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JJ Hutton Jul 2010
all eyes,
all on me,
all eyes,
all over me.

milk the silence.

fingertips trace the
splintered podium.

clear my throat,

"We shoulduh' seen this coming."

great opener.

"Our end was scored
by symphonies of sitcoms,
reality television, coffeehouse blenders,
and fanatical braking.

Our pride in resilience was the
spark that lit the powder keg.

Foreigners couldn't stop us,
for we stopped letting 'em in years ago.

Time couldn't stop us,
for our bodies are made of plastic,

and words don't dent us,
for our emotions are backed by
the most stubborn of metals.

We broke love when we were still young.
All us boys were aiming for quick fixes,
and all you girls were aiming for margarita mixes.
Ladies decided they wanted to nest around the
smoking age,
and if they were attractive enough,
us boys bit.

We all got divorced.

We all got into politics.

Some of us died for a country,
but none of us are sure why.

Some of us ran from debt,
some recorded folk songs on laptops,
some sexed their way out,
some drank themselves to death.

We shoulduh' seen this coming.

But we didn't, so that makes you and I, the idiots.

The smart ones had foresight,
and departed us early.

Now we idiots look to the murderous sky,
and wait."

all eyes,
all on me,
all eyes,
all over me.

milk the silence.

i raise my arms up,
as though the crowd is crucifying me.

they want to finish their burgers.
they want to stroke each other's egos.
they want to pass the blame on some
distant land,
and stick boots up ***** and wave a few flags.

"So civilization doesn't get to rust,
it goes out in a flash and is carried away as dust.

Mankind annihilates itself in a fit of boredom.

Get stoked for the funeral pyre."

all eyes,
all on the ground.
all skin,
all plastic skin did melt.
all forgotten dreams,
all torn from hidden seams.
all the thin, the fat, the republican, the democrat,
all the white, the black, the chinese,
the arabs, the jews, the druggies,
the christians, the monkeys, mtv stars,
toilet seats, pamphlets,
all the newsreels, dvds,
collector's editions, suvs,
all fuse together,
all in one immaculate heat.

no one even got a chance to applaud.
Copyright 2010 by Joshua J. Hutton
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2011
Enter the dragon with death and disruption
Pride and tradition cataclysmically thrown,
Magnificent structures reduced to rubble
Distraught people bereft of their homes.
Chasms of heartache with bodies of babies
Strewn with the bricks in vast disarray,
Dust in the air and the howl of the sirens
Shouting police on a horror filled day.

Christchurch is bleeding, her confidence shattered
Our keynote cathedral is lying in shards,
Vacant eyed people are clinging to strangers
Jagged black holes in suburban back yards.
Christchurch is bleeding, our torn, gracious City
The nation arises in hurt and alarm,
To face the challenge with strength and resources,
To nurture our sister with healing and balm.

Sympathy shown by the myriad faces
Racing to help from all parts of the globe,
Expertise offered with money and labour
Students with shovels and priests of the robe.
Sadness and torment for kin of the missing
Frustrated rescuers work till relieved,
Moments of triumph with lost resurrected,
Agony felt when the dead are retrieved.

Led by the strength of the Mayor of the City
Courageous citizens help where they can,
Moments of bravery, moments of agony
Inspirational feats of elan.
Poignancy shown by the sad Maori Warden
Guiding the aged through the strewn broken glass,
Aiding the ambulance crews in their labour
Proud to be Kiwi as folk show their class.

Christchurch WILL arise from the death and destruction
Once again people will overcome grief,
Pride and resilience will triumph with the passing
And time will repair with deserved relief.

Victoria Park Tunnel
25 February 2011
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2014
These Great Reviver’s wild reforms
Now sound like all Hot Air,
Narendra Modi’s new India
Still bogged down in despair.
Shinzo Abe’s revised Japan
Still wallows to stagnate
And China’s Xi Jinping’s grand scheme
Continues to deflate.
Collectively they stumble
In their plans to stimulate
Asia’s great economies…..
But have failed to shut the gate
On the Shadow Banking industry,
Their vague structural reform
And the fossilized grey politics
Which resemble, now, the norm.
Rhetoric is their keynote here
Real action’s in decline
With their mandate clearly squandered

