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un sauce de cristal, un chopo de agua,
un alto surtidor que el viento arquea,
un árbol bien plantado mas danzante,
un caminar de río que se curva,
avanza, retrocede, da un rodeo
y llega siempre:
                          un caminar tranquilo
de estrella o primavera sin premura,
agua que con los párpados cerrados
mana toda la noche profecías,
unánime presencia en oleaje,
ola tras ola hasta cubrirlo todo,
verde soberanía sin ocaso
como el deslumbramiento de las alas
cuando se abren en mitad del cielo,

un caminar entre las espesuras
de los días futuros y el aciago
fulgor de la desdicha como un ave
petrificando el bosque con su canto
y las felicidades inminentes
entre las ramas que se desvanecen,
horas de luz que pican ya los pájaros,
presagios que se escapan de la mano,

una presencia como un canto súbito,
como el viento cantando en el incendio,
una mirada que sostiene en vilo
al mundo con sus mares y sus montes,
cuerpo de luz filtrada por un ágata,
piernas de luz, vientre de luz, bahías,
roca solar, cuerpo color de nube,
color de día rápido que salta,
la hora centellea y tiene cuerpo,
el mundo ya es visible por tu cuerpo,
es transparente por tu transparencia,

voy entre galerías de sonidos,
fluyo entre las presencias resonantes,
voy por las transparencias como un ciego,
un reflejo me borra, nazco en otro,
oh bosque de pilares encantados,
bajo los arcos de la luz penetro
los corredores de un otoño diáfano,

voy por tu cuerpo como por el mundo,
tu vientre es una plaza soleada,
tus pechos dos iglesias donde oficia
la sangre sus misterios paralelos,
mis miradas te cubren como yedra,
eres una ciudad que el mar asedia,
una muralla que la luz divide
en dos mitades de color durazno,
un paraje de sal, rocas y pájaros
bajo la ley del mediodía absorto,

vestida del color de mis deseos
como mi pensamiento vas desnuda,
voy por tus ojos como por el agua,
los tigres beben sueño en esos ojos,
el colibrí se quema en esas llamas,
voy por tu frente como por la luna,
como la nube por tu pensamiento,
voy por tu vientre como por tus sueños,

tu falda de maíz ondula y canta,
tu falda de cristal, tu falda de agua,
tus labios, tus cabellos, tus miradas,
toda la noche llueves, todo el día
abres mi pecho con tus dedos de agua,
cierras mis ojos con tu boca de agua,
sobre mis huesos llueves, en mi pecho
hunde raíces de agua un árbol líquido,

voy por tu talle como por un río,
voy por tu cuerpo como por un bosque,
como por un sendero en la montaña
que en un abismo brusco se termina,
voy por tus pensamientos afilados
y a la salida de tu blanca frente
mi sombra despeñada se destroza,
recojo mis fragmentos uno a uno
y prosigo sin cuerpo, busco a tientas,

corredores sin fin de la memoria,
puertas abiertas a un salón vacío
donde se pudren todos los veranos,
las joyas de la sed arden al fondo,
rostro desvanecido al recordarlo,
mano que se deshace si la toco,
cabelleras de arañas en tumulto
sobre sonrisas de hace muchos años,

a la salida de mi frente busco,
busco sin encontrar, busco un instante,
un rostro de relámpago y tormenta
corriendo entre los árboles nocturnos,
rostro de lluvia en un jardín a oscuras,
agua tenaz que fluye a mi costado,
busco sin encontrar, escribo a solas,
no hay nadie, cae el día, cae el año,
caigo con el instante, caigo a fondo,
invisible camino sobre espejos
que repiten mi imagen destrozada,
piso días, instantes caminados,
piso los pensamientos de mi sombra.
piso mi sombra en busca de un instante,

busco una fecha viva como un pájaro,
busco el sol de las cinco de la tarde
templado por los muros de tezontle:
la hora maduraba sus racimos
y al abrirse salían las muchachas
de su entraña rosada y se esparcían
por los patios de piedra del colegio,
alta como el otoño caminaba
envuelta por la luz bajo la arcada
y el espacio al ceñirla la vestía
de una piel más dorada y transparente,

tigre color de luz, pardo venado
por los alrededores de la noche,
entrevista muchacha reclinada
en los balcones verdes de la lluvia,
adolescente rostro innumerable,
he olvidado tu nombre, Melusina,
Laura, Isabel, Perséfona, María,
tienes todos los rostros y ninguno,
eres todas las horas y ninguna,
te pareces al árbol y a la nube,
eres todos los pájaros y un astro,
te pareces al filo de la espada
y a la copa de sangre del verdugo,
yedra que avanza, envuelve y desarraiga
al alma y la divide de sí misma,

