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We all have our own destiny,
written in the celestial mystery,
Mayan cycles in the eternal so trippy,
transition of ego death can be accepted,
our souls last forever protected,
fear is only a shadow from light of awareness,
experience deathless consciousness,
nothing but a transformative change,
a quantum jump strange,
fictional in the cosmic game,
rearrange dance celebrate and play,
welcome the unknown foresty beyonds,
all webs of being are woven better,
we are all one from the beginning until forever,
ceremonial tribal & shamanic let's gather together.
Butch Decatoria May 2016
Within this jungle, which is ours
I ride the back of Thunder-cloud, my friend

Around and through the thickets
thick banyan trees & palm fruit fallen leaves

Down muddy earthen paths
until everything is green and shadows

until inside its heart, the rain forest
trees of this jungle are city buildings - tall

and choir of fauna high and low
do not fear to sing beneath our cathedral's shade

In this kingdom of flora and ruby rich dirt
belongs to thunder-cloud and dirt-poor me

A Mowgli on his elephant,
hollars ahead to any that hear "We are free!"

Here, far from the whips' lashing, guns,
away from the loud business of murderous money

They who say that I am nothing
in their eyes who abacus my worth with looks

with upraising lust of wolves
but I a free man, a simpleton for beloved (Earth)

I am dark skinned
Krishna on my steed of thunder-clouds

A native son of brown & green wilderness
caterwauling to the beyonds unknown

Within our jungle, brother thunder,
my elephant of deep clouds gray

we are Mammoth and as wild as wide
as open as free... with every step forward

on this living journey
we will take

a peaceful kind of smile
will only be what is written
                                                       upon each lovely lovely face

*(Within our jungles...we live simply
without the Man's hate
not today will I hunger, nor will I thirst
fed on real wonder, drank clouds of Himalayan rain
without a rupee to my name... on the back of thunder
my gentle Ganesh - I have no one to blame.)
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the burdens that we hold are for our backs to curve years of wisdom---to reach peace:}

hard for me to express

the things you left in me are in mess

the buildings so high scared to my *******

believed things come now to their bests

acceptance of the unknown faces that bloom on the yellow stairs

moments I found it a burden to bare

then you another ranger in those brown tiles

made me drink that blue liquor made me smile

laughter in the wooden walls I will uncover soon

even when the visits brought a past gloom

searching is something I was meant to do on those borders

never will I know or remember unless I read the folders

feel the flies in the green lands

a tingle plastered on the hands

but nothing more than that stance you ******

put a lot of grace because of a simple caring lace

is it okay if this while took a late

that mere second has been stuck written on my fate

those arms gambled with my noes

even though a little lie

didn't hurt

didn't go

far from the beyonds

that red sweater

a path to the wallpaper

to the given weather

chimaera Aug 2014
whispering sybils
of concealed worlds.
In betweens and beyonds,
somewheres and nowheres,
truths for making believe.


Carmine nostalgia of the unexperienced.
Utopia upon a time.
Windmill wings to grow a heart,
flavours and scents of new seen worlds,
tangible places pulsating in snow globes,
cosmogony of what is not.

scribbling, engraving a forever world.
Tearing off
Imperialists' mantle
True to his name Fidel
He had lit
To the oppressed masses
And to those in the dark
An much-needed candle.

Weighing things from
Fraternity's angle
And the truth,
Fidel was not remiss
In dispatching own troops
In far off beyonds
To fortify for freedom
Mounted battle.

Considerate Fidel had taught
Innumerable orphans,
Whose combatant fathers lost.

Frowning up on
Amassing personal wealth,
He was building
The human power
Of the 3rd world like Ethiopia,
Among others,
In agriculture and health!

To glittering things
While many leaders worried
To hanker for personal gain,
Fidel Castro,magnanimous,
Opted to assuage
The marginalized's pain.
For doing so
The shameless&bloodsucker;
Imperialists were trying
To **** him again and again.
Yes, Fidle was their bane!

