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For My Lover Apr 2015
A View from a Valley Well

As I drew from your valley well .......waters sweet last night

My eyes were transfixed on your ******* ***** and tight

Your fingers like the harpist lost in song
Were dancing upon these pink peaks so long

Beyond these matching minarets
My eyes espied your round ruby lips

These labials lisped that eternal sacred love song of the bed

Captivating is the view from your valley to your head
brandon nagley Sep 2015

An engineer of amour
Artificer of fine craft;
Abundant in moral class.


Alongside her
Astral hierarchy;
Tis, she's mine monarchy.


Fain, I taketh her cape
Made of foreign swathe;
Mixed with Filipino grape's.


Not slave's
Unrestricted with eachother;
Messenger's to thy planet, created under the milky way's feather.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Fain in old tongue means willingly.... If you wondered (:::
Noandy Nov 2015
Kala malam tampakkan luka
Terlapis kasih, beringsut malu
Ia terbakar gugur lebur
Dan tidak termaafkan

Sesap tangismu sendiri,
Relung jiwa telah berkeluh
Sembahyang doakan maut
Akan pilu cinta dursilamu

Dengarlah tembang petaka
Perlahan menggoda luhur
Gapai lika-liku serapahnya
Dan kenakan sebagai selambu senja kini

Jika malaikat merasuk pada
Sekuntum bunga di pelupuk mata
Rimba ruak ini tak akan lebih
Besar dibanding seuntai rindu durjana

Maka dengan itu,
Akan kuajak berpesta pora
Sedu-sedan iblismu
Di taman mahakama bersimbah dosa

Lepaskan genggaman tangan itu
Dari lentera di sunyi gulita
Karena sinarnya yang rupawan
Telah meleleh dalam lumrah darah getir

Ikutlah denganku,
Kita kan menari semalam suntuk
Sampai yang tercium dalam hati
Hanya bau anyir perpisahan
Untuk Ngangsu Candra Kidung 2015: Mahakama Rahvana
As by the fix’d decrees of Heaven,
’Tis vain to hope that Joy can last;
The dearest boon that Life has given,
To me is—visions of the past.

For these this toy of blushing hue
  I prize with zeal before unknown,
It tells me of a Friend I knew,
  Who loved me for myself alone.

It tells me what how few can say
  Though all the social tie commend;
Recorded in my heart ’twill lay,
  It tells me mine was once a Friend.

Through many a weary day gone by,
  With time the gift is dearer grown;
And still I view in Memory’s eye
  That teardrop sparkle through my own.

And heartless Age perhaps will smile,
  Or wonder whence those feelings sprung;
Yet let not sterner souls revile,
  For Both were open, Both were young.

And Youth is sure the only time,
  When Pleasure blends no base alloy;
When Life is blest without a crime,
  And Innocence resides with Joy.

Let those reprove my feeble Soul,
  Who laugh to scorn Affection’s name;
While these impose a harsh controul,
  All will forgive who feel the same.

Then still I wear my simple toy,
  With pious care from wreck I’ll save it;
And this will form a dear employ
  For dear I was to him who gave it.
As often-times the too resplendent sun
Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon
Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won
A single ballad from the nightingale,
So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,
And all my sweetest singing out of tune.

And as at dawn across the level mead
On wings impetuous some wind will come,
And with its too harsh kisses break the reed
Which was its only instrument of song,
So my too stormy passions work me wrong,
And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.

But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show
Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;
Else it were better we should part, and go,
Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,
And I to nurse the barren memory
Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.
PrttyBrd Apr 2015
The sweetness in the air, when you're with me
Has followed me into my daydreams
Shadows now birth memories of our love
Behind sunset eyes, lives love eternal
Led by the truest heart and kindest soul
The Universe, she is both cruel and kind
The grandest of all loves to be cherished
Plagued by time and unfortunate distance
Fills the senses and fuels a beating heart
Nature's bass drum keeping rhythm within
Ah yes, the sweetness in the air, your scent
Follows me, punctuating my silence
Infusing my memories with desire
Filling my desire with the love of dreams
Thomas Conlan Nov 2015
Startled myself just to find
Death resting inside my mind
A dream from where I never woke
Until I saw spirits shrouded in smoke
My lungs, inhaled cold fresh air
Exhaled mirages of silk grey hair
Caught a glimpse of loving eyes
Amidst the mist's amourous lies
Prompting me to flush with heat
And allow this weary heart to beat
Captured intensely by this sight
Even while it withers to white
Turns out this man is not as dead
As Death dreams discreetly in his head
I love how your perfect lies
hug imbecile people's lives
and how your pure madness
is used for soul's caress

but the thing i love the most
is your pretty and deadly note
that you deliver with your smile
which dooms everyone with style

our demons should be friends
and play together till it ends
and once it ends, it should be us
to stay together and discuss

about your icy and savage eyes
about what you love and i despise
or simply, we should watch the sky
under which we used to die

you, hundreds of years ago
me not yet, maybe tomorrow
still, i promise that i will
since there is a kiss i must fulfill

may your thoughts about me
never leave you till I'm free
and may you please understand
its not my fault, its how Time planned.
A dream of future, Anna i'm coming for you, darling.
(À Villiers de l'Isle-Adam)

Dans un palais, soie et or, dans Ecbatane,
De beaux démons, des satans adolescents,
Au son d'une musique mahométane,
Font litière aux Sept Péchés de leurs cinq sens.

