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SophiaAtlas Apr 2019
I walk to school with my best friend
Surprise, surprise, she's late again
She's got a club she wants me in
Don't think I've ever raised a pen
I'll consider it, sure
No fan of literature
Books with less pictures than words
Leave me a little bit bored
But hey, they promised cupcakes
So it's a chance that I'll take
Four gorgeous girls await me
Okay, I think that I'll stay
Sayori's aloof and kooky
Natsuki's sweet and cutesy
Yuri is deep and brooding
Monika's brains and beauty
There's a festival needs planning
Swear I won't leave them hanging
So many clubs to rival us
I guess it's just the five of us
Just the five of us
We can make it if we try
But each day that passes by
Is tearing pages from my mind
Just the five of us
No escaping if I tried
Though these maidens might seem kind
There's something going on behind
They looked so sad and lonely
I sold my soul for poetry
This hell is members only
Why did I say Okie-Doki?
I walk to school alone again
I'm not a guy with many friends
I've got no club, I've time to spend
So I read manga and stay in
I run into Monika
Says that I should just join hers
Sounds like a club for books with words
But they need some more members
I say okay
I'll come along for just one day
But just you try and get away
When 3 gorgeous girls beg you to stay
Sa- Y oRi'S a LoOf AnD k-Oo Ky
Natsuki's a brutish cutesy
Yuri is too in to me
Monika's brains and beauty
It's almost festival time
Could say we're cutting it fine
The task may seem laborious
I wOnDeR wHeRe SaYoRi Is?
I guess it's just the four of us
Just the four of us
We can make it if we try
But each day that passes by
Is tearing pages from my mind
Just the four of us
No escaping if I tried
Though these maidens might seem kind
There's something going on behind
They looked so sad and lonely
I sold my soul for poetry
This hell is members only
Why did I say Okie-Doki
Well I'm back at school again
Monika's my only friend
Monika's my everything
My beginning and my end
Wait a second... weren't there other girls-
MoNiKa'S aloof and kooky
MoNiKa'S sweet and cutesy
MoNiKa'S is deep and brooding
MoNiKa'S brains and beauty
MoNiKa sees right through me
MoNiKa'S all that you need
MoNiKa'S all that you need
MoNiKa'S aLl tHaT yOu NeEd
I'm not an ugly guy
But I can't understand why
She'd be so utterly in love she'd leave her club mates to die
Monika's obsession is ominous to be honest
Omnipotent Goddess concocting demonic sonnets
I could delete her but I never could harm Monika
So I'm trapped here forever.
Where's my harmonica?
Never thought I'd get a girl
Literally out of this world
Guess she controls the universe
Looks like it's just the two of us
Just the two of us
In this classroom in the sky
Crimes of passion are just fine
When enacted on AI
Just the two of us
Quite a drastic pick up line
Leaving characters to die
Just to guarantee you're mine
She seemed so sad and lonely
Don't think there's any hope for me
This hell is members only
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Why did I say Okie Dokie?
Mr Xelle Jan 2016
There must be a cheat sheet
There's gotta be a clue
Is there book on Y.I.Luv.U?

There have to be a problem
There have to be something wrong
Can I fix this problem of "thinking about you ?..umm.

Man I need some answers,
To all my questions!

What if ..Why do I love you is a clue because thinking of you  is my problem wait are you answering my questions?!

Okay okay okay calm down Steve
There's no one there
But I could of swore I heard..Na maybe it was just a bird.
But I still feel like there's someone thar..
I mean there.

Well if you're there Why Do you care?
No wait why do I care
Who ....

From the outside !! Lol HAHaha okie okie.. Oh

(Phone rings)
"Aye Steve are u coming to church today then after we're hooping?"

Sure bro
Okie you hang up you hang.. Ohh okie well.

I'm here. Bruuuuuhhh what is that??
Ugh okie ur getting on my nerves!!

