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Autumn Whipple Jan 2015
When I was younger, I saw life
As white houses in neat rows
I loved the chrome, the steel, the metal dreams
The feel of sand and dirt and seams
There was only the meadow, the machine, and me

Now everydays an endless stream
Of cigarettes and magazines
I’m trying my best to be just like them-
A sad sirens song with red lipstick on
A ******* kicker, with a heroine heart

They say I’m dangerous because I don’t know what I want
They say I f@cked my way to the top.
Well we all mourn atop skyscrapers
As they clamor for judgment day
But I’m not afraid of dying
When the words of prophets are written on the subway walls
And the good crawl down to tenement halls

They sing for fame, liquor, love, scream give it to me
Because I thought I was sitting pretty on the throne of metal steel and chrome
Fools, I say, you do not know
That all I want now is to be left alone

So I sit up at night talking to the moon
Becoming so lost its like I never existed in the first place
Listening to the fabulous clockwork of heart and lungs
Listening to all heart’s dints and machinations
Made of metal and tears and chrome

I was lovely once, marred forever by a pair of (heart shaped glasses)
The foulmouthed flower of bohemia
Moonshine, take me to the stars tonight
While I’m not afraid to live fast and die young
Among the whispering , the champagne and stars

Angry yet, half in love
With death in the cooling twilight
Singing an arsonists lullabye with the workers in songs
For I stumbled into trouble, got my makeup on
A red lipstick sirens sad song
Of metal, steel, and chrome

Its real hard to be free when you are bought and sold
And only money makes you smile
They tell me I did it but we blew it
They say I’m too young to worry ‘bout burning out
So come on, let me bite the bullet now

I’m stuck in the landscape, the loveclub
I'll save you a seat next to me down below
This heights messing with my head
The ground calling to me
Like something out a dream
I’m scared to jump but terrified to stay
And this way I’ll never, feel no pain.

my boy builds coffins, don't ya know
of metal, steel, tears, and chrome
ok, so this is a found poem... all credits listed below. paramour. the animals, Lana del ray, ray Bradbury, Simon and Garfunkel, Lorde, Bruno mars, Bruce Springsteen, the amazing adventures of  kavalier and clay, Anne Waldman, the great Gatsby, easy rider, Thompson, Marilyn Manson, Hozier, Robert delong, cold war kids. Florence and the machine. that's all folks!
is built on lies
The kinds we
turn into truths
that we despise

We wake up
at uneven hours
Restless , bothered
with a stomach
that's soured

turns out the same
so we make up
more lies to deal
with the pain

Such beautiful
sunsets spell out
our demise
So we crawl
into caves
just to let
loose the cries

You can't take away
from the already given
With empty hands
you stand and call
this living
Tim Knight Oct 2013
Experience true love and proper death
in a single moment lasting longer than the average breath.

Feel every emotion under the fake-tan-sun-lamps
for the price of a walk and the Queen's head upon a stamp.

Talk about conversations you had in corridors with ex-girlfriends
with a clouded look back, blurred by your own camera lens.

Preach your side of the debate, recite Wikipedia pages,
listen and retaliate dangerously with more stolen words.

Holding hands under bedsheets and duvets and borrowed blankets
means absolutely nothing, like rain falling around those dog days.

Hot days and cold days and no days and everydays are the final lap,
finish, breath, throw up bits of sick and leave the stadium lonesome.

Walk away when the light is right
so the rings around your eyes look like jovial creases
instead of broken bits of I didn't last long pieces.
Stephan Jul 2016

a sunny day
if even clouds appear

Or lightening
streaks across the sky
with raindrops falling near

For as I gaze,
with smiling eyes
upon these skies above

All I can see
are sunny days
because of your sweet love
chaos Nov 2018
Loving you is life,
loving you is having you
loving you is the beginnings
loving you is the cold
loving you is fire
loving you is the storm
loving you is vibrant colors
loving you is gloomy nights
loving you is everydays of joy
loving you is sadness together
loving you is being simple
loving you is a flaw
loving you is noticing the unnoticeable
loving you is loving you nonetheless
loving you is wanting to see a smile
loving you is the mood
loving you is looking forward
loving you is a glimpse of the past
loving you is an uphill
loving you is feeling down
loving you is an adventure
loving you is unexpected
loving you is pain
loving you is mended wounds
loving you is believing
loving you is broken trust
loving you was a journey,
loving you was life.
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2016
the elbow comes to rest in the soft
skin coverage of my essence

