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SophiaAtlas Oct 2021
I feel like Billie is HEAVILY inspired by MCR and Frank Iero.

Stomachaches = Album by Frank Iero
Bellyache = Song by Billie Eilish

"I'm Not Okay" = Lyrics/Song by MCR
"I'm not okay" = Lyrics from the song 'Listen Before I Go' by Billie Eilish

"I'm Okay" = Lyrics from the song 'I'm Not Okay' by MCR
"I'm Okay" = Lyrics from 'You Should See Me In A Crown' by Billie Eilish

Six Feet Down Under = Song by Frank Iero
Six Feet Under = Song by Billie Eilish

Don't you think so too?
SophiaAtlas Mar 2021
"Silly girl"
They say.

"How can you love a boy you've never met?"

My answer is always the same.

The boy I've never met has told me I'm beautiful so many times.

Never has anyone I actually know made me feel of such worth.
MCR saved me.
SophiaAtlas Dec 2021
I Don't Love You- Song by MCR
I Love You- Song by Billie Eilish

All the good girls go to heaven-Lyrics from the song This Is How I Disappear by MCR

All The Good Girls Go To Hell- Song by Billie Eilish
I felt you.
I, felt, You.
Before I even met you.
I had dreamed of you since the 90's
and never known it;
Through episodes of byker grove and Dawson's Creek,
I longed to be the rebel in the story,
and we would ******* into the sunset.

I felt you
In every GCSE and A-level result;
Elation and deflation of achievement,
which led to me to feel the same
in kissing one boy, whilst dating another,
like I was tasting ying-yang in my mouth
pretending it was double dip; sweet and sour,
and realising I never much liked sweets anyway.

I felt, you,
From the take-off at MCR
through the greyhound at NYC central station,
to the VIA rail stop at SBURY.
I felt you in the air of the smoking car,
in the hard ******* in the train toilets,
to falling in love with a twist I was never meant to curl.
And 10yrs later I can still tell you what that tasted like.

I felt you.
In every dance move I learnt to attract a beneficial gaze.
In each time my lover ****** me and left me.
When I was lost in textbooks
and I fell in love with the wrong type of girl;
And as she drowned me in champagne, and I ****** her with my eyes,
I felt, I was a fool for, you.

I felt you,
Each time the make-up *** started,
to when the bruises began to heal;
To when I walked away and became the hunter,
with my tequila shot eyes casting a weary bedroom glaze.
I felt you as I licked each shot glass clean through,
and put on my moves, snorted a line of gunpowder,
and ****** to the beat of the dance.

I felt you,
In every ***** I kissed,
Knelt on my knees, watching the time,
as ***, sweat and spit filled my mouth and nose,
and I thought thank god for that, when it was over,
and I got to light a cigarette,.
I felt you,
As she whispered, panting and hoarse,
'no-one's ever ****** me that good'

I felt you.
As I brought the girl home for the first time,
and she threw red wine round the flat
and ****** me like it was my birthday on the 4th of July whilst celebrating Holi.
She ******* made me that night.
She was ******, and she still tasted like water after getting lost in the desert.
In the red wine we drank, I felt you,
from the seed, to the sun, to the water, to the grape,
as you fell dripping down my throat.

I. Felt. You.
The first time a man undressed
in front of me and I blushed,
whilst running my tongue across my teeth, tasting lust and my heartbeat.
I felt you in each ******, each stare that wanted to slap me for *******, then **** me harder each time; in each bead of sweat that would be licked from my body, to the way I was smelt, to the look in his eyes
and each cup of tea we drank copiously throughout the night.
I felt you as a power was unleashed and surged throughout my body and mind in cruise control.