23 August 2014
These pretenders all came to power recently on platforms of great  economic reform. Collectively their rhetoric has been long and very deficient in detail, with the consequence that their nation's economies are now floundering and unless there is some BIG BANG ACTION soon????
Major debt default is just down the road for Asia's Tigers.
Lauren Yates Jul 2012
She—an unrepeated motif—waxes precocious like her ancient self.
Never mind the counterfeit eccentrics,
strange enough to be noticed but not doomed.
Their only burden is imperfection.
She’d die for these people, but they don’t realize omniscience is boring.
In preschool, she learned people are mean for no reason.
There’s no sense in spiting the inevitable,
so she gave away her quarters at bake sale.
Her mother would say, “That money is yours.”
The girl would ask, adjusting her overalls,
“If it’s mine, can’t I decide what to do with it?”
In the future, when repeating this story to a potential motif,
she’d know he’s The One when he’d say,
“What do four-year-olds need to know about capitalism?
Thanks to Walt Disney, they want to conform
and follow their hearts at the same time.”
She’d get off on his grumpy, and then notice his ring.
If he had met her first, would he still have married his wife?
It’s not worth hoping for divorce. He’s built to mate for life.
Instead of turning twenty-six, she’ll choose a chair in purgatory—
trapped between what should be and what is.
As long as she’s sitting, she may as well start smoking.
It’s a fine day for oral fixation.
At least she doesn’t smoke Parliaments like the counterfeit eccentrics.
She’d wonder if in a past life she was a dusty vacuum cleaner,
covered in what she was meant to destroy.
It’s too easy to claim hypocrisy,
too easy to cry genius for discovering what works
when for so long, failure was the only place to go.
She hasn’t been happy since she was thirteen.
The day before her first existential crisis,
her mother said, “Stop being so melodramatic.
You must want to be depressed.” Her response:
“I’m not too young for a mid-life crisis. I just won’t live to see thirty.”
She owes her life to a fear of hell,
knows we all experience hell differently. Hers is a banquet.
The proceeds will go toward ending world hunger.
At the end of the night, the keynote speaker complains
that Alfredo sauce doesn’t reheat well, so the leftovers get thrown out.
Zulu Samperfas Nov 2012
"The population is expected to level off at around nine billion," says my father
A nearly full plate of Thanksgiving feast food in front of him
but he has been asked to pontificate which is what he does best
and I hear a tremor in his voice like I have when I teach
I know he is in the throws of excitement about what he's saying
planning for his keynote in Brazil, and what plant scientists can do
to help save us from global warming and the lack of water since there isn't
even two liters of fresh water for every person on the planet for use every day at seven billion
I gesture as to what two liters looks like  and my mother snaps "I know what two liters is!"

It's cold in here, in this large Oakland short sale house that fits my cousin's family
and my Aunt downstairs, where I like it better because the children aren't there
Like two houses put together and there are no carpets just hard wood floors and
open windows that make it cold and it is anything but warm and fuzzy
My Aunt is angry with me that I shop at Walmart but that's what I can afford
Tomorrow she's holding a strike at a Walmart with her daughter which makes them superior to me
She's also mad because I don't like my "Union" which does nothing for me since I'm not tenured
"You have to organize" she condescends, like that is a reasonable thing with my one and two year stints at schools but she is the big Union Head for CSU so she should know
She was on TV with Jerry Brown after all, so what do I know
The kids are noisy since they all have their own phone and can play anything they
want at any time in addition to turning on the myriad of TVs and radios and stereos in the house
and the noise ricochets off he hard cold floors and walls that have pictures on them
of people from the family, but they don't look quite like they belong
and they hang there uncomfortably and self consciously
There is every skin tone except deep black at the table
My family--all that is left

Childhood: I loved going to my mother's family in Idaho
It was hot in summer or cozy warm inside in winter and
a wonder land outside for snow shoeing and skiing
It was quiet and they always had wall to wall carpet
I rolled from one end of the room to another in it the first time I felt it
It was warm and fuzzy.  
People listened and there were breaks from noise and chaos

Here, every conversation is disjointed like we are going
in and out of different time periods and different petty rivalries and
fierce competitions under it all and families are blending and being
torn apart and the latest one has formed from "OK Cupid" online
and my Aunt has to be right, the smart one, the good one, the one of the people
and it is so cold, so very cold, and the windows are opened to let in more
cold Oakland air as if there isn't enough of it and all the sounds of
kids and electronics are driving me slowly insane

What can plant scientists do to help nine billion people
without water?  Not a whole lot, except invent crops that
survive like camels, or can live underwater like fish
since everything will be either dry or deluged with water
and I wish there was carpeting, warm carpeting and less
noise and more harmony
and this is the family I have now
the old one is gone, like the glaciers that will melt all at last
and the rivers that will run dry forever.
And I think: what we need to do is invent a way to make water
Make enough water for everyone, maybe from recycled bags or used Nike shoes
and if we can do that, maybe the air in this house will warm
and it will become quieter and the hard wood floors will become soft and warm and fuzzy
and I will feel at home here, with my family
Alexia Côté Jul 2014
Alice has
Been broken up with
Constantly on the first
Date because the
Elligible bachelors make her
Fail to
Give a good first impression
Heaven knows
In time she’ll learn how to

Jonas wants to live a
Keynote moment with a special
Lady even if she’s
Mad because to him
Nothing is working
Out the way it should
Presently the universe is producing
Quietly Alice and Jonas’