in the dark, it's easy and free to weep
but still never cheap

everyday is still a word, an everyday struggle word,
echoing like a scream in a cavernous void

her elbow comes to be buried in my chest,
preference for an unavailable, sleeping soft cheek,
this elbow sharpened from years of work, worry &
baby carrying

on this day, of pointing,
the simple honors life bestows
comes like a pointy elbow poke,
across vastness of a bed of whiteout cotton,
freshly filling up
as I am writing,
with thankful years and thankful tears,
already recording newbie memories
freshly forming up

welcome this sharp goodness
all the days
of our lives,
even those everydays
of our lives

nothing greater than being grateful,
and the re-gifting to others
the blessings of plentifull*

5:26am Thanksgiving Day 2016
I am particularly grateful for my "posse" of fellow poets who have metamorphosed into

Chill electronics

Fervours me forth

From the frost mornings
Over crushed relations
Over the lost margins

Across the horisons
Ending heated desserts

Alienated from lonsome cries
We travel on the cloud called ninth

Of a everydays man turmoils
Turning into naught

Becoming a hoop
Around allured
Swell membrane

Top to bottom
Willing to


Works with

the lucrative


My elation
Our abdomination
Each pace on the drum

Is  a hollow awareness

Is  a primal bite

Into a predestined

Prerogative ~ the
Love's ethnicity

Till ambushed silk

Start to jingle

Floral essences



Dark curls

Azam Magnetic Magma

Charming one thousand
And one
Free from misery
Mystery Nights



Ambiental Ali

Opened space


Sounds Alluring Affirmity

The woman's
Darkling alto
Swims into me

Dear saphir's lean
Permeates into me

Katlyn Orthman Sep 2012
Angels are crying
as i stand on the edge of this bridge
i pray that i have the guts
maybe i shouldnt
but what am i living for?
nobodys there
nobody will stop me
but still my heart sputters
a beat that doesnt sound right
but i hurt so much
everydays a struggle
i fight back the suffering
choke back my cries
i look in the mirror
a face undeserving of
trying to hold myself together
trying to hold them together to
wish i could cut these suffocating strings
wrapped around me
binding me
chaining me
wish i could spill everything im feeling
but the words dont exist
i wish i could take this all away
but theres no way
i can only silence them for a minute
as i stand looking down at the swishing swirling
water below me
maybe it would be fast
maybe it would last
SG Holter Sep 2014
You visit me at work.
I kiss you hello without
My workwear staining your

Outfit. You put on hardhat
And steel tipped boots
And follow through

Corridors of neatly demolished
Offices prepared for

This is my life during the
Everydays. These rough walls
Are my home away from our

Homes. Now you have a face
To the name of my Work.
I think of us. How

Demolition hurts. How
The clean up is hard, ***** labour.
We have a few ghosts left from

Previous days. Here, take gloves
And a shovel. I'll help you carry.
Then I'll help you rebuild.
For Helene. Whom I love.
dont take life for granted treat it with respect
then your life will give  you whatever you expect
dont take life with chances think before you act
take life as it comes keep your life intact

take it day by day as it comes along
treat life with respect and life will keep you strong
everydays a challenge you must learn to cope
treat life with respect and life will give you hope
Nature's Math is Relative:
to each of us - - democratically

your speed of light - - the same as mine
no matter what - - do you place
yourself at the center of things.....

at least of your experience?

time and space - - shrinking - - expanding
justified to velocity

true for one - - likewise for all
in synch with stars - - our eye's perception.

Nature's Mind is Flexible:
with this we play dramatically

life as process - - always flowing
morphing - - surprising - - do you find
your everydays forever fresh.....

at least for one beat of your heart?

one idea - - fading - - growing
briefly a subject of contemplation

clear to one - - peculiar to all
ever evolving - - delight of conception.

