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Aaron Brown Jul 2011
The Phoenix rose into the sky
And blazed so bright
The sun turned its eye.
The moon spun in delight
For finally the sun knew the taste of the night.

In fiery fury did that Phoenix fly free.
The taste of heaven its to sample,
The winds calling it to be.
Its joy was ample,
Its song beautiful in flight.

He flew unto the mountains
To taste the morning dew.
Sparkling lights from his plumage in fountains,
Little flames that rose and flew.
And everything was right.

Its indomitable spirit brought joy to the land,
Yet sorrow to the more covetous soul
That couldn't have him on hand,
And death if they could not capture their goal.
The Phoenix learned to fight.

So he faced their persecution and contumely,
Their arrows like a storm,
Their drive all consuming,
Their hate the norm,
And their numbers like a blight.

Their attacks wounded and even brought him to the ground.
But in a fiery blaze he always rose,
Reborn and not a scar to found,
Returning to the wind's currents and flows,
Outshining the daylight.

In icy lands one day he soared
When a songless tune tookwing.
He searched, adventured, the winds they roared
As he sought the owner of this tune to sing;
No one lay in sight.

The winds buffeted
And the Phoenix tossed and tumbled.
Tailspinning as the winds parleyed,
Into a valley he stumbled,
His landing narrow and tight.

In this valley lay the quarry at hand:
An ice elemental of purest blue.
She swayed and she danced and sang across the land,
Her laugh like windchimes and her voice true.
So the Phoenix let his voice alight.

The delighted elemental joined along
And they played and frolicked in joy,
Friendship made in song.
The Phoenix flighty and the elemental coy,
Raging flame temperedby cold's fierce bite.

They journeyed and traveled in wonder.
Where one dare not the other paved the way
Their compliment tore previous limits asunder
And made wonderfull each new day.
Their bond a happy fright.

But nothing lasts forever,
And shadows dwell wherever
The light shines free.
Thus came the darkness inevitably.
It stole the elemental away
Bringing an end to their play.

Then, did the Phoenix know sorrow;
Bitter, painful, dimming the light of tomorrow.
Then, did the Phoenix know anger,
With wrathful thought to linger.
And with determination did the Phoenix fly
Into the realm where darkness lie.

Once was there did battle engage
As torrents of flame flew with righteous rage.
The darkness stabbed and slew, bringing much harm
But the Phoenix rose again and again to face the swarm
And the darkness cloaked him in endless night,
Yet the Phoenix prevailed with blinding sight.

The battle won, hard fought,
As the darkness scattered did he see what he sought.
There lay his elemental fatally struck,
Phyrric victory claiming his luck.
And in the air rose a beautiful song
A sorrowful lament that played ever long.

And those who heard it wept,
Tears spilling from their eyes.
Heartache as they slept,
And sorrow in their cries.
They knew the Phoenix no longer alive,
For life doesn't exist where a broken heart may thrive.
authentic Oct 2015
Without question you are the worst thing that has ever happened to my poetry
I am tripping over syllables and breaking consonants
Knocking over languages I once kept locked away in safe quarters
Each time I try to speak these meticulously knit together units of expression my throat closes up like clenched fist and I feel myself choking on my words
You have changed my way of writing, using teeth and tongue to articulate words, my way of going about my day
I find myself skipping meals as if it will somehow make me feel less empty because lately things in my head are just not making much sense but I convince myself they are reasonable
They often never are
And I can tell you that I'm sorry
I can at least write my apologies bleeding out all over the page
Scribbling red letters onto this worn out notebook paper
I keep you trapped inside my head like a little kid traps a caterpillar in the palm of their hands
And maybe I was just holding you back from becoming something even more beautiful than you already are
I'm sorry for letting my selfish ambitions override your pleas to escape your grip
I have never been very good at telling someone that I love them but I love you
I want to memorize your laugh and store it in my mind, so I can bring it out and listen to it on a bad day
I want your hand prints to be imprinted on my body, the smell of your cologne on the shirt you like best on me
I want you to hold me like you hold your cigarettes
I would not mind sitting down and studying you for hours with my eyes and hands
I would not mind experiencing the foreign feel of your skin underneath my fingertips
I want to count every shade of color in your eyes and sew it into a dress
I want to pour all of your thoughts into a wine glass and sip it slowly, taking in each one
Becoming slowly intoxicated by your dreams, your fears of the dark, your plans for the future
You are a vision of evacuating a burning building but going back inside to gather the possessions you love too much to let burn
You are the ray of sunshine that greets a flower who had already said goodbye to its roots, giving it life again
You are the unopened bottle of whiskey that sits in my kitchen cabinet in case you ever want to stop by because I know it's your favorite
You are the map that keeps me from getting lose in places I have never adventured
You are the destination I've been looking for
You are the slow breathing I feel when I look at the moon
You are the morning coffee that wakes the cells in my brain
You are the only truth in my allusion
You are a lot of things but you are not mine
And in the midst of this hurricane I am still searching for pages on the ground
I want to keep writing about you
After even broken pencil, ripped sheet of paper, slammed fist to desk
There are very few things I know for sure
I know that every day is twenty four hours closer to you
I know that I have a special skill of feeling nothing when I should and feeling everything when I shouldn’t
I know that the only place I ever felt lost was in his arms
I know that you can't go back to yesterday's dawn by adding another verse to an old song
And I know that I can't speak for what I haven't bled over
But I have bled for love, for loss, the staggering feeling of loneliness
You came in like a winter wind and I breathed you in as if I was about to go underwater
You are the reason I always wear my seatbelt
You are the love songs I write when everyone else is asleep
You are the sound of rain on Sunday mornings
You give me hope for better days
You have taught me to believe in myself
You have made me want to love again
Without question you are the worst thing that has ever happened to my poetry
But in a way you are also the best thing that has ever happened to me
Bruised Orange Aug 2013
Do you ever think that life could be more?  
That we are sitting,
doing nothing,
that life is passing us by?

