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1.6k · Aug 2018
A lonely bachelor
As a  single, I can go out as much as I want to without telling anybody what I'm doing. I can flirt with whoever I want without being monitored. I can hang out  with anyone without hurting anyone's feelings because I owe no explanations.
But after a while, it does get lonely. After a while, I wish I'd someone because everybody else around me does and I see how happy they seem. Now I wish, I could stay indoors with someone, cuddle up and watch a movie in bed instead of going out and partying every weekend because it gets old and at the end of the day, even if I had a night stand, reality sets by the day and  I still feel lonely.  

There's self love and companion love.  

I wish to evolve from the deep thought.
Boss Kally Okoye
1.6k · Aug 2018
A lost Friendship
I used to have a gathering of friends
In which our countenance portrays
The unique ambiguity of our experience

I missed the void
Created by our ambitions
To trade where untrended

I used to have a precious gift
In which my heart portrays
the profound tenderness of emotions

I missed the void
Created by our differences
To disagree not to agree

I used to have a soul mate
In which our love portrays
the attributes of an unending joy

I missed the void
Created by our blindfold
To unwrap the suppressed pretence

That destroyed the unending togetherness
As it was anticipated.
It tries to describe friendship that got soared by ambition, difference and pretence
975 · Sep 2024
The Ozone erupts Hotforms
That zapped a lively man his strength
Gives live to dying plant.
834 · Aug 2018
A poetic letter to Harvey
Enslaved with the beautiful appearance of this lovely Creature, the innocency of the eyes and the sparkling hair.  I found solace in my bored lonely path. When I craved for companion, I was betrayed and disappointed although I learnt my lessons in that frustrating way.  Not only that I trusted this little pet, I named him Harvey because of the what comes with the beautiful name.  Now I write

Dear Harvey my baby pet as I usually call him,  I love you to the moon because of the gap you have filled although I know someday someone will fight the position with you but I promise you will always be my baby and sweet dog.
Boss Kally Okoye
746 · Feb 2019
First of its kind

Hello gorgeous,
That was the forewords that created our story.
A 5 foot tall, Slim, curvy body walked into my life
Like a glowing petal that needs to be tendered.
Your simplicity awakes a troubled heart.
To urge for a taste of your soul.

As days turned into month
Our familiarity exiled our strangeness
Our expression aligned with our thoughts
To seek the action concluded in our thoughts.

On that memorable day,
As my lips engaged your soft lips,
Your silentness was a turn off,
As I moved back,
you locked me to a wall
Like a fight,
you flawlessly won

As I gently kiss your neck, towards your ***
You moan with such tenderness for more
As my hand is feeling the tiniest spot on your skin.
you pulled me into you,
At that moment,
Our spirit became one

As we drill in the ecstasy of love
The air seem still
The Cold weather, warm on us
As our bodies emit droplet of pleasure
The ever wanting sound of more
Was silenced by  an unknown vibration
Which ended our play.

Feel free to make corrections. I'm new to kind.
718 · Feb 2019
Refined: letter to Harvey
Enslaved in the beauty of this Creature,
Your ever welcoming sight of innocency,
With your stainless hairs of flawless,
Like a sparkling Star that lit the darken soul.
As I explore your fur,
Your expression of joy,
Suppresses my crave for companion.

Before you came
In my bored lonely path,
I craved for a companion,
A beast in my kind
Turned me to a waste
A feeling of self pity

Disappointment and betrayal
Became a routine in which
I bathe my flesh
In a scorching hot of regret
Of a frustrating experience

Oh my lovely pet,
You gave a soul of love
To be his priceless harvey
A memory of Hope

Now I write

Dear Harvey my baby pet, I love you to the moon because of the gap you have filled although I know someday someone will fight the position with you but I promised you will always be my baby and sweet dog.

Yours precious
©Kally Okoye
Love from you to me
462 · Oct 2018
Recovery letter to Harvey
Out of frustration, in a confused state, I feel heartbroken that I can't save my lifeless beloved.  It all started with a minor rejection of your favorite but I took less notice of your lack of appetite because of time constraint due to recent progress in the course of my profession.
Dear Harvey,
If my blood can revive you, I'm ready to give a thousand pint of it. Please, show some response to your treatment because I am scared of the unknown.  If I can go back in time, I will make you my secretary so that I can keep an eye on you and progress with you. Do me a favor by not giving up because the pursuit of another bestie may show an unending search which I can not risk. Quick recovery my precious dog because our journey is yet to start. I will surely win this ghost that came to hunt.
My sweet baby dog is sick and I'm confused.
449 · Aug 2018
The new ME.
Like A Star,
Her eyes twinkles
In a twilight Sky,

Echoing a soundless vibes
Her soul speaks
A thousand thoughts

The wishes in the sky
The dreams  in her thoughts

She draws a connection
To shine as the sunrises.
Live a life of impact, connect with the forces of the universe to unlock power of self actualization.
418 · Nov 2019
In a world of many Nations
With different forms of emotions
Rated in it's own notions

Mood rule  Perception
Misconception dresses  perfection
Choices draw in the innervation

My feeling is my happiness
In my world of openness
full of peacefulness
Positive thoughts portray positive outcome
390 · Jul 2021
Wounded but not broken
Shiny sun, brighter sky
Smiley face, happy vibes

Of course, what else
Precious in blindfold
Conscious to vision

As they say, views and signs
Filtered to a beautified concept
Perfect Imaginary so visualised

As you know,
Manipulation is easily done blindfolded
Humiliation hidden in jubilation

Petals from Roses coast the morning
To cover hidden aversion
Burnt from ashes, darken the heart

To love is unconditional
Well in blindfold
A disguise is conditional
Well in blindfold

Unknown wound hurts
Layers of disgusting moments
Days of unknown wounds
Need Years of known joy

Wounded yeah
In cross of unreal imagination

Broken no
In fate of visualised reality.