Nature's Essence Waves and Points:
appearing demographically

ripples swell - - taking on
locality - - do you take up
space and author consequence.....

at least enough to make one point?

a single wave - - rising - - receding
articulated in commotion

thrill of I - - solace of we
heart and face of realization.
Copyright 1997 JB Marshall
Katlyn Orthman Jan 2013
You look me in the eye
Say you love me
That's a lie

Everydays a new issue
And you break me up
Just another crumpled tissue

You promise me sweet thing in my ear
Then tell me that they were fake
Everything that I hear
Is putting my feelings at stake

How could you **** me like this
When I give you everything
How can you shove me
When I just wanted you to see

But you're blind
And just won't listen
I wish that I could find

I hate that I am drowning
And you don't even care

I hate that my words aren't ryhming
Because I can't see or hear through my tears

And my hands are shaking
Because I hate knowing you're here

And that you can hear my sobs
And you just don't.... Care
J Colin Feb 2011
Ego is top priority
if it isn't for me
then its for the fakes
the one who blast their stereos
and fluff their noses
whiffin' on a whim
better learn how to swim

learn to catch their falls
in a continuous call
back home is where they run
because no life starts with fun
Mama screamin in agony
just to push you out
so you can deliver her joy
but is it for her, or is it for me?
I know it seems shallow
but your too blind to not see

The plastic thoughts
that make up my forehead
gathered and strung out
like a stream of city lights
sitting below as I look down on
all the ones who float around
seemingly lost in the world we took over

Its the human species who is the virus
the ones who hone in and take with out asking
Is this mine? money is the answer
if you got no dinero
then you got **** for answers

Everyone has ****, too bad its not tender
yours is so bad it could knock out the lenders
but again, **** is not the answer
so you better save up
and buy all the world up
and drink it all from a shiny cup
and then throw it all up
and do it again and again
for we all are alcoholics
winning a race
against ourselves

in a sin of thought
its you who bought
that necklace
that pretty dress
that watch
that new phone
that mansion in the hills
that ugly ******* poodle

But what does it boil down to?
the classy environment
we are all accustomed to?
Try and wonder what is truly rich
for its heavier than gold cinder blocks
and large jewelry rocks

Its what you have deep in your mind
I have one, now you try to find
if you adjust the lifestyles
the lavish everydays
than maybe you can be rich
without working a single day

I really don't work
and I'm pretty happy
but give me diamonds
and then we'll see whose truly happy
Every five minutes they come
whirring like copters for war
slashing through immaculate peace
you crave to blanket your day with

Those speeding three-wheeled
are kings of small streets and
act like you must pay them to

Extricate you from a cluster of
doomed and dusty eggs and bacon
deliver all that racket

in your head
every time you think
about buzzing

on your meatloaf
in your heart
in your dreams
on your hopes
on your thoughts

about how marriage
should be
a man and a woman
now one soul in
two bodies
living together
fighting for stable

The roses look damp
bouquets of mums
on the kitchen table
you pouring hot coffee;
the mug you took two
hours to pick out
is punctiliously stained.
Kick it smash it
destroy it
be a word assassin

Rumble and never crumble
be the best of the best
the cream of the cream

Work like everydays your last
strive to your ultimate dreams
be more then what is seen

Take everyday as a battle
like your life depended on it
and work your *** off

Be that word Assassin

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
i cried a million teardops when you walked out on me
you just broke my heart left me in misery
and my soul is empty now i dont have you
just a million teardrops in my world of blue

i look at your picture thats beside my bed
thoughts of you and me running through my head
then the teardrops start rolling down my face
where there was once love is just an empty space.

everydays the same in my world of blue
gone now has the love that i always knew
all the times we shared are just a memory
deep down in my heart your still a part of me

all i have is lonliess a heart thats broke in two
life is not the same now i dont have you
just a million teardrops is all i ever see
as i think about the love that there used to be

just a million teardrops and an empty space
each and everyday i find it hard to face.
nights are full of sadness in my world of blue
with a million tears crying over you
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2013
Em ' I Static??..I dont want to be the same...unmoving... But I dont know where to go..I have no google Siri to guide me aloud...But frozen feet...Shock From Static ways....of normal everydays...How I've lost adventure...No Oregon trail surrounded by Amazon river...but a concrete road and wooden desk. A shower head and a full sized bed..The static...Eligible freedom but shocked by metal knobs..Static person...afraid I will never is comfortable here...Lovely..But I want crazy, exciting: almost breath taking...Charismatic...But It seams I remain static....
Infamous one Feb 2013
Tired of starting on the bottom
Knocked from the top
Work hard not given what's mine
Everyone pampered and handed theirs
You may not like me but I'm best for the job
You won't have me motivated by the rest of the insecure opposed
You say jealous but tired of being ******* over
You talk big but when I confront you
Your very small you over look me because I'm not tall
You hate me but I don't need you at all
Wasted day wasted night everydays a fight
Give me what I've earned stop taking what's mine
Take my chance but I'm not done
Amar Nov 2017
Part 1: The Gift