I feel remorse
for having had children so young,
for not having adventured


I want some adventure!
But all I see ahead of me is


I wish I had had a chance to go out into the


and just lived,
moment by moment.
I'm afraid I will die,
regretting that I never once lived.  

(If I were a wealthy man, this might be the beginning of my mid life crisis.)  

What is it called when a woman feels the panic of settledness coming upon her?

There is no name.
There is only the feeling of the sameness of days going by,
the aloneness of standing here,
surrounded by routine,
by repetition.

While the desire to jump,
to plunge, into the unknown,
beats steady on in my chest,

and the knowing that

That moment,

That chance,

Has passed me by.
I adventured to the woods by one of the middle schools in my small town. Krueger outdoor environmental science center. It was towards the beginning of the end of a normally lengthy winter so there was still plenty of snow to cover most of the ground.
Plenty of birds talking in their chirp language and plenty of rodents footprints from playing in the snow that covered the wooded foundation of earth. I found my way to a frozen little pond where it comes just off the creek to its own little basin of water. I slid on the solid ice and had my fun just like the free little bunnies, squirrels, and whatever land animals resides in these beautiful woods. I could tell they had their fun on the ice play land too because I could see the image of their tracks imprinted in what snow was laying on the face of the ice. There’s a decent sized dam at the start of the trail right next to the creek I was walking, what a relaxing view it was with the sound of the water rushing down it like a waterfall to the continuing side of the miles long creek. I came to a little divot in the trail where a small slanted hill dips down into the creek and it’s chilled water. I sat here on this hill to write this piece while the sun shines down directly on me keeping me warm and comfy while writing. Such a peace defining moment where you get to notice every little detail of the extraordinary nature life we’re given to observe and experience. The way pieces of tree bark, little sticks, leaves, and sediment float atop the creek water going whichever direction the drift carries them. The smell of damp dirt as I rubbed my hands in it to remember what it was like to be a kid and not care to play in the earth. More so just to be human, to be a mammal and bring myself one with the crusted surface and connect with the earth that homes my body and soul. There was a huge doe and buck playfully frolicking across the creek side I was sitting from; I only noticed them at first because they made their loud exhales of breath to communicate they were there. Either that or they were just breathing so heavy from playing and running for so long with each other aha. They must’ve knew I was friendly and wanted to give me a sight to look at and what a euphoric moment it was to enjoy the picture of them playing together. I went to get a closer look at the water and maybe dip my hands in it. I failed to notice how muddy the hill was and almost lost my footing in the sludge as I went down and barely escaped taking a swim in the freezing cold creek! While I was at the bottom of the hill I washed the mud off my hands from catching myself by palming the grime and not letting myself slip down any further. I know the birds got a kick out of watching me struggle not to take a dive into that ice cold water that I was so frantically trying to stay out of! =‘D I had to drop my phone just to stay on land and when I picked it up I noticed there was mud all over the casing of it! I wiped it off on my sweatshirt that I had already gotten mud all over the sleeve of from plunging to my elbows and hands and just kept writing. Or typing, whichever you want to call it on these cellular devices. After I sat there and soaked in the moment that nurtured my indulging senses for a while I simply got up and continued to the end of this trail. Then I back tracked through the trail and took some more time to go ice skating in my normal shoes. I followed my own footprints back onto the trail that I veered off of to find the little frozen over pond and went for a jog back to my warm cozy home and published this piece of simple writing explaining my adventurous and funny morning I had. Never forget to do this when you have free time from responsibility and the reality society in America has created for this generation. Explore your youthful intuition and let nature be one of the best friends you could ever ask for!
