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GOING OUT!* To the circus, to the club-Zoo,
ON THE PROWL! For a ***** just like you,
AND LIKE WOW! When the stars fell all around you,

I am thinking of a metal-slung-slang,
The meteors, you know the rocks you bang,
At the gates, was a magnificent thang,
Punish me, with that action you brang.

Zipping-up; leopard print from your Zoo,
Clackin’ heels; all the way across the room,
I fell in love with you the moment I saw you,
Got your number; ‘cause I wanted to call you,
Clevered-up; with lots of lines to awe you,
Round my axis babe you come, crawl to,
And now I’m thinking of a metal-slung-slang,
Up and down, you know that game you brang?

Lipstick, heels and stock-kings;
I fell in love with you the minute my **** came,
Stood back up, slapped me while I sang…

You know the minute I saw you,
…and got your number ‘cause I had to call you,
Twisted serpents, **** the Zodiac star-Zoo,
So **** clever with the lines that awed you,

Now I’m thinking of a metal-slung-slang,
The meteors, you know the rocks you bang,
At the gates, was a magnificent thang,
Punished me, with that action you brang-ang,

Out and dancing, -in the Zodiac star-Zoo,

LUSTING OUT! Like a puppy-dog, run to,
AND LIKE WOW! When the stars fell all around you,
AND NOW I’M LOST! In a metal-slung-slang,

The meteors, you know the rocks you bang,
At the gates, was a magnificent thang,
Oh you punished me, with that action you brang-ang,

Freaking-out in a metal slung star-Zoo,
At the gates was a girl I had to do...
AND I AM ...singing the metal-slung-slang,
METEORS AND STARS! All night we bang,
Punished me, with that action you brang-ang!

And now I’m thinking of a metal-slung-slang,
The meteors, you know the rocks you bang,
At the gates, was a magnificent thing,
Punish me, with that action you bring.
Ananke was the first goddess of Sumeria. It's etymological translation is synonymous with Adam and Eve meaning, "Heaven and Earth." This is an adult pop rock piece.

It's about meeting a girl at a nightclub and going home to smoke ******* and have ***** S&M-style *** with her. When you sling a metal push rod you re-seat the pipe to load more *******.

"Banging," rocks or meteors is street-slang for smoking crack *******.
Tyler Derksen Oct 2011
It took my love, It took me down
Called my inside to be found
And I saw my reflection in the mirror of your face
Till the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I write what's changing the ocean inside?
Can I hold the reasons for my life?

Mmm, mmm, mmm

Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes it bolder
Even music gets older and I'm getting older too

Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes it bolder
Even music gets older and I'm getting older too
Oh, I'm getting older too

Awh, take my love, take me down
Awh, you called my inside to be found
And if you see my reflection in the mirror of your face
Well, the landslide brang it down

And if you see my reflection in the mirror of your face
Well, the landslide brang it down
Oh, the landslide brang me down
I thought that saying goodbye,
would be the hardest thing to say to you.
And in a way it was,
but in another it wasn't.
It felt sad; it felt exhilarating.

I thought that love, all kinds,
meant giving you're all to someone.
But it doesn't, it means something more.
It means that you give them a piece
of yourself for them to cherish,
and they do the same.

But you can't give something away,
that doesn't exist.
I didn't understand at first,
but now I do.

I never loved myself,
I loved you.
I used to feel I would die
with joy from being around you.

And then I woke up one morning,
and I realized that I did die.

That the every miniscule piece of who I was,
had ceased to exist.
I realized that I was empty,
and always had been.

So instead of killing myself for your love,
I lived for my own.

And now I drive around,
listening to Tom Petty,
wearing red lipstick;
lips wrapped around the back half of a cigarette..

And I am so happy.

I feel free.
I feel like I can conquer anything,
because I escaped a painful death;
a death by you.

But then it was time to say "Hello again.."
and it was harder than goodbye.
It brang back the memories of sadness.
Of lonliness.
Of being afraid.

Then the moment passed...