C'est la fête aux Sept Péchés : ô qu'elle est belle !
Tous les désirs rayonnaient en feux brutaux ;
Les Appétits, pages prompts que l'on harcèle,
Promenaient des vins roses dans des cristaux.

Des danses sur des rythmes d'épithalames
Bien doucement se pâmaient en longs sanglots
Et de beaux choeurs de voix d'hommes et de femmes
Se déroulaient, palpitaient comme des flots.

Et la bonté qui s'en allait de ces choses
Était puissante et charmante tellement
Que la campagne autour se fleurit de roses
Et que la nuit paraissait en diamant.

Or, le plus beau d'entre tous ces mauvais anges
Avait seize ans sous sa couronne de fleurs.
Les bras croisés sur les colliers et les franges,
Il rêve, l'oeil plein de flammes et de pleurs.

En vain la fête autour se faisait plus folle,
En vain les Satans, ses frères et ses soeurs,
Pour l'arracher au souci qui le désole,
L'encourageaient d'appels de bras caresseurs :

Il résistait à toutes câlineries,
Et le chagrin mettait un papillon noir
A son cher front tout brûlant d'orfèvreries.
Ô l'immortel et terrible désespoir !

Il leur disait : " Ô vous, laissez-moi tranquille ! "
Puis, les ayant baisés tous bien tendrement,
Il s'évada d'avec eux d'un geste agile,
Leur laissant aux mains des pans de vêtement.

Le voyez-vous sur la tour la plus céleste
Du haut palais avec une torche au poing ?
Il la brandit comme un héros fait d'un ceste,
D'en bas on croit que c'est une aube qui point.

Qu'est-ce qu'il dit de sa voix profonde et tendre
Qui se marie au claquement clair du feu
Et que la lune est extatique d'entendre ?
"Oh ! je serai celui-là qui créera Dieu !

"Nous avons tous trop souffert, anges et hommes,
De ce conflit entre le Pire et le Mieux.
Humilions, misérables que nous sommes,
Tous nos élans dans le plus simple des voeux.

"Ô vous tous, ô nous tous, ô les pécheurs tristes,
Ô les gais Saints, pourquoi ce schisme têtu ?
Que n'avons-nous fait, en habiles artistes,
De nos travaux la seule et même vertu ?

"Assez et trop de ces luttes trop égales !
Il va falloir qu'enfin se rejoignent les
Sept Péchés aux Trois Vertus Théologales !
Assez et trop de ces combats durs et laids !

"Et pour réponse à Jésus qui crut bien faire
En maintenant l'équilibre de ce duel,
Par moi l'enfer dont c'est ici le repaire
Se sacrifie à l'amour universel !"

La torche tombe de sa main éployée,
Et l'incendie alors hurla s'élevant,
Querelle énorme d'aigles rouges noyée
Au remous noir de la fumée et du vent.

L'or fond et coule à flots et le marbre éclate ;
C'est un brasier tout splendeur et tout ardeur ;
La soie en courts frissons comme de l'ouate
Vole à flocons tout ardeur et tout splendeur.

Et les Satans mourants chantaient dans les flammes,
Ayant compris, comme s'ils étaient résignés.
Et de beaux choeurs de voix d'hommes et de femmes
Montaient parmi l'ouragan des bruits ignés.

Et lui, les bras croisés d'une sorte fière,
Les yeux au ciel où le feu monte en léchant,
Il dit tout bas une espèce de prière,
Qui va mourir dans l'allégresse du chant.

Il dit tout bas une espèce de prière,
Les yeux au ciel où le feu monte en léchant...
Quand retentit un affreux coup de tonnerre,
Et c'est la fin de l'allégresse et du chant.

On n'avait pas agréé le sacrifice :
Quelqu'un de fort et de juste assurément
Sans peine avait su démêler la malice
Et l'artifice en un orgueil qui se ment.

Et du palais aux cent tours aucun vestige,
Rien ne resta dans ce désastre inouï,
Afin que par le plus effrayant prodige
Ceci ne fût qu'un vain rêve évanoui...