escritura del fuego sobre el jade,
grieta en la roca, reina de serpientes,
columna de vapor, fuente en la peña,
circo lunar, peñasco de las águilas,
grano de anís, espina diminuta
y mortal que da penas inmortales,
pastora de los valles submarinos
y guardiana del valle de los muertos,
liana que cuelga del cantil del vértigo,
enredadera, planta venenosa,
flor de resurrección, uva de vida,
señora de la flauta y del relámpago,
terraza del jazmín, sal en la herida,
ramo de rosas para el fusilado,
nieve en agosto, luna del patíbulo,
escritura del mar sobre el basalto,
escritura del viento en el desierto,
testamento del sol, granada, espiga,

rostro de llamas, rostro devorado,
adolescente rostro perseguido
años fantasmas, días circulares
que dan al mismo patio, al mismo muro,
arde el instante y son un solo rostro
los sucesivos rostros de la llama,
todos los nombres son un solo nombre,
todos los rostros son un solo rostro,
todos los siglos son un solo instante
y por todos los siglos de los siglos
cierra el paso al futuro un par de ojos,

no hay nada frente a mí, sólo un instante
rescatado esta noche, contra un sueño
de ayuntadas imágenes soñado,
duramente esculpido contra el sueño,
arrancado a la nada de esta noche,
a pulso levantado letra a letra,
mientras afuera el tiempo se desboca
y golpea las puertas de mi alma
el mundo con su horario carnicero,

sólo un instante mientras las ciudades,
los nombres, los sabores, lo vivido,
se desmoronan en mi frente ciega,
mientras la pesadumbre de la noche
mi pensamiento humilla y mi esqueleto,
y mi sangre camina más despacio
y mis dientes se aflojan y mis ojos
se nublan y los días y los años
sus horrores vacíos acumulan,

mientras el tiempo cierra su abanico
y no hay nada detrás de sus imágenes
el instante se abisma y sobrenada
rodeado de muerte, amenazado
por la noche y su lúgubre bostezo,
amenazado por la algarabía
de la muerte vivaz y enmascarada
el instante se abisma y penetra,
como un puño se cierra, como un fruto
que madura hacia dentro, echa raíces,
crece dentro de mí, me ocupa todo,
me expulsa el follaje delirante,
mis pensamientos sólo son sus pájaros
su mercurio circula por mis venas,
árbol mental, frutos sabor de tiempo,

oh vida por vivir y ya vivida,
tiempo que vuelve en una marejada
y se retira sin volver el rostro,
lo que pasó no fue pero está siendo
y silenciosamente desemboca
en otro instante que se desvanece:

frente a la tarde de salitre y piedra
armada de navajas invisibles
una roja escritura indescifrable
escribes en mi piel y esas heridas
como un traje de llamas me recubren,
ardo sin consumirme, busco el agua
y en tus ojos no hay agua, son de piedra,
y tus pechos, tu vientre, tus caderas
son de piedra, tu boca sabe a polvo,
tu boca sabe a tiempo emponzoñado,
tu cuerpo sabe a pozo sin salida,
pasadizo de espejos que repiten
los ojos del sediento, pasadizo
que vuelve siempre al punto de partida,
y tú me llevas ciego de la mano
por esas galerías obstinadas
hacia el centro del círculo y te yergues
como un fulgor que se congela en hacha,
como luz que desuella, fascinante
como el cadalso para el condenado,
flexible como el látigo y esbelta
como un arma gemela de la luna,
y tus palabras afiladas cavan
mi pecho y me despueblan y vacían,
uno a uno me arrancas los recuerdos,
he olvidado mi nombre, mis amigos
gruñen entre los cerdos o se pudren
comidos por el sol en un barranco,

no hay nada en mí sino una larga herida,
una oquedad que ya nadie recorre,
presente sin ventanas, pensamiento
que vuelve, se repite, se refleja
y se pierde en su misma transparencia,
conciencia traspasada por un ojo
que se mira mirarse hasta anegarse
de claridad:
                  yo vi tu atroz escama,
melusina, brillar verdosa al alba,
dormías enroscada entre las sábanas
y al despertar gritaste como un pájaro
y caíste sin fin, quebrada y blanca,
nada quedó de ti sino tu grito,
y la cabo de los siglos me descubro
con tos y mala vista, barajando
viejas fotos:
                    no hay nadie, no eres nadie,
un montón de ceniza y una escoba,
un cuchillo mellado y un plumero,
un pellejo colgado de unos huesos,
un racimo ya seco, un hoyo *****
y en el fondo del hoy los dos ojos
de una niña ahogada hace mil años,

miradas enterradas en un pozo,
miradas que nos ven desde el principio,
mirada niña de la madre vieja
que ve en el hijo grande su padre joven,
mirada madre de la niña sola
que ve en el padre grande un hijo niño,
miradas que nos miran desde el fondo
de la vida y son trampas de la muerte
-¿o es al revés: caer en esos ojos
es volver a la vida verdadera?,