I felt you.
In everything I ever wanted in my teenage rebel dreams.
In everything I ever wanted in learning the bitter sweet crescendo of taste
In everything I ever wanted in a worldwide love affair.
In everything I ever wanted in a 5yr cocktail world with a dancing girl
In everything I ever learnt from a hidden bruise
In everything I ever wanted in salt, lime and a gunfight, stalking my prey
In everything I ever licked, ******, devoured and became a karmic bruise on my heart
In everything I ever found in the never-ending well of love and heartbreak
In everything I ever learnt about loving something that was broken.

I know this.
I felt it as you kissed me,
and I felt you move
like the universe was between us, within us
and we were joined once more,
by a lip's caress.
jack of spades Nov 2019
see, i've never been good at letting things die.
my heart has been fractured into all the fragments needed
to carry every single person that has ever laid it to waste,
ever made a home there.
if i just keep holding out hope, everyone will come back around,
right? i don't know how to guard my heart.
not when i never ask for the broken pieces back.
i don't know how to take people out of my life,
not without letting them take a piece of me
with them. what if they come home
one day? what if they don't?
owo whats this? a new hellopoetry post??
Ryan Apr 2018
The boy bellows his sound...screams loud
“come one come all the affair is now”
The words the nurse said ring hollow so dead
“Cancerous sores”
“Carry on carry on”
For he swears he’ll sleep no more
Night terrors are real and if he survives the fabulous killjoys will suffer no ones surprise
Ryan Apr 2018
To the end with him...dead
Dead he is...have you heard the news
So dead...dead
This is how I disappear he says
The sharpest lives and the sharpest wit
He welcomes you in, to a parade he claims will save us from our sins
I don’t know you from Adam
I don’t love you like a house of wolves
In the distance I hear him
He bellows his joy
He tells the injured to carry on carry on
I hate his voice
His blackened eyes his cancerous sores
Mama says sleep teenage boy
Disenchanted from his famous last words
To carry on carry on
Blood on all the walls
**** all your friends
Heaven help us
My way home is through you
You fabulous killjoys
The black parade
julianna Aug 2019
Tell me what to do.

I never write about anybody else
But me.

I can’t forget everything and anything.
It’s all or nothing.
All or nothing.

Black & white.
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
I listen to my music,
secluded and alone,
rocking out to MCR
and Black Veil Brides
Watching and waiting
for a chance to say 'hey'
Loving how I exist in
only the music world
Wake up to fell let down
buy family and 'friends'
and looking at you smile
every morning is killing me
more then it should,
making me want more BOTDF,
jamming to all the trule in those lines
Invocation May 2014
wantlikejustfeelwayhandknowpaintimeworldlovenightthinkalrig­htstopgoingwon'titchheartfasterlongeatgoodbreathingsmokedarklivin­gsoulwomensayokayrunohspacecoldsleepcloseblacktattoomushroomsself­truthpreferheavylostlongertodayfeedlatedrugs mean days hunger fine weight hair drawn teacher shaking promise bed feeling leave times spinning keeps songs *** abyss cares terrible tried bring bad voice laughter hurt gave guess apathy you've blood skin life left aware little away they're strength things hate doesn't whiskey pulsing ended breath returned men eyes inch turn hold kiss lips pull look joe control warming blame footsteps stuffed shroud shows horizons moral engulf someday understand stops blushing hush decide weapon describing pattern lover solace confident carefree addicted expect lucid absent appeal laying cleaning banished screaming honest diligent scrape disillusioned loneliness splitting stitch grief closer hug science animals smoking collars bud guilt rhythm steals company offered accepting **** bottles lend weather birthday exists ignored cooking admire tough darling mere steal knife affection lap wayside silently passes vision uncertainty guilty vivid bonfires recall hated instinct disaster madness hungry lyrics escape pains ******* necklace halt routines adopt invaded evolved spaghetti antisocial stash proximity manifestation vying comics eyeliner stashed flannels inked successfully batman spiderman faceless vibrato attentions skylines tattoos joker legion sanguine teetering unrequited complications artwork auras logos brother's shakira all-encompassing can- michelle's 15 18th m83 mcr dissmisser's blesser's terribleaspect voidof nobody's soul's day's fellers skewing fran dumbed underdogs gaming skype unshowered she's aren't what's they'll let's sinartra coagulate swallowing ammunition heartbeat ideas affirmation beard tempo brink slows gloat deer lace studded require throbs believes spectrum detached crescendos cheer favor foundations tugging forgiving ablaze gentlemen extended falseness convinced beasts normality saturday
SophiaAtlas Mar 2021
F is for Fall Out Boy, who saved rock and roll.
U is for Brendon Urie
Here in our emo community.
Matt gonzales Mar 2015
People always say everything is temporary and thats what my happiness is like. you see my happiness and depression are polar opposites my depression looms over me like a storm while my happiness is like the little rays of sunlight that break through the storm every once in a while.
well you see i have compiled a list of things that qualify as “my happy”
My happy is when i can eat an entire ******* chocolate cake and not feel like a total fat *** afterwards
My happy is falling in love with a band or artist music and listening to them no stop for a entire ******* month.
My happy is finding a good anime and binge watching in a entire night
My happy Is finding a book and reading it within a day.
My happy is when you invite me over to your house to play with your cat.
My happy is a cup of tea in the morning