Everyday had become the same, gray canvas and painted in it,
The inspiration of lifeless eyes in a dead portrait;
In this endless pile of everydays, somewhere I felt the chains fall apart,
Her shadow touched upon the gray, still expressions start to become art.

Long I hadn't turned the way,
The little path gleams, tucked away from familiar sounds and passing cars;
Lost in clever grasses, where a fragrance rests and sunlight falls,
In soft gold streaks, between the trees;
There's magic there,
It lays its silver dust upon the ordinary of passing days.

I was an old Peter Pan,
I'd moved on into the crowd;
But then, from within her deep brown eyes,
I felt a little magic pierce inside;
And before I knew, I watched my concrete world,
Laden with a thin snowfall of silver dust.

There was late an evening at her home,
An open window let in the sky, and between us,
My feelings, unstated, wrapped the quiet like a silken stole;
We listened together, Loreena Mckennit's high-pitched voice sang the dead lover's tune -

"Her eyes grew wide for a moment,
She drew one last deep breath;
Then her finger moved in the moonlight,
Her musket shattered the moonlight...
Shattered her breast in the moonlight
And warned him - with her death."

I had felt the song a plenty times,
But I watched it now stream upon her, huddled in a yellow wool jacket,
And drip into her soul, behind closed eyes.

There, as the night raced by, the plan fell upon me like a flash;
It was ten nights to her birthday, February the 7th,
Ten nights I would make her a gift.

Office mornings passed like a dream,
Her hair a cascade, the touch of those eyes -
The excitement of that dark bottle perfume on a moonlit date;
And a bright bulb glowed late hours,
I painted in silence her favorite lines;
One page a night,
Visioning in color, Alfred Noyes' that timeless tale.

The green sketchbook had waited these empty years,
Waited in dust for a spark in dead wires and a deep brown smile;
10 pages of dark and red, and the 11th would be mine,
A rainbow across a clear blue sky,
And below it, my heart poured in two white lines -

"Here's something beautiful to think of. We have a lifetime ahead of us to be by each other's side and chase dreams together."

Part 2: February 6

I woke up early to a broken spell,
The winter sky had faded, my window let in the clear warmth of spring;
10 pages done - today I carried a rainbow heart;
Nerves jangled, and a tear drop rolled,
Alone a witness to a numb vessel's flickering hope.

Like every morning I waited,
Our corner of the cafeteria was bathed in sunshine glow;
Here we shared that one cup of tea, and spilled random conversations,
That I mostly lost in her eyes;
I watched her walk towards me,
Yellow kurta, and the bright morning's charm, caught in a smile.

And then came the blow.

Her words that morning - how could I lose?
Her words that morning fell like ice on the rainbow,
And spread upon the freeze like the veins of a crack.

'I like him,' she said, 'the boy who sits across the room,
I like him, and I haven't told anyone yet,
I thought I'd first trust you.'

I don't know how I held that cup of tea and my eyes stood still,
For I lay before her, shattered on the floor.

A lifetime of repression was rehearsal,
Now was the stage and I played my part;
The trauma of her words seeped into my blood,
It imploded like a black hole inside - no form, no sound, no violence,
Just distilled, irrepressible force;
The pressure screamed, but all outlets held,
A tear touched my eyes, and in two blinks I swallowed it back.

Did she notice? She was endearing, absorbed in the boy,
Who asked her out on her new year night,
To bring in this springing rivulet of joy.

Alone that night, empty the 11th page stared up at me,
I could not think of the rainbow, as I wondered first how does a dead man breathe;
As the dark grew deep, my heart turned into a noose with nails inside,
If I could only paint that instead,
With happiness hung upon it, dripping blood down its still legs.

Somehow, could I finish this rainbow - her rainbow,
If only somehow my hands didn't shake,
And this cry would stop so that I may concentrate;
I looked at my phone, the dreaded clock never stops,
It was 12, and it read, as it were, the 7th of February.