¡caer, volver, soñarme y que me sueñen
otros ojos futuros, otra vida,
otras nubes, morirme de otra muerte!
-esta noche me basta, y este instante
que no acaba de abrirse y revelarme
dónde estuve, quién fui, cómo te llamas,
cómo me llamo yo:
                              ¿hacía planes
para el verano -y todos los veranos-
en Christopher Street, hace diez años,
con Filis que tenía dos hoyuelos
donde veían luz los gorriones?,
¿por la Reforma Carmen me decía
"no pesa el aire, aquí siempre es octubre",
o se lo dijo a otro que he perdido
o yo lo invento y nadie me lo ha dicho?,
¿caminé por la noche de Oaxaca,
inmensa y verdinegra como un árbol,
hablando solo como el viento loco
y al llegar a mi cuarto -siempre un cuarto-
no me reconocieron los espejos?,
¿desde el hotel Vernet vimos al alba
bailar con los castaños - "ya es muy tarde"
decías al peinarte y yo veía
manchas en la pared, sin decir nada?,
¿subimos juntos a la torre, vimos
caer la tarde desde el arrecife?,
¿comimos uvas en Bidart?, ¿compramos
gardenias en Perote?,
                                  nombres, sitios,
calles y calles, rostros, plazas, calles,
estaciones, un parque, cuartos solos,
manchas en la pared, alguien se peina,
alguien canta a mi lado, alguien se viste,
cuartos, lugares, calles, nombres, cuartos,

Madrid, 1937,
en la Plaza del Ángel las mujeres
cosían y cantaban con sus hijos,
después sonó la alarma y hubo gritos,
casas arrodilladas en el polvo,
torres hendidas, frentes escupidas
y el huracán de los motores, fijo:
los dos se desnudaron y se amaron
por defender nuestra porción eterna,
nuestra ración de tiempo y paraíso,
tocar nuestra raíz y recobrarnos,
recobrar nuestra herencia arrebatada
por ladrones de vida hace mil siglos,
los dos se desnudaron y besaron
porque las desnudeces enlazadas
saltan el tiempo y son invulnerables,
nada las toca, vuelven al principio,
no hay tú ni yo, mañana, ayer ni nombres,
verdad de dos en sólo un cuerpo y alma,
oh ser total...
                      cuartos a la deriva
entre ciudades que se van a pique,
cuartos y calles, nombres como heridas,
el cuarto con ventanas a otros cuartos
con el mismo papel descolorido
donde un hombre en camisa lee el periódico
o plancha una mujer; el cuarto claro
que visitan las ramas del durazno;
el otro cuarto: afuera siempre llueve
y hay un patio y tres niños oxidados;
cuartos que son navíos que se mecen
en un golfo de luz; o submarinos:
el silencio se esparce en olas verdes,
todo lo que tocamos fosforece;
mausoleos del lujo, ya roídos
los retratos, raídos los tapetes;
trampas, celdas, cavernas encantadas,
pajareras y cuartos numerados,
todos se transfiguran, todos vuelan,
cada moldura es nube, cada puerta
da al mar, al campo, al aire, cada mesa
es un festín; cerrados como conchas
el tiempo inútilmente los asedia,
no hay tiempo ya, ni muro: ¡espacio, espacio,
abre la mano, coge esta riqueza,
corta los frutos, come de la vida,
tiéndete al pie del árbol, bebe el agua!,

