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showyoulove Oct 2018
Cry out to the Lord for He is good His mercy and love are without end
To the orphans and widows sinners and poor He is a friend
Cry out with joy cry out in pain for every birth and when someone dies
The Lord is merciful He harkens to our cries

Justice and peace shall flourish tears will be wiped away
Turn your face to the sky to the dawning of a new day
For God is great and God is good we are precious in His eyes
The Lord is merciful He harkens to our cries

Hear the pleas of the faithful in a nation that has become lost
Now we have so much power but it came at so great a cost
We look for Your truth in a world that is feeding us lies
The Lord is merciful He harkens to our cries

Some have glimpsed where this road will eventually lead
Sliding down the ***** of lust power jealousy and greed
We are crashing headlong speeding to our demise
The Lord is merciful He harkens to our cries

There is nothing we can do to fix this on our own
But all things are possible with you, we are not alone
Things look bleak but there is hope when we realize
The Lord is merciful He harkens to our cries

Send your Holy Fire change our hearts and heal our land
Instill in us a love for you and a desire to obey your command
Today we stand in Faith assured as in one voice we rise
The Lord is merciful He harkens to our cries!
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013





Willoughby Aug 2018
I'd love to peer into that brain of yours and see the actual mechanics of your thinking.  Where those creative juices of yours throb and pulse. Ya, I'll drink to that.

   Maybe use one of them scopes to explore the left ventricle of your heart (you know, that chamber of the Heart that pumps blood through the aorta).  Figure out that sensitive heart of yours.

   Explore the rubber consistency of the lining of your lungs. With that heaving chest and ******* of yours, those lungs must be so healthy in their pinkish hue.   Just some barstool thoughts while waiting for closing time.

   Staring into this shot glass in front of me, my memory harkens back to the time you cut your arm and I ****** the blood from it, so salty and all.  I want to bottle you up in a liquid formula or capsulize your essence in a unique pill form where I can digest and absorb you and grow new cells from the energy I receive from the calories of your precious body.

   Maybe with the power of your bodies flesh I can grow a sixth toe, develop a third eye, build an *****.  I love you so much I could eat you up!

   Barkeep says this is last call so I better drink up and be on my way.  I wonder what your left ventricle really looks like under close inspection?  
   Just wondering, do you have any x-rays of your body I could have?
                                             See ya,   Creepy  Ray Ray
Willoughby  NEWSLETTER:   Coming soon, more Willoughby life rules and yes, this isn't the last you've heard from Creepy Ray Ray.  Also, middle of next month in honor of National Sheep Day the long awaited posting of "My Wife is a Sheep". Sweet anticipation!  And finally if your a little creeped out or shocked ---- Exactly!
Moonflower in the Pale Moon Light
Gently unfurling
Willingly to the Nights Delight

Cloistered under the Bright
Clear Sun.. Shutting Herself
Till the Day is Done

Secrets Revealed under the
Veil Of Darkness
Light of the Moon
The only Language
To which She Harkens

* * * *
Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
PrttyBrd Mar 2015
In the shadow of dreams
The silent movement of air
Harkens the arrival of the Spirit of Love
Softly, so as to not disturb a slumber
She slinks into every warm space
Filling the endless void with passion
She pulls the spirit out of the person
To frolic in the distant moonlight
They dance in the essence of hearts
Hearts joined by blood
Lives shared through time
She unites them in dreams, in reality, in life
One soul, one heartbeat, one infinity of love
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
I'm fighting hard for a reason to stay
I'm trying hard my demons to slay
But my swords are all broken, turned to rust
I'm afraid I'm all hollow, I'm but a crust
I'm striving to see the light, in this inky thick darkness
But to my screams and pleas, only the demons harkens

Where is my guardian angel
I'm in danger
Where is my knight in shining armor
I can't find a safe harbor
Where is my sweet dear friend
I'm afraid it's close to the end

I'm trying to save myself, it's not working
I'm trying hard, I'm not shirking

I need someone to care, I need a helping hand
Before my hourglass runs out of sand
I'm running out of time
Worthless is this life of mine
Brown-thrush singing all day long
In the leaves above me,
Take my love this April song,
“Love me, love me, love me!”