Who are you..
David Nelson Jul 2010
Okie Girl

When I look at you,
I see my version of heaven
with all the stars that fill the skies
right there in your eyes

When I look at you,
I see my dreams come true
everything I ever wanted
everything I ever needed

When I look at you,
I see the sadness on your face
I hear the tears come falling down
the tears I sometimes cause

When I look at you,
I feel the pain you have inside you
I hear the laughter you sometimes release
the laughter I sometimes create

When I look at you,
I weep because I cannot have you
I cry because I cannot please you
feelings of ineptness fill my mind

When I look at you,
I know I have no answers
no ways of resolution
to fill your void

When I look at you,
I condemn the day I wandered in
into your life to complicate
into your world where I had no place

When I look at you,
I know no way to step aside
to leave where I do not belong
to put things back where they were  

When I look at you,
I wonder how are lives will ever be
ever be the same again
ever be the way we want them to be

When I look at you I know
I cannot ever be with you
I do not want to be without you
I depise my life and the mess I have made

when I look at you
I wonder if you will ever forgive me
I wonder how I will go on if you don't
I know how much I love you

Gomer LePoet...
Naomi Zabasajja Jul 2014
I wonder if I even give a **** about myself
If I love my health or love the idea of loving them more
Whether the bottles are red capped or full of liquor that's brown
I feel so much warmer on the inside when it's around
I wonder if the heredity is getting the best of me
Because you see since I began it seems my father has resumed
You think the possibility of being alike is adorable
But in my case it's deplorable
To my wellbeing it isn't affordable
But I can't make that budget cut to my psyche
I'd rather buy a bottle of Bourbon than some new Nikes
Is it likely that maybe insecurities fall into obscurity when I'm being loved by all of my impurities?
That I'm hating on the **** that I'm making because my sober mind is murdering all of my thoughts?
I'm undertaking
Putting pressure upon my person to see no one's gonna feel pity when you're in the streets
Find a way
Find the time
Dance around
Write a rhyme
Do whatever you can to **** some time and distract your brain from saying liquor will keep you in your prime
#liquor #angst #unhealthy #selfcontrol #lacking
pat Aug 2014
banana skin salad in
artificial lemonade
peacocks salivating
mushy rooms belly aching

Oreos are okie dokie
ocean breezes open up me
analyzing any eyes
evaluating coffee grinds
a manifesting apple in me
apple in the Snapple leaking

sticky salamander fingers
static on a broken speaker
attics over broken theaters
salmon eating taco teachers
teaching choco taco preachers
preaching at Chicago creatures

opal rings and oval things
are focusing on yodeling
a social need for opening
in total global offerings

and in a soup or telephonic
happiness in playing sonic
gently speaking thick Ebonics
sickly tonic
Let's be honest,  boys
Jonny Angel Jun 2015
Ross was a fullblooded
bronze-skinned buddy
from the Navajo Nation.
He was a diehard Okie,
and a machine gunner,
carried the M-sixty
with twenty pounds
of extra belted-ammo.
He was a big guy,
had brown deep-set eyes,
high cheeks and
not a single hair
on his burly body,
but some high and tight
pitch bristles on his head.
He had a weakness.
Pure Straight Whiskey.
Whenever he had too much,
he was an F5 tornado,
a wild Tasmanian devil,
to be reckoned with.
I remember when he had
his front top teeth knocked out
by some civilian bouncers
at a local drinking establishment.
He kicked the **** out of
three huge muscle guys.
It was him versus them.
A regular melee.
Ross won.
Once on a Saturday night,
drunk as skunks,
we made an illegal turn
on the Interstate south of Denver.
We ended up flying down the highway
with four hundred feet of wire
attached to wooden poles,
sent sparks flying everywhere.
I never saw a guy laugh
so hard in all my life.
He ****** himself hysterically.
We gave Ross his first Native American name.
We were out in the field,
just hanging out
in battle gear,
shooting the ****
around our APC.
We called him Prancing Moose,
Moose for short.
He loved it when
we called him that,
gave us a toothless grin.
He was a warrior to us.
In another time and place,
he might have been a Chief.
He was courageous,
fearless and
a good friend
to have in your side.
From time to time,
I think about him,
and pray he's okay,
still alive.
He was our blood brother.
We were in hell together.
I miss him, too.
Christian zeal Nov 2013
Oh okay....sure
Yea I'm down.

Ha, .....wait where?
Yea you can
My place or yours?
Cool yea yea I'm down.

Na just hurt myself today
Ohhh u know I slipped yea ...I...slipped.
Well I am hungry
Sure yea I love that place I'm down.

Like right here?
Umm where would I put my clothes?
Okie okie I'm going down...
It kinda taste like salt to be honest.
What? Ya sure call me whenever bro I'm down.