todo se transfigura y es sagrado,
es el centro del mundo cada cuarto,
es la primera noche, el primer día,
el mundo nace cuando dos se besan,
gota de luz de entrañas transparentes
el cuarto como un fruto se entreabre
o estalla como un astro taciturno
y las leyes comidas de ratones,
las rejas de papel, las alambradas,
los timbres y las púas y los pinchos,
el sermón monocorde de las armas,
el escorpión meloso y con bonete,
el tigre con chistera, presidente
del Club Vegetariano y la Cruz Roja,
el burro pedagogo, el cocodrilo
metido a redentor, padre de pueblos,
el Jefe, el tiburón, el arquitecto
del porvenir, el cerdo uniformado,
el hijo predilecto de la Iglesia
que se lava la negra dentadura
con el agua bendita y toma clases
de inglés y democracia, las paredes
invisible, las máscaras podridas
que dividen al hombre de los hombres,
al hombre de sí mismo,
                                      se derrumban
por un instante inmenso y vislumbramos
nuestra unidad perdida, el desamparo
que es ser hombres, la gloria que es ser hombres
y compartir el pan, el sol, la muerte,
el olvidado asombro de estar vivos;

amar es combatir, si dos se besan
el mundo cambia, encarnan los deseos,
el pensamiento encarna, brotan alas
en las espaldas del esclavo, el mundo
es real y tangible, el vino es vino,
el pan vuelve a saber, el agua es agua,
amar es combatir, es abrir puertas,
dejar de ser fantasma con un número
a perpetua cadena condenado
por un amo sin rostro;
                                    el mundo cambia
si dos se miran y se reconocen,
amar es desnudarse de los nombres:
"déjame ser tu puta", son palabras
de Eloísa, mas él cedió a las leyes,
la tomó por esposa y como premio
lo castraron después;
                                    mejor el crimen,
los amantes suicidas, el incesto
de los hermanos como dos espejos
enamorados de su semejanza,
mejor comer el pan envenenado,
el adulterio en lechos de ceniza,
los amores feroces, el delirio,
su yedra ponzoñosa, el sodomita
que lleva por clavel en la solapa
un gargajo, mejor ser lapidado
en las plazas que dar vuelta a la noria
que exprime la sustancia de la vida,
cambia la eternidad en horas huecas,
los minutos en cárceles, el tiempo
en monedas de cobre y mierda abstracta;

mejor la castidad, flor invisible
que se mece en los tallos del silencio,
el difícil diamante de los santos
que filtra los deseos, sacia al tiempo,
nupcias de la quietud y el movimiento,
canta la soledad en su corola,
pétalo de cristal es cada hora,
el mundo se despoja de sus máscaras
y en su centro, vibrante transparencia,
lo que llamamos Dios, el ser sin nombre,
se contempla en la nada, el ser sin rostro
emerge de sí mismo, sol de soles,
plenitud de presencias y de nombres;

sigo mi desvarío, cuartos, calles,
camino a tientas por los corredores
del tiempo y subo y bajo sus peldaños
y sus paredes palpo y no me muevo,
vuelvo adonde empecé, busco tu rostro,
camino por las calles de mí mismo
bajo un sol sin edad, y tú a mi lado
caminas como un árbol, como un río,
creces como una espiga entre mis manos,
lates como una ardilla entre mis manos,
vuelas como mil pájaros, tu risa
me ha cubierto de espumas, tu cabeza
es un astro pequeño entre mis manos,
el mundo reverdece si sonríes
comiendo una naranja,
                                    el mundo cambia
si dos, vertiginosos y enlazados,
caen sobre la yerba: el cielo baja,
los árboles ascienden, el espacio
sólo es luz y silencio, sólo espacio
abierto para el águila del ojo,
pasa la blanca tribu de las nubes,
rompe amarras el cuerpo, zarpa el alma,
perdemos nuestros nombres y flotamos
a la deriva entre el azul y el verde,
tiempo total donde no pasa nada
sino su propio transcurrir dichoso,

