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Caitlin Feb 2015
I wished for you
I craved you for days on end
and finally,
I got to see the way
your lips form around the precipice
   of my name;
I felt your hand on my waist
as your touch provokes every minute nerve  
      in my body;
I drowned myself in the  
   depth of your eyes
that glisten with wonder as you    
the spell you've cast upon me
and how it speaks volumes of every
   fairytale ever made;
and I have had a taste of all of this
    I've had you
    right within my breadth,
just until the warmth
    of the rising sun
  kissed my eyelids awake,
like the tender whisper of the    
or the discordant bellowing
of the void
   as it reminds me:
      You are unattainable.
Right then again I was able to  
that you will remain an illusion to me
      until our paths cross once more
   and in that moment,
nothing will be capable of surpassing
      the bewitchment
   the resplendence
the luminance
of the mere reality that is you
This is actually the one I'm most proud of.
A Dramatic Poem

The deck of an ancient ship. At the right of the stage is the mast,
with a large square sail hiding a great deal of the sky and sea
on that side. The tiller is at the left of the stage; it is a long oar
coming through an opening in the bulwark. The deck rises in a
series of steps hehind the tiller, and the stern of the ship curves
overhead. When the play opens there are four persons upon the
deck. Aibric stands by the tiller. Forgael sleeps upon the raised
portion of the deck towards the front of the stage. Two Sailors
are standing near to the mast, on which a harp is hanging.

First Sailor. Has he not led us into these waste seas
For long enough?

Second Sailor. Aye, long and long enough.

First Sailor. We have not come upon a shore or ship
These dozen weeks.

Second Sailor. And I had thought to make
A good round Sum upon this cruise, and turn -
For I am getting on in life - to something
That has less ups and downs than robbery.

First Sailor. I am so tired of being bachelor
I could give all my heart to that Red Moll
That had but the one eye.

Second Sailor. Can no bewitchment
Transform these rascal billows into women
That I may drown myself?

First Sailor. Better steer home,
Whether he will or no; and better still
To take him while he sleeps and carry him
And drop him from the gunnel.

Second Sailor. I dare not do it.
Were't not that there is magic in his harp,
I would be of your mind; but when he plays it
Strange creatures flutter up before one's eyes,
Or cry about one's ears.

First Sailor. Nothing to fear.

Second Sailor. Do you remember when we sank that galley
At the full moon?

First Sailor. He played all through the night.

Second Sailor. Until the moon had set; and when I looked
Where the dead drifted, I could see a bird
Like a grey gull upon the breast of each.
While I was looking they rose hurriedly,
And after circling with strange cries awhile
Flew westward; and many a time since then
I've heard a rustling overhead in the wind.

First Sailor. I saw them on that night as well as you.
But when I had eaten and drunk myself asleep
My courage came again.

Second Sailor. But that's not all.
The other night, while he was playing it,
A beautiful young man and girl came up
In a white breaking wave; they had the look
Of those that are alive for ever and ever.

First Sailor. I saw them, too, one night. Forgael was playing,
And they were listening ther& beyond the sail.
He could not see them, but I held out my hands
To grasp the woman.

Second Sailor. You have dared to touch her?

First Sailor. O she was but a shadow, and slipped from me.

Second Sailor. But were you not afraid?

First Sailor. Why should I fear?

Second Sailor. "Twas Aengus and Edain, the wandering lovers,
To whom all lovers pray.

First Sailor. But what of that?
A shadow does not carry sword or spear.

Second Sailor. My mother told me that there is not one
Of the Ever-living half so dangerous
As that wild Aengus. Long before her day
He carried Edain off from a king's house,
And hid her among fruits of jewel-stone
And in a tower of glass, and from that day
Has hated every man that's not in love,
And has been dangerous to him.

First Sailor. I have heard
He does not hate seafarers as he hates
Peaceable men that shut the wind away,
And keep to the one weary marriage-bed.

Second Sailor. I think that he has Forgael in his net,
And drags him through the sea,

First Sailor. Well, net or none,
I'd drown him while we have the chance to do it.

Second Sailor. It's certain I'd sleep easier o' nights
If he were dead; but who will be our captain,
Judge of the stars, and find a course for us?

First Sailor. I've thought of that. We must have Aibric with us,
For he can judge the stars as well as Forgael.

[Going towards Aibric.]
Become our captain, Aibric. I am resolved
To make an end of Forgael while he sleeps.
There's not a man but will be glad of it
When it is over, nor one to grumble at us.

Aibric. You have taken pay and made your bargain for it.

First Sailor. What good is there in this hard way of living,
Unless we drain more flagons in a year
And kiss more lips than lasting peaceable men
In their long lives? Will you be of our troop
And take the captain's share of everything
And bring us into populous seas again?

Aibric. Be of your troop! Aibric be one of you
And Forgael in the other scale! **** Forgael,
And he my master from my childhood up!
If you will draw that sword out of its scabbard
I'll give my answer.

First Sailor. You have awakened him.
[To Second Sailor.]
We'd better go, for we have lost this chance.
[They go out.]

Forgael. Have the birds passed us? I could hear your voice,
But there were others.

Aibric. I have seen nothing pass.

Forgael. You're certain of it? I never wake from sleep
But that I am afraid they may have passed,
For they're my only pilots. If I lost them
Straying too far into the north or south,
I'd never come upon the happiness
That has been promised me. I have not seen them
These many days; and yet there must be many
Dying at every moment in the world,
And flying towards their peace.

Aibric. Put by these thoughts,
And listen to me for a while. The sailors
Are plotting for your death.

Forgael. Have I not given
More riches than they ever hoped to find?
And now they will not follow, while I seek
The only riches that have hit my fancy.

Aibric. What riches can you find in this waste sea
Where no ship sails, where nothing that's alive
Has ever come but those man-headed birds,
Knowing it for the world's end?

Forgael. Where the world ends
The mind is made unchanging, for it finds
Miracle, ecstasy, the impossible hope,
The flagstone under all, the fire of fires,
The roots of the world.

Aibric. Shadows before now
Have driven travellers mad for their own sport.

Forgael. Do you, too, doubt me? Have you joined their plot?

Aibric. No, no, do not say that. You know right well
That I will never lift a hand against you.

Forgael. Why should you be more faithful than the rest,
Being as doubtful?

Aibric. I have called you master
Too many years to lift a hand against you.

Forgael. Maybe it is but natural to doubt me.
You've never known, I'd lay a wager on it,
A melancholy that a cup of wine,
A lucky battle, or a woman's kiss
Could not amend.

Aibric. I have good spirits enough.