My happy is when I play pokemon
My happy is when im driving down the highway at 70 miles per hour with the window rolled down blasting  MCR
My happy  is when i can pull my self from the sheets of my bed that are weighing me down to go and take on the day.
My happy is when I chase the dragons smoke and it  engulfs my lungs with a hug like a relative who is visiting out of town.
My happy is the day i will wake up and the other side of my bed wont be empty reminding me that I’m always alone
My happy is when I down my pills that take away the pain.
My happy is when I am up in my glass castle in the sky where nothing can touch me or hurt me.

but you see the thing is its only temporary then I come crashing down like a angle that has just defied god.
as I lay in the shattered pieces of my castles memories of happiness reflect off the glass like movies that I can only watch but never truly live.
My happy is when I can go through the day without ever wondering whats the worst possible thing that could happen to me.

My happy is knowing that I made it this far.
See the thing is I saw my self not making it because I thought i was going to be in a body bag at the age of 15 with my wrist slit and have some ****** funeral service where people whispered lies over my casket like “i wish i got to know him better”

My happy is knowing that I will leave this town in five months time
My happy is knowing that I will never get to see your face again.
My happy is knowing that I will never have to deal with high school again.
My happy is knowing that I will someday find that permanent  happiness
Thomas Aug 2016
My sister tells me my mom hits her when no ones around,
It's her way of expressing how she feels,
My sister was the "surprise" of the family,
And the punching bag to my mother who uses her as an outlet of her inability to understand her daughter,
How can I do something to stop her,
Yet alone say something to stand up for even myself,
I feel like a ****** tiny *** shield that's absolutely useless for protection,
I try to stand up for my sister,
Try to save her from her ever collapsing mind of depression,
While my parents try to invade her mind with religious propaganda,
I feel like a crutch for my sister that's to short but still supports her enough for her to carry on another day,
I don't talk to her about much,
She just needs someone there while she listens to TØP, FOB, BVB, MCR, etc.
While reciting every single verse by heart shaking from the emotion of the songs,
I'm not that brother who sits there and nods my head pretending to listen to bands she's trying to get me to remember,
I'm the brother who would rather remember the names of every band member of every band she trying to get me to remember,
Rather than have her sitting alone in her room having an anxiety attack wondering and thinking about everything,

I might not be as smart as her,
Or even close to understanding her,
But the one thing I get from me being her big brother is when she needs me,
Even if it's for some stupid reason,
There is nothing,
Absolutely nothing that would stop me from being there for her,
For my little sis. ❤️