Ha I just hurt myself again
What! Noooo please don't make me say this
I just been feeling down lately that's all...
(Sigh) my place or yours?
Ya I'm........I'm ....... Down.

I'm coming.....
Wait church ????
Alright man hey Zeal ....umm thanks
I don't know why I'm crying I just never been uplifted that's all....
Wait hold on I'm getting a text......
Ok umm that was my phone you just threw.
I ......I...... I'm up for it ya I can sure need a friend
I still hear the drops on glass
That come to break silence at last,
One after another they come barging with noise,
And i hear echoes of the rain without any choice

The echoes take me to a place i have been,
Being their is a painful sin,
for the memories and pain that attach to the place,
they keep the happy soul from me displaced,

Echoes taught me it’s okie to cry,
like the sky that’s magnanimous and isn’t shy,
to let go of things you can’t control,
to let your heart heal the soul,

I would hear them all life long,
would see the drops on windows passing along,
The sky has finally taught me to let it go,
it’s okie for me to accept this very slow.
These were written by me,as i was stuck in traffic during rain. It was raining so heavily and it made me nostalgic
Jack Piatt Jul 2013
The “in” soon to meet the “evitable”
A conclusion infallible
Tis true, tis true
It’s front page news
In the “Obvious Times”
Your failure to realize
Doesn’t minimize
The obvious
So let’s stretch that word
Cause that makes more sense
At least it’s a defense
Weak kneed as it may be
It certainly falls under
The Ex
So humor me
Do you see
Do you see
Not yet
Okie Dokie
Annie Oakley
Let’s take another shot
How bout
A Story
Why not?
There once was a town
Where a man came around
Selling all kinds of
Potions and lotions
Devotions and notions
Despite his seemingly
Lack of emotion
They made him Mayor
Not long after the layers
Of Lies and greed began to grow
And wouldn’t you know
Though it rarely showed
The town grew tired
And wanted him fired
Longing for days of old
A stronger mold
Simpler times
Merrier rhymes
(less parking fines)
Smog free days
Guiltless lays
And poison free food
Put them all
In a better mood
Boy oh boy
Were those the days
Back before the smoggy haze
So we’re back to the beginning
Of this story I’m spinning
The “in” meeting
You know


That is what happened
To that Colonial Captain
Who brought mischief
And what if’s
To that poor little town
He lost his crown
Among other jewels
He suffered fools
Then suffered
At their hands
So this story
Is a caution
to all distant lands
(and close ones)
The conclusion
Is always
When toying
With the table
Of Universal design
So don’t mess with nature
And all
Will be fine
(c) 2013
Zulu Samperfas Jul 2012
My best friend Katy, an Okie
taught me useful life skills
as we walked along
train tracks covered in rocks
behind the Wrigley's factory

In every vent there were clumps
of fresh made spearmint gum
deposited fresh daily
and free, ours for the taking

And as we made our way
down Mission Street
loud, with dust and gravel
wafting up as big trucks drove
by and a row of ****** bars beckoned
to unknown lost souls

We'd arrive at 7-11 for
a slurpee
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
A warm beautiful sound
Howling at the moon
Into the cold dark night
I have seen the greed
And what it does see
A lot of my friends died rich
I stabbed Bukowski
In the back again that
bstrd smoked way too much
Would live here amongst the wells
save the tornadoes
Poe died old
A cold place in hell
And a bolder stone
American Reminder
7.  HIGH SCHOOL ******?
I needed a date so
I traveled outer space
Searching comet's end
I owe poetry so
Much.  so pay up.
Donations are accepted.
Mike Dembo American
Pizzaman.  Married man
Walking ocean floor
10.  SLIP
What was' I thinking?
That I could be saved'?
drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip...
I strong armed the mother
That was in my way
To get my fix today
Anytime I want to
**** somebody famous
Yes, I think I will
The *****'s gather on
Street corners they promote
Themselves believing their lies
14.  50% OFF?
American people give
Me your retailed money
It's President's Day
Forty-one more nations
Annotations have been
Made I have found you
A ******* Playmate
Enters my room hip hop
Hippity hoppity
I murdered you haiku
In cold blood
Now I'm going to ****** you
An oreo and fig
Newton meet for lunch
One for me, one for you
An oreo runs into
fig newton.  Fancy
meeting you here, crumb
20.  31 JAN 09
A man died today
on State Street in Hackensack,
New Jersey.  So cold.
lins Jan 2018
I want to create something
beautiful and true
maybe from nothing
pulled from out of the blue

