direction
Could take miles of your life to recover.

Something so small can change the direction of your life.

It can also causes, harm, sorrow and destruction.

But it can also get you were you want to be.

It can take you to great places
But yet, could get you lost.

If you have to, sometimes, bite it.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i speak my poetry with no regrets all my words that deep down is the spoken truth of what i think of you. i lay awake all night with no thoughts. you cross my mind but this world isnt strong enought to keep us to gather even if its tommarow. i feel my mind racing with my heart raccing to gather. i could run but what would that do. i dont want to hide i want peace or if not we will bring the riot to **** all of you. the powerfull needs to be taken out. the ones who need to speak are the oneswho you prisioned in the shadows. the un heard voices will come out and flood the stage. we wont back down all the voices now will be heard with force and not pain or misery you shut off..

for every voice every word will create a river of what the strong and the fearless the fear will rain terrior on your grave we stand to gather in the rain and tell the world our storie bring colors in to the dead society
walking in the back rounnd
Sirenes Sep 2016
you should not have done that*

Story of my life
You call me reckless
For having defied that very person
Who comes from a high place
With powerfull friends,
For having defied that one person
Who robbs you and all of us
Off our basic human rights.
How long did it take you
Before you took one for the team
That's all I've done
And I get "reckless" thrown at my face?
It's all fine when someone takes a stand for you
But you're too scared to take a stand for another?
All I ever asked, was for you to respect that fact
That I made justice be served
While you just sat there and took it.
Who's reckless in long term?
You who never stand up for yourself
And get deeper in to depression
As time goes by
Or me who never takes anything from anyone.
While I do admit that there are better ways
To give certain messages,
I wholeheartedly disagree
With you bashing me behind my back
For having protected your rights.
Who's the ******* here?
Do not pass my boundries in this aspect or you'll have another thing coming.

I've had it.

Isabel-style <3
Sirenes Sep 2016
In how many cases
Have you wondered
If that girl you want to ****
Is going to solve your insecurity
In how many cases
Have thought
That if you can nail this guy
It will make all you problems go away

You descend in to the belief
That love solves all problems
And I guess that would be true
To some extend
Because love is just that powerfull
But then I ask you
If at the end of the day
When you've conquered your conquest
Do you feel better now?

Or does the negativity
Just creep up on you again
This time in the form of
I still don't feel better
I wonder is she is going to call me back

So was that the answer
Or was it just a shot term solution
For a bigger problem?
You can ride all the ***** you can catch
And **** all the ******* you can get your hands on
But in the end of the day
You'll still feel that same void
That can only be filled with what you, yourself decide to put in it.

I guess it's just like the Buddha said:
Who in this universe deserves your love and affection, if not you?
Jay 1988 Jul 2018
Shadows fall heavy over Squires Row
A child of 2 summers provokes movement from a home made wooden train
A candle flails in the corner, the only sound the ticking of a clock residing over the fire place
And from the room upstairs, the final cries of a man haunt these brick and mortar
Benjamin Wyatt

A woman, stern in face and posture, yet broken in heart stares vacantly into the abyss
Silent in her words, yet her mind contains a pain too powerfull to evoke
A widow soon she will be, death has his grip and is merciless in his quest
And still, from the chambers above
The final cries, of Benjamin Wyatt

Unwashed Curtains hang, partly open
A single pane of glass shields us from the rain
A man lay on a bed, the worldly hands of a mother wipes the brown hair of her baby
He's 27 years, but should he see 40, still he's her babe
A gasp, a cough, the relentless buzzing of a fly pings against the glass trying to escape outside into the warmth
Decay is especially savage when attached to the living
A shhhh, her tiny palms rest inside his, those same hands that cradled him on his first day
Her eyes close.and she remembers it well
A teardrop escapes her and falls onto his cheek
One final gasp, the last stand, silence

A mothers scream pierces Squires Row
Outside, back pressed against the green chamber door
A greying father lifts his head to the heavens
His old blue eyes drowning
Knees kiss the floorboards
He sighs
What a sight to see a grown man humbled

Benjamin Wyatt is silent
mikecccc May 2019
Vague Ominous
All powerfull
So they claim
not one several
Not many
Whatever shall WE do
Suffer probably
The strength of many
Never seems like enough.
Ken Pepiton Jan 2020
Tiny ideas link us to the political world of laws to prevent
the plugging of *******, but once

when I was younger,
I attempted to **** a future Congressional page, in a rage.