When he harkens what you say,
Bid him, lest he miss me,
Leave his work or leave his play,
And kiss me, kiss me, kiss me!
Sjr1000 Mar 2014
Our love
stands on stilts
twisting weaving
to maintain balance
a strong wind
could tip us
a pulsating bass
could trip us.

Eye to eye
but yet

Trying to find
our footing
if we lean to close
we are bound
stumble and fall.

But your breath so sweet
beneath my wooden feet
the fire
too hot to handle.
Have you ever tried
taking off
your clothes
eight feet high?

**** the stilts
she cried
and in
mid air embrace
rotating in ****** embrace
the stilts were gone
my legs were gone
circling each other
round and round
We fell
Calling for that
one true sound.

In simultaneous
a holler
a harkens
Link's Zelda song
a lightening storm
we screamed
for the sound
of our
exquisite joy
far too fast
we crashed
to the ground.
Cole Maxwell Mar 2019
Constantly averting controversy,
Hurting from unnerving problems.
Not the worst thing I've unearthed inside,
The birth of mind-disturbing strife attacks my life, so I
Turn the knife and end the plight, cause
That's the kind of fright that strikes the right delight I see in sight.
In darkest night, sin harkens.
Vibrant demons mark their silent dealings with violence.
Screaming stops my lungs, no breathing,
Retreating feelings try to stop the gun from ringing,
But the voice inside my head that's pleading
Remains important and so appeasing.
Like a fiend I resort to that deemed purport,
A pristine contortion of me and distortion,
A means for war, hence demons worsen.  
Cursed, I've seen adverse *******.
Burned, at least the urn was worth it.
Dreams are but a sea of urges,
Waves of hurt; a ****** circus.
Earth was keen to be so perfect,
But dirt, it seems, reversed its purpose,
Purged of peace by scheming serpents.
Words convene to verse excursions
Terse, obscene, and birth diversion.
Learn to breathe when yearn disperses,
Purely seek to preserve incursion.
When earnest deeds immerse subservience,  
Evil creeds are sure to surface,
But thoughts serene will soothe the burdens.
Heaps of greed control these words,  
Though, predisposed in certain versions.
Weeds they grow in fields of ferns, and,
No one seems to know the urgence.
Flowing streams bring treacherous currents,
Twists and turns that reap insurgence.
Since discernment keeps deterrents,
Court the beast with immense observance,
Or disease will curse life's brief occurrence.
Treat the deepest ravine of courage
With leniency so peace emerges.
Dreams are but a grieving circus,
That creep beneath your bleeding surface,
Seizing leagues of zealous verbiage,
Leaving hurt to skirt loves purpose, return concernment;
Submerge the cures for feeling worthless.
Mitchell Apr 2014
Dead plains
Open air
My baby, my K,
Smells of lavender petals,
Defined despair.

A known
Vowel howls
Like she does at night.
Turning right she lights
All former antiquities
Prove wrongful due regularity.

A pressing matter topples
Next to the standing tower of rubble.
Grey stubble tumbles
Like hours out of the hands of a clock.
A kaleidoscope of horror
Makes the mind entrenched in narrow.

She tells me the name
Of a former lover of another
That pressed no buttons, rubbing
The wrong way.

We compare, we see a sea of troubles
Illuminating nothing but the past,
Never meant to be free.  

Trees shallow swinging singing
Like scythes across the yard.
Burgundy yarn weaves through my heart,
Cold as you were today,
I got nothing else to say.

Pressing matter, dear dead hatter.
Craziness is a beauty
Only the Cleopatra's of the world
Have to truly suffer.
Cradle me naked, cradle me dreamed',
Ain't no love like the
Broken sick and broken hearted'.

At least the darkness
Harkens thee dead ghosts of
Former lives forgotten.
Grey gravestones smell like
Roses given my former lovers;
Each hour with her is
One that will never be forgotten.

Present pasts pass me in the
Mirror; these shop windows are all colored
Caretaker saint, apple apricot skate, a
Note for the doctor stating
All is forgiven, all is about.

