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Feb 2016
This is for those who have had a broken heart
Who wept and screamt as it fell apart
People telling you the end is where it starts
It stems from a belief that maybe, just maybe
if we were right they would never leave,
so we fall just a little harder than others
left our fathers and our mothers
out of the equation because we were in love.
And being in love was enough.

You promise yourself to shut that beat
To silence the sound of love’s heat
because you know the next time
it will be the same.
It becomes ingrained in you
to never trust that the sky is blue
saw cars running over cans
like it was about to run over you.
You fell at the feet of those
who stomped on you countless
believing that that beat will
It doesn’t.
You’re deluding yourself
It doesn’t ever stop for anyone
including yourself.

So fall in love, have as many heartbreaks
Have so much heartbreaks that your heart
becomes just art because he
would have left with everything
washed away beyonds the seas
saw no waves of content
only waves of anguish
**And all that’s left is art…
This goes out to those who have love and lost, trust me just keep doing so one day someone will reciprocate and everything will be right. For a long, long time I'm finally having all my demons and everything realigned.

My close friend taught me something over this break. She spoke to me and said "you know why the tortoise beat the hare?"....

I answered , "because slow and steady wins the race?"...

She said, "no you *******....the tortoise taught us that its always ok to get a taxi cab or Uber. You don't have to do **** alone".
And ... she helped me get out of that darkspot , so I thank her. This goes out to what she told me .
Star Gazer
Written by
Star Gazer
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