Nature walk in the trails of the wild things’ home
I see, you.
No I do.
See you.
Behind the masquerade and party face.
Beneath the dating facade,
There is a stairway that spirals to the depth,
Of your soul,
And you, led me, down it.
Though you didn't know I was there.
I found the locked door without a key.
I found the peeling wallpaper,
Where the damp, had set in, to rot.
I searched high and low for a way in to your sadness.
I pulled the wallpaper, bit by bit,
Still you didn't know I was there.
I stared through the keyhole til my shoulders grew old,
Still you didn't know I was there.
Slowly I began to fade,
Like gaslights turned down in a Victorian parlour room.
My skin peeled away by that doorway,
And I tried to match them to the wallpaper.
I grew thin for waiting to suckle on the marrow,
Of the very bones of you,
That sat behind that lock.
I sat at the door for a sound.
No key.
No lock existed anymore.
I was trapped.
Should I have adventured so far?
I drank you up, like you, you were, were water.
I became flooded in your presence,
And I became a drought in your absence.
I am found in your loss,
I am lost in your found.
Never have I been more warranted,
Than when that door was closed,
And you let me out to see the sunlight,
To visit, once in a while,
When it was permitable,
And I flung myself at the benches, the air,
The very sky.
And down here, the air is not clean,
The acrid hue of life, is marred by the poisonous wallpaper,
Of your very skin,
Inside, revolting, against you;
Because I tend to think,
Did I take these stairs?
Or did you lead me here?
Did you know I was the key?
Robi Banerjee Nov 2014
Skin’s crawling, the edge of square roofs glowing
with a cold sweat,
eyes are sharper at the crack of a brown dawn.
Dogs own dominion
in fish markets that smell of yesterday.

Their lives and mine are perfect
by the all too human reckoning
of a life’s worth calculated by wants supplied.

A lone cyclist pedals a basket of dew-drenched vegetables
to his usual earthen haunt and tarpaulin,
swerving around the territorial pack
as they change course, trot over and throng me
muddy paws on the best clothes I own,
breath smoking in the dry chill,
I buy myself a pack as the cigarette vendor
unpacks his wares out of damp sacks,
it is a miracle that my breath does not catch fire
or that my eyes have not turned into cotton-*****.

Yet another stranger has brought me home
to the sputter of a third-world petrol engine.
He gets his fare, it’s only fair,
and I’m just glad that I will sleep,
I have nowhere to be in the morning,
I have adventured and now
I am tired and there is a yawning hole
that I slip into without knowing.

It is warm at last,
I cradle my head with the soft side of one hand,
as if it were mother’s,
and this is well, for as things stand,
my dreams welcome me in
and their characters are so familiar,
that I may have just woken up
from a foggy, unmemorable dream
into childhood sweet and clear.
A poem about alcohol fueled mornings, and a bone-weariness that only comes from maintaining a routine.
The cliff of epiphany, perched below the lonely sky ,
Played host to divine directions that none dare defy;
But when men conquered the realm of gods,
Forever in Favour of ephemerals, remained the odds.

The game of chance , is a an antique of an age dead;
When questions haunted our mortal head;
And answers were disguised in victories, pyrrhic for most,
The vestiges of which seldom wash off the temporal coast.

Like a fugitive marking his escape,
The candle’s flame flickers, sans shape.
Like a melting heart, it lives its end,
For to exist today is to offend.

So once again thunder strikes, the cliff of old,
The cliff of gibberish  ,where our mortality was sold.
The epiphany echoes through the valley of the doomed,
Where once danger thrived and adventured bloomed.