no pasa nada, callas, parpadeas
(silencio: cruzó un ángel este instante
grande como la vida de cien soles),
¿no pasa nada, sólo un parpadeo?
-y el festín, el destierro, el primer crimen,
la quijada del asno, el ruido opaco
y la mirada incrédula del muerto
al caer en el llano ceniciento,
Agamenón y su mugido inmenso
y el repetido grito de Casandra
más fuerte que los gritos de las olas,
Sócrates en cadenas (el sol nace,
morir es despertar: "Critón, un gallo
a Esculapio, ya sano de la vida"),
el chacal que diserta entre las ruinas
de Nínive, la sombra que vio Bruto
antes de la batalla, Moctezuma
en el lecho de espinas de su insomnio,
el viaje en la carreta hacia la muerte
-el viaje interminable mas contado
por Robespierre minuto tras minuto,
la mandíbula rota entre las manos-,
Churruca en su barrica como un trono
Bowedbranches Apr 2020
My sweet
His eyes look up at me with sorry sighs
Those sorry’s cry,
A puddle of gluttonous goodbyes
Poured into your sight
Expression crept upon a still face
Still facing your ‘just waits’
Your ‘too lates’
Take a leap of faith-
It might be worth it
Karmen Oct 2018
writing comes like lightning
I'm fighting this writing
tired of wanting to explain things out
I feel more like im drowning
cause knowing you aren't all right
got me staying up every night .
its night out, all alone out
tryna block these thoughts out
pause the flashback of the last call we had
the feelings that flowed out
your heart out to reveal
hit me like lightening
some sort of frightening beauty
it has me sinking
not knowing how I should be thinking
ive wanted this for a long while now ,
and not ever receiving was little pleasing
so excuse me for shrieking
this apology wasn't anything I thought id be getting
you've made me drown  more than known
sinking further in a world of fucken dumb love
you are what I hate when I love , love when I hate
does that even make sense
you make me be better then okay
not many are lucky to say
I know you don't believe me
but it is your world, im lucky to be living in it
your world and lucky I had a chance to be in it.
year gone now I don't know what to say
im not better off , im a disaster since we fell off
life just feels wrong and its taking me on
im trying to stay strong
wish you would only call
then I could keep on
not move on cause I hold onto your flame strong
I know its dumb
but ima be here even if it takes forver long
cause I meant it when I said
ill always be here
even not near
you got me on my feet
can even be a buttdial without a speak
youll have me at my peak
quick away  from weak
just think
you could assist me from this lightning steak
cause im almost knocked out off my feet
waiting to take leave
if we never get to speak
so please
message me when you read
and tell me I better chill before you leave
or you know what I mean at least
too much feel to put words for all that's gone on
Chuck Jan 2015
There are three major stages of the English Language
According to historians and linguists alike

There is Old English when Beowulf defeated Grendel
And Middle English when Shakespeare birthed his sonnets
Finally, Modern English when Harry Potter spun his magic

However, I believe historians and linguists
Will say we are now in the midst of a fourth

I like to believe we are part of the history of language
But what will it be called? Tecno English or Neotext English?
IDK, but u will c um right. Just :) and $ me lates #stagesofenglish
I truly believe we have to be in another stage of English from the industrial revolution and on. Think about how many new words have been created. Yes, even text talk may be standard someday. It is a tough time to be an English teacher. :) But I love the language.
Meka Boyle Sep 2013
God is watching from beneath a department store window display:
Six floors lined head to toe with glass sheets and metal dividers,
Holding up the paper town- a city hall
Of half off summer sales.
The translucent sheets encompass the cold air conditioned empty space
That seeps in between the wheels of rolling racks, and pushes up
Against the impenetrable windows
That reflect the ash tray gray office buildings,
Looming in the backdrop
Square cubicles full of 9-5 daydreams
And lukewarm non-fat lates,
The iridescent shimmer of the dark exterior
Casts a shadow over the entire block,
Dancing in the reflection
Of a little Asian girl three floors up
Running in between the clothing racks-
Pitter pattering above the ceiling of a five star
Macy's restaurant
Packed with narrow tables and people
Alone and comfortable:
A spectacle to anyone across the street
Brave enough to look up.
Is this what the world has become?
Row after row of sorry complacency:
30% off signs and colorful adds
Drop into a diner waiting room;
The black-clad waiter paces back
And forth, oblivious that his every movement
Is being observed by someone perched on a ***** step of union square.
Safety comes in numbers,
And we forget ourselves
To the dull drone of elevator music
And neon ceiling lights projecting onto
Our downcast eyes.
Slouched against a fashionably bare
White metal chair, at a white table with white walls,
Echo the same vibrato of an asylum.
Arms bent over your head,
Brown rumpled shirt and blue jeans,
Who is watching who?
You look out of the window, just the way
The elderly man in the green vest does,
Two stories up,
The same ***** square glares back at you,
As a few teenage boys take a picture
Of the very architecture you are having
Your overpriced conversation and lunch of some sort of past.
The observer is also the observed,
And nothing goes unnoticed
Except the spectacle, itself.
Hand in hand, we carry our insecurities to the mall
And let them wander off on their own
As long as they're back by 3pm
And haven't done anything drastic
That would betray us.
Comfortability and conformity dance across the sleek walls of the Cheesecake Factory
As a homeless man drags his feet across the littered floor below,
Angrily sighing as stops and darts his eyes
Quickly scanning the moving forms within the indifferent architecture,
Before he abruptly picks up pace
And carries on.
The best view in the city:
A roof top full of anxious visitors
Who only look out over the top,
Afraid to look down and see themselves
In the reflection of the face
Of a blurred and changing crowd,
Hurrying away from now
Avoiding eye contact and fiddling with their jackets.
Paul Sands Mar 2015
no more rush for the factory gates

or bleary welcomes after whistle led race

no longer the shouts of “what shift you on mate?”

