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Jun 2020 · 642
Today's Seeds
If the voices of the voiceless remain unattended to,
In our tomorrow, will there be a dream to run to?
They cry in silence as their dreams are being tattered.
They speak in their heart because their words don't matter.

They didn't ask to be born
But they are here left to tick away like a time bomb.
Those who help them, take away their pride.
Those who ignore them, jest with their strides.

They are made adults before adulthood.
They are made worthless like bitter truth.
They groom their offsprings without a groom.
They are only needed to choose an umbrella or a broom.

My people, what we have seen don't scare like the unseen.
The hate we give today, are just fruitful seeds.
We have their pairs as children and wards.
Yet, we left them for the rain, the sun and the world.

Ain't we worse than the worst virus?
Ain't we creating what will devour us?
Now tell me, if the voices of the voiceless remain unattended to,
In our tomorrow, will there be a dream to run to?
To all the lost children, abused and defiled!
Jun 2020 · 317
To My Dark Country
Oh virgins, daughters of the defiled
I feel your blood crying, your soul on a flight
Uncovered darkness made naked
Your soul now a cheap commodity in the world market.

Where lies your strength lies your weakness
Your soldiers are drunk with your enemies wine
Your tears have become your elite happiness
In unrighteousness your sanctuaries celebrate crimes.

Oh my land, a bride once envied
Now dancing in between hell and heaven
Your contemporaries impatiently await to clap at your fall
In a maze, your springs war themselves over unknown gods.

Oh dis-flowered sons of a barren gun
When will your defiled heart see the ditch well dug for yourselves?
My sympathy has deserted me for your unborn sons
You are convincing me that you will wake after burying yourselves.

Oh king of a defiled throne
You are not too blind nor deaf to know we have cast our stones
You are our Jona please leave our boat
Let see how well our hopes can sail us home.
Dedicated to the world and its problems
Jun 2020 · 1.4k
Thug Nation
**** nation
Conversing with ammunitions.
Hearts that are barely loyal
Being served by humbled soldiers.

No wonder peace has been conquered
And war the man on the altar.
Her habitants live like their souls are on trial
And their god a liar.

**** nation
Her masses are speechless creatures
Ruled in cluelessness
Jubilating in bitterness.

**** Nation
Driven by greedy intentions
Stomach fed with promises
Sleeping and waking in calamities.

**** nation
The fat ones are the vultures
Termites and cankerworms haven
The thinning path between hell and heaven.

**** nation
Where the safest place is the grave
Saints nation rebirth to a **** nation
Where unity and faith are slaves.

Hmm! My **** nation of tears
Unfortunately, I'm fortunate to be born here
blessed with everything, cursed with leadership,
Born into miseries, dying in hardship.

A **** nation in a tunnel
Crowded with diverse starlets
Being forced to drain down the funnel
Crying blood for a spark soonest.
For all the countries in the world who seems not to be getting it right.
Jun 2020 · 137
I was here
I was here
So unknown
Done so well
Yet my story untold.

Made a mark
Noticeably unseen
I gave to the lack
Paid back with sin.

I was here
No one cares
I pleaded for air
The response scares.

To me the world was deaf
I had Spoken so soundly
None gave an ear
To me, I had paid my debt
Watching quietly
As my words remind them I was here.
Just a reflection on what I used to hope to have accomplished at this stage of my life.
Jun 2020 · 435
9th Minute Discourse
I have a badge, an official hat
I know the law, but have no heart
Run your best, I am in uniform
In this attire, my integrity is deformed.

I have a shield, Sirens and gun
I love your chains, I hate your guts
In your best days, your innocence is guilt
Even in your grace, all I see is filth.

You take me as your saviour
Well, I can't, I have lost that savour
My evils shine night and in daylight
In 9 minutes, my protection will take your life.

Your 'I can't breathe' we only give you a grave
Be still, it is televised, you will enjoy the rave
I don't war alone, my demons are with me
You are not alone, there have been and there will always be.

You can call me names, but the deal is done
You can agitate all day, what next when all is said and done?
You can chain me, there are millions with my mind
It is not a war for the street, it is a war of the mind.
Inspired by Floyd' George
Oct 2019 · 227
Lost Dog
Lost dog of no one
Feeding on dead worms
Its tattered skin scares stars
Its head is covered with scars.

Lost dog lost from birth
Its mother was also of no nest.
Lost dog with pale eyes
Walking like a lost mind.
Too ***** to be owned
But never hopeless for a home.

This lost dog can feed on grasses
Its body is a bed for lashes
Of what good is sharp teeth without a thing to cut?
With all its sniffing, only its waste is left to gulp.

Its unfed stomach has a womb in it.
It will be fertilized by another like it.
Another lost dog will be born
And the chain will go on.
Sep 2019 · 293
Rose Coloured
I am a man with so many wounds
I have been beaten for all my truths.
Yes, I get injured everyday
But I am always expected to bury my pain.

I am a traveller burdened by so many routes
Knowing nothing but expected to always know what to do.
My mind is a bank of unanswered questions
And yet, when doubts come, I am seen as a solution.

