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Samantha Ellis Feb 2015
we promise not to see each other
but i see you every night
i close my eyes
and know soon you'll be in sight

i time travel in my bed
back to you, back to us
to a future where we thrive
with no fights or mistrusts

it's torture to spend all night
with you in my head
and then when morning comes
wake up all alone in bed
i hate that i miss you, and i hate that my dreams remind me of that constantly. i need to not need you. i want the wanting to end.
Unknown Apr 2015

Given to birth loneliness

                                                    ­                                                    Space

Lie­s fill gaping mistrusts

Barriers pierced
Walls of flesh sing
R  h  y  t  h  m  i  c



Soul to soul
Alas, not heartfelt
Sinister lurks behind
Veils of deceit

One bond
          Two chances
Three minds
          For what?

The end

Love is
Love is
Beautiful poison

Lust is

Lust is


The day we are born
We are at LOVE's shore
The LOVE within us
Is at shore

Nothing leaves LOVE's shore

It is the learnings
That is stuff in us
That we unknowingly absorb
That make our EGO BIG
To sail our thoughts
Deep outside at seas
While our good being still
Stands at the shore
At LOVE's shore

The thoughts have their
Own ways of intelligence

Thoughts reason out
Big tides and smaller tides
Big ebbs and smaller ebbs
And worries about plans
Of their journey to sail
Back to the shore

The shore...
They have not left at all
In the first place
The LOVE's shore...
That is already within them

It is just an illusion
Or call it a delusion of LIFE
That perceives and imagine things
That may not even exists

We seem to enjoy all these worries
Thanks to the horrid life we live
In pursue of materialistic success
That beats us black and blue with
Doubts, fears, prejudices
Judgments, mistrusts
suspicion and defiance

YOU are at shore
LOVE is at shore
BELOVED is at shore
LOVER is at shore
I am at shore
YOU are at shore
We all are at shore

What has drifted along with
Our EGOIC thought is:
- Our humanity
- Our trust
- Our belief
- Our faith
- Our LOVE

True LOVE will never
Dispose, remove or eliminate

True LOVE will give you FREEDOM
True LOVE will set you FREE, liberated...
To bear, give birth, create
To establish, uphold and build
The stronger bays for
Our Souls at the shore
To give and receive LOVE
At the LOVE's shore

Brandon Sep 2011
I don’t even know where to begin
Possible I should start at the end
Where we are old and dead
Or at the very least lying on our death bed
Talking of our fond memories

Maybe a voiceover for the scenes of our laments
And flashbacks of the lives we lived

Did we do well in our deeds
Did we do badly in our mistrusts
Did we do all that we could do

Or did we just sit at home
Watch television as time passed us by
In cruel shades of silver, black, and white

What do we talk about
In our final moments
In our final breath

Do we pronounce our undying love

Or do we finally choose not to
Ignore our revulsion that festered in our bellies
Like growing infants long passed the due date

I choose to think
We’d speak of adoration
Because in this world
There’s already too much loathing to bear
And not enough love to dwell

Or maybe we do speak of the abhorrence
The contempt that never seemed to die away
From that first moment of infidelity
To the last shouted “I love you”
Shouted during one of those great big
Silent fights that we were known for

Suppose we spoke of both love and hate
Talked and narrated the past many years
In the few moments that we both still continue living

Our dying eyes gazing into the others extinction
A feeling of panic then euphoria overtakes us

And in our last gasping, final breath
I think I’ll tell you
That no matter what our history has produced
There’s no one I’d rather die with
Than you
Antony Glaser Apr 2022
she mistrusts the breeze,
the moon is going down the alcove,
come home there's a message in your head,
as sure as the lone tree,
promise your life away,
it was understood in a day
the silence of quietdom
plays the torture of lust.
Little girl wanders through the woods -
lost, shrunken, and barefoot
She leaves small holes in her wake,
Hansel and Gretel-ing a path of lost and unfound 

Little girl is searching for something
she buried and abandoned long ago
A pirate searching for hidden treasure
with no map and waning hope