and befuddled replies “earlies, no, lates!”

the comforting throng of familial mass

at the end of each day that held no disgrace

when a days hard work meant a days earned pay

something they somehow forgot to replace

as our livelihoods fled to cheaper climes

and our citadels of labour fell rotting, debased
simplistic words written back in 2012 but still pertinent in the climate of fearfulness, spite and hatred our so called leaders impose on us
Andractive Mar 2015
I'm not entirely sure what it is about looking at you that makes me feel like churches collapsing , my entire life is sore and I can't barely breathe because everytime I open my mouth apologies cramp mdown my throat and to be honest never have I ever been so tired of love because it just reminds me of rows of suits on bent knees and a little too lates
maybe one day I'll be able to laugh without the fear of cockroaches marching into my mouth and, well and...........
unfinished ,
Kyle J Jul 2016
One night in a blacked out dream , I saw the queen.
****, ****, ****; strong and dark with no cream.
She keeps me up.
Beautiful art unframed and unfinished; begging a young Picasso -
To put the touch of his brush.

Kilo for kilo she's my addiction.
As the queen, I hit her 'gram' with the smoothest diction.
Not trying to collide but I'm lovin' her friction -
And despite impending demise and my lates affliction;
I see in her royal eyes, "Is he real or fiction?"

Those brown sugar eyes, they won't gleam - Even if a young prince got green and clean.
She discerns what glitters and what ain't gold.
She doesn't know much about love but she knows about soul.
That's why her heart isn't package and her time ain't sold.
She walks as if she's in glass slippers italicizing a beautiful woman in bold.

She's the dopest so she's never fiend and she's never leaned.
That black never cracked and her aspirations, she's never quit.
She a lil bit thick but she ain't never bricked, all net my baby;
I'll never pass her, that's just swish.

She got that Bantu up in Bambu -
Don't get it twisted.
That melanin poppin', not her cherry,  she won't risk it.
She put Lynch on the bench - ain't no ***** ever ran through but they ran to.

She's the reincarnation of her mama, but she embodies her grandma.
She got the realest figure, before never after the comma.
Divined by God, designed by God;
Her eyebrows stay 'fleek' and her edges stay laid.
Her ideal man: good cook, a good lover and a good maid.
She always talks about living on her own, she actin' so grown.
She just wants a house with a man who knows how to go out but stay home.

To her, her womb is like the treasure of the Earth,
Don't talk about planting no seed unless you nurturing the dirt.
She's all about last, cause her last is her first.
And for all her dinner dates she hopes they end in desert.
By twelve midnight, she adorns her head-cloth, head wrap, head scarf -
Don't hit up her FaceTime unless you just want to talk.

She's the queen of all colors, she wears that black like it's true.
Erica Chen Dec 2010
Smoking a cigarette, she slowly opens her eyes. I wish not to see, if here's what it must be presented to me. The bathroom is steamy and warm, but the water is running cold in the hot tub. She doesn't remember how long she has been here, she doesn't remember what had happened before, she doesn't remember to remember. As she murmurs to herself -
  I hate God.

  The wonder of life could be faded so easily, the
scent of her skin, the touch of her smile
, the loss of
  one family's forever beloved, our family.

  A daughter, a sister, a piece of out heart.

  It's what you live on, you know, mother can't stop
, the agony, the emptiness, father hardly speaks,
  life goes on, I still feel her, after she's gone.

  A tragedy, a mistake, a hole in our soul.

  No, it has nothing to do with bad luck, it's just death,
you know. She stops breathing, her body gives in, and she
  watches herself leaving the room, the world -

  as she's sailing to the other side of her eternity.

  It all began with a piece of bread, she never lates for
, a beautiful morning, and the radio was playing,
  we never heard her, she loves music.

  **** this, now what about the livings?

  Now, what about the livings? We moved, not necessary
, from the home of our heart. It would be easier
  for mom and dad anyway, I've never meant to leave.

  "Don't be afraid, be free, you're now our only."

  I was sent away, along with a part of my sister, who was
supposed to be a part of me too
, and started a new life.
  That's how they call it anyway, it's really cold -

  in this side of the country, this side of my life.