Forgael. If you will give me all your mind awhile -
All, all, the very bottom of the bowl -
I'll show you that I am made differently,
That nothing can amend it but these waters,
Where I am rid of life - the events of the world -
What do you call it? - that old promise-breaker,
The cozening fortune-teller that comes whispering,
"You will have all you have wished for when you have earned
Land for your children or money in a ***.-
And when we have it we are no happier,
Because of that old draught under the door,
Or creaky shoes. And at the end of all
How are we better off than Seaghan the fool,
That never did a hand's turn? Aibric! Aibric!
We have fallen in the dreams the Ever-living
Breathe on the burnished mirror of the world
And then smooth out with ivory hands and sigh,
And find their laughter sweeter to the taste
For that brief sighing.

Aibric. If you had loved some woman -

Forgael. You say that also? You have heard the voices,
For that is what they say - all, all the shadows -
Aengus and Edain, those passionate wanderers,
And all the others; but it must be love
As they have known it. Now the secret's out;
For it is love that I am seeking for,
But of a beautiful, unheard-of kind
That is not in the world.

Aibric. And yet the world
Has beautiful women to please every man.

Forgael. But he that gets their love after the fashion
"Loves in brief longing and deceiving hope
And ****** tenderness, and finds that even
The bed of love, that in the imagination
Had seemed to be the giver of all peace,
Is no more than a wine-cup in the tasting,
And as soon finished.

Aibric. All that ever loved
Have loved that way - there is no other way.

Forgael. Yet never have two lovers kissed but they believed there was some other near at hand,
And almost wept because they could not find it.

Aibric. When they have twenty years; in middle life
They take a kiss for what a kiss is worth,
And let the dream go by.

Forgael. It's not a dream,
But the reality that makes our passion
As a lamp shadow - no - no lamp, the sun.
What the world's million lips are thirsting for
Must be substantial somewhere.

Aibric. I have heard the Druids
Mutter such things as they awake from trance.
It may be that the Ever-living know it -
No mortal can.

Forgael. Yes; if they give us help.

Aibric. They are besotting you as they besot
The crazy herdsman that will tell his fellows
That he has been all night upon the hills,
Riding to hurley, or in the battle-host
With the Ever-living.

Forgael. What if he speak the truth,
And for a dozen hours have been a part
Of that more powerful life?

Aibric. His wife knows better.
Has she not seen him lying like a log,
Or fumbling in a dream about the house?
And if she hear him mutter of wild riders,
She knows that it was but the cart-horse coughing
That set him to the fancy.

Forgael. All would be well
Could we but give us wholly to the dreams,
And get into their world that to the sense
Is shadow, and not linger wretchedly
Among substantial things; for it is dreams
That lift us to the flowing, changing world
That the heart longs for. What is love itself,
Even though it be the lightest of light love,
But dreams that hurry from beyond the world
To make low laughter more than meat and drink,
Though it but set us sighing? Fellow-wanderer,
Could we but mix ourselves into a dream,
Not in its image on the mirror!

Aibric. While
We're in the body that's impossible.

Forgael. And yet I cannot think they're leading me
To death; for they that promised to me love
As those that can outlive the moon have known it, '
Had the world's total life gathered up, it seemed,
Into their shining limbs - I've had great teachers.
Aengus and Edain ran up out of the wave -
You'd never doubt that it was life they promised
Had you looked on them face to face as I did,
With so red lips, and running on such feet,
And having such wide-open, shining eyes.

Aibric. It's certain they are leading you to death.
None but the dead, or those that never lived,
Can know that ecstasy. Forgael! Forgael!
They have made you follow the man-headed birds,
And you have told me that their journey lies
Towards the country of the dead.

Forgael. What matter
If I am going to my death? - for there,
Or somewhere, I shall find the love they have promised.
That much is certain. I shall find a woman.
One of the Ever-living, as I think -
One of the Laughing People - and she and I
Shall light upon a place in the world's core,
Where passion grows to be a changeless thing,
Like charmed apples made of chrysoprase,
Or chrysoberyl, or beryl, or chrysclite;
And there, in juggleries of sight and sense,
Become one movement, energy, delight,
Until the overburthened moon is dead.

[A number of Sailors enter hurriedly.]

First Sailor. Look there! there in the mist! a ship of spice!
And we are almost on her!

Second Sailor. We had not known
But for the ambergris and sandalwood.

First Sailor. NO; but opoponax and cinnamon.

Forgael [taking the tiller from Aibric].
The Ever-living have kept my bargain for me,
And paid you on the nail.

Aibric. Take up that rope
To make her fast while we are plundering her.

First Sailor. There is a king and queen upon her deck,
And where there is one woman there'll be others.

Aibric. Speak lower, or they'll hear.

First Sailor. They cannot hear;
They are too busy with each other. Look!
He has stooped down and kissed her on the lips.

Second Sailor. When she finds out we have better men aboard
She may not be too sorry in the end.

First Sailor. She will be like a wild cat; for these queens
Care more about the kegs of silver and gold
And the high fame that come to them in marriage,
Than a strong body and a ready hand.

Second Sailor. There's nobody is natural but a robber,
And that is why the world totters about
Upon its bandy legs.

Aibric. Run at them now,
And overpower the crew while yet asleep!

[The Sailors go out.]

[Voices and thc clashing of swords are heard from the other ship, which cannot be seen because of the sail.]

A Voice. Armed men have come upon us! O I am slain!

Another Voice. Wake all below!

Another Voice. Why have you broken our sleep?

First Voice. Armed men have come upon us! O I am slain!

Forgael [who has remained at the tiller].
There! there they come! Gull, gannet, or diver,
But with a man's head, or a fair woman's,
They hover over the masthead awhile
To wait their Fiends; but when their friends have come
They'll fly upon that secret way of theirs.
One - and one - a couple - five together;
And I will hear them talking in a minute.
Yes, voices! but I do not catch the words.
Now I can hear. There's one of them that says,
"How light we are, now we are changed to birds!'
Another answers, "Maybe we shall find
Our heart's desire now that we are so light.'
And then one asks another how he died,
And says, "A sword-blade pierced me in my sleep.-
And now they all wheel suddenly and fly
To the other side, and higher in the air.
And now a laggard with a woman's head down crying, "I have run upon the sword.
I have fled to my beloved in the air,
In the waste of the high air, that we may wander
Among the windy meadows of the dawn.'
But why are they still waiting? why are they
Circling and circling over the masthead?
What power that is more mighty than desire
To hurry to their hidden happiness
Withholds them now? Have the Ever-living Ones
A meaning in that circling overhead?
But what's the meaning?

[He cries out.] Why do you linger there?
Why linger? Run to your desire,
Are you not happy winged bodies now?

[His voice sinks again.]

Being too busy in the air and the high air,
They cannot hear my voice; but what's the meaning?

[The Sailors have returned. Dectora is with them.]

Forgael [turning and seeing her]. Why are you standing
with your eyes upon me?
You are not the world's core. O no, no, no!
That cannot be the meaning of the birds.
You are not its core. My teeth are in the world,
But have not bitten yet.