Her heart
She knows it must be here
The one in her chest is wrong
It's too cold
and beats to a tune she's never heard
It reminds her of ravens
and their slow, melancholy flight
Far too unlike the sparrow's flutter
she was once so familiar with

Little girl has become frightened;
convinced this new heart will **** her
The honey in her veins has been replaced
with arsenic and vinegar and spite

Little girl needs her sparrow heart back,
feeling like a different person without it
She has no love or passion now
and mistrusts any kindness in others

Like an abused dog
The helping hand that cares
is a curled fist waiting to happen
and though she knows the saying,
she cannot help but to bite
Anyone who comes too close says,
"She's a good girl, but be careful
That one comes with a sharp wit
and a sharper bite"

Little girl grows more tired every day
She can't take much more of this;
of the endless search for something
that's too far gone to return

Little girl stands at the edge of the woods,
having admitted to herself a hard truth
She'll never get her old heart back, 
but this new one has potential if she let's it grow

On the edge,
with darkness behind and light ahead,
she's split on what to do
She looks ahead and knows
all she needs is water and sunlight
to help this new self bloom
She looks behind and knows
all she wants is a little more time
to remember who she was before
Moving forward is painful, but right
Going back is useless, but safe
Old heart or new?
All she needs to do is choose
Elijah Sep 2014
smell the serenity of his soul
his, that longs endearity
that disfigures infidelity
that mistrusts commonality
his soul is more that it meets the eye
speeded up like a love train when it sees you
you, where it gives the needed attention
the love and affection
where the fibre of thine heart is transfigured
off to your hiding place
where the fire will be made
through the transmigration to a beautiful soul.
Can you meet me halfway?
#love #soul
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
Little boy sits the Hill

He mistrusts the word "hero"
But it just must do

There are no Reaons

Only Feelings

Feelings of Love which he calls GOD


Troubled Times make for troubled Minds


He simply AWAITS


(All the DEATH doesn't make him afraid to DIE)


He follows his own breath in and out


Soon there'll  be others by his side


Soon they'll be lovers and the World will change



Little boy sits the Hill

Yes he sits there heroically
I live it wild and free
always going the extra mile
oh yes, I do it my way
in rock and roll poetry style

Making friends and enemies
hey, but that's a part of life
no more will I raise my sword
as now poetic words are my knife

I will twist my blade deep
I will make your soul bleed
I will do it with a smile
in rock and roll poetry style

Then I will be pure of kindness
show you my complete frustrations
with the lies of your kind in words
of my mistrusts of your pathetic nations

I mean to dunk you into waters deep
forever not just for a while
playing moving the stars
in rock and roll poetry style

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris

By NeonSolaris
© 2013 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Becky S Nov 2013
i turn back
and forth
in bed

a nostalgic
breeze comes
t  h  r  o  u  g  h
and en

i become numb

in my head

the summer air
is hot but i
am cold

i try closing my eyes

but the memories
keep me awake

your voice
stood out
from the
other guys

but dear
you’re some
thing i cannot

it’s hard to watch
the past as it
f   a   d   e   s
a  w  a  y

i built the
walls            l
around         l
my heart      e

you promised to
make me happy
each day

i held on for so
long but soon
fell a p
          a r

“how come you
didn’t stay?”