  It doesn't bother me a bit, I wouldn't let it, I have my way
to remember my sister. I've talked her back to life, she's just as real
  as she used to be
, in school, at home, anywhere.

  In life, in death, in the coldness and the stillness.

Look, it's snowing! Yet my heart has never been so warm, maybe, I
, we can seek back our happiness after all. Maybe it has never
left, just like Martha, as I am watching my parents skating through
  the ice, and remembering -

  *She's gone, but not forgotten, she's only one breath away.
After the short story *the Skater*, by Joy Williams.
Chenoa Jul 2010
River run swiftly
   against the crooked sky
race the gulls
   with all thy might.

Bring me there--
   I pray thee -- run!
Bring me quickly to her door
   before sun rises overhead.

With chocolates wrap'd in gold
   bracelets of amethyst--
songs from memory--
   let her remember.

Before the world stops spinning
   let me see--
the smile of noon day
   and the chime of laughter.

That steady gaze--
   so constant, so sure...
her fingers brush the canvas--
   Apple Red for Lotus Girl...

Mistress to the canvas--
   stain out your heart.
I'll study the shameless paint
   as your choc'lates sit on the table.
A poem I wrote for my best friend who lives several states away. I miss her! *pout*
Harry J Baxter Feb 2013
I knew this girl once
I think I knew her
but who can ever really know?
Nothing ever came of it
always too late
too scared
too scared that you couldn't want me
and who could blame you
I never have
She went away to college
and I was busy
doing my own thing
But I never forgot
the way you would blush
and hide your smile
when I said something nice
And maybe you never forgot
all the times I made you laugh
always something stupid
I remember how nervous you got
in the center of attention
maybe you never wanted it
but you always deserve it

And I know
that you're going places
big cities with dazzling lights
endless tall buildings
never sleeping
but dreaming of you
And I'm heading off
to places of my own
hoping that our trains
are heading towards each other
so that just for
one moment of disaster
my body may fly pas yours
and I would smile
or wink
or nothing at all
perhaps I would just look

The worst part about it
is I would throw it all away
so that I could get back
all of the too lates
the too scareds
and all of the stupid stuff
which I haven't told you
but you wouldn't want that.
To be held so responsible
for the machine gun rhythm
of my heart beat
So I don't
my time machine left empty
I trudge one
doing whatever the hell
It is that I do
while your star
only burns brighter
I live in a breath of hope
hoping to feel your breath
just one more time
one of my longer poems so it may have gotten away from me at times
Nyx Jun 2024
My heart beats to a rhythm only made for you,
A strung together ensemble, only made for your view
To a song so beautifully crafted, so delicate and sweet
The notes reverberating to an angelic feat

To your melody, your tune
Shining brightly as the moon
Sung from the first moments of light
till the lates hours of the night

My heart dances along to the song called you

Grace me with your presence
Hold me tightly in your hand
The sweetly tempered rhythm surrounds us
Flooding us with these feelings so grand

Let the music of our hearts guide us
Leading us through this dance of me and you
Without a moment of hesitation
This time we will see this through

Our heart synchronise in beat

This summer. I shall explore my city pick a place to sit. N choose a subject. N I'll write about Him,Her or It.
All poems will be placed in this single thread.

~Winchells Donuts~
She sits crossed legged
With coffee in hand
Chewing on a pencil top
Perhaps she's had too much coffee
Or probably not enough.
She's dotting something down
N looks disappointed every time
She looks up.
Maybe she's awaiting a lover
Or an old time friend
But as it's getting longer
Her chewing gets louder
I can hear the grinding of her teeth
On the wood of a number two.
My order is up n it's time for me to leave.
6-14-14 6:35am

~Local Transit~
She's biting her nails
And rubbing her belly
Maybe she's sick
Or pregnant with a baby.
6-14-14 12:44pm

~My Ex's Home~
Her eyes follow me,
everywhere I go
Yet she doesn't move
Nor say a word
I guess silence engulfed her whole
I don't blame her though,
it's been two years
But how was I supposed to know
That she'd visit her family home
She's fidgetting n she's nervous as hell
I should know, it's how she first felt
When we went on our date.
Four hours pass n I say "lates"
As her brother gives me a handshake
N starts closing the door
An exasperated yell
comes from the kitchen corridor
"Good bye -----???"
Is all I heard, I guess they still
Have that sound proof door.
I walk away n I see her peep
Out the curtain window.
Watching me as I leave.
6/14/14 6:40pm
It's been a while since I've people watch. It's a blissful action I hope to make.