Dectora. I am a queen,
And ask for satisfaction upon these
Who have slain my husband and laid hands upon me.
[Breaking loose from the Sailors who are holding her.]
Let go my hands!

Forgael. Why do you cast a shadow?
Where do you come from? Who brought you to this place?
They would not send me one that casts a shadow.

Dectora. Would that the storm that overthrew my ships,
And drowned the treasures of nine conquered nations,
And blew me hither to my lasting sorrow,
Had drowned me also. But, being yet alive,
I ask a fitting punishment for all
That raised their hands against him.

Forgael. There are some
That weigh and measure all in these waste seas -
They that have all the wisdom that's in life,
And all that prophesying images
Made of dim gold rave out in secret tombs;
They have it that the plans of kings and queens
But laughter and tears - laughter, laughter, and tears;
That every man should carry his own soul
Upon his shoulders.

Dectora. You've nothing but wild words,
And I would know if you will give me vengeance.

Forgael. When she finds out I will not let her go -
When she knows that.

Dectora. What is it that you are muttering -
That you'll not let me go? I am a queen.

Forgael. Although you are more beautiful than any,
I almost long that it were possible;
But if I were to put you on that ship,
With sailors that were sworn to do your will,
And you had spread a sail for home, a wind
Would rise of a sudden, or a wave so huge
It had washed among the stars and put them out,
And beat the bulwark of your ship on mine,
Until you stood before me on the deck -
As now.

Dectora. Does wandering in these desolate seas
And listening to the cry of wind and wave
Bring madness?

Forgael. Queen, I am not mad.

Dectora. Yet say
That unimaginable storms of wind and wave
Would rise against me.

Forgael. No, I am not mad -
If it be not that hearing messages
From lasting watchers, that outlive the moon,
At the most quiet midnight is to be stricken.

Dectora. And did those watchers bid you take me

Forgael. Both you and I are taken in the net.
It was their hands that plucked the winds awake
And blew you hither; and their mouth
Paul M Chafer Nov 2013
Nothing intimidates me more,
Than a woman’s inviting smile,
It pierces right down to the core;
Appealing to everything I adore;
This subtle, suggestive, wile:
Whetting the sense of anticipation,
Igniting fires of the imagination.

Nothing possesses more power,
Than a woman’s determined will;
Disguised as a delicate flower,
Sweetness smothering the sour,
Regardless of the pyrrhic thrill;
Bewitchment in everything but name,
Savouring the illicitness of the game.

No ordinary man has a prayer,
When a woman stakes her claim;
She’ll welcome you into her lair,
Reject her desires if you dare,
Her revenge has legendary fame;
Travelling incognito: deadly intentions,
From this wrath, there are no preventions.

Do not ever, ever, underestimate.
That which cannot be understood:
Avoid the temptation to speculate,
Categorize, classify or evaluate,
The secret mysteries of womanhood;
Whenever tempted by an inviting smile;
Nod politely then turn, and run a mile.

© Paul Chafer 2014
For Foolish men, wherever they may be, under rocks and thumbs, and wonderful women: so clever;)
MystiqueWizzard Oct 2014
there's a sense of peace
that wends its way through
the folds of my diastoles

elicited by the dreamy murmurs
of your voice when it sings my name

and I cling to that lullaby like
marsupial infant

till our souls stand melded
in adoration's fire…
Copyright ©MystiqueWizzard® 2014
Copyright ©Alberto J. Alvarez G. ® 2014
Michael R Burch Feb 2020
Moon Lake
by Michael R. Burch

Starlit recorder of summer nights,
what magic spell bewitches you?
They say that all lovers love first in the dark...
Is it true?
Is it true?
Is it true?

Starry-eyed seer of all that appears
and all that has appeared—
What sights have you seen?
What dreams have you dreamed?
What rhetoric have you heard?

Is love an oration,
or is it a word?
Have you heard?
Have you heard?
Have you heard?

I believe I wrote this poem in my late teens, during my “Romantic Period.”

Tomb Lake
by Michael R. Burch

Go down to the valley
  where mockingbirds cry,
  alone, ever lonely . . .
  yes, go down to die.
And dream in your dying
  you never shall wake.
  Go down to the valley;
  go down to Tomb Lake.
Tomb Lake is a cauldron
  of souls such as yours —
  mad souls without meaning,
  frail souls without force.
Tomb Lake is a graveyard
  reserved for the dead.
  They lie in her shallows
  and sleep in her bed.

I believe this poem and "Moon Lake" were companion poems, written around my senior year in high school, in 1976. In addition to having similar titles, they had similar "staircase" indention styles. According to my notes, I modified "Moon Lake" two years later in 1978, at which time the poem was substantially finished. I then modified "Tomb Lake" in 1981, but must have forgotten about it, because I don't show that I ever submitted the poem for publication or did anything with it for more than 40 years. Keywords/Tags: Moon, Lake, Lakes, Water, Reflection, Reflections, Image, Imagery, Mirror, Magic, Magician, Seer, Prophet, Shaman, Spell, Spells, Enchanted, Enchantment, Sorcery, Bewitchment, Bewilderment, Incantation, Rhapsody, Love Talk, Love Potion, Romance, First Love, Dark, Dreams
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
hymn to Apollo
by Michael R. Burch

something of sunshine attracted my i
as it lazed on the afternoon sky,
golden, splashed on the easel of god;
what, i thought,
could this elfin stuff be,
to, phantomlike, flit
through tall trees
on fall days, such as these?

and the breeze
whispered a dirge
to the vanishing light;
enchoired with the evening, it sang;
its voice enchantedly rang
chanting “Night!” . . .

till all the bright light

This poem appeared in my high school literary journal, the Lantern, so it was written by age 18, but probably around age 16 or 17. That was my "cummings" period. Keywords/Tags: sun, god, sunshine, Apollo, elfin, phantom, ghostly, magical, enchanted, bright, light, brilliant, sky, golden

Moon Lake
by Michael R. Burch

Starlit recorder of summer nights,
what magic spell bewitches you?
They say that all lovers love first in the dark...
Is it true?
Is it true?
Is it true?

Starry-eyed seer of all that appears
and all that has appeared—
What sights have you seen?
What dreams have you dreamed?
What rhetoric have you heard?

Is love an oration,
or is it a word?
Have you heard?
Have you heard?
Have you heard?

I believe I wrote this poem in my late teens, during my “Romantic Period.”

Tomb Lake
by Michael R. Burch

Go down to the valley
  where mockingbirds cry,
  alone, ever lonely . . .
  yes, go down to die.
And dream in your dying
  you never shall wake.
  Go down to the valley;
  go down to Tomb Lake.
Tomb Lake is a cauldron
  of souls such as yours —
  mad souls without meaning,
  frail souls without force.
Tomb Lake is a graveyard
  reserved for the dead.
  They lie in her shallows
  and sleep in her bed.

