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Big Virge Aug 2016
Well It Seems It's... OPEN SEASON...  
For... MURDEROUS Policing... !?!      
NO MORE Will Blacks Take Beatings... !!!      
Police Will Leave Us BLEEDING... !!!      
While They KEEP ON Receiving...      
PROTECTION For Yes Leaving...      
Blacks With...      
NO PULSE Or FEELING... !!!      
In Fact NO LONGER Breathing.      
And Then Comes... " Court Proceedings "...      
That Leave Black People SEETHING... !!!!!!            
Well FINE It's... OPEN SEASON...      
For Poetry... Now Seeking..........................................      
So­me TRUTH...      
And LESS... Deceiving... !!!    
See I'm Incredibly NOT Shocked...      
At How Poor... " Walter Scott "...      
Got Shot By Some White Cop...      
When Walter Tried To Run...      
From This... Policeman ****... !!!!!      
But Before I Move Along...      
He May Well Have Done Wrong... ?!?      
But... " Officer Slager "...      
Let Off EIGHT SHOTS...      
In... Walters' BACK... !?!!!?      
Let Me Just.... " BACK TRACK ".....      
He Shot EIGHT TIMES........      
Taking... HIS LIFE... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !        
Said... SLAGER...        
" He feared for his safety      
because Mr. Scott, tried to grab his Taser ! "      
So That Means... WHAT... ?!?      
He Deserved To Be Shot...      
EIGHT TIMES In His BACK... !?!!!?!      
ENOUGH of This CRAP... !!!!!      
What Kind of Policing... ?!?      
Gives Policeman Teachings...      
of... SHOOT TO DEATH... !!!!      
Rather Than... " A Leg "... ?!?      
Shoot BOTH If Ya Like... !!!!!      
But ENOUGH of These Vibes...      
Where... Black People DIE... !!!!!!      
Husbands And Wives...      
Whose Fam' Are Told LIES... !!!      
About... COP HOMICIDES... !!!!      
So Let Me Season And OPEN............................... .........      
How People Are.... Bro Ken... !!!      
And Blacks Are Just TOKENS...      
For Them To Be... " Quoting "...      
ALL KINDS of... DUMB THINGS... !!!!!!    
About... Po' Po' Shootings....      
An Asian Dude...      
Who Went To My School      
Posted... One Day...      
On MY Facebook Page...      
"Blacks need to be wise      
when police are in sight,      
and not antagonise,      
cos that's how they'll die !"    
Yeah THIS INDIAN Guy...      
Felt He Had The Right...      
To... Tell Me WHY...      
Police TAKE Black Lives... ?!!!?      
Cos' We....      
"DON'T ACT RIGHT !" …      
Well YEAH Sometimes....      
But Being... SHOT TO DEATH...      
Goes BEYOND NONSENSE... !!!!!      
But Asians Like HIM...      
Prove That Being... "submissive"...      
Is How Most Choose To Live...      
And How Most Seem To Think... !?!      
How Many Asian Girls...      
And I DON'T MEAN... Orientals... !!!      
Have Been... " Experimental "... ???      
When It Comes To Black Men...      
Being In... Their Worlds...      
As The FATHERS of Their Children..... ?!?      
It's CLEAR From Their CASTE System...      
That Inter-Racial Teams …
Are … RARELY EVER Seen... !!!      
Unless Their Partner's...      
...... " White "...... ?!?      
Most Asians Don't Trust Blacks...      
And That Is Simply... FACT...      
In Fact Some Do Believe...      
That Blacks Are Just... MONKEYS... ??!??      
Check Through THEIR History...      
Such Words AREN'T FALLACY... !!!      
When We Now... " Greet Police "...      
Should Blacks IMMEDIATELY... ?      
Get Down Upon Our Knees...      
And BEG Like... " Slavery Scenes "...      
"Please *****', don't shoot me !"      
Which Leads Me To These Blacks...      
Whose Uniform's Now Packed....      
To Join These... Police Klans... !?!      
What Have They CHANGED...      
In... Policing Ways... ?!!!?      
" NOT A LOT "... !!!!!!      
Ask... " Walter Scott "... ???      
Well Sadly Now...      

You CAN'T DO THAT... !!!!!!      
Because What Is FOUL...      
Is THIS HERE FACT... !!!!!      
While Walter Died And Lied FACE FLAT...      
A Cop Who Was... BLACK... !!!      
Seemed To Search Mr. Scott...      
As If He'd... STILL ATTACK... ?!!!?      
And Then Let This White Cop...      
Treat Him... LIKE HIS DOG.... !???!      
I'm SICK of The CRAP... !!!!!!      
Now Coming From Blacks... !!!!!!!      
Will They Wanna Shoot ME... ?!?      
For This... REAL POETRY... !?!      
See It's Been...      
Cos' Black Folks Be... "submissive"...      
As If They'll Face A LYNCHING... !!!      
For BREATHING and NOT Flinch-ing... !!!!!      
When Po Po Lights Start.... Blinking.... !!!!!!!      
Which Right Now... Gets Me Thinking...      
That WILLIAM LYNCH...      
Is Looking Down and Saying...      
"Look at these Black Clowns !" …
Folks This Here AIN'T...      
" 12 Years A Slave "...      
This Shooing Happened...      
.... " YESTERDAY ".... !!!!!!!!      
In South Carolina....      
Where That PIG Has Been Fired... !!!      
But WITHOUT The Footage...      
Would He STILL Be Out SHOOTING... !?!      
See I'm A Man of Reason...      
But Right Now I'M SEETHING... !!!!!      
Because When It Comes To....      
... KILLING BLACKS...      
It's  .....      
STILL CLEARLY.....      
" OPEN SEASON !"....
Listen Here :
Michael Marchese Apr 2017
Prometheus ignites to spark this
Molotov to make his Marxist
On swine Fuhrer's Faux News tweet
Hashtag it #GorbachevWallStreet
'Cuz Putin's puppet Pinochet's
Whipped Creme de Kremlin's CIA  
From JFK to Allende
Like Russian roulette ricochet
I'll Trotsky through McCarthy's brains
Leave slain these ****** sugar Keynes   
Discred' the Fed’s six-figureheads
With strikes at dawn more red than Debs  
Still breakin' breads with Mulan Bouges
Makin' men of Khmer Stooges
Seein’ Rouge when Al Spans Greens
Potemkin loan wolf ponzi schemes
Who count the sheep like Philippines
Then Black Pearl Harbor GRANMA’s dreams...