Sunday morning
They met
Under the pouring rain sourrounded by animals
Were soon exchanged
Xanax was needed to calm down Alice that day
You should know that today they are taking their kid to a
Zoo where they first met
I was challenged to write a poem where every line was a new letter of the alphabet, from A to Z. This was the result.
preservationman May 2017
It was your thought on “IF”
Your Analysis on “WHEN”
Your concentration of “CAN”
You mattered book knowledge and concepts
It’s time to think about adaptability
Let no boundaries stop you from reaching your goals
Your tomorrow arrived today
You are now a “COMMODITY”
Having many talents within beyond education
Yet we have ventured back to “CAN”
Education put the hard work and your overcame the struggles
Look at where you are you are a GRADUATE
You focused on your achievements
Yet determined to make your career vision a reality
You stepped up to the plate
What you thought was fate became your accomplishment arriving at your commencement date
You earned recognition
Life’s planning is easy to do, but total commitment in  Organization is what one must go through
Education prepared you in knowledge
Now Analysis means apply the thinking logic
Theories are far more than concepts, but are Rhetoric of divined movements forming principles
It’s every step you make, and decisions at the right time being precise
But always knowing, there will be times you may need some advice
However, you are the ACHIEVERS who sets out what they start
This approach is BRAIN SMART
So Graduates, as you step out onto the streets
You are marketable, but don’t give into defeat
Your confidence having solid ground being your own
But that is something you already have known
Let me leave you with these encouraging words, “Matter the solutions, and you will overcome the struggles”.
shireliiy Nov 2015
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Marshal Gebbie Mar 2010
Today we have few heroes
Few live the life of Kings,
Few go the extra mile to win
The wondrous praise it brings.
Most walk the path of averageness
Most strive to play it safe,
Where convention glides to keynote
And contention is a waif.

Nobody pulls the dragon's tail
Nobody stretches out,
To walk in shoes of restlesness,
And lash the Devil's gout.
Nobody grasps the horns of hell
To cast care to the wind,
Nobody sticks their neck out
Making ego's soar rescind.

Why do we lie in fallow turf
Where textures are so bland?
Why do we slouch in listlessness
Each idle hand, in hand?
Where is the pluck and passion
Which allows our pulse to flail?
Go find the guts and courage

Mangere Bridge
21 March 2010

Dedicated with love to my youngest fledgling, Solomon, who is venturing forth in his first business.
Marshal Gebbie Dec 2010
Cordoned off from moneyed people
Kept at  distance by the clique,
Separate by class and culture’s
Moneyed  boundary is their trick.
Wealth creates a boundary zone
Where only wealthy tread,
Admission is beyond the reach
Of those who toil for bread.

The maintenance of status
Is defended by their code
Of only Rich association
With no dilution in the mode.
Rich parties held on tropic isles
Exclusive to their wealth,
Accessable by private jet
And curvey blondes with stealth.

With status strictly guarded
By muscle, dogs and fence,
And fawning politicians
Who clamour to commence
The photo opportunity,
The handshakes and the smiles
Of wealth and power in unison
To win them votes for miles.

The Rich protect their Rich friends
In their universal club
Exclusivity’s the keynote…
And you’ll deftly get the rub
Should you smear your gloss and polish,
Lose your money in a fraud,
Then you’ll be exorcised at once
And  immediately ignored.

The rules here are quite simple
And elementary my friend,
No matter how you gain your wealth
Or make it in the end….
By fair or foul’s acceptable
Just so long as banks’ remand
That you OWN a ****** fortune….
Then the Rich will shake your hand.

Broke@the Bach
Mangere Bridge
4 December 2010

He sat in back and passed the time

For every day in school

He didn't say he couldn't see

For glasses just weren't cool

Instead he chose a method

That didn't show his flaw

He made himself the new class clown

He would make the class guffaw

His marks were never stellar

His mind was always spinning fast

He used some misdirection

To make the teacher ask him last

He couldn't see the letters

And some were all askew

He just buried himself deeper

What was a boy to do?

Some letters came out backwards

At least those he could see

But he never ever wondered

"Is there help out there for me?"

Dyslexic and bad vision

Didn't make his marks stand out

No one really ever tried to

Find out what he's about

He sat in back in high school

Reputation well in hand

He was not destined for college

That was not what he had planned

Until one day a certain teacher

With long, blonde, golden hair

Made him move up to the front

"You can't see from back there"

She let him use his humour

To divert her from her work

But, this was one tough teacher

And to teach him, she'd not shirk

She knew he had a problem

And that he had alot of pride

She was bound and so determined

To find what he had deep inside

Away from other students

Talking quiet just to him

She told him, she had the same problem

She'd put herself out on a limb

She was proof that help was out there

That he'd not spend life in the back

And that they would work together

They'd develop an attack

Late lessons teaching reading skills

Getting contacts on the sly

He had found a sense of meaning

He could kiss the clown goodbye

He would never be the leader

But, he would be more than he'd shown

And at his graduation

He would show how he had grown

He wasn't keynote speaker

But he stood up all the same

He told the story of his changing

To all of those who came

He showed them how a teacher

Could change a single man

By doing what they're trained for

And doing what they can

There were tears out in the crowd there

Many people sat and cried

As they listened to his story

And came upon his ride

He talked for fifteen minutes

He had captured all these folks

By telling a true story

And not by telling jokes

He finished up his lecture

And he gave the room a thrill

When he said "I'll be a teacher"

And you know...*******...he will.
Andrew Rueter Mar 2018
You need to use vocals
To spread a message that is hopeful
You need to use vocals
To create a point that is focal
You need them
Like R.E.M.