I remember the dream,
Shallow and filled with steam.
Fine patent leather, stitches and cream.
She pressed her face to mine,
Like silk string woven into seams.

Nothing is the matter.
Nothing passes the time.
Dylan hurls the harpsichord,
Gripping the nails,
Repositioning the boards.

The ice was to thick to climb,
The snow to heavy to see through.
Where you see your life is
What you think you can do.

Books on fire.
Trains of heavy steam.
Life is nothing but
An unforgettable dream.
Ottar Jun 2014
Some are led by tears, both happy and sad,
Some are led by fears, type to drive you mad,
Pros and cons,
Prose and... mon frère ne m'adore pas,
so follow your heart,
if it is a heart that seeks the Light and Truth and Peace,
life is not easy, but that daily path brings a moments ease,
to breath,
to observe,
to delight
to experience,
if it is a dark heart that seeks Darkness and Distortion and to be Dire
life is not easy, but that daily path harkens disproportionate fire
toward hate,
         to ensnare,
         to lie,
         to leave,
we each only have one heart, paint it what you will, beats the same blood,
flooding arteries and veins, feint or faint, follow your heart and leave mine alone, for my mis-beats I will atone.
hamza Aug 2012
Soft and warm
Sealed with care
Sweet and kind
Will ever share
Brave and strong
Yet so fair
That is her
She's always there

to despair
Harkens to
others welfare
she's elsewhere
beyond compare

If you meet her
Best Beware
She'll steal your heart
Her name is **
This I swear
There's none like her
Bruce Levine Aug 2018
Reality forsaken
For a chance at the golden ring
And though it’s only made of brass
A chance to grab it still could bring

Dreams of glory yet remain
Waiting on the shelf
For father time to come along
To turn them into wealth

And so our good friend harkens
And listens for the call
Remembering dreams of glory
Before a mighty fall

And time alone can put aside
The fears of remaining true
Refusing to abjure the dreams
Or asking where or who

Can take a chance again each day
Looking to the goal
For brass or gold it’s still a ring
A circle with a hole
Pauline Morris Feb 2016
I'm fighting hard for a reason to stay
I'm trying hard my demons to slay
But my swords are all broken, turned to rust
I'm afraid I'm all hollow, I'm but a crust
I'm striving to see the light, in this inky thick darkness
But to my screams and pleas, only the demons harkens

Where is my guardian angel
I'm in danger
Where is my knight in shining armor
I can't find a safe harbor
Where is my sweet dear friend
I'm afraid it's close to the end

I'm trying to save myself, it's not working
I'm trying hard, I'm not shirking

I need someone to care, I need a helping hand
Before my hourglass runs out of sand
I'm running out of time
Worthless is this life of mine
wordvango Aug 2014
The fizz rises, the fizz falls
     pain harkens, fever calls;
along the forehead, and down
shivering arms awaiting the round
  fizz rising and falling.
Froth settles on the top,
     but the cough, the cough remains;
the fizz, soft now yellow,
     not yet, is
bringing any relief.
Cory Gahsman Jul 2010
My little angel, there you lay;
Looking at me with thoughts of play.
I seem to view you in light anew,
It dawns on me…I see my world in you!

The blue of your eyes, deep as they be;
Harkens me back to a tropical sea.
They sparkle and shimmer and look on with love;
They confirm to my senses, you were sent from above!

The tint of your cheeks on each side of your nose;
Looks to me the same hue as a pink blushing rose.
They grow even darker each time that you grin;
I can’t wait for that smile, time and again!

Your laughter, it carries upon the warm breeze;
And it rings out more lovely than fine symphonies.
The noises you make, so dripping with glee;
Spring from your throat with each new thing you see!

Your spirit; uplifting, adventurous, trusting;
Bowls me over completely, more than any wind gusting.
The wondrous way you view the world with delight;
Makes my heart skip a beat, and fly high as a kite!