I believe this poem and "Moon Lake" were companion poems, written around my senior year in high school, in 1976. In addition to having similar titles, they had similar "staircase" indention styles. According to my notes, I modified "Moon Lake" two years later in 1978, at which time the poem was substantially finished. I then modified "Tomb Lake" in 1981, but must have forgotten about it, because I don't show that I ever submitted the poem for publication or did anything with it for more than 40 years. Keywords/Tags: Moon, Lake, Lakes, Water, Reflection, Reflections, Image, Imagery, Mirror, Magic, Magician, Seer, Prophet, Shaman, Spell, Spells, Enchantment, Sorcery, Bewitchment, Bewilderment, Incantation, Rhapsody, Love Talk, Love Potion
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
by Michael R. Burch

She spoke
and her words
were like a ringing echo dying
or like smoke
rising and drifting
while the earth below is spinning.
She awoke
with a cry
from a dream that had no ending,
without hope
or strength to rise,
into hopelessness descending.
And an ache
in her heart
toward that dream, retreating,
left a wake
of small waves
in circles never completing.

Originally published by Romantics Quarterly

Keywords/Tags: Circe, enigma, enigmatic, enchantress, siren, enchanted, witch, goddess, magic, Ulysses, pigs, sty

Moon Lake
by Michael R. Burch

Starlit recorder of summer nights,
what magic spell bewitches you?
They say that all lovers love first in the dark...
Is it true?
Is it true?
Is it true?

Starry-eyed seer of all that appears
and all that has appeared—
What sights have you seen?
What dreams have you dreamed?
What rhetoric have you heard?

Is love an oration,
or is it a word?
Have you heard?
Have you heard?
Have you heard?

I believe I wrote this poem in my late teens, during my “Romantic Period.”

Tomb Lake
by Michael R. Burch

Go down to the valley
  where mockingbirds cry,
  alone, ever lonely . . .
  yes, go down to die.
And dream in your dying
  you never shall wake.
  Go down to the valley;
  go down to Tomb Lake.
Tomb Lake is a cauldron
  of souls such as yours —
  mad souls without meaning,
  frail souls without force.
Tomb Lake is a graveyard
  reserved for the dead.
  They lie in her shallows
  and sleep in her bed.

I believe this poem and "Moon Lake" were companion poems, written around my senior year in high school, in 1976. In addition to having similar titles, they had similar "staircase" indention styles. According to my notes, I modified "Moon Lake" two years later in 1978, at which time the poem was substantially finished. I then modified "Tomb Lake" in 1981, but must have forgotten about it, because I don't show that I ever submitted the poem for publication or did anything with it for more than 40 years. Keywords/Tags: Moon, Lake, Lakes, Water, Reflection, Reflections, Image, Imagery, Mirror, Magic, Magician, Seer, Prophet, Shaman, Spell, Spells, Enchantment, Sorcery, Bewitchment, Bewilderment, Incantation, Rhapsody, Love Talk, Love Potion
Adele Mar 2017
It all started in the town Warwickshire,
within Stratford-upon-Avon
a magician invented a spell
a thaumaturgy from Ovid's
magnum opus and Holinshed Chronicles
that whispered an image
of kings and battles
which turned into a game of bewitchment!

Hail the Globe Theatre
where the throng gathered
and witness the sorcery
ensorcelled by the conjurer
though spell cast into ashes
and turn dreams
into a nightmare

Yet, 'Your tale, sir, would cure deafness.'
The summary of master Shakespeare's life. The last quoted line is from 'The Tempest', his last solo masterpiece.
Lindsay Drew Feb 2013
Pull the curtain from over your eyes
See beyond the constructed lies

Stop your judging and demented cries
Of those whose point of view you deny

Feign ignorance to the truth you will not see
Watch the tide rise as common sense recedes

Hunker down in your dogmatic cocoon
Only to emerge and naive buffoon

Logic and science are trickery and bewitchment
Such are the thoughts of the ignorant  

Stick to your beliefs and fears like glue
For you read it in a sacred book so it must be true

Ask no questions and deny no absolutes
See where that takes you if you are so resolute

Watch the world crumble around you and blame the devil
For hes the creator of all ills and evil revel

Watch the powers that be consume and destroy
As they take away all living things health and joy

Pretend I offend your moral code
But deep down inside you fester with hypocritical mold

To NOT ask questions and seek new ways
Is to annihilate the future of all earthly days
Snehith Kumbla Sep 2016
while you were sleeping,
stars stepped out to dance,
trees whistled a tune with the wind,

river shimmered a firefly glow,
sheet of grass blades spread cool,
street mongrels howled a love ballad,

cat clawed a tune on the guitar,
the late Ravi Shankar plucked
divine on his ghostly sitar...

while you were sleeping,
world made a blanket of clouds,
crown of a dozen sunflowers


while you were sleeping
I delved out of this dream
and finally opened my eyes,

saw illusions on angel wings,
mermaids celestially sing of
beauty's imprisoning knots,

dazed world of impossibilities,
eternal bewitchment, disparities,
all afire in new unbiased light,

it is the puzzle that binds you,
not its swab drab culmination,
a loop threading in forever land,


while you were sleeping
I fled the valley, the valley
of hatred, fear, the blind,

while you were sleeping
while you were sleeping
while you were sleeping
There is a girl who goes here
who looks just like you
i'm so sorry i didn't come to watch you go
are you now back to watch me through school?
oh hecate, have mercy upon me
and shield me from this bewitchment!
or at least lend her kindness
like she had in this last life
i was too weak to go!
and you too kind to deserve me!
oh please, forgive me
i'm begging you
forgive me
forgive me
forgive me
i'm kinda freaking out.
Travis Green Dec 2021
In the clear perfect moonlight
I imagine how nice it would be
To have you in my gay world
Where we share our magic
And pleasant, ambrosial kisses
He is a mystery that thrills me
Everything that I want
To touch, love, and experience
All the adventures in life
He is an intriguing composition of dreams
The grooviest, tattooed hot stuff
Imbued with dopetastic vibes
I long to slide in his excitable water slide
Of sensuous extremities and treasure
His wild bewitchment
Penny Lane Aug 2012
I could tell them that you're dead.
Pretend you're not around, watch your ghost jump
billboards, flying out of town.
Keep the night behind you,
Keep your hands over your head.

Don't tell me to miss you,
don't repeat what I said.
Bewitchment and trials,
or whispering in bed.

Keep the ocean moving,
hope that the river remains calm.
Tell me everything that you hope happens,
and again, remind me why you're gone?

Messages in bottles,
paper stitched in the center, written in a song,
your words make me feel better.