This City shall burn ,
And so shall I ;
But I’ll wait till I hear its final sighs,
Lest I become a lover , without a mate,
Yet On the crutches I stand of fickle fate.
Now , I hear the cries of the living corpse
As he sheds his skins of mortality
He stands open as he begins his morph
Towards a new reality .
Tree Aug 2015
Your mind takes my breath away just as all the places you've adventured to took yours. We go back as if we were there together because our minds work the same as if the synchronicity of time hasn't been accurate and misplaced you too soon and me too late. We're crazy with the idea of each other, we're invested in our own lives. We share the same wants, the same goals, stuck building our own selves up until we feel good enough for one another. We share the same taste, we have the same desires. We get small tastes of each other only to tide us over in the mean time. We put each other at peace knowing that one day we'll be able to hold each other down entirely. Our mutuality creates an urge in the both of us. You call me your girl and it drives me crazy because i'm not, and we both want nothing more than for me to be. You adore me by the way i treat you, the way im crazy to you, the way im crazy for you.
You ignore me, i don't give into you; you could never bore me cause i gave my mind to you
The space is killing me but somehow you're keeping me alive.
Meredith Grace Apr 2014
there are millions of billions of stars in the sky
and endless planets yet adventured
but somewhere a lost spaceship
is being pulled
closer into the velvety dark depths
of a black hole
in the throbbing heart of a galaxy
far out of the mind's eye
natalie Jan 2013
the worldwide battle,
drowned in the blood of
all races and stained with
the spittle of darkness,
had reached its last breath;
as the two unlikeliest of
heroes climbed into the liquid
fire, the bravest of them all
stood against the horde of
the last evil one.
after centuries, the king was
crowned, and the people
were freed, at last, from the
fear of the black land.
some of our heroes adventured
on to their green holes and
blooming forests and sparkling
caves, whole but seeing
the world anew.
but the rest were left
transformed, present in body
and flesh but wandering of mind.
those few gathered at the harbor
and left their tale at the docks,
marking the beginning of a new
age for their loyal companions,
another extraordinary story
never to be told.

in those concluding moments,
the last words printed so delicately,
i felt a part of my soul leave
from the harbor also.
the cessation of a story is sometimes
a wonderful and beautiful passage,
but my eyes wept the tears of
a bittersweet end to the first epic
that moved my heart to swelling delight.
as the perfectly sculpted vessel sailed
with poise into the golden sunset,
i felt another sunset within myself,
not gold but blue and purple.
it was the culmination of a fantastic
journey, and dusk fell upon me.
Tawanda Mulalu Aug 2015
when i was about thirteen years old and had the beautiful luck of discovering that hip hop music wasnt all so bad and could actually be called music and was really living poetry and had little touches of jazz and wow i like that beat it doesnt have to be all about *** drugs and women but its okay if it is because at least it can actually be music i happened to notice kanye wests ever so important message of dont listen to anyone trying to bring you down and thought o thats a really ever so important message i should keep fighting and keep or start fighting something so i guess now thats writing and i supposed ive been doing that ever since but now i find it kinda funny that the message the ever so important message of dont let anyone ever bring you down dont listen to them theyre haters suddenly turned into dont listen to anyone and i think thats more than slightly tragic sorta like how i told myself for a long time that id always have everything about me together still at thirteen and that i wouldnt ever touch a girl at high school but gosh ive touched more than a girl so i wonder what was up with little me and whats up with sorta big me and if thats more than slightly tragic how id always wanted everything about me to be together in some tightly knit structure but never could never could fit until i joined debate and learned how to put coherent arguments onto paper and then speech and then started winning trophies but more importantly attention and affirmation that yes im important and interesting and love me exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark love me love me love me more than i love myself or loved myself ive always loved myself i think anyhow debate taught me a bit about structure and soon my ink bloodied all over the notebooks debate points that adventured all over the amazing lands margins i mean of my paper learnt how to be put in tightly placed lines that sometimes had horizontal arrows pointing out links between one piece of evidence to the next then one day while i was speaking well actually afterwards more than one person asked me what happened to the old me i used to have this special fire on the podium an untouchable energy spirituality youth exuberance passion exclamation marks times infinity and i told them that i was just trying to me more calm and logical and better and perfect and now i think thats more than slightly tragic but really more funny because now that i learnt how to put myself into a box i discovered again that i cant ****** fit what the hell so now im trying to write without any grammar or punctuation marks in order to get my heart out of my skeleton and my blood out of my veins and my being out of my body and maybe dissolve into the universe and be
Phoenix Rising Oct 2014
Last night, I adventured up onto a mountain
Shady trees and familiar acquaintances who I like
Nobodies who enjoy crawling into cracks and crevices
Because the streets are unstimulating