Part 3: The Birthday

She opened the door, bright eyes of delight;
'Happy birthday', and the present I handed her, wrapped in deep yellow gift paper;
'Don't open it now', I whispered, 'you'll never guess'.

I did not stay long, I feigned a sickness,
But as I walked back,
I imagined how she would open the yellow paper, and find that green sketchbook inside.

I knew how her eyes would turn upon the painted lines,
This was not a gift of paintings, she would know -
These were 10 pages of my soul;
And upon the 11th page she would find,
The seven colors of light upon a clear blue morning,
And below it, words painted in white -
"A life I wish you, as bright as the rainbow sky."
There is a reference in the poem to a classic - The Highwayman, written by Alfred Noyes and sung by Loreena Mckennit.
when the rain is falling rolling down  my face
the world it seems dark such a lonely place
since i dont have you its darker everyday
missing you so much since you went away.

its raining in my heart like the rain outside
teardrops they fall down as they begin to slide
everydays the same no sunshine there at all
wiping all my tears as they begin to fall

lonely days and nights are all i ever see
as i think of you how it used to be
cant get over you no matter how i try
all i see are tears as they go rolling bye

missing you so much since you went away
always thinking of you each and every day
wishing you were here lying next to me
back in love again like it used to be

everydays the same no matter what i do
your there in my heart cant get over you
all i see are teardrops as they go rolling bye
rolling down my face as i begin to cry
Freds not dead Mar 2011
Blame your desperation on the weather
             Match the gray with gray
Allow yourself a smile or two
Don’t overdo it
          Don’t force something like this
                             Try to make this all less crazy
Wash your face. Tighten up.
                                             Forget the blade, the poison, the stars
You overhear someone tell someone the time
              You’ve let that slip into
                                                   the background
in the spaces where the unseen meets

Blame your low-key troubles on the
                                                     T.V. shows
              Watch the skinny giants starve
   Someone’s changing the heat up and down
                                      in the pearl-sized world
And someone’s taken all the colors out for
                                    some other playground
those invisible hands, it follows, have too much
              pull and force on the everydays.
                  Keep yourself alive with twice strained coffee and sunny days
Cut your hair with the kitchen knife
                              Grow a beard, fake an accent,
                       Fake Silence.
Pretend to make it mean something, the collapse, the choking
               Clean the living
                                 wipe all the fingerprints
No one’s coming for you but you’d take a hug from a hired assassin
You’d sympathize with the serial killer about his sin
           You’d be impressed by his breath which smells of green mints.  

Blame the sickness in your blood
             Which warns off love with sores and fevers
                     On boredom and hunger
Make something of yourself, make yourself last
Peel off skin and let it dry like *** pourri
              Forget how to love the ones that hurt you
              Forget to how to hurt the ones that love you
Bite your lip to keep it all in
                     Bite to the bleeding, then
        Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh
Build fires out of sofas and the kitchen table, make a vacancy of home
Laugh at humanity stuffed and suffering on its stilts
           Smile at the honey moon you’ll never get to
Show your teeth at the ***** Death
             Make the damage worth the price.
Megan Cruz Dec 2017
“Take my hand.”

Take my lips, my clothes, my body; take all the confidence we got off on
dancing across the kerosene-doused floor in the heat of each other’s skin,
slowly learning what it truly meant to love and to have someone to love,
as the flames of romance consumed us faster than we could consume each other.

Take this unusually large water bottle and this board game you’ve always wanted
as if our brutal game of trial and error wasn’t painful enough,
immaturity dripping from eager eyes, and expiration dates on gift receipts,
when I should have been giving you all the things fire cannot burn.

So here, allow me try again:

Take my words.

Take every grain of honesty I’m on my knees picking up one by one
after carelessly falling from the train of thought making its way to you,
spending all those years helplessly lost in translation under rusty railways
because our tongues were only fluent in the language of each other’s touch.

Take the vulnerability my mother always warned me not to wear on my sleeves,
as I sloppily weave out raw poetry at the ends of my skirt while she’s not looking,
loosely tucking fervent yearnings between cotton pleats for you to thumb through,
and hoping that my verses are worth more stares than the thighs they cover.

Take my growth.