Of Marilyn Monroes in store
Just off-shore ****** who **** the poor
A Glass of Steagall's broken trust
Half emptier than bowls of dust
In rust beltways still spewin’ fumes
As factories become Khartoums
No carbon footprint tax the hint
Of Amazon decays in Flint
Just pop the caps and drown in debt
Like Kent State drinkin' to forget
That cuttin’ class engenders race
Leaves glory, gold and God's disgrace
To slaughter Moor than Reconquista  
From Marti to Sandinista     
With Zapata sharin’ crops  
Till my Mexica heartbeat stops

I'm Pancho infiltratin’ villas
The Magilla of guerillas
In the midst of Congolese  
Same colonies, just different thieves
To me, my breed’s of landless deeds
So how you like ‘dem Appleseeds?
FReeducatin’ caves of youth
Fed Citizen’s United Fruit
‘Cuz now my open eye of Horus
Battle cries Grito de Lares
Che is centered in these veins
So my Ashoka takes the reigns
These Iron paci-Fists pack hits
Like Jimi on some Malcolm ****
Still Hajj mirages I barrage
The Raj with sheer Cong camouflage

Deployin' Sepoys on viceroys
And pol desPots’ in the employs
Of Tweedledums who run the slums
With country clubs of loaded guns
These Betsy Deez bear arms to school
Till no kids fly kites in Kabul
So gas-mask your Sharia flaw
I'll Genghis Khan Sheikoun it raw  
'Cuz refugees are rising
And we're anti-socializing
Subsidizing private party plans
Who take commands from ***** hands
These grand old klans coup klux control
Your diamond minds with mines of coal
An oil Standardized existence
Solar powers my resistance

******* sun of Liberty  
My fear itself is history  
Rewriting wrongs of Leo’s creed
In culture’s blood and vulture’s greed
An alt-right/all-white cockpile   
Stockpilin' human capital
In tricklin’ contests over spoils
Of the cotton-ceded soils
Jingos chained to Cruci-fictions
Swallowin' good Christian dictions
I spit Spanish Inquisition
Trippin' Socrates sedition
Droppin' Oppen's fission quest
For "now I am become death"
'Cuz G-bay pigs in-Fidel's sites
Flew U-2's into my last rites

These Saddamites, I smite Assad
Then spread 'em like Islamabad
Convert for-profit prison tsars
From Escobars to Bolivars 
Like currency in Venezuela
Current police-state favela
Where 9/10th's of your possession's
Worth less than your Great Depression’s
Upscale bail ‘em outs of jail
With Dodd-Frank banks too big to fail
Your FDA-approved psychosis
From Campos’ daily dose of
More defense? Here’s my two cents
These slave wages ain’t excrements
So just say no to Reaganomics    
Got us hooked, but not on phonics

Just that Noriega strain
Of Contras stackin' crack contain
Like MAD dogs who trade weapons-grades  
For Ayatollah hate tirades
On “don’t ask, don’t tell” plague ebonics
Drug crusAID Jim Crow narcotics     
Warsaw rats injected, tested,
Quarantined, and then arrested
Guess the J. Arbenz' lens
Still Tet offends their ethnic cleanse
Still Wounding Knees of Standing Sioux
Till Crazy Horses stampede you   
For Mother Nature’s common ground
My Martin Luther’s gather ‘round
Is hellbound sounds of Nero’s crown  
Let's burn this Third World Reichstag down

Vox populyin’ to remove ‘ya
Like Lumumba then Nkrumah
So some Pumbaa kleptocrat
Declares himself the next Sadat
To hide supply-side Apartheid
Increase demand for genocide
So check your factions in Uganda  
Tune into Hotel Rwanda
Come play pirates with Somalis
Then desert ‘em like Benghazis
Thirst for blood so French Algiers  
It boils mine in Trails of Tears  
My destiny unManifest-
Oppressive Adam-Smitten West
So pay your overdues to Mao
I’ll Mussolini Chairman Dow

Then flood this 9th ward Watergate
With killing fields of glyphosate
I'll redistribute IMF’s
With leftist depth so deft it’s theft
I’ll My Lai massacre these lines
With sweet Satsuma samurhymes
I'll make these Madoff Hitlers squeal
With that Bastille New Deal cold steel
Now feel that Shining Pathos wrath
Drop Nagasaki aftermath
On Nanjing kings and dragon’s Diems
With ****** bodhisattva zens
To show you how I pledge allegiance
With razed flags still rapt in Jesus  
Laosy liars pogrom psalms
Can’t Uncle Phnom my Penh’s truth bombs

On heroes shootin' ******
My fix is un-American
Tiananmen democracies
To Syngman Rhee hypocrisies  
Theocracies drive me Hussein
With Bush league’s mass destruction claim
So I dig laissez pharaohs graves
With pyramids of Abu Ghraibs
Then nail their coffers closed like Vlad
My hammer forged in winters past
My sickle reaps the shadows caste
By pantheons of penta-cons
Whose Exxons lead to autobahns
When liberal Arts of War and Peace in
Free speech teach my voice of treason
“Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross”
-Sinclair Lewis
Big Virge Nov 2014
As the BNP has seemingly, been swept aside
by the rise of the EDL & now UKIP, in England

This piece, that I wrote, some years ago,
still holds weight, as the immigrant debate
is now, still being used for political games ...

Same bullchit,
just some different names and faces
and .... NOT JUST IN ... The UK ... !!!

LISTEN ... LiISTEN ... !!!
" Middle Class " ... England ... !!!

Come On Now ... !!!

It's NOT ... immigrants ...
Bringing England ... down ... !!!

It's ...
Your Own ... Government ...
That's Causing ... FROWNS ... !!!

Charles Clarke's ... A Clown ... !!!

He's been ... found out ...

His Home Office Crew ...
Haven't Got ... " A Clue " ... ?!?
where ... Immigrants are ...
from ... " Foreign Grounds " ...
who now ... walk around ...
Right ... next to you ...

So ... Of Course ...
The ... " Working Class " ...
are in an ... " Angry Mood " ... !!!

and now ... are singing
the same ol' tune ...

"Get the immigrants out !
They're stealing our jobs !
and are nothing more,
than slobs who rob !"

Well ... for some ...
That's ... TRUE ... !!!

There is ... NO DOUBT ... !!!

but let's ... talk about ...
Those ... " Wearing Gowns " ...
and those who ... RUN ...
Your ... English Towns ...
whilst ... Robbing People ...
of their ... " Pounds " ... !!! ...

and  ... What about those ... ?
who ... Sit and Smile ...
whilst employing some to teach ...
who they knew were ...." Paedophiles " .... !!!!!

"But, its' the immigrants
who are ****** worthless !"

"Well, I suggest,
you watch ministers, more !
and immigrants less !
Unless of course, they're Americans
like Condoleeza and George !"

Then ....
Instead of fighting wars
on ... foreign shores ...

Helping George to ... " Hoard " ...
for his ... " Monetary Frauds " ...
So His Friends ... can hold ... MORE ... !!!

