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Micheal Wolf Jan 2014
Fuzzy and grey
Hard to see through
Nothing reflected
Blocking the light
Looking out
Not inside
Who wants to see?
They just get rejected
For looking within
Tearful for no reason
Every reason but none
Like windows to a soul
That isn't their own
No place to go poking
Around on your own
No one to guide you
No one to hold
Behind those eyes
It's' hollow
It's cold
Though it wasn't always
When some lit a fire
He stamped it out
Blamed lust over love
For fear of desire
Loosing just what?
Now empty is all
No love left inside
Don't look in the mirror  
There's nothing to find
Egyptian mythology had a few re writes and came to this.
Synthesis Apr 2015
darkness consumes all
the black night swallows our thoughts
Vomits back our fears

Shadows pollute minds
Specters of the past revive
They taunt tease and laugh

We give in so quick
Victims to our own morals
destroyed by self doubt

Quick to love others
so fast  to hate ones own self
So slow to forgive

The mirror whispers
The wind curses so sweetly
The blade kisses you

It tenderly glides
Slides against ebony skin
Gaping rift remains

Scarlet life erupts
History of an empire
Contained in those veins

Osiris Horus
Pharaohs Gods ,and rulers.Kings
Contained in those veins

Isis Hathor Bast
Greats queens, protectors, healers
Contained in those veins

Garden of Eden
Cradle of our mother Earth
Contained in those veins

Men and women with Brave Hearts
Contained in those veins

Swift minds,Diamond tongues
hip-hop jazz blues rock, our sound
Contained in those veins

Firm hands,and strong arms
The power to hold the world
Contained in those veins

A deep rich opus
there is his story and hers
Contained in those veins

Our blood stains the soil
Why destroy the tapestry
Contained in those veins
Matthew Bright Nov 2024
Sartori-Falcon and Hathor
eternally dreaming
in clear mountain air ,
employ Lotus Flower
and Key of Life
in service of the Pneuma .

KA.       BA.       AKH.       RA.
All lives , translucent
films in space .
Like a waterfall
of magical numbers
and codes of the ancients .

Then , initiation to the
realm of the senses ,
through a rich fabric
of symbols , sound and light .

While souls of the
bright star children
cross the galaxies
to their new green home .

Blending their true selves
with the energy of animal spirits ,
they dance cosmic
telluric currents and solar winds .
Mel Kay May 2023
There's an oasis in my desert.

Palm trees and koi live here where sands are soil and winds are thick and wet. Cloths that fall from sky to floor, made from a million counts of thread. A beige place, now pastel mixtures of blue and green. Unlike anything the gods could ever dream.

In my body there's a desert oasis on which even I haven't laid my sight. And as I sit here still, I feel it moving and humming like a generator when there's no light. Vibrating auroras through the skies of an African night.

In my soul there's a desert oasis. One that has betrayed the sight of many as mirage. A dissappearing trick, a myth, a facade. Here is where the weak are left for dead. The cruel collaboration between Hathor and Set.

In my body, where my heart stays,

between the fragile spaces,

there's an hourglass that holds my soul in which there's a desert...

where you'll find an oasis.
Rambling, it's s been a while. Hi though...
Jamison Bell Jun 2016
This ebony sky, is Nut so sad?
Angry at Ra perhaps.
Bidding him to Duat.
To suffer the whims of Apophis

What hymn soothes her.
Wherein she would bade him to return.
Tis it the song of the seas?
Shall we call upon the cerulean?

Hathor pays me no mind.
She suffers not my woes.
She is love made flesh.
Maybe I am lost to her.

Cursed this binding darkness.

Bast, what does your third eye see?
Is Duat so chaotic?
Your children long for Ras embrace.
Geb longs to awaken.

My cries go unanswered.
Save for Khonsu.
Who dances with Hapi upon the Nile.
I believe it is she.

Khonsu, are you not tired?
Do you not hear the songs of the cerulean?
Cease your daunting ways.
Rest now so that Ra may run his course.

Mafdet, God of justice!
Your scales lack balance!
Suffer Khonsu no more.
Set right this celestial nonsense.

Just as the cerulean began to grow hoarse. Just as the children of Bast were about to begin their exodus. And before Geb set to ease with frost his own labors. Apophis swung open the gates to heaven. Hapi, the God of the Nile lit up as gold to guide Ra out of Duat.
The earth warmed once again. Set ablaze with life unforgiving relishing it's mockery of Seth. Anubis, lowered his head and sat on the banks. Resolved to let Geb have this moment.
Hathor still ignores my plight. But at least now I can see her.
Cailey Duluoz Sep 2010
We spend it close in spirit,
but our bodies never touch.

I know little of your Inner Thoughts,
but your Eyes are like those of Horus,
gazing over me always,
your Heart nurturing like Hathor's
caring for me eternally,
but at a safe distance, from above.