A message from your heart
That goes through your brain
It can be called quality art
Once it reflects inner pain
That runs deep through your voice
And your lyrical choice

You don't need scientists with beakers
Or super loud speakers
You don't need to make a keynote speech
Or grab for things that are out of reach
You just need a lesson
Taught through confession

There are wonderful things done instrumentally
But I want to focus on someone instead of me
Because thinking through someone else's words
Seems more productive
Rather than repeating myself so nothing is stirred
Which feels somewhat reductive

If you have something to say
Speak up
If you can't find a way
Drink up
Music based on emotion instead of thought
But be careful to not get mindlessly caught
Until you're starving
From culturally carving
Out anything that is strange
Until you have a truncated range
Of empathetic understanding
That's one way of landing
On a lame existence
For plain persistence

Art will always reflect life
They share the same plight
The best way to communicate
Is not to ruminate
But to speak with your mouth
Before your mind goes south
End the depressing deflation
Through simple human relation

Your gift of pain
Becomes my drain
My rhythmic refrain
From ending this game
Please allow me to hear you
So I may no longer fear you
It doesn't matter if you're not local
I'll relate to you through your vocals
Nick Moser Apr 2016
I'm the poster child for self hatred.

My calendar's constantly booked with things like "Sit and Hate Myself" and "Live Tweet How Terrible My Life Is."

I'm an advocate for not having enough self confidence.

I'm a member of the Missed Opportunity Club.

And next week I'm the keynote speaker at the "Nothing is Going Right in My Life and it Never Will" Conference.

And the worst part about all of this is:

I have all these accolades and you still won't notice me.......
Idk something sad about my life maybe..
Zulu Samperfas Jun 2012
Didn't want to go back to the torchure chamber
Monday morning, I am back
"Keynote Speaker" harranges us to be better
at what we do
We are never enough
No one knows what exactly we're doing wrong
but it must be something or we wouldn't be subjected to this
Everyone sits docilely, hands folded
or immersed in a sudden fascination with a muffin
and not enough coffee

Breakout sessions and I feel a zit form on my upper lip
We are taught like we are imbeciles
And then we learn something we didn't know
that contradicts what we've been doing
and I want to contact you, my boss
the man I'm trying to forget to tell you
there is something wrong here
so I do

I succeed in getting the flu and eating every available sweet
On the third day you write back to tell me my concern is nothing
but we will talk soon and I don't want to talk to you
who I am trying to forget
and my nose begins to bleed
in protest of this confinement and frustration.

The fourth day it is over, and I am home with a flu
and a cat I love more than anything who has cancer
and the "expert" writes back and tells me thank you so much for
noticing her mistake but its all the fault of us who don't
understand what we are doing
but she will make it all right
so it is over and you are silent
You who I was trying to forget who I now can't
get off my mind

I reread your e-mail,
look you up on-line and notice
a new picture of you with your wife
clinging to you like a fungus
I check my own old married pictures
and no, I didn't cling to my man's arm that way
hiding behind him like he is my father-protector
trying to become one being like some experimental
modern dance

And I wish you'd worn your ring when
we met a year ago so your sweet flirtations
would have disgusted me, not confused me
and I don't even like you anymore like I
don't even like my mother but
this is so compelling to yearn for
someone who doesn't care at all.
It is a pain that kills me and an ache I crave
and I don't want anymore
preservationman Jun 2017
It was the 46th Commencement at CUNY MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE
I graduated in the year 1981 and I am an ALUMNI
How times flies oh my
I was a treated like a VIP throughout
Reserved seating in what I am talking about
All the Speakers and Keynote Speaker had inspiration to shout
The graduates where given encouragement going beyond
Medgar Wiley Evers legacy to look upon
Inspiration to step out and let your involvement take flight
You got the education, but don’t sit back and take it light
Pure academics CUNY MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE will continue to prove
The history the college has maintained
In my heart the legacy will remain
A part of the vision is that all graduates will accomplish
They came from a college that is very distinguished
But the college is continuing to be on the move
A New School being Urban Development
So MEDGAR WILEY EVERS is looking down and feeling proud
His spirit feels the welcome and his honor allowed
I was moved in seeing all the graduates
A tear came to my eye
I see a question being why?
It was for sadness, but joy in seeing the Men and Women achieving, and I was so proud
Another group of graduates with concentration being CUNY Medgar Evers College to mention
Now wait for new Freshmen again, and another graduating class having a future commencement that will begin
Lift every voice and sing, but always remember one thing
“Your voice has a choice, but footsteps always need movement. Be assured with confidence. Have no fear as the Lord is always near. Medgar Wiley Evers legacy left his vision that will help you preserver”.
Mahima Gupta Jan 2014
There's no keynote
Or some particular issue
In my mind
It's just the void
Trying to fit in
There is no predicament
Its just these words
Trying to find space
Provocatively engaging my mind
To work on something
That ought to be done
Like it's some imperative assignment
Just these consonants
Camouflaging and slaughtering
That empty space
These characters from one
To twenty six
Continually withering
In search of a place
With Some connotation.
O beautiful,
Let my life rolls
Thy touch grows my lifelong response
Kiss the Keynote
Feel the Essence
Touch the tune
Grow the heavy heart