And so I gaze upon you with my adoring eyes;
Knowing my love has no boundaries in size.
Thank you for making each day bright and new;
And remember forever…I see my world in you!
For my daughter, Delaney Bryn Gahsman
July 2008  By: Cory J. Gahsman
KM Ramsey Mar 2016
it's pain
missing someone you know
you can never see again
but it's a special kind of torture
to miss the man sitting right
next to me

has he left yet?
an imminent departure that
looms ominously in the future
concrete and yet nebulous in
its heat-wrenching reality
but am i not already gone
departed from this bag of bones
the sack of flesh
that holds your hand
physically next to you but
miles away
in the shadow world of
haze and fog
detached so that you can't
be ripped from my heart
or at least
i won't be able to feel it
like a ghost reaching for the
tenuous solidity of life

you slip right through my fingers
the last drops of water
in the barren wasteland of
famine and drought
sun scorched earth
desert land parched with
cracks running like
fault lines
and i'm waiting for the earthquake
the meteor impact
for a chasm to open up and
devour me
to take away my agency
so i won't have to die
by my own hand

but what else am i to do?

i am a rapidly swirling
a typhoon of uncontrollable
emotion and thoughts
chained to the white matter
tethered to my brain
scratching away as a constant
reminder that you're leaving
and i'll once more be

but loneliness is a familiar friend

am i a monster?
or just a machine
trundling towards the
end of the tracks
the derailment of my
tenuous sanity
and i welcome the carnage
the shards of glass and
twisted metal that
harkens back to the
burdening truth inside that
i'm still here and the
pain is unbearable

and i'm broken
like a swallow's shattered wing
i try to fly but
that gelatinous appendage
can't bear me to the sky
so i fall and pass you
on the way down
and i never expected you to catch

you didn't

but your face
that blur registering only
as that unmistakeable longing
that soul crushing emotion that
settles in my heart and
clogs the arteries until
its furious beats are choked out
but i welcome death
because i live in those
tenuous moments between
the last heartbeat
and the cessation of neural firings

i'm drowning

i can't keep my head above water
but the burning in my lungs
can't distract me from
that ripping clawing terror
in my chest
and not even death can
erase the gaping
you leave in your wake.
letters to you i'll never send
Mitchell Sep 2011
There's not a ****** thing these hands can do
All there is
Is the next word
The next sentence
The next breath
The next exhale and the next

We are bodies doomed to expel
But born
To create something within that

Advancement is not a choice
But an

Laziness harkens the ones
That do not
Understand this
Do not see this
Do not hear the ticking time of death

Do not hear the scratch of the scythe
Upon the smooth grey

I am lazy too

I have drank my fill of hopelessness
Of sadness
Of temperatures and

The only thing it does
Is make you see familiar things
With a friendly kind of glaze

And for many days
I have laughed
I have cried
I have seen the hills on the
Other side

And understand now
They are much like the hills

Denis Martindale May 2018
When Pastors meet and Pastors pray... God leans down from His Throne,
To listen to the words they say... and any wisdom shown...
He harkens to their fervent needs... desires, hopes and dreams,
For without Him, not one succeeds... regardless of extremes...
Not one can boast, save in the Lord, because of all He's done,
That's why the best are overawed... that God spared not His Son...
To think, Christ died for Pastors, too... yet now their flocks direct,
Perhaps they even pray for you... as one of God's elect...
What insights will such Pastors gain? What blessings will God send?
What projects started yet remain... on which God's saints depend?
I only know that God approves of Pastors young and old
And that through such as these God moves... when they're as good as gold!

Denis Martindale April 2018.
Zhavaed Haemaed Jun 2020
Eerie when it's three twenty-five
In the mornings of a nevermore
Fiendish powers dwelling inside
Awakened in a feverous implore
Darkness harkens souls to stay
When in an illuminating twilight
Subconscious turns ashen gray
Plants suffering a certain blight
Sleep had long not hypnotized
Nights, they pass in dry spells
No ravens come a tip tapping
Upon my mind's sly betrothal
Yet, the witching hour beckons
My brain has a way of knowing
Night, just half of it is passed
Rest half would be my undoing
Kam Yuks May 2015
Making order of a ****** mass, recovered testicles and shards of bone are filtered through trembling hands alongside the unseen vacancy standing silently - waiting blank and patient. A doctor's notes blown about by force, scatter and lift through the air peacefully moved by music and pain. The air is not thick, it is dry and light. You must suffer to get here but no one believes here is a place to be.