Copyright kally
Pretense Lust disguise can be damaging. Do not portray what your portrait resent.
As a Teen
My path programed as a watchword
Lonely Monitored to be guided
Less worrisome
Maybe, because
I got experienced guardian

As a teenager
My path shared not to whole
Briefly monitored and barely guided
Bit worrisome to strive
Maybe, because
I seize to prove independent

As a youth
My path interweave with my career
Total responsibility to guide
Though worrisome when unplanned
Maybe, because
I penned my progress on it

As an Adult
My path for a companion
An illusion not to be guided by pretense
A worrisome challenge
Maybe, because
Love fades away as life progresses
Life is a progress,  a progress of actualization although if you are lucky, your path will be less stressful. Guardian love fades as we show confident.
360 · Dec 2019
Letter to Santa
Hello santa

As usual
you cluster
My door with joyful clauses
Suiting the unknown lapses
To aid my beautiful life

Days months gone_bye
I thrive in a dangerous weg
With smile of our last closure
To aid my beautiful life

Surety was not proposed
As chaos roast my coast
But your words created the purpose
To aid my beautiful life

So santa,
As usual
You  cluster
My door with joyful clauses
To suit the unknown lapses
Yet to aid my beautiful life.

                         Thank you santa.
346 · Mar 2020
Global women
We strive to drift
On these cliff
Which we struggle to cruise
In reach of our goals

Scars in our feels
Journeys on our feet
In which hope peels
And **** the abuses
We ever feared

Paper preaches our existence
Life rob our occurrence
In a world of oneness
Manipulated by our weakness

Oh dear Women,
The wake has come
To coil our unionism
To roar our attribute
That stand tall on us

Never alone should you feel
As a whole we exist
To heal our struggles
In realm of our cliff.
In celebration of international women's day, I celebrate the beautiful ladies I know and globally.
318 · Aug 2018
If I am disgusted by someone
that's not the end of the world
Because one in a million is negligible but if I don't want me ,
the world is nothing but ending that is zero in a million is gone.
Boss Kally Okoye
290 · Dec 2018
Precious One
Grim! Grim!!
My heart felt a heavy grudge
Portraying a mean beastly Face
With my dimmed eyes wishing darkness
As I rolled relentlessly

Then I ask myself
Was "tick tick" the problem
Or last night joyful frustration

Although last night
I was ****** and drunk
Over a wasteful time spent
Smoldering over a lustful path
I wished to be  a lovely realm

Struggling with this unfortunate outcome
That is hovering a fruitful new day
Borne of a cloudless smile
Of a worn-out fellow
That needs a head on.

Mama call always gets the magic
As if it was a mirrored moment.
The recuperating strength in her voice
Bleached my insanity
That would have devour me.

With a smiley outlook
Staring at the crowd of being
Projecting a mixed feelings
Full of love, peace and inspiration
Woken by a precious momma.
Turing a darkness to light
239 · Sep 2018
I was Choke to affirmity
In a compromising stance
A course of no regrets
A desire that's undeniable

What a pleasant mood
Unquenching thirst of fun
With a Lap tempting dance
ah, An engulf emotion
But Short lived moment

Wasn't I choked by illusion
A virtual love blinded by lustful vision
An undeniable motive of wanting
Of an unquenching thirst for ******  
A portrait of seductive curvy outlook
The craving moment of deception
A fake composure of deceit
The abstruse feeling of the unreal

Behold, a regrettable nostalgic
Of a fallen memories
Of the affirmed mood
Of virtual affection
Of the past that came to hunt.
Got hooked up in a party, which I can't deny the happy activated mood but at a point, my past memory of sort  destroyed my moments...
239 · Feb 2019
Give and Take
my truth,
Intimidated by fondly critics
To engage
I spill a persuasive lies

My sight
Troubled by unpleasant gesture
To just
I chose a dark side

My aroma
Intended to mislead
To adjust
I spark a dazed stench

My sound
Filled with gossip
To unleash
I lease a voiceless conscience

My sleep
Lost to passion
To write
I flipped a dozen pages

my life
Wavering on self esteem
To unbound
I pretend an acclaimed fame
It is a picture of how you treat life, you give hate you take hate.
178 · Oct 2020
Melic from Me
She glows  colourless
Like the water,
her whip cuts all
She smiles so flawless
Like em darkness
her echo cuts all.

!Just so you know that!

I feel her warmth
So breathtaking
Just when she walks,
I walk too
That's Unionisms

!Okay Then!

She is so Tender
Yet fierceness.
So hateless
So caring, And
That's so priceless
So natural,
I know that
you want that, And
That is so courageous.
You wanna make me too!

So, keep being real
I just want you
To know that
In this world, its so too rare
To have such
in one's being

So gracious
Likely favorable
Just because
you  fit so.
That's my words to You...
I tried to express myself in a sung poetry.

— The End —