You can see why I always sweat in pleasures
I am always faced with faceless pressure.
My heart is a battlefield of countless thoughts
And my spirit is always busy knocking on locked doors.

So, don't be deceived by my smile,
I am not always fine.
I always wear oversize with shallow pockets
Working like a man fetching water in baskets.

Don't mind my suit,
Life has not been gentle to me too.
I am a man of faith,
Attempting a miracle everyday.
I am tired of hiding my story
But I am not asking for your sorry.
We all have our wars
And yours may be worse.

Hence, take me as a brother in the struggle
When you finally have enough, don't forget others in the circle.
I am still a man with so many wounds
I am rose-coloured that my healings will come soon.
Apr 2019 · 365
One day I will transit beyond
My strives and thrives to drop.
Then, you will tell tales of my kindness
Or tales of my weakness
Lo, I won't hear none!

With time, I will be a memory
Once in a while you will remember my stories
My smiles or nags will flash in your mind
You may regret for not being there
You may even doubt my being holy.

Well, one day I will be gone
My body in the ground alone
And spirit in another world.
No more me to hate or love
Time to count your gain or loss.

One day I will be dust
Left alone with no more lust
My sins and truths before Him
That moment to harvest my truths and faults
The one that outweighs one determines my cross.

Indeed, one day you will wake up in the cold
You will meet my body with no soul
What will be the reason for your cry?
Or will you celebrate it with a smile?
Surely, one day will define our vain lives.
Nov 2018 · 1.3k
The Fight Within
Sometimes we try to hide our fears
By trying to fake a smile
We take pleasure in shutting down people
From unnecessary facets of our lives.
Due to the unfriendly moments we are caged in,
We cannot even pretend to be there anymore
Neither can we keep faking that smile like we used to.

We fight and quarrel about every little thing
No, we **** ourselves in loneliness fighting against the love we have for them
Slowly, steadily, and surely our love for them grow to be hatred
But deep down within us, we stop loving ourselves thinking that we have succeeded in killing our love for them.
And then emptiness set in
Bitterness that was never anticipated starts to overwhelm us.

Everyday breaks and birth more regrets
Leaving you wishing that you have a time machine to turn back the hands of time
And that time machine is never found
And that time machine keep forging forward
The avoidable moment has been created
And like a healed wound, the scar never leaves your heart
And you keep waking up to a wet pillow every morning
And every laughter around you begin to sound like mourning
I should have done better
No, I should have faced the little things that matter
Maybe, I should have been more considerate and more flexible with my principles
I shouldn't have been too scared to be disappointed
I should have just listen a bit more and talk a bit less
I should have sacrifice my huge ego on the altar of happiness with self
I should have known that nothing last for ever but moments do.
Nov 2018 · 2.4k
Weeping Gun
My palms are growing wet
Sweat has covered my trigger
Night and day in enemies nest
Operating like battalions of mere singers.

I fight 21st century with 20th century bullet
Blood on my face, wounds yielding deeper
In shattered body my brethren in uniform rest
Unjust funding makes our defence wall weaker.

Father, I am in a wilderness fighting a shapeless war
No back ups, no one is watching out for our fall
Like we are dying for those who don't care about us
Our enemies are in golden armor while we ride on horse.

Mother, did the demise of my gun brothers makes the headlines?
I heard the 'next level' was lunched on that day
And my superiors disown us to dine at the front line
Well, don't cry yet, I'm still alive at least for today.  

Oh, my palms are wet and my hopes like a thread
My eyes shed more tears than the blood my gun sheds
We are too weak to keep pulling these triggers
Aso Rock, upgrade us now or take us home to our fathers.
Dedicated to the over 70 soldiers killed in northern Nigeria by Bokoharam Terrorists in November, 2018.
Mar 2018 · 415
My Perspective
It is hard to make sense of the world
When you are stuck in my wall.
I have ran so many races
That only earned me a broken face.
These words are the reflection of my woes
I can't but keep watching my folks turn foes.
Unarguably, my today is not a reflection of my past
Because in my yesterdays, I faced all battles, I didn't pick my tasks.
But my gold is often given the price tag of coal
Leaving me no choice than to clock-walk alone.

You see, it is hard to make sense of the world
A place where the best are left to eat their words.
I gave my blood when my sweat was not enough
My dream in their noses like an African *****.
I give ears to their worries, none to mine
My visions are like lads stories that should not be taken to mind.
My case is before a judge desk
Who sleeps and dine in my accused nest.

Still, they want me to make sense of the world
Where the best gets the worst and the corrupt gets the award.
Is there any sense to really make of us?
Are humans really worth making sense of?
You see, don't waste a lifetime trying to make sense where there is none
Instead, strive to make something out of what can be done.
May 2014 · 504
Have you ever been caught up in a moment?
Where you feel like you have been caught robbing your government?

Have you ever been caught up in a moment?
Where they miss judge all your movement?

Moments where you see things you were blind to
Moments you feel the paradies is empty or deaf to the people
That moment you pray for death to come to your rescue
You ask yourself was this what I was born to go through?

moments where pains won't let your tears fall
Fears makes you find beauty indoor
Where having hope looks likes a marathon
Striving to survive on guts.