my heart mistrusts

and i wonder why
you gave up
on us
The formatting of this poem is a little messed up from my word doc but this is one of the first poems I've ever written for a school assignment.
kk Jan 2019
My relationship with mirrors is strained.
When I look I usually see what's probably
myself. I look better, probably, than before
when I slept no more than
3 hours every night
and spluttered through life
choking on words and stumbling over
Now all of that is merely a buzz
trampled by a maximum dosage of meds
that let me function in life
but make everything a bit numb.
I much prefer numbness to personal nihilism.
Other times when I look in the mirror I
don't see much of anything.
When I'm in public and
the innocent looming presence of others
threatens my mind's fragile ego,
I see them abstracted in my periphery,
their glinting knives of eyes
sparing me a passing glance
(She's just smiling politely,
but my skewed eyes glimpse
faux teeth and behind them gargled, ****** judgements. I don't judge the digust.)
and I skim over a transparency
of myself in the mirror.
Too bad I can't actually disappear.
(Or maybe I can.
But I try to stray a little farther from those thoughts.)
Sometimes I feel heartbreakingly
ugly in that mirror. Lonely. Unwanted.
Even with all those doting eyes on me.
I feel relied upon for something. To be
the one who makes them laugh. The one
who fills the silence. The one
who works hard even with setbacks.
(Do they even expect that of me? Or do I?)
in reality
I'm none of those things.
Not truly. Not really.
Theres always that tug of opposition in me,
that feeling of ingenuity, a touch of facade.
But I don't want them to see an ugly side.
The side that mistrusts violently,
that lies stagnant with thoughts screaming.
Clamming up in the face of oppressing quiet.
The side
that rears its head when
they look a little too close.
Maybe it's my truest self, that broken side.
I wouldn't know. There
are too many walls. I can't even break them
Or maybe I've broken them all,
but I'm blindfolded,
feeling around an abyss with my eyes
wide open,
vision obscured by skin-tight fabric.
I could just,
untie that knot behind my head,
spiral further and further down--
just to feel something else--
But it's safer in this uneasy emotion.
I dont know if I'll ever find myself in
the mirror again.
R L Doe Apr 2015
The feeling inside when you realize something you never had even thought before, and you feel so powerful. Feel so immune to the crushing hand of others. Feel as though no one could ever defeat you or take lead. You see they took something so precious from you, but you’ve forgiven them so easily due to the seeing of joy in them. Seeing that it truly has no face on you. You were not harmed, it had been a gift. You were set free, and you were lead onto the strongest path. You’ve taken the lead, and improved yourself. Become so much closer to success than the others, and had no struggles hold you down. No insecurities or mistrusts. You were forgiven by a Godlike force, perhaps God himself implying his own existence. No longer lead astray to confusion and complexity. With this pure simplicity that has been given from hard work, a good heart, and humility. You have won, and they have no yet reached a joyful mark. So set back by their own minds, so confused and unsatisfied in their own complexities. Knowing you no longer have to struggle with this worry, and dishonor of yourself. You are free to decide your own destiny, set free by them. Do not shield your own immunities.
Spring 2013
hannah Jul 2019
adderal fantasies
to sober up the
alcohol tragedies

boys puking out their guts
in attempt of healing
all their mistrusts

the black sky hued with vibrant colors
while all the kids in the truck could do was holler

i sat in the grass
watching my friends helplessly harass,
and i felt such shame
because all i wanted to do
was take the blame

the 6th of july,
and my heart was on high.
went to a 4th of july party. didn't touch a lick of alcohol cause i wanted my friends to be safe. my ex said i was immature. had a couple try and take me home. weird night
MT Browder Feb 2023
I will have
  no worries
    no pains
      no mistrusts
        no anxieties
          no problems
        the day after
      I die
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Be it discipline or desire but one’s determination can conquer any given goal with joyful jubilation, the hardihood of the human mind is unique in every way..willpower and moral fiber will triumph come what may

Self confidence is an accomplishment that alas is very rare, there are oh too many doubting Thomas’s in the crazy world out there.. if only one could believe in oneself then fullfilment would follow through for the victorious shelf..yet our mistrusts and misgivings are never that far away with a reluctancy of refusal to help us in dismay

Positivity with a zest and a zeal overthrows everything in the way one can feel..crushing negativity, those inner voices in our head.. and letting us look forward to a brighter future instead..only ourselves can achieve this end one’s destiny without remorse or regret
Arrow Of Love
Arrow of love when hits the sparrow
Smiling eyes attract with the charm
Beauty when travels on wheelbarrow
When when it spreads its warmth to warm
Cupid hits and Muse takes pride
Hand in hand this journey starts
Side by side with colorful ride
On minor distrust heart departs
Oh my beloved be my Muse
Invite Cupid with sheer sincerity
Love is sublime please don't confuse
Real relation with just vulgarity
Let the feelings flow up to brim
Be mine and make me the king
All distastes and mistrusts to trim
Please wear the engagement ring
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2015 Golden Glow

— The End —