Et c'est la nuit, la nuit bleue aux mille étoiles ;
Une campagne évangélique s'étend,
Sévère et douce, et, vagues comme des voiles,
Les branches d'arbre ont l'air d'ailes s'agitant.

De froids ruisseaux courent sur un lit de pierre ;
Les doux hiboux nagent vaguement dans l'air
Tout embaumé de mystère et de prière :
Parfois un flot qui saute lance un éclair.

La forme molle au **** monte des collines
Comme un amour encore mal défini,
Et le brouillard qui s'essore des ravines
Semble un effort vers quelque but réuni.

Et tout cela comme un coeur et comme une âme,
Et comme un verbe, et d'un amour virginal
Adore, s'ouvre en une extase et réclame
Le Dieu clément qui nous gardera du mal.
Zachary Dubien Apr 2014
When I was young he taught me how to be
A man; I only wish I could recall
Just what he said. Was it in something small
Of cooking, gardening or darts that he
Exposed his wisdom bare for me to see?
Or should I look to how he built his walls
And webs – the lies, attacks, denials and all?
Or the garage in which he turned his key?

Although, why not say **** it to his will:
It’s true he lit the tunnels’ exit where
He left, but now I can’t see through the glare.

But yet, I hold these memories with me still,
For as I trudge defiant on through miles
I bear his doom, and can’t forget his smile.
An italian sonnet I wrote for a class
Tu semper amoris
  Sis memor, et cari comitis ne abscedat imago.

  VAL. FLAC. ‘Argonaut’, iv. 36.

Friend of my youth! when young we rov’d,
Like striplings, mutually belov’d,
  With Friendship’s purest glow;
The bliss, which wing’d those rosy hours,
Was such as Pleasure seldom showers
  On mortals here below.

The recollection seems, alone,
Dearer than all the joys I’ve known,
  When distant far from you:
Though pain, ’tis still a pleasing pain,
To trace those days and hours again,
  And sigh again, adieu!

My pensive mem’ry lingers o’er,
Those scenes to be enjoy’d no more,
  Those scenes regretted ever;
The measure of our youth is full,
Life’s evening dream is dark and dull,
  And we may meet—ah! never!

As when one parent spring supplies
Two streams, which from one fountain rise,
  Together join’d in vain;
How soon, diverging from their source,
Each, murmuring, seeks another course,
  Till mingled in the Main!

Our vital streams of weal or woe,
Though near, alas! distinctly flow,
  Nor mingle as before:
Now swift or slow, now black or clear,
Till Death’s unfathom’d gulph appear,
  And both shall quit the shore.

Our souls, my Friend! which once supplied
One wish, nor breathed a thought beside,
  Now flow in different channels:
Disdaining humbler rural sports,
’Tis yours to mix in polish’d courts,
  And shine in Fashion’s annals;

’Tis mine to waste on love my time,
Or vent my reveries in rhyme,
  Without the aid of Reason;
For Sense and Reason (critics know it)
Have quitted every amorous Poet,
  Nor left a thought to seize on.

Poor LITTLE! sweet, melodious bard!
Of late esteem’d it monstrous hard
  That he, who sang before all;
He who the lore of love expanded,
By dire Reviewers should be branded,
  As void of wit and moral.

And yet, while Beauty’s praise is thine,
Harmonious favourite of the Nine!
  Repine not at thy lot.
Thy soothing lays may still be read,
When Persecution’s arm is dead,
  And critics are forgot.

Still I must yield those worthies merit
Who chasten, with unsparing spirit,
  Bad rhymes, and those who write them:
And though myself may be the next
By critic sarcasm to be vext,
  I really will not fight them.

Perhaps they would do quite as well
To break the rudely sounding shell
  Of such a young beginner:
He who offends at pert nineteen,
Ere thirty may become, I ween,
  A very harden’d sinner.

Now, Clare, I must return to you;
And, sure, apologies are due:
  Accept, then, my concession.
In truth, dear Clare, in Fancy’s flight
I soar along from left to right;
  My Muse admires digression.

I think I said ’twould be your fate
To add one star to royal state;—
  May regal smiles attend you!
And should a noble Monarch reign,
You will not seek his smiles in vain,
  If worth can recommend you.

Yet since in danger courts abound,
Where specious rivals glitter round,
  From snares may Saints preserve you;
And grant your love or friendship ne’er
From any claim a kindred care,
  But those who best deserve you!

Not for a moment may you stray
From Truth’s secure, unerring way!
  May no delights decoy!
O’er roses may your footsteps move,
Your smiles be ever smiles of love,
  Your tears be tears of joy!

Oh! if you wish that happiness
Your coming days and years may bless,
  And virtues crown your brow;
Be still as you were wont to be,
Spotless as you’ve been known to me,—
  Be still as you are now.