We reach the edge of the world
Look down, must of been 2,000 feet
Kings and Queens
We owned the city, because we had their lights in our hands

That was a night I will relive
Over, and over, and over, and over
I feel alive, I feel aware when I am with you all
It doesn't matter if we had a past or not

You matter
And you made an impact
And you have an affect on my memories
And you made my night memorable

We rule
Because we think we rule
And that is all that matters
All that matters is what you think of yourself
SelinaSharday Jun 2023
Cry,-sob, wail, shed tears, snivel,
quall, lament, bewail, bemoan, moan,
howl, keen, whimper, weep over, lift up the voice, complain.
I was out walking, just glancing
around in a scenic and colorful(online) place
I walked into a (online) museum.
Inside were huge displays
being awesomely displayed in colorful arrays.
Some with dark shadows of greys.
Some with much to say some with very little.
After walking and gazing, viewing,
smiling being so excited I went into a carnival zone.
What a wonderful place to stumble upon.
Music and festivities so much for the eyes to see.
So much to explore even ****** creativity.
There were games that brought out the Little girl in me,
I started to make some friends among this exciting place,
people of all sizes and colors.
Time would come to go back home,
but often into this new found place
I would come play and rome.
There were times some would just follow me around,
some would tell me what a lovely friend they had found.
Yet I always kept my feet on the ground.
Life has taught me one day those you think
are friends won't be around.
They just leave with an empty sound.
Even when its happiness you share,
some will become jealous and choose not to be there.
Some are spiteful and choose not to play fairly.
I tried to spread myself like love around
never was mean nor murmured an ugly frown.
I set up my own unique boutique and
said come one come all. Let us be friends
let us share. As a friend I really do care.
Coming and going always knowing
that outward my heart was pouring.
Somedays the show was boring some
days it was exciting, mentally challenging.
There came a day some bully from
no where knocked me to the ground.
Felt that tear start to wail.
But I held on like a little girl who's
gotta be strong and I adventured on.
Some friends asked things I couldn't give
so they would began to privately strike with silent meaness.
Tears started to mount.
I put my heart into my own show
began to feel good and to grow in this great wonderful show.
Many came to read what I'd proclaim,
many came to sup from my cup and greedily drank it up
and only a few would come and say why thank you.
While the takers, the easily shakers,
the down right haters came and
quickly went never a moment spent.
To build up, or lift up felt you had to be quickly sliced up.
Or your somehow taking from their show,
they forget God gives blesses and multiplies.
There's no reason to be haters or spies.
I felt their jabs and stabs hoping I'd be a failure.
Most failed to be the friend they claimed to be.
They join your team and fail to simply post.
The tears Fell
Thought to just hang on to a few
close friends from this museum within.
After all on the outside I had my life.
The more that you do some came to bully too.
Some just up and walk off leaving you no clue.
The rains came winds blew look
around no ones still standing with you.
A blow, in the storm a twist to my arm,
a knife in my back, a slap in the face,
a bitter taste, I'm lost in this race.
How much more do I take?
This used to be such a friendly beautiful place.
Just make some new friends
Tears are falling I can't hold back,
Cry,-sob, wail, shed tears, snivel,
quall, bewail, bemoan,
moan, keen, whimper,
weep over, lift up the voice, complain.
This is why I know what it is
To Weep
In the Virtual Museum
Some of FB, Insta, Twitta, A few of them.
Sorta gaming Social Oceans.
Beware swims..
By SelinaSharday of S.A.M All Rights Reserved 07
DISCOVERY, social media's online findings
Jordan stenberg Apr 2013
i adventured with one emotion, trying to find something?

all i found was something that was  i never should of cared about.

My friend that i remember every day that i always have cared for drifts away slowly on a piece of drift wood.

I want to swim out there and bring her home but shes found a home with someone else.