Take all the pieces of my heart that fell the day I cracked it open in front of you,
foolishly thinking it was fortune cookie I could somehow draw a lesson from,
and that the acidity of acceptance was a taste I had to acquire until I no longer gag
at every I should’ve and I could’ve that comes with saying your name out loud.

Take every crease and every tear searing across my fragile, unripe skin
from having the cost of loving forcefully rip apart my soul from this child’s body,
as I sift through what little is left and cut all my fingers trying to piece together
the woman you need me to be, and the woman I need myself to be.

Take my hope.

Take every star left illuminating across the cold and empty galaxies of my eyes,
where the only constellations I can seem to trace are those that point to you,
spilling incandescence over all the spaces that stretched too far between us,
and finally shedding light into the hungry mouths of apologies and hello agains.

Take every tomorrow and every someday I tuck under my pillow at night
with an optimism kept burning by nothing more than just the warmth of your smile,
as loving you from afar teaches me what it truly means to have a religion:
faithfully holding on to a promise I never heard, a hand I can no longer hold.

Take my time.

Take the patience bleeding out of me like sand from a broken hourglass,
as I slowly begin to unravel my mistakes from the unforgiving hands of a clock,
knowing well that the yesterdays of the last three years are not enough for me,
so I save all my everydays and my evermores in a box with your name on it.

Take my heart and every fraction of a second it takes for it to beat,
as it longs for the warmth of the home it once found on the palm of your hand,
withstanding all the flames that engulfed the paradise precariously built around it,
and out of the ashes, still rising to beat for you: but still, but still, but still.
Originally published on
These suicidal thoughts are not even mine
its ugly *** force that's wants  to take what's mine
but this demon can't have it
so I gotten keep spittin
jus so I can grasp it ******* myself and I need to let up
I'm champion and there is no giving up
I'm the best *** the rest I'm just writing this **** just to get it off my chest
and if you ever had these thoughts yo put em to rest
kuz everydays a new day for you to do your best
*** this demon it can not have my life
that's not the way I'm going kuz I'm headed to the top
I got the world on my finger and its spinin like a top
there's no such things as failure
I'm shipin cargo  guess you can call me a sailor
ain't never been to jail so I ain't speaking to the bailer
suicide thoughts yeah they all end to day
I'm on the rode to success some how some way!
Your OK just be you!
grumpy thumb Mar 2021
Wandered eye over weary scenes of contempt.
Lost to white noise of familiar content Everydays' freshness has long since been spent
Eyes search for pastures new and to reinvent.
SG Holter Apr 2014
Worlds change. Everydays forge
Themselves harder to relate to.
Whose world is this now?
What time of era is it?

Millennia tic like seconds in
Eyes and ears large enough
To behold aeons.
Solar systems atoms, planets gears in
Perpetual automata.
Life experience has no
Value; time and age grow in
Different directions.
There are no Complete
No Great Answers, no cold hard
Facts of Life, Death or
Other States of
Being or not.
Only vast waves; myriads of
Poetry, and in the innermost
Center of it all:
Mother Voice:

          *Shhhh...little you.
          All is as it should.
          No thing could ever be out
          Of place.
          Or time.
          Or out.
Second draft of early post.
everydays a struggle when there is despair
when you need someone and no one is there
no one you  can turn to to tell your troubles to
just a world of lonlieness in it only you

everything seems grey life seems such a mess
mind is in a turmoil nothing but distress
everything is a struggle when your in despair
no there beside you on one there to care
Ever wonder about the hurricanes...
Ever see the thunder and the rain...
I think its just the world crying...
Asking what the hell we dieing...

They spend up all our money, on the rockets in the sky, but they dont have a reason, so they generate a lie...​to destract us from the time....

I hate to see the whole world cry, I hate to see the whole world cry, If it was up to me...I would wipe them from your eyes...I hate to see the world cry...

So sick of this ******* earth, That i wish...​That i could hitch hike to heaven...​go to gods studio and put in work....
Lay down my melodies, Give the whole world one song to sing...
Hatreds got not sentimental...​Love cost five cents less than a nickel...​im talking about
One voice
One law
One caller
No bodys rich
No bodys poor
No bodys less
No bodys more
No bodys winning
No bodys losing
No categories
Were all music
If we cant come to see, that the whole world needs peace...​And if we cant touch and agree...​Then we are the true enemy...