Love you always.
SophiaAtlas Oct 2021
Am I a person...
...or am I just a bunch of MCR lyrics glued together...??
A thought that I had
Dylan Lane May 2015
Dear, please, listen to what I’m saying I know you don’t want to hear me say that I care. Sweetheart, don’t convince yourself that you are anything but lovely, please don’t let your skin become a sheet of paper but if you do, please come to me and let me see and let me hold you and let me fix it. My dear, your hair is wild, reaching up for the sky trying to fly you away but please never think that it is only prevented by the number on the scale, please never listen to protruding ribcages and Cassie Ainsworth. Darling, you do not need to love yourself in order to have other people love you, and anyone who truly loves you will help you learn to love your own sweet self. And sweetness, your kiss is like chocolate and your fingertips are like sunshine, your tears are like icicles that fall from the roof and every drop that soaks into your bedspread is like an icy dagger pressing against my chest. Baby, you put on your armor- your MCR t-shirt, your crop-top, your baggy jeans, your thrift-store hoodie, your high-waisted shorts. Put on that armor my love because nobody should ever make you feel bad for feeling good. Everything passing through that beautiful head of yours is worthy, valid, real.
everything you are is something for me to love.
kain Dec 2019
This has been a rough few week
Hah, more like months
Why are we dancing like this
Spinning 'round in circles
Never touching, never leaving
I can't be the only one who's tired of this

But can you imagine a life
Where we finally meet
Touch in the middle
Fall in love
I know that isn't me
But it could be

In a world where I'm strong
Where I can make you laugh
Sit in the back
Smiling and flash peace signs
Laughing in the halls
Would you still walk me to class
Hold my hand if I asked
I can imagine you when you drive
Screeching and dramatic
Blasting Boy Division and
Eyes glued to the road

We don't talk about serious things
In normal places
Words slip out into
Normal conversations
Bleeding from the edges
Are we closer now
Or further away

I have a lot of questions for you
That I'll never ask
Like if I'm good enough
If you could ever even love me
Why you asked about my boyfriend
And decided to confide
In the middle
Of a highschool cafeteria
It's not that I mind
I just want to ask why

Tomorrow, I won't see you
Will we still talk
Or will a silence fall
Like the snow that won't come
And deafen us forever
Will I sit with you again
Laugh with all your friends
You seemed happy enough
Was that what you wanted all along
Do you do what I do

Can you ever fall asleep
On a cloudy afternoon
Would you wake up
If I asked you to
If the sun was rising
From behind the clouds
If the blinds weren't down
Would you let me
Hold your hamster
And what was with those eyes
When I said the only thing I want
Is someone to sing
The other half
Of Promiscuous with me
Were you thinking about it
When you asked me to put you on my shoulders
At the MCR concert
What did you mean
When you said we'd go to a break room
For your birthday party
Who else would be there
I can't imagine
It'd just be me

And if we do meet
What does that mean
Can I pet your hair
Pick you up and run
While you struggle and giggle
And not quite scream
What did you mean
When you said your best friend was emo
Did you mean me
You were looking at me
Am I the closest thing you have
To a friend at this point
What happened last year
I can see you flunking
But not without reason
Who are you
Beneath all of your clothes
What made you this way
Who shaped you
Into the being
You are today

Can we lift sometime
Go to a shop
I can body block
Or maybe just hit the road
Complain about my family's
Unspiced plain taco meat
It's not my fault
They are like that
You know that too
I like that

Would you listen to a song
If I sent it to you
And I know that there's
A reason you left the friend group
Are you worth giving up
Everybody else
Something in me screams
That you just might be
And what if we do
What if we end up
In rural New Jersey
Driving up for the weekends
Or down to your apartment
To stay up and sleep in
Would you lay next to me
Stay up with me
Read and talk and ***** to me
Would you be everything I need