*And I still feel free.
Sometimes I wish we would have met today instead.. I think we might have been better to each other.
Anais Vionet Dec 2021
(the birth of Christ - in Gen-Z slang)

Mary and Joseph were tight-ship.
Mary was a real-one, and no clout-chaser

One night Angel Gabriel overstreeted with word
that Cap-G made Mary chabby with soup-baby
Mary was shook and big-mad but Joseph
was baby-goggles for Cap-G’s quinlan fetus

so Mary was “okrrrrrrrrr”

A minute later Mary and Joe had to roll deep,
adulting to Bethlehem with tribute to Augustus,
the main character, but no mo-mo swerved em’
ghetto and asan Mary was Cap-G’s baby-mama!

Later these bchaps rfts biters brang Cap-J
some bag and herb to extra flex for Cap-G
while angels lay in the cut with lowkey bop.

———————- translation

Mary and Joseph were married and in love.
Mary was an average girl not into notoriety
One night Angel Gabriel appeared and said
that God made Mary pregnant with his child
Mary was shaken-up and and angry but Joseph
Was excited for them to have God’s beautiful child

so Mary was had no choice but to say “OK”

Months later Mary and Joe had to travel far together,
As citizens, to Bethlehem to pay taxes to Augustus (Caesar).
Emperor of rome, but a lack of motels caused them to
Stay in a manger and there Mary had God’s child.

Later these rich star followers brought Jesus
some money and herb as gifts to impress God
while angels gathered and sang to comfort the child.
Tis the season. Merry Christmas! =]
MaSHTONdison May 2014
Beautiful brown, curly hair.
Beautiful large, green eyes.
A Beautiful dimple,placed on his right cheek,
There will never be any goodbyes.

In this world,
people will hate.
Hate on those who are kind.
I dont know why,
but they tell him to die,
though his hard work shows he should do  otherwise.

His heart is kind,
so leave him be,
for he makes me smile.

I will never leave this fantastic boy behind,
because he makes me happy,
for i will keep him awhile.

A beautiful heart,
for a beautiful boy,
that belongs with his beautiful mind.

a hateful world,
which he doesnt mind,
in which he brang himself to me,
Now i call him mine.
A poem about harry styles.
IDGAF what you think, these are my thoughts.
Rangzona Aug 2014
Stick and stones can Braked your bones
But words will tear your soal into tiny pieces
Maybe not all at once
But little by little
Slice by slice
The wounds will heal
But the wounds of the soal takes more the just time
And if those wounds don't heal
U die, not physically you can't be that Lucky
, no I can't be that lucky
When your soul bleeds it bleeds hope
Hope of change, hope of man kind, and hope that you are not the words, that people call you.

My soul has ran dried befor,
Sliced way to many time
And me with no confidence to stich it back up
I was to the point of opting out,
Saying **** it.

I was tired of being called a freek tired of being told  that I am less
That my life ment nouthing
Then I started to bleave it
That the world would be better with out me
And hell it would of been
I did not contribute to this world
Never made a change

I was so **** close
Blood flowing down my wrist
My mettifulical soul
Looking like my wrist
And obviously I lived

But you don't get over that kind of **** alone
It doesn't despair
It builds
U need a rope to get out of that rapid
You know what mine was.....
The same thing that sliced my soal
That night I dreamed
That I was a writer
That my words did more good than the words of the outhers did harm
Not just for me but for others like me
Despair oozing out of them
Hatred coating there mind
That the only thing keeping them alive
Was the fact they cut across the tracks and not along

The next day I wrote
I wrote stories and poems
Letting my worries of the fuecher draw hope from the page and into me
Letting me clime out of my self pity
Without drugs
Without other people (the way I do everything)
And I lived
Not like I was, day by day
No I was finally alive I wanted to live
Not just because its what was expected
But I wanted this, I wanted my dream
I wanted to save not just my life
But some one else
To tell them
Yea words can beat you down, drag you to your grave, dig u a 9foot grave and berry you
But they can also brang you back to life, more alive than before.
Words can give you some thing that you felt you never had
Love, and love is what repair the wounds of your soul,
Show you that you have a reason to live,
No matter if those words are internal or external
They can heal you, and free you from the world that I once feared
Lawrence Hall Feb 2017
Tales of the Texas Rangers:
The Legend of Tom Brady’s Shirt

Texas is rich with tales of old
Heroes, villains, San Saba’s gold

Once Aztecs ruled our shores and bays
And Tejas roamed the forest ways

Here in this sunburnt arid land
Comanches bold made their last stand

Karankawas, Apaches too -
All sorts of tales, and mostly true

Nueva Espana, then Mexico
Rebellion and the Alamo

But the strangest tale, we now assert
Is the mystery of Tom Brady’s shirt

Missing it is, after the game
Who is the thief? Who is to blame?