I will sing, I will sing
I will sing
Thy, just thy, Thee Song
Thy want to match the vision of the sky
My friend, my eternal companion
Take me with thy

O beautiful, let my life rolls
I will sing, I will sing
I will sing
Only thy Song!
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Original in Bengali by Dayal Ibrahim
Only Thy Song
preservationman Feb 2016
I was personally invited to be one of the Speakers and sit on a panel in Hong Kong on their keynote presentation of “SOCIAL MARKETING STRATEGY INNOVATION”
It’s all about having a precise plan using all of Technology to the fullest
The company’s voice being the cyber space waves
Before it was just digital designs and prints to convene the message of Social Marketing
Now it is communicating live One on One and into multitudes
Technology is a powerful tool if you know how to use it
Strategy being the component in how to formulate being competitive in Social Marketing
It is no longer speak and just spread the word
The idea is making your company the frontrunner in being heard
It takes courage and determination to ride the “SURF TECHNOLOGY BOARD” and maneuvering the high cyber space waves
The words are cyber and advance
The idea is think analysis, but don’t haste
Advertising must be on target
The sales pinch being the bull’s eye to a perspective client
SOCIAL MARKETING STRATEGY INNOVATION means being on the move to keep up with constant moving technology
Large audiences you want to reach mobility through out and bring awareness to what Social Marketing is all about
You must INCORPORATE, COLLABORATE AND ELEABORATE in being competitive in order for strategy to work
There must be productive objectives and an outline having primitives of sound solutions with defined analytical conclusions
Yes, that would have been my speech
I am a good communicator, and I would have taught and educate
However, I turned the summit down
I won’t be Hong Kong bound
Yet, I have Social Marketing Strategy Innovation knowledge, and I will always be around.
Zulu Samperfas Apr 2013
Today I called, they weren't, have to be the bigger person
A silent treatment has begun, and I am the adult,
all over a cat, and what is wrong to do--
to care for him
who would answer the phone?
Father, on the first ring
and he sounded nearly dead
and hollow
like I should be concerned the depression
or sadness so dense like the rotting seaweed at Mitchell's cove
at times you can't even see the sand there is so much dead sea vegetable
and flies, forever flies and the smell, from far away so toxic but from up close
seems to dissapear or maybe is simply too overwhelming
as he sits in his million dollar home, planning his Brazilian keynote
he won't have to give until September
It's nearly April and is he happy?

I often wish I could be so cold to leave someone's head spinning with pain and destruction
and walk away, as if nothing happened and that person is crazy anyway
and abandon and neglect and think nothing of it
but is he happy
go lucky?
Am I? Who endured so many of his rants and am still rebuilding and re-evaluating the ruins of my psyche he had such a hand in destroying?
Is it possible, can I now admit, that there is nothing to envy in his position?
That he himself is tormented inside his own head?
Marshal Gebbie May 2014
Interesting that we older men now flag our own decline
Composted in this shameful ruse enacted over time.
We point to prime examples of our keynote men of age
De Niro, Keitel, Clooney, Hurt…all class acts, on the stage.
Take Clarkson, Rush, O’Toole and Bean…they brim like vintage wine,
Having come to terms with baldness and the sagging paunch decline.
Like them, we’ve learned the lesson of absurdity of life,
Where the trick to aged contentedness, is to pacify the wife.
An awareness of fragility in that pending death is near,
Is offset by the peace of mind of subdued *** and beer.
We say, to Hell with gradual fade of hairline, health and wealth
When a crystal glass of single malt can smooth it all by stealth.
So quell the racing, thudding heart, lean back in wisdom’s shine,
Secure in that with shaky hand…We can still quaff vintage wine.
And should the youth lose patience with a hesitancy there
We can usually still their arrogance with a knowing senior stare,
And should there be a question of a competency still?
Remind them their tomorrow too.. is running fast downhill.
Don’t sweat it with the walker, for it all arrives too soon
And sweetly on the wireless there was Perry Como’s croon,
Take comfort in the fact that soon they’ll put us out to grass
When oblivion comes creeping in Altzheimers foggy clasp.
To tabulate the good and bad within this lifetime’s span
Leaves the negatives predominant, should truth reveal her hand,
It becomes a bit obsessive when the mind’s allowed to dwell
For around the corner, probably, …. is a one way trip to Hell.

Pukehana Paradise
Auckland NZ
May 7 2014
Ksjpari Aug 2017
Dear students Examinations denote
That you and teachers clearly emote
Their feelings out and try to devote
Their time and energy for this rowboat.
Mind that nurtures it will surely vote
Their success to teacher to roam afloat.
Let be a doctor, teacher or student tote
Examinations did need a nice quote.
Whether you be known or remote
Is decided by many reports wrote.
Evil or bad about exams is misquote
By all as it leads us to get more groat.
Ravana like teachers do connote:
Exams are tiny tot like just a mote.
The only tool which writes footnote
For children and save them from a dote.
Lastly, it is just like Gita a good keynote.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
Honeydrops Jun 2015
A piece of art and oral histories
Matched together to create a radiant attire.
A match of skins from animals bones
Made into robes and aprons
To dazzle our uniqueness.
Simplicity is said to be
"The keynote of all true elegance".
Elegance is indeed the word
That describes our fashion.
The beauty of ours cannot be over emphasized
For even with no trace of histories
Our styles describes who we are.
African fashion,
Inspired by "youth"
Not by age
But at heart
For the youthfulness of the heart
Is in no match with the frivolity of mankind.