The Home Office could ... ENSURE ...
that immigrants who are ... KNOWN ...
to break ... SERIOUS LAWS ... !!! ...
are shown ... The Door ...
that's marked ... DEPORT ... !!!!!

The Labour Party ... CLEARLY ...
has got some ... flaws ... !!! ...
from ... Inept MP's ...
in the ... " Commons " ...
to the ..... " Lords " .....

SHOULDN'T BE ... ignored ... !!!!!

Like those who say ...

"Crime figures are down !"

with proof that's ... SHODDY ... !!!
and a body like ..... NODDY ...... !!!
and a pair of ... " BIG EARS " ... !!!

Yes i'm back to that ... " Clown " ... !!!
who in effect ... has said ...

He will ...

" Stop terrorism
on our hallowed ground !!! "

Please excuse ...
My ... " Skepticism " ... !!!

But ...
when letting immigrants ...
with ... " SERIOUS CONVICTIONS " ...
walk away from ... " Extradition " ...
and .... " Prison Supervision " .... ?!? ...

Mr. Clarke would seem to be ...
a man of ... CONTRADICTIONS ... !!!

So ...
........... LISTEN ...........

It's really ...
NOT ... My Mission ... !!!
to make you sign petitions ...

But ...
CERTAIN ... " Resignations " ...
would help the population ...
REJECT ... their thoughts of ... HATRED ... !!!!!

So ... " Come On Now !!! " ...
The Government is ... " FOUL " ... !!!!!
and should ... " Throw In " ...
The ... " Proverbial Towel " ... !!! ...

and take up ... New Positions ...
WELL AWAY ......... from public vision .... !!!!!!!!!

because ....
Their Brand of ... government ...
Feeds ... " New Age Separatism " ... !!!!!

which ... CLEARLY NOW ...
is causing rise to ...

... FUNDAMENTALISM ... !!!!!

from those who court ... " Religion " ...
to those who preach ... " Division " ...
and ... Teachings of ... RACISM ... !!!!!!!

From groups just like ...
The ... " BNP " ...

Nick Griffins' Plea ...
is ... VOTE FOR ME ... !!!

" I may just do !!!!!! "

Like those who choose
to ... Walk in Shoes ...

NEW and IMPROVED ... !!!

They now ... Don't Use ...

But still are ... CLEARLY ...
Quite ... " CONFUSED " ... ?!?!?

Until it come to ...
Using ... " TOOLS " ... !!!!!

"You know the drill boys !
We've got new toys,
the first **** in view
you know what to do !"

How many of them ?
Now join ... Police Crews ... !?!

to use ...
Their ... NEW SUIT ...

To ... Institute Abuse ... !?!
I guess you ... " Bourgeoise Crews " ...
are now thinking ... " Oooooohhh " ... !?!

Well ....
NOT ... as much ...
as those ... " Immigrant Youth " ...
who've seen policemen ... Act Uncouth ... !!!!!

Vote ... BNP ... !!!!! ...
If you really want to ...
for all the good ...
This will do you ... !!!

The Rich ... will still ...
"Look Down" ... on the poor ... !!!

from the ... " Top of the Hill " ...
whilst storing ... pounds ...
and ... " Dollar Bills " ..

You're ...
" Foolish If " ...
You think ... They Won't ... !!!

whether immigrants ... STAY ...
or ... immigrants .... GO .... !!!!!!!

IT'S NOT ... just blacks ...
who'll face ... Attacks ... !!!

They're ... " Pretty Radical " ...
and that's a .... FACT .... !!! .....

I wonder sometimes ... ??? ...
Are they ... " Government Backed " ... ?!?

because ... if they are ... ???
Will they ... KICK US OUT ... !?!
with a ... " Bag of Cash " ...

because ... Right Now ...
That wouldn't be ... so bad ... !!!

So vote ... BNP ... !!!
That's Now ... MY PLEA ... !!!!!!

They may ... FINALLY ...
Set Immigrants ... FREE ... !!!!!

FREE from ... LIES ...
in ... This Country ...
from those ... You ... VOTE FOR ...
YES .... " MP's " .... !!!!! ....

Men like ... " Clarke " ...
" Prescott " ... and ... " Kennedy " ...

How about those three ... !?!

and ... Confessed ... " Alchy " ... !!!!!

I'll let you ... " Decide " ...
who applies to ... each ...

I'll say it again ... !!!
In Fact ... I'll ... REPEAT ... !!!

My ... " New Found Line " ...
Just ... ONE MORE TIME ...

VOTE BNP ... !!!!!!

As I said ... before ...
I may now do ... !!!!!!!!!

and that's the ... TRUTH ... !!!
cos' i've ... Never liked red ...
and am Black ... NOT Blue ... !!!!!

But ...
What about you ... ?


It'll make things ... WORSE ... !!!!!

The only ones who'll ... WIN ...
will be those whose work ...
is ... " Driving A Hearse " ...

I suggest you ... Take That ... " IN " ...
and REMEMBER ... those words ... !!!!!!!!

If it comes to that ...
Whites ... " Joining Klans " ...
who make ... Racist Attacks ...
with tools like an ... AXE ... !!!!!

I suggest you think back ...
to ... " Notting Hill Frictions " ...
Toxteth ... and ... Brixton ...

Remember when the ... RIOTS ...
were the news on ... Television ...

It wasn't ... Much Fun ... !!!

Well ... Nowadays ...
Some ... " Carry Guns " ...

I'd prefer ... NOT TO SEE ...
Riot Violence ... on streets ...

Some of you ... SURELY ...
Agree ..... with me ..... !!!!!

I'd rather find ... SOLUTIONS ... !!!
That ... DECIMATE ... " iLLusiOns " ... !!!!!

because it .....
Wouldn't be ... " Wise " ...
to ... incREASE FIGHTS ... !!!
and face a ... REVOLUTION ... !!!!

We Need to build ...
" More Unions " ... !!!

That Help ...
" Depose " ... " Collusions " ... !!! ...
Employed to spread ... " Confusion " ... ?!?!?

This piece of prose ...
may make some ... FROWN ... !?!

But ...
NOT ... as much ...
As ... Government Clowns ... !!!

Who ... choose to leave ...
The Masses to ... THIEVES ... !!!
and .... POVERTY .... !!!

and a ... Health Service ...
Now on .... It's KNEES .... !!!

When you look around now
Don't you .... Agree .... ??? ...

If your answer is ... NO ... ?

You must ...
LIKE TO BE ... Clowned ... ?!?

which leaves me thinking ...

" COME ON NOW ... !!!!! "
As the BNP has seemingly, been swept aside
by the rise of the EDL & now UKIP, in England

This piece, that I wrote, some years ago,
still holds weight, as the immigrant debate
is now, still being used for political games ...