I don't blame you for not liking anything you see.
Worms of disgust, hate, and deceit
crawling inside of me.
Travis Green Mar 2022
I found enchantment in his treasure chest
Precious cherishable masculinity
To seep into wholeheartedly
A thrillingly titillating temptation
Bushy bearded bewitchment
Magical ecstatical eyes
Immaculate eyebrows

I ache to feel your deliciously dazzling lips
Slide my fingers through his thick afro black hair
Escape into his desirous wildfires
As he strokes me all over
Circles his sweet pink tongue over my neck
Caresses my succulent shoulders

I convulse in his gratifying grasp
He explores my femininity more
With his sensually exhilarating hands
His wildly enticing kisses
I sink into his exquisite ecstasy
His masculinity is the most alluring place to paradise
I am spellbound in his majestical palace
Travis Green Mar 2022
Everyone knows he is the man in these streets
His flex is smooth bulletproof dopeness
He is armed with super hot and ardent charm
His body is bright, dreamy, and imbued
With unbelievable energy
His drip is hypnotically contagious bewitchment
His hipness is explosively lit with gripping grandeur

I adore the country slang that rolls on his tongue
Into the enrapturing air around me
I wanna bathe in his bathwater
With his heavenly refreshing scent all over me
Feel him thrill through my veins
Mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes
How I desire to dissolve in his gangstalicous grandness
Lyndal Doherty May 2013
Dear daughter,
Let me introduce myself.
Whether you call me your friend, your confidante
Or you call me a **** and crazy,
I am your mother,
Your Ma, your mom, your momma, your mommy,
Your Mother.
I will be your faithful guide, friend, companion.
I Will be your first teacher and your last.
Sometimes I will be in front of your saying “Nice try! But try again.”
Or I may be beside you unsure of the same answer as you.
But sometimes I will follow behind you, learning from you along the way.
Remember the good times
And the bad, and be scared of your feelings
Because fear is an emotion too.
When you become lost, never let the wonders leave your eyes,
Even though you may wander.
But in your wandering, your small hands could touch nations,
If only you would let them.
Just believe the world has magic in it,
Because the moments of small silence give way
To their own kind of bewitchment.
Sing loud and proud like no one is watching…
And if you can’t, Happy Birthday works just as well.
Look for the glow worms, my child,
The baby fireflies,
Because they are a rare creature indeed
And can only be seen at the darkest of times,
Just like the stars.
Let your eyes be like fireflies and your steps like a prance
Because nothing attracts men like a bright girl who can dance.
So move your way closer to me
Because there is a pigtailed shaped hole in my heart
For the little girl that you will always be to me.
Live as many lives as possible and explore several worlds,
But always follow the banana bread crumbs back home by nightfall
Because nothing good ever happens after eleven…
Unless you are making a wish.
And if you are, load every 11:11 wish with a prayer
And aim it towards the sky.
Send a letter to the stars to make room for one more
Because someday you will shine,
But on your way to the top,
Tread lightly, my child,
And don’t wake the beasts
Because they exist
Trust me, I know.
Even when you are grown and have daughters of your own
Think back to me and remember.
Your Mother
Elle Oct 2019
To encounter you felt like a tragedy
felt like a bewitchment
To know you was luck itself
To love you was a benediction
You were passion, artistry and fire
To everyone but yourself
Travis Green Jul 2021
Every time I wrote
Poetry about him
It was forever magical
Stacked with spectacular stanzas
Rare rhymes, divine lines
Beamy diction interweaved
In dreamy feelings

He could never be duplicated
His radiant dreadhead bewitchment
Was so breathtaking
I seeped in his luscious supreme sweetness
Riveted by his hyperexcitable masculinity
Wk kortas Aug 2017
She brushed her veil aside and tilted her head upward,
Not seeking comfort or benediction,
Only to confirm what she **** well knew was happening,
That the skies, full of gray and grim portent if not outright malice,
Had picked this very time to begin steadily dripping,
Signaling what was sure to be a sodden downpour
(The weekend already chock-a-block with disasters:
The chocolate fountain a testament to dysfunction,
The rehearsal dinner poached salmon overdone and dry
The limousine company downsizing them at the last minute,
Having realized their top-line models
Could never handle the grade or narrow figure-eight drive
Up to the mansion’s precarious hilltop locale.)
The photographer, who’d lived around here all his days
And had developed a sixth sense
Concerning the vagaries of the weather
As well as those of combustible brides,
Had done his best to border-collie the proceedings along,
But as the droplets increased in size and intensity
Recriminations were hurled and doors slammed
As the bridal party sulked off
Toward what promised to be a most interesting reception.

We’d witnessed the goings on,
(Bride fulminating, groom supplicating
The location for the pictures apparently his idea,
Thus proving there are places
Where angels and husbands should fear to tread)
From a safe distance, under the overhang of the great porch
Overlooking the broad, ostensibly placid Hudson below,
Having come here in spite of the clouds,
As the odd rumble of thunder,
And occasional spate of rain being part and parcel of things,
As we’d mucked through these parts long enough to know
That they were fleeting,
And not without compensations of their own
If one was of a mind to seek them out
(We knew full well of the bewitchment
Of seeing the clouds descend slowly,
Covering the sleeping silhouette of old Rip Van Winkle
Slumbering in the knobby Catskill foothills just to the southeast)
And no more than fifteen minutes
After the newly minted man and wife left,
The sun broke through, glorious and unfiltered,
And we ducked into the great room of the house,
Reveling in the magic of unaugmented light.
Olana is the former home/estate/studio of Frederic Church, one of the significant figures in the Hudson River School of painting; it is now a New York State historical site, and a **** breathtaking one at that
Myri Jun 2015
Unexpected chinks of sunlight drip through the barriers
Cradling me and enveloping me
In a loving embrace
My darling you mean so much.

Intricate fabricated stories and deceits are shared
Secrets leave scars in our hides
Thorns of roses forever imprinted
But they make you who you are

That's why I gravitate towards you
Because we share heartbreak, dreams and hopes
Yet still keep drifting on the brisk bittersweet breeze
Ever forwards to our future

Fragments of memories and actions
The candied sap willing to shield me
From the dripping tears of sadness
That's why I cherish you
Because you learn to grow with me

Palms outstretched
We endeavour as an antagonistic pair
Seperate entities entwined
With a golden burning lustre on the surface

Learning how to function as one
Even though so incompatibly perfect for one another
Because nothing else matters when it's us -
No judgment or propaganda
It's undiluted love and yearning

Laughter ripples underneath the exterior
It works like bewitchment
Smoothly and all at once
Whispering through the woods and engulfing us
In the burning sunlight rays of fervour
My darling you mean so much.
I think I want to be with you.
I want to cherish the moments we have
Not that I already don't.
If I could allow myself one thing,
It'd be to fall into the deepest abyss of you.
I wouldn't be scared.
Even if that's some type of reassurance for my self conscious,
I wouldn't be scared.
This isn't a fairy tail,
But more like a brothers grim.
I'll get tangled in the captivating woods of your soul.
I'll be devoured by the bewitchment of our love.
If there is such a thing.
I'll let myself only be guided by the light of your sorrows.
Not because I hurt you,
But because I want to find what has hurt you and learn from it.
I can promise I'll  always abide by your side.
And reside by your pride.
I'll never be caught dead in some type of disguise.
Because you don't deserve that type of lie.
And you never have.
So let me fall into your depths of hell,
And I shall crawl out with you.
Let me sink to the icy depths of your frigid ocean.
And I will emerge breathe taken,
Not by the lack of oxygen I was unable to inhale,
But by the breathe taking opportunity I was forsaken with to prevail.
To emerge victorious with the beauty,
You call hell.