Though Fidel is no more
His legacy we shall live to adore!//

Fiedel Castro was a true friend of Ethiopia!
Fiedel Castro was a true friend of Ethiopia or the whole world for that matter!
Have you ever herded humans to LOVE?
I have traveled a thousand miles
By foot to reach my BELOVEDz home

Have you ever bowed down and surrendered?
I have kissed the feet of my BELOVEDz

From the center of my heart
To the place where my BELOVEDz stays
Though seems from mountains to the ocean
But the stream of water flows uphills

There is this small town
In the oceanic blue scape
With humid tropics and scented rain

In the curvature up-down hill roads
With green trees lined by the fields
Between the town and
The destination to no where
There is the tiny abode -
My BELOVEDz lives

Up one flight of stairs to heaven
Where the wind blows stronger
With every rain gush hitting the verandah grill
My BELOVEDz stands, watching her life
Through the dogs and cats raining skies

Oh..! worrying about LOVE and
Those uncertainties beyonds life

As I stand over there -
Below her grilled verandah window
Drenched in rain, pouring over...
My filthy 1000 miles walked torned dress

Yes that is the place I find my BELOVEDz
Standing near the window grill -
Like Shakespeare's when Romeo and Zuliet meet

She looks at me and smiles
Was it me - her LOVER she was waiting for?

Like Romeo I can't climb up the grill -
She knows...
Thus she runs down the flight
Jumping down steps - skipping 2-3 at a time
And rushes out to embrace me
Within my arms, hugs and kisses
Yes - I am the LOVER she  waited for...!

For us,
Loving each other
WE realize... now

LOVE is nurturing
LOVE is penance
LOVE is wisdom
LOVE is patience
LOVE is compassion
LOVE is waiting
LOVE is courage
LOVE is our SOUL

That day in the rains
If someone saw us like that
Entangled within each other
They will smile and say:

LOVERS - Under in rain
*LOVERS - became "ONE"
This poem was written in August 2015
The same year when LOVE happened on Valentine 2015
Samantha Jade Apr 2014
We sit across from one another, the table
a vast road block that my younger self is afraid to cross.
Tension is splayed out between us like an elephant in the room
and it pins itself down, heavy
on my chest.
I watch as a nother pill sends you sailing, you're worse off,
but I too am just as lost.
Just as you merely fall off your chair,
we all begin to plummet with you.
Take another, you'll fail to pay a bill,
just one more and you're on the kitchen floor.
You don't see me, but maybe you never had,
I've lost what you should be to us and
you're not the man I thought you could be.

I remember taking long rides,
trips to great beyonds,
heat exaggerated by tightly closed car windows
so bad we'd turn on the A/C.
We would go, the five of us, to play in the sun,
to enjoy the rain fall, to be young.

My youth ended at the hands of your stupid mistakes.
I remember being the one who didn't have to care,
just being cared for was enough.
I think back to the days where you were actually here
not just something I could watch from across a table
as I wonder when you'll begin supper or if you wonder.
I wonder if you remember how to walk in your state.

Mother is always worried now, as
gasoline stops running through the veins of this weak house.
There's another notice on the door
but only few things matter to you now.

I remember everything from these days so ******* well
and I hate myself for all of it. But,
I hate you more so.
I trusted you'd get better, I felt bad for you!
And I landed on my *** at the sweet age of 15.

The tension in our house, rose like an angry beast,
as two months past and you left bread on the table,
we still hadn't seen your face
you knew we didn't want you, I didn't know we didn't need you.
I was such a fool to have such stupid beliefs
I hated that you held nothing, walked away with nothing.

Now years roll past us,
changing seasons, graduations
my life has changed so greatly
I haven't needed you,
and I guess you didn't need any of us,
because there hasn't been a call or a visit,
not even a sign that you're still alive.
And I can't tell if it hurts anymore.
needs revision, but I'll get to that, later in the week
Ace Malarky Aug 2015
i master my dimension
i bend it to my will
it goes, it comes, it comes around
and now it's standing still

lonely, i am called
to watch this certain way
so i watch and write and watch and write
until my dying day

these are my weapons
these are my tools
these are how we are
how we grew from fools

we cast off our bonds
we pluralize our wit
we sail to great beyonds
and savor every bit

gliding past our memory  
we reach a silver shore
and walk up ancient steps
to knock on pearly door

its vastness swallows me
and spits me out alive
if only i had known the pain
before i took the dive