Dan Patrick, the lieutenant-guv
He swore by all the stars above

And most of all by that one Star
That’s flown in every saloon and bar

He’d catch that creep, and make him hurt
Whoever pinched Tom Brady’s shirt

So in this time of ******* danger
He called upon each Texas Ranger

His voice was low, but cold as steel:
“Y’all brang that mangy cur to heel;

Load your weapons, and saddle up!”
Each Ranger answered with a “Yup.”

All Rangers, now, be on alert:
Somebody rustled Tom Brady’s shirt

Every Texan expects your best
(Tom Brady is our honored guest)

He can’t go home in just his jeans
So find his jersey, by any means

Remember - not a blouse or skirt;
You’re looking for the poor man’s shirt

That’s why you Rangers are paid so much -
Search every ****** and hovel and hutch

Somewhere under the Texas skies
An outlaw hides, and probably cries

He shamed his state and he shamed his mama
And the only end to all this drama

Will come upon him like wind and dust
And a voice will command (with great disgust)

“Stand and deliver, you ugly varmint!
Hold up your hands, and drop that garment!”

“Oh, Texas Ranger, tell me true:
How did you find me? I feel so blue!”

And the Ranger will sing softly:

“The shirt of a stranger is upon you…”1

y colorín, colorado y este cuento se ha acabado, y’all

1Apologies to Chuck Norris
Tyler Man Jan 2016
My love
My soul
She's a dove
Her beauty it stole
Her soul brang
Understanding me would be hard
Cause my souls felt so chard
Her eyes opened my mind
Something I truly couldn't find
It's hard to believe
That's she would retrieve
My broken heart
So torn apart
With fear of the darkness
You brought the light
The light princess
Sent to make things right
It's funny you see
Cause that's only to me
She sees herself quite dark
But the truth is what I see
What she holds on the outside is only bark
When our souls meet I feel the fire
Truly this is how love would conspire
From broken souls mended
Souls no longer pretended
Our hearts and souls
Now ours to grow
Our garden of flow
Seven Socrates Jun 2014
Put together words that paint pictures. Till I regain a sense of peace, until then let the ink from my pen hitcha. I’m here to redesign structures, reframe pictures. Rename fixtures. When I die they’ll say I brang scriptures, No false profit. Just problems I attempt to fix before some one else get too. If you don’t heal or harm they forget you. Your name Seven Socrates? The Name Fit you."
****-zip-bang shenyang ang;
Mang mangue flang hang prang pang;
Pinang lalang unhang kang youth defang khang;
Marang schlang gang wolfgang ying-yang xuanzang.
Klang sea get wrang.

Sang tsang li-kang gangue langues.
Thang drang crang tang harangue sprang zhang shang siang whang strang hang verdinsgang chuang;
Brang lang nang bhang xiaogang mahuang durang huang.
Hange hsiang und;

Zang rang kuomintang ourang section gang hang.
Krang pahang boomerang fang guilt;
Spang gang;
Hangsang xinjiang tunkelang slang tangue nanchang clang chang bangue vang ziyangbaoguang hwang pang the tsiang alang dang ylang-ylang.

Tang liang.
Overhang langue pyongyang.
Cangue sangh mustang stang frang yang lange kukang farang **** care sturm t'ang;
Zamang drang chiang road a jang;
Magdalen Jul 2013
Twenty years of my life I've Lived with a time span of lucid, vivid dreams,

Their mind grasping & boggling though I've had more good than bad it seems.

Movement in the day has me sitting in a room with 3 white walls covered in pain,

calmness by the window breeze with the sun up high & not a cloud to send rain.