I realize that i should not  be a jealous  monster i am not macbeth i am human.

i want here to know that i am here for her no matter what  i am right here waiting for her to come home.

when  i realize she is doing great i hope for her to at least visit but all she says not sure  i try to get down there.

but theres no way to reach for it i must  figure  out somehow.
King Bacon Nov 2014
I inspected the dirt road in front of me
I depend on it
I need it to reach my destination
I adventured with six colleagues
I and them try to reach the top.

One by one each fly was swatted
by their own misunderstanding of pain,
My curiosity on pain tolerance baffled me
The earth’s lap around the sun was coming to an end
but I must finish first

I began to scamper away from fear.
The higher I traveled
the closer I felt to the him,
the privilege of mystery was on my favor
because I knew not where I was going
but the path seemed to whisper,
“Trust me, he is right this way”

As I caught my breath
I looked around
and saw emptiness,
but felt full inside.
I hiked slowly over the a mountain I believed was it
then gradually the last hill appeared to my eyes

The final sprint was done
I sat next to a perfect shaped rock
and I began to talk to him
his light began to vanish,
but before he completely disappeared
before his last photon hit the retina of my eye
it made a detour
not into my brain
but into my soul
I visioned the future
the future he has for me
and now
I know what I need to do.
You looked at me
Like you loved me
Like I was special
Held my hand tight
Made love to me
Hugged me
Told me how
Those hugs were
How they made you
Feel good
You adventured
Somewhere new with me
You kissed my neck
And told me
That you loved me
You were here
With me,
Just yesterday
And today your gone
Leaving me
And it feels like my heart
Is bleeding
And as though its cut open
You were everything yesterday
And everything today
But I wasnt anything
Not today
Maybe not yesterday either.
Kareena Jul 2016
I'm still that girl you knew
The one that skipped towards you
Only three and a half short years ago
Claps for all, you called me
Tear-stained cheeks from a broken heart
You swore to never do what he did and you said
I could have had my space if I wanted it
I just wanted to know you
You made me feel like I was loved
Like I was a treasure worth protecting
Like a sun to hold in the palm of your hand
So I said "okay" and let you love me
I grew to love you too, more than I ever
Ever thought was possible at the time
We drove around, kissed at traffic lights
Made new memories and adventured
You made me wonder why I had allowed
Allowed for myself to feel unloved
Our love grew like a ****, wild and rampid
We loved and loved and didn't fight
Until one day when we started
It had been a year or so without it
But once it started, it didn't totally end
No argument resolved, no problems closed
But I pushed on, I loved you still
I've loved you despite distance
I've loved you despite age
I've loved you despite every thing that should have pushed us apart
We don't agree on anything large
Not morals, religion, or priorities
We are falling into pieces, my heart aches
I'm bleeding and crying out for you to hear
But silence is all I have from your end
And we are still holding together by a string
You never told me that you were finished
And I'm too disheartened to say after three years
That even though I crave you like you're ******
That you're a large part of me
That you are the closest person to me
That I want to be by your side, to hear your deep voice, feel your heartbeat, smell your sweet musky cologne on my shirt after a long day,
I don't know how long I can do this
To place a band aid over our hurt
Only to rip it off come morning time
I am honestly heartbroken
2D World Dec 2017
Lost my savagery when you savagely killed a savage who acted so savvy
But couldn't manage being a manager managing a team full of degenerates
That were below average but couldn't use it to his advantage
He couldn't move like a cabbage in the patch and his eye was patched like patchy pirating spongebob off of nick
Left in a bit of a pickle pickled up in a jar and couldn't pick out the edges so he cropped himself out the pic
Later on the script got flipped his mind drifted out to sea with flipper and his lights dimmed out because Nosferatu was flipping the switch
He quickly got suited up like a quint and everyone thought he was quick to quit but since he couldn't see he'd just squint but it was too dark like a window tint
He took in too much oxygen so they doused the splint and gave him a mint but he couldn't take a hint that his breath should be put up for rent
He was I and I was he and nobody could beat the heat he'd surpass twelve inches and you couldn't walk in his feet that'd just be another challenge he could defeat
Before all that he tried to get them to sign a treaty but they didn't treat him nice so he played a game of trick or treat til they gave him something nice to eat
In the end he made amends started trending but skipped the trends, sent a friend request but ditched his friends and began to tie up loose ends
He ran out of ink so I finished the story of how I became glorious and victoriously found the glory adventured like Rick and Morty and now he's finally made his-story
#ADestinyYouCanNeverFulfill     #ThisIsOnlyTheBeginning
Whether I admit it or not
My heart is still a bit broken
And somehow with those pieces
Of a first love long lost
I have adventured
And begun the new story
Of me and another
Who whether realizing it or not
Has started to piece me back together
I may not be quite whole
But I'm much less broken without you.
LexiSully Feb 2018
We adventured to places where my soul was free and my converse got *****.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2021
pelvic plum...
if you don't know what that is...
let's begin with:
i have beard envy...
i'm not going to lie...
but when it comes to having
***** envy?
oh... you know those guys post their
phallus selfies...
just after they ****** themselves off
and all the blood is resurging to
the liver, kidneys, etc.?
that part i find hilarious...
i always thought:
send them your shrivelled up ****-pick
and... as a bonus: your uncircumcised
"excess" flesh... how's that?
**** sending them your...
just *******... bombast...
oh wait... wait... gotta take a post
e. e. cummings ******* selfie...
n'ag... i need to wear a baseball cap
on backwards... put a clip on
the visor... shove a *******
pen up the cap so it sticks like an
then think about...
will i finish painting my bedroom
at 12am... or will i... just...
put it off for a more decent hour...
perhaps... since it's December...
catch some daylight hours...
how's that?
honest to god, even my cat thought
it was a bad idea... you done enough...
you done, enough...
******* and scribble something...
fair enough... if a cat's looking content
via prescription dynamics...
i really shouldn't be painting at 12am...
i should be: if i were a Picasso...
but simply... redecorating my room...
the last green, the last ****** green...
given enough artificial lighting...
more ******* grey than green...
oh this new stuff... FAVA BEAN...
whatever the hell that means...
put that hue to the test when stressing
indicators at a crossing..
auburn smoulder... red?!
adventurous canary... amber?!
thesaurus chameleon... ******* green?!
go?! i most associated green with
safety... why not blue... for... water...