Moments seems too long
When one hearts burn
By a cry of a new born
Wondering if you still got a turn.

Moments you smile in tears
You faithlessly pray in red fears
Counting unfruitful years
Wondering if today happiness will end you well.

Moments when you feel lost in love
Caught up in the atmosphere of lust
Feel used and dumped
That awkward moment you feel you are done with the world.

If you have, then we have been in the same world
Where one speak in silence for money is the loudest voice
Where luck turns your sweat filled effort void
That awkward moment you realise that we are not equal after all.
Apr 2014 · 2.9k
This Time
In the face of war
Loudly our fears drum.

The lioness ready for a feast
I heard Lucifer is angry against God
Battling to get Him to His kneels.

Blood is reigning
The blood sucker awaken
In pieces the sky has fallen
The moon now a commoner  
And the sun a drunk wanderer.

Where are the innocence
The black cloud acquires,
Vultures need the flesh of the angels
Their bone the dogs also desire.

The dragon has been unleashed to flood the world,
This time, no one is right enough not to be wrong,
Yes, No saints, No Noah,
No ark to sail to a new world.
Death our creditor, we the borrower
The covenant can't be erased not even a word.
See what we have done to ourselves fighting our creator
See how we successfully drive ourselves to our destructions.

If God finally conquer the Armageddon
In the recreation of a new kingdom
I will want to be the Adam without eve
Dying to see what difference that will make indeed
Because this world is such a complicated trip
The returnees will hate to repeat.
Apr 2014 · 573
See how crazy
Our world has become,
Blood flowing
In between conversation of guns
Now, nothing is rosy
Righteousness has been dump.

Our unsafe kids are no longer scared
They live and wake amidst the dead
The women on trousers while the men on miniskirt
As they swiftly evoke a tragic end.

Oh, see the bloodish tears on the baby cheeks
As she watch her mother being roasted
Drier than a christmas chicken
A  common way commoners are now being busted
By their own fellow citizens.

Hmm! See how our leaders rule out of ideas
Giving the opposition room to criticize
Pointlessly earning us more fears,
The menace smiling in prowess
For the devil is leading them right
While we mourn and listen to our leaders cold words,
Praying in silence to God to dry our red eyes.

Oh God, a messiah is needed to abort our harsh realities
Someone like moses with a staff to path this red sea
Yes, just a man can help us to divorce our calamities
For a change nation with a repented mentality.

By Victor Ernest O.
Dedicated to abuja bomb blast on monday 14 2014.
Apr 2014 · 954
My tear is my gold,
It's what I greedily share
No matter the yoke.
My fear Is God,
Him I give my years
He is my hope.

I smile
To quench my terror,
I strive
To manage my errors.
I'm imperfectly perfect
Hunting for perfection,
Sweating blood for effect
At war for a brighter future.
My joy is in my attitude
It never bows,
In my faith I'm spraying gratitude
Even In height of failures it's loud.

I'm beginning to view the sun
After a long storm,
I'm now a party to fun
Engaging in royal norms.

There has been a silver linen
Behind my once thick clouds
There are roses in my surrounding
Golden rings can now seize my claws.
My big head has become a home for the crown
My once ugly face now a delight of the crowd
what a sweet victory
What a testimony.

Follow me on
Mar 2014 · 437
Never An Everyday Man
You can judge my heart
I have cheated you with my smile
I have err,
still don't rip off my hat
Even if it doesn't size.
Life without you is hell
Let me unbreak your heart
And return your sun shine.

I know I have been hidding a lot
My secrets weigh higher
Than the messiah cross.
My fading fate won't longer cast lots
Your departure is killing my faith faster
Like fire set under a heavy rainfall,
I have learnt the hard way for sure.

You said you can't understand me
Maybe because I don't even know myself
Like my mirror never did its job.
You are tired of saying you love me
Because you don't think I love myself,
My happiness my anger has really robbed.

You  hate that I blame you for everything
Losing you will be a life sentence for my sins
For my past is  really  hunting
To take vengeance on my being.
I know I have not been just and fair enough
To seek for any atom of peace or love
But at least I deserve a chance and a trust  
If not, then I deserve this lonely dance with war
For I have never been an everyday man for once.
Mar 2014 · 415
Love tales
Longer than rain tails
when love speaks
Hatred sleeps.

I love to love
In love
my insufficiency is always enough,
Love keeps my witnesses secret
And my sins so sacred.

When in love
The prisoner is war
All heart becomes one
Roses become the only weapon.

The feelings of love
Is more beautiful than garden of eden
More colourful than rainbows in the evening
As peaceful as the sea in the morning
And sweeter than honey of an adult bee.

When captured by the spirit of love
You will be like a child in heaven,
Meek and mild
Sweet and bright.
Your soul flourishing like palm fruits,
Your heart throb like sounds of flute.

