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 Nov 2014 Chloe C
Savannah Jane
 Nov 2014 Chloe C
Savannah Jane
the nights that
i get so high
i forget to text you
or even check my phone,
those are my favorite.
because the smoke
that fills my mind
lets me know,
you forget about me sometimes,
so why shouldn't i?
 Sep 2014 Chloe C
Lucy Marie
You don't believe me when I say you're the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on,
And I don't believe you when you tell me I'm the most beautiful girl you'll ever love.

My hair is black and blue
Like a bruise
Or my heart.
And my ex's name tastes like the ether she's been sniffing to get my name out of the creases of her favorite sweater.

The cigarettes I smoke,
They smell like the toast I will inevitably burn in a couple of years while I'm making your breakfast before work.
And some days I look at photos of the ocean
Just to see if I can find the same blue that's in your eyes.

And I know it may not count for much, but when her and I used to joke that blue was the color of love, she always thought of her own eyes while my head was flooded with longing for yours.

I was coming down from a two week binge the day you found me again.
I spent a week thinking I was just imagining things. I spent the following week trying to tell myself that you'd never be mine again.

Two years ago, you left me in a puddle of fear and apathy
With the bitterness of every single "I love you" still in my mouth
And when I spit, it was like venom.
I always told myself that I'd never be in love again.
For two years and three days, I was right.
But here I am, two years and four months later, head-over-heels in love with the boy who made my heart sing with his voice and my soul drown in his ocean blue eyes.
 Sep 2014 Chloe C
Tender and lonely I rest my head on her waist.
"I finally caught up with you",
Say lips painted with her taste,
"But in doing so I lost myself,
in this game you call the chase"
Now I'm falling into pieces
Searching my minds deepest reaches
and I start to feel it creeping in
As the haunting thoughts just begin

The ghost of my sins start to scream
Reflecting on actions once redeemed
and I know I need to just let go
But the spirits reach out from below

Seemingly impossible to overcome
As I try to bury whats been done
and as ones buried another arises
**** the spirit or face your demise
Loosely translated occidere spiritum means "To **** the ghost or spirit".  We are all haunted by our past.
Why are the mountains so high?
Where did the blue skies come from?
Why do I call you Mommy and Daddy
instead of Dolly or Joe?

Why does it get dark at night?
Where do babies come from?
Who was the first to set a timer
for me to go to bed?

So many questions unanswered
So much for us to learn
How many lives do I need to live
to end the curiosity?
"I'm here if you need me. I'm here if you need to talk, I'll listen."
I say every time I know she does
But she's always so reserved
Afraid to speak her feelings

"Thank you I'm fine, really"
Is the lie she tells every time
Followed by a fake smile
Thinking I can't tell the difference

Feelings are weakness
Is what she thinks

Her lips are smiling
but her eyes are crying

Her eyes have so much to say
But she bites her tongue
preventing it to speak

She holds on to her feelings so tight
Not knowing who to trust with it

I show her that she can trust me
I tell her that she can trust me but
She can't see
She can't hear

Look! I am here for you
You are not alone
I swear I am here

I want to be your safe haven
I want you to come to me
when you're happy,
when you're sad

Come. Talk. Laugh. Cry.
I'll listen
Wrote this one for my friend who's going through some tough times.
 Sep 2014 Chloe C
You there,
with your body laid
& your head rested
on your tear soaked pillow.
With the stains of unforgivable acts forced upon your body.
With the scars of abusive lovers,
with sharp tongues.
Yes you.
You deserve love.

With your battered bones
that creak & rattle,
with somber hymns
of hidden shame & hopelessness.
With insecure tastes
in your mouth,
that make you curse your being.

Yes you.
You deserve love.

With your desperation
& all your fears.
With your desire to awaken
from your fallacies of comfort.
From the caucus of neglect
that they left you to rot in.
Even though you may not know.

You. Yes you.
You deserve love.
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