You showed me my Identity;
You chastise me for my wrongdoings.
Like Osiris making my last judgement,
you sit, enthroned, with your tall white hat, flanked by vultures,
and deliver your verdict:

Love despite my failings, despite my faults,
for which you give me disappointed
looks that smash my heart to pieces,
like Seth did to your own body, you god of the Dead.

And now she, my Isis, gathers them for me.
But she forgets one vital part:

My ability to distinguish good from evil,
and now my heart is not light like the vulture's feather.

It is heavy as a river-stone and will be eaten by jackal-headed beasts.

But still, my time with you is a time of love:
enigmatic, painful love.
- From The Beginning
Little ghost Sep 2019
Goddess bless me your help.
Share with me one of your seven.
• My home
• My heart
• My friend
• My safety
• Her
I have named my 5 gifts.
Please now show me the way.

To make her fall in love me with me.
I cherish this river
this river of war and peace
bursting through the lungs of existance
this sweet endurance displayed
and hidden in the bloods of blood
oh, Hathor, tell me how to be
the mother the mistress the child
the root the thorn and the flower
in the fist of this God
giving what needs to be given
tempting the laws of the land
I try to stand tall and deal
ships sail back and forth
between heart and uncertainty
endless waves to defeat
every moment of each day
through piles of ashes and gushes of wind
I breath in the unknown and exhale tenderness
I cling to air and buckets of hope
when love storms into my panic room
to stir all my senses
and show me the way
David Acker Jr Mar 2018
I guess it's no longer a Secret
By now, you are fully aware that I admire you
Your smile makes it impossible
For me not to
Its such a blessing to
Be able to inhale the carbon dioxide
That you exhale
Filling my lungs with a kindliness that
Not even Hathor herself possessed
With a kiss sweeter than Hershey...
And Godiva chocolates combined
With a smile that could
Illuminate the darkest hour
Your hug feel as if you can
Calm an angry alligators medulla oblongata
Flight or fight huh?
I promise to fight to
Send you on first class flights
Sharks and whales swimming under
Heated glass floors
Even though you deserve
Mansions with pearly gates
And roads cemented with gold
You're my calming lifeline
Every time I look into your eyes
I see a perfectly imperfect forever
fray narte Aug 2021
i always find a space for myself
in small places:

in my mother's open wounds,
there i dance with salt and lime
and my father's misplaced angers.

in the scratched frames
under the nails of an angry girl.
in between cowering sunbeams
i lick the walls clean of dust.

in the fifth page of thrifted book,
back when i was in love with bukowski,
i look at the stains of a summer day sin
and see a five-feet
egyptian sarcophagus taped with figures;
what is the hieroglyph for pity,
so that hathor takes me back to the tight spaces of her womb?
what is the hieroglyph for homelessness?
what is the hieroglyph for misplaced?

i always find a space for myself
in small places:
in the holes of a tire,
in between discolored knuckles,
in desperate places where a body gives up
and wastes away;
there's a space for one more.

i always find a space for myself
in small places — they wait with such quiet patience
like a father to a prodigal child —
i always find a space for myself
waiting in small places,
it calls hauntingly, like a well-loved, familiar ghost.

yet i cannot come back.

i am too huge with sorrows now —
too full with wistful human bones.
Matthew Bright Oct 2024
The Queen of Wands
and a black cat at sunrise .
Four cups in the air ,
a giant hand in the sky .

Hathor , Isis and
how the Holy Spirit
as the Winged Goddess
sends a ****** of crows .

For all vengeance dwells
with the creator of
numbers .
Spirit drifts on the wind ,
hallowed by His name .

While at their
filthy ritual of earthbound violence ,
four holes in the ground
and nightmare fills their void .

Turn away , turn away ,
do not watch His work ,
Jehovah is my god ,
Jesus Michael and His sword .
MichingMallecho Feb 2019



RACOON                                                      HERMES
MOUNTAIN CAT                                          LEONIDAS
A RAVEN                                                      POE
WHITE RABBIT                                            GLUSKAP

(A)GERMAN SHEPARD                                ODIN
(B)PIT BULL                                                  VILI
(C)ROTT WEILER                                          VE


BROWN BEAR (CUB)                                     KALI
BABY OPOSSUM                                            ANDALUSIA
HAWK                                                             HATHOR
RABBIT                                                           GANYMEDE

HOUSE CATS:                                                HILDA

Tatenda Ncube Oct 2020
to lose control, to get lost in her soul
to want to give her the whole world,
when he owns not even a grain of it's sand
to call her the prettiest, adorn her with ornaments
to love her with love that sickens even Cupid and stirs hate in Hathor
to make her his queen, clothe her with Plutus's finest linen
To let her drink from his heart, his love her wine

All this he would want
He would want all this

— The End —