Let me digress us off a bit
From styles to our world
For afri fashion is not something
That exist in dresses only,
It is in the sky,
It appears In the street,
Africa fashion speaks to us through individuals ideas
The way we live and what is happening..

Africa fashion..
An impeccable,outstanding and flawless art
I call it "art" because it endorse creativity
For an author once said"dress shabbily and the world remember the dress,dress impeccably and the world remembers you".

Africa fashion"our styles,our mood.
preservationman Aug 2014
As I entered the room
My audience would get an expectation coming soon
I was the keynote speaker
My presentation being of inspiration
Let your spirit capture your heart
Let your mouth think on where do I start
You start by moving forward
Have your mind to continue on thinking upward and onward
Your footsteps should have trails on where you have been
It’s an achievement past
Then its positive thinking that will last
Introduce the confidence that you should be
Then watch as all eyes see
Define assurance and persuasion
One can’t function without the other
You cannot reverse to serve your purpose as another
This is all what comes together
The idea is to illustrate who you are
It is knowledge that takes you far
You can’t get there by car
But it takes the efforts of who you are
This is my presentation approach
A clear cut assortment like a brooch
Use whatever resources in getting you going
Because of me you are now in the knowing
I hope I inspired you to expand
Remember see the horizon at your command
You will be the example in demand.
Ksjpari Aug 2017
Dear readers, Reader’s Digests denote
That readers read and clearly emote
Their feelings out and try to devote
Their money and time for this rowboat.
The mind that reads it will surely vote
Their success that is sure to roam afloat.
Let be a doctor, teacher or student tote
This is a boon that always does quote
Famous personalities known or remote;
Ideas or thinking or reports wrote
Jokes, humour or news or misquote
All are fitted in just a little groat.
Unlike Narada, RD does connote:
Little price, high yields in a mote.
The only book with a lot of footnote,
This will save us from being a dote.
Lastly, it is like Gita a good keynote.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
Robin Carretti Jul 2018
2- Out-Guess- us but never 2 Confess
To take this all in letting words
breathe out
The paintbrush built-in fantasy
hot how it hit

  The stroke of fingers linger the mind
Letting the hard life  leave us behind
Rose blood-Family stem-gem

The rule of thumb
Traveling Jamaica ***
Shes the Cherry plum
But laughing banging his drum
"Of Sin'
On the run Us or them 2-Digest

Is all this really us? Out of context
The (Quest Vernal Falls) that's next
Disguises ((French Masquerade Ball))
Kiss me Kate show Kate plus eight

"Carnal Knowledge' beauty of things
Us or they call out to them just call
(Us) the time is precious but they need

A Yosemite mountain of solitude
All for them but don't leave us
We are the (Us) and Bed and Breakfast
(Us) no fuss and them do they stay?
Us together feminine 2- B pink flamingo
clouding ****** of heavily creamed lust
of birds, their words to always tweet and trust
And him (Artsy Truer blue) out time goes bye bye
Her seeded bread Levy rye
2 of us divineness of me guitar strumming
his words everlasting recite a play
Entering sunnyside their hips both
(Always Us) the front "Riviera Cannes"
The narrowing **** skirt
seducing some point of view
Hilltop nonstopping our heart views

The emblem signs and codes
of Da Vinci solving whats lost

The  music fits like keynote
The Classical  piece Pavarotti
leadership connection of
romantic hands
How and why is it us
and not them that needs the
2 lips kiss that's (Us) we are the
Women*ly-Divine-ship  Niagara
waterfalls but (Us) we remain vividly tall
The Meeting congrats wishing well

Love for us fire between hearts listen
The hearty bread lips really ripen
(Love Inferno) the
Islands of Sorrentino
and for them, salsa rhythms
All hums into procreation of symbols
Better spirit of love they met there rivals
As we reach the higher forces
I am here one time
But never again that's not my realism
I will always be here to see everyone again
The first creation the Holy Time meets
over again for family and (Us)

The mighty (Us) Kingdom green
grass remarkable time infinite-yum lips
to trust like the (Shabbat Shalom)
So rural riveting a focal point for them
her finger does the talking  

Remembering a time so refreshing
Stunning dressed  for him ravishing
It can disappear  just like them
Us-Striking, Perhaps them- irresistible,
And when will our time be desirable
The Statuesque Robin Risque
What makes words feel good
Like love really should
Sweetness finger cakes
The morning hike climb oral

Great lakes (Us) to be___-    them
Over and over out of line mistakes
The babies digging smiles kids sandcastles
Sensuous muscles on the limb
Tudimine meadows succumb
Cheek to cheek (Us) no time for them
Jupiter jeweled for "Us" and for them,
nerve-shaken the best  cool I tune stir
Those full  happy hours of drinks

