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 Jan 2018 Vinyldarling
Maria Etre
Even though I wear
my heart on my sleeve
there are those
who are too blind
to see it
weirder yet
those who
 Nov 2017 Vinyldarling
i feel like i'm
only good enough
when i'm *******
                   some man,
some one,
                   some ungrateful ****,
just for fun.
one that will forget about
me once we're done,
or he's done, but that
won't matter
because he won't
tell any one.
unless he's one of
those who just can't
move on.
or one who insists that it
didn't matter to him
or any of his previous failed loves.
every so often, he will give me
the option of not lying on my stomach.
so i don't have to bite my tongue for
the sake of his own blood and his
poor unfortunate soul.
 Nov 2017 Vinyldarling
your hand runs up my thigh
i'm flushed
your hand feels under my shirt
i'm counting the seconds in my head
you unclasp my bra
i'm enveloped by goosebumps
you notice i'm nervous
i'm beyond nervous
you tell me everything's ok
i'm alone
you pick my cherry
i get nothing in return
 Nov 2017 Vinyldarling
Maria Etre
I grasped my final
and screamed
"I feel alive"
holding on
to the last
 Nov 2017 Vinyldarling
Maria Etre
Put your heart
on hold
take a break

it beats
for the
 Jul 2017 Vinyldarling
Maria Etre
I have read and seen
written and tasted
all the letters
in a cocktail
of words
with the after-taste
of meaning
the effect
of a poem
and the resonance
of a
 Jun 2017 Vinyldarling
Maria Etre
A writer's greatest fear
is being lonely
in his
 Apr 2017 Vinyldarling
The high
 Apr 2017 Vinyldarling
Try, Try
try to say hi
to the people who just pass me by.
Cry, cry
time to cry
I cry so much my throat goes dry.
Lie, lie
all I do is lie
they say that I should just go and die.
So bye, bye
It's time to say bye
I guess you can't always be on that high.
What would be the color of my sky ?
I'll tear up the clouds
My small tongue kisses you
The sun is turning
Your white teeth was biting two round points
Your dandelion is growing
The wheat is always menstruated in my poems
And I like to sleep on the back of my red backpack

آسمان من چه رنگ خواهد بود ؟
ابرها را پاره می کنم
زبان کوچک من تو را می بوسد
خورشید می چرخد
دندان های سفیدت
دو نقطه ی گرد را به هم گاز می گرفت
قاصدک تو بلند می شود
گندم ها همیشه در قصه های من پریود اند
و من
دوست دارم
پشت کیف قرمز رنگ مدرسه ام بخوابم
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