And though some trifling share of praise,
To cheer my last declining days,
  To me were doubly dear;
Whilst blessing your beloved name,
I’d waive at once a Poet’s fame,
  To prove a Prophet here.
Heartbroken by those that promised
Never to forsake
How you find the time to love
When your clock is a broken vase
Constantly filled with affection
With these cracks it sifts away
Heard this was a game
Uncoordinated You can't play
Even time you start to run
You trip and the creatures close
You feel it's deep breathe on the back of your throat
Proceed to let out screams but you choke
Harmless but painful
Blood stained claws from the hearts it has ripped out
Before you know it you are this unknowing victim
Hole in your rib and you feel something is missing
Blood soaked and a hole in your shirt
Guess this is the true meaning when they say this monster of love hurts
Amor , amoris love
Servet me in aciem
Est vita aeterna,
Beautiful Beautiful  smiling smoke
My love is very sick
The tears keep me ballistic
"Don't worry," She spoke
Her proud figure curls up
I remain by her side
Even though plague's arm opened wide
I offered her my cup
I'm crying again
I don't want her to leave
Nor spend an eternity in grief
I hold her close to her parents disdain
Extinctus est Mihi
Ne derelinquas me
Perniciosasque tristitia
Manete in aeternum
Please get better
There are demons in  my mind
Our dreams they blind
Stay awake, read my love letter
Sadistic narcissistic fools
You idly gossip
Her fate you toss-up
Poisoned are thy souls
Ego solet abire
Te amo
In aeterno praeteriti temporis
They want me to flee
They want me to turn my back
But deathly dreams surely are black
I ignore their plea
I watch my love fade away
Take me instead
You can rest easy if I'm dead
Your soul shall stay
Et immarcescibilem
Vos postulo ut vivat in
Memento digni sunt
Vale, mea
Perspicuus caliginoso loco hoc
Fidem tibi habeo
Ne fleveris
Et nihilominus esset melior aptus.............
Industrial music + love of my life sick= a sad ballot
Bella Potter Jul 2011
i like to imagine you can't feel the way i
can; you are sculpted from ashes and
ice, you smile and you laugh and you
melt when someone touches you in the
right way, but still, you can't fall in love,
not really. you have kept your heart
clutched tight in your own fist, vena
amoris unlaced and fluttering in the wind
like a kite string.

[anybody could make you fly in the right
wind, but the trick is to keep you high
without letting the tether slip through his

it would be easier for me if you really were
so cold, if you were a simply a monster
masquerading as a man. but i know
that the only person here who isn't quite
what they seem to be is me; i'm the one
who pretends that if you came back to me,
i would twist up my lips and pull back my
hands and leave you crawling in the street.

[but i know, and you know, that if you even
turn your head to look at me, i am yours all
over again.]

there is this creature inside of me, malignant
and scavenging for any memory, for the
sound of your name. i think of you and it lifts
its head, salivating, i wish you were here and
it gnaws on my bones until i am weak and
stumbling. i am not sure if it is punishing me
or living off of me, if it is an avenging angel
or a parasite, but i think you both have
something in common.

[i am heartsick and trembling, swaying when i
try to stand, and neither one of you would
bat an eye if i didn't make it. for you, it would
be the same as any other day; for it, well,
there are plenty of others with whom it could
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Jump into my arms and there find sweet rests
Climb into my soul and there get calm comforts
Come, come into my heart and find everlasting peace

Come take a walk into my being
And there enjoy truer compassions
Plenty of sincere and pure passions

My heart will be with you
My soul will be for you
My breath will be under you
My body will abide with you

My thoughts and wants; feelings and emotions
My desires and aspires; urges and yearns  
Will be at home with you, in your true jails

Just come, come experience my ambience
Just come, come be my soul’s solo audience
My heart awaits for your sanctimonious salience

My thoughts will be for you
My dreams will be for you
You will be the revere of my reflections:
The respect of my contemplations

My brain will follow your will
Your will, will be my daily fill
In every of me I will you truly feel
For with you I am in total capitulation

My veins are open to carry you back to your humble hut-my heart
My arteries are widening to sail you through your dignity-my divinity
My Vena amoris is all yours, a private jet to airlift you to your sacristy-my soul
You only need to come home, if only you come home!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Magnus honor, magna gloria
Te adamare, omnia creata
judicare transitoria.

Felix anima ac beata
quae de mundo se ipsa cavet
et solatia sola habet
in Te, Redemptor peccata.

Rex caelestis, Vir doloris,
benedictus sis, quia estis
*** Maria fonte amoris...
Vir doloris, Rex caelestis.
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2020
At what price, love,
the Angel’s sing

At what price, love,
the joy it brings

At what price, love,
our spirit’s rhyme

At what price, love
—the word sublime

(The Book Of Prayers: September, 2020)

— The End —