Us ((Awaken)) coffee warms both of our hearts
Watersports the Cherub of Valentine of darts

for (Us) or them?
Why do they say blue is depressing
The ocean of sweeter nymphs
Solving Us with words "I love you"
in high legs of depth
Provative Imaginative
Her body of water
Never leaving (Us) behind
The self-esteem boost

To compliment being **** is a
the great thing for (Us)
For them what sets a great impact
Enticing someone else?
Wait what about (Us)
Being drawn to them is it always them?
The ancient times Athena Grecian far away
love the closeness tables set and lightness
Mom and Me perfect Us never the long distance
And Dad makes a smile poem plus at a glance
Like Mom sewing your dress hem spinning me
Like traveling to France I did
Is it (Them) or (Us) you decide
Heres to (Us) no fuss just a voyage and no Boss around. We are on higher Eternity of love ground our time and place mystical focal points. Do we love and honor to trust erotically flow between all of us take the trip with Us or them?
Elena Smith Dec 2015
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preservationman Aug 2017
I had famous legacies from education and experience which some these achievers can be found in history books
But let’s take a closer look
For starters, it was my time attending CUNY MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE, my library Supervisor was Leola Maddox, Wife of Alton Maddox, the famous Lawyer in the Tawana Brawley Case in 1987
Also at CUNY MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE, I had the honor and pleasure to have Professor Dr. Betty Shabazz, Widow of Malcolm X and she taught a Health and Wellness class
But I had Dr. Shabazz in the fall term that went fast
Now at the Greyhound Corporation, I had 3 Mentors, but one that was significant and his name was Joe Black, Vice President, but who also was the pitcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers and who played with Jackie Robinson
I still have the books that Mr. Black gave me in Achieving Worth Receiving
Now back to CUNY MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE, June 8, 2017 of the 46th COMMENCEMENT, I had the opportunity to see Medgar Evers Widow, Dr. Myrlie Evers, Daughter and Grandson. I witnessed former Secretary Of State, Hillary Clinton being the keynote speaker
Ken Webb, Formerly of KISS-FM Radio Host lectured at CUNY MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE as a Professor along with my Professor Dr. Mary Umolu in Radio Station Operations Production Programming
We move from the College to the Old New York Coliseum that was in Columbus Circle in New York City, and it was the New York Auto Show and this is where I met Jesse Owens, won numerous gold medals in the 1936 Summer Olympics. We talked briefly one on one
At Rockefeller Center, I bumped into Mr. David Rockefeller and we talked for 10 minutes one on one
I also met Ted Turner at CNN CENTER, Atlanta, and he gave us a talk in my tour group
I also shook hands with Cardinal Terrence Cooke on the steps of St. Patrick’s Cathedral as they were celebrating the Church’s Centennial
Met Movie Star David Hasselhoff of the Knight-Rider TV Series Fame as we talked directly at Universal Studios, Hollywood, California and also had conversation with KIT, the knight-Rider Car
Miracle on 34th Street I actually lived during the R.H. Macy & Co., Inc. and Gimbels era, but also extends into the TITANIC
I spoke to Arnold Schwarzzenger during his Bodybuilding Competing Days and Superstar Billy Graham of Wrestling
Dr. Hazel Duke of the NAACP New York Chapter preached at my Church
Eubie Blake, Famous Jazz Pianist/Composer is my Great Uncle and who is also in the Smithsonian ***** Museum in Washington, DC
There are a host more, but I leave it right there
Each star personality with qualities beyond compare
Reflection fitting any occasion
History being part of me
I shared because I wanted all to see.
Onoma Jun 2018
amalgamated June,
you've yet again been
taken up by the year
of your lord--
furrowed brow spread
fast to the skull,
glazed in contemplative
high noon drop down
of sun's cymbal...
clanging at the rim,
in gushes of sound.
all coming alive around
you, now square the peace of
minds that seek survival.
divvy it up, bury that
parsimonious fist, and
apportion the newborn
and seasoned alike!
assure all with that snappy
blue sheet you fly and
fan a blizzard of cottonwood
seeds with.
these keynote speakers of
silence you undo the land
with, as they touch all the
right and wrong places.
swelling a lubricious humidity,
a writhing--cut suddenly free.
quicksilver fish, lightning--
kindle-coal, ****.
in need of tempest's assistance--
preservationman Aug 2017
7:30 am Worship  Service at  New Jerusalem Worship Center
It was song and praise
Jesus name and the Holy Spirit amaze
We had a Guest Minister to preach
The shout of Jesus and Hallelujah was my soul in reach
I had tears running down my eyes and praising in the Lord’s name
The service was preaching throughout
With me, it was Jesus loud with a shout
But the Guest Minister’s sermon was strictly for me
Earlier in the week, I had been putting myself down
I was talking to a friend of mine about some positive things that involve my God given talent
But throughout the conversation, I was putting myself in being less in potential
However, my friend reinforced that I have God given talent that is essential
I was asked to be a Keynote Speaker at a CIO Conference in Los Angeles in December
I turned them down as I felt I was worthy of the subject
A sermon was prepared to inspire me, and the Lord said, “HAVE I GOT A SERMON FOR YOU”
As the Guest Minister was preaching with Holy words
Praises to Jesus could be heard
Your truly was under the spirit, and I was definitely calling out the name of Jesus
The person I was sitting next my praise and saw my tears being total praise
I hugged the other church member with spiritual joy in my heart
New Jerusalem Worship Center spirit I will never forget
But it is the Holy Ghost that I need to get
New Jerusalem Worship Center is a church about Faith
Blessings full of praise
Ongoing and Continual amazes
Joy in the morning
Inspiration from heaven for all too see.
Dr Peter Lim Nov 2017
Enough angst
and chagrin
for the day