I can’t rhyme worth a flip
my words keep on trip…ing
so close yet so far
they won’t flow from the hear…t

this is one big joke
I’ll probably get chok…ed
everything sounds choppy
because my mind is all flip floppity

oh yeah this is the stuff
writing from the heart is rough
watch me rhyme your socks off
then your heart will get soft soft

I’m honestly killing this
I’m honestly feeling this
this is flowing nicely
just don’t think about the rhyming -_-

okie dokie glad this is done
enough of this fun
time to get serious
theres work to be done
Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
Picasso’s Abyss

In Budapest my hands hurt,
goes with the broken heart,
tried to keep it all together,
but sometimes things just fall apart,

beautiful art,
at the castle today,
Pablo Picasso,
a few dozen of his works on display,

I’m dismayed,
how lost we’ve all become,
can’t see we’re all family,
can’t see your brother only see Pokemon,

okie dokie son,

I guess the game is over,
congratulations and well done,

where are you from,
where are you at,
currently I’m in Budapest,
the Buda Castle to be exact,

looking across the Danube,
sun sets upon the parliament,
and it seems another day has gone,
did have some time to spare but now I don’t know where it went,

time must be an illusion because there’s no signs to where it’s gone,
my hands hurt my head hurts my feet hurt still I must travel on,

writing tales of futuristic history,
out in the world and on the internet,

Heaven sent,
you’re Heaven blessed,
child your an Angel,
to this I must confess,

in Budapest,
and my hands hurt,
tried to keep a good grip,
but sometimes things just fall apart,

into the abyss,
into the darkness of Picasso,
into the impermanence of all of us,
here today gone tomorrow…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

author of The Poetry Trilogy
Yes Please...
Cecelia Francis Sep 2016
She say baby hurry over
so I tell her okie doke

She got fiya and dank earthy buds
I call that oakey dope

Smoke and chillin netflix playin
Hoping I can hokey poke
Lol idk why i do this
Andrew Rueter Aug 2023
I don't have any photos of when I was young
because they look like Chronos holding a gun
I just need slow-mo or time totally undone
or maybe I just need to hold onto someone
because I can't hold on to the before
after bombing all my bridges with C4
so now I walk on the sea floor
wishing I could see more

but all I see is myself as an aquatic gorilla
after spending too much time with Poseidon
precariously between Charybdis and Scylla
as pictures make me look more like Joe Biden
while I feel like I'm the one with the trident
but I'm just Janus' migrant
and that guy is a tyrant
because no matter which way he's facing
he can always find someone to replace me.

So I don't ever take pictures
because they give time a fixture
from which to taunt me like a trickster
showing me the different colors in the mixture
like a lowkey Loki
giving me the okie-dokie
luring me into moseying moping
leisurely leading to rope-a-doping
a mirror-morphed bizarro-me dope fiend
wanting to stay in a Kumbhakarna dope dream.

Time is a sausage link
clogging the gothic sink
of a drain we all would think
seems as fast as goblin's wink
so I try to focus on the myopic pink
but always end up finding reasons to drink
the ambrosia of a nova from Krakatoa
the ebbs and flows come and go with intensity
brought by the power of Jehovah
as well as two cameras with which I can see.
Mr Xelle Aug 2019
I am the one
That made you cry
I am him
That made you lie
You fantasied
You want my sky
You want my clouds
You want to fly
You took a pill
Then hop on a plane
To come and find
I am the rain I’ll make you reign.
You okie , I’m okay
Make a right , I’m alright.
Are you down to ride ?
Smell my scent and my life
You can but deny
I am him
I am him
The one you despise
The one you like.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2019
Opposition research, programing overcomers of
Self-Generated Adversarial Nets

who opposes imeyou I me You we
twining entanglements

trippy y syn edoche cliche okie-dohkie

eh okeh, we flow, make me feel

youngagain moragain bis morgen jetst

finite form we have Gausian blurs
per ceiva -wait, Hay -

ible- I baled on spel-chick she got al

faithful to the meme team,
Them Me.

can't keep a secret, any more
or less

as secret keepingers go, both ways

truth, pa-tien, wait, watch, see

free-be, from your fiture.