Love answers all questions,
She endures all situations.
A heart without love
Is a heart without God
And a heart without God
Is a heart filled with war,
Those who fall in genuine love
Will strongly stand taller in the world.
Surely, life everlasting is the Wages of love.
Mar 2014 · 449
Guilty Victims
What are we doing to ourselves?
Why all this conversation of artillery
Which lure souls out from their bodies
Drilling out red sweat from skins
Selling lives to death because of a natural gift.

What are we doing to ourselves?
We keep hijacking people dreams
Before it's born into reality
Making many old to hope in mediocrity
Grooming the glowing youngster to grow faithfully in vanities.

What are we doing to ourselves?
We had caged the mankind in us with our stained hands
Making bare the devil in us to imprison our fate
Now living like cat and mouse in the same house
In the name of money, power and fame.

Our heads, what are we doing to ourselves?
Often setting traps in the name of policies
Sweating to resurrect the dead, ignoring the living
Blinding our eyes when hands are stretched
Weeping blood, peeling kneels just to get a help.
Why do we always leave ourselves to live and die eating promises?

What have we done to ourselves?
Our children are dead out of our negligence
In anger, our youths wedded to weapons to take vengeance
Vengeance painstaking taken against themselves
For the witty guilty are never found, they are ourselves.
This poem is picturing what we have turned our world into using my  country and indeed my continent as perimeters.
Mar 2014 · 364
Red Tears In The North.
There is Red Tears in the North
Flesh have been eaten like betal nut
This most be a cold war
A beginning of the prophesy end of the world.

Brothers against brothers
Breeding terror round their borders
Souls roasting like fire woods
Guns and bombs in action like hollywood.

For a judge, case without a defined course
Is far heavier than the messiah cross
No wonder her leaders now seems so daft
To conquer life for her masses
From this conscious-less artist of a dreadful craft
Burning dreams to ashes with no mercy.

Is there any justification for a war against innocence?
killing human like flies, murdering hopes with ease, what truly is the essence?
Some say it's political, others say it's religious
In either way this faceless people are really ill serious.

What will become of those they have made homeless
What about the ambitions and dreams of the  crucified children
What will become of their mourning parents.

God, how long will thou wait before you pass your judgement?
In all this ungodly act, do you find any contentment?
Or is it your prophesied end you are watching to fulfilment?
God, the north is on fire, she needs your peaceful involvement.

There is bloodish tears in the north
The west  help to advert for these dead souls crying for vengeance
See dark smoke in the tears from the north
I am crying to the world powers to interrupt this over welcomed insurgence
Which have made us scared of our own home
And hope against hope.
Present situation in northern Nigeria.
Mar 2014 · 1.7k
My Heart.
My heart have no brakes
Just on a ride with the winds
Pretending to be deaf to what they say
For they are pointless like his dreams.

I can imagine the busy nature of a busy bee
But my heart is busier indeed
Discussing the issues of life in a silent plead
Still no ears ever listened to him.

My heart, a beautifully shapeless engine of life
Travelling far and wide
Intruding without being noticed
Harming not, adventure, learning are his motives.

Daily arguing against nature
Often in his extreme corner fighting for the weak
Heart broken by the harsh policies of his nation
My fate is his only whip.
Mar 2014 · 410
Hope In Heart Breaks.
I cough out my fears
From my groaning heart
I hold back my tears
Does my head fit no hat?

I'm blind again
I failed to recognise a temptation
I knew her love was a game
Still I fell ignoring my intuition.

Here I mine crying foul
I have been bitten thrice
I once again mistake a vulture for a fowl
In hell pains my heart paid the price .

Indeed love whip really hard
But I wouldn't hide
Instead let me be mad
my soul  will always give love a smile.

Truly disappointments burn really dry
But since rainbow still visit the sky
And Lazarus walk out  to be un tired
Then my over broken heart
Will dare to keep loving hard

Until I find a bird
With same feathers
That into an everlasting bond
We can merrily flock together.
I wish I could sing you a song
I wish you could dance to the sweet melody
Of my heart drums
Today God gave the world this precious gift, indeed it is your special day,
I will keep my wishes for another day
But feel free to make my heart your wishing well
If not forever but at least just for today.
If you could give me the chance
I will paint you a sun
Create you a sky
Colour it with all the colours of the rainbow
And crown you the queen of all the galaxies of stars.

If you ask me, you deserve more than firewalls
You deserve the whole world.
You are worthy to worth more than wealth
If you most pardon me, let me make another wish
A wish only the almighty can grant indeed
I wish you the best of the best health
As a destined queen you are qualified to live a fiddle life indeed.

My dear, though my body is far away
My heart is always next to your glowing shadow
Dancing, smiling, drinking and sharing in your celebrations and sorrows.
Though our eyes had never seen face to face
But I daily commune with your words and your pictures are my windows.
We might never meet, no one can predict nature.
We might never be what I dare us to be but who can really tell the future?
Until the unpredictable happen, I pray your life should be sweeter than icing on a cake
I pray you live the life you want to live
And as long as it pleases God will.
I pray you can pry  into the deepest part of thee
To see the priceless treasures hidden deep in thee
I pray you pray for the grace to mount this beautiful golden throne
And above all, there is an expression I deeply want to make
Which is, Happy birthday to you an angel and a destined queen.
Feb 2014 · 479
To Hello Poetry
Hello poetry
My secret friend that love to publicize me
To your friends like me.
In you I hide my tears in form of words
When I blink out a smile you inspire me to put it in words
And you freely licence me to paint them on your wall
For all the world to criticize, follow, like and love.