Its really heaven to me.
JP Goss Sep 2018
Out on the tollroad
I see signage everywhere
Saying, “I knew you before I formed you in the womb.”
And then I knew of the concept
Before it was formed into words:
To know of one’s pain,
To be aware of pain.
I saw this drawn all over the rings
You imagined painted both our fingers.
Did you know me
Before you formed me into words?
Before I heard the words come from your mouth
I knew God, I knew gnosis, I knew the gospel
I knew bewitchment
From a grimoire, etched with hearts
And symbolology.

From there, we look for the perfect philosophy,
A biological philosophy deep latent
In the passion in the sweat on your upper arms
And leveraging all that came long before,
A generational memory
Recollected when I’m ******* on your mammaries
Realizing the good in that which
Makes my life hell
And my parents proud.

In passion, I notice the double standard,
Feeling drowned in water and this,
This is the sense of
Understanding the world
With the perfect syllabicality.
The kind where
The tokens we carry in our pockets
The ones we talk with,
Flash before love
Is ever a factor.

Too easily, do we speak about love.

How could a fetish for the perfect
Distract us enough to forget
The imperfect,
Something fear perverts far beyond utility
Something that’s far more a safer bet before
The perfect is good but not good enough
And you’ve lost your stomach to draining bottle after bowl
Seeking dopamine desperately.

You’ve been the cat in my lap
And the histamine storm
Assaulting the roof of my mouth
A reminder we can’t get too close
To the things we love,
And I’m not into you
Being so into me,
Being so bereft of the thing
Neither of us expected to happen.

The way you say you love me
Seems off balance,
Your love seems like a self-reassurance
Quietly nestled behind the greatest desire
For your worst insecurity, it is with that
I know what about yourself you love the most
It is outside the flow we promised one another
As though we’re held to the same ground
By a different gravity, said different words
That we nodded to.

It’s been said before,
I’m sorry, it was something, upon which
I thought we agreed,
There’d be no tears when we would leave.
So much wisdom is in the idiom,
“Follow your heart.”
Follow where it flows if even into the dark
If even along many streams
If even it strays, follow your sense of pain
And where it may teach you
Never to fear what you were
Meant to have
Even if it means the unfaithful
Path along the straight and narrow.
Travis Green Jul 2022
He is an extraordinarily gorgeous and sparkling portrait
Brilliant, rich, vivid, and intriguing
Fiery, virile, insightful, and poetically intense dreaminess
Ardent, evocative, and heartachingly enthralling
Lurid four-star heart-throb
His strikingness is fixed in my mind

His magical swagtastic attraction is
A smashing high-fashion gallery
Bursting at the seams
With unequivocal irresistible bewitchment
I am tremendously transfixed on his freshalicious majestic thugness
Jim Sep 2019
'Tis but a sad day on my journey through time.
Hath I worry, 'tis true, for mine own sorrow dost afflict me nay.
Durst I not give way to stand the persecutor of mine own bewitchment.
Nay shall I cast aside life's trials lain before me!
Ever shall my light glow in this endarkened hour.
Travis Green May 2022
You are dangerously dreamy and gleaming
A tender, luscious juiciness awash with smoothness
Raw, untamed, and flaming power
Sheer bright allure, transcendent, magnificent bewitchment
Seductive and thrilling irresistibleness
Fresh and deep charm, deliciously dapper magicalness

I am twisted in your extensive, impressive dimension
Of immaculate galactic passion
You make brilliant beads of sweat
Trickle down my impossibly flawless and perfumed neck
I take immense delight in your towering, mighty frame

You make me highly moon-bright and stupefied
Incredibly wrecked on your fetchingness
I could kiss your charming ardent lips
Become swallowed in your enticingly striking paradise
Highly hypnotized by a divine shining kryptonite
Julie Sep 2017
Plummeting into bewitchment
Parylized stunned and dazed
I peek in astonishment
My mind has never been so perplex yet aware.
The confusion infeasible to bare.
How can you be made with such excellence
Astounding how I see perfection in each glance.
Satsih Verma Jul 2018
The faint scars were
becoming green. I remember
my bewitchment of me―
not becoming.

Like pine needles. I
will ask my muse, to confuse
me with some shock depriving
me of aura.

Why do you enter my den
to enrich me with golden words?
I go crazy in phrasing―
the stars and mouthing the moon.

It was a charisma. In my
stasis, I tend to forget me,
start wearing your voice.
Will you some day ask, why?

On silver stairs sits
a marathoner.
Travis Green Jun 2022
He coaxed me
Into his magicalness
Lawless, secret hotness
Cosmic carnivorous erotica
Insatiable, relishable moments
Awash with even stronger
And carnal delectation

He was pure and reckless
Heartbreakingly amorous
A fiery captivating sensation
Profoundly potent and dopacetic
I rushed into exhilaratingly
Hot juicy hours with him
Thick with deep fevered sweetness

Rampant radiant sensations spread abroad
So hungry and crazed
So wild on a sexually
Striking kryptonite
He ruled my inner world
Stole away my creativeness
Replaced it with something
Much greater than before

He navigated the sensational scintillating pages
Of my tasty naked formation
Demonstrated his amazingness
Breathed passionately
All over my sweet ****** flesh
As I lied on his hard, savage chest

I stroked his thick, rigid, and veined shaft
Exalted in its hotness and solidness
Its slick glistening architecture
While he caressed my bright bodacious cakes
I gazed into his penetrating hazel eyes
And I knew I had hit the jackpot

He enamored me in a deep way
Had me stroking and deepthroating
His heavily heavenly snake
Checking it out painstakingly
Choking on it, controlling my flow
Feeling him grow explosively in my mouth

I was bound to him
On an incredible eclectic expressway
To the deepest depths of deliciously
Inexpressible ecstasy
Speechless blissful bewitchment
Mystic and triumphant wonders
All over an extraordinarily seductive man

I smoked his enormously long, strong cigar
Immersed myself in its fresh, sensuous fragrance
Felt its top-notch chocolate thunder
Allowed my hands to dance
Upon the delectable velvet surface
Kissed all around it
Caressed it slow and fast
With soulful poetry in magical motion

I performed stellar hot tricks
With my thick ***** lips
Gave him a wild, rushing rise
Had his highly aroused eyes shifting everywhere
Submerged in my rare red-hot queerness
Forever and ever, never will I ever
Turn away from his perfectness
I gave him what he needed
What his thickness called for

