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Sep 2018 · 418
Arlen Sep 2018
I don't see myself in words
But rather in the landscapes of our world
The things that surround my soul
And make me and this world whole

I don't see myself in words
For their meanings ******* me
Wrap me in their hold
Try to confine me
When there's still so many words untold

I don't see myself in words
For those words aren't every part
They're only some of who you see

And there's no words to describe
All the things
That set me free
Don't let words define you.
Aug 2018 · 573
Never Undone
Arlen Aug 2018
Despite it all
I'd never take the days back
I'd never wish away the pain
For even when she's faded
I'll know that at least there was a day
When she looked at me
With the utmost care
And I would laugh through the days
Thinking she would always be there
Jul 2018 · 399
Into the Void
Arlen Jul 2018
The last star dims
And the universe fades
All alone is a girl
Lost in her haze

She wakes up to no one
And nothing fills her head
She's just a corpse walking
Until one day
She'll lie instead
Jul 2018 · 362
Upholding Future Days
Arlen Jul 2018
Deep inside me
I seek what is behold
But I worry
That time has yet to fold

For climate change
And going insane
Are both things
That seem to slowly elevate

Except as the years pass
Alas the speed of change
Picks up its pace
Ice caps soon to disintegrate

And this leaves my insides cold
Apprehension takes a hold
For I fear
The end would be quite drear
And by then every mind
Would be locked inside
A body ready for chaos to unfold

So to stop this
We must not just grab hope
But grab our voices and our feet
And set out to stop our worlds defeat

For to stop this heat
Action is what we need
And we must impede
These greenhouse gases
That people seem to often release

And we must hug the Earth
For it’s here children birth
And grasslands grow
And animals live before death takes hold

So love the Earth
As it loves you
And one day your grandchildren
Will be able to love it too
There's only one Earth
And it's there for you
So why don't we
Be there for it too
Jun 2018 · 396
Arlen Jun 2018
Blocked thoughts
Feeling shocked

She'll live they used to say
When I felt her slip away
But I never thought
Her last breath
Would be today
Jun 2018 · 418
Locked Inside
Arlen Jun 2018
There's a little girl
Inside of me
Who threatens to break free
Every time I think about her
She smiles down on me

She dances in my heart
And crawls through my soul
But whenever I'm asked
Who she is
I say I no longer know
Jun 2018 · 3.7k
The Spectrum
Arlen Jun 2018
My best friend Straight  
Is the girl who lives next door
She's who every girl adores
And the boys?
Well they want more

Sometimes I wish I could be her for a day
And not hide beneath my clothes
That I could be who I was
And not fear the words untold

But then I guess
I'd face her problems too
Having well thought out dreams
And being told that's not what a girl should do

And besides I should embrace who I am
Yell it to the world
I should reach inside my soul
And throw it to those left untold

And if they don't get who I am
I'll say I could love everyone you see
Not for their looks
But for their personalities

And if they ask my name
I'll stare deep within
I'll say I love everyone for who they are
You can call me Pansexuality

Then once my truth is out
I'll fly high above the skies
I'll love so deeply
It will make grown men and women cry

And my best friend Straight
Will finally get to see
Everyone I love
And every single piece of me

This is who I am
Every tiny bit of me
If you don't like it
Than you're not seeing what I see
This probably could have been worded better in some spots, but I wanted to share.
Enjoy the last few days of Pride Month.
Jun 2018 · 372
Cloudy Heart
Arlen Jun 2018
She points to him
And says he was the one
My heart hinders
And my mind goes numb

For weeks I told her of my pain
The way my heart fluttered
At the mention of his name

Now this news comes to late
For my heart has taken another shape-

This shape is her
But she'd already hooked
And even if she wasn't
She's not the kind to give me
A second look
Jun 2018 · 395
The Place of Comfort
Arlen Jun 2018
A house forgotten in the wind
A girl the only one to enter its depths
Until today when a friend climbs the steps

Inside comes the friend
The girls heart starts to race
A friend in her waters
A friend in her place

But soon the friend leaves
And the girls heart won't slow
So she's left with the beat
And her thoughts that unroll

Why is it that nobody comes to her home
That they take it for granted
That it's there she will go

Do they hate her home
Or the person within
A girl who is boredom
Whose potential is thin

— The End —