Same bullchit,
just some different names and faces
and .... NOT JUST IN ... The UK ... !!!
jeffrey conyers Sep 2015
Let me see, last I checked.
Many white supremacist wouldn't qualify for the ******'s regime.
Whether they with the Klans, Aryan Nation or whatever?

Saying, you protect the white race doesn't measure up to what the boys of ****** was seeking.

Last I checked, many questioned his heritage too.

So it  strange that the race that cries more about citizenship of others.
Gets blamed for all the world's troubles.
Well, last I checked.

In westerns movies, a Indian always states "white man rules" never was meant to be honored.
And history has pointed out that exact truth.
When they creates rules to limit this or that and doesn't accept blame for some of the world's mess.

This again, this is just an opinion.
Last I checked.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2013
In my youth.
I probably paid no attention to it.
As an adult, I sometimes questioned all of it.

The reasons.
The logic to why people are bigots.
I've yet to see why?

The Klans.
Their logic is based on stupidity.
The Aryans Nation.
Their stupidity is based around irrational thinking too.
The Nazis during their height made no sense.
And this included black militants or any other race.

I've yet to see the reasons for the hate.

Most intimidate their own race to join by threats to them.
And a majority is ALWAYS based around the stupidity of a man.
The destructors of God greatest land.

But within all groups.
There's always a plant.
Not a traitor.
But a person with a heart.

Who have finally seen that this isn't the work of God?

A bigot is a fool.
And if they have a spouse.
Then they are too.

Who has yet to see?
A good person will find ways to forgive you.
james nordlund Mar 2020
Whilst there is no 'Devil', which the Roman Catholic Empire needs to, and projects, exists,
while that's just them dictating their notsee/totalitarian control over the world, there is
the closest thing that has ever existed to it, the united **** of assassin's gov't's '****',
as it's called on the street, specifically the republikan conspiracy's psychic-terrorism.
This 'devil', which is dictating their 'final solution' for humanity is the only game in town,
like ******'s was (though they did a slower blitzkrieg by dividing and conquering the country
into a baskin 'n robbins of 23 flavors of supremacy), as well as a plethora of conspiracies,
which 'gotherdone', all feeding on the genocide of heterosexual, Caucasian, non-republican
newborns to men, this notsee dictatorship's 'Jews', which includes some of them too, ends all.

Climate crisis and our king-kong sized terrible-two, ****'s playing his keystone President
act for two months has determined his, the republikan conspiracy's, global oligarchy's
agenda, which they couldn't get done politically for the last 2 decades, the stealing of
social security from the elderly, infirm.  Instead of privatizing S.S. they're exterminating
recipients through the purposeful spread of corona virus, which kills the elderly, infirm,
predominantly.  Also, daily domestic notsee attacks by the republikan party has numbed the
populace to them, so their doing terrorist attacks before the election won't have the same
effects of determining a polity vote more right-wing, ergo, plausibly deniable extermination
by pandemic, incompetence, is happening instead.  Will dreamers awaken before their ******?  

This is nothing new, the republikan conspiracy led Gov't, it's **** and millions of minions,
Neuter newborns, anatomically destroy toddlers, kids, teens, adults constantly, also doing
all crime, spreading all disease, pestilence against and to them, shoving it down their
throats to further their ****** of those non-republikans.  How could you not know their the
devil.  Every republikan uses their jobs they supposedly do to exterminate non-republikans
instead.  That's the same as ******'s minions did, for it wasn't generals, admirals, etc.,
who realized his and his ***** rise, it was the file-clerks, receptionists, cab drivers all
destroying, committing treason every moment, instead of doing their jobs, like the serial
murderers who masquerade as cops, exterminators ..., as doctors, judges ..., as justices.  

**** and his admin. were informed by 17 intelligence agencies about corona in january, he
lied about it extremely, pathologically and still is, as recently as March he was saying
"we have 5 cases and by the end of the week we'll have one, then it'll disappear", in order
to determine as many people were infected as possible before the states jumped in to try to
stop it, the highest of treason.  Simply because the quickest spread will be in the largest
metropolitan areas, specifically Cali and NY, where most voters are democrat or too sane to
vote ****.  Also, the predominance of infections and mortality will be in the lower-middle-
class to poor, 60 % of the nation, who can't defend themselves as well, and will die from
it more, price of living skyrocketing, people have less $ than ever, class war by pandemic.  

His latest, "the cure's worse than the pandemic", everyone should die by criminally insanely
putting them all back to work 'til death, to get Utin's **** more $ sooner from his corps.
I told you during the campaign that if he won we'd be lucky if he doesn't pull a Caligula,
that's only three steps from his current hitlerian positions.  The "Stimulus bills", the
Dems are pushing back but the Repubs are getting the edge as ever, 1/2 a trill to bail out
big businesses and they kept his criminal cuts to food stamps, still stealing food from the
mouths of babes and handing it to billionaires.  Pharma, medical supplies corps making hand
over fist from bidding war between States, federal agencies, Bush, **** klans kafknchinging.  
The 'big fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't break it, stop criminal insanity, vote Bernie.
It's a twig of poetree in progress.  CLIA = central lack of intelligence agency.  The 'big fix is in', stop criminal insanity, vote Bernie; please.  Thanx for all you All do; have a good day   :)   reality
Big Virge Oct 2020
Ya Know Over The Years...
I’ve Had A LOT Heads Say...

That The Words That They Hear...
In My Wordplay Arrays...

Are Things That Display...
A... LOT of RAGE... !!!

So Let Me Quickly Explain...  
THAT... That’s A CLAIM...
That Is MISPLACED... !!!

Because The...
Rage From My Brain...

Is Really NOT Rage...
When It Hits My Page... !!!

It’s Much Much MORE...
Than... Words of War... !!!

It’s A Way To VENT...
What I Have Suppressed...
When... Having To Deal...
With Human IGNORANCE... !!!

That’s Been SO REAL...
That I’ve NEEDED To Express...
Through My Poems...
Thoughts That REST...
Like... Violence...
That I’ve Put ASIDE...
Throughout My Life...

But Have Put In Rhymes...
To Help CLEAR My Mind... !!!

Because DEEP Inside...
Who Has NO Wish To EVER Think...
of Violent Stings Or Killing Things... !!!

But WON’T Desist From Using Scripts...
of My... DEEP FEELINGS... !!!!!!

Instead of Writing Things...
To Gain Peoples’ LIKING... !?!

Because My Dark Skin...
Has Caused PROBLEMS...
With... So Called Friends... ?!?

Who’ve Said Some Stuff...
That Was Kinda Rough...
And HARD To Hear... !!!

But Let Me Make This CLEAR... !!!

NOT ONE of These People...
Has Yet To DISAPPEAR... !?!

Because of EVIL...
It’s... UGLY Head... !!!