I say Hello to poetry
When my heart is tired of the silence,
I turn to you for some solace
And you are never tired of my beautiful noise
You pay so much attention to my quiet voice
Like you are listening with your ears and still busy reading my lips
Though I'm lost in your world you still give me the chance to always take the lead.
Indeed you are a garden of inspirations
You motivate me even in my lowest moment
You are such a blessing to my nature
Convincing  your friends to cherish my effortless work is one of my greatest achievement.

I say hello to the poets
Of Hello Poetry
We are more than stars
We are galaxies,
Our flawless ceremonies of words are more than real
They are the greatest fantasies.
What else can I say
when all the words that are yet to be said
Are all sparkling obvious
Truly, Poetry is more than a culture but a behaviour.
Tribute to hello Poetry.
Feb 2014 · 429
Don't spare my soul
To live without the mate of my soul
Use the second bullet
Pull the trigger and make me a ghost
Just how you did to my love.
How heartless you are indeed
For blindly taking my only peace
My heart will remain at war with thee
If you should turn without ending Me..

You have not done your worst
If it leaves me with everlasting loneliness
I'm worth nothing without this diamond your gun just stole from me
She was my all
I was also her all
You know we have been alive for each other
Why do you allow your gun to be so careless
To the extend you allowed it to clipped my feathers
How do you expect a bird to exist
Without its beautiful wings.

I'm a living dead
Without this your innocent victim
You have saddened my joy
You have untimely murdered my fun
You have kicked me down from my throne
You have step on a milky man toes
Oh, see how sandy you have made my food to become
My hope you have murdered
My sugar you have turned to bitter
My happiness you have boldly conquered  
Tell me what are you keeping me alive for.

What has she taken from thee
That she has to pay with her everything.
Why don't you tell me
So that I could pay with my life instead,
Don't you turn your back without finishing what you have started
You dragon in human form
A tool of the most high demon,
A killer of tomorrow
A teacher of sorrows
The greatest devil disciple.
Curses to your fingers if you fail to use it positively this once
More curses to the creators of this iron if you refuse to allow it to function
Please close your heart once again and **** me
vengeance is not of me mr murderer
Shut down your conscious once again and cause this reunion.
Happy Val.
Feb 2014 · 2.6k
The Script Unseen.
How fast a vegetable heart can perish?
A toddler growing like a seed of corn
Planted on a fertile ground
So cherished,
Like a man after the king's heart.
Not knowing nature has a different plan against him
Or men of the underworld are strongly against his being
And too desperate to shower unending tears on her fresh mother's smiling cheeks
He was stolen away by death.

I can't forget that dark scaring night
Where all the heavenly bodies were dead asleep.
The echoes of his granny shout still live in my head
A shout she made like she just realised she has been praying into deaf ears
The prowess of which I plucked him off my mother laps to my chest
Still baffles me
The race we ran to the empty darkness outside
Reminds me of the speed of a certain Bolt from Jamaica.

In prayers, speed and tears
We continue our race to a center for health care
Too much fluid is lost, the doctor summited and aided us to continue our race for more competence.
Competence often too difficult to find in this part of Africa.
To cut it all short, competence was found
Treatment was made
Praises bell began to ring in our hearts for we thought he was already saved.
Yes, the next morning, he moved, smiled and uses hands to play!
But the noon that follows the whole story changed
And the ceremony of mourning began.
His spirited effort wasn't enough and he had to leave us,
No, he was jealously taken away from us
Just weeks before his first year birthday.

The stain of his tears still lives on my mother pillow
Reminding her that she was a grand mother for eleven months and a week ago.
His happy face still stand in a picture at a corner of her mother mirror
Recalling the fact that she has lost a gem to the world of ghosts.
His father striving to remain a man as he pushes to get loans
To pay up his medical  bills from family and folks even from supposing foes.

The pain of his departure never cease to add Bitter sound to my heart beat,
Though forgotten how cute he was when he was alive
But I never fail to remember how cute he became in dead indeed.
His demise was a script Unseen,
Till date it remain a prank to me.
Amidst all the experiences I have been forced to face
This is one of the scripts I wish it was never written nor played.
A true Story of the demise of my nephew, named emmanuel on january 22 2014. May is innocent soul rest in perfect peace.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Don't Blame Me.
Don't blame me
That I barely write love poems
You know poetry is emotional expression
And I'm just a lone poet
Barely in love long enough for such a romantic inspiration.

Don't blame me
That I barely talk about love
I live where roses don't grow
And butterflies feed on corpse.

Don't blame me
That I'm not too religious
Wars have been fought
Here so many times sake of that word
And I'm trying to prevent it from extending is fellowship into my thoughts.

Don't blame me
That I'm looking older than my age
More older than my mates
It is because I was born in a haste
Live  in a maze
Surviving on maize.