Art. Call this that, say

This is that,
which to poets of old claimed ours

by right of use known
gk kg (y'know how t' vocalize those sounds, in y'mind?)
now n gnost
tic thirty three
degrees of separation twixt
this and that

comes being
we seeing we re
arrange perceptions from deceptions
during less patient proper
property, something to lean on,
itified for support, not to own,

they rod, the me-asurer and
they staff, i lean on for ward

setting the vector of now from now on

easy as that,
lean good, in any way, next

is never as predicted.
This is that.

This is how words live in readers of this book of
This life. and that,

more abundant.
A message to the world from some thoughts I caugt tempting me to dare say this is that aloud. If gay and may are mine to use, as I wish with no nevermind to otherwise. My side did win. I helped, that feels amazing, un-mazing in the local mind.
donia kashkooli Nov 2016
all 9 of us put our money together and bought a '78 silverado that had a ****** up transmission, loose timing belt, blown headgasket, all the works. i can't remember much from that night. i fell asleep in the tailgate in the lap of some guy who had a budweiser in one hand and a backwoods blunt in the other. he kept calling me "babygirl" and he'd chug another beer and yell "LET'S WRECK THIS *******!" i got it from my mama. the ability to fall asleep to the classic rock station and the sound of teenage boys livin' their dream.

2. i broke all of their hearts on day three because i was so hung up on the one who played baseball and never stopped asking questions. maybe too much. he was the only one i wanted to love with every centimeter of my soul. the funny thing is this: i never had him to begin with.

3. august was a weird month. i never wanted to do anything except lay face down on the grass while drinking whiskey straight from the bottle. we liked to tell pointless stories and talk **** about congress while watching the sun fall deep into the crevices of the olympic mountains. his girlfriend and i had something like a thursday night ritual of going fishing then coming to the house and grilling silvers while i chainsmoked and sang songs reminiscent of her hippie days. big kahuna and i spoke to each other in dialects, okie accents, chi-town street slang when i was burning on thursdays. the crash always happened on saturdays. they tried to keep me from drinking but i didn't know how to tell them that it wasn't the borderline alcoholism that was killing me - being around so much love ignited a fire in me that wasn't there when i had nobody. i was in love with the world, so in love that it became a kind of insanity.

*-z. vega
Ken Pepiton Feb 2020
Truth legit ligament to power

doing going going going

Quid pro quo

if you list, you comprehend the action
if not the function,
of wind, wine-ding a round tuitive ish in a

future you were not expecting
so soon
so soon you stress about being around orr on

point in a wavy gravy kinda pop
as the *** watched boils
and the plot thickens,

ing ing in pointed on point, spears to tear

or pierce the peace construed awry by warriors
as an anomolous right used
dark gravity-like force
an affect con no ef
fecting up the guesses that prove we may not
know everything
at once,

like you can't meet you in yesterday, without being you yesterday,

now, walk a mile, no, two, if you think that detail would change
your role from conquered slave to free man,

rather than sychophantic napoleonic fanboy

welcome to the arena,
peacemaker, said the duke aholibahma to the okie pilgrim

in the desert home of Dineh, eh, and deep in the land
allotted the Navajo,

Black Mesa Trading Post, at the edge of the event **'izon,
ever emerges from, to now,
some how,

wisdom, some say, secret/sacred learnednknowns locktawayfsumday

priests with no secrets, likka guru wit no wuwu,
ora phool fullaphilaposers supping poses
Team RC, to the Pokemon kids, could mean some same ideas,
on a fractally clearrer focus,
two dee, details, me, the
in othawoidsvoiciferous meme,
I must define my terms, if I would converse,

with m'owndamnedfaulcitified self,
per se,

we have seen, by the dawn's early light, a brighter next than
you expected,

but the wind goes whither it listeth, lust to know,

learn how spiders fly, on threads,
which divert photons
you've seen,

the gleem on a strand of nanoscale near nothing spider effluent

the affect is the project in this papeerry existance as mere
words un spoke but ever once existant,
points of being possible, by any definition save non-being, seeing as, we are
measured points on a line
upon a line
upon a line and on on on in series of threes, oh oh oh please

if puns were of course a common thread, after gaseous humors
have been made family jokes, once more,
in the spirit of
a good burp complimented, not complimentary,
like Saturday soccer trophies; then

the drama feels immediated.