Because of OFFENCE...
That I Chose To ACCEPT...

Instead of REACT...
And Act Like Klans...
of... Ku Klux Mans... !!!

Or The Type of Blacks...
Who Just Join Gangs...
To Then Make Attacks...
Against Other Blacks... ?!?

Because The Way That THEY RAGE...
Is A... Straight DISGRACE... !!!

And Some Are Now Names...
Who’ve Received ACCLAIM...
In The Songs That They Make...
That Have Gained Them Fame...
And Radio Play ALL OVER THE PLACE... ?!?

AND Earned Them Pay...
That’s WAY BEYOND Great... !!!

And Nowadays... “ Snowflakes “...

Who Believe That Rhymes...
SHOULDN’T Rage Or Display...
The Type of Vibes Where ANGER Lies...

That If ANGERED Minds...
DIDN’T Use Their Pens...
But Used... VIOLENCE... !!!

As A Means To VENT...
Like Say... EMINEM...

Do You Think That You...
Would... Get AWAY...
With The Things That You Say... ?!?
That Are FAR From Humane... ?!?

That AREN’T...
Jokes In The Brains...
of The Types Who Create...
As A Way To ELEVATE...

Their Mental State...
From... Going To A Place...
Where Violence And Rage...
Go On The RAMPAGE... !!!

Cos’ It’s A Very FINE LINE...
That You Walk When You Try...

What A Person Creates...
In... Poetic Wordplay...

That Just Vents PAIN... !!!
And Is... FAR From Being...

At Least In... MY CASE...

As Just........

... “ The Rage On My Page “...
It's always funny to me, when people suggest that my poems are intense, or filled with rage !

Well, here's my reply to those who make that claim !
james nordlund Apr 2020
The great Ellis Marsalis, Jr., died of corona virus in NOLA,
one of a thousand that passed away this Avril Fool's, from it,
all of whom will be missed dearly, "...we(e),..."'ll ever bay.

In his day, near his death, (W.A.) Mozart said to his wife,
"I fear I am writing a requiem for myself", as he composed
'Requiem Mass in D minor- Lacrimosa', of unparalleled beauty.

With rheumatic fever hitting Europe at that time, and soon
after, yellow fever in Philly, here, epidemics and pandemics
became common, the worst, 1918 Spanish Flu, 1/2 a bill dead.

listening to comedy ring hollow, a necessary alternative to
the news that isn't new, my ear longs for his veracious music.
How can USA have the worst response to it among technocracies?

Our king-kong sized terrible-two, ****, playing his keystone
President act for 3 months has determined the repub conspiracy's,
global oligarchy's agenda's yoke tighten around the people's neck.

The stealing of social security from the elderly, infirm, through
Covid-19 exterminating them more than others, this couldn't get
done politcally by the repubs for 2 decades.  As well, the poor

to lower-middle-class, especially people of color, can't afford
to defend themselves usually, now it's worse. "Stimulus bills"?,  
over 1/2 a trill to bail out small, big businesses, pay big Pharma,

medical supplies corps, who're already making hand over fist from
the bidding war between States, federal agencies, dictating Bush,
**** klans who're heavily invested, ever increasing kafknching.

Coastal regions, big cities, mostly dems, are murdered more by
virtue of #, close proximity, needs, ****'s re-election plan.
This while he kept his criminal cuts to SNAP, still stealing food

from mouths of babes and handing it to billionaires.  Same as
it ever was, class war, repubs using jobs they don't do, to mass-
exterminate non-repubs instead.  like the serial murderers who

masquerade as cops, killers ..., as doctors, judges as justices.
The 'big fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't break it, stop all
criminal insanity, if not you then who, here, where, now, when?