I hate to see the whole world cry, I hate to see the whole world cry..​If it was up to me...I would wipe tears from your eyes....

Looking in the mirror, Sinking in the peace, Everydays a constant battle, Between whats wrong and right, I was born to live my life....
My praise for the future? Is that we learn from our mistakes...
Halfway into destruction, But its not to late...​to late to make a change, So ill say...

I hate to see the whole world cry, I hate to see the whole world cry, If it was up to me...I would wipe them from your eyes...I hate to see the whole world cry..
I dont wanna see you cry...
I dont wanna see you cry...

I hate to see the world cry
if tomorrow never comes dont matter much to me
everydays the same all i have is misery
waking up each day with the hurt inside
im still in love with you from it cant hide.

even in my dreams you are always there
everywhere i go i see you everywhere
there inside my mind and inside my heart
in my life for ever you will always be a part.

even though your gone i cant let you go
i still love you so much more than you will know
though your no longer there your not here with me
you are in my heart and my memory

if tomorrow never comes dont matter much to me
everydays the same all i have is misery
waking up each day with the hurt inside
im still in love with you from it cant hide.

even though your gone i cant let you go
i still love you so much more than you will know
though your no longer there your not here with me
your are always there beside me in my memory
if tomorrow never comes dont matter much to me
everydays the same all i have is misery
waking up each day with the hurt inside
im still in love with you from it cant hide.

even in my dreams you are always there
everywhere i go i see you everywhere
there inside my mind and inside my heart
in my life for ever you will always be a part.

even though your gone i cant let you go
i love you oh so  much. more than you will know
though your no longer there.  your not here with me
your are there withme. in my memory

if tomorrow never comes dont matter much to me
everydays the same all i have is misery
waking up each day with the hurt inside
im still in love with you from it cant hide.

even though your gone i cant let you go
i will always love you.more than you will know
though your no longer there your not here with me
your are always there with me in my memory
Spencer S Aug 2016
I put on a smile,
I burst out a laugh.
I look happy in the photographs.
But that's all a cover, non of its real...

I'm dying on the inside,
I cry myself to sleep at night.
I'm breaking down piece by piece,
But no one cares no sees.

Everydays a new start,
But they all end up just the same.
First I'm happy,
Then someone comes and lights the flame.

I'm burning on the inside,
The fires bright but there's no light.
I'm drowning in the darkest sea,
Praying to be set free.

I thought I could do this on my own,
Face all the hardships and no one will know. My mind is shattered,
My thoughts are scattered,
My heart is so worn my heart is so tattered. There's no one here to guide me,
To do what friends do.
There's no shoulder here to cry on,
No help to pull through.
That leaves on choice one voice,
Only one turn to.
The one inside my head,
Saying things better left unsaid.

I'm breaking on the inside,
Got no more tears my eyes are dried.
I'm done trying to pretend,
I'm done trying to comprehend.

But I put on a smile,
I burst out a laugh.
I look happy in the photographs.
But that's all a cover, non of its real....
Aspen Apr 2022
In Taiwan, I seem to fit in
I can speak the language, the green mountains feel like home
The city lights of Taipei are warm, the white sand in bai sha wan glistens under the sea foam
Cold Mango shaved ice refreshes me in the humid summer heat,
While pork rice and egg cake from street vendors are my comfort foods
It feels like a place where I belong, a place I can call home

But the kids in summer camps always ask me where I’m from
Why I have an accent, why I can’t read the store signs
While I may look like all the kids in the summer camp
I still do not belong

In America, I go through ordinary days
I can read street signs, and I don’t have an accent
I can actually write words and sentences on my assignments
I know each street I drive by on my way to school
I do the cupid shuffle in high school parties, my eyes shine with the fireworks on July 4th
This also feels like a place I belong, a place I can call home

But while my footsteps walk this land everyday, I do not belong
Because no one can pronounce my real name, and my food “looks strange”
No matter how American I feel,
I still do not belong

Stuck in two worlds, between two boxes
I’m the purple between the blue and red,where do I belong?
I can’t pick a side, I am not one or the other,

But being purple tells me that I belong…
That I do not have to choose, my heart belongs to these two homes:
The sweet potato-shaped island, with green mountains and city lights
And the land where my friends aren’t far away, where I spend my everydays
The final poem in my poetry collection "Calls of the Magpie and Eagle"