I was his fresh-faced, rosy nurse
Attentive, authentic, and competent
I permeated his headspace
With constant, loving affection
Showed him how much I feened
For his damaging exhilarating annihilator
I sunk into every sumptuous chunky inch
While he kissed and squeezed
My bare incandescent busties
And bit my lovable nuzzleable nips

He took me to spectacularly unmappable places
The more I delved into his turgescence
Overly burning for his immersiveness
His firm, fervent freshness
He lit up my gayness
Teased and thrilled me deeply
Had me lost in another world
Within another world
Where he was greatly flirtatious with me

I rocked his machoness
Made him hold me so tightly
As he groaned out loud
“****, I feel it coming. Get ready.”
I worked his immense ten-inch python
Cherished and caressed it
Massaged his heavy sack

I sped up my stroke game
As he expelled hot sticky
Man syrup all over his
Slick, silky chest and abs
He reached out to kiss me
And smiled ever so magically
Lastspot Apr 2020
I was very weighed down, lately,
by a sensation of delicacy.
This subtle blend of refinement
and grace of all instant.

A bewitchment?
An enchantment?

What oh: a wizardry?
(Some call it ‘alchemy’)

Oh welll

A pure finesse
As you defy
The lightness
And consume
All sense (with)
A perfume (and)
Your vividness

Comes now,
the magic palette.
Travis Green Mar 2022
This poem is more explosive
Than an incredibly devastating and skyrocketing firebomb
Than the deepest undersea and uncontrolled volcano
My obsession for dopetastic, flowtastic, and
Mantastic men run extremely deep
I feel like I am off course, drowning in a sea
Of dreamy, steamy, supreme, and serene men

They are so boldly breathtaking with their moves
Their fervent flawless sauce, their vividly astonishing
And thrilling thoughts, their far-reaching and sublime intelligence
Their romantic masculine nature, their intriguing, warm, and
Youthful beings, their marvelously solid and soul-stirring swagger
Their delectably dressy and compelling drip
Ingratiating, fresh smelling, smooth sweetness, and stellarly **** flex

I submerge in their immersive ardent poetry
Their softness, their hardness, their pleasurableness
Their assertiveness, their ambitiousness, their vivaciousness
Their magicalness, their incredibleness, their heavenliness
I love the way they bite their bottom lips
The way their luminescent electric eyes look erotically at me
That **** is a mad turn on, such a ******* fantastical vibe
Vigorous masculine bewitchment
Sinuous, magnetic, and velvety flesh
Breathtaking black-bearded marvels

Their awesomeness speaks deeply to my soul
They are my favorite slow jam on the radio
A shimmering summer breeze in moton
A pleasantly immense, intoxicating, and unparalleled cloud
Of  bright blossoming bliss
I sink deep into their kinetically thrilling rhythm
I breathe in their unmatchable masculine G-status
Stream through the lustrous enchanting blue skies
Suffused with their precious and celestial love
Their thousand timeless divine sunsets
Their perpetual pleasurable architecture

I am brimming with tremendously glowing sensations
The more I fantasize about their high-powered and amorous nature
Ungovernable, superheated, seductive, and irresistibly devouring
Expressive, effective, effervescent, selective, and credible slang
I lose my mind when I fly on a wildly mesmerizing wild with them
I am so out of order with the way I take in their gorgeousness
Dwelling on hot enthralling moments
Where we lay down on immaculate satiny sheets
By the lavishly attractive fireplace
Kiss me and never stop, charm me more with their glistening lips
Give me everything that rejuvenates my body
Take off their fabulously fine and iridescent shirts
Let me take in their streaming perennial enchantment
Let feel their whole world merging with mine
Just lay their great clean manly hands
On my charmingly caressible chest
Kiss my sweet sparkling shoulders and neck
Convey to me that I am theirs forever
Travis Green Mar 2022
In a world where it’s just you and me
I feel so thrilled to chill with you
To be in your incandescent presence
Marveling at your enthralling chocolate flesh
Lusciously ample cascading dreadlocks
Clean supreme glistening goatee
Impeccable manly lips
Compelling consuming eyes
Oh, how they shine like a bright black jade

I drift into your artistical magnetical maze of attraction
With insurmountable desires lingering in my mind
You are my passionate magical obsession
You sheathe me in ravishing red-hot dreams
My love for you mounts
I can imagine you thrusting deep inside my tight tunnel
Lift my legs in the effervescent air
Tantalize my world with your incredibly girthy Excalibur

My body spasms sexily, basking in the thrilling action
Zaddy, you make me call out your name
I am wrapped up in your whirling wind of winsomeness
Your storm of passion, your libidinous masculineness
You **** me so wildly, stretch out my chamber
You are so uncontainable
You grip my hard burning ******* tightly
I moan, “Ahhh ****, give it to me Zaddy”

I clasp your long-dominant arms
Relishing the riveting ride
How you grab and smack my tasty taut ***
Rub your hands against it
Look at me so erotically
Such a mesmerizingly made man
You incarcerate me in your mancave
Ram your solid striking snake deeper inside my wetness

I scream tremendously
You kiss my lewd lips
Your bewitchment beats me
My heartbeat incessantly increases
You go harder and harder
So much fire in your empire
You utter out, “FUCCCKKK, YOUR **** IS BOMB”
Your deep seductive voice makes my mouth water

Your thick tameless torch teases my walls more
I look at you in complete bewilderment
As you burst your bright pearly paste inside me
My legs shake to the thrill of your gripping thugness
So intoxicating, so tastefully treasurable
With your world inside me
I will cherish this moment eternally
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are vivid, riveting bewitchment
Your existence is more advanced
Than the highest level of mathematics
I wanna comprehend your world
Obtain insight from your bright stellar mind
Derive your deep, intriguing derivatives and integration
Navigate your complex and extensive equations of trigonometry
Uncover the root source of your gorgeousness
Travis Green Mar 2022
I am so enormously boy crazy
Held captive in immaculate splashy attraction
Hot ardent sparkling boys
Marvelously majestic, elegant, fragrant, and unforgettable
Vibrantly electrifying and visually stimulating
Treasurable sweetness and tenderness
Striking, stylish, and silky-smooth
Deliciously riveting rude dudes
Incredible lustrous eyes
Appealing and juicy lips
I so crave to eat up their sweet treats
Drink in their unending masculinity

I am trapped in their endless supremeness
Dreaming about their perfectly picturesque bliss
Vast vivacious amazingness
Ripped, strongly built beasts
Thick, tempting, and memorable beards
Razor-trimmed, promising, and presentable
Mandorable, sensuously scented, and trendy
Exquisite street flex, extra fresh, and impeccable masculine game
My mind races faster than the speed of light
So nuts about lushly loveable muscles and seductive butts