but if i hadn't woken
had the golden bowl been broke
if i hadn't gathered all the bits
before the shiver spoke
if my ramblings were wrong
had the visions lied
if I never knew a thing
had I never really tried
if I never understood
what everything implied
if i hadn't had a glimpse
before my body died

would this whisper of a life
wither in futility
or would it echo
     in the halls
Paramount Pawn May 2015
We keep looking forward to tomorrow
Only to be swallowed by sorrow
We can't blame ourselves
We keep hiding like some books in shelves
When we gain courage
Doesn't matter what age
Let's set out
Try not to pout
To the world and its beyonds
Ourselves becoming bonds
Shrivastva MK Aug 2018
Love u beyonds ur imagination,
U R my heart u R my Nation,
Sometimes I got totally scared,
Thinking about ur separation.....

U R my life u R my breath,
U R my believe u R my faith,
I can't live a single second without u
Becoz I wanna to be urs in every birth,

I'm a white paper u R my colour,
Without u everything looks blur,
Never think that u R alone my dear,
U R my life parterner u R my care....

Love u a lott dear sweetest dear....
SassyJ Jan 2017
Let's fade in the arm of the clock
as we face the turn of the seconds
whilst leaning towards the hour

Let's wade the confused lock
flaming the haze of the beyonds
whilst painting the tame tour

Let's walk back along the block
shaming decades of the found
whilst strumming the colours

Let's dance at the day's bedrock
tantalise with the sunshine bond
whilst the moonlight... devours
Having fun with rhyme.....
kiran goswami May 2020
I stay up all night,
watching romances I have seen about a hundred times.
Looking at passionate kisses that jingle and rhyme.
I stay up all night,
comparing his love for me to all the loves that have ever existed.
From all tragedies like Romeo and Juliet
to all success like Ron and Hermione.
From all I love yous
to all infinity and beyonds
From all moons and tides that love but never touch each other
to all parasites that touch but never love each other.
From all poems and stories written
to all love letter burned and burried
From Hollywood to Korea
I stay up all night,
thinking if he kisses me with all the love he has
and loves me with all the kisses he can give.
thinking if his words are as true as him
and the truth is nothing but his words.
thinking if he looks at me like the moon looks at the earth
and the earth looks at nothing else but the moon
thinking if he will stay with me forever
and forever will become always with us.
I stay up all night,
but when I fall asleep
He comes and tells me tales of his love for me
with kisses on my body
wrapping me in his dreams so
I stop thinking about staying up all night
and sleep with my love and his dreams
Tunde Lakanu Mar 2018
Worry about me only if you want to
Worry about ever getting home again whole
To bare foot witness what we built
Burning sight of our roles

Claimed baggage was agreed upon
Carried on for the ride while never unnoticed
I wonder what you ever noticed
Whimpers before the blow hits my chest

One last whisper to glory
To the last of our beyonds
Ending miracles before they bloom
The doubt uncials in the room

Hold me down until the bubbles stop
Your heart I took
Love, I have for you
That stays put
Kevin Mar 2017
look beyond, where lavandula wildly grows in fields of fonder
look beyond, where silk weaves between trees of deepened shade
look beyond, where electric snow coldly hums a muffled word
look beyond, where salted mists lift above a cresting swell
look beyond, where glass dances with mountainously airy leaps
look beyond, where green is all the eye can see
look beyond, where lamps light cannot reach
look beyond, where limits end
look beyond all of this to glimpse the hidden parts of me.

look beneath those beyonds
look beneath those glimpse's
look beneath those hidden parts
look beneath all of this to see a little more of me.