Just ask your neighbor or your bosses friends. These ones have gotten lost within the lies that split the darkness from truth to be hung up in a viewing room for loose bottles of beer with friends Sunday afternoon trying to drown the silent tapping of panic. They won't believe you because what you describe harkens to ghosts and legend.

Be very aware.

We are normal, but I guess the stars don't suppose with a consciousness as thin as ours that they are supposed to be anything else but what they seem to be. In my mind is not our universe but it is mine within that which we share simultaneously - some points are marked out by now, then, and who knows when.

I want to be confident within this mystery and walk amidst the rest with a strong sense of myself or at least secure enough to walk strongly fragmented with acceptance.

I invite you all.

Not you though.

The one inside you.

The one without a body.

Remind me that our experience is not limited to these skin and bones.
Needs editing. Thanks for reading if you get to the end even more so.
shintaeun Apr 2015
Soft and warm
sealed with care
sweet and kind
will ever share

brave and strong
yet so fair
it's you
it's always there

sensitive to despair
harkens to other welfare
it's elsewhere
beyond compare

if you meet her
best beware
she'll  steal your heart unaware
her name is love
this i swear
there's none like her
again, poem when i was 18
Lin Cava Jun 2016

In the dusk; the fading light
my consciousness floats
free to sleep, to roam, to dream.

Daytime’s resonance, artificial and brash, drifts away.
In its weakening wake,
within the soft quiet of evening, Nature speaks again.

Gently, she hums; she whispers;
shushes the leaves in the trees,
buzzes; at first a quiet drone -
cicada in the night - swelling,
a cacophony builds to crescendo,
to diminish as cools the night.

Nocturnal creatures rouse.
Night flowers with each new awakening.
Every one with their own instrument,
play their part in her Evensong;
deliver unseen complexity to the music.

Night deepens, and the Mother
puts down her baton, purses her lips
and breathes out her scent -
to float for the zephyr to take –
a bearer of her gentled nature
to those who dream within her tune.

The sparkle of the stars
bear cold and quiet witness
to the wonder of Her pristine night,
and the bearer of the keys of life:
This Earth - for which She is guardian.

Mother drifts into my dreams,
leaving me with bittersweet.
She touches my heart in whispers with her message,
and harkens me to carry it forward.

Dawn brings magenta skies.
Before the tinny, manmade sounds
carry me to daytime, I hear Her once more.
Reminding me of the song in my heart.
She bodes me remember where I will find it,
and to listen.

For it can only be found in her Whisper.

-Lin Cava
CC 25-October-2014
Mother Nature, answering the call to nature.
since I pledged my troth with thee –
   at times wondering if the decision amiss
my affinity, cupidity, fidelity
   and integrity hardly contributed to wed did bliss
blithely paying lip service
   to birthday hardly enhances the marriage, thus miss

stir Matthew Scott Harris
   makes this overtures to acknowledge your day of birth
the years spent with you
   overlooked acknowledging july sixth, and such a dearth
does emotional/spiritual injustice,
   and undermines warmth felt at home n hearth

thus I set before myself the task to attempt some semblance alack
of recognition per your existence, which exercise harkens back
contra dancing at Summit Presbyterian Church
   coupled with tension and flack
at that time (decades ago)
   diving rod nada so sterling induced pants to jack
late lee with a bulge – at that stage of my life hormonal secretion
   owner of a hyperactive ***** horniness da schmuck did not lack
simian sentiments summoned woody to wedge with a wick whack

into tulip pinkish curtains that parted to usher my nada so sterling rod
though frequently premature *******
   found ***** hairs like clump of sod
where ma screwy tool (fueled
    with fur n zee for finger lick kin fricassee) trod
upon a carnal, feral, infernal landscape
   as a limp biscuit re: dough like wod