Racing thoughts as I write about my future though I mainly wonder away with my past,

Cloudy head, clear tears, Someone help me to understand how long misery can last.

For when I'm sad they come & when happy they go & still to me they never leave my heart,

For I can feel the pain & taste the scars that fate brang forth to tear me apart.

Admitting-ly I confess how lost I feel & yet I still know how to stand strong,

My knowledge keeps me assertive, doing only right & depriving me of all the wrong.

For within time;  say 10years from now I will be much wiser, with less pain & less sorrow,

Only wanting to better myself will get me off to a good start  leaving behind today & looking forward to tomorrow.

So as I continue to sit in a empty room I think ahead into the day,

Imagining Royal Palms puts my eyes to rest, my heart at ease, and takes My Soul Away! <3<3<3

Written By:  Maggie Lopez-Lavalle

Date: May 27, 1997
tiaamaariaa Jul 2013
why did we want to get older?
thinking there would always be a shoulder
to lean on when things go wrong
but all we do is try to stay strong.
so many dissapointments
and let downs
we just feel like our feelings are being drowned.
only some stay
making things not so gray
our young years brang so much laughter
and happily ever afters
not knowing what was to come
wishing for the past to be back
not expecting this stressful attack
Ken Pepiton Nov 2020
War is warning of chaos if the dragon is slain,
whathe-el, yes,
god, yes,

we have a myth for for this, for now,
a metaphor, aforethought, it is
that Promethean redemption,
aha, the sun goes down,
let the healing begin,

this is a classic,
not every inspiring thing has origins in a book.
Word, gramma say, way back,

-- reminds me, I put gas in the Prius today,
as I walked in to buy some papers,
in the little store where the
**** bays was, back when I first heard
Johnny Cash, thinking' he was some kinda
man in black, from assorted darkness legends,
I hear him singin'
I fell in to a burnin' rang o' fire, went
the flames shot higher…

I was about seven… **** bays was where
hot-rodders and cruisers hung out,
if you grew up on a paved road
to California and Nevada,
at a junction in time and space,
~ 150-170 miles south of all the tests,
same winds that brang rain t' St. George…

The moment, the music, a crossover hit,
-- reminds me,
as I walked in to buy some papers,
in the little store where the
young Chaldean manning the store hears me,
as I -- say, ******* HAHA, as I re-cogitate the first
bars of I walk the line, then I see the
guy behind the sneeze, wall agree,
I love this music, we both say,
and he goes on to say,
I wonder what it was like to be alive
when he was alive…
I swipe my card and say, it was like
being alive when I was alive.
-- reminds me,
mark that fact - you spoke to an old man
buying papers, this is the future,
did you never read of the last being first?
the boy bade me have a nice day.
So I did.
Hope springs and springs, stranger things happen. Tigger is a trigger, for me.
Early VHS Pooh in kid's church, 85 times. 32 years ago/ Happy birthday soon, Jenny Rae.
So yesterday was my birthday
I really enjoyed it .

"Birthdays aren't all about gifts and celebration it's about being with your family who brang you into this world and made you into the person you are today it's about enjoying every little memory with them and realizing that life can get better as long as you believe "
bennu Jan 2021
Scrimpshle margle daddle boogie,
Marp-a-narp a tok tocken.
Slarly barndis greddle meepshin...

A siddle mibby glockshen.

Naddle bwud a moobleshuggy--
Swaven maddie hopstick.

Aggie brang us Finfelsteenin
Maggy bwangus mopsick.

Gravel raddy hinfle snuckus
(A toddy marsh to tek homin)
Anamabble woddy fuckus, wopple noffin gomin

Amass a rate frark

Beem hoo dussin.
Clarkia Aug 2021
You're just someone in the past now
All the inspiration you brang
Has slipped away down the drain
Not a drop of love left in me for you
Not a moment of time left to do
Anything to change and make things right
Just a memory slipping out of my night
Looking back but forgetting what drew me in
Only seeing toxicity, you were never my friend
My heart closed off once again
No sense of home, no sense of kin
Just me in my glory day after day
On my stage alone to shine and to gain

— The End —