I couldn't be yours forever
I wouldn't be yours at all
And I can see you
With that stupid, self satisfied half smile
Hands on your hips
Content to let me
Be my own person
Yeah, I can see that
I can feel the rise and fall of your chest
Maybe we'll roadtrip
With your old friends who smoke ****
They could drive
Stay up all night
You'd fall asleep on me in the backseat
No stops in town
Just gas stations
And fields of grey grasses
Your friend would download
Really bad movies
Play them on an iPad
Propped up on the dashboard
Feet up, head back
Singing that life's just like that
We could pull over
To the side of the road
Get out, stretch our weary limbs
I can see you squatting down
Picking up rocks and stones
I wouldn't kiss you then
Maybe wouldn't ever
But I'd watch your back
Would you watch me back
Would you watch me too

Would you look in my eyes
And see something other
Than the standard grey blue
Would you find religion
In my hands and fingers
I hope you wouldn't
I don't want you to
Would you appraise my body
As just another creature
A vessel for my soul
And would you care
Would you stand with me
When it mattered
Or would you walk away

Would things be the same
As they were at the start
Shaking hands
Sitting on the floor, reading books
Swinging at the park
Maybe I know you now
What you're doing
Walking past me
Never looking back at me
You want me to follow you
Through highs and lows
Thick and thin
And I can't chase you forever
I don't even want to

But you saw something in me
You answered me
You remembered
National Emo Day
You asked me to play drums
While you played bass
You asked me what I thought
About your hair
You showed me your dogs
Texted me about bands
And I think you meant it
When you shook my hand
Greeted me
Asked to meet with me
Didn't ignore me
On the first day back
Even when you saw your friends
You sat outside in the cold
Rejected the good table
And put up with me
Even when my jokes didn't land
And I stepped on your toes
Crossed your lines
Wasted your time

So do you sleep in the light
Do you think there's a heaven
After this life
What happened with your parents
Where do you want to go
Have you ever loved someone
Do I really want to know
Who was that one ex
The one even skinnier than me
Will you laugh while I cry
Or will you look away from me
Are your scared of being broken
Or far past ready to break
Do you want to fall in love right now
Or will I have to wait
This is really long. Songs: "Boy Division" by My Chemical Romance, "Promiscuous" by Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland.
kain Aug 2019
I met someone today
With cute black clothes
And a long trench coat
We walked to the park
To sit on the swings
We talked as we watched
All the cars in the street
She told me all her stories
Of almost being arrested
For smoking ****
So why does every cute girl
And every edgy guy
Have to get high
And listen to MCR
Where are my preppy goths
My ****** band members
Because I'm just a punk
Who doesn't do drugs
And wants some friends
My parents won't hate
I have no problem with people living their own lives and getting high in public parks. However, my parents aren't so accepting. Also... MCR? That's it? K.
SophiaAtlas Dec 2020
Roses are red
Violets are gay
MCR broke up
Im Not Okay
(I Promise)
SophiaAtlas Dec 2020
The last song MCR sang together live before they broke up was Helena. So that means the last lyrics they sang together were,
"So long and goodnight.".   :(
Vic Jan 2020
I don't love you - MCR

Well, when you go
So never think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way
When after all this time that you still owe
You're still a good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get out
Baby, get out while you can
When you go
And would you even turn to say
I don't love you like I did yesterday
Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you down and out
Is where you oughta stay
And after all the blood that you still owe
Another time was just another blow
So fix your eyes and get up
Baby, get up while you can
When you go
And would you even turn to say
I don't love you like I did yesterday
Well, come on, come on
When you go
Would you have the guts to say
"I don't love you like I loved you yesterday"
I don't love you like I loved you yesterday
I don't love you like I loved you yesterday
A poem every day.
Battery Sep 2020
'm scrolling endlessly
through an MCR album
when really I live
In an Osbourne Vinyl
I'm Old school
though I'm still young
I have a walkman
and know what a VHS is
(I own one)
I'm not Modern Emo
I belong in the '90s
Or maybe the roaring '20s
I don't drink
but I'm depressed
I love corsets
and wear them often
I get weird looks
and keep on jamming
to my Ozzy and my Journey
down this Golden Brick Road

— The End —