whereby whoosh spurted *****
   from excitable minute man – a prickly chum
diminished satisfactory ****** ******* when geyser of sticky gum
expelled forth geyser like – rivaled old faithful spewing genetic ***

yet despite predilection toward ******* hair trigger –
   betwixt us we begot
deux darling daughters –
   wove from the warp and woof beginning as a dot
yet fertility brought womb – supposedly, a self cleaning oven just hot
enough to massage each “bun in the oven”
   until gestation *** pleated plot
though now progeny young women themselves –
   I ponder if ***** may rot
and atrophy into a shriveled mummified tartan pattern matted splot
since testosterone
   took torpedo kamikaze nose dive e’er since ***** did trot

into the vaginal vortex and managed to cashier from mine ***** bank
fire off from the mint at least one non blank
when phallus retained an ******* juiced long enough to crank
out gooey gunk from me miniature frank
hence twas grate of ye to spread yar legs a task I thank

without your participation this anniversary of abby robin harris debut
two prized offspring
   (both born during winter) fatherhood he thankfully knew.
Modern pop-politics
is rife with conflicts
over freedom of speech,
The use of language,
The shape of the narrative,
is always political, language
is often contested, consider
the language of drug use:
'Addiction', 'dependence', 'substance use disorder'.
Nevertheless a compassionate idealism strives
to contrast the weighty realism of suffering.

Alas, who can say whether drug use
is a set of choices, or the pattern of habits?
Vying between these drives, I try a few milligrams
of methoxyeticyclidine. This mortal coil, it harkens Absurdia.
The next morning I wandered town, wondering what dignity was.
I sat across from the theater, on the steps  of the courthouse, and
as noon struck some solicitors emerged. They would not look
at me due to my scangerly attire, my ropey vibe. Spurned
by 3-MeO-PCE, I understand.
Blois Nov 2017
This is going wrong, the words
are choking the air out, day in
and day out my presence
grows thinner until my name is
something to brush off from your shoulder.

The sun is going down so many times a day,
have you ever have that feeling?
Seeing your eyes is like wading
into my failed dreams. What am I suppose to do
with your presence so absent of me?

Those seemingly unrelated matters of life
are suddenly connected by the same sadness:
my inability to close my eyes to your figure.
Just when you thought you knew yourself
love harkens you back to ignorance.

The heart always forgets what the head remember
and you get back knocking on the door that wont open.

This is going to be a poem without an ending
because I need you to read it and understand
what I feel. A proper ending, that is.
Sam Temple Aug 2015
the heartless darkness harkens to her
shapeless under the flowing frock
a slight breeze sends wafting gauze
to shimmer in the blurred moonlight
foggy images of monstrous mystery
play just out of sight, frolicking in the early morn shadows
pre-dawn on a night lit slightly by the waning moon
distorted stars shift effortlessly as the mist swirls
around delicate and chilly ankles
from the window above
a vantage just overlooking the unkempt garden
I take in the scene and fall in love
all over again –
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2018
It should not be
for the want of love
for my sake alone
that I seek your heart
but rather that I can give
more than I should take-
that which but seeks its own
is but a blemish
upon the sweetest rose-

it should not be
for my comfort or consolation
as I stretch out my pleading hand
but rather that your tears
I am nearby to wipe away
to hasten to and stay
by your side
in self-oblivion
and surrender
as the bleakness
of darkness falls
and both you and I
in the deepest silence
into our eyes we'll look
where love harkens
and its radiance so bright
that it would never die--

it should not be
and how unworthy
of me
to make you promise
you'd give up all
in self-denial
in sacrifice
blind-folded in trust
in giving yourself away
and no longer belong
to yourself--
for you I must
be lesser than myself
the testament I must write
across the vastness
of the sky
should read:
'But for you
there would be no 'I'--

it should then be
that this our destiny
shall bind us in unity
as the splendour
and beauty
of every note
in an ending symphony.
Stella Matutina Jan 2019
Most days I live a normal life.
Unextrordinary life.

It does little to bother me.
In fact,
I revel in it.

For someone who has been at war with the world for so long,
I find that monotony suits me.