Peacemaker, walks the sideline. Kitty, kitty

have you need of sustenance?
might we dream of the those days old man Hicks saw/sees?

The Peaceful Kingdom, after ever when now is inside your

owned ever, after the mornings of mercy renewal began,

it is a season in the maturing of fruit set aside to feed us,

thru the winter, we last gasps
cough corona level ideas
now qualiated as the dust in the manger,

seen as motes in the sunbeams beaming us into

no room at the inn, remember that band? Bullhead City, Christmas, 1967,

go loud... we have this story happening after the trip to San Luis
for ten dollars worth of dope and a pretty fat senorita, beneath a freaky crucifix.

If the crossed threads send forrth an uncertain signal, might our receiver be the

bit of all knowing needing the upgrade, being as how,

the fabric of reality was here before me? And I, before you, but

here we are, with Rodney KIng, axin' can't we,
all jest, and get along, never

growinginging ohhhld...

ten dollarrs was alot, looking back, it may have cost the poser
playing ****, on the street in old San Luis, Mexico, 1967, we are collecting the

scene, it
was different, when I was nineteen, I noticed less, but then
I'm me.

That is how time itself is synched with reality, if it hapt, it hapt, imagined or not,

if Jesus knew what I think he knew, regarding
adultery being sufficient, in ones heart,

to get the real feel, a referee must have experienced the game.

Oh, shame, the feeling; that was never the affect of sin, that is the affect of

powerless ness to prevent the past,

hssss, let pass the gas, vent prreee explosion, better to mary than to burn,

but the padres had ways, they say. I never went to the mission...

mental time travel, things don't change,
the traveller changes,

now you are the river you can't step in twice.

How's that think?
Witness number one, self... to whom my momma said, at Delphi, where I knew nothing, be true, know you, don't lie, or you die angry.
Elexer Oct 2019
Whoops I od'd,
Shortness of breath,
Call ambulance,
Tell my wife I—
Error in judge—-
—-ment cut my life,
No second chance
No guiding light
I never meant
To cause you pain
I never thought I'd be the one who took the fall
I got lost in the moment,
******* like to test the limit
Six minutes down,
Breathing  machine,
Brain not feel right
The look on you
Is killing me,
Drowning in shame
But don't feel bad,
Cause I
Never feared consequences
Hate regrets more than apologies
A year has passed,
Like photographs, my life is just
A scrapbook of
Old friends and faded memories
Looks like I pulled the rug from under myself
The falls too much for me to recover from
It's been real fun
But now I must say goodbye,
I'll see you all at okie dogs
See you all at okie dogs
Lyrics from NOFX
Kaley Dec 2016
Okie dokie, here's a jokie, this won't make sence,  play pretend,

Off the wall, at I-hop, sciddly do,  what's up with you, mix these feelings, mash this plan,

the tightest flow on the planet
the righteous don't panic
the whitest known granite
Oil of Olay, spoil the day
foiled and played

egg yolks in your eyes
dead folks say goodbye
you choked on your lines
lackluster,  just clutter,  
colonel mustard,

worldwide stage, real tight cage,
just got paid, listen to that
stick in your back,
hit you so fast,

rhyming words,
flying herds,
mining for turds
Houston Texas,
who's goin' test this..
goose for breakfast :)
Cecelia Francis Aug 2015
I keep having
dreams of Okie
coming back, like
he was never gone
and I just didn't look
close enough, and I
wake up like maybe
he'll be there,

but I
don't bother checking
I miss my snake
Charles Sturies May 2017
The line - I never promised you a rose garden
and with me finishing it I added "at all"
The line - I'm here for the party - and me even
though they didn't put under my name in the high
school yearbook, "Where's the party" like a
hoody dropout buddy of mine got!
The line - Take her she's all I got - I added
"she's more than enough"
The line - I'm just an Okie from Muskogee with
my addition "obviously"
The line - Jambalaya crawfish pie - my addition
"sounds good to me even"
The line - Smoky Mountain Rain - I add on
"when it rains, it pours, of course, but when
I'm around it comes down in torrents."
The line - When my baby loves me -my add on
"when, though, I think".
That's all for now.
1- a Tammy Wynette song