//Follow to stay updated//
Steve Page Apr 2022
Sometimes you won’t be, oftentimes you will
see spots and feel lost. If they persist make yourself
an appointment with a quiet man with unremitting sentences
and cold fingers which will explore new fears, fresh cul-de-sacs
leading to excision by a woman with a practiced smile,
knife-thin latex and a distance
that prevents inappropriate contact.

Sometimes you won’t be, one day you will
and meanwhile you find a new lump -
don’t wait, make an appointment
with the quiet man and he may say something
you won’t hear above the screams swallowed by old nausea.

Sometimes you won’t be, one day you will
and meanwhile you let regret rise
and tell your daughter all the too lates
that wait unopened.

And one day you will.
Again, triggered by Tamar Yoseloff's collection: The Black Place
peak skill wafts milky aroma from ******* Eros they win
an apt pupil dial lates with a twin
thus…two orbital allies – seek carnal *** sass sin
while sunk kin their sockets, they scan yar scenic skin

drawing interest sharp as a pin
while testosterone pump kin
not cease…thus juiced hum ma gin
slicing ether of sea like an ocular shark fin
past yar eyes darting from toes ta chin

where ****** fantasies shift their shape
letting daydream let me lips braise the nape
of neck before shimmying with invisible escape
resorting to atavistic antics per great ape

within me twenty first skein of muscle and bone
especially verboten iced creamy country where
   this pal wannabe wants to drone
and in fair weather or foul would pine to hear ya moan

upon me milking tropic of cancer as ye lie supinely prone
regaling tulips and rivulet dribbling over miniature mossy stone
aware when proboscis nearing bulls eye by your purring tone
ecstatic I located an erogenous zone

mentally book marked careful not to slide nor slip
a live as one googly eyed earth linked yahoo excites
   pheromones on the outlook for purr act perch per verboten trip
could don role of aim mesh applying his little buggy whip

of ca horse heading to bird in hand
*******, paradise or some other place grand
dill a quaint as would be surmised as this animal
   a carnal, excitable, guttural one-man band
seething with hormonal secretions
   unfairly forced into a coe wide dill cell bait
   coveting to reach the integral female bad land.
Kat Apr 2018
I’m sitting here in my living room.
The rundown building with pictures from when the house held no gloom.
That was years and years and years ago when the house wasn't sad
and I wasn't here living alone.

Standing up walking to picking a picture
My thumb runs across the glass of the frame
The people in the picture smiling and laughing in a house with a large window in the background.

Outside it was raining the gray clouds covering the blue sky.
I remember that day.
That day we laughed.
That day when we went to a friends house to hang out.
It was different then
When we were irresponsible and new to life.
Lates teens 17 or 18.

Constantly being at someone else’s house, talking about plans for a future we didn't know wouldn't exist
We didn’t know the horrors back then.
It was different it was shiny but now it’s used.

No wonder people changed their ways and I’m left behind.
I didn’t change the ways I worked.
I didn’t do what they did with their lives.
They wasted it away.
Now they're just corpses rotting in graves all because they were stupid enough to smoke, vape, and other terrible things they shouldn't have done.

But enough about the present
for that is not why you came.
You came to read about the nostalgia the pictures.
The pictures in the frames.
The ones that clutter that old living room.
The ones that are dusty and from so long ago.
Those pictures hold so much nostalgia it's hard to let go and live in the present.

For that is not where I seem to be.
Although I may be alive in the present my spirit will always be
in the past were the good memories are.
And that's where I'll stay until I rot away.
But when I do,
I will do one thing.
I will continue to stare at the pictures and experience the nostalgia they bring.
Don't do drugs, smoke, vape or any of that garbage because one day, it will majorly ***** you over.
Karmen Jul 2018
Mind body heart soull all consumed
Too fucken much when I least expected
Fucken up my vibes
Making me question each word I  express
No time to study , only blurred out
Not making sense
They usually aren’t what I’m tryna say
But feeling hells tough , sense of rush
There’s nothing to
Help myself return from this  dark fog
Becoming more within every hour
Slowly hiding my presence
Causing  it to be tough time seeing,
A path that might lead you home
So you may sink to your overworking  vibe . Seeking for a feel of something real
Cause lately you been feeling kind dead
You want this to end
Your life
Thoughts always going on
Too many ways of feels
******* I. Wish I could express
But forreal ain’t nothing to say
For you to stay
Or know my pain
My  feels are alll too Strong for someone have had  never to deal with things always alone  .
You want   It to be givens break but bet that’a pending joke I’m risking to state  
So lates

— The End —