This leaf of poetree, although it just a twig be, may be my last.
If so, I'm honored to pass with such great artists, yet, hopefully
not from skyrocketing price of living.  Social distance, wear mask.
"The sleepers must awaken" (before they're extincted by climate change), movie Dune.  Thanx for all you All do.  Have a great eve'   ;)   reality
Big Virge Jan 2020
"Yo, for my anger settle,
Man give me a treble !    
Wait, i've got to mingle      
So, give me a single    
in fact, i'll take a double    
cos' this may start trouble !"    
All These DOUBLE STANDARDS ...    
Are Getting Me ANGERED ... !!!!    
From Lawrence To Walker ...    
To ... Christopher Alder ...  
It Seems Some English People ...    
CAN'T Deal With The Evil .. !!!    
That LURKS In Their House ... !!!    
When They Get ... FOUND OUT ... !!!!!!!    
We Blacks Should SHUT MOUTHS And NOT Speak About ...    
The Way We Get Treated In Some English Towns ... !!!!    
Or Speak of Our LOSSES Because of White Bosses ...    
Who've Got EVERY RIGHT ... !?!    
To DISMISS Our Plight of Fighting For Lives ...    
When Police SHINE THEIR LIGHTS ... !!!!!    
Or KEEP Us ..."In The Dark" ... ?    
About .... MONKEY CHANTS .... !!!    
While Black Soldiers DIE On Police Station Floors ... !!!    
They'd Rather Deny How We're Treated Like ****** ... !!!    
AND ... Left On ALL FOURS ...    
While THEY Have A LAUGH In Stations And Courts ... !!!!!    
The Standards They Have DON'T Add Up Like Math ... !?!    
They'd Rather NOT HEAR About The .... " Veneers " ...    
Behind Cover Ups That ... EXPOSES STUFF ...    
About Just How LOW Their Standards Can Go ... !!!!!    
Excuses EXCUSES And YES ... MORE EXCUSES ... !!!?!!!    
Are What They Provide To Cover Their LOOSENESS ... !!!    
"All people do wrong !"  
Is Their NEW ... " HOT SONG " ... !!!  
ALL THIS While ... " Trayvons' " ...    
Are LOST Due To Shots From ... Zimmerman Bods' ... !!!!!!!!!!!!    
"Of course we should *****' !    
Let's erase those chapters !"    
See I'm Down With The Man ...    
....... " Lilian Thuram " ......    
So Take The Stance THAT ...  
DOUBLE STANDARDS Land In The Laps of CLANS ...    
Who Stand Next To Racists In Various Places ... !!!!!!    
But WON'T Get In The Faces ...    
of Those Who Spread HATRED ... !!?!!    
I Wonder Sometimes Whether They Recognise ...    
Or Take Time To THINK ... About ANYTHING ......    
BEYOND .................................... Their Kin .... ?!!!?    
It's CLEAR Most DON'T ... !!!!!    
And WON'T Rock The Boat ...    
When Within Their Folk ...    
They Hear Subtle Jokes ...    
That EXPOSE Attitudes With Racist Styled Views ... !!!!!    
How Many Make FEUDS Within Their Own Crews ... ?    
It Seems There Aren't Many Who TRULY Are READY ...    
To REALLY Say Something They'd Rather Do NOTHING ... !!!  
And Be YES ... COMPLICIT ...    
With Those Who ARE ... RACIST ... !!!!!  
But Are QUICK To Run Lines ...      
And Wanna Start Fights With Blacks Who AREN'T SHY ...    
To Speak On Their Crimes And Bring Them To LIGHT ... !!!!!    
The Question Is .... WHY .... ???    
Their Standards Seem ....... " DOUBLED " ... !?!    
When Their Feathers Get ... " RUFFLED " ... !!!!    
It's CLEAR They Get ... " TROUBLED " ... !!!    
And Just ... WILL NOT BE HUMBLED ...    
I've Said It Before ... I'll Say It AGAIN ... !!!    
It's Like Mos' Def' Said ...    
"When they do it well, It's seen as success !    
When we do it well, It's seen as SUSPECT !"    
But Who Are ... " SUSPECT " ... ?!?    
When Their Standards Are CHECKED ... !?!  
It's Time To INSPECT And Let ME Cut The Deck ... !!!    
I Ain't From Wu Tang But Know About KLANS ...    
And IGNORANT Gangs Who STILL Take The Stance ...      
That ...      
Immigrants Cause Their Country's Downfall ... !!!  
So Let's DOUBLE CHECK And Get This CORRECT ...    
When They Move Around Across DIFFERENT Towns ...    
On YES ... FOREIGN Grounds ...    
Does Their Migration ... ?    
Or ......... IMMIGRATION ...    
Make For ... BETTER Nations ... ?!?    
When How They Get Stationed ...    
Seems To Bear ... NO RELATION ... ?!?    
To ... Living In SQUALOR ... ?!?    
Or BEGGING For POUNDS ... !?!    
That's REALLY NOT HOW They Seem To Get Down ... !?!    
Do They FEAR POLICE When They Walk The Streets ... ?    
Upon FOREIGN Shores Or Live Like The ... POOR ... ?!?    
Their Standards STAY HIGH ... !!!    
Wherever They .......... " LIE " ...........    
Of Course I Meant ... " LAY " ... !!!    
But In The ... U.K.      
Immigrants AREN'T OKAY ... !!!    
And Should YES .......................................... PLAY AWAY .......    
UNLESS They Will Play In Ways That Display ....    
A Wish To CONFORM And NOT Kick Up A Storm ... !!!    
When How They Are Treated Is ... RACISM Born ... !!!!!!!!!!    
I DOUBLE UP My Standards So That They Stay HIGH ... !!!    
And WILL NOT Have HANDLERS Decide How I Ride .... !!!    
And DON'T KEEP ******* Types ...    
Standing .... By My Side ... !!!    
And DON'T Hide Behind Lies ...    
Or ....... IGNORANT Pride ... !!!!!!!!    
Cos' It's Now CLEAR TO ME ... !!!    
Some FORGET Their Manners ...    
And Seem To Be HAMPERED ... ?!?    
When It Comes To Them SEEING ...    
How They ... "HOLD" ...    
.... " DOUBLE STANDARDS " ....
Listen HERE :
jeffrey conyers Sep 2016
Of course, to some Black Live Matters is a threat.
Without comprehending what created their purpose.
Some stated the original Black Panthers were a violent group.

Without ever addressing their original purpose in the beginning.
Back in the days when carrying weapons in Oakland might have been legal.
Strange, how this event has returned?

But research hurt others to do.
They get their reports mainly from the news.

When pushed?
Those against Black Lives Matters can't pinpoint a killing.
Wait!-too much truth.
Well, we can about the Klans.
Then maybe it's the race that keeps those from crying about their track record.

Fear, makes other cry "all lives matter" without pointing out not too many whites are killed by WHITE police officers.
Which should be addressed?

Point of truth, folks talks about silently.
james nordlund Apr 2020
****, his admin., Ain Raindians, Malthusians
are ‘using’ the corona virus as multiple means
to their plethora of ends. Many ends of lives,
species, the humane and otherwise, will be
taking place due to their modus operandi of
divide, conquer suckceeding.  How much will it
matter how "close and together" we've become if
there’s 2,500,000 less people, if a % of the
remaining don’t vote in the election in the
Fall because the virus will come back with a
vengeance, for a lot of people will go back to
operating as if it’s gone, just because repubs
told them to, and out of fear of dying, causing
the death by pandemic of their family, friends,
and a king-kong sized terrible-two gets re-
installed into the Black-house?  After the bi-
polar axi of global supposed power, socialist,
totalitarian China, Utin one and his ****, the
other, capitalist, republican one conspired to
try to cower the usa citizens with the supposed
trade war, media hype that was no more than a
repub new tax on every consumer, because the
Chinese corps. just increased their prices on
goods from China to cover the cost of tariffs,
failed to, it's plausible that they came up
with the pandemic to permanently cower man,
the environmental cause and segue humanity
into it's extinction.  Now that dem States are
stopping the extermination of elderly, infirm,
hospitalized, lower-middle-class to poor, dems,
people of color, prisoners, detained immigrants
Utin's **** is dictating that his and Bush'
klans kafknching from their investments in big
pharma and medical supplies corps. increase,
even more than their dictated bidding war for
medical supplies, by dictating people take a
malaria drug proven to **** more patients than
if it's not used!  Don't let the same as it ever
was, 'old world order', East vs. West, that's
supposedly "new", dictate the blitzkrieging
speed of humanity's extinction increase
extremely through pandemic, stop ****'s ***-
backwards agenda, social distance, wear masks,
stay home.  We need inauguration day moved to
a week after election to stop the **** of Utin's
planned cull of 1 million poor before 1-21-21,
The Winter Of Our Extermination.  Awakened,
illimitable potential, indivisible as life, you,
can stop them. If you're not taking bullets you
are making them. This 50 th Earth Day, leave no
footprints that followed none, which will echo
on in all ways, always, abolish fossil fuels use,
walk in nature's balance, giving back to her
abundance, each one reach and teach one, to
turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution
and future, humanity will only have if you do.
The 'big fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't break it.
Vote early, protect, occupy and GOTV, be well,
viva la vida, solidaridad and la evolucion. reality
One of the aims of this escalation in the class war is to ****** coastal metropolitan populaces, mostly democrats, to stop them from voting; don't you let it work- fund democracy and voting by mail, please.  The increasing of the blitzkrieging speed of the repubs class war against the lower-middle-class to poor can't be tolerated; mass-murdering tens of thousands behind the guise of ineptitude?!?   reality
Drakeslilbro Oct 2020
What’s it like to be black
Whole life pre planned before you come out the sack
We are creative and they hate it so they judge us for that
If selling mid to they kids
Is your plan of attack
You need to smoke a spliff with em
*** it’s bigger than that
This **** is bigger than rap
This **** is bigger than the memes
That you’re sharing on snap
We got the ku klux klans
Hiding under the mask
The Oval Office filled with squares
And they dumb as a mat
Our own president a racist
And it’s stupid in fact
I wanna beat his fathers ***
Just for teaching em that
Look em in the eyes
Just to show em I’m mad
I’m sorry mr Luther
I’m with Malcom on this
Look we tired as ****
They worried bout some buildings
When they killing the kids
I can’t even go outside
Without fearing the pigs
How A simple rollin stop
Turn to you’ll be missed
Celebration of my life
***  your fear of my skin
They won’t even stop there
They’ll do it again
Big Virge Mar 2020
So ..... " Coronas All Around ! " ...