well, yeah, so much for ***** envy,
like reading up the khama sutra...
deer ******, rabbit ******...
elephant ******...
conversely a deer phallus, a rabbit phallus...
an elephant phallus...
so much for "pair bonnding"
between an elephant phallus
and a rabbit vagiba...
hardly the ***** envy type of story:
when... you can't arrive at a pelvic
you know that place...
you're so right up the cul-de-sac...
matched... that your ***** region is...
bruised from the knock-in-knock-outs
of thumping...
so much for a large ****...
when you can't put all of it her...

better start ******* a donkey or
Alexis Texas... or some black girl with enough ***
cushioning to allow you extended length
some: ahem... breathing room...

just recently... watching ****...
on mute... it's no ******* Caravaggio...
these are the spicimens i could eventually
****? no thank you...
do i have to be some ******* in order to...
no thank you...

on a sly: affirmative action... concerning
the lack of male graduates in / with college
degrees, as possible suitors for women with
college degrees... say, what?
that's in Fahrenheit or in Celsius?
inches or millimeters?
the **** are these ditto-heads on?
sign me up to their pharmacist!

ditto-heads: pseudo instruction manuals
for composing a narrative...

i drink, to giggle, to arrive at a steady hand...
a bit like a "painter" is to a surgeon...
mind you... painting in one colour...
in a 3D space is a meditative endeavour...

the currency of ******* is diminishing....
perhaps i don't want to **** women as
perhaps i don't want to **** the sort
of women: portrayed...
either way... *** is too rare for me to somehow
succumb to... pornographic fetishes....
not going to happen...
each time i might as well we ******* a ******!

i drank too much, i ought to have
finished the painting & decorating "thing"...
yesterday... but these are the wintry months...
less daylight hours...
eh... i abhor Christmas...
******* carols...
i love winter... why require some pick-me-up
some ******* tree?

the temp. has dropped...
there's less dust in the air...
the insects are hibernating...
you can't pick up the serpentine scent of garbage...
what's not to like?
sure... you see less sunlight...
isn't that a good thing?
last time i heard it rumoured...
you're more assertive in the twilight hours...