even after beyond those things
even after beneath those glimpse's
even after seeing all of this
you'll never see all of me.
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Natural world 
Oh how beautiful 
You appear in photos
Without the human footprint
So peaceful fo you seem
Almost hard to believe
Yet not fully out of sight
That the beauty shines that bright
Yet there lies the land
Destroyed mortal man's hand
As humans lie
Beyonds a era old
Made up of greed
We lose sight
Of what we truly need
The peace
Becomes unstable
As trees fall
The song of nature
Put to greed's beat
Destroys what we have
Which lies beyond the sight of man
KathleenAMaloney Jul 2016
I love You
I am Grateful
Thank you... You've shared so much with me
I love you
We shall always be..
I'm tired of waiting for you
I love you
Please forget the Game
Let's travel the world together..
Meet Beautiful talented people from all places
Revel at the mountains
Touch the Sea and learn to see differently
Pray for the Stars
Welcome all life to come From
All the Beyonds
And even further
Take us to new worlds
New galaxies
New loves
I 'm waiting
Star Gazer Feb 2016
This is for those who have had a broken heart
Who wept and screamt as it fell apart
People telling you the end is where it starts
It stems from a belief that maybe, just maybe
if we were right they would never leave,
so we fall just a little harder than others
left our fathers and our mothers
out of the equation because we were in love.
And being in love was enough.

You promise yourself to shut that beat
To silence the sound of love’s heat
because you know the next time
it will be the same.
It becomes ingrained in you
to never trust that the sky is blue
saw cars running over cans
like it was about to run over you.
You fell at the feet of those
who stomped on you countless
believing that that beat will
It doesn’t.
You’re deluding yourself
It doesn’t ever stop for anyone
including yourself.

So fall in love, have as many heartbreaks
Have so much heartbreaks that your heart
becomes just art because he
would have left with everything
washed away beyonds the seas
saw no waves of content
only waves of anguish
**And all that’s left is art…
This goes out to those who have love and lost, trust me just keep doing so one day someone will reciprocate and everything will be right. For a long, long time I'm finally having all my demons and everything realigned.

My close friend taught me something over this break. She spoke to me and said "you know why the tortoise beat the hare?"....

I answered , "because slow and steady wins the race?"...

She said, "no you *******....the tortoise taught us that its always ok to get a taxi cab or Uber. You don't have to do **** alone".
And ... she helped me get out of that darkspot , so I thank her. This goes out to what she told me .
abby Nov 2019
Last night I woke up gripping your echo, and  drowned it out with *** and two Vicodin. I am so dramatic, when you left I felt like a child throwing a fit. Saying I was never going to eat again, feel again, love again. But there is a voice deep in the beyonds of my mind, that whispered over my screams, telling me that this feeling is all too familiar. The begging, the wishing, the sheer desperation.
I have felt everything. The anxiety attacks when you looked at me, the butterflies when you said I was okay, I was going to be okay— I’m going
To be okay.
And an emptiness creeping in with a bitter grin, that I welcome at the door.
What is different about the way you left is the way you said goodbye. Because you didn’t want to. You said you didn’t want to lose me, which I don’t think I’ve ever heard before. But we both know everything has to change now. I can’t be another sock puppet, lifeless and pretending to like that you only look at me with hungry eyes. You cannot break my bones and put me on strings. Leave my body for the vultures, and I promise when you visit the grave stone I will be blooming in the same spot you left me bleeding. Emerging from earth, rebirthed and radiant. Because I have gotten over this before.
And I have been okay before.
And I will be okay again.
dilshé Mar 2021
Before my bare soles touched the Earth
before the moment of my birth
  before my species had evolved
   before the moon had first revolved
    before this world came to be
     before the magma, air & sea
      before our solar system spun
       before the great colossal sun
        before the starry Milky way
         before infinite galaxies
         Beyond the depths of this universe
         beyond the mind blowing multiverse
        beyond the trace of all beyonds
       beyond what logic corresponds
      who lies behind this splendid mess?
     come out creator & confess!
     if it is God, who created him?
    & the creator beyond that rim.
   As if a secret, forever hidden
  from human knowledge, strictly forbidden
what lies behind the mind's invisible wall?
the truth, the purpose of our soul?
               For I seek a beginning beyond history
               the great Beyond that remains a mystery.....
the beginning will probably remain an enigma forever .
Jack R Fehlmann Aug 2021
I am, can be...
Not right here,
And not right now...
Much more than I've ever
owned up to.
I can be above even the lowest
Those are moments
And those moments are down there.
I will continue to climb.
Ahead to the very top of
The mountains of my life.
To the greatest of beyonds
Well above my lowest lows
So much higher than right here.
Live my life, doing right in my life
I will climb from the dark to the light.
I will, I am, I will climb.

— The End —