Don't blame me
If I'm not what you wish me to be
Or not where you want me to be
I'm just another person
striving to be different.

Don't blame me my friend
If I don't call
Or don't longer answer your calls
I'm trying to stop lying to you
Out of pride
That I have become what I used to brag that I will be.

Don't just blame me
If you still don't know my true me
Or how I truly look and feel
It might be because you like reading my words
Without attempting to read me.
So next time you want to blame me
Put yourself in my shoes
And tell me how it feels to be me.
Jan 2014 · 971
About To Begin
Thumbs up to me
At least for a sweet Victory.
I never knew it pays to be different
Until I started paying attention to other things
A one decision that is about to kick start my life
Was the same I never wanted to look in the eye.
Somebody should have couched me better
That not all that seems better really matters.
I never knew I was that bad driver I never blamed,
It never occur to me that I was the one taking my destiny on a clock journey in faith,
I was that darkness that made my glory to shine vain,
It was my fault that my progress has been tortoise walking
How foolish I have been for not understanding ethos of times and seasons.
Forgive me dear fate,
You shouldn't have been blamed, I'm sorry.
Sorry for regretting why I was  created with you
Sorry for always accusing you
For all the woes I had put us through.
I have been a child indeed
A child too milky to recognise opportunities
A child too narrow minded to take a walk into chances.

Now my heart has grown
Grown enough to see two side of a coin on a spot
Grown enough to pry deep into bottom pots
Grown enough to pluck fruits from trees without a sickle
Yes I'm grown enough to make others grow into father figures.
I can now beat my chest that I'm becoming a man
No, I'm now a man!
Through my resolute mistakes, I had learned to bear more than a plan
After a long bare footed walk on thorns
I can now say patient dogs don't longer eat the fattest bone
Time don't wait for those who don't fight for their turn
Only fools still wait to see their shoes sizes before trying their legs in the available
Only lame minded people hate to grow to be dependable.
Thumbs up to me again
Just like in all human beings
I have found the key to all I need
Right inside of me
Finally my life is about to begin.
A True tale and Life experience of Yours Sincerely.
Jan 2014 · 1.9k
My Greatest Fear
No peace in heaven
No life in hell
I had learnt .
Left by my tutor to choose
Choose between living in violence
Or dying doomed for eternity.
By my assumptions
The two seems too close for an option
By law no one is meant to sit on the fence.

They say "life is a journey"
But I wonder how I agreed to embarked on it at first
Maybe I was forced
Forced to be born
Or maybe it was my fault
My fault that I was too desperate to be born
Born into a world of wars
Where we fight against all
Against trust
Even against God.
I wish I knew the beginning before I was conceived
I wish I could tell where this path will end me
I wish Heaven is sure
Sure that I could end my journey here and cross
Cross into eternal peace without being judge
Judged by the devil for not being his follower
Or judged by God for not being as perfect as His followers.
I just wish all this second coming thing remain a prank
A prank That will end a joke contrary as plan
What a great relieve it will be
If the spirit leaves the flesh to be
So I could just sit on the fence in peace
And Losing Heaven stop being my greatest fear indeed.
Jan 2014 · 8.0k
The Leftovers
I have been in the moon
In search of love all noon
Searched through deserts
Even through garden of Eden.
I have Searched beneath the sea
Travelled wide even to overseas
Still could not find love.
I went to Vatican
Even to Mecca
Driven through the romantic sites of Paris
Bath in the Brazilian beaches
Flown across the Atlantic
Pitched my tenth for few days on the Antarctic
Spend some more on the arctic
Still I saw no love.

All I saw was lust
Angels with broken hearts,
Rotten roses,
Withered lilies,
Death faiths and monsters on beautiful faces.
I saw bullets in church offering boxes
Just wedded on number plates of ambulances.
I saw wars in diversity
Pain and mourning crowding all cities
The devil celebrating the dead of peace.

I saw three wise men
Where went love, I asked them
They said love has been nailed on the cross
Buried with trust
They are heading to Galilee
To await his return.
I followed with dreams
I met many returning with smiles of frustration
From where I was going with pregnancy of expectations.

We arrived to the scene
Like a nightmare, I witnessed higher sins
I saw men taking pleasures with men
Some with animals, some women with women.
Gun everybody walking sticks
People feeding on people flesh
With human blood the thirsting ones quench their thirst.

Is this where love is expected to return?
The wise men retorted,
Yes, the saints have been raptured
And his seven years  reign has just began.
Then in a flash, I remembered that I have been taught
Taught about this dreadful end
I had also taught kids
Under trees at nights
Just to threaten them to live right.
What I thought was a mare threat or a fallacy
Has been awaken against my fate in reality.
Oh! We are among the leftovers
Left to reprove ourselves or be doomed forever.
Jan 2014 · 1.7k
Masked Fate
Walking with weak words
Prying through the tall walls
Celebrating what not worth celebrating
Right on the throne, up on our mountain.

A coin taken by the stem worth,
But when it involves the sky, it is not.
Fingers pointing to the corners
While the main stream flows stronger.