- bowling for, perhaps, soup?
yeah, but perhaps it's only a "Slav-thing"....
i do become upset over...
mis-etymological: logistics...
like: barber is somehow
of Turkish origin...
Anglo-Saxon pick-me-ups...

perhaps it's only a "Slav-thing" to register
being offended at the word...
*******... biscuit-bite...
or, perhaps...
the minorities are too *******

        i don't like being called a Slav(e),
i.e. with supposedly an E-"missing"...
lazy ******* islanders...
keep them that way...
island dwelling people are always that way...

   angradiosing snoozers: eee!
a googlewhack... one in a billion... however many
a time...

i was looking for... self-....

is it an S, is it a Z? or is it a... ß- (+) -orrow?
ha ha!

odd... i don't feel insulted...
i might do... half of Europe being denoted as Slave...
maybe i should check with the Russin hackers...
Russian... they just might...
be itchy enough...
perhaps the etymology rubbed out a little...
along the lines of the JUGOLS...
the southern Slavs...

line of faux pas etymological pursuits:
Germans? beginning word, prefix...
no... i think i'll clarify with the Russians...
these ******* English idiots talk one thing...
think another.... high praise for H'America...
H'America my ***... a black-fetish...
cry-baby interracial-bonanza! load, of, *******, *******!

call me crackers... call be ******* cheddar...
although... hmm. cheddar...
that's pushing the Gobi desert territory...
after all... the areas where the Mongols adventured into...
set those places back... circa 100 years...
hello Ing-Land!
so lucky... inventing football,
cricket, rugby... come to think of it...
**** it up... concerning Rotherham...

thus dictated... England made war on Germany circa 1939...
last time i heard...
****** servicemen... flight! flight!
no Englishman ever stood ground
on the Westerplatte..

you get to own yours... i don't get to own mine?!
how will that ever, *******, werk?!
**** it, whatever...
you have you little interracial experiment...
i'll be with the: in-their-graves
19th century germans...
oh... i'm not having children...
it a bit like:
would i really want to put them through
this... cultural... ahem... drought?!

i'm here... that's already enough...
i don't need to subjugate my ***** to fully grown...
stampede of errors...
i always thought i was the good father...
why?  because i didn't have any children
to raise as my own...
bring me children of strangers...
i'll babysit... no problem...
i was a good father...
i didn't have any children to raise as my own;
subsequently... like EMINEM...
i forgot to boast about my fatherhood skills...
daddy failed: whereas i achieved prowess...
some ******* load of "i"...
it ends up being a returns policy of: YOU...
right about, nearing, some variation of... (the) end.
brinn Feb 2019
he was as bright as a star
he spoke endless dreams
he walked like the ocean
he smiled sunshine
he laughed like a bonfire
he dreamt in colors
he adventured like summer nights
his scent a field of daisies
and his warmth as soft as a puppy

he was everything
and more
The Fire Burns Feb 2018
Obsidian monoliths,
black hole generating gates,
like pools of liquid time and distance,
waiting to be swum through.

Hidden on the Moon,
cached within the Earth,
ensconced on Europa,
or at the convergence of ley lines.

Travel to other worlds,
dimensions are at hand,
wormholes in the timespace,
to be explored and adventured.

All that is required,
bravery to take the step,
through the fluidity of the universe,
to arrive at another island lost in time.
Once when I was younger
I was made older for my age

My playground was always only inches from the edges of the grave

Though I was not a victim of evil child abuse

The fact was I had no supervision . I was completely free and lose

I ran away at three looking for who or what can ever tell

If I found a hole in woods
I wanted to know how deep was the well

I was always one step from disaster
Riding a bike up a hill or down a mountain

Swimming across the river
or out in the ocean
My need to be searching
was how I was made to sustain

As the edges of aging expanded my thirst for adventured expired

Now I am surely as close to that edge that I embraced
so long ago

But now I know how deep that well is

How high the mountain
How wide the river
or the deep the ocean

Now that I know I guess it's time to go
Sydney Rose Feb 2019
we spend our entire lives searching
for that one thing we cannot live without
only to realize we cannot achieve it
& eventually we struck gold
but with something more times as great

if only we were not so stubborn
& knew what was in stored for us
much earlier before we adventured
for that one thing we thought
we could not live without
Amanda Shelton Feb 2022
The fabric of my life,
soft and cruel.

Some say I’m easy on the eyes
softness is in my voice,
my smile welcome’s you into
my life.

I have touched the souls
of many, I have adventured
within others reality to
bring them back to the real

I am like a tender fire,
burning slowly with comfort
setting within my warmth.

I am comfort in the dark,
a reminder of the possibilities,
a breath after choking,
a bandaid for your wound’s.

I am here when you are lonely,
I am here when you are lost
in the hostile environment
of reality.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2020
Gossip is the geography
of an in-adventured mind.

— The End —