beleaguered by
office politics
envy and jealousy
swelling like the angry sea

bad mouthing
the insulting
the pretending
the blaming

is the keynote
of the day

if a solution
to this blight
you've found
write to me
in Hello--Poetry.
Satsih Verma Dec 2023
My burning moment was
eternity of time in your hands. Can
you shut your eyes to see the world falling?

My abstract was god.
And the pain was very original. It had
no scars. The blood leaks from the heart.

The keynote is in your
brain. Time cheats you. Timelessly
you bid for only love.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
I couldn't do press conferences
Or television cameras
Or literary festivals
Or keynote speakers

But I could do libraries
Air Force bases
Episcopalian church prayer services
Ferry boats. Tim Meeker.

Invisible threads  Si.
Some of the Chinese
And Swedish
And Israeli. Tel Aviv.

Sacramento. Satellite Beach.
Mark and DeeAnn
Judi and Allison
Mike and Steve

Arlene Corwin Apr 2020
Everything (Is) A Point In Space 2020

Everything is a point in space,
Related to a point in space;
Nothing far,
Nothing near,
All things relative to here
Or there or then.
Not just to here or when,
Or yes, how long.

Tonality’s keynote song
Has contrast-worth,
All on earth non-absolute.

Enter point, enter center,
No obstructing intercepter
But a  center and a center of said centers,
(even centers have a center
As a point in space
Un-erased by laws of time).

At the root, I have surmised,
There is no friction and no bias.
Or is it a pious fiction,
Science fiction’s pie-in-sky?

Everything A Point In Space 9.7.2002/ re-composed 4.4.2020
Nature In & Of Reality; To The Child Mystic; Circling Round Science;
Arlene Corwin
Agony, grief and particularly anger
roil these lovely bones
life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness
exempts those graced with darker skin tones.

Rather than raucously riot,
I craft emotions courtesy poetry
mine feeble attempt to agitate and protest
sublimated thru scathing poetic indictment
lame contrasted against violent protests.

Peaceable methodology,
(viz printed word) versus war
preferable mode to conflict resolution
opposed to explosive uproar
angry frenzied mob scenes as seen online, or
alternate mass communication medium
valiantly, yet vanely attempt to even out score.

Tipping point evincing breached injustices,
(whereby persons sporting greater melanin)
triggered spontaneous outbursts
(bedlam witnessed while safely sequestered
within Highland Manor apartment
unit B44 May 31st, 2020).

Innocent lives, particularly
those who proudly identify themselves
purportedly black targeted merely because
genetics crafted them darker hued skin
unwittingly and unfairly
site them in crosshairs
where strong arm of the law
indiscriminately takes their life.

Despite genetics bequeathing me Caucasian
(predominantly Eastern European - Semitic features)
with one percent Neanderthal man
thrown in for good measure),
yours truly dispirited,
dismantled, and disgruntled
née disenchanted linkedin
with **** sapiens.

Neither railing nor ranting
can alleviate injustice
visited upon heads and torsos of innocent
Americans, whose genealogy traced to
Africa, Australia, Haiti, Melanesia, Papua
New Guinea and South Asia.

Because they and/or forebears
hailed from areas with highest ultraviolet
radiation in the world,
subsequent generations automatically
serve as fodder stigmatized cradle to grave.

Prejudice, inferiority and abuse
maligned, hashtagged, and dogged
heels of peoples uprooted peoples
south of the equator, or elsewhere
whose epidermis strongly hinted
fifty plus shades of ebony.

They found themselves in debasement
within complex edifice housing
facade of equality
ofttimes receiving punishment
their sole supposed crime
accentuated, heightened, perpetrated
courtesy born swarthy complexion
even if prominent features
(think European) quite apparent.

Two hundred and thirty three months
into twenty first century
bias toward slave descendants
wracks western civilization in general,
and United States of America in particular
i.e. land of the free and the home of the brave
keynote doth ardently heard far and wide,

yet many nth generations removed
since slavery abolished
still remain shackled, especially
when men/women in blue
subject random person of color
to physical assault
frequently culminating with death
of falsely accused
whereby police person acquitted.

Day after day, week after week,
month after month... brutish and nasty
thuggish haughty uniformed cops
create deadly merciless altercations
begetting livid rage among populations
anonymous brethren beaten, shot, strangled...
ensuing hatred particularly endemic
within lower income poorer neighborhoods
where bedlam runs amok!

— The End —