Food for the queens none for the soldiers
Maybe this is a termites' world.
Again, the leaves, the fresh ones will drop
And the chapter will continue to sour on.

Expectations when their is a change of crown
A sweet mistake it would be called at last
For the same sweat will refuse to unmasked
Hm! tiger goes, lion follows, we remain in the clouds.

The same old shame continues to travel in cycles
Winds of the Heavenly, we still wish for a miracle!
We wish for only oily foreheads to get our banners
But still I wonder if any is ***** to rebirth our corners.
Dec 2013 · 784
The past
Such a funny place to pay a visit
Also a scaring Heaven
travelling to it through pictures
Through diaries
Through experiences and conversations.
Wondering if today is that future
We were dreaming,
Planning and sharing
In the past.

An escortion to the past
Take us to the tears
Our unconguerd fears
Promises shared
Love felt
Friends we have left
Lessons failed to learn
And those learned
Mistakes made
Heart breaks
Joy that had faded
Repented pain
Smiles and broken fate
Sicknesses won
Our dead ones, our efforts couldn't save.
The cheers, the quarrels
Broken Commitments and understandings
The peace, the unrest
Sweet dreams, nightmares
Snub, ego and abused meekness
Hymns, dances and sadness
Lies discovered, truth untold
Folks turned foes, treasures sold
Hatred bared, relationships mismanaged
Sins forgiven
And those too hard to be forgotten
Loses and Crisis
Celebration that had ended
Glory that has been blinded
That giant step
That right choice
The chance
That luck
A great victory
records made, glorious history.
The rise, the fall
The frowns, the fun
Dews and twinkling sun
All in all
Travelling to the past
Is an adventure of mix feelings
Sour and sweet memories
Drilling and refreshing

Since it's where we are all coming from
It's a place we can't foregone
A place not too healthy to dwell
But a place we should always go to learn.
This poem was inspired by my photo album.. Looking at the pictures of my old friends and family members these words started flowing in and I can go on and on.
Dec 2013 · 3.9k
Destined Glory.
The days are dark and clouded
Stars fear to shine and the moon is dreaded
The pain in our heart too heavy to make us cry
The prophesy joy is still far off to force out a smile
Miracles are now very scarce and expensive to buy
The truth is too bitter and too unhealthy to lie
My once good friend which is hope is ready to die
No peace in heaven, no life in hell
Then where exactly lie our help
Since I have no horse I will use my leg
My pain is nobody is feeling my pain
since is better to pray than fait
I won't try to drop out in the school of life by suicide again
I will stand on holy grounds to fight for a better life in faith.

They say the tail is for the slaves so I dare to become the head
No matter how deadly the journey seems I still believe in a rosy end
Since the kingdom will come here, here I will righteously pitch my tent.
Let them keep throwing brimstones
Let them keep feeding my hunger for meat with stones
I seek for honey but sour limes and bitter leaf water they seek to drunk me with
They should keep turning my once soft paths to thorns
But I know they can't eclipse my glory it will keep glowing
I'm like a palm fruit, no matter the harsh weather they might bring I will keep flourishing
I'm like age, no matter the obstacles they might set I will keep growing
For I'm a destiny child, destined to move from glory to glory.
Dec 2013 · 534
Little Gentle Christmas.
Little gentle Christmas I want
Got a gift for me, let it be love
The breeze and sun outside can wait
Until after this christmas day.
Today is holiday, I will enjoy it so
Not outing and getting drunk o
I had paint my room with the colors of the rainbow
Lighted a tree with red and white symbols
striving to keep this day as solemn as possible.
No loud music, no fireworks, no much friends.
Gate keeper let few in then lock the gate while we chill behind the fence.
Christmas a celebration of a meek king
Just that I am trying to be.
I'm having exactly a little Gentle Christmas here and I'm not feeling bored about, I guess it's better this way because it gives me an opportunity to reflect on so many things.
Dec 2013 · 3.4k
I Deserve The Shame.
I had once been in a church to drink a beer
Behind the pastor seat
A risk I took with no fear
Ends me a back seat.

I wonder who reported me
For I was sure all doors were locked against me
I was sure the gate keeper didn't notice me
I guess the walls have eyes
Oh, maybe holy spirit really exist
But why did he have to show up then
I was in the same spot sweating in prayers
Crying rain seeking for a divine help
Nobody reported me then
Is this not a case of betrayal?

People, they just love being messengers of negativity
When I was sweeping the altar, dusting this same pastor seat nobody shouted my activities.

Wait a minute, what was I thinking
Why should I carry a sin in a bottle
Straight to a supposing holy temple.
Holy? Is a place I once caught cockroaches making out holy?
The venue where our tithes and offerings are being pocketed by the church hierarchy still holy?