But all it takes is a slight tremor,
An unexpected change in plans,
Something that harkens to older days,
Earlier tragedies,
Battles lost and scars faded.

It doesn’t take much to call to the beast inside of me,
The monster that so fiercely protects my broken soul.
And I have yet to learn how to recognize when there is a shadow playing with my mind,
Or an actual threat.
John Oct 2016
lying down, face up
enclosed in darkness
tried to move, no luck
to me, the black harkens

thinking back, i can't see
the memory is there but I can't grasp it
what is there in front of me?
the rabbit's just a bit too quick to trap it

locked in on all sides
my breathing quickens
the hard floor overrides
everything as the air thickens
Snowblind Jan 2022
A sad visage — is it that leaves cannot hold snow
only roughened needle may cradle it's cold crystalline,
a fresh-blossomed love as lost as the calypso.
God's chiseled sculptures cast out, serpentine.

The somber minuet, glistening à pas menus upon her face.
Dizzyingly fluttered through cusping sapphire lens
each tuft, each dune of wind-sculped embrace.
Do you know even your warmth harkens her ends?

How could you? Lovingly, lost under peaks of heaven.
Heat of helios as your reflective love soon parts —
no fault of your own, nor allowance of concession.
It was too bright of a burn, your blazing hearts.

Alabaster draped darling, you hold on so tight.
I promise, I swear, birds will sing of your light.
Industrial Death Jul 2017
Awakened by light, and naked in shame
Slipping, scion of ****, from skin oh slippery and thick
Away from sight, with no luster or name
In corridors of flesh, pierced by thy kick, whilst in
Phantasms do dwell in minds murky swamp
Gliding in air, through life’s cosmic sea
In queer reflections, of youth’s insipid romp,
Ignorant to malady that life harkens to thee.

Of the feeble mind, demons slumber
In wait for gestures of youthful pride
In caves do inhabit, where sperms of hell may ‘bound in number
In carnal filth, thy river of life ‘came rot by lies
Slow in decay, both despaired in heart and feeble in mind
“Come unto me,” he sayeth to thee
Leeching from wounds of flesh confined
From cradle to corpse, by thine malignance of HE
Of young, tender flesh it is time is to feed
Mindless in thoughts, how willful thy bleed,
By host,
Of demonic seed.
(presumably still alive
predicated on rumored sightings dive
ving fast as blazing saddles,
     her blitzkrieg,
     nothing but a blurry beehive.)

Swifter than Usain
     (lightening) Bolt
Eden Liat
     (thine eldest daughter,
     a mixed hybrid breed
      greyhound and whippet)
     leaves in the dust
     topnotch any racehorse

     prompting speculation,
     she harkens, and begat
     from a long line,
     sans award
     (at trough feed ding),
     many a cooly
     winning super naturally
     infused awk worded Colt

surpassing (with a flash,
     plus even sub track ting
     considerable handi
     capped add halt
ting delay), thine
     prestigious, princess,
     and prodigious exalt
ting marathon running

     smart lee zipping
     as a whip lash heiress,
     thru no fault
     in the stars
     of her astrological designs
oft times humbly declines
adulation, benediction, dedication
     and deferentially finds

reasons amazingly, gracefully,
     and mannerly deflects
     self imposed grueling practices,
     that she quickly grinds    
    into pulverized powder,
     any high top custom made
     high tech lines
     brand name

     threadbare sneakers saved
     with countless
     trophies that aligns
     storied (and stuffed
     animal bedecked)
     bookshelf, even gag
me with a spoon
     humor tinged competitions,

     faux rotten tum ate oh
     (John Heinz)
seeded "ketchup with me"
     hash-tag game
     opened to all kinds
of village people, including
     some barenaked ladies,
     where flashy Mainliners

     dressed to the nines
     (essentially for sound
     garden variety public,
     who generally favor squash),
     that crop up during
     Indian Summer salad days

     punctuates the warm air,
     where one after
     another lover doth appear
     oak kay embracing ephemeral
     pseudo sappy romance
     spine tingling
     as sharp needling pines.

— The End —