This poem is about the feeling of not belonging in any culture. Whether I'm in Taiwan or America, there is always a little voice inside that tells me that I don't belong. Being stuck in two cultures is hard, but these two places are still my home,.
Yes yes yall yess yes  yall we finna have a ball,,

Yes yes yall yess yes  yall we finna have a ball,,

What's up honey, I see you looking good, love dove, come gather a hug,
Im Not a **** or a bug, I just wanna keep you snugged, tight under my sight,
Pictures of us, family divine chosen, graze for the ozem, til we frozen,
Wealth stance, focus on the skies romance,  take a glance, at the weather,
Clouds speaking, saying let's stay together spiritually sewed, so endeavor,
The free breeze, from the wind talking these,    aired out my poetry, symphony,
Babygirl it's just you and me, we ain't gotta be, each others enemy,
Hair wavy, pretty as can be, love the way your honey buns seats,
Greets, a certain kind of measure, love ya feminine texture, quoted in scripture,
Psalms 31, and I knew this day would come, kiss your tears, sway from the slums,
And baby girl dont play dumb, followed the heartbeats to your drum,
And how come, so many wanna see us, break males out the scenery,
Sweet scent so heavenly, cleverly I sit back and watch the bees, laying honey,
Its funny, these leeches ain't got no heart, stuck with you, from the very start,
Couldn't see us apart, ways everydays I think of new ways, to glaze,
Ya mind shine, like the sun half women half amazing, eyes glaring staring,
Deep into my soul, feel your love losing control, Iet me take steer,
Of ya wheel, give you a feel that you could never feel, true whip appeal,
Baby face, lotions is potent got my nose open, visuals to a scoping,
Slim waist, gave my mental glands a taste, leaning on the tips of faith,
Got me losing hope and, wicked shell, got me looking jealous as hell,
Must a be spell, somewhere I'm fallen like Denzel, will I ever prevail,
They say love and lust, dont go together but I see they love to be severed,
I put my money, over mind and mind over time, chilling in the lights of lime,
Sublime signs, giving to me be the unruly divine, lay my finger tips on ya spine,
Look deep into your eyes, count the sparkle, like the sunrise, hot in your thighs,
Feel your pie, baking soon begins, a vibration, channel the station,
It's just you and me, taking on society quietly, I write so peacefully,
Can you see me, naw dont run from the treasures, of nights in pleasure,
I can tell, ya vibes got alot on ya shell, so just let my love dwell, break ya spell,
Kiss and tell, yo it never fails, let me stand on top, knock out ya knots,
Ya so ****, you could make desert rocks cry, without tears falling, from the sky,
And dont ask why, I feel like this, I m.just letting the spirits walk this,
Talk into your brittle soul, regain the console, from the degrees of your angle, let me untangle, your love bow, I can feel it deeply in a strangle,
Twa's a dull-late afternoon at a coffee shop.
When your brisk tread suddenly engaged to a stop.
You are standing across the road draped in a pinkish top,
And from a mil of a sec you made my heart drop.

You have that kind of thick flapping lashes,
Where once I'd mulled were made my inside crushes.
From the moment your brain sent those feet in front of mine,
Can't resist my wistful heart to whine.

I was sitting inside of an extended awning so stern,
When you momentarily made that turn.
That gaze of yours I know are too difficult to earn,
Yet falling for you is something I can easy learn.

Driving at cold Saturday nights started,
Everydays dull-late afternoon ended.
And now that you're sitting across my favorite table,
I'm trying my best not to let my words to stumble.

Do you heard that?
I'm longing to touch where your heart at.
Do you see that?
Letting myself engross to things am not good at.

These words that are slipping pertually out of my lips,
Turn in to dreams and hopes of you from this eclipse.
The sun is no longer a star that reminds me of yesterday,
But become my constant reminder to wish to see you day-by-day.

Can't you hear these?
My heart can't longer be restrain at ease.
Whenever you're near probably this only explain
That for you I'm fallin'

So please put away the blue from your eyes.
When that someone tries to drive you in hard times,
Just ring me up once you start to cry at five.
Because that someone never deserves your love.
Zia Mar 2020
The whispers from her yesterdays
haunt her everydays
turning her tomorrows
into sorrows

— The End —