Is Now The NEW Sound ... !!!
But I DON'T MEAN ... BEERS ... !!!

So Now Thinking Is Sinking As This Thing Starts Shifting ...
It’s The Spreading of FEAR ... That’s Shifting Gears ... !!!!

Shifting Ears And Now It Appears ...
Is Shifting Goods For SHAMELESS CROOKS ... !!!

And NO They DON'T Wear HOODS ... !!!

Now Everyday People Are Dealing In EVIL ...
In The Name of Greed ...
While People Concede To This Corona Disease ... ?!?

A Grand For A Piece of Toilet Roll ... PLEASE ... !!!

Certain Aussies Need To Be Cuffed By Police ...
And NO I DON'T MEAN ... The Aborigines ... !!!!!!!
The Crims’ That Were Sent By Britain’s Government ...
Are Crims' Fo’ REAL ... Yup A Virus INDEED ... !!!!!!

But Not Quite Like The Chinese It Seems ...
In Just A Few Weeks They’ve Hurt Economies ...
With Corona Themes That Have Hit News Feeds ...

And Airlines Too ...
When Cabin Crews Are In Quarantine Queues ... !!!

So What’s The Next Move For Political Groups ... ???
Shutting Down Countries From China To Iran To ... Italy ... !!!

Well Now It’s Bio Warfare That Has The Masses Scared ... !!!

So Now They’re Willing ...
To Wear Their Gloves ... EVERYWHERE ... !!!

After Washing Their Hands of CERTAIN Foreign Clans ...
Taking The Stance of Those ... Ku Klux Klans ... !!!!!

But This Time It’s Not Blacks ...
It’s Now The Chinese Who They Want To See ...

DEMONISED ... Like Diseased Bad Guys ... !!!

But It’s Time For Clear Thinking ... !!!
As I Said At The Beginning ...

People Need To Ask ... WHY ... ?!?

Cos’ It’s Easy To See ...
That World Economies Would Be Beneficiaries ...
Well Actually I Mean ... Western Companies ... !!!!!

If ... Chinese Money ...
Saw A Quick Decrease In Its Power Oversees ... ?!?

Something Smells Funny To People Like Me ...

Well We’ve Quickly Seen Violence ...
And Of Course Police Sirens ...
Now Patrolling The Streets ...
To Curb The Increase of This Corona Disease ... !!!

That’s Killing LOTS of Peeps ... !!!
From Over There In China ... To The World GLOBALLY ...

But It’s A Time For CLEAR THINKING ...
From End To ... Beginning ... !!!

But For Those Who’ve Died ...

I Suggest A Moments Silence ...
Cos’ Now We’re Losing Lives ...

To ......

.... “ The Corona Virus “ ....
Well, obviously, it's hard to really talk about something, that's in it's apparent infancy, that's clearly dangerous, but is also shrouded in, all sorts of mystery.

However, as I post this piece, further propaganda and rumour has just reached me, that certainly suggests, that much surrounding this situation, is not all that it's cracked up to be, so, just be careful, and thoughtful folks .... DON'T just start acting out of panic and fear.

THINK, and then do what is necessary to protect you and your loved ones.....

Anyway, this piece is just expressing my initial thoughts on what this virus may well be actually about ........

Time shall tell .........
jeffrey conyers Sep 2020
Oh, when they report stories about hate?
They make many wrongful reports and mistakes.
The KLANS hide behind intimidation only.

When clap back comes?
They are cowards and weak like the men involved in them.

Now, let see the picture more clear of those they scare.
It's whites or as a few states the gutless group.
They are afraid to confront hatred out of fear.

Maybe their employer is one of them
They need that job and have to pay bills.
So they cowered before them.

In many reported situations of hurting a black male.
He defended the best he could.
He stood out and stood up to them.
In modern times KLANS realize things have shifted.

What goes around?
And easily be addressed by the race you attack.

So you on police forces and in a few courts still.
Eventually, you will be exposed and all other races have to know is your address.

Then watch the cowards running from attacks.

Revenge is one hateful thing.
When the victims return to react to the same thing?

More than anything and this is true.
It hurts a white man having a powerful black over them.
Yenson Apr 2021
The welfare planks of latter day nihilism
devotedly encased in shadow complex of inferiority
our dappled clowns witless jokes of colonial mentalities
in pointy hats they drink klans juice and fire dude KKforty-sevens
they have a crowned crow in sight and its the season of cancellation

Our cosmopolitan hicks and oiks
thoroughly gangster-ed by east-end thieves
and cozied in elementary Machiavellianism of dolts
are busily engaged marching to dumb beats of mindlessness
in the power struggle of farts hailing foul pollution and corruption

Showcasing the pantomime of sick illiteracy
masking odious racist hate envy and infantile jealousy
our cult of blanched narcissists campaign as Robin Hood pirates
seething in dribbling jaws to ravage and ruin the black that excels
stuffed toothless lions on shamed rampage of a rare sleek black Tiger

Oh! how the mighty have fallen
vainglorious plantation owners now on State assistance
while former chattels are Lawyers Doctors Princes and Rulers
evolution has berated these wanton anarchist to maddened despair
and their gods anger more by giving them as a sacrificial lamb a slick rare one-off indomitable Royal black tiger
SATIRE of the pandemic...........hahaha
Michael Marchese Jul 2020
Still bringing machines
To their knees
With the ease
Of my sentient,
With the band and I
On demand
As we’re pilfering
*****-grab hand’s
And still planning
The getaway
Waste away lands
To the sands
Bring the vibes
And imbibe
The revival
Survival is our
Existential time trial
And its
Human race
We replace
With the state
Of our **** the sys-tem
We’re immune to its hate
And then in its wake
Former orders
And judge
Them to be
On its pages a smudge
Big Virge Apr 2021
So What Is The Trick... ?
To NOT Being A... Misfit... ?!?

By This I Mean...
To Be A Seam...
That BINDS A Team...
Like Coffee Does CREAM... !!!

But DON'T Think That...

.... “ You're SLICK “.....