My nerves are in shock, struck up
Lovestruck by badass rugged studs
Electric, photogenic, resplendent, and sun-kissed princes
So relaxing, refreshing, ravishing, and prepossessing
I am set ablaze in their magnetically magical space
Exhilarated by their wondrously joyous and dashing depictions
Fervent, observant, very merry, and cherishable
To be in their remarkable sparkling arms is the safest place I know

Their talk, their walk, their flow, their glow
Their dreamy glistening drip
Their stellar authentic shoewear
Always lit with the superheated street music
Bopping their heads to seamless slamming jams
Laid back in their fresh, **** whips
Cranking up the beat
With their flashy matchless navigation systems

Their splashy topnotch gadgets
Their gleaming tinted windows
Their immaculate heated seats
Supreme clean rims shining brighter
Than crystal-clear, priceless, and premium china
Their awesome sauce turns me on
The thought of being enclasped in their arms
Feeling their hands all over me gets me significantly going

I don’t know what’s happening to me
These contagiously enamoring men got me spaced out
I am obsessed with their stunningness
My man-size, gaytastic meat is so hard right now
I feel an epic explosion emanating from the surface
Just to fantasize about their tantalizing, infatuating worlds
That **** got me all the way ****** up

I am in a heatwave of enchantment
Entranced by the splendidly intriguing and vivid fantasy
Of delicious ding-dongs and big ***** in my mouth
****, ****, such untameable and flaming bewitchment
Artistic, individualistic, dynamic, and irreproachable intelligence
****, I excrete rich sweet **** all over my thighs
These trance-inducing, upbeat, and succulent men
Got me in an unconscionable and frenzied state of mind
Travis Green Dec 2021
There is unimaginable passion
Surging through my body
The more I stare open-mouthed
At your sightliness
You are sweet and sensational
As a profoundly beautiful red rose
You are spellbinding as sexually gratifying slow jams
You awaken my lust

You fill me with overwhelming sensations
The more I gaze at your grandeur
You paint my soul the color of the rainbow
I feel enchanted by your dopeness
I glow when you hold me close to you
When I smell the enthralling scent from your chest
Rubbing you down, becoming absorbed
In your pleasurable paradise

I drift into your seamless succulence
Touching your lusciously sculpted biceps
Let my tongue create bewitchment with your lips
Produce prepossessing poetry
Stroke your dark, magnetic beard
Manipulate your senses
Shake up your nation
Confuse your concentration

Abduct your seductiveness
Steal away your coordination
Place you in an asylum
Where I tyrannize your mind
Leave you defenseless
Screaming sensually
Feeling my overwhelming incessant thunder
As I numb your body parts
Make you a victim to my raging storm of ******* ****** love
Lena Mar 2020
This ocean no longer holds me.. These waters no longer keep me afloat.
I tremble at the reality I've avoided
Delusion never was the solution, yet I seemed to resort to it frequently
These waters, I knew, would someday swallow me whole
And I trembled in the fear of the unknown, the mystery of what lies beneath and within
The darkness
The depth
I did not wish to drown
But I yearned terribly to be hugged by the warmth...
The surface only ever enveloped me with its bitter feel of coldness
Why are you not warm?
Why must I drown to feel the comfort within you?
Why must I suffocate?
I yearn
I long
I tremble
And there is no way to escape the entanglement that is you
There is no way to break through the bewitchment that you have inflicted
This ocean is no home to me
These waters were never meant to keep me afloat yet I did not hesitate to dive into you... to get lost in you, with you, and for you
I did not hesitate
And you reciprocated by the same amount of bravery
You hesitated not at sending me the wrath of your hallow
You hesitated not to leave me stranded on your most frightening nights
Isolating me…
Travis Green Apr 2022
These men are scorchingly gorgeous and memorable
Incredibly digestible, flexible, and relishable
With a hypnotic flex, immaculate stacked abs
Utterly lush mesmeric chest, lickable pebbled peaks
Aesthetic, poetic arms, sparkling like a heavy razor-sharp sword

I want to hold on to their broad, muscular shoulders
Place my mouth on their desirable naked necks
Taste the salient sweetness sliding down
Their spectacularly abtastic abs
To their deliciously thick and electric thighs

Allow my eyes to take in their **** kinetic form
Rub their elegant, expansive backs
Their extraordinary moist *****
Sip seduction from the surface
Let my shining saliva suffuse their cheeks

Hold their dreams in my mouth
Where I bask in their bedazzling bewitchment
Their valiant venturesome vessels
I am flabbergasted by their scented seductive manliness
How it streams sweetly over my skin
Intrigues me more to explore the depths of their world
Their lightning speed, their irresistible history
Their delicious milky iridescence

I am locked in their hotness
Caught up in their smashingly sensual structures
Their shimmering transcendental thoughts
Their dreamy serene senses
Clinging to them infinitely
Feeling their worlds glide through
The tunnel of my throat

Make me dumbstruck
Floating around the radiant rings of succulent Saturn
Wrapped in their warmth
Their hunky monstrous bodies
Supreme amorous machines
Solidly built like high-reaching brick buildings

I wish to be wherever they are
Wherever they traverse, I yearn to go there
Rub their sleek, tempting limbs
Unravel their galaxies
Let my gaytastic enchantment
Flow through them without end
Travis Green Dec 2021
Our bodies touch each other
I feel your whole, deep chest
To my sleekly plentiful *******
My fingers caress your phenomenally priceless biceps
We create electricity with our chemistry
Your great, soulful eyes are so spellbinding
My senses tingle when our skin streams in unison
When I gaze at your tattooed neck
Such amazingly addictive art

You are a maze of sweet-sounding music
That’s so vocally extravagant and intoxicating
A smooth, chocolate, wavy-haired enchanter
Prepossessing Prince Charming
I submit to your wildness
How you smile so dazzlingly
Such vast bliss that hits me hard
When our continents connect ardently

Your love language lures me profoundly
Into the valley of your delicate dreams
How can you measure love like this
I feen for you to do things to me
That rock me back and forth
Lean your head next to mine
Tell me what you love about me
Tell me that we will always
Stay in love with each other

Let me feel your face
Hear the sound of my pulsating heartbeat
Filled with great excitation
As I lapse into your amazingness
You regulate my hips
You guide me to the supreme rings of Saturn
I call you my marvelous, matchless master
I am crushing immensely on you

I am catching feelings for you
I know of no other drug that does what you do to me
And when you hug me, I feel as if I could explode instantaneously
I don’t know what you have done to me
But I am obsessed with the way I feel so amazing
The way you shake my body so exhilaratingly
When we are this close, all I know is that the sky is limit
I float when you smoke; I freeze in your bewitchment
I sway in your ****** space; I savor the magic we share
The peerless pair we are, with all the incandescent stars in our hearts
With the luminous moon hanging above our head
We are a spectacular museum of awesome sauce

— The End —