Even as that, I don't suppose to join the crowd to pollute the Lord's place
Truly I deserve even behind the back seats, yes I deserve the shame.
Just using this poem to paraphrase how fate work, how our grace are not the same, people can be doing lots of bad things but the day you try it might be the day you will be exposed and prosecuted as a scapegoat.
Dec 2013 · 11.7k
See them standing on the podium of promises
Tickling us to wed them into power
As we stand under the burning sun, sweaty as ever
All ears to their flowered words of which they caress
And powdered our minds with.
They donate maggi, salt, wears and the root of all evil,
To further blind our minds and instinct.
Like goats following a hand with a palm fruit,
We chased them with high hopes to the polls,
Like Esau of old we repay their donation with our votes.

Their desires were met, now in power
At serious battle against their promises,
Our faith getting lean, our hopes bleed in response to their policies.
The opposition jubilant for the failure of the electorates.
Soon, they awoke into reality, spur to abort incumbent reign.
Some took to bombs, guns, cutlasses, few to the streets.
The opposition soldiers are thugs, always hungry to ****.
The masses weapons are their mouth, placards,
And solidarity songs, they walk and sing.
They say when elephants fight the grasses suffer
I wonder who are the elephants or the grasses indeed.
A  place that suppose to be our home now a battle field
Where everyone fights for self survival
Forgetting the unborn, our toddlers, our heroes past.

It is high time we talked and sack the thugs
But who will moderate
Who will faithfully give audience, who will sincerely talk?
The elite, the elected seems like they are war ready
They have well set up their political troops
A war they won't stand to fight
But escape through thinning air off our sight.

In a molding  state
Pigs dare to preach sanity
In a world of questions, ignorance remain the worst cancer
And the apex poverty.
Let not fold our hands and live to die in this doom
If your lips are scared, let your pen speak.
Let not throw in the towel
Until we justfully elapse the reign of the unwanted in one peace.
The inspiration for this poem came from the power struggle in my country and how  we have been very unlucky in getting a leader that all can fully accept. Our leaders here barely keep their promises.
Dec 2013 · 5.7k
Perfect Resurrection
If wishes could be measure,
Clem would have reign in wealth,
Before he had a date with death.
Poverty battled with him with all pleasure.
In the tribulation, all his gray eyes saw was a
jubilating future.

In my clan, the death are kings,
Their testimony barely bear guilts,
Tales of that of dove and angelic.
In these imperfect world, they are made perfect and heroic.

That of clem wasn't different,
No hair suspected him of having a great for a kin,
Who in death embraced him to a golden casket, in Italian suit, shoes and a cow killed.
His burial got what he never begged for in hundred fold
Hmm! A late beggar decorated more than a groom to a royal fold.

As all gathered round his six feet for a final bye,
The in prophesied happened, Clem breath resurrected and all flee,
Even the priest, men, women and their kids.
Clem awoke into a dream,
Agitating against mankind and why array of
fortune should perish with a beggar like him,
While there are countless beings escaping death each dawn in perpetual poverty.
Griefs stricken for his old him,
He rose, undertook his golden casket, sold it and became a king.
Dec 2013 · 6.0k
Lone Walker.
Lone walker,
In the midst of the crowd his heart was always alone.
Sank into the belly of tribulations,
Unlike the missionary journey of Jonah he was vomited into
more woes.
Like how a beautiful mountain in a wilderness thirst for tourist
So his heart was hungry for love.
If loneliness is synonymous to poverty then he deserved this cross.

Lone walker,
He lonely walked on thorns, struggled with everything, sweated blood.
He lived a life of trapped miners in a cave miles below fresh air.

Lone walker,
Rain of respite barely shower on his path.
Sun bit his skin, dews often united with his tears,
For there was no even a free den for him to rest his head.

His days were worse than the trials of Job,
For he had not even a wife to encourage him to curse God and give up the ghost.
Like an eaglet without a falcon, he was accustomed to crying for his dying talents that was hidden too deep for any scout to discover.

To him the world was empty and void of helpers
Until a moment came when he decided to abort his worries, fears and his ugly past.
In a flash he recalled the parable of the talents,
In a speed of lightning he stood and put his hidden gift into use.

I key my mind into the eyes of the reader of his biography,
As I stood in the midst of his children offspring in his burial ceremony fit for kings,
With the assurance that he is not walking alone to heaven or hell indeed
And surely his once lonely heart would be filled with merriment and peace.
Dec 2013 · 8.0k
Dying Country
Nigeria, a Dying country,
Her kinsmen will gather in war to share her sweat
More troubles for the unborn and her growing heirs,
The unfolding dread non-soldiers at heart like me.

Nigeria, she spring forth from the dark soil
Her past never stop to echoe, her Iroko turned void
Blessed with milk, honey and seeds with hearts fixed to the creator,
The sword bearer of coal  war-ful gladiators.

A vineyard in the days of her reckoning
A different story after her great hair home coming.
Tale of a true black race
And the  down laying of her good moral ways.

Just like how a river side tree dries,
So does her firewood also cries.
Her genuine red caps are nowhere to be found
Her wind, her seed will have to make do with the feeble dust in character around.

Shaking is her government seat on the rock
Still steady is her opposition in their secret walls.
They keep killing her vision in disguise of trying to unlock
While they battle to pluck away all her roses.
The voiceless murmur and watch,
Her pocket papers fly and run
While a once great country keep dying on.

— The End —