Because You... “FIT”... ?!?

In With Teams...
Who Have OUTFITS...
Where... “Fitting IN”....

Means GUNS And CLIPS.... !!!
It's A... “ Funny Thing “...
This... " Fitting In "...

When Things Begin...
There Are Usually GRINS...

But Things Can TURN...
Like Fires BURN... !!!

So YES Get HOT... !!!!
When Tempers RISE....
And Teams Get ROCKED... !!!!!

When Smiles... subside....................

Because In TRUTH...
The ONLY Fit That Will Suit YOU...

Is... FITTING YOU... !!!

Just Like A Suit...
Or... Bespoke Shoes...

What I'm Saying To You...
Is To Be... CAREFUL... !!!
With Who You Choose...
To Move With You... !!!

But When You Find...
People You Like...
Whose Vibe Fits LIKE...
The Stars Do NIGHT... !!!

..... “ RECOGNISE “....

And FIT These People...
..... IN YOUR LIFE..... !!!!!!

Whenever YOU CAN...
Like.... Yin And Yang.... !!!

Fitting In With Them...
May Stem Problems... !!!
Because These People...
ARE... TRUE Friends... !!!

And Groups Who PLAN...

... ABUSE YOU...
Spit You OUT...
And Then CHEW YOU... !!?!!

Because You DON’T FIT...
In With... " Their Clique "...

You See Sometimes It's ALRIGHT....
To Be A... “ Mis-Fit “... !!!

To Join At THE HIP...
With Those Who TRICK...
And Call THAT.... Friendship.... !?!

From ART To THOSE...
of The Corporate Class...

To Whom YOU SHOW...
.... " Your Heart ".... !!!

From The VERY Start...
... ALWAYS Be YOU... !!!!!

No Matter WHO...
Gets To Vibe With You...
Be An... INDIVIDUAL... !!!
That It's NOT A COOL Thing...

To Be A...

.... " Misfit ".... !!!
Having observed those who have chosen to join cliques, i've never been one to enjoy doing it, because what i've learned is that a lot of the time...

It's The ... Fitting In ...
That IS The SIN ...
Big Virge Jul 2021
Well It’s Quite CLEAR That...
... “ The Inside Track “...
Is Where You Find BIG CASH... !!!
And DANGEROUS Mans’...
Who Move With Gangs... !!!
Yup Crips And Bloods...
And Gangster Thugs...
As Well As.... " Angels "....
Who Dwell In... HELL... !!!
So YES What SELLS...
Are Souls That SMELL... !!!
of DEVIOUS Acts And That’s A FACT... !!!!!
NOT Something That You See...
On... Cinema Screens... !!!
Where People Believe...
That What Is Screened...
But Yet STILL Dream...
of Joining With Teams...
Whose Means Are... MEAN... !!!
And Are Into Scenes...
Where Machines DON’T Clean... !!!
UNLESS What They Clean...
Are Fiends Who BLEED...
For Them To GET MONEY... !!!
That’s ***** Because...
It’s Covered In BLOOD... !!!
Blood That Runs...
When They Choose To Send THUGS...
To THREATEN With Guns... !!!
Hammers For Tongues...
And MURDEROUS Stuff... !!!
DON’T EVER Think You’re Above...
Being... The ONE...  
By Those Who Claim Souls...
For FAME And A Place...
At The TOP of The Game... !!!
That Has... NO SHAME... !!!!!
That’s Right I Mean THE GAME...
Where People... " ENTERTAIN "...
And Behave Like Dames...
Who SEEMED Happy To Be *****... ?!?
Cos' They... DELAYED............................ .............  
Making PLAIN.......

How The Game Is Played... !!!!!
As Long As Their Face...
Got To Claim... BIG PAY... !!!
And Making A KILLING... !!!
But DON’T Be Forgetting...  
That People Go... MISSING............................ ...............................
WITHOUT A Conviction... !!!
If You Have Been Backed...
By The Type Of Mans...
Who Connect With KLANS...
And DANGEROUS Gangs... !!!!
As I Said At The Start...
You May TOP Charts...
And Make Your Mark...
And Find Yourself...
In A World Of WEALTH...
Because of Cards...
That Have Been Dealt...
By The Type of Angels...
But Just Like Young Ender...
You Should ALWAYS Remember...
That There Is A Price...
That Could TAKE Your Life... !!!
If You’re NOT WISE...
When It Comes To The Guys...
Whose Price Is... HIGH... !!!
Because Without Them...
....... It’s A FACT....... !!!!!!
You’ll Never Get To See...
Or FULFIL Your DEEPEST Dreams...
Without The Kind of Teams...
Whose Connections Have The Hack...
For You To Get ON...
... “ The INSIDE TRACK “... !!!
There are a great deal more, DARK Forces that surround the entertainment industry, than many choose to believe or realise !

These words were inspired from a conversation with an individual who works behind the scenes of the showbiz field !
jeffrey conyers Nov 2020
Whites, what are you upset with?
Black Lives Matters isn't a terrorist group?
Then it's easy to twist your viewpoint.

We saw this in the sixties plenty of times?
When those oppress challenge you?
The Nation of Islam rose to prominence and felt that label.
But not once did anyone step to their security arm Fruit of Islam.

But they were labeled a threat.
But most strong black units are when they protest your mess.
And what group label quick?
The white press.
Who mainly controlled in those days by old white conservative males?

The men of Oakland the Black Panther People Party not at first what they became later?
And what group label them a threat?
Those threaten when blacks or African Americans express the truth?

They been treated unfairly.
They have been discriminated against.
They deserve respect.
They are citizens far from the second class.

And all Black Lives Matters addresses in social injustice.
But to whites, they are the terrorists?

All because WHITES are intimidated to challenge themselves.
Challenge the Klans.
Challenge the fake Nazis in America.
Challenge their own.

When you tackle them?
Then comprehend why Black Lives Matter?
And All Lives Matters sounds good.

But one group crying it the most simply avoiding those issues.
They have been exposed as more racists than before.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2020
Not all racist are white.
All types of color have them within.
But the symbol of hatred will always lie with the racist white male.

Book, has shown this.
Movies have portrayed them.
And they can't even run from this picture.

The worst type in America tries to pledge their stupidity around ******.
Without comprehending they wouldn't fit within the Nazis' agenda.

Remember, even they, in the beginning, they were picky.

Yes, they have been in government and continue too.
Yes, they are in law enforcement.
But without this Clint Eastwood mentality.
They still wimp in society.

All bigots hide behind weapons.
Klans, behind the hoods and flames and guns.
****, weapons seem to make them THINK they are tough.

They hide behind complaints like society ever been fair.
They cant accept how they got there ahead of others.

Through tricks and manipulation.
So the saga of hatred is the racist white male.

— The End —