Temper tantrums twisting in
memes of me used to sew my shadow to my soul
Super strings of things, actually,

of fact, from Higgs's boson \ piercing our skulls and groins

we rest on Sagan's pale. blue dot
and learn
to tune our thought filters to muses

intended to stretch reality for the hope of the blind,
and deaf, and
for the hope of the sane who suffer
the boistroous entertainment of the educated,
mad hatter
crafters apprenticed
in the city

to be properly ensourceled with trade secret confidence
builders by professors and doctors who sell cheat sheets,
cribbed from the "How to win friends and influence people"
final exam  that the real Norman Vincent Peale

used to make the dance card at the white house,
when no Baptists were invited,
it worked you see,
this way,

these best of the best educated

were taught the reason to dance
for the needful lie's
traditional prom-
enade long
before the test to make
the quest to rise to the level of advisors of the most
powerfull poser posers,

to stand,
smiling on the Capital steppes
under the grin of bronzed freedom,
Lady Liberty's wild cousin who works for the bread
and circus division of the military dust trials,

basking in irradiating poise and power from
the alu-minion pinnacle of our founders ******* reminder,

full of fashinonical statements and promises to consume

only the best
of the boys and girls offered in alliegiance, under God,
the one on the money, whom
we trust.

--- old men, chatting, as they say on the internet, the net

cast in the sight of free birds, flocking
under the god trusted by Solomon Chase, whose long range

economic perception
placed the trust phrase on Yankee Green Backs

back in the day.

We were born for times like these. These times need old
fish stories.
Old men, like me, owe our survival to the story
that ties us to  reason, per se,
as knots
to hold the cargo safe,
until that distant shore signaling us, go around the rocks,
I feel a tug,

I got a thread that led to me,
past state of read is read,
the key is coded,
a riddle. Color coded, no joke,

scarlet, blood-red thread of twisted Hopf fibrational
vying for per-
fect ex-ceptional stability on a scale our minds call

Infinitely measurable, imagine never having known
the measurable fact that
the light is the leave behind, our seeing made
the waves drop each photon you noticed
bounce off objections subjected to peer review
when, then,
after our meetings of the mind, our bubbles of being

to over flowing
conformation to the plan, the balancing of everything.

1/10 to the Seventy-nine Thousandth power,
is the tip. Cluesus Gratiatus Pension Tension , tighten,
lest we perish,
on the rocks,

ages roll by, I age and see you missed the curve,
too bad. We could have mad sweet music,
but for a missing e making mad
my intended point, piercing posers lieing in the dark.
2020 vision practice for hindsight.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
Where king the son of man is kingdom upon the hearts of words of the poet as lovers love enchanted souls aimed above walking where only sky might seem is pointing at the sun between set and rise and days as starless as blinding the light as blind the darkness we know about but nothing else while think nothing more bout the other.

Blessed to know not than to know wrong. To never search and never find cause never lost. All we have thou are owned by as we serve a slave we bought to pay sorrow and worry to mind close while time laughs and love sings and brave are being bold and not have bravery behind window glass as the wise listen while the lord speaks a wind bout breath it took and dust and tear a soul bout breathing and sound of silence as the truth right. Therefore why wouldnt.

Of all the might but death certain thou important to note do to appeal on men to recognize the mean of being dead and meaning of fate of which had died. Of too late be too soon. Meanwhile a moment. Death doesnt ****, sin does. Its a friend moretheless a foe of living the way out. Like an answer. Like a door. Like the coin flips. Like the news. Like a mistake flawless. Like the joke is wise, since, it takes one to know one. The impossible, the perfect.

As important the road you path, is the foot how step. Good and right as wrong bad, for better or worse, worst is the best. As long youre true, youre right. For wisdom of mistakes the hurt of pain that made us powerfull. Wise and strong. For loves sakes. Beautiful.

I know. Bless you.
David P Carroll Mar 2024
In her warm embrace
I feel true love
Touching my heart
And a love that's so
And true and
I'll never feel alone and
With her by my side
My life is no longer so far.
My Heart ❤️❤️❤️

— The End —