Charles Sturies
Well there’s Hooverville
   on the edge of the river
haint nuttin boot flimsy cardboard
   e’en with clothes will shiver
waiting for tension to be released
   like a arrow in a taut quiver

major organs ready to burst open
   cuz day r all a failin'
unless salvation does da liver
from a stingy farmer
   nada one of him a giver

Hence a goin to Cali for n’ya
in battered up truck n wailin wah wah
ta feed da chill n beasts o burr den –
   ‘cept un shaw

if me pa
will ever appear on Oprah
whar guest’s literary car –
   rears into grand prix hoopla

An win free dim lifts us lock a hawk,
   this kid rock will nah
dat he suffered faw a distant few cha
migrants we may be – butta we bah
dog on judas priest, Christ and allah

Rose of Sharon wool extend
   da family tree
dat ma will live to see

charging the Joad jalopy
   in part from me
tink rin hands dat like ta mess
   with oil hand stains
one mo scar – craning neck 2 earn

An huh tha red badge of courage
   upon this Okie
hunched o’er with stiff back
   while wounded knee

continually bunged up with utter glee
at engine cough fin smoke
   to *** us free
whar we kin sally in da pacific fields yipeee.
Maxi Jan 2018
He cheated cause he wanted to.
He lied cause he thought he loved me.
He told the truth cause he'd never lie.
He apologized cause he'd thought we'd end.
I accepted cause I don't want to lose him.
I smiled cause I was crying inside.
I stayed cause I wasn't okay alone.
I loved cause I was hurt deeply.
I say I'm Okie cause I don't need him worrying.
I want to die cause he hurt me to bad,
I am done with life
Mr Xelle Oct 2021
Okie okie oh okay
Counting all these bodies dame those things are starting to pile.
Judge me how judge me I didn’t mean to walk the mile.
love me how you love me Take all that to trail
Covered in the moment I forgot my smile at the house.
Hiding behind the shades for too long dame the sun is coming now.
Never felt this good sense I can’t recall
I’m okay you don’t have to come out now …
Accessible twenty four hours a day
seven days a week,
fifty two weeks a year.

Spring 2022 Curtain call at
Highland Manor Apartments unit b44
framing Mother Nature nook
ever changing scene unfolds
analogous to storybook.

I espy (hear and see)
while sitting at table
housing Macbook Pro
plethora of wildlife
on a band dinned patch of woodland,
yet slated to resemble cookie cutter vinyl city
that sprout like mushrooms and/or toadstools.

Yours truly bares witness to fauna
(most likely oblivious
to encroaching urbanization
most often becoming endangered
and/or extinct creature if lucky
enough becoming cherished, loved, valued
property of zoo keeper),

who rarely encounter **** sapiens
while innocuously and innocently
buzzfeeding, kickstarting pinteresting
linkedin with rites of Spring
fawning, matchmaking, twittering
regarding instinctual self survival tactics.

At a safe distance removed
our perch (chance) analogous
to one way mirror,
whereby yours truly and the missus
watch the nature channel live
never tiring at random antics
exhibited by aural and visual
courtesy spontaneous unrehearsed
Animal planet productions.

While astutely, fascinatingly, keenly, quietly
observing semi, quasi, pseudo... wild kingdom
flashback in space/time continuum occurred.

I observed banned band
of untamed ruffians and outlaws
use wildland as hideout from y'all
sip pose zid smart alecks
who would be surprised country bumpkin
like me can rattle off...
courtesy nasal twang

(or because of) Schwenksville drawl
which can pose difficulty understanding
attributed nysc with submucous cleft palate,
hence droning voice of mine
in tandem with puny size
found yours truly scapegoat
bullies taunted and teased

I felt analogous being
just another brick in the wall
until sharecropper mama and papa Joad
headed west Okie dokie
with truant steering da wheel
driving off into sunset via UHaul
passing zee monotony

doodling Yankee went hoo(t)'n and hollerin
across this country tis of thee
imitating moost every doggone animal
earn'n chump change telling tales tall
like dis here mumbo jumbo
his birthplace home to countless
life forms large and small
some skitter, slither, scamper,

jump, hustle, hop, fly, crawl
and we even encountered
mighty big beef eating fellas
who beat up punks
getting in barroom brawl
adieu fromm simple folks,
cuz nuttin else to write dat's awl!

— The End —